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How to build muscle mass nutrition. To grow muscles, you need strength. A word about water

Eat enough protein, which promotes muscle growth. Your norm is 1–1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh around 80 kg, then you should consume at least 81-146 grams of protein daily.

Drink enough water. The body needs enough water to build up muscle mass at optimal speed. Here's a simple formula to calculate whether you're drinking enough fluids:

Eat regularly. Instead of eating three large meals, as we are all accustomed to since childhood, it is better to change your eating habits and divide meals into 5-6 small ones.

  • You can replace one or two meals with a protein shake to keep your protein intake at the desired level. On the Internet you will find many delicious and healthy recipes protein shakes, here is one of them:
  • 240 ml skim milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter;
  • 2 liters of protein powder.
  • Eat healthy fats. That's right - fats not only make food taste better, they are also good for the body if consumed. the right fats in the right quantity. The amount of saturated fat found in butter, chips or bacon should be kept to a minimum - no more than 20 grams. This is bad news. Good news is that unsaturated fats are very healthy and even necessary. They promote the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, help improve vision and skin condition. Depending on your total daily caloric intake, 50 to 70 grams of mono or polyunsaturated fat will provide significant benefits to your workouts and overall health.

    • Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in olive, rapeseed and sesame oil, as well as in avocados and nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts and pistachios.
    • Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, cottonseed and safflower oils, and they are also found in sunflower seeds and oils, flax and soybeans.
    • Omega-3 fats are very beneficial for heart and blood health, vision and brain development in children. There are especially many of these fatty acids in cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, cod and sardines.
    • To find your maximum fat intake in grams, multiply your daily calories by 0.001 for trans fat, 0.008 for saturated fat, and 0.03 for good fat. For example, if your diet is 2,500 calories per day, then you should have no more than 3 grams of trans fat, less than 20 grams of saturated fat, and up to 75 grams of mono- and polyunsaturated fat.
  • Take vitamins. In addition to a balanced diet, include vitamin supplements in your diet. This way your body will receive all the vitamins and minerals it needs for health. Eat various options depending on your age, gender, health and nutritional status. Find what's right for you and incorporate it into your daily diet.

    Part 2

    Training Tips
    1. Create an effective training plan. Good food is necessary for the body to increase your potential, but it is of no use until you take care of your muscles and start working to make them bigger, fuller and stronger. The best way getting started is the basics.

      Warm up. Before you start any exercise, be it jogging or deadlift 140 kilograms, do a few simple exercises that will help warm up the necessary muscles. This will not only help you get in tune, but will also prevent injury.

      • You cannot stretch untrained muscles. Research shows that stretching before exercise, contrary to popular belief, not only does not prevent injury, but can also lead to decreased productivity. Stretching is best done after your main workout.
    2. Work out harder, but less. High repetitions build endurance, but they are unlikely to increase muscle size or strength. Instead, perform 3-8 sets per muscle group, 6-12 reps per set. The last rep should be quite difficult for you. If not, increase the load.

      • The total duration of training should not exceed 45 minutes per day.
      • Change the set of exercises every 4-8 weeks. The body will get used to the tension and you will reach a stage where there is no tangible benefit from strength training. The only way To prevent this, make adjustments by increasing the weight and changing the set of exercises. Try a week of just lifting weights, performing six to nine reps per set with the maximum weight you can lift. The more experience you have with strength training, the more often you should make changes to your training.
    3. Train your whole body. You will see maximum results if you use your whole body in your workouts. The more muscles you use during exercise, the more hormones your body will produce (including adrenaline and norepinephrine), which in turn will promote muscle growth, both during exercise and throughout the day.

      • Give all muscle groups equal attention, for example, do five sets of deadlifts alternating with five sets of abs. This way the workout will be more balanced, and you will feel muscle growth and flexibility.
      • Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, ab crunches, rows and pull-ups use different muscle groups.
      • You can work your entire body in one session or split your sessions up, such as core one day and lower body the next.
      • Do not hurry. Advanced athletes often use a technique called explosive repetitions. In other words, they lift incredible amounts of weight in a short (explosive) period of time. This method brings significant benefits, but the risk of injury among beginners is very high. It is suitable only for experienced athletes.
    4. Turn on some cardio. Health of cardio-vascular system ensures good blood circulation - a mandatory requirement for muscle growth. The generally accepted recommendation is 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week or 75 minutes of intense cardio, or a time-equivalent combination of both. Cardio exercise can include running, cycling, swimming or any other sport that involves constant movement.

      • Cardio exercise burns calories quickly, so doing it too much or too often can reduce the amount of energy needed for muscle growth. If you increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise, also increase the number of calories you eat.
    5. Rest. Your body needs time to recover and grow muscles, and for this you need at least 7-8 hours of good sleep. Avoid alcohol and caffeine for better sleep.

      • In addition to getting enough sleep, don't overdo your exercise routine. The idea of ​​"more is better" is very tempting, but in this case it's just the opposite. You may overtrain, which can cause decreased blood flow and oxygenation to your muscles, which in turn can lead to decreased muscle mass. Here are a few symptoms that will tell you that you are at risk:
        • chronic fatigue;
        • prostration;
        • decreased appetite;
        • insomnia;
        • depression;
        • decreased sexual desire;
        • chronic pain;
        • prone to injury.
    6. Create a training schedule. To avoid overdoing your workouts, create a schedule that works for you and aligns with your goals. Here is one option for separate training that allows muscles to grow and recover:

      • Day 1: Chest and biceps followed by 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio;
      • day 2: back and triceps, then 30 minutes of moderate cardio;
      • day 3: legs and abdominal muscles, 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio training;
      • day 4: shoulders;
      • from 5 to 7 days: rest.
    7. Reduce your stress levels. Whether your stress is caused by stress at work or you're just nervous, do everything you can to reduce or eliminate it. Stress increases hormone production cortisol, under the influence of which the body accumulates fat and burns muscle tissue.

      Perform explosive lifts. As you climb up, you train explosive muscle power. Be careful, these workouts increase the risk of injury if performed incorrectly. If you want to perform this exercise along with squats or other movement exercises, start with light weights and not too intense workouts:

      • Build up to the explosive part of the exercise gradually, starting with a small range of motion and increasing it over time.
      • Move smoothly as you lower the weight. This movement is where most of the tearing occurs, so don't make explosive down moves.
      • "Load" the muscles at the beginning of the exercise - hold the contraction of the muscles before starting the movement.
      • Rise up sharply, but do not straighten up at the top of the range of motion. For example, your knees should be slightly bent for leg exercises and your elbows slightly bent for upper body exercises.

    Part 3

    Exercises for individual muscle groups
    1. Develop your back muscles. These exercises work the core muscles of the back, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and teres major:

    2. Focus on your chest muscles. The bench press is the most reliable way develop your chest muscles, although there are many other chest exercises.

      • Push ups. Combine push-ups with other chest exercises or perform them as a stand-alone exercise. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart as you lower down. The closer you place your hands, the more stress will be placed on your triceps.
      • For bench press start with a weight that is easy for you to lift. If you're a beginner, try starting with a barbell with a 10-pound weight plate on each side. With your hands shoulder-width apart, grab the barbell and slowly lower it until it is at chest level; lift the projectile up so that your arms are fully straightened. Do three sets of 8–10 repetitions, adding weight with each set. Once you have a few months of practice under your belt, gradually increase the weight and do 6-8 reps per set until you reach a "wear-out" state at the end of the third set.
      • Lift the apparatus on a bench from tilt. The bench used here is the same as for the bench press, only one side is at a 40-degree incline. Perform 3 sets of 8 times. It will be more difficult to lift the barbell at an incline, so start with less weight than on a flat bench.
    3. Train your leg muscles. These exercises will help strengthen your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings:

      • Perform deadlifts to work your hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Lift a barbell or two weights from the floor and straighten up, then slowly lower down. Keep your back straight and your arms straight; engage your legs and back.
      • Squats with a barbell. Place weights on both sides and place the barbell on a rack at approximately shoulder height. The weight should be heavy enough to make it difficult to squat without making it an overwhelming task. If you are a beginner, you may be better off starting this exercise with just a bar. Bend under the rack and stand so that the bar rests on your trapezius muscles, directly under your neck. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Raise the barbell up, remove it from the rack, and take a step back.
        • Slowly shift your weight downward by bending your knees. Keep your chest, knees and feet in a vertical line and push your hips back.
        • Hunch your back a little, but keep your body as straight as possible, your head and spine should be in a straight line.
        • Lower your buttocks and transfer the tension to your leg muscles. The safest option is to bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. With practice and experience, some people can go below 90 degrees, but this is not necessary.
        • Exhale deeply and rise up using your muscles, legs and hips, not your back. 3 sets of 8 times.
      • Front Squats with a barbell. Place the barbell on a stand just below your shoulders. Approach from the front and grab the bar so that the bar is placed on the front of your shoulders. Remove the bar from the rack. Keep your back straight, bend your legs and squat down with your hips under the bar. Get up and do 3 sets of 8 reps.
      • Bulgarian lunges(aka “single leg squats”) with a kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell at chest level with both hands. Go to the bench, take your right leg back parallel to the floor so that it lies comfortably on the bench. Squat down on your left leg so that your right knee almost touches the floor. Stand up and do 3 sets of 8 reps. Do the same with the other leg.
    4. Work your biceps. Dumbbell curls are one of the most effective ways to develop biceps strength. As with other exercises, gradually increase the weight you lift to build muscle.

      • Arm Curl with dumbbells. Sit on a bench, grab a dumbbell from the floor, hand between your thighs. Place your elbow on your thigh and lift the dumbbell toward your upper chest, bending your arm upward. Switch hands and repeat. 3 sets of 8 times.
      • Arm Curl with a barbell. Stand up and grab the barbell with both hands. Straighten your arms so that they touch your hips. Using only the strength of your arms, lift the apparatus towards your chest, bending your elbows. 3 sets of 8 times.
    5. Build your triceps with arm exercises. Back push-ups are the most effective method work the triceps, that is, the muscles that are located under the biceps. You need strong triceps to bench press and lift heavy weight.

      • To perform this exercise, place your hands on a bench shoulder-width apart, with your legs and torso extended forward. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down until your buttocks almost touch the floor. Rise to the starting position, repeat, performing 3 sets of 8 times. If this is not enough for you, increase the load by lifting one leg off the floor
      • Additionally, you can do dips. Holding onto two beams, bend your legs at the knees and take them back; lower your body until your knees almost touch the ground. Stand up and straighten your arms completely.
      • Barbell Forehead Press. Lie down on a flat bench. Bend your elbows so that the bar is a few centimeters from your forehead. Slowly lift it up until your arms are fully extended, and then lower it back down again. Keep your elbows close. Perform 3 sets of 8 times.
    6. Perform overhead presses to build up your shoulders. Hold a barbell or two weights at chest or shoulder level, with your palms facing forward. Raise the bar overhead until your arms are completely straight, keeping your elbows slightly bent to prevent overextension. 3 sets of 8 times.

      • Variations include changing the position of the arms and hands, lifting the weights until they touch the top of the head, and raising the arms out to the sides in a "Y" shape.
    7. Train your abdominal muscles by doing abs and core exercises. These muscles are responsible for chiseled abs. There are many exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Here are a few of them:

      • Exercises for the abs. Lie down on the mat and place both hands under your head without clasping them. Bend your knees so that your feet rest on the floor. With your lower back pressed into the floor, slowly lift your shoulders off the floor just a few centimeters upward (do not rise all the way to a sitting position). You shouldn't do it with a jerk; do everything slowly and smoothly. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
        • For an oblique press, rotate your body so that your shoulder touches the knee of the opposite leg. Alternate sides after each twist.
      • Plank. This exercise will help work your abdominal and core muscles. Lie face down on the floor. Rise up on your forearms (they should lie flat on the floor), pressing your toes into the floor so that they support your body weight, your body parallel to the ground. Hold this position for as long as you can.
    • Don't be intimidated or make assumptions when you see someone training at a different weight than you. Perhaps his training program involves heavier weights and fewer repetitions, or vice versa. Building muscle has nothing to do with how much weight one lifts, it's all about how much you push your limits.
    • As you build muscle, your metabolism self-regulates like a thermostat to keep your body weight in balance. You may need to increase your daily calories again to maintain this balance.
    • If you are a beginner, start with light weights. Trying to push more than you can will only lead to injury.
  • Beautiful body - dreams or reality

    Many guys, having watched enough films with pumped-up men destroying everything and everyone around them, strive to improve their body through systematic visits to the gym. However, after some time, such personnel notice that they do not have the desired results, because the volume increases very slowly, and the weights on the simulators remain the same. Well, how to build muscle mass and increase strength? Let's try to answer these 2 questions.

    Bodybuilding as an art

    The first thing that all beginners should remember is that bodybuilding is not just about stupidly carrying iron, which is why your muscles will bulge under your T-shirt within a week. It's a much more difficult sport. Why? Let's talk later. So, how to properly build muscle mass? Of course, this is, firstly, regular visits to the gym. However, it is important to train correctly. It is advisable to have a professional trainer advise you for at least the first month. For wealthy people, you can stretch this condition over the entire period of your training. Secondly, you should adhere to a certain diet, which is very different when working on mass (increase in body weight due to an increase in muscle and fat mass) and cutting (burning excess fat up to 5-8%). It's important to note that gaining lean muscle mass is a myth. In any case, whether you are an ectomorph (thin people) or an endomorph (down and fat people), as you gain weight, your amount of fat will also increase. The third factor will be adherence to the regime, that is, you need to sleep 8-9 hours, eat regularly, and lead as active a lifestyle as possible. And finally, the last thing is additives, but we will talk more about them later. As you can see, the question of how to build muscle mass is fraught with many answers that are worth listening to.

    Nutrition as an important key to success

    Some professional bodybuilders claim that nutrition is 60-70% of success. At first glance it seems stupid, however, it is not so. Nutrition is one of the main components of your success in bodybuilding. Many athletes know that the correct diet is a large amount of protein consumed (2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight), slow carbohydrates (various cereals), unsaturated fats and vitamins. When working for mass, the carbohydrate/protein/fat ratio should be approximately 60/30/10. When cutting, the numbers may be different for each person, however, the most important tasks are to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and fat. When bulking, bodybuilders eat 3500-4000 calories, which decreases to 2000-2500 when cutting. This is the first answer inherent in the question of how to build muscle mass.

    Sports supplements and steroids

    This is a rather sensitive topic, because many people, when mentioning protein or gainer, no doubt say that this is chemistry, a path to pain, and so on. Let's draw a line right away: sports nutrition- these are additives designed to improve certain indicators that are made from natural products (milk, whey, eggs, etc.); Steroids are various pharmacological drugs that imitate the process of action of male sex hormones - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The first include proteins, gainers, BCAA, creatine, glutamine and fat burners. The latter include all drugs that have a strong effect on hormones. And if it is even recommended to use sports nutrition, then before taking a course of anabolic steroids you should answer yourself the only question: “Do I need it?” If true, then all those tales about steroids are exaggerated, and therefore a man will not become impotent after the first course and will not go to the grave (of course, if used correctly), however, after the end of the course there is a so-called rollback, which implies a loss of 10-30% gained mass. Someone will say that those 70-90% will also not hurt, however, after a person stops taking anabolic steroids, it is very difficult for him to recover to natural weight gain. Therefore, how to build muscle mass: with the help of anabolic steroids or not - everyone must decide for themselves. So what should we do? How to quickly build muscle mass? There are 2 answers: not at all or with the help of steroids (and that will last for 3-6 months).

    Motivation and drive in bodybuilding

    Believe me, these 2 words are very important. After all, there must always be some kind of motivation. Many people, after a month of training, get upset and quit this sport because they do not achieve even the slightest results. Why? Most likely, you trained incorrectly. How to properly build muscle mass? We figured out the nutrition. However, training is also important. As mentioned earlier, the first step is to hire a certified trainer to help you create an exercise and nutrition program. Beginners should visit the gym no more than 3 times a week, and more trained people should visit no more than 5-6. Those people who lift 5-6 times a week, as a rule, make a complete break in training. For example, on Monday they pump their chest, on Tuesday they pump their back, etc. What? That's probably all. We answered the main question about how to build muscle mass. I wish you success!


    Use progressive loading. That is, its gradual increase, due to repetitions of exercises or by increasing the force of application (or the mass of weights lifted). The body will gradually adapt and muscle growth will be noticeable.

    Do 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. Fewer repetitions will only increase muscle strength, but will not increase their size. A high number of repetitions, more than 20, means that the weight you have chosen is insufficient and needs to be increased. It should be such that you can lift it no more than 12 times.

    Perform 6 to 9 sets for each muscle group. The optimal time for performing such a number of sets is 45 minutes.

    When you exercise, you lose a huge amount of calories. Therefore, eat as much as possible every 3 hours. For muscle growth, protein is needed, the source of which is protein foods. Calculate the required amount of protein using the formula: weight in kg multiplied by 2.205. This will be your body weight in pounds and the amount of protein you need in grams. Those. If you weigh 80 kg, you will need 176.4 g of protein per day to increase muscle mass.

    Eat foods rich in protein. This includes chicken and pork (up to 20 g of protein per 100 g of product), eggs (6 g of protein), cheese (25 g), seafood, milk (27 g of protein per 1 liter), nuts and seeds. Include foods rich in fats in your diet. They are necessary for the synthesis of anabolic hormones that regulate the formation of muscle mass. Consume avocados, vegetable oils and fatty fish.

    Be sure to include foods containing complex carbohydrates in your diet. These are grain bread and bran, oatmeal, potatoes, broccoli and spinach. They will provide the body with the energy necessary for good exercise tolerance. Also consume at least 300 grams of raw plant foods per day - fruits and vegetables. They help improve digestion and good absorption of building material for the formation of muscle mass.

    Exercise daily at least 4 hours before bedtime. Night rest should be complete, at least 8 hours. It is at this time that muscle fibers are actively formed. And be sure to drink at least 2 liters of clean water daily. This amount is necessary for the normal process of metabolism and the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


    It is necessary to strengthen aerobic, general and strength endurance, as well as prepare ligaments, muscles and tendons for upcoming workouts. The simplest and affordable way Such preparation is running (25-30 minutes 2-3 times a week), and developmental exercises.

    Helpful advice

    To gain muscle mass, first, you must eat a lot. At least every 3 hours. There are such concepts as anabolism - the process of building muscle tissue, and catabolism - the process of breaking down tissue into amino acids. You can build muscle faster by consuming fat. This is especially true for people of thin build.


    • fast muscle building

    The goal of anyone who works out in the gym, both beginner and professional athlete, is to either gain or burn excess fat. Depending on this, there are different training methods. If it is necessary to gain weight, there are rules, following which, the probability of gaining weight in a short time is maximum.

    You will need

    • - gym membership


    Choose your weights carefully. A variant in which you do an average number of repetitions using your maximum weight, the load at its most optimal. The muscles receive enough stress to weaken them. In order to avoid overtraining, it is necessary to work out exactly those repetitions in which in the last one you reach the limit and the repetition is impossible without violating the technique.

    Remember that the muscles must rest. Train every other day and get enough sleep, sleep at least 9 hours every day. In order for muscles to gain maximum growth in a short period of time, they must have time to rest and recover, otherwise overtraining will occur.

    If you are on a plateau, that is, the muscles suddenly stop growing, there are two options: in the second case, you use a different technique and others to build muscles, and in the second case, you take a short break - from one to two months. During this time, your muscles will wean themselves off and with the start of a new cycle, their growth will be ensured.

    Video on the topic

    Helpful advice

    Eat as densely as possible, actively consume foods with a high protein content and sports nutrition.

    Any athlete strives to increase. Without constant physical activity, this is almost impossible, because it is exercise and physical activity that make our body sculpted and beautiful. However, the role nutrition The increase in muscle mass cannot be understated either. After all, the proteins that we get from food are precisely building material for biceps of steel, and carbohydrates fill you with energy.

    You will need

    • In order for muscle mass to grow, it is necessary to develop a proper nutrition schedule. A few months after systematic training, you can try using special sports nutrition.


    In the first half of the day, focus on carbohydrate foods. You need to eat more cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits. In the evening, lean proteins are preferable. This could be boiled meat, fish, nuts or eggs. You will definitely get fats, which are also necessary, along with other products. nutrition, but additional vitamins will not harm your body. Therefore, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor and find out what is most suitable for you. vitamin complex.

    Do not go hungry under any circumstances. Don't train while hungry. Drink plenty of water during... It is better to drink one or two sips after each approach. Attention, the water should be warm or even hot, but not cold. You also need to have a snack right away. Eat some cottage cheese or a couple of bananas, drink.


    For some time, muscle mass will increase along with the fat layer. If the amount of fat is still increasing faster, then you need to reconsider your diet.

    Helpful advice

    It is better not to use special sports nutrition for the first few months, since the body is not yet accustomed to this regimen. Once you realize that muscle mass has begun to grow, you can gradually begin taking supplements.

    Tip 4: How to gain muscle mass as quickly as possible

    The process of gaining muscle mass is colloquially called “bulking.” In fact, this is how it is. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym to learn how to gain muscle. mass as quickly as possible and bring it to life. You can study at home and completely independently.

    You will need

    • - Crossbar;
    • - Two dumbbells of 5 kilograms or more;
    • - Protein supplements;
    • - Organization of proper nutrition.


    Start by changing your own diet. Eat more chicken, potatoes, eggs, legumes and grains, bananas, yogurt. Drink kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball, milk, cream and lots of vegetables. In order to move on to physical activity, your body must begin to regularly receive the necessary proportion of nutrients that will strengthen the body, and physical activity will convert it into muscle mass.

    Do a set of exercises that strengthen your muscles. Strengthening the muscles of the upper limbs should start with push-ups, exercises with dumbbells and pull-ups on the bar. At first, you should perform several sets per day (3-4) with a small number of repetitions. As soon as you feel ready to increase the load, do so immediately. Starting with three pull-ups a day, by the end you will be able to do 7-10.

    Belt lower limbs and abdominal muscles are pumped through exercises and squats. In addition, do not neglect the jump rope. The advice is the same - start small and gradually increase the specific share of loads. The mass will grow quite quickly.

    You should not immediately rush into the quarry and tire yourself with grueling physical activity. Pain in mice will not take long to appear, you may decide to take a break; returning to classes will be very difficult. In addition, there is a risk of injury, including muscle rupture, in which case surgical assistance may be required, and this is a priori unpleasant.

    Helpful advice

    Use brewer's yeast and protein supplements, they will speed up the process of gaining muscle mass and will help organize proper metabolism in the body. Literally, muscle mass will grow by leaps and bounds.

    Dial weight, increase muscle mass, acquiring a seductive relief is not so difficult if you approach this issue comprehensively. And, by the way, without harm to health.

    You will need

    • - subscription to a fitness club;
    • - table of calorie content of foods.


    Diet Eat right. Eat 4-5 times a day, giving preference to high-energy foods. In order to build up, your diet should exceed your usual diet by 500-1000 kcal per day, which is 3-3500 kcal. Make sure that your diet contains representatives of different food groups. Use high-calorie mixtures with a high fiber content to quickly gain weight. Eat your fill, but do not overuse “junk food” - otherwise, along with your weight, you risk acquiring gastrointestinal diseases and other troubles.

    Sports To ensure that the abundance of calories you receive is not stored as fat, but turns into beautiful muscles, go to the gym. Exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour and a half, giving preference to strength training.

    SleepGet enough sleep. Stress does not contribute to weight gain. In addition, during sleep, the body produces somatropin, also called growth hormone. Without it, gaining muscle mass would be impossible.


    Follow at least some kind of daily routine - your body will be grateful to you.

    Helpful advice

    Try to spend more time in the fresh air - this will “work up” your appetite. Use exactly the opposite advice for losing weight: make it a rule to have a snack between meals, increase the caloric content of your diet through drinks - juices, milk, and the like.


    • How to gain weight

    Lack of muscle mass in young people is no less common than excess weight, but causes much less concern. Meanwhile, too little weight during the period active growth the body leads to abnormal development internal organs and the occurrence of chronic diseases. This is especially true for the endocrine system and the digestive system.

    You will need

    • - Medical examination;
    • - BMI calculation;
    • - fractional diet;
    • - high-calorie diet;
    • - intense strength training


    If you suspect you are underweight for your body type and age, calculate your BMI (body mass index). To do this, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. If the resulting value is less than 19 for and less than 20 for , then you are underweight. The ideal BMI is between 19-24 and 20-25

    Get a full medical examination. First of all, visit a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. This will allow you to rule out medical weight deficiency. If you are healthy, consult a nutritionist to determine proper diet.

    Under no circumstances should you try to normalize your weight by simply increasing the amount of food or its calorie content. The liver is not able to process too many calories at one time. All excess nutrients will be converted into lipids and deposited not only on your waist, but also on the walls of blood vessels. In the future, this can lead to the occurrence of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis.

    Increase the number of meals from three to five to six per day. This way, the body will absorb more calories and use them to build muscle tissue.

    Include high-calorie foods in your diet, but avoid complex fats, sugars and pickled foods. Give preference to fatty fish and meats, fatty dairy products, eggs, as well as dried fruits and nuts.

    When you gain weight, you cannot do without exercise. Promotion energy value Eating without increasing physical activity will only lead to the growth of fat deposits, and not to muscle growth. Work out in the gym with a barbell or dumbbells if you want to gain muscle. Aerobics, dancing, jogging and cycling do not build muscle.

    Exercise three times a week at a high pace and with heavy weight. In order for the muscles to grow, you must give them maximum load. Recovering from it, the body builds muscle fibers. Therefore, the more intense the load, the longer the rest after training should be.

    Video on the topic


    • How to lose weight on your own and never gain weight

    In addition to large layers of muscles, such as the legs, chest and back, there are also smaller ones, such as the arms. It is important to know exactly which exercises will increase their muscle mass and which will not. It is also important to maintain a proper diet throughout the day.

    You will need

    • - sports uniform;
    • - Gym;
    • - rod;
    • - dumbbells;
    • - high-calorie diet.


    Perform one basic exercise each workout. To gain muscle mass in the arms well, you need to train your entire body evenly. It is with compound basic exercises that you need to start every training. Train 3 times a week. On day 1, do bench presses on a horizontal bench. In the 2nd - squat with a barbell on the shoulders. In the 3rd - deadlift. Each exercise is performed in 5 sets of 10 repetitions each. They will help trigger muscle growth, both biceps and triceps. They also perfectly develop the shoulder and forearm.

    Do dumbbell or barbell curls. Next, perform isolated exercises on the biceps brachii muscles. Stand on the floor, keep your legs straight. Pick up either dumbbells or a barbell. Bend the projectile at the elbow joint so that it reaches the pectoral muscles. Slowly return it to its original position. Repeat this 10 times. After this, take a good breath and do 3 more approaches.

    Exercise your triceps on a horizontal bench. Then comes the turn of the triceps brachii muscle. Sit on a bench, take a light dumbbell in one hand and place it behind the back of your head. Bend the projectile at the elbow joint and lift it to the starting position. Perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps each.

    Pull up on the bar and do push-ups on the parallel bars. If you do not have the opportunity to exercise with weights or your health does not allow it, then training with your own weight is suitable for you. The first exercise is a medium-grip pull-up to the chest and behind the neck. Do at least 12 reps for 3 sets. Do push-ups using the same pattern. Both of these exercises will help you gain muscle mass in the shoulders, forearms and triceps.

    Monitor the amount of calories entering your body. It is impossible to build good muscle without eating enough protein every day. Multiply your personal weight by 3 and you will get the daily amount of calories you need to grow. Eat more cottage cheese, bananas, low-fat meat, fish, drink milk. Then progress will come much faster.


    • hand mass

    Tip 8: How to gain muscle mass: a proven remedy

    One of the most common goals for beginners who come to train at the gym is to gain mass. This problem can be solved within a certain period of time if you constantly follow an effective, proven method of pumping up muscles.

    You will need

    • - gym;
    • - sports uniform;
    • - enhanced diet.


    Join a gym. Only there can you get a hypertrophied load from weight training. It is high-intensity training in 45-60 minutes that will help you gain muscle mass. mass as soon as possible. It is best to exercise three times a week - on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each training session should not consist of more than 2-4 exercises.

    Do hip and calf exercises on the first day of training. The first of these is the barbell squat. After you complete 5 sets of 10 reps, catch your breath and walk around the room. The second exercise is calf raises with a barbell on your shoulders. Perform 15 lifts and three sets. And finally, do lunges with a barbell at the rate of 4 sets of 12-15 reps.

    Work your pectoral muscles on the second day of class. The most suitable exercises for this task are: bench press, lying dumbbell fly and standing barbell press. By performing them at the rate of 5 sets of 10-12 times each, you will be able to quickly develop everything thoracic regions.

    Pay great attention to the back muscles, since together with the legs they make up 2/3 of all muscle fibers. For this task, it is advisable to perform deadlifts, pull-ups on the bar and rows on a special machine. Perform all three of these exercises using the same principle: 4-5 sets of 10 reps each.

    Create a balanced, enhanced diet. You need to eat about 5-6 times a day every three hours. This will help ensure a constant supply of all the important micronutrients for muscle growth. Your regular diet should include foods such as chicken, buckwheat, oatmeal, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, bananas. Prepare food for the day in advance and distribute it into approximately equal portions.


    The key to quickly gaining muscle mass is to constantly add additional weights (weights, pancakes) to the weights you are training with. Try to do this every week. Then progress will not be long in coming.

    Helpful advice

    Always warm up well before every workout. Don't forget about stretching your limbs after class. This will help your muscles recover faster and prevent injury.

    People who go to the gym are concerned about the same question: how to quickly build muscle mass. Surely the task at hand will seem difficult, but in fact the whole secret lies in just a few basic rules that will help you achieve the desired relief.


    When working with a barbell, gradually increase the load either by increasing the weight or by increasing the number of approaches, since the body tends to quickly adapt to loads. Very important point While gaining muscle mass, do not swim, run or ride a bike. In this case, there is an excess consumption of amino acids and glycogen, that is, strength decreases.

    Include more fish in your diet, as it contains large amounts of healthy omega-3 fats. Determine the average number of calories you should consume per day and increase this number by one and a half times. This type of eating should only last for three days, it will help to significantly increase the level of glycogen in the muscles. Then return to your usual diet, otherwise the extra calories will turn into subcutaneous fat.

    Eat food six times a day (including at night), this is necessary for rapid absorption. Since you can’t leave your muscles without food for more than six hours, and you don’t want to get up at night and eat, you can prepare a glass of protein shake in the evening. It is worth noting that it is still better to get proteins from food, and you can take a cocktail only if you cannot eat properly.

    Water is the most important material for building muscle mass; your task is to maintain an optimal level of hydrobalance in the body. The required level of water balance can lead to an increase in strength and internal energy. To do this, you must drink at least two and a half liters of water per day; in summer, the amount of fluid consumed can be increased.

    Do each exercise 8-12 times, this amount is the most optimal for increasing muscle mass. A small number of repetitions (for example, 3-6 times) is only suitable for increasing muscle strength, but not for increasing their volume. Choose the optimal weight for yourself, such that you can lift it no more than 12 times (but not less than 8). Do 6-9 approaches of one exercise or another for a specific muscle group.

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    Helpful advice

    Contact an experienced certified instructor who will select the right exercise technique and specific diet for you.

    Not everyone is born with a beautiful, toned body without a drop of excess fat. To get this effect, you need to work hard. The kind of results that athletes show at competitions cannot be achieved by any other famous diet, constant muscle training is necessary. Although it should be noted that special nutrition will still be needed.


    Building muscle mass occurs by following a special diet and regular exercise. The best exercises This includes the bench press, squats and pull-ups. They will help you gain muscle mass in the shortest possible time. You can perform such exercises at home, but it is better to do it under the supervision of professional trainers in the gym. They will help you choose a dumbbell set and a set of exercises for each muscle group, taking into account your characteristics and wishes.

    A very important issue is diet. You need to eat foods that contain sufficient nutrients. Everyday food is not entirely suitable for such a diet. There will be no muscle gain. Boiled chicken, a piece of beef, fruits, nuts, vegetable salads, various freshly squeezed juices, and high-protein foods are what you need. During the day, the body should receive at least two grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight. Basic protein products that promote muscle gain: kefir and low-fat milk, vegetable proteins, pink salmon, canned natural tuna, boiled lean fish, lean white chicken meat, low-fat cottage cheese.

    In addition to diet, sufficient attention should be paid to the training regimen. You can carry them out at any time of the day, but no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Be sure to eat an hour and a half before training. It is better if it is food rich in carbohydrates. After all, when physical activity They are the ones who are burned. At the end of your workout, be sure to consume a carbohydrate-protein mixture or eat 2 bananas, and then wash it down with a liter of milk. An hour after finishing your workout, you should have a full meal.

    Muscle growth does not happen through training. After it, they may seem large due to the intense blood flow. Mostly new muscle fibers grow at night. As paradoxical as it sounds, the more you sleep after training, the more intense your muscles grow.

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    It seems to dial mass It’s very simple: just eat more fatty and sweet foods without limiting the calorie content of your meals. However, following this path, you can only earn gastritis and obesity, and not a beautiful body contour. To build muscle, you need to eat right and exercise.


    To gain muscle mass, limit your consumption simple carbohydrates- pasta, bread, sweets and increase your protein and fiber intake. It is best if it is poultry, beef, lamb and non-starchy vegetables - zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes. Fruits are also a source of vitamins and beneficial microelements. But you should not eat them in large quantities. One orange or apple a day is enough. With low calorie content, fruits and berries contain too many carbohydrates and, if consumed throughout the day, can cause the growth of fat deposits.

    Strength training promotes muscle growth. But you need to exercise correctly, increasing the load gradually. In order for biceps, triceps, etc. to grow constantly, exercise must be regular. Preferably every other day, then the effect will be maximum. Be sure to start your workout with cardio exercises - treadmill, exercise bike or aerobics. Then move on to strength training machines, working on each muscle group. Please note that if you are overweight, you first need to get rid of fat deposits through cardio exercise. And only then move on to building muscle mass.

    During your workout, drink water in small sips and often. The liquid removes harmful milk from the body, which is formed after strength training. In total, you need to drink two or more liters of fluid per day. This will speed up metabolism, fat deposits will be broken down, and muscles will grow.

    It is best to entrust your body to an experienced trainer and work out in a fitness club. But if this is not possible, you can do it at home. Exercise courses are sold on CDs in sports stores. It is also easy to find classes on the Internet, for example on the website All you have to do is purchase dumbbells and weights, or even use improvised means. For example, at the first stage of training, when you cannot lift too much weight, you can pump your arms and shoulders with the help of heavy books.

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    A beautiful body with well-developed muscles attracts the attention of others, makes you attractive and self-confident and own strength. To quickly build muscle mass, it is necessary to correctly organize the load and rest regime and select balanced diet.


    Gradually increase the load in your gym sessions. Over time, the body adapts and becomes ineffective. Therefore, increase the load by increasing the number of repetitions of exercises or increasing the working weight.

    Do about 6-9 sets of exercises for each muscle group - this is the optimal number of sets for muscle growth. On average, each workout should take about 45 minutes. When drawing up a training plan, keep in mind that cardio exercises and cardiovascular exercises slow down the growth of muscle mass. Therefore, they should be performed after the main loads and for no more than 20 minutes.

    Review your diet. You should eat a large meal every 3 hours. It is worth increasing the amount of protein food consumed. Proteins are necessary so that muscle tissue can be renewed after training. Determine the required daily protein intake for your body. To do this, multiply 1 gram of protein by your weight in pounds (1 pound has 454 grams). The main sources of protein include chicken, pork, eggs, cheese, nuts, seeds, and seafood. The amount of fat consumed should also be balanced. Fats increase the amount of anabolic hormones, which are so necessary for the growth of muscle mass. Consumption is highly discouraged.

    Drink enough fluids. Every day you should drink at least 12 glasses of water to rehydrate.

    Exercise 3 times a week. Training should be intense, but not very long. The optimal time for one lesson is one and a half hours. It should include 10-15 minutes of cardio exercise. The muscles should receive maximum load, so be sure to use dumbbells and barbells. The more weight, the better. Don't do a lot of sets with light weights. It is better to perform the exercise 6-8 times, but use the maximum weights for exercise that you can lift.


    Working for weight involves high-calorie nutrition, including heavy doses of protein. Protein is necessary for intensive growth of muscle tissue. During this period, the emphasis is on strength exercises with weights, all muscle groups are worked out, which contributes to their comprehensive growth. A high calorie diet can promote the deposition of fatty tissue, which can cause a bodybuilder to look slightly overweight. But under the fat layer hides a strong muscle frame.

    Massive workouts

    The main principle of mass training is the minimum number of repetitions. It is necessary to work with such weights that already on the fifth repetition a considerable effort is required. If you can do ten reps, increase the weight. The frequency of such training should not exceed three times a week to give the muscles a chance to rest and recover. IN otherwise the risk of overtraining and giving up everything increases.

    The duration of weight training should be 4-5 weeks. It is recommended to give preference to basic exercises that affect as many muscle groups as possible at the same time. For example, deadlifts or squats with a barbell. Exercises on isolated muscle groups are kept to a minimum.

    Nutrition "on the mass"

    A high calorie diet is necessary for muscle growth. The workouts are very hard and require a lot of energy, so you need to consume even more with food. Therefore, an athlete often consumes 4-5 thousand kilocalories per day. While working on weight, you need to consume at least 2 g of protein per kg of body weight. A mistake is excessive consumption of protein foods, in which the ratio reaches 4-5 g per kg of body weight. This way you will only plant buds, but the muscles will not grow faster.

    It is necessary to eat enough fats, giving preference to vegetable fats. There should be at least 2-3 g of carbohydrates in the diet per kg of body weight, so you will have to rely on porridge and cereals. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates, avoid sugars and white flour. You need to eat once every 2-3 hours, not excluding meals before bed. Drink protein shakes before and after your workout.

    After a period of mass work, they usually move on to relief work, during which they actively engage in cardio exercises and change the principle of strength training. Increase the number of repetitions, reduce the weight of the weights. All this leads to active work of the cardiovascular system, excess fat is burned. Nutrition implies special diet with a low-calorie diet, they often go on a low-carbohydrate diet. This helps reduce the percentage of accumulated fat tissue and expose the accumulated muscle relief.

    What's wrong with that? Having accumulated 9 kg by age 40, you will have accumulated another 9 by 50. Eighteen kilograms in twenty years - and you are on the verge of risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In fact, the situation is even worse: studies have shown that overweight people gain about 2 kilograms per year.

    Main reasons for weight gain:

    • poor nutrition;
    • stress;
    • alcohol;
    • lack of exercise.

    Be careful with alcohol

    The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the following safe doses of alcohol:

    For men - 0.5 liters of beer, or 400 ml of dry wine, or 75 ml of strong alcohol per day. For women - 0.33 liters of beer, or 300 ml of dry wine, or 50 ml of strong alcohol per day. Avoid drinking alcohol at least 4 days a week.

    Extra alcohol also disrupts sleep, dehydrates the body, and provides extra calories. Calories also contribute to those extra pounds.

    Every glass alcoholic drink drink a glass of water, avoid sweet liqueurs and tinctures, and try to maintain alcohol consumption limits.

    Strive for healthy foods

    It is better to exclude any “snacks on the go” from your diet. For example, a cheese pie contains about 250 calories. Healthy snacks such as fresh vegetables dressed with a mixture of wine vinegar, olive oil and herbs contain only 15-20 calories.

    In addition, plant fiber is digested slowly, which reduces the feeling of hunger.

    Forgive yourself your little weaknesses

    Let's say you're having a family dinner and grandma has prepared her famous chocolate cake. Allow yourself a small piece and eat with pleasure. Negative emotions caused by guilt can lead to stress and resulting overeating. Of course, it is better not to do such indulgences more than once or twice a week.

    Monitor and maintain your healthy habits

    Do you always have a big breakfast? In the afternoon, are you in the habit of snacking on some healthy food? Do you try not to overeat before bed? Most of us are used to forgetting about healthy habits at this time of year. Identify your healthiest eating habits and try to stick to them.

    Morning physical exercise

    Research has shown that people who exercise in the morning are more physically active later in the day. After morning exercise, people also react less to the sight tasty food and they don't require extra food to make up for the calories lost in their morning workout.

    People who have lost weight and want to maintain it should exercise for at least an hour a day. Incorporate a workout into your schedule! Don't put it off until next Monday, start tomorrow.

    Think of someone you admire who exudes health, confidence and positivity

    Why don't you be inspired by this example? This may help control your eating habits.

    Enjoy good company, not good food

    Pay more attention to communicating with friends and family, and walking in the fresh air. An active lifestyle will take your mind off food.

    Try to start integrating these simple and healthy rules starting tomorrow. Let it be gradual, but take action.


    Eat more protein. This is what muscles are largely made of. Its source can be both plant and animal products. First of all, introduce more meat and fish into your diet. In this case, it is advisable to choose lean options - chicken fillet, veal, beef, lean pork. Most useful sea ​​fish, as it contains many fatty acids that help digest proteins. Don't forget about seafood - mussels, shrimp, squid. Among plant foods, focus on legumes and dates.

    Eat eggs regularly. They can be eaten boiled, scrambled, or even raw, for example, in cocktails. In the latter case, do not forget about the danger of salmonella infection.

    Be moderate when consuming proteins. The human body can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients per day. For example, this is 2 g of protein per kilogram of weight per day. For example, 100 g of chicken contains 30 g of protein. That is, a person weighing 75 kg to build muscle mass does not need to consume more than 500 g of this product per day to fully provide himself with proteins.

    Don't forget about dairy products. It is desirable that they be low in fat and sugar. Sour milk and low-fat natural cottage cheese are most suitable.

    Eat enough, but not excessive, amounts of fat. The best source for them would be vegetable oil, on which you can cook the main part of the dishes.

    Drink plenty of water, at least two liters a day. This is necessary during active training, which accompanies building muscle mass.

    Introduce sports nutrition into your diet - protein shakes and bars. But we must not forget that these products will not replace your natural proteins, vitamins and microelements.

    Bodybuilders with giant shoulders and round biceps are very attractive. In order to have an athletic figure, you need to train hard and eat right.

    How should a person who is ready to devote his free time to bodybuilding eat? If you choose the right diet for growth, you can achieve excellent results without various food additives and steroids without harming your health. In addition, the product range is simple and affordable. Eat a bowl of buckwheat porridge an hour before your workout. Do this regularly. However, you won’t be satisfied with porridge alone. Include beef, fish, or a piece of meat in your menu. Other sources of protein are turkey and squid, low-fat dairy products (kefir, milk). It is advisable not to eat pork, as it contains fats that are difficult to remove from the body. Preference, of course, is better to give natural products, forget about smoked meats and sausage. All meat products must be steamed or boiled. Cottage cheese and eggs are also necessary for the body to grow muscle fibers. These products must certainly be included in the athlete’s diet. The body also requires fats. For example, there are a lot of them in any butter or lamb. Of course, eat fruits, berries and vegetables. After training, immediately replenish your energy reserves with carbohydrates. And for this you can eat a couple of spoons of honey with tea, a small chocolate bar. Carbohydrates are a necessary attribute for building muscle. An organism without the required amount of carbohydrates is like a construction site without bricks. These elements not only provide energy to the body, but also help preserve and absorb protein. Other sources of carbohydrates are: rice, baked and boiled potatoes, baked goods, bread, nuts, beans, bananas, muesli, etc. It is necessary to control the consumption of sweets, otherwise you can turn into a sumo wrestler. Never overeat. It's better to eat less, but more often. After all, growing muscles constantly need energy, and with a full stomach, excess energy will go away, and the muscle fibers will simply remain hungry.

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    • What to eat to grow muscles

    For muscle growth, the most important thing is training, but without the right and balanced nutrition they will be of little use. At the same time, it is important to understand what foods you need to eat in order to grow muscles, not fat.