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How to start tidying up for a girl. How to get yourself in order? How to keep fit? How to look younger than your age? The main women's secret. Beauty therapy recipes

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Do you remember how in Hollywood films a team of image makers turns a shabby girl into a beauty in a couple of hours? IN real world something like this would be very useful. True, we don’t have a ton of necessary specialists, or sometimes even time. Let us be glad: to find a decent appearance it is possible even when you were taken by surprise and have neither the time nor the means to prepare.

website compiled a selection of life hacks on how to quickly transform from a person battered by life into someone who deserves, if not a photo in a fashion magazine, then certainly a couple of compliments.

1. Superficial shampooing

Dirty hair roots can instantly ruin the overall impression of your appearance. IN hiking conditions, for example, on a train, or if you don’t have a hairdryer and dry shampoo, you can resort to a simplified procedure for washing your hair.

Separate strands of hair from your forehead and temples, comb the rest of your hair back and tie it into a low ponytail. Rinse these strands under the tap or any running water, preferably with shampoo. A well-wrung out strand of hair will dry in 20 minutes. After that, all that remains is to make a high ponytail, covering the rest with washed hair.

2. Express method to get your nails in order

You were digging in the garden on vacation when your boss suddenly called you into a meeting? And the appearance of the hands and nails is not the best, to put it mildly. The dirt is deeply ingrained, not to mention the roughness of the skin.

Hot water and soft water will help Toothbrush. Fill a bowl with water and hold your hands in it for 5-10 minutes. Then brush your nails and fingers with a toothbrush directly in the water, adding a little soap if desired. Your hands will immediately become much neater: a toothbrush will remove not only dirt, but also dead skin particles, leaving your hands fresher.

Using the same method, you can quickly clean your feet, stained by those insidious black socks. Don't forget to throw away your toothbrush afterwards.

3. Second life of shoes

After an extreme walk, your leather shoes have acquired a very sad look, but you won’t be able to replace them in the near future? You can soften skin exposed to water and dirt with regular hand cream. Just apply cream to dry boots, and after a few hours they will look, if not like new, then like quite decent and well-groomed.

4. Flat stomach in 10 minutes

Have you spent a wonderful weekend on the couch in the company of chips, and in the evening your gentleman asked you out on a date? Only now your favorite fashionable jeans have decided to take revenge for gluttony and are not going to fasten at the waist. No problem: squats will help. This exercise gives a positive effect instantly, although, of course, with regular repetition, the benefits are more noticeable.

Feet shoulder-width apart, heels on the floor. You need to squat as deeply as possible, keeping your back straight and your head straight. Two sets of 20 reps will flatten your belly and help your jeans button up.

5. Instant styling illusion

If the roots of the hair tend to quickly become oily, then the ends become dry and unattractively bristling with split hairs. A comb and a few drops of oil: essential, cosmetic or olive will help to quickly pacify them.

So, we drip oil onto a comb and run it along the very ends of the hair, capturing 3-4 cm. The oil will glue the split ends, make them heavier and add shine. After the procedure, do not touch your hair under any circumstances! The oil must not rise to the roots.

6. Anti-pimple eye drops

Many girls remember their painful struggle with rashes on their faces. However, even in adulthood, an insidious pimple sometimes pops up on the skin, and at the most inopportune moment.

Don’t panic, just take out vasoconstrictor eye drops, such as Visine, drop them on a cotton swab and put them in the freezer for a few minutes. Then we apply the cooled cotton wool to the pimple and wait a couple of minutes. The product will narrow the blood vessels and make the color of the “trouble” much less bright.

7. Self-tanning and body lifting in half an hour

Suddenly invited to the beach or just to sunbathe in a swimsuit on the lawn? Only now the body is accustomed to basking in a robe on the sofa, and the skin tone is closer to milky than to a fashionable golden tan. Well, to get in shape you will need half an hour and ground coffee.

Coffee should be brewed with boiling water and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil should be added to obtain the consistency of a thick scrub. Using a brush, thoroughly rub the body steamed in the shower or bath with this mixture and carefully rinse with cool water. Coffee will tint your skin a pleasant brownish tint and draw out some excess water, making your silhouette more toned.

8. Not just for teeth

When there is no more than a week left before a significant event, a woman still has time to get herself in order to look confident and attractive. Following a clear plan will make express care for your appearance effective.

Day 1: facial cleansing

If you have experience with home procedures, you can do the cleaning yourself. But best result gives professional peeling. Treatment in the salon will help put your face in order and fully recover before the appointed day. It is better not to resort to mechanical cleaning due to the danger of leaving marks on the skin. Hardware methods are considered more gentle, but work through the entire depth of the dermis. An additional bonus to clear skin will be the effect of tightening and evening out the complexion.

Day 2: hair work

There is no need to radically change your image. It is better to experiment at another time. But a set of standard procedures must be carried out. Thanks to a haircut, refreshing the color, and a health mask, you will look neat and stylish. Well-groomed hair is half the battle. Consult a specialist. Perhaps he will offer several techniques to improve your appearance.

Day 3: getting your body in order

An important day, which will have to be devoted at least half to spa treatments. Combine a trip to the bathhouse with body wrap, massage, and other pleasant manipulations. The result of staying in the steam room:

  • cleanses pores of dirt;
  • relieves the skin of excess ballast, allows you to breathe;
  • normalizes water metabolism, removes fluid from the body, prevents swelling;
  • micromassage with a birch broom increases blood circulation and improves skin color;
  • contrast procedures tighten the body while relieving tension;
  • emotional state improves;
  • visible rejuvenating effect on appearance.

If you place a steamed broom against your face for a couple of minutes, it will help get rid of traces of inflammation and eliminate oily shine. Visiting the sauna helps you lose weight.

Day 4: let's dedicate ourselves to pens

Hands show age. Even for a young woman, it is important to take care of nourishing and moisturizing the skin of her hands in order to look attractive. Let's approach the issue comprehensively. First, steam your hands in warm milk with the addition of a spoonful of glycerin and a couple of drops of any essential oil. Then prepare a scrub using ground coffee and a spoonful of cream. After working the entire surface of the brushes, ridding the epidermis of dry keratinized particles, rinse everything off with warm water and moisturize your hands well with cream.

Day 5: taking care of your feet

A bath with sage infusion will help relieve tension from overworked legs. Rub the steamed heels with pumice. Massage the soles with nourishing cream. At night, apply a thick layer of moisturizer and put on cotton socks. In the morning you won’t recognize your legs.

Day 6: manicure, eyebrow correction, image rehearsal

  1. To make your hands look decent, get a beautiful manicure. Long-lasting gel polish lasts on nails for at least 10 days.
  2. Neat eyebrows with an elegant curve draw attention to the eyes and make your appearance more expressive.
  3. In order not to be nervous on the appointed day and to be completely confident in your own irresistibility, try on an outfit, pick up a pair of shoes, and experiment with your hairstyle. Don't forget about accessories. Have several pairs of tights ready just in case.

Day 7: finishing touches

A regular cucumber mask will help completely remove traces of fatigue, lack of sleep, and puffiness under the eyes from your face. Grate a fresh cucumber and apply the paste to your face (including under your eyes) for 15 minutes. Then remove with a napkin and wipe the skin with micellar water or toner.

It is important to approach the appointed day in a good mood. Therefore, the last night before the celebration you need to get a good night's sleep in a ventilated room.

Now you know how to get your appearance in order in a week. This approach will work 100%. All that remains is to receive endless compliments.

To quickly tighten sagging skin, prettier your face and start losing weight, you will need tips that reveal the secrets of how to get in shape in a week. If there is an important event ahead, then you should start preparing for it in advance. When there are only seven days left, you can try to get in shape to look good, well-groomed, and attractive.

How to get yourself in order

If a girl, woman or even a man is interested in how to quickly get in shape, there are simple rules that will gradually bring you closer to the goal. In seven days you won’t be able to lose 10 kg or get rid of stretch marks, but you will be able to improve the condition of your figure, hair, skin and nails. Use these tips:

  1. Figure. Daily physical activity (squats, twists, bends) will give elasticity to the buttocks, slim legs, help reduce the volume of the abdomen and lose weight at the waist.
  2. Correct menu. For a week, eat foods rich in protein, fiber, and low in calories. Eat more chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits. Drink plenty of fluids, choose a fasting day. Nutritionists recommend fasting on buckwheat or a mono-diet on kefir.
  3. Hair. Visit the hairdresser, update your haircut, make a mask.
  4. Leather. Take a crash course in your vitamin regimen. Buy a mineral complex, make masks every day, and perform peeling.
  5. Nails. Take oil baths before bed, alternating them with salt baths, get a manicure, and use cream daily to soften your skin.

Where to start the transformation

The following daily tips will help you learn how to get in shape in a week. This plan is universal and applicable to any important event:

  1. Relax, relieve stress, take a walk in the fresh air. Sleep at least 9 hours a day, drink chamomile tea or hot milk with honey at night, ventilate the room before bed.
  2. Avoid coffee, black tea, and carbonated sweet drinks with a lot of calories. Reduce your salt intake, increase the number of meals you eat, but reduce portion sizes. From products, choose boiled meat, fish, fresh vegetables, dairy products with a small amount of fat. Give up baking simple carbohydrates, sweets, have a hearty breakfast, a normal lunch and a light dinner.
  3. Visit a bathhouse or arrange a SPA at home. Take a contrast shower and massage with essential oils.
  4. Get a manicure, pedicure, peeling, relaxing treatments, haircut.
  5. Go in for sports - exercise and stretching will help you look perfect.

How to get better in a week

Tips on how to get yourself in order in a week differ depending on the type of problem area. For the figure, this will include regular exercise and dietary restrictions, for hair - the use of masks and visits to stylists, for the face and hands - caring procedures. If you perform them for seven days, you can significantly prettier and improve your face, body, hair and hands.

Get your face in order

To look beautiful, you need to tidy up your face. For this purpose, a system of cleansing, toning and moisturizing has been developed. Sample facial care program for a week:

  • Shape your eyebrows yourself or with a stylist.
  • Make a peeling, cleansing clay mask and moisturizing or nourishing mask. This one-time approach will saturate the face with the necessary substances, remove flaking, smooth out the texture and cleanse the pores.
  • Make an eye mask. Buy ready-made patches or apply sachets of green tea, cucumber slices.
  • Use a self-tanner or go to a solarium.
  • If possible, visit a cosmetologist for deep facial cleansing without harm.

Get your body in shape

There are many ways to get your body in shape and lose those extra pounds. If you only have a week allocated for this, you can do the following:

  • start the morning with exercises or bodyflex exercises;
  • take a contrast shower followed by the use of anti-cellulite or firming creams;
  • give preference to a healthy diet, but do not go on strict mono-diets that limit normal nutrition;
  • limit the consumption of salt and sweets, drink more clean still water;
  • undergo a course of cosmetic procedures - vacuum massage, lymphatic drainage.

Get your hands in shape

A woman needs to constantly take care of her hands, because this is her calling card. Here are a few useful tips How to get your arms in shape in a week:

  • get a manicure;
  • regularly pamper your hands with steaming baths, oil wraps, trim the cuticles;
  • do nourishing masks and scrub the skin;
  • if there excess weight, exercise with dumbbells.


Force majeure situations happen in the life of every woman, in which she needs to look stunning in just a few days. A first date, an important interview, a best friend's wedding or a reunion are important events that require an appropriate appearance. How to get yourself in order in a week and be at your best?

Step 1: tidy up your hair

What makes a woman beautiful and makes her unique? Of course, the hairstyle. In order to have a unique appearance by the end of the week, you need to take care of your hairstyle.

It is better not to experiment in this area and visit a hairdresser. It is necessary to get rid of split ends of the hair; you can do keratization or hair lamination. These procedures will help make your curls smooth and shiny along their entire length. A good option would be . This is especially true for owners of long curls.

After this, you can start working on the condition of your hair. It’s better, of course, not to let the situation get worse and always monitor the health of your hair. But as an ambulance, you can do several procedures to heal your hair.

  • oily hair and scalp can be rinsed daily with decoction and medicinal herbs after washing, for which chamomile, string, oak bark are best suited;
  • dry curls need additional hydration and nutrition, so a mask will be the best care product - an egg-kefir mask, an oil mask, or;
  • in case of excessive hair loss, a daily mask with burdock oil and and A.

To completely change the look, you can dye your hair a different color or get a new haircut.

Step 2: Skin Care

Here we are talking not only about the skin of the face, but also about the whole body. An integrated approach is important in this matter.

First of all, pay attention to your diet, giving up junk food in favor of natural and healthy products. Increase the amount of fluid you drink.

Wash your face every day using special care products, and before going to bed, do not forget about makeup remover. To do this, you can use both base oil and special makeup removers.

Don't forget about exfoliating your face and body. Perfect for this, it will help get rid of dead skin cells and give it a fresh, rested look.

If you are the owner of problem skin, then you can try to do a mechanical one. Just by the end of the week, the face will have a rest from the procedure, and closed pores, pimples and other troubles will be eliminated for sure.

You definitely need to pay attention to your makeup, the condition of your eyelashes and eyebrows. You can lubricate them several times daily with coconut oil or another base oil. And approach the issue of makeup with special responsibility, giving preference to high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Step 3: beautiful figure

As they say, nothing is perfect. Therefore, even in the absence overweight you can improve your form. If you are unable to exercise, make at least time for a daily walk.

This will help make your buttocks more toned and firm, your legs will become slimmer, and your belly will disappear, but your waist will appear. In addition, such an easy and quick set of exercises will have a positive effect on your health.

You should also pay attention to nutrition. No fast food, sweets, fatty or heavy foods. This rule will not only help improve your figure, but will also have a healing effect on the condition of your skin and hair.

Step 4: Manicure

Almost all people, when communicating, pay attention to the condition of their interlocutor’s nails, so it is better to take care of this in advance.

If you can’t tidy up your nails on your own, you can turn to a beauty salon for help. A manicure that matches your wardrobe is a huge plus.

If the meeting is planned in the summer, then you need to take care of the pedicure. Open shoes will immediately reveal all the negative aspects, so it is important to get rid of rough skin and various calluses, paying attention to the condition of your toenails.

Step 5: Update your wardrobe

High-quality, fashionable and beautiful clothes will help you feel more confident. Update your wardrobe according to the new fashion trends.

Don't get hung up on everyday clothes. Choose something to go out. Special attention Give it to accessories that enhance your look and highlight your best features.

And, of course, shoes. If your look allows it and you feel confident in heels, then you can give preference to stiletto heels or platforms, depending on the clothing you choose.

It is shoes that can significantly change your image, both improving it and worsening it.

Remember the main rule: high growth- low shoes, short height - heels.

And remember your psychological attitude! You should feel your best, be confident and walk with your head held high. Then you will definitely be noticed and you will be the center of attention. And it doesn’t matter that it only took a week.

Video “How to quickly get in shape in just 5 days?”

Demonstrative video with detailed descriptions exercises that will help you get in shape in just 5 days.

Perhaps every sane person is concerned about the question of how to put himself in order in every sense of this expression. It is noteworthy that absolutely everything plays a big role in this matter, because it is self-discipline and self-organization that will influence how you will look, how you will live and act in various situations. Well, let’s now try to figure out how to accustom ourselves to order and force ourselves to do everything necessary in order to become better and better every day.

Self-organization is the basics

Every woman has heard, read or simply knows that beauty is work. Perhaps this is not the heaviest burden that you have to bear in life, but you need to keep yourself in shape constantly, day after day, regardless of various circumstances. But how can we accustom ourselves to order in matters of caring for our appearance, at a time when we have so many worries related to work, family and other circumstances? There are several solutions to this problem, and the first of them is combining two classes. For example, force yourself to put a mask on your face and neck while cleaning your apartment or watching a movie on your day off. This, unlike a long trip to a beauty salon, will take you very little time.

The second way is that you start a diary and write down everything that needs to be done. Don't miss a single minute, try to fill your weekend with trips to a manicure, to the hairdresser or to the spa. Gradually you will get used to living so actively, and it will not become such a big problem for you.

Your body will make you more confident

If we are talking about how to put ourselves in order, we should start with our figure. Each woman has her own individual body structure, which includes tall or short stature, wide or narrow bones, as well as a whole host of other features. It’s stupid to strive for model parameters, but keeping yourself in beautiful and well-groomed shape is everyone’s main responsibility. There are many methods for getting your body in order, but from all of them we will try to choose the most basic, and put it into one set of exercises and self-care procedures. It is only important to remember that everything below requires regularity. You need to take care of yourself every day, otherwise you will be wasting your time and money.

Fitness at home

Visiting a fitness club every day is hard on your wallet, and you simply may not have enough time. How to get yourself in order with simple exercises? Easily! We use a simple complex that should be performed at home every day. It will take you no more than 20-30 minutes.

  1. We start by warming up the neck muscles. We rotate our heads to the right and left, perform turns and tilts.
  2. Let's move on to the shoulders. We lift them up one by one, then begin to rotate them back and forth. After this, we bend over and try to touch our noses to our knees, while placing our palms on the floor.
  3. Lying down, we rest our palms and toes on the floor and begin to do push-ups. If that doesn’t work, you can kneel down instead of on your toes.
  4. Now we move on to the waist - we bend left and right. First from a standing position, then from a sitting position, with your legs spread wide apart, as if you were trying to sit on
  5. We lie on our backs and perform 20 press pumps in 3 approaches, lifting only the shoulder blades from the floor.
  6. And finally, to pump up the buttocks, lying on your back, bend your knees. The exercise involves lifting your buttocks and back off the floor, while leaning on your feet and shoulders. Repeat 20 times in three approaches.
  7. You can get your calves into shape with the help of Latin dances. The technique of performing them is to constantly move your legs, therefore, having learned the basic steps, you can repeat them as often as possible, and gradually your legs will become slender and pumped up.

Cosmetic procedures

Now let's look at how to put your body in order using various cosmetic procedures. In this matter, the number one problem for most women is cellulite. This deficiency can appear at any age, starting from 15 years old; in addition, orange peel can affect only “problem areas” - the buttocks and thighs, but also the area around the knee, shoulder area, and abdomen. You should fight this problem constantly, and to do this you need to adhere to three rules: daily physical exercise, massages with wraps and balanced diet. Now we will look at how to tidy yourself and your most problematic areas with the help of massage.

Anti-cellulite massage technique

You need to massage using a special cream, preferably with a warming effect. In the absence of one, you can make it with olive oil and ground coffee beans. The anti-cellulite technique is that all movements must be extremely rigid - rubbing, beating, tightening and all the like. After the massage, your skin should remain red. Now we wrap ourselves in cling film and walk like this until the skin begins to sweat. Unnecessary subcutaneous moisture will come out with beads of sweat, so the more often you perform this manipulation, the faster you will get rid of the “bunches of grapes” on your body.

Even and smooth skin

Many women, even mature age they don’t know how to tidy up their skin based on its natural characteristics. The fact is that our skin can be dry, oily, normal or combination, which mainly affects the type of care for it.

In order to look beautiful and fresh every day, you constantly need to perform three main steps in caring for your face and neck: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. The first stage - cleaning - is carried out with varying frequencies. should be cleaned in a beauty salon once a week. Normal skin, depending on the tendency to acne and other imperfections, cleanses once a month or once every two months. For dry skin Twice every six months is enough. To moisturize your face, you can use contrasting washes (cold and hot water alternately), and also make masks that saturate the skin with moisture. But the cosmetologist should select the nutrients for you individually.

Your pens are like a business card

If a woman doesn’t know how to get her nails in order, even ordinary communication can become a problem for her. We will not talk about the fact that all men pay attention to the condition of women’s hands, etc., but will immediately move on to methods for

To prevent the cuticle from spoiling the appearance of your hands, regularly moisturize and soften it. There are special creams for this, you can also use olive oil.

It is advisable to have it done by a master, especially if you do not have such skills. Choose the length of the manicure depending on the type of your nail plate. If it is soft and fragile, it is advisable to shorten your nails more often.

When your nails are strong and healthy, you can afford to grow them as long as you like. Another method of getting your nails in order for a long time is shellac coating. It can be applied either by a professional or at home, and it lasts for more than two weeks. During this time, you won't have to fix your manicure or worry about your hands looking untidy.

Speed ​​work

Sometimes we need to quickly get ourselves in order, and there is no time for long trips to beauty salons. There is a simple set of procedures for this, which begins with a contrast shower. You need to wash your whole body with hot and then cold water to invigorate. After this, you can rub the skin of your face and neck with an ice cube - this will get rid of bruises under the eyes and swelling.

Now rub the whole body with milk or cream. The main thing is that this product is suitable for you in its composition (for dry, oily or sensitive skin). Putting yourself in order means that you need to do the perfect makeup. Since we start with tone, it is advisable to shade the foundation onto the neck and décolleté area. Line your eyebrows and highlight your eyelashes. Don't forget to highlight your cheekbones and apply gloss to your lips. Perfume should complete the look.