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How to treat puffy eyes in the morning. How to avoid and get rid of puffiness under the eyes in the morning. Cosmetics for swelling around the eyelids

Puffiness under the eyes is a common problem, especially for women, although men also suffer from puffiness, but they pay little attention to it. This is not only an external cosmetic defect, but also a symptom of many diseases.

Observing swollen eyes, many go to the store for a new cream, when they should immediately go to the doctor and find out what pathology is being signaled by their own body.

Why are the eyes and eyelids prone to swelling?

The physiological structure of the periocular tissue determines the tendency of this area to edema:

  • densely branched vascular network - blood flow itself creates swelling;
  • a large space for retaining tissue and interstitial fluid, formed by excess skin of the eyelids, as well as due to the looseness of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • lack of subcutaneous fat;
  • a small amount of connective tissue - collagen and elastin fibers;
  • constant “work” of the eyelid skin when blinking and closing your eyes;
  • pressure on the eyelids from periorbital fatty tissue;
  • tight attachment of the skin of the forehead, nose and cheeks to the tissues located underneath - if fluid accumulates in these areas, it will flow into the free space - the eyelids and the area under the eyes.

Harmless causes of eye puffiness

In the case where bags under the eyes appear, the cause is not necessarily a disease, perhaps it is the body’s reaction to a certain irritant that does not pose any danger.

Power supply errors
  • If you notice swelling under the eyes in the morning, the reason for this is excessively drinking liquid of any origin at night (tea, coffee, drink, water). The kidneys do not have time to cope with the increased load, and the body distributes the drink to the tissues;
  • Morning swelling of the eyes can also be observed after drinking alcohol, which retains fluid in the cells;
  • Eating excessively salty or spicy or smoked food leads to swelling of the eyelids. As you know, salt and spices actively retain fluid and disrupt the physiological process of its elimination;
  • Insufficient drinking during the day gradually leads to the fact that the body begins to compensatoryly store fluid in the tissues, and in the morning in front of the mirror you can see an unpleasant picture of swollen eyes. It turns out that in order to remove bags under the eyes, you need not only not to overdo it with liquid, but also to monitor its normal intake into the body, at least 2-2.5 liters per day.
Body reaction
  • Swollen and swollen eyelids can be observed after severe crying, especially against the background of nervous shock. A protective reaction and increased secretion of tear fluid lead to increased blood flow to this area and excessive accumulation of tissue fluid in the loose tissue of the periocular tissue;
  • Lack of sleep, sleepless nights and interrupted sleep invariably affect both general well-being and appearance;
  • Those who like to sleep without a pillow or even with their heads down may also suffer from swelling of the eyes, since the normal venous and lymphatic drainage from the head is disrupted;
  • Overstrain of the eye muscles during minor work, driving a car, sitting for a long time at the computer, reading and lack of oxygen to nourish muscle tissue lead to swelling;
  • Contact of the eye mucosa with caustic vapors, smoke, or a foreign body causes protective swelling due to increased blood flow to the site of irritation and active work of the lacrimal glands;
  • Tobacco smoke is a toxic mixture of various substances and compounds. Smoking leads to edema, since the smoker experiences constant hypoxia, and the body is clogged with aggressive chemicals;
  • The obvious cause of swelling under the eyes is due to a blow to the eye, forehead, bridge of the nose, or head injury. When swelling is detected under one eye, the reasons may be a traumatic effect on this area. This reason is relatively harmless, since even with apparent well-being, any forceful impact on the eye can lead to serious damage. Tissue exudate forms a protective swelling of the eye, but under certain conditions it can become infected.

Additional provoking factors in women

Physiological reasons

  • Age-related changes in the skin and musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the eye, increased fat deposition, alas, can also be manifested by swelling of the eyelids;
  • Individual feature of the eyelids. Sometimes you can observe such people in society, with what appears to be slightly swollen eyelids. This structure of the eyelids with excess fatty tissue is often inherited, but does not affect the general health in any way.

Causes of pathological edema

Swelling of the face that is observed for a long time and does not go away is highly likely to indicate some kind of disease or pathological condition body. Such a striking symptom accompanies many diseases and should not be ignored.

Allergic reaction

This cause of swollen eyelids is multifactorial, since both cosmetics and environment, chlorinated water, light, contact lenses, food products(see details). If contact with the allergen is constant, then swelling will be observed for a long period. More often, the allergic reaction is short-term and quickly passes after contact with its root cause is eliminated. In addition to swelling, you may experience:

  • itching or pain in the eyes, constant watery eyes
  • red eyes, photophobia
  • sneezing, nasal congestion, copious mucous discharge from the nose.

Allergic swelling quickly passes, but also quickly returns again upon repeated contact with the allergen. How to get rid of bags under the eyes of allergic etiology?

  • avoiding contact with allergens that lead to swelling;
  • taking antihistamines - Suprastin, Loratodin, Zyrtec, Fenistil, Zodak, Lekrolin (see)
  • in severe cases, the use of local corticosteroid drugs in the form of ointments, creams (see);
  • the use of decongestants - Okumetil, Visina, Octilia;
  • immunotherapy with small doses of allergen.
Eye diseases

Diseases of the eyes and eyelids also lead to swelling localized on the side of the affected eye. Such diseases include: oncological neoplasm in the eye, scleritis, ptosis, trypanosomiasis, blepharitis, eversion of the eyelid.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory swelling that occurs as a result of an infectious process occurring in nearby anatomical structures. Thus, the causes of swelling under the left eye may lie in the inflammatory process in the left-sided sinuses of the nose. Also, unilateral swelling is characteristic of inflammation of the tooth and gums. Swelling of one eye can be associated with conjunctivitis, phlegmon, inflammation of the lacrimal gland, facial nerve, eyelash bulb and periorbital tissue.

Treatment of inflammatory edema. Inflammatory processes in the eye area and on the face in general pose a serious danger, since the branched vascular network contributes to the rapid spread of infection to nearby tissues and even to the brain. Treatment necessarily includes antibiotic therapy, which is prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microbes. In the absence of a purulent component, physiotherapeutic treatment is possible: dry heat, laser, .

Herniated disc

Intervertebral hernia located in cervical spine, also a likely cause of unilateral ocular edema. Accompanying pathologies will be:

  • frequent headaches,
  • muscle weakness, lack of coordination
  • disturbances of innervation in the form of loss of sensitivity along the location of the nerves;
  • stiffness and pain in the cervical spine.

A hernia in the cervical spine may be asymptomatic for a long time and swelling may be the only evidence of poor health. Treatment for IVD hernia includes:

  • load limitation, special gymnastics
  • comprehensive drug treatment(painkillers, steroidal and non-steroidal PVS, muscle relaxants,)
  • manual therapy, acupuncture, massage
  • surgical excision
Kidney diseases

Kidney diseases leading to their functional failure. In this case, swelling of the eyes will be accompanied by swelling of the entire face. In the morning you can see imprints from the bed on your face and evenly swollen eyes. The progression of the disease leads to the abdomen, lower back and genitals.

A feature of renal edema is that it moves from one part to another when changing body position, which is why they are called “free-floating”.

In addition to edema, the following may be observed: hypertension, dysuria, daily decrease in urine volume, dark urine. Renal edema is the most persistent and difficult to treat. For the treatment of kidney pathology the following is used:

  • antispasmodics - Spasgan, Bespa;
  • uroantiseptics – , Canephron;
  • cytostatics – Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide;
  • diuretics – Furosemide, Hypothiazide.
Liver diseases

With such health problems, the hands, especially the fingers, also swell. In addition, you may experience:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium,
  • nausea and heartburn (see)
  • yellowness of the sclera, skin (see)
  • unpleasant belching, dark urine, light stool

The liver does not signal diseases for a very long time, since it is capable of self-healing, but only up to a certain time. For the treatment of liver pathologies, the following are used:

  • hepatoprotectors – Legalon, Essentiale Forte, Karsil, Levolin, Chofitol (see. full list everyone).
  • choleretic drugs – Gepafit, Olimetin, Flamin.
Cardiovascular pathology

Heart problems are manifested by both swollen eyes and swollen legs in the area of ​​​​the ankles and legs, especially with a long forced position of the body and in the late afternoon. Examination may reveal fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. The following symptoms are also concerning: pain syndrome in the heart area, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, vascular butterfly on the skin of the cheeks.

Vascular pathology signals its presence by blueness and pallor of the skin, as well as swelling under the eyes. Due to the disruption of the outflow of venous blood from the face and head, unilateral edema appears. Problems with blood vessels are manifested by constant hypertension or fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, cold skin of the hands and feet. Cardiac and vascular edema require constant treatment and monitoring of the patient's condition by doctors. Depending on the pathology, the following may be prescribed:

  • antihypertensive drugs – Enalapril, Lisinopril, Ramipril, Captopril;
  • diuretics – Hypothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Bekvorin;
  • cardiac glycosides – Digoxin, Novodigal, Strophanthin K.
Vitamin B5 deficiency

Hypovitaminosis (see) pantothenic acid manifests itself:

  • fatigue, headaches, migraines
  • depression, insomnia
  • numbness of the toes, muscle pain, especially in the legs

IN in this case It is enough to compensate for the vitamin deficiency by taking appropriate medications (Brewer's yeast, Calcium pantothenate) and prevent further deficiency states by enriching the diet with green vegetables, buckwheat, oatmeal, hazelnuts, milk, eggs.

Diagnosis of the cause of eye puffiness

  • OAK and OAM, ECG
  • Biochemical blood test
  • X-ray and CT scan of the skull
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs, if necessary CT

Further in-depth studies are prescribed in accordance with the expected diagnosis. If found pathological cause bags under the eyes, in each specific case, treatment is prescribed that affects the disease itself. Unfortunately, not in all cases treatment of the identified pathology leads to improvement. appearance. The chronic course of diseases, especially of the heart and blood vessels, and kidneys, will be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. The main thing in this case is to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions so as not to trigger the underlying disease, and you can try to fight the swelling on your own.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetology has many new methods that help get rid of puffiness under the eyes. It is worth noting that they are really effective, but the effect of the procedures does not last long, and you have to repeat them again and again. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you visit a cosmetologist at least once, you will return to him more than once.

  • Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy in the eye area (mesh method or back-trace method) is a procedure for introducing various drugs under the skin or inside the skin ( vitamin complexes, amino acids, homeopathic compounds). It is necessary to repeat the course of procedures up to 8-10 times once a week.

  • Cryolifting

Cryolifting of problem areas is a targeted and short-term exposure to cold, bringing tissue cells into stressful state and forcing them to activate metabolic processes, incl. remove excess liquid. The method has good reviews and has virtually no contraindications.

Cream for bags under eyes

There are more than enough products for this purpose on the cosmetics market. Some manufacturers produce their products in convenient packages with roller application of the drug, and supply them with miniature vibrating massagers. Many of them contain plant extracts and are practically devoid of chemical components. However, it should be taken into account that medicinal plants may be the very irritants that cause allergies and swelling.

  • To quickly achieve the effect, creams containing caffeine help - Green Coffee, Bark, Garnier Caffeine Roller Gel for the skin around the eyes.
  • For periodic swelling, products with horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastane - eye cream (against puffiness and bags under the eyes) Green Pharmacy, Delicate Soufflé, Belita-Vitex Lift Intense roller lifting gel for eyelids.
  • To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, you should choose products with vitamin K and special whitening pigments - JANSSEN, Eye Cream with Vit. K & Matrixyl by New Youth.

Diet for edema

By reviewing your diet and eliminating overly salty and spicy foods, balancing your drinking regimen and giving up drinks late in the evening, you can acquire a healthy appearance in 2-3 days. Moreover, not only facial swelling will go away, but also dull skin, sagging cheeks and bad mood. It’s not for nothing that they say – we are what we eat. Every harmful product will certainly affect the appearance, and will not beautify it.

Proper eyelid skin care

Any, even the most expensive, cosmetics should be removed from the eyelids in a timely manner. Special tonics and lotions should be used for these purposes, but you should forget about washing your eyes with bar soap once and for all. The skin of the eyelids is perhaps the most delicate and most sensitive on our body, and its care should be gentle and careful.

Despite progressive times, many ladies still moisturize the skin of their eyelids with conventional creams that are not intended to care for this area. This is a big mistake, since there will definitely be no benefit from such a procedure, but swelling in the morning is guaranteed.

But eyelid skin care creams should also be used correctly. You don't need to apply a lot of cream, you can't rub it in. Application of the cream should be carried out using point movements of the fingertips, with light distribution over the skin. Any cream can cause allergies, so before applying it to your eyelids, test your sensitivity to its components on the skin of your wrist.

Massage and exercises for swollen eyes

Every morning it is recommended to carry out a light massage of the eyelid area for 2-3 minutes: with the pads of your fingers, light tapping movements are carried out in both directions. The fact is that lymph from the eye area leaves along two paths - to the parotid (to the temple) and submandibular (to the bridge of the nose) lymph nodes. This massage not only activates the flow of lymph, but also helps push it into the regional lymph nodes.

After applying the eye cream, several precise pressing movements are made along the edge of the eye orbit and light surging (point pressure without effort) of the central lymph node, located between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. This will tone the orbicularis oculi muscle and improve the outflow of lymph and venous blood from the eyelids.

Special gymnastics, which should be repeated 2-4 times during the day, is a prevention and a way to combat swelling. You need to close your eyes and place your index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, fix them in such a way that there are no skin folds or wrinkles under them. Then you need to close your eyes tightly and hold them in this position for about 6 seconds, and then relax your eyelids. The frequency of approaches is 10 times.

Folk remedies for swollen eyes

Folk remedies for bruises and swelling under the eyes for the lazy

Lack of time or simple human laziness develops a skeptical attitude towards all recipes that require several steps and free minutes. The modern range of packaged herbal teas eliminates the need to make infusions yourself. You just need to purchase Herb tea from any of the above-described raw materials. The resulting tea can be used as a lotion, and the herbal bags can be used as compresses and lotions.

If you don’t have time for procedures, you can apply silver spoons to your closed eyes for a few minutes in the morning. The effect will not be long in coming.

Contrast eye lotions

As you know, temperature contrast perfectly tones tissues and also enhances lymphatic drainage. You can use regular boiled water, or you can use herbal infusions that will enhance the effect of the procedure - chamomile, cornflower, sage, linden or dill. Decoctions of arnica, horsetail and string also work well. To prepare the infusion, take a teaspoon of plant material and pour half a glass of boiling water, after 10 minutes the infusion is ready.

For the procedure you will need cotton pads or gauze pads. The infusion or water is placed in two containers, one part is cooled and the second is heated. Hot and cold compresses should be alternated, leaving the wipes on the eyes for 10 minutes. It is optimal to carry out this procedure before going to bed for a month, and if there is a tendency to swelling - regularly, 2-3 times a week.

Parsley lotion and mask

Parsley is rich in minerals and vitamins, and is also excellent for eliminating facial swelling. To prepare the lotion, pour a tablespoon of fresh herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour.

The prepared lotion can be used for daily eyelid skin care; you can make warm compresses from it and freeze it in ice for morning care.

To prepare the mask, a teaspoon of greens is ground into a paste (without using metal objects) and mixed with a tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting mixture is carefully applied to the eyelids and washed off after 20 minutes with cool water. Use daily for 1.5-2 months.

Folk remedies for allergic edema

  • Lotions from soda solution(a quarter teaspoon of soda per 100 ml of cooled boiled water). Soak gauze pads with this solution and leave them on the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Regular black bread helps. Cool a piece of bread in the refrigerator and apply it to your closed eyes for a few minutes.
  • It is also recommended to rinse your eyes frequently with plain cool water, previously boiled.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

To eliminate bruises under the eyes, you can try this procedure - pour cold water into a basin and lower your face into it with your eyes closed (without squinting) for 10 seconds with a three-fold approach. The procedure is fast-acting and helps in 3-5 days.

A paste of fresh vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, parsley root) helps lighten the skin and remove puffiness. To prepare the pulp, vegetables are chopped on a grater or in a blender. The resulting mass is placed in gauze napkins and carefully applied to the eyelids, leaving for 10-15 minutes. 1 mask per week for 1.5-2 months is enough.

A cold infusion of birch leaves, for the preparation of which a tablespoon of the raw material is poured with a glass of cooled boiled water, also has a good effect. After 8 hours, the infusion is ready. Used in the form of lotion or as a base for lotions.


Many ladies, waking up in the morning, are afraid to look in the mirror, because from there they see something swollen and unattractive. This is a common occurrence after a stormy party, but if swelling becomes regular, then it’s worth thinking about. To avoid health problems, you need to consult a specialist. Many ladies know simple ways how to get rid of swelling of the face and eyes. But the list of solutions is extensive. And we offer to replenish it.

Causes of swelling on the face

The accumulation of fluid in the tissues causes swelling of the facial skin, which can occur because someone could not resist eating smoked or salty food late in the evening or drinking a lot of water at night. Kidney and heart disease can significantly increase swelling of the facial skin due to accumulated fluid. To avoid puffiness under the eyes, you need to give your body enough sleep. If you often spend the night in the company of friends, drinking alcohol, suffer from insomnia, sleep on an uncomfortable bed, fall asleep late and wake up early, a swollen face will become the norm.

In the heat, swelling of the eyelids may increase. Fluid consumption increases and it begins to stagnate in the body. The face swells in the morning in women on the eve of the menstrual cycle. Metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins can contribute to the appearance of edema. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are another reason for the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. Swelling can be a consequence of injury and an allergic reaction.

What to do for swelling of the face and eyes

The ideal option is to consult with doctors in case of undesirable consequences with the skin. He will tell you how to get rid of puffiness and accumulated excess moisture. A good remedy is lymphatic drainage massage. Compresses with herbal infusions will help get rid of swelling on the face in the morning. If you are thinking about how to quickly relieve swelling under the eyes that has arisen due to accumulated fluid, then do not tire yourself with long thoughts; ice cubes, which can be made using medicinal herbs or tea, will do.

Effective methods for eliminating swelling

To quickly eliminate swelling and get rid of accumulated fluid in the body, ventilate the room you are in. Having absorbed the oxygen it needs, the skin “deflates”. A glass of water with lemon is a quick response to swelling and relieves it almost instantly thanks to the acid contained in citrus fruits. It will be useful to wash your face with cold water, the temperature of which will not exceed twenty degrees. So, below we will look at detailed tips on how to deal with “swollen” facial skin and excess water in the body.

Balanced diet

To reduce swelling and increase fluid output, it is recommended to follow a certain diet. Positive bonus - it will help you lose excess weight. To reduce swelling and remove fluid, it is recommended to include teas, green tea, and lingonberries in your diet. Useful:

  • hawthorn decoction;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • herbal mixture with horsetail, bearberry, nettle, lemon balm.

In the “for facial skin” menu, enable:

  • all drinks that have a diuretic effect;
  • decoctions;
  • fruit drinks.

The body will be grateful. Don't forget about:

  • watermelons;
  • sorrel;
  • green apples;
  • cucumbers;
  • melon;
  • celery.

Diuretic products that will tidy up the skin of the face, promote the removal of fluid, and remove potassium. To make up for this loss, it is recommended to take supplements that contain it. A lack of potassium can have a detrimental effect on:

  • heart;
  • vessels.

If you have facial swelling, an apple diet will be helpful. These fruits help remove toxins and excess fluid accumulated in the body. To achieve the greatest effect, you need:

  1. Consume two kilograms of unsweetened apples per day.
  2. Do not exclude juice from these fruits to remove excess moisture.

For those who have obesity, diabetes or heart failure, an oat diet will be beneficial for their facial skin:

  1. Boil the flakes in water without oil or salt.
  2. You need to eat at least five hundred grams a day.
  3. Wash it down with decoctions and tea without sugar.

A potato diet would be appropriate for swelling. You should consume up to 2 kilograms of potatoes per day, boiled or baked in their skins. The cucumber diet will involve consuming two dozen green vegetables per day. If hunger persists, you can add a little boiled beef or a soft-boiled egg. This will not affect your facial skin. A vegetable diet will allow you to consume no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables per day. Do not forget about individual intolerance. This may affect the skin and fluid removal may be slower.

Do not decide to go on a diet or give up foods out of passion - consult a therapist first so as not to cause harm to the body. To reduce swelling of the eyelids, you should forget about the following products:

  • salt;
  • beets;
  • green beans;
  • Dutch cheese;
  • champignons;
  • tomatoes;
  • canned food (and other semi-finished products containing many other substances and preservatives that prevent the removal of liquid).

Cosmetology procedures

Whatever causes the swelling, it gives rise to only one desire - to get rid of it as soon as possible. Sometimes a long course of various procedures may be required for good-looking facial skin. To get rid of excess fluid, you will have to go to a beauty salon. A qualified specialist will carefully examine the state of the body, find out individual characteristics, what will be effective and what is contraindicated, and then offer a carefully designed course to improve the skin:

  1. Mesotherapy. The procedure involves subcutaneous injections of medication into the desired areas of the face. Often homeopathic medicines and vitamins are used as solutions for injections, the composition of which is formed individually by a cosmetologist after a thorough examination of the patient and helps to remove fluid accumulated in the body. The procedures are done once every 7 days for several months. Medicines are administered using the back-trace or mesh method, after which there are no needle marks on the face.
  2. Cryolifting. To achieve the desired result, the removal of fluid accumulated in the body, extreme cold is used, causing specific, precisely calculated and controlled damage. In the area where manipulation is carried out, the properties of the skin change significantly, which helps medicines penetrate deeper, be more effective. Cryolifting is a possible replacement for mesotherapy if it is not possible for some reason. The effect of cryolifting is long-lasting and noticeable, and the facial skin is “blown away” by swelling.
  3. Application of mineral waters and mud. The particles and substances contained in the therapeutic mud have a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its strength and flexibility, helping to eliminate swelling, eliminating excess moisture from the body. Swelling is reduced due to the influence of certain irritants: the temperature of the applied substance, chemical components.


Diuretics for facial swelling will invariably be effective. Should find out possible reasons the occurrence of swelling of the face at an appointment with a specialist. If these are problems with internal organs, then the use of diuretics will be justified. If the problem of accumulation of excess water is caused by lifestyle, diet or bad habits, then you can do without a pill for facial swelling, giving up everything harmful.

A diuretic may eliminate swelling, but not the cause. Upon completion of the course of such medications, excess fluid will again accumulate in the body. To eliminate the cause, a full examination is required. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe synthetic drugs, but such drugs act entirely on the entire body, leading to dehydration and even loss of substances it needs. If the cause is an allergic reaction, then antihistamines such as Suprastin and Tavegil will help get rid of the swelling.

Diuretics. Furosemide is considered the strongest diuretic. It is often used for swelling of the face, helping to relieve even severe manifestations, promoting the removal of fluid. Being a very powerful remedy, it requires caution in use, as it leads to dehydration and rids the body of important microelements. In case of slight swelling of the eyes there is no need for such strong means, you can use potassium-sparing diuretics. This is “Veroshpiron”, the effect of which appears only after five days.

Cosmetics for home use

Top manufacturers of cosmetics for facial skin will not leave you bewildered; the choice is huge: masks, gels, creams, etc. These “things” will instantly put your appearance in order. Which brand to give the palm to is up to you. You don’t have to shell out money for expensive cosmetics, but use natural ingredients to create your own beauty. Many people like hand-made products. Below we will look at how to get rid of unwanted swelling of the face and eyes.

  1. To relieve swelling, you should prefer those products used by professionals; you can also choose them in a regular cosmetic store, but do not ignore the letters on the packaging indicating the composition. It should include: minerals, antioxidants, mud, vitamins, algae. If the cream contains ivy extract, this means that it will actively help remove fluid accumulated in the body and make the skin smooth. It will be absorbed faster if you wet your eyelids a little before applying.
  1. If your face and eyes swell in the morning, a mask of cucumber and lemon will help; it easily eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. This mixture is recommended for use under normal and oily skin. For dry you need to use half the amount of lemon juice. Ingredients of the mask: fresh cucumber, 25 milliliters of “yellow” nectar. Mix the latter with the vegetable chopped in a blender. Apply the mixture to your face for twenty minutes.
  2. If you have normal or oily skin, then you can get rid of swelling and remove excess fluid accumulated in the body using a coffee or cocoa mask. It will require fifty milliliters of yogurt, thirty milliliters of lemon juice, twenty-five grams of ground coffee or cocoa powder. If you have dry skin, you can make a similar mask, but instead of yogurt, use vegetable oil, and instead of juice - honey. Keep the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes.


  1. Soda lotions will help get rid of swelling of the facial skin and remove excess moisture from the body. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of strong black tea and mix. Soak cotton pads in the liquid, place them on your eyes and hold for no more than fifteen minutes. If the swelling affects a large area, then you can do a ten-minute relaxation session with a lotion on the entire face. Compresses on the eyelids to remove fluid can be made from infusions of chamomile flowers, dill, birch leaves, and parsley root.
  2. A good remedy is grated potatoes mixed with beaten egg white. It removes excess water, and the protein provides a lifting effect. Tea bags are a simple and effective remedy to relieve puffy eyes. You should hold the cool compress on your eyes for fifteen minutes - and the wow effect is guaranteed.
  3. To relieve swelling, you can make an ice compress. Place the cubes in a bag and place on the swollen area for half an hour. You can wipe your face with them in the morning. Don't write off magical properties cucumber Circles of this vegetable, placed on swollen areas, along with getting rid of swelling, will tighten the skin and give it a lighter shade. An effective remedy for removing fluid is a compress with calendula decoction. After 15 minutes, the skin will glow.

Exercise and massage

You can relieve swelling and remove excess fluid with massage. Lightly pinching and stroking the skin, move along the lines running from the nose to the outer parts of the face. Then from the middle of the neck to its sides. Along the forehead from the top to the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, down from the eyes, from the nose to the temples. With this massage, the blood supply to the skin improves, the removal of moisture increases, which eliminates swelling. It is recommended to combine it with sports; a set of exercises to remove excess fluid should include:

  • active movements of arms and legs;
  • stretching;
  • flexion;
  • extension;
  • rotational movements;
  • sharp swings;
  • tilts.

This will lead to warming up of the muscles and activity of the joints located near the lymph nodes. There are exercises for bags under the eyes, if you do them regularly, after a couple of months you can forget about droopy eyelids:

  1. Rotate your eyes left and right, keeping your head straight.
  2. Close your eyes, then open your eyes sharply. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Alternately close and open your eyes.

How to relieve swelling from the face and eyes using folk remedies and herbs

  1. Parsley root. A simple recipe for those who don’t know how to quickly get rid of swelling of the face and eyes, and excess fluid. The root should be crushed, mixed in equal parts with the tea leaves after drinking the tea, mixed thoroughly, applied to the skin of the eyelids, and left for ten minutes. You can use parsley root without adding tea, this also enhances the removal of fluid from the body.
  2. Bear ears. The prepared decoction will be very useful for swelling. For this you will need: a glass of boiling water, one tablespoon of bear ears, which will have to steep for two hours. The decoction should be drunk no more than three times a day before meals.
  3. Chamomile. Throw a tablespoon of dried flowers of this plant into a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, and then wipe the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab soaked in the infusion for the same amount of time. In a similar way, you can make an infusion of mint, eyebright or linden blossom. Chamomile can be used together with tea; then, along with one teaspoon of chamomile, pour boiling water over the same amount of black or green tea. And you can forget about swelling!
  4. Birch leaves. Throw five leaves into a glass cold water, preferably mineral, leave overnight. You can pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for two hours. After straining, moisten the skin of the eyelids, spending at least a quarter of an hour on the procedure. Voila – there was no swelling.
  5. Horsetail Throw one tablespoon of dry ingredient into a glass of boiling water and boil for twenty minutes. After waiting for the broth to become warm, make compresses on the eyes and hold for as long as you prepared. Horsetail helps fight not only swelling of the facial skin, but also eye fatigue, nervous tics, and removes excess water from the body.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Puffiness of the eyelids is a common problem for both women and men, although representatives of the stronger sex rarely pay attention to this. But bags under the eyes are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a common symptom of many diseases.

Most common cause The appearance of swelling under the eyes is due to fluid retention; such bags disappear on their own in the afternoon, thanks to improved blood circulation and the process of removing excess fluid during wakefulness.

If swelling persists throughout the day, this may indicate an increase in fiber. Darkening of the skin under the eyes also indicates this defect, which is most often a genetic predisposition. Even a small increase in fiber volume is so noticeable due to its ability to accumulate fluid.

Also, the cause of redness under the eyes and swelling is a decrease in elasticity and stretching of the membrane with the formation of a hernial protrusion associated with age-related changes. How older man, the more often he develops swelling of the eyelids.

Causes of puffiness under the eyes in the morning

Let's figure out why swelling of the floor of the eyes can occur.

If your eyelids swell only in the morning, this may be due to:

  • lymph stagnation;
  • fluid accumulation;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • tears before bedtime;
  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure, kidney, thyroid or heart disease.

Harmless swelling

Swelling under the eyes does not always indicate the presence of a disease. Often this condition of the eyelids is provoked by irritants that do not pose a health hazard:

Poor nutrition

  • Often the cause of swollen eyes in the morning is excess fluid drunk before bed. The kidneys simply do not have time to remove excess water from the body, and it is distributed throughout the tissues.
  • The condition of the eyelids is negatively affected by alcohol, salty, smoked and spicy foods, which disrupt the physiological process of removing fluid from the body and retaining it.
  • Not drinking enough water during the day also leads to the formation of puffiness under the eyes. When there is a lack of fluid, the body begins to actively store it in the tissues, so try to drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

The body's response to various stimuli

  • Crying heavily can lead to swelling of the eyelids. Increased secretion of fluid from the lacrimal canal leads to an increased rush of blood in the eye area and, as a result, fluid accumulates in the tissues of the periocular tissue.
  • Prolonged tension in the eye muscles caused by prolonged reading, sitting at a computer for a long time, working with small objects, driving a car, and lack of oxygen lead to the appearance of edema.
  • Contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes of caustic fumes or foreign body will cause a defensive reaction in the form of swelling of the eyelids. This occurs due to increased activity of the lacrimal glands and blood flow to the affected area.
  • Insomnia, lack of sleep, and interrupted sleep affect not only a person’s physical and psychological well-being, but also the condition of his eyes and the appearance of swelling after sleep.
  • It is undesirable to sleep without a pillow or with your head down. In this position, the normal lymphatic and venous drainage from the head is disrupted, which leads to swelling around the eyes.
  • Cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances. Smoking poisons the body with chemicals and causes hypoxia, which leads to eye irritation and swelling.
  • A blow to the forehead, eyes, bridge of the nose or head injury causes swelling of the eyelids. The liquid that appears when tissues and small capillaries are damaged forms a protective edema. If there is even slight damage to the eye area, it is necessary to visit a doctor to avoid inflammation and disruption of the functioning of the visual organs.

By the way, while reading our article, don’t forget to take a break for an eye exercise. The exercise is very simple: Stand in front of a window and find two points for focus, one point on the glass itself, the second a point in the distance, and alternately focus your gaze on one point, then on the second. This way you will not only give your eyes a rest and allow the lens of the eye to maintain its functions.

Physiological reasons

  • Weight gain and age-related changes in muscles, ligaments and skin can manifest as swelling of the eyelids.
  • An individual or hereditary structural feature of the eyelids and excess fatty tissue.

Additional factors that provoke edema in women

  • The use of low-quality cosmetics, especially their untimely rinsing, often leads to swelling of the eyelids and irritation of the eyes.
    Excessive application of moisturizing creams to the skin around the eyes leads to oversaturation of tissue cells with moisture.
  • “Beauty injections” with Botox impair lymphatic drainage for some time, which leads to the formation of swelling of the eyelids.
  • During the last trimester of pregnancy, due to heavy load on the kidneys, and at the end of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of estrogen, it is more difficult for a woman’s body to remove excess fluid, which provokes the appearance of edema.

Pathological causes

  • Allergic reaction. Water with a high chlorine content, light, food, cosmetics, etc. can also be an allergen. Swelling is observed for a long time if a person is constantly in contact with the allergen. But it is necessary to exclude the influence of the irritating factor, and the eyelids will return to their normal state. Allergies also manifest as itching and pain in the eyes, increased lacrimation and nasal congestion. Allergic swelling disappears quickly, but returns just as easily if the irritant is re-exposed.
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system. Swollen eyes and legs, especially in the evening, can be signs of heart disease. Due to poor outflow of venous blood from the head and face, unilateral edema appears. Also, problems with blood vessels are accompanied by surges in blood pressure, cold skin of the upper and lower extremities, and dizziness. Vascular and cardiac edema require constant treatment and supervision by a specialist.
  • Liver diseases. With such problems, in addition to swelling of the eyelids, the hands, especially the fingers, also swell. Heartburn, nausea, yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes, pain under the right hypochondrium, and dark urine are observed. Often, liver dysfunction does not appear for a long time, due to the ability of this organ to self-heal.
  • Kidney diseases are accompanied not only by swelling of the eyes, but also by swelling of the patient’s entire face. If the disease is not treated, the swelling will spread to the abdomen, legs, lower back, and genitals. Other symptoms of kidney problems include dysuria, dark urine, and hypertension. Renal edema is characterized by its movement to other parts of the body.
  • Intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine may cause unilateral eye swelling. This disease manifests itself as headaches, lack of coordination, neck pain, etc. A herniated disc can be asymptomatic for a long time; the only sign of trouble is the appearance of edema.
  • Inflammatory processes. Edema of this nature occurs due to an infectious process occurring in nearby organs. For example, inflammation of the nasal sinus can lead to swelling of the eye on the same side. Conjunctivitis, inflammation of the facial nerve, tear duct, ciliary bulb and periorbital tissue can also lead to swelling under the eyes. An infection on the face or in the eye area is a serious danger!
  • Eye diseases often cause the formation of edema localized on the affected area. Such diseases include:
  1. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelid, accompanied by itching, the appearance of scales and bleeding
  2. Ptosis– drooping of the upper eyelid. The disease can be acquired as a result of injury or palsy of the optic nerve or congenital. Depending on the degree of manifestation, ptosis can be partial or complete.
  3. Chalazion– chronic inflammation of the meibomian gland. The disease is manifested by the formation of a “pea” under the skin of the eyelid and its swelling.
  4. Barley– inflammation of the sebaceous gland near the root of the eyelash or the hair follicle itself, often purulent. It manifests itself as painful swelling of the affected eyelid and constant itching.
  5. Eversion of the century- a pathology in which the eyelid moves away from the eye and exposes the conjunctiva. Most often, the disease affects the lower eyelid and is accompanied by swelling and profuse lacrimation.
  6. Scleritis– inflammation of the sclera, accompanied by swelling and hyperemia of the eyelids and sclera
  • Thyroid diseases manifested by symptoms such as swelling of the eyes and entire face, swelling of the limbs and internal organs, weight gain due to slow metabolism.
  • ARVI(acute respiratory viral infections) and adenoviral infections are often accompanied by manifestations of conjunctivitis and swelling of the eyelids, high temperature and sore throat.
  • If severe swelling under the eyes appears frequently and does not go away during the day, this indicates that a person has a disease and should consult a doctor.

    When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

    Puffy eyelids can have many causes, but if you experience the following symptoms in addition to bags under your eyes: You need to urgently consult a doctor:

    • temperature increase;
    • painful urination and change in urine color;
    • headache;
    • weight gain;
    • lower back pain;
    • nasal discharge;
    • shortness of breath and increased neck size;
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • swelling in the legs.

    Prevention of occurrence

    If swelling of the eyelids has just begun to appear and has not become a permanent phenomenon, you should take the necessary measures as soon as possible to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. What to do if swelling appears under the eyes:

    • First of all, you need to get enough sleep. On average, a person needs 8 hours for proper rest.
      Be sure to drink at least two liters of water during the day. It is advisable to limit fluid intake a few hours before bedtime.
    • Avoid or minimize your intake of smoking, alcohol, candy and chocolate.
    • Watch the amount of salt in your food, because it contributes to fluid retention in the body.
    • Do not overstrain your eyes while working at the computer; to do this, take at least ten-minute breaks every hour.
    • Don't forget to remove makeup before going to bed and don't overuse moisturizers.
    • Spend time outdoors, but apply sunscreen to your eyelids before going outside.
    • Eat more fruits, vegetables and berries rich in vitamin C and fiber.
    • Regularly do special exercises for your eyes and eyelids: you need to look down, right, up and left, while trying not to squint and move your eyes smoothly. Close and open your eyes several times. These exercises for swelling should be done several times during the day.
    • For swelling of the eyelids, lymphatic drainage massage is a great help, which can be done not only in a beauty salon, but also on your own at home. It only takes ten minutes in the morning and evening, but will help cope with puffiness. Start with a head massage, then massage your forehead from the center to your temples, pressing several times on your temples for four seconds. After these manipulations, lightly tap with your fingers, without actually pressing on the skin, massage the area around the eyes

    Eyes, as the famous saying goes, are the mirror of the soul and a very important and sensitive organ of the human body. Even slight irritation, itching, swelling of the eyelids or dark circles is not only a cosmetic effect that affects the appearance modern man, but also a problem that can cause significant physical discomfort.

    Stress, poor environment, bad habits and poor nutrition are quite common phenomena in the life of a modern person, leading to the formation of “bags” under the eyes.

    If the appearance of edema is caused by tears or consumption of large amounts of liquid before bedtime, then this effect is temporary and does not threaten health. But the cause of swelling can be a variety of diseases and disorders of the normal functioning of organs.

    For example, disorders of the heart, kidneys or thyroid gland, diseases nervous system and problems with the digestive system. In this case, cosmetics and ethnoscience is not an option and you should consult a doctor to find out and eliminate the original cause of swelling under the eyes.

    Swelling can also appear under different eyes: left or right. Here it is worth observing the swelling, its duration, and whether it is only a cosmetic defect. If the swelling under the right or left eye does not go away, then to find out the cause of the appearance you need to consult a doctor: an ophthalmologist or an ENT specialist, who will already make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. You may need eyelid surgery.

    There are more than a dozen reasons for the appearance of swelling under the eyes. Most women have encountered this problem at various times in their lives.

    Sometimes puffiness and dark circles occur at such an inopportune time! There is an important meeting or date ahead. What to do? Pay attention to the causes of edema and modern treatment methods. Pick up a few home recipes to quickly get your eyelids in order.

    Causes of swelling

    Scientists have identified the factors that cause the appearance of bags under the eyes. It turned out that all the reasons can be divided into three groups. In some cases, a slight swelling comes quickly; sometimes it is difficult to deal with swelling.

    Remember the reasons why swelling appears on the eyelids.


    Getting rid of this type of edema is difficult or even impossible. Remember:

    • an individual feature of the structure of the eyelids, in which slight swelling will never disappear;
    • excessive amount of adipose tissue;
    • age-related changes, decreased skin tone;
    • weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the eyes with aging.

    The body's reaction to a specific stimulus

    Most often, swelling and dark circles are the result of improper human actions. It is quite simple to prevent unpleasant manifestations by giving up some habits or changing your lifestyle.

    Common factors:

    • drinking large amounts of liquid in the evening;
    • feast in the afternoon with excess alcohol, spicy, salty, smoked food;
    • lack of fluid. It turns out that with low water consumption throughout the day, the body “reserves” and by morning the liquid collects in the tissues. Thin skin of the eyelids swells more easily, swelling is clearly visible;
    • sleepless nights, lack of sleep, early rises worsen your well-being and appearance;
    • active plus passive smoking is one of the common causes of swelling;
    • head injuries, consequences of blows to the area of ​​the nose, forehead;
    • prolonged work at the computer, eye strain during painstaking work;
    • irritation of the eyeballs by caustic vapors or foreign bodies.

    Women should pay attention to several more specific factors. Edema is caused by:

    • reluctance to remove eye makeup before bed for various reasons;
    • excessive passion for decorative cosmetics, especially of dubious quality;
    • before the onset of menstruation, the active accumulation of estrogens (female hormones) leads to fluid retention in the tissues;
    • improper use of night eye cream. Apply ready-made and homemade formulations 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise swelling cannot be avoided;
    • beauty injections (Botox) briefly reduce the speed of lymph flow, increase swelling or cause fluid accumulation in tissues.

    Edema of a pathological nature

    Often, dark circles and swelling do not go away even after eliminating the provoking factors, and last a week, two or longer.

    Go to the doctor immediately! Most likely, the deterioration in appearance is caused by internal problems. Perhaps you have a serious pathology. Think about it!

    Most often, swelling is caused by diseases:

    • kidney;
    • of cardio-vascular system;
    • gastrointestinal tract;
    • liver;
    • thyroid gland;
    • intervertebral disc herniation;
    • nervous system disorders.

    Important! Inflammatory eye diseases often affect the eyelids and surrounding areas.

    How to treat red flat in the mouth? Find out effective methods and folk recipes.

    Read the page for interesting details about papillomatous melanocytic nevus on the human body.

    A separate conversation about allergic reactions. Constant contact with the allergen causes unpleasant symptoms, for example, swelling of the eyes, lacrimation, and redness of the conjunctiva.

    Active allergens:

    • house dust;
    • animal hair;
    • dry food for fish;
    • plant pollen;
    • food products;
    • Sun rays;
    • contact lenses;
    • low-quality cosmetics;
    • chlorinated water.

    Note! After taking antihistamines, allergic edema goes away quite quickly. With further contact with the irritant, the problem of swelling returns. The longer the effect lasts, the more inhibited the immune system, the stronger the body reacts. Dealing with chronic allergies is difficult.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Analyze why your eyes are swollen. Perhaps you will quickly find the reason in your lifestyle and try to change everything. Most often the results are successful.

    Despite your efforts, the swelling does not go away? See a therapist. The doctor will prescribe an additional examination. Tests and studies will reveal the cause of swelling.

    Diagnostic methods:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, liver;
    • electrocardiogram;
    • in severe cases - computed tomography.

    After the examination, the doctor will indicate what pathology caused the swelling on the eyelids. Treatment of the underlying disease will be required. Improving well-being and eliminating the symptoms of the disease removes bags under the eyes.

    Unfortunately, many diseases detected quite late have become chronic. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of swelling. But it is imperative to monitor the course of the disease and prevent relapses. Regular use of medications will improve the health of the body and reduce unpleasant manifestations on the eyelids and around the eyeballs.

    How to remove puffiness under the eyes? There are no special medications to relieve puffiness and bruises under the eyes. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused malfunctions in the body.

    Behavior rules:

    • Drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day. This rate may be slightly increased in hot weather;
    • sleep at least seven hours a night. Choose a comfortable pillow of medium height;
    • drink as little alcohol as possible, especially cheap fakes;
    • do not drink a lot of liquid at night;
    • in the afternoon, avoid eating smoked meats, pickles, and spicy foods;
    • Take care of your nervous health. Frequent stress provokes exacerbation chronic diseases, worsen appearance;
    • stop smoking, including passive smoking;
    • Always remove makeup in the evenings;
    • eat right. Limit salt intake, eat more vegetables, dairy products;
    • pay attention to physical development;
    • Don’t spend the whole day at the computer, do a warm-up every hour.

    There are a lot of rules, but most of them are quite simple to follow. Change your lifestyle and you will quickly see the results on your face. Heparin ointment also works well for swelling under the eyes.

    Treatment of allergic edema

    • limit contact with the irritant. An allergist will help determine what provokes negative reactions. Special tests reveal wide range allergens;
    • treat symptoms with antihistamines. Allergy pills reduce itching, eliminate swelling, and block the spread of toxic substances;
    • take modern drugs that do not cause drowsiness - Zyrtec, Loratidine, Cetrin, Zodak;
    • cleanse your body of toxins. Enterosorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, and the familiar White Coal - show an excellent effect. In the absence of more modern drugs, drink activated charcoal daily.

    Treatment of edema in chronic pathologies


    • get examined in a timely manner, monitor your body’s signals;
    • Take medications prescribed by your doctor regularly;
    • take vitamins to strengthen the body;
    • review your diet. Include foods that do not cause excess liquid to accumulate. Use smoked meats, pickles, and aromatic spices as rarely as possible.

    Traditional recipes and remedies for puffiness under the eyes

    Simple home remedies will help you quickly relieve swelling in the morning. Sometimes there is almost no time for procedures. There is an exit! Prepare your homemade lotion ahead of time and keep the decongestant in the cold. In the morning you will spend only a few minutes caring for your eyelids.

    If you have half an hour of free time, it will be even easier to cope with swelling of the eyelids. Select recipes and check their effect. Stop at two or three that most actively affect the delicate epidermis. You will always know what to do if in the morning in the mirror you see a tired face with swollen eyelids.

    How to relieve swelling under the eye? Proven recipes:

    • parsley lotion. Grind a tablespoon of greens, pour boiling water (1 glass), let it brew for 25 minutes. The lotion is ready. Strain and apply warm compresses to your eyelids daily. A great option is to freeze the infusion in ice cube trays. Green ice is suitable for morning procedures - wipe your face with it;
    • mask for puffiness under the eyes made from parsley. Chop the greens, select 2 tenths. l. aromatic mass, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Mix the components, distribute the mixture on the eyelids, after a quarter of an hour, remove the composition, wash with slightly warm water;
    • compresses from grated vegetables. Prepare a paste of cabbage, potatoes or parsley root. Apply the refreshing composition to gauze and apply to the eyelids. Lie down with your eyes closed for 15 minutes;
    • A simple remedy for puffiness and dark circles. Peel raw potatoes and cut into medium-thick slices. Take the prepared potatoes and sit in a chair or on the bed. Close your eyelids and place the plates on them. After 15–20 minutes, wash with cool water;
    • effective lotions. Will fit different kinds medicinal herbs: linden blossom, chamomile, cornflower, sage, horsetail, string. Infusions improve lymph flow and reduce bags under the eyes. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a dessert spoon of dry raw materials. Strain the finished infusion after 25 minutes and pour into two bowls. Leave one part cold, warm the other slightly. Take two cotton pads and soak them in two containers. Apply either cold or heat to your eyelids. Session duration is 10 minutes. Refresh your delicate skin 3 times a week;
    • tea leaves Brew green leaf tea and cool the liquid. Moisten pieces of cotton wool or napkins with the strained tea leaves and apply to the swollen eyelids. Keep the compress for 5–7 minutes;
    • birch infusion. Finely chop fresh leaves, place in a container, pour in a glass of canteen mineral water. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator until the morning, let it brew. Strain and moisten the swollen areas for a few minutes.

    Preventive measures

    • do not drink a lot of water in the evening;
    • eat less salty, spicy, smoked food;
    • drink about two liters of water per day. Swelling is caused by both excess and lack of fluid;
    • minimize the manifestations of chronic diseases;
    • Take regular care of your face and eyelid skin;
    • stop smoking and frequent drinking;
    • choose a quality eye cream;
    • do not use regular cream for the delicate area on the eyelids;
    • allocate enough time for rest, sleep at least seven hours;
    • Be less nervous, spend more time outdoors;
    • Eat well, eat foods rich in vitamins.

    Swelling under the eyes can ruin your mood. Use folk remedies, eliminate the causes, change your lifestyle. You can restore freshness and a pleasant appearance to your face.

    From the following video you can learn another recipe for treating puffiness and bags under the eyes: