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How to craft an enchantment table. How to make an enchantment table in Minecraft. Material base for creating a table

Let's look at one innovation in minecraft. Minecraft is becoming a more leveled game, with the ability to level up, enchantments, and of course alchemy.

Below is how to craft Enchanting table .

Let's look at why we need an enchantment table. So, let's create a library to enhance the enchantment effect. That is, there should be bookshelves at a distance of one step. Don’t skimp on the bookshelves around the altar; the shelves are placed not for beauty, but to enhance the effect of pumping items. Their effectiveness only counts at a distance of one cell, but it doesn’t work at point-blank range.

Fortunately, we won’t need any recipes further, as we did with the workbench. We simply put the item in a special cell on the left, and on the right it is shown what the item will be enchanted for, and of course its price (the number of levels taken away). The maximum cost is fifty levels, the number is written next to the spell in the table interface. The most interesting feature The thing about all this is that if you don’t like the option, you just need to remove the item and put it back again. Immediately the spell will change.

But to better understand the essence, here is a little help for you. The symbols are encrypted letters. Although for orientation it’s easier to look at the numbers right next to the encrypted symbols (units of level taken away).

Notch wrote on Reddit "Oh, this is just magical! The book automatically opens and turns towards the player standing nearby. When no one is around, the book is closed and rotates slowly. Because it's Magic."

And of course I advise you to watch the video, everything is very clear and the video is in Russian.

Minecraft is remarkable because it constantly and dynamically develops. Every time a variety of interesting elements and tools appear in it. This endless world invites you to engage in any craft of interest, fight or simply explore. Of course, without magic items the game would not be as attractive and exciting. Therefore, the ability to enchant various objects is implemented here. This can be done using a special table. But how to make an enchanting table in Minecraft?

What kind of table is this and why is it needed?

For the first time, the creator of Minecraft, the legendary Marcus Person, spoke about it. He wrote that he had finally realized his own dream - he had realized magic in his favorite game.

An enchanting table is a magical altar on which you can enchant almost any item. These can be labor tools, a wide variety of weapons, and items of clothing. This is done to improve the game characteristics of items. Therefore, it is essentially impossible to do without this kind of altar in the game. The most commonly enchanted items are a bow, sword or armor. But at the same time, in early versions it was unknown what effect would be applied to an enchanted Minecraft item. How to make an enchantment table is a pressing and very serious question for any beginner.

History of appearance

Magic is one of the main components of any hit game. Therefore, it appeared in Minecraft almost immediately. The enchantment table was first introduced in the same premiere year 2011.

The delighted master Person told numerous fans of the game that when you approach this “enchantment table,” the book on it automatically unfolds and turns the pages. At the same time, several special spells in the special galactic language SGA were visible above the table. But the first version of the game had a flaw: after the server was overloaded, data on enchanted items was not saved. In subsequent releases, these nuances were already taken into account and corrected. The question of how to make an enchanting table in Minecraft was also slightly improved. Now it can be significantly improved with the help of special bookcases. You just need to put them in a strictly defined order, otherwise nothing will work.

How to create an enchanting table

Anyone can create a table Minecraft user. The capabilities of enchanted items depend solely on the skill level of the creator. At the same time, all the experience of mastery in creating any magic item translated into special glasses for performing witchcraft.

Before you make a table in Minecraft, you need to stock up on a few important and rare parts. In order to craft a table, you need to find or purchase the following blocks:

– 1 book;

– 2 diamonds;

– 3 or 4 blocks of rare obsidian.

They are installed in a certain order, and only after that you can press a special button, after which the table is ready for use.

How to enchant a selected item?

Before you make an enchanting table in Minecraft, you need to choose a location. This kind of altar is installed in any place on the playing field you like. But there is one trick - for the best enchanting effect, up to the last, level 50, you need to furnish the table with cabinets. There should be about 30 of them, and they should stand in strict sequence.

To enchant any object, you need to click on the table itself. This opens an interface where you can place an item on the left and select an enchantment effect on the right. Each such action costs a certain amount of experience. The downside is that all witchcraft properties are written in a language incomprehensible to the player. After enchanting, the item even looks different - it all glows and shimmers, and the name of the effect appears under the icon.

In any modern game, magic works differently than in Minecraft. You can make an enchantment table to improve the properties of any item only here. This is the highlight of the modern hit construction game.

Enchanting table

Minecraft enchanting table ID: 61 .

NID: enchanting_table.

Enchantment table is the English name for the enchantment table in Minecraft. It could also be called a witch's table or magic table; simplified names are often used - enchantment table And sorcerer's table.

How to get:

The enchanting table in Minecraft, which is an incomplete block with a height of 3/4, is needed for witchcraft. It can be used to enchant tools, weapons and armor. At the same time, their power increases and the necessary effects are added. If you place an enchanting table near bookcases, then objects can be enchanted more powerfully. All spells are not free, because they require a certain amount of experience (in creative mode no experience is required), and as of Minecraft 1.8 - lapis lazuli. The enchanted object shimmers and shines.

Enchanting table on the Minecraft server.

How to make an enchanting table in Minecraft?

In order to make an enchanting table in Minecraft, you will have to work hard. And it's not just about knowing the crafting recipe - remembering it is not that difficult. It is more difficult to obtain resources, of which you will need a lot: four obsidians, two diamonds and one book.

Since the enchanting table is crafted from diamonds and obsidian, one can draw a false conclusion about its super strength. But that's not true. It can also be mined with a wooden pickaxe.

How to enchant an item

In order to enchant an item, you need to right-click on the table to open it and put it in the interface cell. After this, three random enchantment options will appear. If you have enough experience, then you can choose any of them. Many enchantments have several levels. In addition, the item can be enchanted with several enchantments. The cost increases, therefore, the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable enchantment increases.

Enchanting table window in Minecraft.

About bookcases it was briefly noted above; we add that the maximum level of experience at which you can enchant an object increases if you place bookcases one block away from the enchanting table.

Enchantment: numbering and names

IDs for the pocket edition and for computers are different in most cases.

Enchantment NID ID (for computers)
Infinity infinity 51
bane of arthropods bane_of_arthropods 18
Explosion resistance blast_protection 3
Ignition flame 50
Deep step depth_strider 8
Breath respiration 5
The plot of fire fire_aspect 20
Protection protection 0
Projectile protection projectile_protection 4
Ice tread (walking on water) frost_walker 9
Looting (looting) looting 21
Sea luck luck_of_the_sea 61
Heavenly punishment smite 17
Weightlessness feather_falling 2
Fire resistance fire_protection 1
Acuity sharpness 16
Dropping knockback 19
Repair mending 70
Bait lure 62
Curse of the Binding binding_course 10
Curse of Loss vanishing_course 71
Strength unbreaking 34
Slashing Blade sweeping 22
Affinity with water (submariner) aqua_affinity 6
Force power 48
Shock wave punch 49
Luck fortune 35
Spikes thorns 7
Silk touch silk_touch 33
Efficiency efficiency 32

Lots of enchantments

Enchant tools

Enchant Tools
Tools Name What gives
32 Efficiency
Faster resource extraction.
33 Silk touch
Silk Touch
Destroying a block (with the right tool) will drop that block, even if it should drop something else.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
35 Luck
Chance to drop more resources.
61 Lucky fisherman
Sea luck
Luck of the Sea
Increases the chance of catching treasure. When fishing, reduces the chance of catching garbage.
62 Bait
Increases the chance of catching fish. Reduces the chance of catching trash or treasure by 1% per level.

Enchant weapon

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
16 Acuity
Additional damage.
17 Heavenly punishment
Extra Damage Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Skeletons, Wither Men and Wither Skeletons.
18 bane of arthropods
Death of insects
Bane of Arthropods
Additional damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish.
19 Recoil
Knocks back mobs and players.
20 The plot of fire
Fire aspect
Sets the target on fire.
21 Production
Increases production from mobs, as well as the chance of rare drops.
22 Slashing Blade
Sweeping Edge
Increases damage to mobs, standing nearby with the aim of.
48 Force
Additional damage.
49 Reclining
Dropping the target.
50 Burning Arrow
Sets fire to arrows.
51 Infinity
Arrows are not wasted. But to shoot you need at least one arrow.

Enchant armor

Enchant Armor
Armor Name What gives
0 Protection
Converts attack damage to armor damage.
1 Fire resistance
Fire Protection
Protection from fire, lava and efreet fireballs. Reduces the player's burn time.
2 Weightlessness
Feather Falling
Fall protection
3 Explosion resistance
Blast Protection
Explosion protection. Reduces the recoil from explosions.
4 Projectile protection
Projectile Protection
Protection from arrows and fireballs
5 Underwater breathing
Reduces air loss under water, increases the time between attacks of suffocation. Allows you to see better underwater.
6 Submariner
Affinity with water
Aqua Affinity
Allows you to destroy blocks underwater at the same speed as on land.
7 Spikes
Has a chance to cause damage to the attacker.
8 Underwater walking
Conqueror of the Deep
Depth Strider
Increases walking speed underwater.
9 Ice Walk
Walking on water
Frost Walker
Turns water into frozen ice and allows you to walk on the surface of the reservoir.
70 Repair
Uses experience to repair an item in your hands or armor slots.

The above is only basic information on enchanting tools, weapons and armor. It should be noted here that with the help of enchanted books on an anvil you can get tools with enchantments that are not available in the usual way. Other methods of enchantment include

To make things in Minecraft even more effective, you can enchant them. A table is provided for this procedure. In this article we will tell you how to make an enchanting table in Minecraft.

What resources are needed for the table?

First you need to acquire all the necessary resources, including:

  • two diamonds
  • three blocks of obsidian
  • one book

Everything is very simple with diamonds; they can be found in caves and abandoned mines at a height of five to fifteen blocks. Obsidian can also be found in caves and can be mined with a diamond pickaxe. This resource can be obtained in another way - fill the lava with water and get obsidian. The book is made of paper and leather, the paper, in turn, is made of three reed sprouts.

After collecting everyone necessary resources You can start crafting an enchantment table.

Creating a table

Before crafting, you need to make a workbench in which all things in the game are created. Making it couldn't be easier, since it is the main item in the game - just four boards in your inventory and the workbench is ready. Well, let's start crafting.

  • We line the entire bottom layer of the workbench and the central compartment with obsidian.
  • We place two diamonds along the edges.
  • We place the book in the upper central slot and get an enchanting table.
  • As you can see, crafting is very simple, but it requires quite valuable resources.

Improving the table

To enchant things to the maximum level, and in Minecraft this is 30th, you can improve the table. For this operation you will need bookshelves. In total you need fifteen of them.

Bookshelves can either be created or found. They consist of three books and six boards. The central slots of the workbench are filled with books, and the top and bottom with boards.

If you're too lazy to create books, you can find them.

  • If you find a village, and it can be found in the desert or in a meadow, then there will definitely be a librarian's house where you can find bookshelves.
  • If you are lucky, you can find several houses in the same village.
  • You should use an ax to break bookshelves, but you will only get books, but it's still better than making them yourself.
  • Also, books can be found in the fortress, which is located underground, and you can find it with the help of your eyes.

After crafting the bookshelves, they need to be placed around the enchanting table.

The distance between the table and the bookshelves should be one block, otherwise they simply will not work.

An enchanting table (colloquially an “enchantment”) is one of the most necessary things if you decide to complete the game from beginning to end. On it you can improve your existing items and make them more effective.


Before you make an enchantment in Minecraft, you will have to work hard and get some rare resources - obsidian, diamonds and books. Let's begin our consideration of this problem with minerals.

Diamonds can be obtained by diving very deep into caves. Most often they begin to be found at the level of lava caves. To get them, you will need at least an iron pickaxe. In this case, you will receive ore, which, by smelting, you can extract the necessary item.

In addition, you will find ready-made diamonds in various chests. They can be found in abandoned (hellish) fortresses, temples, settlements with a forge, and minecarts in old mines. Usually they are in packs of 1 to 3 pieces. In total you need 4 diamonds to assemble the table.

Obsidian will be more difficult to find. The easiest way is to take a bucket of water and go down to the lava lake. By pouring water into it, you will get an obsidian block (if you combine flowing lava and water, you will get a cobblestone). You can only get it with a diamond pickaxe, so take care of this in advance. If you're lucky, you may find obsidian blocks in the forge within the settlement.

Now we move on to the next stage of solving the question: “How to make an enchantment in Minecraft?”


Yes, you only need one. But to get it, you have to try. In the simplest case, you can find a book (paper) in abandoned fortresses. Also a cause for joy can be the discovery of a bookcase: if you chop it with an ax, you can get from one to three books. If you are unlucky and simply couldn’t find this item, then the solution to the question: “How to make an enchantment in Minecraft?” - postponed.

To begin, the player will need paper. It's quite simple to do. Collect three blocks of reeds and place them in center line on the workbench. This way you will get three sheets of paper at once. This is enough to create a book.

Then you need to find the skin. It drops when killing cows and horses. As a last resort, it can be created from four rabbit skins.


It will take some time to get the necessary items. But, having collected all the resources, you can solve the main question: “How to craft an enchantment?” To do this you will need the following:

  • 4 obsidian blocks;
  • 2 diamonds;
  • 1 book.

Now feel free to open the workbench. Place three obsidian blocks in the bottom line. Then place another such block in the central cell, and place diamonds on the sides. Place a book in the center of the top line. Your enchanting table is now ready.

To increase the effectiveness of the table, place it around it at a distance of one square. The maximum effect is achieved by placing 15 bookshelves nearby. There is also a special mod for the enchantment, which allows you to more accurately manage the process and select specific magical improvements for the items being processed.