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Individual plan for a leading university researcher. New in the legislation of the Irkutsk region. Healthcare. physical Culture and sport. tourism

Individual work plan

for 2007

Valueva Ekaterina Alexandrovna

junior researcher

Laboratory of Psychology and Psychophysiology of Creativity IP RAS

1) the topic of the department’s research work, which includes custom theme: “Creativity in modern society: psychological and psychophysiological aspect"

2) individual topic of research work: Modeling the influence of activation processes on problem solving

3) a brief description of planned research work:

Previous studies have shown the influence of activation of the semantic network on the solution of intellectual tasks such as Equal's. The goal of the planned work is to show the universality of the mechanisms of influence of activation processes on solving cognitive problems of different levels of complexity, as well as to clarify the model that describes these mechanisms.

4) planned results of research work:

Theoretical results:

Previous studies examining the issue of factors influencing the complexity of matrix problems have considered such factors as: the number of elements in the problem and the number of answer options, the number and type of rules involved in one task, the perceptual organization of elements, etc. All these factors relate to the properties of individual tasks. In a previous study, we showed that the complexity of a task can be determined not only by its individual properties, but also by the context - that set of tasks that precedes the specific task of interest to us. The influence of context on problem solving can be explained through the mechanisms of activation of the semantic network. We assume that the activation mechanism is universal for any task requiring the retrieval of specific content from memory. The planned study will expand theoretical understanding of the role of activation in solving problems of different levels of complexity.

Collection and processing of empirical data:

It is planned to conduct an experimental study based on tasks in which subjects will be asked to answer questions (yes/no) regarding certain objects. 4 groups of subjects will take part in the experiment: 1) monotonous - monotonous type of questions in relation to monotonous objects, 2) varied questions - varied questions in relation to monotonous objects, 3) varied objects - monotonous questions in relation to various objects, 4) varied - varied questions regarding a variety of objects. It is assumed that subjects of the monotonous group will be more successful (will show less RT and greater accuracy) when responding to “unusual” (not encountered before) testing stimuli, compared to subjects of other groups, however, there will be differences in the success of responses to “usual” "(previously encountered) testing stimuli will not be found between groups.

Development and implementation of methodological products (indicate the planned degree of readiness for implementation):

Preparation of the experimental setup:

5) editing scientific publications of the department or Institute (indicate the publication and planned volume)

6) scientific and organizational work

Participation in the organization of scientific conferences, symposia, etc.

7) participation in scientific conferences (international, Russian regional...): planned

8) advanced training (internships, passing candidate exams, postgraduate studies, etc.)

9) scientific supervision of graduate students


Head of department

Appendix No. 4

to order No.__91/od_

from "_30_"_04_2003

Ministry of Education Russian Federation

Tomsk Polytechnic University


Dean of the Faculty

"____"_____________ 20___



For 20___ year

Full Name

Job title


degree, academic title


Information about concluding a contract, awarding an academic degree, assigning an academic title, qualifications, etc.

Number of contract, diploma, certificate

Tomsk 2003



Volume of orders

First half of the year

Second semester

In just a year







Research work

Educational and methodological work

Organizational work


The plan was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the laboratory (department)

(protocol No.____ dated “____” _________ 20___)

Accepted for execution “____” _________ 20___


Researcher's report for the first half of the year

The report for the first half of the year was heard at a meeting of the laboratory (department)

Conclusion of the laboratory (department) on the implementation of the plan for the first half of the year

Head laboratory (department) “____” _________ 20___

Researcher's report for the second half of the year

Researcher "____" _________ 20___

The report for the second half of the year was heard at a meeting of the laboratory (department)

Protocol No. _______ dated “____” _________ 20___

Conclusion of the laboratory (department) on the implementation of the plan for the second half of the year

Head laboratory (department) “____” _________ 20___

Conclusion laboratories (departments) on the implementation of the plan for the year

Head laboratory (department) “____” _________ 20___

Dean of the Faculty “____” _________ 20___


Types of jobs

Labor intensity in hours


Performance quality assessment


Carrying out state budget research on the topic:

Carrying out proactive research (including on the university’s CPR) on the topic:

Carrying out research work on business agreements and contracts on the topic:

Preparation of projects for participation in scientific and technical progress, grant competitions, etc.

Preparation for printing scientific products:

Preparation of reports at scientific conferences:

Scientific editing and review:


Types of jobs

Labor intensity in hours


Performance quality assessment


Management of research work of undergraduates and students (names and groups are indicated):

Conducting training laboratory work(indicate the training course and titles of work)

Preparation of new educational laboratory works (the training course and titles of work are indicated)

Development of experimental teaching and laboratory equipment

Development of educational computer programs(indicate the name of the course and program)

Guidance (consulting) of graduate students and doctoral students (indicate last name, year of study)

Total labor intensity and section rating


Types of jobs

Labor intensity in hours


Performance quality assessment


Performing the duties of an assistant manager. laboratory (department)

Management of a scientific group, work cycles

Scientific management of state budgetary research projects, grants, programs (topic codes are indicated)

Scientific management of commercial contractual research projects, contracts (research codes are indicated)

Performing the duties of a responsible executor of commercial contractual research work (research and development work codes are indicated)

Work in dissertation and scientific-technical councils:

Work on organizing scientific events:

Total labor intensity and section rating


Types of jobs

Labor intensity in hours


Performance quality assessment


Preparation of qualifying work (indicate: type of work, volume planned for completion)

Training at FPK in the following areas:



Participation in scientific and scientific-methodological conferences, seminars, schools (the name of the event is indicated):

Total labor intensity and section rating

^ Guidelines for planning and evaluating the work of a researcher

1. An individual plan regulates the work of a researcher in fulfilling his official duties and is drawn up on the basis of the work plan of a scientific structural unit (department) for the current calendar year.

2. An individual work plan for a researcher for each calendar year is drawn up by the head of the scientific structural unit (head of the department) together with the researcher, considered at a meeting of the scientific structural unit (department) and approved by the dean of the faculty (director of the institute) before the start of the calendar year. Individual plans of scientific workers of university-level departments are approved by the vice-rector for scientific work. Controversial issues during the formation of an individual plan are resolved by the dean of the faculty, and in some cases by the vice-rector for scientific work.

3. The plan is drawn up in two copies on standard forms, one of which is kept in the files of the scientific structural unit, the other - with the researcher. The shelf life of the individual plan is 5 years.

4. If necessary, the individual plan of a researcher can be adjusted by the head of a scientific structural unit (head of the department), usually based on the results of the reporting period.

5. All types of work included in the individual plan must be clearly formulated and provide for specific reporting forms and deadlines.

6. The functional responsibilities of the university’s scientific staff include research, educational and methodological, organizational work and advanced training. The individual plan must contain all of these types of work, based on a 36-hour work week. The total annual workload of a full-time researcher is planned for all sections with a total volume of 1550 hours per year. The distribution of the total volume by type of work is determined by the head of the scientific structural unit (head of the department).

7. Research, educational, methodological, organizational work and advanced training are planned with an indication of the labor intensity of individual types of work in hours. The list of these works is determined by the head of the scientific structural unit (head of the department), and their labor intensity is determined by the head together with the researcher.

8. The individual plan cannot include work for which the researcher receives additional payment (above the basic salary).

9. Reports of scientific workers on the implementation of individual plans are heard at a meeting of the scientific structural unit (department) at the end of each semester. The department's conclusions about the work of the research assistant are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the structural unit and in its individual plan.

10. At the end of the calendar year, the head of the scientific structural unit (head of the department) gives a quantitative assessment of the researcher’s work in all sections and makes a conclusion on the implementation of the individual plan for the year, indicating the final rating.

12. The assessment of the quality of work performed in all sections of a researcher’s individual plan is determined in the form of a coefficient, the values ​​of which range from 0 to 1. The total rating is determined as the sum of the products of the labor intensity of the planned types of work in hours by the corresponding assessments of the quality of their implementation. Quality assessments are given by the head of the scientific structural unit (head of the department).

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New in the legislation of the Irkutsk region

November 30, 2018

The review was prepared by specialists from RA InformService LLC, the manufacturer of the regional release of the ConsultantPlus system



According to the amendments made, it is clarified that in connection with the performance of municipal service, a municipal employee is prohibited from: entrepreneurial activity personally or through proxies, participate in management commercial organization or in the management of a non-profit organization (except for participation in the management of a political party; participation in a congress (conference) or general meeting of another public organization, housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, gardening, dacha consumer cooperatives, real estate owners' associations; participation on a free basis in the management of these non-profit organizations (except for a political party) as a sole executive body or membership in their collegial management bodies with the permission of a representative of the employer (employer), which was obtained in the manner established by the municipal legal act of the city of Irkutsk), except for the submission on a gratuitous basis, the interests of the municipal formation of the city of Irkutsk in the management bodies and audit commission of the organization, the founder (shareholder, participant) of which is the municipal formation of the city of Irkutsk, in accordance with municipal regulations legal acts of the city of Irkutsk, defining the procedure for exercising, on behalf of the municipality of the city of Irkutsk, the powers of the founder of the organization or managing municipally owned shares (participatory interests in the authorized capital); other cases provided for federal laws.

Amendments made to the resolution of the Irkutsk city administration dated January 19, 2012 N 031-06-26/12 “On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services “Acceptance and consideration of notices of meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing”, it is determined that The structural unit of the Irkutsk city administration responsible for the provision of municipal services is the Department of Information Policy, Relations with Funds mass media and the public (formerly the Department for the Implementation of Public Initiatives of the Committee on Social Policy and Culture of the Irkutsk City Administration).


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated August 1, 2011 N 220-pp, clarified that the standard for the provision of public services must contain other requirements, including taking into account the features of the provision of public services in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, the features of the provision of public services services on an extraterritorial basis (if a public service is provided on an extraterritorial basis) and features of the provision of public services in electronic form. When determining the specifics of providing a public service in electronic form, a list of types of electronic signatures is indicated that are allowed to be used when making a request for the provision of a public service provided using an enhanced qualified electronic signature, and are determined on the basis of a threat model approved by the executive body providing the public service security of information in the information system used for the purpose of receiving applications for public services and (or) providing such services, as well as the right of the applicant - individual use a simple electronic signature in the case provided for by the rules for determining the types of electronic signatures, the use of which is permitted when applying for state and municipal services approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated November 26, 2014 N 594-pp, established that the state housing supervision service, in accordance with the task assigned to it, in the prescribed manner, conducts inspections, the subject of which is compliance by authorities state power, local government bodies, as well as legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens, among other things, mandatory requirements for the procedure for posting information in the state information system of housing and communal services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated September 18, 2009 N 261/40-pp, clarified that the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, carries out regional state control for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of organizing recreation and health improvement for children in relation to organizations providing recreation and health improvement for children (with the exception of organizations providing recreation and health improvement for children subordinate to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Sports, the Ministry of Health of the Irkutsk Region).

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated March 16, 2016 N 131-pp, determined that the Ministry of youth policy The Irkutsk region, in accordance with the law, also assists in the development of competition in product markets when carrying out its functions.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated December 23, 2008 N 120-pp, the Ministry of Finance of the region is additionally charged with ensuring the implementation of measures to increase the level of financial literacy of the population of the Irkutsk region, ensuring, when exercising its powers, the priority of goals and objectives for the development of competition in commodity markets in the established field of activity.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated December 29, 2009 N 395/174-pp, established that the veterinary service of the Irkutsk Region, in accordance with the law, promotes the development of competition in product markets.

The procedure defines the rules for working with applications received by the agency and the procedure for organizing personal reception of citizens. It is indicated that the application can be submitted in writing by post, in person through an employee of the organizational and legal department, in the form of an electronic document through the official website of the agency and in orally during a personal reception. Within seven calendar days from the date of registration of the appeal, the responsible department ensures that the citizen is notified of sending the appeal within its competence. A response to a citizen’s application is prepared by an employee of the responsible department, determined by his immediate supervisor, signed by the head of the agency. The order of the agency for supporting the activities of justices of the peace in the Irkutsk region dated December 6, 2016 N 54-agpr “On establishing the Procedure for organizing work with citizens’ appeals in the agency for supporting the activities of justices of the peace in the Irkutsk region” was declared invalid.

The list of positions has been approved for specific structural units. In particular, the obligation to provide information about income to the financial planning department, accounting and reporting is entrusted to the head of the department - chief accountant, adviser and leading consultant of the specified department.

The order of the state housing supervision service of the Irkutsk region dated October 28, 2015 “On the list of positions of the state civil service in the state housing supervision service of the Irkutsk region, the replacement of which is associated with corruption” was declared invalid.

Additions have been made to the Regulations stating that the warning about the inadmissibility of violating the requirements of the legislation on livestock breeding, which the Ministry Agriculture announces to an organization in the case of information available to it, cannot contain requirements for the provision by such an organization of information and documents (with the exception of data on measures taken to ensure compliance with the requirements of legislation on livestock breeding).

In accordance with the approved Regulations, the procurement plan is posted in the Unified Information System for at least one year. It is indicated that when conducting competitive procurement with a starting price of five million rubles and above, the determination of the supplier (contractor, performer) is carried out by the Ministry for regulating the contract system in the field of procurement of the Irkutsk region. The methods of procurement and the conditions for their implementation, the list of institutions whose procurement activities are regulated by the Regulations are determined. These, in particular, include the State general educational budgetary institution of the Irkutsk region "Irkutsk Cadet Corps named after P.A. Skorokhodov", the State non-standard general educational budgetary institution of the Irkutsk region "Boarding school for musicians in Irkutsk", etc. The order of the ministry was declared invalid Education of the Irkutsk region dated October 6, 2017 N 71-mpr "On approval of the Regulations on the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of state budgetary institutions Irkutsk region, in relation to which the functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk region."


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated June 4, 2015 N 271-pp, clarified that in order to calculate the amount of payment for the placement of objects, the cadastral value of land or a land plot is taken equal to the value of the specific indicator of cadastral value 1 square meter the corresponding type of permitted use for the cadastral quarter in which the land plot is located and in which the placement of objects is planned, multiplied by the area of ​​the requested land or land plot.

According to the amendments, it is clarified that if a tenant or other persons erect an unauthorized structure on a land plot necessary for the use of the facility, the tenant is obliged, at his own expense and (or) with the involvement of funds from other persons, to demolish the unauthorized structure within a period not exceeding twelve months, if a decision was made to demolish an unauthorized building, and if a decision was made to demolish an unauthorized building or bring it into compliance with the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, established land use and development rules, territory planning documentation, or mandatory requirements for parameters capital construction projects established by federal laws, the tenant is obliged to demolish the unauthorized structure or submit to the lessor approved design documentation for the reconstruction of the unauthorized structure in order to bring it into compliance with the established requirements within a period not exceeding twelve months, and subsequently bring the unauthorized structure into compliance with established requirements within a period not exceeding three years.

Applicants have been identified who have the right to be provided with vacated residential premises in a communal apartment under a purchase and sale agreement. It is stipulated that the agreement to assess the market value of residential premises of the municipal housing stock to be sold is concluded on behalf of the administration of the city of Irkutsk by the head of the housing policy department of the administration of the city of Irkutsk in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is indicated that the financing of expenses for the assessment of residential premises of the municipal housing stock that are subject to sale is carried out from the budget of the city of Irkutsk. It was determined that the basis for refusing to conclude a contract for the sale and purchase of residential premises, shares in the right common property for residential premises - escheat property is the failure of the applicant to pay the cost of residential premises (share in the right of common ownership of residential premises - escheat property) within 30 days from the date of expiration of the payment period established in the notice of the decision to sell.

The amendments clarify that the tenant submits an application to establish a preferential rent to the landlord in person or sends it by mail on paper or in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature (from the moment it becomes technically possible to provide documents in this form). An addition was also made that the decision to refuse to establish a preferential rent is drawn up in a letter on the letterhead of the Committee for Municipal Property Management of the Irkutsk City Administration signed by the Deputy Mayor - Chairman of the Committee within the thirty-day period allotted for consideration of the application submitted for the benefit.

The amendments clarified that the municipal property management committee of the Bratsk city administration publishes information on the search for the owner of real estate in the media within 3 working days from the date of receipt of a negative response to the request made by it for the purpose of identifying this owner to the authorized registration authorities.

The procedure established that the amount of payment for increasing the area of ​​privately owned land plots is determined as 15 percent of the cadastral value of the land plot owned by the municipality of the city of Bratsk, calculated in proportion to the area of ​​the part of such land plot subject to transfer to private ownership as a result of its redistribution of privately owned land plots, with the exception of certain cases.


Changes made to the administrative regulations for the provision of public services “Issue of preliminary permission to dispose of maternal (family) capital funds by adoptive parents, guardians or trustees of a child (children)”, “Issuance of preliminary permission to issue a power of attorney on behalf of the ward”, “Issue of permission to a guardian or trustee to use the ward’s property free of charge in one’s own interests in cases established by law”, “Temporary appointment of a guardian or trustee (establishment of preliminary guardianship or trusteeship) based on a citizen’s application”, “Conclusion of an agreement between parents, adoptive parents or guardians (trustees), an organization for children- orphans and children left without parental care, and the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the temporary stay of the child in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care,” the grounds for refusal to provide these services are clarified. Amendments made to the administrative regulations for the provision of public services “Registration of citizens who have expressed a desire to become guardians or trustees of minor citizens or to accept children left without parental care into a family for upbringing in other forms established by the family legislation of the Russian Federation”, it is determined that the conclusion of the guardianship authority and the guardianship issued at the place of residence of the citizen, on the citizen’s ability to be an adoptive parent or guardian (trustee), is drawn up in two copies (previously - in three copies). Amendments made to the administrative regulations for the provision of public services "Issue of preliminary permission to legal representatives of minors and wards to carry out or give consent to carry out transactions entailing a decrease in the value of the property of minors and wards", to the list of documents attached to the application for issuance of preliminary permission, includes the written consent of a minor who has reached the age of 10 years, or a ward, drawn up in any form in the presence of an official of the department of the ministry or an employee of the multifunctional center.

Amendments made to the order of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region dated January 29, 2015 N 5-MPR, established that the territorial division (department) of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region, among other documents, also sends to the subordinate The state institution of the Irkutsk region at the place of residence of the adoptive parents is not the order on the appointment of a guardian (trustee), on the basis of which the agreement on the foster family was concluded, but a copy of it.


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated October 29, 2018 N 774-pp approved the List of apartment buildings located in the Irkutsk region, recognized in the prescribed manner as unsafe before January 1, 2012, which includes 359 houses located in the city Bratsk.

Changes made to the state program of the Irkutsk region "Development of housing and communal services of the Irkutsk region" for 2014 - 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk region dated October 24, 2013 N 446-pp, determined that the amount of funding for the program in 2018 amounted to 9,565 940.0 thousand rub. (previously - 11,224,911.0 thousand rubles). The new edition sets out the distribution of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets for co-financing capital investments in municipal property, which are carried out from local budgets, for the modernization of heat supply facilities for 2018 and the distribution of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets for co-financing measures to prepare facilities for the heating season municipal infrastructure in municipal ownership for 2018, approved by Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated April 6, 2016 N 196-pp. In particular, the total volume of subsidies provided was changed from 297,166.2 thousand rubles. up to 279,707.6 thousand rubles. and from 642,466.9 thousand rubles. up to 634,293.5 thousand rubles. respectively.

Changes made to the distribution of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities, including the development of project documentation, as well as for the acquisition of these facilities into municipal ownership, for 2018, approved by Government Resolution Irkutsk region dated June 2, 2016 N 336-pp, the amount of subsidies was changed from 1,464,332.2 thousand rubles. up to 1,614,468.4 thousand rubles.

Changes made to the distribution of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of municipalities of the Irkutsk region for the construction of generating facilities based on renewable energy sources, modernization and reconstruction of existing facilities generating thermal and electrical energy using highly efficient power generating equipment with alternative energy sources , for 2018, approved by Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated June 15, 2016 N 366-pp, it was determined that the total volume of subsidies amounted to 28,566.7 thousand rubles. (previously - 29,924.5 thousand rubles).

Changes made to the state program of the Irkutsk region "Development of housing and communal services of the Irkutsk region" for 2014 - 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk region dated October 24, 2013 N 446-pp, determined that the amount of funding for the program in 2018 amounted to 11,631 971.0 thousand rub. (previously - 11,224,911.0 thousand rubles).

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated April 6, 2016 N 196-pp "On approval of the Regulations on the provision and expenditure of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of municipalities of the Irkutsk region for the implementation of priority measures to modernize heat supply facilities and prepare to the heating season of municipal infrastructure facilities, which are municipally owned, and on amendments to the state program of the Irkutsk region “Development of housing and communal services in the Irkutsk region” for 2014 - 2020,” it was clarified that co-financing is also subject to the expenditure obligations of municipalities for the implementation of activities to modernize public utility infrastructure systems that are or will be municipally owned.

Amendments made to the Regulations on the provision and expenditure of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities, including the development of project documentation, as well as for the acquisition of these objects into municipal ownership, subsidies for implementation measures for the acquisition of specialized equipment for water supply to the population and subsidies for co-financing capital investments in municipally owned engineering infrastructure facilities, which are carried out from local budgets, in order to implement measures for the development of water supply in rural areas, approved by Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated June 2, 2016 N 336 -pp, it is clarified that the condition for spending a subsidy on the development of water supply in rural areas does not apply to legal relations arising when providing a subsidy for the development of water supply in rural areas to municipalities that received the specified subsidy in previous years and have unfinished activities that have concluded relevant municipal contracts before 7 December 2017.

The new edition sets out the distribution of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of municipalities of the Irkutsk region for the implementation of measures in the field of gasification and gas supply in the Irkutsk region for 2018, approved by Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated June 14, 2016 N 360-pp. Namely, to the Zhigalovo municipal formation in 2018 to carry out design and survey work "Gas supply system of the village of Zhigalovo. Gas pipelines low pressure, 3rd stage" allocated 4,171.0 thousand rubles (previously - 8,527.7 thousand rubles).

The Regulations on the provision of a one-time cash payment for the purchase of residential premises to certain categories of citizens living in the territory of the Irkutsk region in emergency housing stock were approved. According to the Regulations, the right to payment has a citizen living in a residential building located in an apartment building in the Irkutsk region (recognized in accordance with the established procedure as emergency before January 1, 2012 and included in the List of emergency apartment buildings resettled within the framework of the subprogram "Resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and emergency housing stock of the Irkutsk region" for 2014 - 2020 of the state program of the Irkutsk region "Affordable housing" for 2014 - 2020), and at the time of applying for payment one of the following conditions: the citizen is the owner (co-owner) of the premises used and has not concluded an agreement on its seizure for state or municipal needs, and the court decision on the forced seizure of the premises has not entered into legal force in relation to the citizen; the citizen is the tenant of the premises being used, located in the municipal housing stock, and he has not been provided with another residential premises under a social tenancy agreement in connection with the demolition of the house in which the premises being used is located, and the court decision on eviction from the premises has not entered into legal force in relation to the citizen . It is stipulated that in order to certify the right to receive a payment, a citizen or his representative, no later than December 10, 2018, submits an application for its receipt to a state institution of the Irkutsk region (subordinate to the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region and included in the list approved regulatory legal act of the ministry) at the place of residence (stay) of the citizen. It is stipulated that the payment amount is calculated based on: the total area of ​​the premises used; cost of 1 sq. meter of total area of ​​the premises used in the amount of 35,000 rubles.

The responsible executor of the program is the Committee on Urban Development Policy of the Irkutsk City Administration. The goal of the program is the development of built-up areas of the city of Irkutsk, occupied apartment buildings, which are objects cultural heritage(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, recognized as unsafe and subject to reconstruction. The objective of the program is to attract investors interested in implementing projects for the development of built-up areas occupied by apartment buildings that are objects of cultural heritage, recognized as unsafe and subject to reconstruction. The program implementation period is calculated for the period 2018 - 2023.


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 3, 2018 N 343-pp, clarified that the amount of funds for the formation of the wage fund for employees of the institution provides for the following funds for payment (per calendar year): compensation payments (excluding payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions) - in the amount of 6.10 salaries (official salary), wage rate (previously - compensation payments - in the amount of 3.9 salaries (official salary), wage rate); incentive payments - in the amount of 7.83 (previously - in the amount of 13.55) salary (official salary), wage rate.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region “On establishing standards for the formation of expenses for the remuneration of deputies, elected officials of local self-government exercising their powers on a permanent basis, municipal employees and the maintenance of local government bodies of municipalities of the region”, it was decided to authorize the Ministry of Labor and employment of the Irkutsk region to monitor compliance by local government bodies of municipalities of the region with standards for the formation of labor costs in the manner established by the regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region. In addition, the Ministry of Finance to monitor compliance by local government bodies of municipalities in the region with standards for the formation of maintenance costs in the manner established by the regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Finance of the Irkutsk Region.

The procedure establishes that the executive body of state power authorized to exercise supervision and control is the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region. Supervision and control is carried out in relation to employers operating in the Irkutsk region and having more than 35 employees. The subject of supervision and control is compliance by employers with the mandatory requirements established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, laws and other legal acts of the region in the field of promoting employment of the population, for hiring people with disabilities within the established quota. The objectives of supervision and control are to prevent, identify and suppress violations of mandatory requirements by employers. Supervision and control is carried out through: organizing and conducting scheduled and (or) unscheduled inspections of employers in the form of documentary and (or) on-site inspections, taking into account the features established by the federal state standard state function supervision and control over the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections, issue binding orders and draw up protocols; systematic monitoring of the implementation of mandatory requirements, analysis and forecasting of the state of compliance with mandatory requirements; taking measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to suppress and (or) eliminate identified violations.

Amendments made to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region dated March 12, 2018 N 10-MPR, established that the basis for conducting an unscheduled on-site or unscheduled documentary inspection is the emergence of a threat of harm to the life, health of citizens, harm to animals, plants, or the environment , objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, museum objects and museum collections included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, especially valuable, including unique, documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, documents with special historical, scientific, cultural significance and part of the national library collection, state security, threats emergency situations natural and man-made, as well as causing harm to the life and health of citizens, harm to animals, plants, the environment, cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, museum objects and museum collections included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, especially valuable, including unique, documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, documents that have special historical, scientific, cultural significance and are part of the national library fund, state security, the occurrence of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

Amendments made to the orders of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region establishing administrative regulations for the provision of public services for: conducting notification registration of collective labor disputes; facilitating the settlement of collective labor disputes; conducting notification registration of collective agreements; carrying out notification registration of regional and territorial agreements, sectoral (intersectoral) agreements (with the exception of social partnerships concluded at the federal level), the list of cases in which the applicant can file a complaint against decisions and actions (inaction) of the ministry, as well as officials of the ministry, included: requirements from the applicant when providing a public service for documents or information, the absence and (or) unreliability of which was not indicated during the initial refusal to accept documents necessary for the provision of a public service, or in the provision of a public service, except for cases specified in the legislation.

Changes made to the administrative regulations for the provision of public services: “Assisting citizens in finding suitable work, and employers in selecting the necessary workers” and “Social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market”, “Psychological support for unemployed citizens”, “Assistance to unemployed citizens in moving and unemployed citizens and members of their families in relocation to another area for employment in the direction of the employment service", "Organization of vocational guidance for citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, undergoing vocational training and obtaining additional vocational education", "Vocational training and additional vocational education of unemployed citizens, including training in another area", it is established that when providing public services, the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region does not have the right to demand from applicants: submission of documents and information, the absence and (or) unreliability of which were not indicated upon the initial refusal to accept documents necessary for the provision of a public service, or to provide a public service, with the exception of the following cases: changes in the requirements of regulatory legal acts relating to the provision of a public service after the initial submission of an application for the provision of a service; presence of errors in the application for provision of services and documents submitted by the applicant after the initial refusal to accept documents necessary for the provision of a public service, or in the provision of a public service and not included in the previously submitted set of documents; expiration of documents or changes in information after the initial refusal to accept documents necessary for the provision of a public service, or in the provision of a public service and other cases. In addition, it is added that if the complaint is recognized as subject to satisfaction, the response provides the applicant with information about the actions taken by the ministry in order to immediately eliminate the identified violations in the provision of public services, as well as an apology for the inconvenience caused and information about further actions that are necessary. performed by the applicant in order to receive the service. If the complaint is recognized as not subject to satisfaction, the response provides the applicant with reasoned explanations about the reasons for the decision, as well as information about the procedure for appealing the decision.

Approximate regulations on the remuneration of workers of municipal institutions of the city of Irkutsk, carrying out landscape improvement activities, Approximate regulations on the procedure and conditions for social payments to employees of municipal institutions of the city of Irkutsk, carrying out landscape improvement activities, have been approved. It has been determined that the regulation on remuneration of employees of the Institution establishes: the amounts of salaries, official salaries of employees of the Institution, with the exception of the head of the Institution; list, amounts and conditions for establishing additional payments and compensation allowances for employees; list, amounts, procedure and conditions for establishing incentive bonuses for employees; bonus system for employees, with the exception of the head of the Institution; indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of the activities of the Institution’s employees; terms of remuneration for deputy heads and chief accountants of the Institution; the procedure for indexing employee wages in connection with rising consumer prices for goods and services; other issues related to the remuneration of employees of the Institution. The share of expenses for remuneration of administrative, managerial and support staff in the general wage fund of the Institution is up to 40%. The staffing table of the Institution is approved by order of the head of the Institution annually before the start of the next calendar year in agreement with the urban development committee of the Irkutsk city administration (Founder) and the budget policy and finance committee of the Irkutsk city administration. Names of professions (positions) of employees of the Institution provided for staffing table Institutions must correspond to the names of professions (positions) of employees in accordance with the Model Regulations. The wage fund for the employees of the Institution is formed for a calendar year within the limits of the volume of budgetary allocations to ensure the performance of the functions of the Institution and the corresponding limits of budget obligations in terms of remuneration of the employees of the Institution. Employees of a municipal institution of the city of Irkutsk carrying out landscape improvement activities may be paid the following social benefits that are not part of the salary: financial assistance, a one-time payment for annual paid leave.


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated March 12, 2013 N 81-pp, determined that the grounds for refusal of the tariff service of the Irkutsk region to approve reports on the volume of services provided for passenger transportation by public road transport on seasonal (horticultural) routes are : lack of established tariffs for regular transportation on the seasonal (horticultural) route; the carrier exceeds the established tariffs by road transport; exceeding the number of trips established by the Regulations; the absence of an intermunicipal regular transportation route and (or) a municipal regular transportation route in the list of seasonal (horticultural) routes compiled by the Ministry of Housing Policy, Energy and Transport of the Irkutsk Region. The new edition sets out the form of a report on the volume of services provided for passenger transportation by public road transport on seasonal (horticultural) routes.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated April 24, 2018 N 286-pp, determined that during the period of providing a monthly cash payment, the ministry requests the following information every month until the 20th day of the month following the end of the month (starting from October): about the continuation of education a student in a state educational organization - from a state educational organization; on the continuation of the agreement on targeted training - with a medical organization subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Irkutsk Region.

The form of the agreement determines that the subject of the agreement is the interaction between the state government institution "Department of Social Protection of the Population" and a preschool educational organization in order to direct funds (part of the funds) of regional maternal (family) capital to pay for the supervision and care of children in preschool educational organizations in accordance with the Law of the Irkutsk Region “On an additional measure of social support for families with children in the Irkutsk Region.” The responsibilities of the parties are specified. In particular, it has been established that the organization is obliged to register on the information resource of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region, send an application sent from the information resource of the ministry completed and certified by the seal of the organization with the signature of the head or authorized person to the ministry, and the institution undertakes to inform the organization about citizens entitled to an additional measure of social support in the form of payment for childcare services in a preschool educational organization through the Oktapod information resource. In addition, the liability of the parties is provided. It is established that the agreement is valid until December 31, 2019.

For 2018 - 2019, tariffs have been established for one-time provision of social services to elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), disabled people, disabled children from among orphans and children left without parental care, partially or completely lost abilities or the ability to provide self-care, move independently, or provide basic life needs due to illness, injury, age or disability. Tariffs for social services provided in the stationary form of social services (in conditions of rehabilitation center for children and adolescents) to minor citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, or provide basic life needs due to illness, injury, age or disability.

A per capita funding standard has been established for a one-time provision of social services to one person served, taking into account the regional coefficient to wages(for social and domestic, social and medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, social and labor, social and legal services, services in order to increase the communicative potential of their recipients who have disabilities, including disabled children).

Amendments made to the order of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region dated August 27, 2014 N 128-MPR, determined that located at the place of residence (place of stay, place of actual residence) subordinate to the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region when receiving an application, the institution issues a receipt notification of acceptance (registration) of the application; when sending an application by mail, it sends a notice of the date of receipt (registration) of the application within 5 days from the date of its receipt (registration), as well as when the application is received through the federal the state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the regional state information system "Regional portal of state and municipal services of the Irkutsk region" generates and sends to the applicant an electronic notification of receipt of the application indicating the date of submission of documents to the institution.

Amendments made to the order of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for holding a competition for the provision of vehicles (minibuses) to large families with eight or more children under the age of 18, including those raising orphans and children left without parental care,” it is clarified that the winners of the competition are the 4 families who scored the most points based on the summation of the points given by each member of the competition commission. In addition, it has been established that the winners of the competition will be awarded vehicles.

Amendments made to the order of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region dated December 30, 2014 N 211-mpr, invalidated the rule establishing that documents (certificate of family composition of a citizen, documents confirming the amount of income of each family member for the last 12 calendar months preceding the filing of the application (appeal) (except for cases of lack of income among family members)) are submitted by the applicant in the case of an application for recognition of a citizen as needing social services in a stationary form when providing social services for a period of up to forty-five calendar days.


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 4, 2016 N 261-pp, established that the amount of the subsidy from the regional budget of the municipal formation "Nizhneudinsky District" to compensate for the costs of transporting goods necessary for the life support of the population by road for 2018 amounted to 3056.6 thousand rubles. (previously - 6393.0 thousand rubles).

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated March 18, 2013 N 83-pp, determined that subsidies are no longer provided under credit agreements (loan agreements) concluded before December 31, 2012 for a period of up to 1 year, under credit agreements (agreements loans) concluded from January 1, 2013 to July 31, 2015 inclusive for a period of up to 1 year, as well as under credit agreements (loan agreements) concluded from August 1, 2015 for a period of up to 1 year. It has been determined that the subsidies provided for by certain provisions of the Regulations are allocated to borrowers subject to the start of using credit funds under a credit (loan) (credit under a credit line) or part thereof before January 1, 2019. The norm that previously determined that if the borrower has attracted a loan (loan) in foreign currency, subsidies are provided based on the ruble to foreign currency exchange rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment of interest on the loan has been repealed.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated July 15, 2014 N 350-pp, clarified the list of conditions for the provision of subsidies allocated for the purpose of reimbursement of costs in connection with the production and (or) processing (including on leased fixed assets) of agricultural products, performing work and providing services in the field of agriculture within the framework of economically significant projects aimed at developing the agricultural sectors of the region. In particular, the specified list includes a condition on the identification of farm animals, including breeding ones (when applying to the ministry for reimbursement of the costs of purchasing these animals). The list of documents required to receive subsidies includes: a certificate from the audit union of agricultural cooperatives on the membership of the agricultural cooperative in the audit union on the first day of the month of submission of documents (for agricultural cooperatives); register of identified farm animals, including breeding ones, in the form approved by the legal act of the ministry.

The amendments established that for municipalities of the Irkutsk region, co-financing of the implementation of activities of which in the reporting financial year was carried out through subsidies from the federal budget that were not used in full in the reporting financial year, in the event of a refusal to provide subsidies from the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of activities in the current financial year, the amount of funding from local budgets is determined from the annual volume of funding for the activity without taking into account the amount of regional budget funds allocated for the implementation of this activity in order to replace federal budget funds. In addition, it is determined that the condition for spending subsidies is the implementation by the authorized executive body of state power of the Irkutsk region to identify suppliers (contractors, performers) of centralization of procurement of goods, works, services in the event that the cost of implementing the event, reduced to current prices, in accordance with the consolidated an estimated calculation of the cost of implementing the event, for which a positive conclusion was received on the reliability of determining the estimated cost of implementing the event (in the case of implementing an event for the construction, reconstruction of an educational organization), or the cost of implementing the event in accordance with the calculation of the cost of implementing the event, signed by the head of the municipality of the Irkutsk region ( in case of implementation of measures to carry out design and survey work), exceeds 50,000,000 rubles. (except for the event, the municipal contract (agreement) for the implementation of which was concluded before the inclusion of the corresponding event in the distribution of subsidies between municipalities of the Irkutsk region (previously - before July 1, 2018)).

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated April 13, 2016 N 216-pp, from the list of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of municipalities for co-financing capital investments in municipal property, which are carried out from local budgets, for the acquisition real estate for the implementation of educational programs for preschool education, including the possibility of use for the implementation of general education programs, for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020, subsidies allocated to the municipal formation "Zhigalovsky District" are excluded. By changes made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 11, 2016 N 264-pp, the total amount of subsidies for co-financing the expenditure obligations of municipalities for the implementation of measures for the overhaul of educational organizations at the expense of the regional budget in 2018 was reduced from 851,537.33016 thousand . rub. up to 777,827.03016 thousand rubles. Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 11, 2016 N 265-pp, the total amount of subsidies for co-financing the expenditure obligations of municipalities for co-financing capital investments in municipal property, which are carried out from local budgets, in order to implement construction and reconstruction activities educational organizations, including the implementation of design and survey work, for 2018 was reduced from 2,369,354.15049 thousand rubles. up to 2,280,452.15049 thousand rubles. Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 20, 2016 N 295-pp, the volume of subsidies from the regional budget for co-financing the expenditure obligations of municipalities for the implementation of measures for the overhaul of municipal property in the field of physical culture and sports for 2018 was reduced from 69,361.2 thousand rubles. up to 65,327.4 thousand rubles. Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 24, 2016 N 300-pp, the total amount of subsidies from the regional budget to local budgets for co-financing the expenditure obligations of municipalities for co-financing capital investments in municipal property social infrastructure, which are carried out from local budgets, in order to implement measures to develop a network of educational organizations in rural areas in 2019, reduced from 587,682.1 thousand rubles. up to 459,600.1 thousand rubles.

The procedure determines that target items of expenditure of the regional budget and the Fund's budget are formed in accordance with state programs of the Irkutsk region, non-program areas of activity of executive bodies of state power (state bodies), and the governing body of the TFOMS of the Irkutsk region. Approved: list and codes of target items of expenditure of the regional budget, budget of the Territorial Mandatory Fund health insurance Irkutsk region; the procedure for determining the list and codes of target items of expenditure of the budgets of municipalities of the Irkutsk region, the financial support of which is carried out through interbudgetary subsidies, subventions and other interbudgetary transfers that have a specific purpose from the regional budget; a list of codes for the types of sources of financing the regional budget deficit, the budget of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Irkutsk Region, the main administrators of which are the state authorities of the Irkutsk Region, the governing body of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Irkutsk Region.

From January 1, 2019, the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Irkutsk region dated October 23, 2017 N 76n-mpr "On approval of the Procedure for application budget classification of the Russian Federation in the part related to the regional budget, the budget of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Irkutsk Region."

Amendments made to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Irkutsk Region dated July 1, 2014 N 44n-mpr, clarified that when authorizing the payment of monetary obligations, the Treasury does not check the submitted payment documents to ensure that the amount of value added tax specified in the purpose of payment of the payment document does not exceed the amount of value added tax specified in the supporting documents (if any). The list of documents confirming the occurrence of monetary obligations has been clarified. In particular, it was determined that to confirm the transfer of funds under a concession agreement, the following documents are required: concession agreement; documents required to obtain Money, determined by the concession agreement; a legal act of the Government of the Irkutsk Region on empowering the executive body of state power to provide funds from the regional budget under a concession agreement.

The amendments established that the tax base is determined in relation to each land plot as its cadastral value indicated in the Unified State Register of Real Estate as of January 1 of the year being tax period, taking into account tax legislation. In addition, it was determined that the tax base is additionally reduced by 500,000 rubles. for disabled people since childhood, disabled children. These changes come into force no earlier than one month from the date of official publication of this document and no earlier than the 1st day of the next tax period.

The regulations establish general rules for the allocation of subsidies, conditions and procedures for providing financial assistance, reporting requirements, as well as requirements for monitoring compliance with the conditions, goals and procedures for subsidies and liability for their violation. It is indicated that subsidies are provided free of charge and irrevocably. A list of conditions has been determined that applicants for funding must meet. In particular, non-profit organizations should not be in the process of reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy. It has been established that, through the subsidy, it is possible to reimburse expenses for renting premises, paying for communication services, purchasing equipment and Supplies etc. Funding is allocated on a competitive basis with the subsequent conclusion of an agreement on the provision of a subsidy. The rules for submitting an application for participation in the competition, the procedure for holding the competition, as well as the rules for calculating the volume of allocated funds have been approved.

The amendments made it clarified that the municipal task is formed when drawing up the draft budget of the city of Irkutsk for the next financial year and planning period and is approved no later than 15 working days from the date of notification to the recipient of funds (previously - from the date of approval of the budget of the city of Irkutsk to the main managers of funds) of the limits of budget obligations for provision of subsidies for financial support for the implementation of municipal tasks. In addition, the norm establishing that the values ​​of basic cost standards for the provision of municipal services and industry-specific adjustment coefficients must be posted in the prescribed manner on the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information about state and municipal institutions has been declared invalid.

The changes made from 5,742,366 thousand rubles. up to 6468405 thousand rubles. The total amount of budget revenues has been increased. The volume of interbudgetary transfers received from the budget of the Irkutsk region increased from 3,310,464 thousand rubles. up to 3989848 thousand rubles. The total expenses amounted to 6,633,031 thousand rubles. (previously - 5906992 thousand rubles)

It has been established that the main goal of the budget and tax policy of the municipal formation of the city of Bratsk for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021 is to ensure the sustainability of the budget of the city of Bratsk with the guaranteed fulfillment of municipal budget obligations. It is envisaged that in order to achieve this goal in 2019 - 2021, it is necessary to continue implementing measures in the following areas: creating favorable conditions for investment and innovation activities in the city of Bratsk; providing support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses; improvement of tax administration, including increasing the level of responsibility of the main administrators of the budget revenues of the city of Bratsk for high-quality forecasting of budget revenues of the city of Bratsk, full implementation of approved annual revenue assignments, effective work with debt, and others. The main directions of the budget policy of the city of Bratsk for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021 in the field of cost management are determined, in particular, to achieve the goals and objectives of social economic development the city of Bratsk through a system of goal-setting for municipal programs based on the need to prioritize expenses and ensure their effectiveness; increasing the efficiency of the provision of municipal services, including by involving non-municipal (non-state) organizations in their provision through competitive selection procedures; increasing the efficiency of using available budget resources through treasury support of subsidies provided from the budget to individual legal entities and financing of subsidies to municipal institutions (except for subsidies for financial support for the implementation of municipal tasks) by a transfer mechanism “according to actual need”, return of funds to the budget in case of violation of obligations on achieving performance indicators and (or) schedule for using subsidies. The main directions of the debt policy of the municipality of the city of Bratsk have also been established: maintaining a stable level of debt sustainability of the municipality; ensuring uniform annual repayment of debt obligations with the implementation of an effective debt policy aimed at increasing the borrowing period and reducing the cost of municipal borrowing; maintaining the national credit rating of the city of Bratsk and municipal valuable papers and others.


The amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated 05/08/2018 N 353-pp clarified that the granting of the right to place a non-stationary retail facility on a land plot in a place determined by the layout scheme is carried out by concluding an agreement for the placement of a non-stationary retail facility, the form of which is approved legal act of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Irkutsk Region.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated December 29, 2009 N 396/175-pp, determined that the state supervision service over the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment of the Irkutsk Region, in accordance with the law, also promotes the development of competition in commodity markets.

Changes made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated October 23, 2014 N 518-pp, excluded the subprogram “Main directions of modernization of the economy of the single-industry town Usolye-Sibirskoye of the Irkutsk Region” from the list of subprograms. The total amount of funding for the implementation of the program for 2018 was increased from 3,493,725.3 thousand rubles. up to 3671231.0 thousand rubles. The volumes of resource support for the implementation of subprograms have also been clarified" Public policy in the field of economic development of the Irkutsk region", "Support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Irkutsk region", "Ensuring the activities of the Governor of the Irkutsk region and the Government of the Irkutsk region" and a number of others. The new edition contains information on the composition and values ​​of target indicators of the state program, a list of departmental target programs and main activities, resource provision from the regional budget, as well as a forecast (reference) assessment of resource provision from all sources of funding.

The amendments established that in order to apply a risk-based approach when organizing a state function, the assignment of a developer’s activities to a certain risk category is carried out by the state construction supervision service of the Irkutsk region within five working days from the date it issues the developer a conclusion on compliance or from the date it receives information from rights registration authorities on the conclusion by the developer of the first agreement for participation in shared construction. It is indicated that the classification of a developer’s activities as a risk category is formalized by order of the Service. The latter, within three working days from the date of issuance of such an order, includes the developer in the list of developers whose activities are assigned risk categories. It is stipulated that if the developer’s activities are classified as a significant risk, the Service shall post the specified information on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network. In addition, it has been established that scheduled inspections of developers, depending on the classification of their activities as a risk category, are carried out with the following frequency: for the significant risk category - once a year; for the medium risk category - no more than once every two years; For the low-risk category, routine inspections are not carried out.

The main tasks and powers of the committee have been clarified. In particular, his powers include, among other things: sending a notification to the developer about the compliance of the individual object parameters specified in the notice of planned construction housing construction or a garden house with the established parameters and the admissibility of placing such an object or garden house on a land plot (or about the non-compliance of the object or garden house specified in the notification with the established parameters and (or) the inadmissibility of their placement on a land plot); submission to the relevant district management committee of the Irkutsk city administration of a copy of the permit to put the facility into operation within two working days from the date of issue of the permit to put the facility into operation ( apartment building) into operation; submission to the relevant district management committee of the Irkutsk city administration of information on the condition of the common property of an apartment building being put into operation within five working days from the date of issuance of permission to put into operation; checking compliance of the type of permitted use of an individual housing construction project or garden house with the type of permitted use specified in the notice of planned construction, and others.

It is clarified that the Regulations apply to relations on the organization and conduct of public discussions, public hearings on draft rules for land use and development, as well as projects involving amendments to the approved rules for land use and development (except for the case of bringing the rules for land use and development in accordance with restrictions on use real estate objects installed on the airfield territory, as well as with the exception of cases of discrepancy between information about the location of the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories, territories of cultural heritage objects displayed on the urban zoning map contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate with the description of the location of the boundaries of these zones and territories; inconsistency of the restrictions on the use of land plots and capital construction projects established by the town planning regulations, located in whole or in part within the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories, territories of landmarks of the federal, regional and local significance restrictions contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the use of real estate within such zones and territories; establishing, changing, terminating the existence of a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory, establishing, changing the boundaries of the territory of a cultural heritage site, the territory of a historical settlement of federal significance, the territory of a historical settlement of regional significance, as well as in the event that the rules of land use and development do not ensure the possibility of placement in the territories settlements, urban districts of objects of federal significance, objects of regional significance, objects of local significance of the municipal district provided for by territorial planning documents (except for linear objects)).

As amended, the pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing decisions and actions (inaction) of the body providing municipal services, officials, and municipal employees is set out in a new edition. In particular, provision is made for appealing actions (inaction) not only of the body providing municipal services, but also of the multifunctional center, as well as organizations attracted by the multifunctional center in accordance with current legislation.


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated May 17, 2012 N 244-pp, established that the service for the protection of nature and Lake Baikal ensures, when exercising its powers, the priority of goals and objectives to promote the development of competition in commodity markets in the established field of activity. In addition, it was determined that the Service, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it in the prescribed manner, organizes, in the manner agreed with the Rosatom State Corporation, carrying out control checks on issues state accounting and control of radioactive substances in regional information and analytical centers, and, if necessary, in individual organizations located on the territory of the Irkutsk region, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated December 28, 2012 N 736-pp, established that the Government of the Irkutsk Region, the Ministry of Property Relations, when providing public services, does not have the right to demand from applicants: the presentation of documents and information, the absence and (or) unreliability of which were not indicated during the initial refusal to provide the service, with the exception of the following cases: changes in the requirements of regulatory legal acts relating to the receipt of the service after the initial submission of the application for its receipt; the presence of errors in the application for the provision of services and documents submitted by the applicant after the initial refusal to provide the service and not included in the previously submitted set of documents; expiration of documents or changes in information after the initial refusal to receive the service; identification of a documented fact (signs) of an erroneous or illegal action (inaction) of an official of the ministry, a state civil servant of the Irkutsk region during the initial refusal to provide a service, of which the applicant is notified in writing signed by the Minister of Property Relations of the Irkutsk Region, and an apology is made for inconvenience. In addition, it has been added that when the applicant applies through the multifunctional center, the ministry ensures the transfer of the result of the provision of the service in the manner and within the time frame established by the agreement on interaction between the multifunctional center and the ministry.

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated November 27, 2017 N 775-pp, established that on the territory of a natural monument, among other things, it is prohibited to stay, pass, or travel outside of specially designated rest stops, bivouacs, tourist stops, camps and other forms of recreation for the population and places marked with information signs, equipped ecological and educational trails.

It is clarified that from the date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the entry on the termination of the activities of the Department for the Implementation of Public Initiatives of the Committee on Social Policy and Culture of the Irkutsk City Administration and the entry on changing the name of the Information Policy Department of the Irkutsk City Administration, the resolution of the Irkutsk City Administration on approval of the List of land plots , which are in municipal ownership, for the purpose of providing free ownership to citizens within 5 working days from the date of signing by the mayor of the city of Irkutsk, is placed by the Department for Information Policy, Media and Public Relations of the Administration of the City of Irkutsk (formerly - the Department for Information Policy of the Administration of the City of Irkutsk ) in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" on the WEB portal of local governments of the city of Irkutsk.

The changes introduced have clarified the list of documents required for making a decision of the Duma of the city of Irkutsk on classifying lands as lands of specially protected areas of local significance of the city of Irkutsk. In particular, the following documents are excluded from this document: copies of documents proving the identity of the interested person (for an individual); an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for an individual entrepreneur) or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entity); consent of owners, landowners, land users, tenants of land plots that are located within the boundaries of lands proposed to be classified as lands of specially protected areas of local importance of the city of Irkutsk.

According to the amendments, it is clarified that in order to prevent violations of mandatory requirements, the authorized body, in particular: informs the subjects of inspection on issues of compliance with mandatory requirements, requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk, including through the development and publication of guidelines for compliance with mandatory requirements, requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk, holding seminars and conferences, explanatory work in the media and other means. In case of changes in mandatory requirements, requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk, the authorized body prepares and distributes comments on the content of new regulatory legal acts establishing such requirements, changes made to existing acts, the timing and procedure for their entry into force, as well as recommendations on carrying out the necessary organizational and technical measures aimed at implementing and ensuring compliance with mandatory requirements, requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk.

Amendments made to the resolution of the administration of the city of Irkutsk dated December 30, 2011 N 031-06-3159/11 "On the Regulations on municipal control in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas of local significance of the city of Irkutsk", dated December 30, 2011 N 031-06- 3160/11 “On approval of the Regulations on municipal forest control in the territory of the city of Irkutsk”, it is clarified that in the event of receiving information about impending violations or signs of violation of mandatory requirements during control activities without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs defined by law , requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk, the authorized body sends a legal entity, individual entrepreneur a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the mandatory requirements, requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk. The amendments made to the administrative regulations on the implementation of municipal control in the field of use and protection of specially protected natural areas of local significance of the city of Irkutsk, as well as to the administrative regulations on the implementation of municipal forest control in the territory of the city of Irkutsk, clarified that if, based on the results of a preliminary inspection, persons are identified, who have committed a violation of mandatory requirements, requirements established by municipal legal acts of the city of Irkutsk, upon receipt of sufficient data on the facts specified by administrative regulations, an official of the authorized body prepares a reasoned submission on the appointment of an unscheduled inspection. Based on the results of the preliminary inspection, measures to hold a legal entity or individual entrepreneur liable are not taken.


Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region "On organizing the placement of information on the activities of government bodies of the Irkutsk Region, the Governor of the Irkutsk Region and local governments of municipalities of the Irkutsk Region in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and providing access to the specified information", to information, Among other things, information on public opinion polls is considered to be of particular importance for the socio-economic and cultural development of the Irkutsk region.

The procedure is set out in the new edition. In particular, it is indicated that information on the average monthly salary calculated for the calendar year for managers, their deputies and chief accountants of municipal institutions and municipal unitary enterprises of the municipal formation of the city of Bratsk, as well as the full name of municipal institutions and municipal unitary enterprises of the municipal formation of the city of Bratsk, position held , the surname, name and patronymic of the indicated persons are presented by the managers municipal organizations or persons replacing them, to the sectoral, functional bodies of the administration of the city of Bratsk, exercising the functions and powers of the founder of municipal organizations, in the prescribed form until April 15 of the year following the reporting one, on paper and in electronic form.


By the amendments, the decree of the Governor of the Irkutsk region dated August 3, 2015 N 196-ug was brought into compliance with the legislation, the words “Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” were replaced by the words “Ministry of Science and higher education Russian Federation".

A set of measures was approved to create educational centers for digital and humanities profiles that contribute to the formation of modern competencies and skills in children in the Irkutsk region for 2019 - 2024, as well as the concept of creating educational centers for digital and humanities profiles that contribute to the formation of modern competencies and skills in children in the Irkutsk region region for 2019 - 2024. The concept establishes that the creation and operation of the Centers will solve the problem of mastering the subject areas “Technology”, “Informatics”, “Fundamentals of Life Safety” and additional general education programs. It is envisaged that by 2024, it is expected that in at least 150 schools located in rural areas and small towns, the creation of a material and technical base for the implementation of basic and additional general education programs in the digital and humanities, covering at least 80 thousand children. The personnel composition of educational organizations on the basis of which it is planned to create Centers has been determined.

A set of measures for the implementation of the target model of the digital educational environment in general education organizations and professional educational organizations in the Irkutsk region for 2019 - 2024, a Concept for the implementation of the target model of the digital educational environment in general education organizations and professional educational organizations in the Irkutsk region for 2019 - 2024 were approved. The Ministry of Education has been appointed as the regional coordinator responsible for the implementation of the target model of the digital educational environment in general education organizations and professional educational organizations in the Irkutsk region within the framework of the federal project "Digital Educational Environment" of the national project "Education" of the state program "Development of Education" for 2019 - 2024 Irkutsk region. The concept establishes that the tasks for the implementation of the target model of the digital educational environment in general education organizations and professional educational organizations are defined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation: the creation of a modern and safe digital educational environment that ensures high quality and accessibility of education of all types and levels. The proposed digital transformation model is aimed at: providing the regional education system with resources for further growth and development; optimization of internal organizational and managerial processes of an educational organization through the introduction of modern IT technologies; creation of a modern and safe digital educational environment that provides access to students, employees and teaching staff general educational organizations and professional educational organizations to the functionality of open and publicly available information resources; formation of digital literacy of participants in the educational process, manifested in readiness to independently use digital tools to solve educational problems; a gradual transition to an educational process built around flexible educational trajectories; complete elimination of the qualitative gap between full-time and distance learning formats.

The Concept for supporting education for children with disabilities was approved within the framework of the federal project "Modern School" of the national project "Education" in the Irkutsk region for 2019 - 2024. In particular, it is planned to allocate 770,000 rubles annually for 2019 - 2021 for maintenance work and services, including measures to bring the premises of correctional schools into compliance with SanPiN. A set of measures to support education for children with disabilities was also approved within the framework of the federal project "Modern School" of the national project "Education" in the Irkutsk region for 2019 - 2024. For example, before March 1, 2019, it is planned to create a regional coordinating council for the implementation of the national project “Education”. The regional coordinator responsible for supporting education for children with disabilities within the framework of the project is the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region.


Changes have been made to the average standards of financial costs per unit of volume of medical care and the average per capita standards of financing. In particular, the average standard for one emergency medical call at the expense of the regional budget was 3061.6 rubles. (previously - 3199.7 rubles), at the expense of compulsory health insurance - 3153.6 rubles. (previously - 3153.9 rubles). The standard for one case of hospitalization in medical organizations providing medical care in inpatient conditions, at the expense of the regional budget, was 85,899.5 rubles. (previously - 85801.4 rubles), at the expense of compulsory health insurance - 42409.5 rubles. (previously - 42412.7 rubles). The list of medical organizations (separate units) participating in the implementation of the territorial program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens in the Irkutsk region includes the limited liability company "CatLab-Angara".

Amendments made to the Decree of the Government of the Irkutsk Region dated December 22, 2015 N 670-pp, established an additional condition for providing veterans with vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment - permanent residence in the territory of the Irkutsk Region. In addition, it is stipulated that a state institution of the Irkutsk region, subordinate to the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Irkutsk Region, no later than 20 (previously - 30) calendar days before the date of arrival at the sanatorium-resort organization notifies the labor veteran in writing about providing him with a voucher indicating the date of arrival. In addition, additional grounds have been established for deregistering a labor veteran. In particular, one of these grounds is the refusal of a labor veteran to receive a voucher three times in a row.

The individual plan is filled out in 2 copies. One copy is kept at the department, the other in the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies and is issued to deputy directors for scientific work during the interim certification. The approval period for an individual plan is 3 months from the date of enrollment.

Every year, students undergo certification at a meeting of the department, to which they submit a report in the prescribed form, approve the training plan for next year. Students who do not pass certification are expelled from graduate/doctoral studies. The implementation of the individual plan between certifications is controlled by the supervisor.

The individual plan form can be obtained from the department of graduate and doctoral studies or downloaded from the website (in 2 copies).

Individual plan(in pdf format).


Rationale for choosing a dissertation topic


  1. the essence of the problem to which the dissertation will be devoted;
  2. scientific and applied relevance of the problem;
  3. initial state of the problem;
  4. how are you going to solve the problem in your dissertation work;
  5. what are the expected results of the dissertation research.


according to the Basic educational program of postgraduate professional education, in accordance with the Federal state requirements approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1365 of March 16, 2011.


Name of sections and disciplines (modules)

Work content structure

Labor intensity(in credit units) Completion date/Reporting form
O.A.00 Required disciplines: 11
O.A.01History and philosophy of science 2
O.A.02Foreign language __________
(English, German and French are taught at MGSU)
2 _________ / admission to the exam
O.A.03Special discipline of the branch of science and scientific specialty 2

_________ / admission to the exam

O.A.04Disciplines of the graduate student's choice:
O.A.04.01Selected depending on the specialty and department of the graduate student
O.A.04.02Selected if a graduate student is preparing a Ph.D. thesis at the intersection of two specialties
FD.A.00 Optional disciplines: 13
FD.A.01Elective disciplines are not mandatory for study.
If an elective discipline is chosen, study groups are formed, after which the graduate student’s attendance at classes and passing the test becomes mandatory.
_________ / admission to the test
FD.A.02 _________ / admission to the test
FD.A.03 _________ / admission to the test
P.A.00 Pedagogical practice 3 _________ / report at the department
Total for educational component
NIR.A.00 Research work and completion of a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences 165
NIR.A.01Theoretical part: brief formulation of the content of the theoretical part of the dissertation work
NIR.A.02Experimental/research part: brief statement of the content of the experimental part of the dissertation work
NIR.A.03Publication of articles/scientific works: plan for publication of articles for 3 years (4 years for part-time study)
KE.A.00 Candidate's exams 3
KE.A.01Candidate's Examination in History and Philosophy 1
KE.A.02Candidate's exam in foreign language 1 _________ / exam protocol
KE.A.03Candidate's exam in a special discipline in accordance with the topic of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science 1 _________ / exam protocol
PD.A.00 Preparation for the defense of a dissertation for the scientific degree of a candidate (dissertation preparation) 15
Total for research component 183
Total amount of postgraduate training 210


according to the Basic educational program of postgraduate professional education, in accordance with the Federal state requirements approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1365 of March 16, 2011.


The curriculum of each year of preparation is different from general plan only with a greater degree of detail, a more detailed description of the volume and content of the work planned for completion.
In the section of the curriculum of the _____th year “Research work and completion of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences”, the paragraph “Theoretical part” reflects the study, generalization, analysis of theoretical works, materials of other authors on the topic of the dissertation as a whole or on its individual sections (chapters), construction of theoretical concepts and models of the objects and processes under study, formation of theoretical calculation schemes, establishment of theoretical-calculation dependencies, criticism of existing theoretical concepts, their adjustment, addition, change, formulation of theoretical premises, principles underlying this dissertation.
The paragraph “Experimental/research part” covers the planned forms and methods of conducting full-scale or model experiments, the methodology for conducting the experimental part of the work, the use of statistical data, the methods and measurement tools used, methods for processing experimental results, comparison of theoretical predictions of experimental data, conclusions from experimentally established results.
The paragraph “Publication of articles/scientific works” indicates the names of articles that the graduate student intends to prepare for publication during the planned period and send for publication in journals, collections of scientific works, proceedings of scientific seminars and conferences.


The graduate student reports annually at the department meeting on the work done for the year. The supervisor notes the graduate student’s fulfillment of the plan for general theoretical training, the status of work on his candidate’s dissertation, completion of internship, etc.
The head of the department endorses the conclusion on the certification of the graduate student by the department, indicating the protocol number and the date of the department meeting at which the graduate student was heard.
Also, the certification results are endorsed in the individual graduate student plan by the director of the institute/deputy director for science.

Activities that are subject to mandatory inclusion in the individual plan of a graduate student and are criteria for certification.

Year of study Form of study
Full-time Correspondence
  1. Speech at the department with a scientific report or message on the rationale for choosing the topic of the dissertation.
  2. Development of an extended dissertation plan.
  3. Approval of the topic of the dissertation by the Academic Council of the Institute in the prescribed manner.
  4. Approval of the individual plan of a graduate student by the rector of the university in the prescribed manner.
  5. Mastering the educational component of the general education program and preparation for passing candidate exams in the disciplines “history and philosophy of science” and “foreign language”.
  6. Passing candidate exams in the history and philosophy of science and a foreign language. If there is a valid reason (illness, scientific trip), it is allowed to postpone the candidate exams to the next year.
  1. Work on a dissertation: completing at least 50% of the scientific work.
  2. Presentation at a scientific conference.
  1. Work on a dissertation: completion of at least 30% of scientific work.
  2. Mastering the educational component of the PPO, including: Special disciplines in the branch of science and scientific specialty (OD.A.03) and disciplines of the graduate student’s choice (OD.A.04). Passing teaching practice.
  3. Publication of at least one article on the topic of the dissertation in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.
  1. Work on a dissertation: completion of at least 70% of scientific work.
  2. Publication of at least 2 articles on the topic of the dissertation in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.
  3. Internship.
  1. Completion of work on the dissertation.
  2. Publication of at least 2 articles or the presence of at least 4 scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.
  3. Passing the candidate's exam in the specialty.
  4. Passing a preliminary examination of the dissertation at the department (pre-defense). Drawing up the minutes of the department meeting with a recommendation for defense in the dissertation council.

Ministry of Education and Science

Republic of Tatarstan

GAPOU "Nizhnekamsk Polytechnic College"

named after E.N. Queen"

individual work of the teacher

Makhalovaoy A.Sh.

for the 2016/2017 academic year


The plan was discussed at the PCC meeting ___________________________________

Protocol No._______ dated “____”_______________20___

Section V Extracurricular work

M College methodological problem:

Creation of an educational environment conducive to the formation of general and professional competencies in students, increasing their competitiveness as specialists

Section I Work of the classroom (laboratory, workshop)



Completion mark

Preparing the classroom for the new school year




Drawing up, coordination and approval of the passport of the office (workshop) (Chairman of the Central Control Committee, Deputy Director for MMR, UPR)




Drawing up and approval of the technical specifications (Chairman of the PCC, Deputy Director for MMR)



KTP Hardware


Drawing up, coordination and approval of an individual teacher’s work plan (Chairman of the PCC, Deputy Director for Educational Management, Management, Management and Internal Affairs)



September 2016

Drawing up and approval of a schedule for laboratory practical classes and a schedule of consultations (Deputy Director for Management and Development)



September 2016

Preparation and approval of an application for the repair of offices and furniture (Deputy Director for ACh)



inventory of the educational material base of the office with the establishment of compliance with its approximate list

September 2016

compiling a list of obsolete and physically worn-out material assets subject to write-off

September 2016

establishing a list of visual aids that require repair, as well as their production on their own

September 2016

preparation of an application for repair of equipment, tools, devices, visual aids available for purchase by new TCOs that meet modern requirements

During a year

Section II Improvement of pedagogical qualifications



Completion mark

working with methodological literature


studying advanced teaching methods, as well as non-traditional forms


attending lessons (exchanging opinions)

On schedule

Preparing materials for certification and studying the requirements for certification

October 2016

retraining courses

November 2016

Section III Scientific and methodological activities of the teacher

Development of textbooks, methodological recommendations, teaching aids

Type of methodological publication



Guidelines for performing independent work on MDK 01.02, MDK 02.01. and MDK 02.02.


Guidelines for implementation course project according to MDK 02.02

Organization, participation and holding of scientific and methodological conferences, seminars

According to the schedule of the secondary school

Development of work programs, writing original programs, compilation of didactic and examination materials, open lessons, creation of educational and methodological complexes (UMK) for taught disciplines and PM, development of presentations



Completion mark

Development work program in the discipline Technical means for the specialty 02/23/01

September 2016

Development of a work program for the discipline for specialty 02/23/01

September 2016

Development of a work program for an interdisciplinary course of the professional module MDK 02.01 for the specialty 02.23.04

September 2016

Preparation of didactic and examination materialsin the discipline Technical means (by type of transport) for the specialty 02/23/01

September 2016

Creation of educational and methodological complexes (EMC) for taught disciplines and PM

during a year

Presentation development

during a year

Scientific publications, articles in various fields in the field of education, public speaking, including at scientific and practical conferences and seminars



Articles (collection, topic)

Public speaking (venue, topic)



All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Vocational Education”

GAPOU "Almetyevsk Polytechnic College"


Current problems of improving the professional activity of a teacher

Magazine "Teacher"



Management scientific activity students


Event level

Topic of scientific work

Full name of student(s), group number


ХVII scientific-practical conference “Youth, creativity, modernity”;

"Innovations in automobile transport"

Zakharov R.E. group 331

Kuznetsov D.A., group 331


III Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth in Science – Innovation Potential of the Future”

Malikov R. Group 341



According to the schedule of the secondary school


Participation in competitions and olympiads


Event levels

Name of intramural competitions, olympiads, subject- and professional-oriented students

Full name of student(s), group number


According to the schedule of the secondary school


According to the schedule of the secondary school




Participation in professional competitions (grant)

Career guidance activities

Section IV Innovative (research, experimental) activities

Register with IRO

WorldSkills movement

Full name of the student

Name of competency

Preparing students for competitions WorldSkills

Regional level

Russian level

International level

Gilyazov R.

Auto Mechanic




Period of execution

Preparing students for participation in republican scientific and practical conferences, competitions, seminars.

During a year

Conducting parent meetings

On schedule

Visiting students living in the dormitory

On schedule

Conducting themed classes

According to plan

Individual work with students


Participation in charity events

During a year

Section I Work of the classroom (laboratory, workshop)

Organizational work

a) preparing the classroom for the new academic year;

b) drawing up a schedule for laboratory practical classes (in subgroups) and a schedule for consultations;

c) an inventory of the classroom’s educational and material resources, establishing compliance with its approximate list;

d) compiling a list of obsolete and physically worn-out material assets subject to write-off;

e) establishing a list of visual aids that require repair, as well as their production on their own;

f) preparation of an application for the repair of equipment, tools, devices, visual aids available for purchase by new TSOs that meet modern requirements;

g) drawing up a work plan for the teacher and laboratory assistant;

h) development of a long-term plan for the development of educational and material base, etc.

Section II Improvement of teaching qualifications:

Working with methodological literature;

Studying advanced teaching methods, as well as non-traditional forms;

Industrial internship (every 3 years);

Attending lessons (exchanging opinions, searching for a reasonable start);

Training in advanced training courses;

Conducting open (demonstration) lessons;

Participation in competitions for the best teacher, master of teaching;

Preparing materials for certification and studying the requirements for certification.

Section III Scientific and methodological work of the teacher

a) development of teaching aids and electronic teaching aids;

b) participation in innovative, experimental activities of the technical school;

c) promotion professional competence, height pedagogical excellence and development of creative potential;

d) creation of a subject-methodological bank that provides generalization and promotion of advanced pedagogical experience and methodological developments;

e) resolving specific problems of training and education by studying the objective laws of the educational process;

f) organization, participation and holding of scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, etc.

Methodical work of the teacher:

a) methodological development is the development of one or several topics (questions), leading to some approving result (development of supporting notes, teaching aids, textbooks on the subject, a collection of problems, tests, curricula, work programs, open lesson scenarios, etc. .d.);

b) methodological recommendations are advisory in nature (advice), in rare cases - instructions (recommendations for the study of individual sections, topics, subjects; for course and diploma design; for strengthening the practical orientation of training; for educational work etc.);

c) methodological instructions - this is a guiding principle, a rule (sample), which most often requires mandatory implementation, for example, methodological and control tasks for part-time students;

d) messages of a methodological nature can be made at meetings of the Central Committee, methodological councils, teachers' councils, at seminars, at conferences in teaching schools, etc. (new in science, subject, methods of organizing practices; independent work students; methods of conducting games; organization of collective mental activity, etc.)

Section IV Innovative (research, experimental) activities

In the research activities of a teacher, a teaching assistant, gnostic skills are manifested, which serve as a prerequisite for the effective implementation of constructive-planning, organizational and communicative-educational activities, and the actual research skills that underlie the teacher’s research work.

1. The ability to select and work with scientific literature to improve theoretical knowledge, summarize the results of studying theory in the form of an annotation, abstract of a report, message.

2. The ability to observe, study, analyze the experience of teachers in order to generalize it and use it in teacher practice.

3. The ability to set research problems, formulate a hypothesis, plan and conduct experimental work and experiments, process and summarize the results of the work done in the form of a report, message, scientific article.

Types of research:

1. Participation in methodological competitions.

2. Search for scientific sources.

3. Participation in the design of stands for scientific work.

4. Participation of the teacher (training master) in the research activities of students (project activities)

5. Participation in the experiment.

Section V Extracurricular work:

Organize the work of the circle;

Publishing wall newspapers, newsletters;

Organization of technical creativity of students;

Organization of experimental and research work;

Organization and holding of conferences, evenings, KVN, competitions, etc.;

Organization of educational excursions;

Organization of exhibitions of abstracts, the best laboratory and practical works, graduation projects, coursework, models, products of individual creativity;

Giving lectures, reports in the hostel, at conferences, seminars, etc.;

Participation in ten-day seminars in the specialty/profession;

Career guidance work;

Organizing meetings with scientists and production specialists;

Nature conservation raids, etc.

Section VI Educational work

(in the main areas of educational work at the technical school, open events planned for the current year)