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Immunomodulators for dogs with skin diseases. Review of immunomodulators for dogs and cats. Contraindications and side effects

The animal body, like the human body, encounters a huge number of bacteria, viruses, and infections every day. These pathogenic particles try in every possible way to harm health and throw the body out of balance. But immunity is on guard. Innate immunity kills most bacteria and microbes on the way the microorganism enters the blood. For example, the nasal mucosa is a powerful filter that purifies the air from various types of diseases. But sometimes immune cells can weaken for various reasons. And then the dog’s immunity should be raised, and as soon as possible.

How to understand that a dog has reduced immunity

  1. Often the immune system weakens after a long illness, when the body is weakened after a fight.
  2. Another common reason for decreased immunity is childbirth. After the birth of the litter, the bitch is completely exhausted, all her resources are running out. The postpartum period requires careful care.
  3. If a dog is often sick, if chronic diseases have recently worsened, this means that the body is weakened.
  4. With low immunity, the dog’s appearance also changes - the coat becomes dull.
  5. A decrease in immunity is also reflected in the dog’s behavior. The dog becomes apathetic, often hides, tries to be alone, loses appetite, and may even have attacks of aggression towards its owner.

If you have noted all the signs of reduced immunity, you need to take care of your dog and improve its health.

What causes low immunity?

There are many factors that affect an animal's immunity. Here are some of them.

Failure to respond in a timely manner can lead to serious problems. With low immunity, diseases of the respiratory system and musculoskeletal system become more active. Not to mention your pet's depression and depression.


Immunity can be congenital or acquired. Innate immunity is established at birth, but acquired immunity is something else. If a dog gets sick with a certain disease, its body will develop antibodies to the virus, which in later life will protect the animal from re-infection. Vaccination is a tiny fraction of an infected substance that is introduced into the animal’s body to produce antibodies.

A competent and timely approach to vaccination allows you to contain the epidemic of viral diseases, as well as save the life of your pet, sometimes from fatal diseases. 90% of vaccinated dogs do not get sick from the diseases they were vaccinated against. The remaining 10% experience a mild form of the disease.

In our country, vaccinations against distemper, rabies, viral enteritis, infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza and adenovirus are considered mandatory for dogs. All vaccinations are given according to schedule. The first vaccination occurs when the dog is two months old. After this, revaccination is done three weeks later. Adult dogs are injected once a year to maintain the amount of antibodies in the body. Rabies vaccination is given only once.

Do not vaccinate pregnant or just given birth bitches, as their body is weakened. After vaccination, you need to observe quarantine for several days - do not overcool your pet, walk only in clean places, and do not communicate with other dogs.

If all vaccinations have been completed, you can take additional measures to strengthen and enhance the animal’s immunity.

These simple rules will help you keep your dog healthy. The most important thing in ensuring strong immunity for a dog is your love, care and affection. After all, when the owner is nearby, the dog does not experience psychological discomfort, it is calm and balanced. Love your dog, take care of it, look after its health, and it will respond to you with canine devotion and boundless love.

Video: how to increase a dog’s immunity

The health and impeccable appearance of your beloved pet largely depends on the state of its immune system. An animal's immunity consists of cellular and humoral factors. The complex structure of the body's defenses is designed to protect the pet from pathogenic viruses, bacteria, pathogenic fungi and other microorganisms.

Immune function depends on many external and internal factors. If the body's defenses are weakened, the owner must come to the aid of his furry friend.

Read in this article

Causes of decreased immunity

Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders note the following reasons leading to decreased immunity in four-legged pets.

Causes of decreased immunity in dogs Rationale

An inadequate diet, poor in protein components and vital amino acids, leads to a decrease in the production of immunoglobulins in the body of dogs.

Deficiency of vitamins A, group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, and nicotinic acid in food products causes a decrease in the activity of cellular protective factors.

A lack of minerals in the diet - calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, iron - leads to a disruption in the production of antibodies.

Physical inactivity or excessive exercise

Lack of exercise, short walks in the fresh air, and little physical activity of the animal leads to oxygen starvation in the tissues, which is accompanied by low production of cellular protective factors.

Physical overload provokes fatigue in the dog, which results in a malfunction of the immune system.

Worm infestations

Helminthic infestations lead to the fact that the humoral mechanisms of immunity respond to the introduction of the vaccine with a weak production of the necessary antibodies.

In this regard, veterinary experts strongly recommend that owners deworm their dogs before the next preventive vaccination.

In veterinary medicine, much attention is paid to the influence of stress factors on the pet’s immunity. Moving, a change of owner, the appearance of a new family member or pet, or cruel treatment by humans is difficult for many dogs and is accompanied by a decrease in the body’s defenses against infectious agents.

Signs in dogs

Symptoms of low immunity in animals are not as easy to recognize as it seems at first glance. Signs of immunodeficiency are general and do not always appear in a pronounced form. In addition, similar symptoms are observed in dogs with a deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the body.

  • Dull, dry, disheveled without shine. The skin is dry, inelastic, with signs of dehydration.
  • The animal avoids active games and is sedentary. Sometimes a sluggish, apathetic state is observed. The dog avoids communication with humans and seeks solitude.
  • Often the dog shows unmotivated aggression towards the owner and household members.
  • Colds are becoming more frequent, regardless of the season and weather. Conjunctivitis, rhinitis, bronchitis most often indicate a decrease in the pet’s body’s defenses.
  • Joint diseases and stiffness of movement may also indicate problems with the dog’s immunity.
  • Poor appetite, perversion of taste. The animal can eat inedible objects, lick polyethylene and plastic.

Often, the owner observes similar symptoms in a dog after suffering from an infectious or severe non-contagious disease, surgery, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding puppies in females. If signs of immunodeficiency are detected, the furry pet should be shown to a veterinarian, who will rule out diseases and confirm the owner’s fears.

The owner can strengthen the dog’s body’s defenses by following the following recommendations from veterinary specialists:

  • A complete diet, quality feeding. When using ready-made feed mixtures, preference should be given only to high-quality premium and super-premium food. Specialized mixtures are enriched with vitamins and minerals and contain complete proteins necessary for the body. Such food is developed taking into account the physiological needs of dogs of certain breeds, age, and weight.

With a natural type of nutrition, the owner must pay attention to balancing the diet with protein. The main components of a dog's menu should be lean beef, chicken, turkey, and lean fish. Cottage cheese is a source of protein and minerals. Fermented milk products will help support the intestinal immune system.

Vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, turnips, etc.) are a source of vitamins and fiber necessary for the body. A veterinarian will help you create a complete diet for your dog.

  • Deworming of an animal once every 3 months will prevent infection with worms. For processing, high-quality broad-spectrum preparations should be used.
  • Use of probiotics after a course of antibacterial therapy will allow the intestinal cellular defense to return to normal. For this purpose, veterinarians advise the use of drugs such as Bioprotectin, Bifitrilak, Lactobifadol, Zoonorm, etc.
  • Fighting physical inactivity. Active games with your pet, training, and various exercises help keep the dog in good physical shape. Walks in the fresh air should last at least 2 hours a day.
  • Hardening. Gradually accustoming your pet to long walks and swimming in open water has a beneficial effect on strengthening the dog’s immune system.
  • Maintaining hygiene rules. Regular grooming (combing, washing), hygiene of the dog’s eyes, nasal and oral cavity is the key to strengthening the body’s local defenses.
  • Optimization of conditions of detention. The dog should be provided with a spacious, bright, warm room without drafts. It is prohibited to smoke in the presence of an animal, spray insecticides and household aerosol products.

An important condition for maintaining immunity at a high level is the fight against stress. An affectionate and friendly attitude towards your pet, a friendly and calm atmosphere in the house, and the absence of negative emotions help strengthen the animal’s immune defense mechanisms.

Vitamins in injections and tablets, preparations

Special medications will help effectively cope with immunodeficiency in dogs. Veterinary medicine has a wide arsenal of immunomodulators.

Modern medications activate metabolic processes in the body, increase the bactericidal properties of blood serum, and accelerate the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Immunomodulators have a detoxifying effect, increase the body's resistance to stress and physical activity, and help adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions.

The following immunostimulants are widely used in veterinary practice: Gamavit, Roncoleukin, Maksidin, Glykopin, Immunofor, Immunofan, Ribotan.

Most immunomodulators are used intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. The dosage is prescribed by a veterinarian and depends on the weight of the pet.

The choice of a particular drug should be entrusted to a qualified specialist. For example, Maxidin is effective as an immunostimulant for infectious diseases, and Gamavit will be useful in cases of decreased defenses due to vitamin deficiencies, difficult childbirth, etc.

In addition to immunomodulating drugs, you can increase the body's defenses with the help of vitamins. Veterinary specialists most often recommend injections of ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and cyanocobalamin. The use of vitamin preparations in the form of tablets is also effective, for example, Excel Multi Vitamin Senior 8 in 1, Beaphar, Kanvit Junior, etc.

Vitamin-mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system should contain vitamins A, D, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, vitamin B5, as well as zinc, selenium, iodine and iron.

Watch this video about vitamins for dogs to strengthen the immune system:

In addition to traditional medications and biological supplements, folk remedies can help the defenses of a weakened pet. For this purpose, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (carrot, cabbage, celery juice), as well as medicinal herbs, are used. Aloe, echinacea, ginseng, and St. John's wort have immunostimulating properties.

Infusions or decoctions of herbal raw materials should be used only after consultation with a veterinarian, since many folk remedies can cause allergies in your pet.

The same rule applies to beekeeping products – propolis.

A balanced diet and walks in the fresh air will help strengthen the defenses of your four-legged friend. An effective way to increase immunity are specialized drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements.

Useful video

Watch this video about vitamins for dogs:

Our pets, like people, sometimes get sick and need therapy. Since they cannot tell us about this, they sit quietly in the corner and suffer alone. Taking measures, it is necessary to quickly eliminate the disease.

In such a situation, every person strives to find a method to help their dog. Immunomodulators for dogs are considered one of the most common drugs, but let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this method of treatment.

The body's defense system plays a major role in functioning. Immunity is its protection from harmful external factors and microbes.

The immune system serves as a so-called barrier for the body, which protects it and maintains the functioning of internal organs. What immunomodulators for dogs with skin diseases exist? How can they help in the fight against the disease?

What do you need to know?

  1. To choose the right immunomodulators for your pet, you first need to know what animal immunity is, its functions and tasks. The functioning of the immune system also depends on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, which support basic biological processes and changes within the body:
  2. Phagocytes are a group of cells that overcome bacteria, and thereby protect the body from negative influences.
  3. T-lymzophytes also play an important role; they eliminate microbes, infections and fungi that have entered the body.
  4. B lymphocytes combine immunoglobulins.
  5. Antibodies “tell” the cells of the body that are responsible for the immune system that there are some foreign bodies in the body.

In addition, these systems also monitor the reproductive system. From all that has been said, we can come to the conclusion that the protective function of the body is one of the main mechanisms, which includes:

  • protection;
  • elimination of viruses and various harmful bacteria;
  • exercises control over important processes in the body.

What are immunomodulators for dogs?

When the immune system works without disturbances, the pet will be full of strength and cheerful. If painful signs or deterioration in the dog’s condition become noticeable, then you need to contact a veterinarian to eliminate the problem. If your doctor has prescribed a course of therapy with immunomodulators, you should know certain rules for taking them:

  1. It is important to use no more than two immunomodulatory drugs.
  2. If two medications need to be used, they must be alternated, but in no case should they be used together.
  3. If the disease has taken a serious turn, then it is necessary to use the following immunomodulators in therapy: “Immunofan”, “Fosprenil”, “Transfer Factor” and others.

Composition of immunomodulators

Their structure includes plant substances of biological origin - natural raw materials, preparations from animal organs. Such medications have a good effect on the immune system and regenerate its functioning. It is necessary to take medications in doses so as not to harm your pet.

Immunomodulators appeared in veterinary clinics about twenty years ago and are gaining more and more popularity every day due to their effectiveness and ease of use. Almost all instructions for use for such drugs indicate that the use of an immunomodulator provokes an increase in the body's defenses and also increases its functionality.

In addition, medications may reduce the likelihood of complications that occur after vaccination. Immunomodulators are not used with vaccines, since the latter initially already have all the necessary substances.

To increase the animal's immunity, it is necessary to use special medications that affect the functioning of the immune system. There are different options for administering an immunomodulator for dogs: tablets, injections and capsules.

The retail chain offers a huge selection of immunomodulators. You should not buy the first thing you come across; before purchasing a medicine, you need to consult a veterinarian. Immunomodulators are sold in veterinary pharmacies and veterinary clinics. They are widespread and used in treatment everywhere.

The list of immunomodulators for dogs includes the following drugs:

  1. "Salmozan"
  2. "Kinoron".
  3. "Gamavit".
  4. "Mastim."
  5. "Nucleopeptide".
  6. "Immunofan".
  7. "Maksidin."
  8. "Cathozal".
  9. "Gala Vet."
  10. "Globfel."


Included in the list of immunomodulators for dogs. The drug "Salmozan" is based on bacteria. This medication enhances the animal’s defense system. Helps eliminate various infections, viruses and bacteria. It is allowed to use the medicine with other antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the complex use of the drug helps to reduce the duration of therapy and reduce the required dosage.

"Salmozan" activates cellular and humoral immunity, stimulates macrophages, increases the body's nonspecific resistance to infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms, and has an adjuvant effect.

Using the drug together with vaccines activates the immune response and prolongs the body's response. The use of the drug for the treatment of infectious diseases together with antibacterial agents of the penicillin, tetracycline series and aminoglycosides helps to increase their pharmacological effectiveness, as well as reduce the dose and duration of antibiotic use.


The drug affects the protective functions of the body. In addition, it increases the body's resistance to various harmful factors. It is necessary to use the medication for preventive purposes after vaccination in order to increase the effectiveness of this procedure.

The medication is a lyophilized mixture of leukocyte interferon proteins, as well as cytokines produced by peripheral blood leukocytes. It is a good immunomodulator for dogs with demodicosis.

“Kinoron” is a homogeneous powder or porous white mass, highly soluble in liquids. Aqueous solutions are colorless.

The drug can activate immune processes and the activity of immunocompetent cells, as well as increase the nonspecific resistance of the dog’s body. The medication provides prevention of post-vaccination complications and increases the effect of vaccines.


The drug contains proteins and minerals that help resume metabolic processes, improve not only the functioning of the immune system, but also the functioning of internal organs. Affects blood serum, increases the body's defenses, and normalizes the blood formula. "Gamavit" is an excellent immunomodulator for dogs with staphylococcus.

Activates all muscles, increases energy and resistance to stress, endurance during exercise. The medicine copes well with any problem.


The structure of the drug contains natural biological components. “Nucleopeptide” is aimed at stimulating hormones and metabolic processes. The medicine helps the animal gain weight and also helps the immune system cope with environmental factors that can harm the pet’s health. The medication is used for preventive purposes, to eliminate various chronic diseases, is indicated for use by small puppies, during pregnancy, and is used to increase growth and improve coat.


The drug is used to eliminate chronic diseases and increase the body's defenses. The drug serves as a barrier against possible ailments in the dog’s body that can occur in an animal at an early age. Affects the functioning of the liver, increasing its function of eliminating toxins. "Immunofan" is in great demand in veterinary medicine, as it is considered completely harmless to dogs. Does not cause allergic reactions or other negative side reactions. It is a good immunomodulator for dogs with lichen.

"Gala Vet"

The medication has similar characteristics to its analogues. The drug affects the performance of the immune system and normalizes its functioning. It works well if taken for immunodeficiency. It is allowed to use “Gala-Vet” for preventive purposes, as well as in therapeutic measures if there are infectious, chronic or oncological diseases. The drug has a positive effect on the reproductive organs.


Currently, immunomodulators for dogs are widely used in veterinary medicine and are in great demand. This is facilitated by the positive effects of medicines, their effectiveness and reliability. But it should be remembered that all these drugs are not considered essential medicine. They can be used together with other antibacterial agents. Serious diseases cannot be eliminated if only immunomodulators are used in therapy. They are not considered a cure for all diseases; these drugs only help the body cope with the problems that have arisen.

Owners of dogs and cats should not skip scheduled vaccinations; this is very important for the full health and development of the animal. Pay attention to your pet's nutrition.

With proper care and attention, the dog will always be healthy and full of strength. It is necessary to periodically ventilate the room in which the dog is located, be with him outside more often, play, caress and love. It should be remembered that the healthy lifestyle of your animal is in the hands of the owner.

Most modern diseases of both humans and animals are much easier to prevent than to treat. The immune system, or simply immunity, is responsible for the body's resistance to disease. Thus, by intelligently influencing the immunity of animals, a person can increase the protection of his charges from infectious diseases.

How to increase the immunity of animals?

Today you can buy a huge variety of products in pet pharmacies. preparations for the immune system of dogs, cats and other animals. The choice must be approached carefully, because... The list of such products is indeed very large, and it is difficult to understand which of the presented names are the best.

All immune drugs are divided into two large groups: immunomodulators and immunostimulants.

Immunostimulants- these are drugs that stimulate the immune system to improve the quality of the body's defenses. Needless to say, in extreme conditions of detention, under stress and after serious illnesses, immunostimulants are an irreplaceable thing.

The most popular immune stimulants can be considered Gamavit for cats and dogs, Fosprenil for cats and dogs, Ligfol for cats and dogs etc. In addition, all of the listed drugs are excellent for farm animals and birds - cows, bulls, goats, sheep, chickens, etc.

In a veterinary pharmacy online pet store website you can inexpensively buy immunostimulants (immune stimulants) for domestic and farm animals and birds. Order products from Bayer, Biostim, Gama-Vetfarm, Nita-Pharm, Farmaks, etc. in our veterinary pharmacy at low prices in Moscow, the Moscow region or in any region of Russia and use the pickup service. Each item has a photo and detailed descriptions, a price is indicated and recommendations for use are given. Our managers will be happy to answer any questions and accept feedback about the product.

Immunomodulators are necessary for a dog when it is diagnosed with an acute or chronic infection, immunological deficiency, stress, long-term drug or antibiotic therapy, anthelmintic drugs, etc.

However, for each individual case it is better to use a specific drug and therefore, when using immunomodulators, it is necessary to consult a doctor. There are quite a few immunomodulators for dogs.

The most popular immunomodulators for dogs

(in tablets, 1 mg tablets) is a drug that modulates the immune system with a fairly wide spectrum of action. It has virtually no recorded side effects, although it is not recommended to be given to pregnant animals.

– used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective drug, which is administered to dogs subcutaneously or intramuscularly during the treatment of various infections and inflammations.

And immunofan is used for viral diseases, as well as some skin problems. These drugs have a detoxifying effect. They are also used in the fight against stress. Their intramuscular administration is most convenient. If the dosage is followed correctly, there are no side effects.

It gives not only an antiviral, but also an antitumor effect. This is a very effective drug with a strong effect. It enhances the production of interferons in the dog’s body - proteins secreted by cells in response to the invasion of a particular virus. In addition, the use of this drug improves the condition of the animal’s skin and fur.

– one of the most popular immunomodulators among dog breeders. This is a complex preparation that includes microelements and various amino acids. It is especially effective for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, anemia, toxicosis, as well as various stresses. Gamavit has no contraindications. It is also often used when preparing dogs for shows. The drug is administered intramuscularly.