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Game of games interactive bullying of a person. Blood games online. Bullying games: cool stories

The category that bullying games fall into can hardly be called good-natured. However, this does not mean that only notorious sadists will prefer to play the adventures collected in it. Sometimes it is difficult to cope with negative emotions, and without appropriate release, accumulated anger can spill over onto loved ones. But virtual bullying will cope perfectly with rage, and a positive charge from hilarious gameplay is guaranteed. Actually, these flash games were created to take out anger on the character, so as not to transfer it to his family or friends.

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No matter what happens in life - a quarrel with a teacher, a conflict with the authorities or troubles in the team - these funny amusements will allow you to take revenge on the offender. So, you can take revenge on an annoying teacher for another bad grade by using a couple of sophisticated methods. And the main thing is that no punishment will follow if you spank him with a briefcase. Do you want to get even with your impudent neighbors? Please! Throw dynamite directly at their door and wait until the hated roommate in the stairwell flies into the air. In a word, the most wonderful jokes await you, so use your imagination and start making fun of your nasty rivals.

Relieving stress

Bullying games are an excellent way to get rid of stress. And if moral principles do not allow you to mock representatives of humanity, then calmly begin to exterminate zombies. There is no pity at all for these vile creatures, so invent such terrible tortures for the monsters as you can invent. Show the insidious evil spirits that you shouldn’t meddle with the enraged hero. But remember that the bullying shown in these games cannot be used in reality. At a minimum, this is fraught with criminal liability.

Don't think that bullying games are just about torturing victims mercilessly. Sometimes, in order to repay the villain, you will have to think, so intellectual quests will also be found in this section. For example, you will need to figure out how to use improvised objects to punish a greedy manager who stubbornly refuses to hand over his salary. But games for two will show who has the best imagination. So invite a friend and organize a comic battle.

Of course, these applications are unlikely to teach you good things, but playing will definitely be fun, and this is what is required from such entertainment. And it’s not difficult to download them, or you can even launch the story you like from the browser and blow off steam in a few minutes.

Bullying games: cool stories

In this collection, every user will find a great activity to free themselves from anger. Thus, fans of horror films will enjoy bloodthirsty mockery, where they will enjoy the sight of flying limbs or heads. You can start a dangerous race in vehicles that are completely unsuitable for such races, such as a wheelchair or shopping cart. And then you just have to watch how any collision on the deadly highway ends in self-harm.

Particularly in demand are fun games where you have to piss off your boss. They are simply adored by office workers who are not really allowed to make fun of their boss. But here you can mock the tyrant as much as you like. No less exciting are the mockery of people, in which you can arrange a vendetta for an entire city. Quickly get into a huge truck and mercilessly crush imposing passers-by and careless cyclists who did not have time to get away.

But boys prefer to bully girls. This choice is explained very logically. After all, at school, even a seasoned bully is embarrassed in front of a gaggle of girls who constantly giggle at his mistakes. But in games you can mock sarcastic young ladies to your heart's content.

In order for a person to feel happy, he needs to learn one thing - to live in harmony with himself, the outside world and the people around him. To do this, you need to find some balance between your external and internal self-expression. And of course, it is worth saying that this is not so easy to do. After all, in order to carry out serious work on your shortcomings and bad habits, you need to make a lot of effort and all this will require a certain amount of time. And no matter how hard you try to be kind to others, sometimes unpleasant moments happen in life, and negative emotions just overwhelm you, causing your nerve cells to suffer. The reasons for the emergence of negative emotions and, as a result, a bad mood can be completely different: your boss and colleagues at work bothered you, someone stepped on your foot in public transport, your favorite sports team lost again, it rained like buckets all day, you just didn’t get enough sleep and etc.
To relax a little, we suggest you play games from the category called bullying games or as they are also called sadushki games. This category differs from other categories in the absence of an intellectual component, but in order to lose one’s ardor, this is not so important. This category contains flash games that mock people, monsters, aliens, animals, zombies, and insects. They are created specifically to release negative emotions and release. Play online bullying games and you might feel better.
Online bullying games have a comic plot with elements of a special type of humor - black humor. Basically, the presented games in this category can be divided into shooters or shooting games, where you can kill using a variety of weapons, inflict physical injuries with blows or some other objects. Or go crazy and rush along the highway at breakneck speed, knocking down everyone and everything in your path while running away from police cars. Of course, such games do not teach anything good, just like bloody films, action films and horror films, as well as literature of a similar genre. But sometimes you really want to play, watch or read this type of thing.
Our website presents a variety of bullying games that are available to you around the clock and do not require lengthy preliminary registration, because there is no such registration at all. All online flash games are absolutely free and are constantly updated with new interesting toys.

Are your parents angry? - No problem. They will help you bullying games. They are specially designed to discharge and release negative emotions. On our website you will find a large selection of online games for boys and girls. All online games are free.


Flash games of bullying are a very peculiar, perhaps incomprehensible and unacceptable genre for some in the gaming industry, but it also has a right to exist. Some people consider such flash drives too evil, bloodthirsty and disgusting, while others perceive them as a joke, a way to relieve tension, vent anger or resentment. By the way, bullying games help many people get rid of negative energy, and this is their advantage. Taking revenge on your offenders virtually is much better than taking any cruel actions in real life. Therefore, if an acquaintance insulted or seriously offended you, a colleague seriously set you up, your boss scolded you for nothing or deprived you of a bonus simply because he felt like it, a random passerby scolded you, a store clerk was rude, choose bullying games, mentally imagine your offender as the main character and take revenge on him , as much as your heart desires!

The gaming portal site provides the opportunity for all gamers from Moscow and other cities to play for free a variety of flash games in which they can make fun of a variety of characters and heroes. The “target” could be an angry teacher, an unfair boss, a bullying classmate, an always grumbling neighbor or a harmful work colleague. In bullying games, the recipient of the “thrashing” can be a famous person, for example, a politician, an artist, a pop singer or a famous billionaire. Want to blow off some steam? Then you have chosen the right section of our portal!