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Characteristic personality traits of a student for the military registration and enlistment office: features, requirements and examples. Ready-made examples (samples) of characteristics for high school students Sample characteristics for a conscript from a weak school


born 1998,

Residing at:

Has basic education. He was brought up in a complete, prosperous family. Father is a military man. Parents pay great attention to raising their son, come to school when called, and respond correctly to teachers’ comments.

Studied at secondary school No. 3 named after. V.N. Shchegoleva from the first grade. During the period of study, he showed himself to be a student with good abilities, studying for “good” and “excellent” grades. Possesses the skills of educational and cognitive activity, knows how to plan educational work, highlight the main thing in educational material, work with additional literature, analyze, summarize the material, apply the acquired knowledge in a new environment. Able to work independently and exercise self-control. The young man is persistent, diligent, organized and neat. Follows all recommendations of teachers. Shows special interest in history, social studies, biology, and mathematics.

Participates in all school educational events, was a prize-winner of school and municipal Olympiads in biology, history, and physical education. He also participated in competitions in mathematics “Kangaroo”, in computer science “KIT”, in Russian language “Bear Cub”, and in various subject youth championships.

The young man takes an active part in public life school and class: participates in all work activities, sports and cultural events.

Has musical and stage abilities. Captain of the KVN school team, which took first place in the school and municipal stages.

Treats the assigned work conscientiously. Sociable, friendly, reserved and honest. Reacts to criticism with understanding, enjoys well-deserved authority among classmates and teachers, and has friends at school and outside it. Well mannered, polite, responsive and tactful.

Pays attention to sports training, leads healthy image life, attends the sports section at the children's sports school for powerlifting, and the school basketball section. He won prizes at the municipal level. He has a certificate of participation in the municipal stage of the athletics cross-country race “Olympic Running Day” (10 km race). Physically developed.

By physical culture and in life safety has “excellent” ratings.

Has no bad habits.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

Classroom teacher



student 11 "A" class MOU secondary school

born 1997,

Residing at:

Full name has basic education. He was brought up in a complete, prosperous family. Father is a military man. Parents pay great attention to raising their son, come to school when called, and respond correctly to teachers’ comments.

Studied at secondary school No. 3 named after. V.N. Shchegoleva from the first grade. During the period of study, he showed himself to be a student with good abilities, studying with a “good” grade. Possesses the skills of educational and cognitive activity, knows how to plan educational work, highlight the main thing in educational material, work with additional literature, analyze, generalize the material, and apply acquired knowledge in a new environment. Able to work independently and exercise self-control. The young man is persistent, diligent, organized and neat. Follows all recommendations of teachers. Shows special interest in mathematical subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science. Vadim successfully masters humanities subjects.

Participates in all school educational events, was a prize-winner of school Olympiads in biology, physical education…. He also participated in competitions in mathematics “Kangaroo”, in computer science “KIT”, in Russian language “Bear Cub”, and in various youth championships.

The young man takes an active part in the social life of the school and class: he participates in all work activities, sports and cultural events. Treats the assigned work conscientiously. Sociable, friendly and honest. Reacts to criticism with understanding, enjoys well-deserved authority among classmates and teachers, and has friends at school and outside it. Well mannered, polite and tactful.

He pays attention to sports training, attends the sports section at the Youth Sports School for powerlifting, powerlifting, and the school basketball section. He won prizes at the municipal and regional levels. Has 2nd adult category in powerlifting.

The young man defended the honor of the school in sporting events, as well as in the military sports game “Come on, guys!”, where the team took first place at the municipal level. Has a 3rd degree Diploma of the laureate of the regional rally of cadet schools, military-patriotic associations, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War 1941-1945 in the "Military Sports Relay" competition.

Physically developed. In physical education and life safety he has “excellent” grades. Has no bad habits.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

Classroom teacher


Characteristics of student 11 "A" class MOU secondary school

Born in 1997,

residing at:

has basic education. He is brought up in a complete family, relations in the family are equal. Father is a military man. Mom is a teacher

Parents pay great attention to raising their son. They respond correctly to all comments and demands of teachers.

Studied at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 named after. V.N. Shchegoleva from 1st grade. During the period of study he showed himself to be a student with average abilities. may show persistence in learning and worry about the grades received. Possesses basic skills of educational and cognitive activity and is inclined to self-education. Mainly performs with “good” and “satisfactory” grades. Shows particular interest in subjects such as mathematics, physics, and social studies. Participated in school olympiad in physics, where he took 1st place. He was also a participant in All-Russian subject competitions and youth subject championships.

The young man takes an active part in the social life of the class and school: he participates in all work activities and cultural events. For several years I was a class physicist.

He has musical and stage abilities; he studied at the theater studio at DDT. An active participant in the school KVN team, theatrical performances, recreational evenings, socially significant events, etc. He takes his assigned work seriously and responsibly. Elected president of the children's school organization. Takes an active life position.

An energetic, cheerful, active and honest young man. He is friendly in his interactions with classmates. Has many friends

The young man is physically developed. Pays attention to physical training and leads a healthy lifestyle. He is engaged in powerlifting in the sports section of the Youth Sports School, in the school basketball section, and is the winner of municipal and regional competitions. Has 1 adult category in powerlifting.

He defended the honor of the school in sporting events, as well as in the military sports game “Come on, guys!”, where the team took first place at the municipal level. He has a 3rd degree Diploma of laureate of the regional gathering of cadet schools, military-patriotic associations, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in the "Military Sports Relay" competition.

For three years he studied at a teenage military sports camp in the urban district of ZATO Svetly under the initial military sports training program. Awarded diplomas for high achievements based on the results of the military sports camp and a diploma for superiority in the military applied relay race. In physical education and life safety he has “excellent” grades.

Easily adapts to a new environment, has self-control and composure in conflict and stressful situations.

Reacts correctly to comments.

Has no bad habits.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

Classroom teacher

Class teachers of graduating classes are required to provide the military registration and enlistment office with characteristics of young people (this is usually required in the 11th grade). In rare cases, this can be done by the head teacher or school director, as well as by any teacher who knows the conscript personally.

However, not everyone knows how to correctly compile this description: what needs to be written, what words and phrases can be used, and what not to write under any circumstances. In this article we will look at examples of correct writing of characteristics and draw up a plan. It is very convenient when the military registration and enlistment office itself sends a form that needs to be filled out. But in most cases, the class teacher writes the description independently.

So, the characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office should describe the socio-psychological aspects of the personality, since special attention it will be studied by a psychiatrist, whose conclusion is important in determining whether the young man is fit for the army or not.

It also includes information about academic performance, social activity, behavior, relationships at school and in the family. The characteristics of a student at the military registration and enlistment office can be free-form, but there are some rules and points that must be written down.

Rules for compiling characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office

  • writing on a standard A4 sheet;
  • use of the official letterhead of the educational institution.
  • using a pen with black or blue ink;
  • written in third person;
  • in the present tense (or not so long ago).


  • Title of the document (“Characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office”).
  • Full name, year of birth, nationality, education (kindergartens, schools).
  • brief information about the family (parents' full names, date of birth and place of work). You can also note material well-being, the presence (if any) of registered mental illness and alcoholism.
  • General health.
  • The character of the conscript (how observant, coordinated, trainable, responsible, how developed is memory, reaction), behavior (including difficult situations), relationships with family and peers (does he enjoy authority, what is his relationship with teachers), social extracurricular activities (sports and other competitions, Olympiads, events, community service, sections for the last three years).
  • School performance, attendance additional courses.
  • Type of temperament, best aspects and skills, favorite subjects at school (You can highlight those that are best and worst for him). Please note if the student smokes or drinks alcohol or has had any problems with the police.
  • Subjective conclusion: is the student, in your opinion, fit for service, and if so, what branch of the military would you recommend him for?
  • The purpose of issuing the document (“for presentation in admissions committee military registration and enlistment office").
  • Signature of the class teacher, school director and seal.
  • Date of.

All this data must be relevant; the student must be described in the present tense. Remember that if you are appointed as the person responsible for writing a student's profile for the military registration and enlistment office, you are directly responsible for what you write and are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide.

When writing a student’s characteristics, it is necessary to highlight him positive sides, and, if you consider it necessary, point out the shortcomings in a neutral way if they are significant.

Characteristics of a pupil or student is one of the mandatory documents that a young person must provide to the military registration and enlistment office. It should give a clear idea of ​​who a person is in ordinary civilian life.

It is believed that the characteristic greatly influences which troops the future soldier will end up in: in fact, this is one of the few ways to understand what a person is like. If you describe any student's skills useful for the army, there is a high probability that he will serve in specialized troops, and not in an ordinary construction battalion. This document also remains in the archives, in the conscript’s personal file. Therefore, you should take filling out this document with complete seriousness and responsibility.

Student, born October 29, 1995, studied at Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11th grade. Currently studying at the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseeva.

While studying at school, he proved himself to be a conscientious student, did not miss classes without a good reason, and did not violate discipline. Student It has good abilities to learning. I coped well with school subjects.

This student can be characterized like a disciplined person. Character student calm, he tries to avoid conflict situations, tactful. He enjoyed well-deserved authority among his classmates. Friendly: I had friends not only among my classmates, but also both at school and outside of it.

In communication with adults and teachers he is polite and friendly. He has an even relationship with everyone. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, he strives to find a compromise option. Thinks creatively.


The young man is physically developed well. While studying at school, I attended sports sections and actively participated in sports competitions and competitions not only at the class level, but also at the school level.

Student was brought up in a complete family. Family relations are good. Parents take an active part in the educational process of their children.

Sample 2

Student, born 09/07/1995, studied at Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11th grade. Currently he is a student at the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy.

While studying at school he showed average abilities. I coped with the curriculum “good” and “satisfactorily.” He did not allow absences from classes or violations of discipline.

IN creative life did not actively participate in school, but took an active part in the life of the class. Always followed the rules of conduct.

While at school student showed himself to be a modest, cheerful, comrade.

Student tries to avoid conflict situations; if this fails, he shows tact and calmness. He enjoys well-deserved authority among other students in his class. I have friends in other classes of our school.

When communicating with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly. He has an even relationship with everyone.


The young man is physically developed well. While studying at school, he attended sports sections and actively participated in sports competitions and competitions.

The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed. He was not registered with the KDN.

Student was brought up in a single-parent family. Treat your mother and younger brother with love and respect. An indispensable helper at home. Family relations are good. The general atmosphere of relationships in the family is friendly, an atmosphere of harmony and understanding. Mom takes an active part in Roman’s life.

Sample 3

Student, born 09/04/1995, studied at the Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11th grade.

Student has good learning abilities, but did not study to the fullest of his abilities, mostly at “3”. Has good visual and auditory memory, demonstrates logical thinking. He did not allow absences from classes or violations of discipline.

The young man is physically developed well. Attended sports sections and took part in class sporting events.

Student modest, cheerful. He is not a leader in the class and is easily influenced by others. He has many friends and maintains friendly relations with many students at school. He was respected in the class.

He did not actively participate in the creative life of the school, but he always enjoyed working in the work team.

Student Calm, tactful in communicating with teachers and children.

He was not registered with the KDN.

The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed. Sergei was raised in a complete, prosperous family. Parents took an active part in raising their son.

For the full text of the material, see the downloadable file for three sample characteristics of a graduate at the military registration and enlistment office..
The page contains a fragment.

The responsibility of the heads of graduating classes is to compile characteristics of their students for the military registration and enlistment office. Rarely are such characteristics written by head teachers or directors of educational institutions. However, there are teachers who do not know how to write such a description correctly, what needs to be described, and what cannot be described under any circumstances. It is much more convenient if the military registration and enlistment office sends a sample characteristics. But more often than not, the class leader has to write the description himself.

How to write a reference for a student for the military registration and enlistment office

The characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office must reflect the socio-psychological traits of the student, since this document will be reviewed by a psychiatrist, and its conclusion is important for establishing the conscript’s suitability for military service.

The profile also displays data about the student's academic performance, class activity, behavior, and peer and family relationships. This form for the military registration and enlistment office can be compiled in a free style, however, certain standards have been adopted for the mandatory description of certain stages.

Rules for writing characteristics

  • The document is filled out on a regular A4 sheet.
  • It is possible to use the school's letterhead.
  • The document is filled out with a pen with black or blue ink.
  • The recommendation is made from a third person in the present tense (or past, but recently).

Document structure

  1. At the top of the page the name of the form is written “ Characteristics of the military registration and enlistment office».
  2. Next: – Full name, date of birth, nationality, student of what class.
  3. The next paragraph displays brief information about the young man’s family (full name of the parents, their date of birth and the name of the institution in which they work). You can display the parents’ financial status, health status, and especially need to display mental condition young men and attitudes towards alcoholism.
  4. Next, you need to describe the general condition of the body.
  • The character of the young man (does he have observation skills, coordinated movements, learning ability, responsibility, memory development, reaction).
  • Conscript's behavior (including in difficult circumstances).
  • Relationships with relatives, peers and teachers.
  • Social activity outside of school (participation in competitions, olympiads, social events over the past 3 years).
  • Performance in class, taking additional courses.
  • What is your temperament, positive and negative aspects, favorite subjects in the class (You can highlight subjects that are better and worse). It should be noted whether the student smokes and whether there have been problems with the police.
  1. At the end of the document, you need to make a subjective conclusion about the conscript’s suitability for military service and what types of troops it is recommended to send him to.
  2. Then the purpose of the compiled form is written “... for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office...».
  3. At the end of the form, write the date the document was compiled and the signature of the class leader, director of the educational institution and a seal.

All information displayed in the form must be real. The teacher who signed the reference for the student for the military registration and enlistment office is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the document.

The characteristics of a low-performing student are written according to the same template as described in the previous section.

Here you need to describe how long the student has been studying at school No. XXXX. How you behaved during your studies, display the assessment of your studies as “satisfactory”. Reflect below average diligence in studying, a manifestation of laziness. Show the student’s interest in physical education, native language, and other subjects. Show that he doesn’t always do his homework and doesn’t participate in competitions.

I am often not focused in lessons. The student is not always satisfied with his grades, however, he does not strive to correct them. Has a good memory. Difficulty adapting to a new situation.

Balanced in character, he rarely conflicts. The student is friendly, sometimes aggressive. Doesn't always find " mutual language» with students of parallel classes. He treats elders with respect and does not always react correctly to criticism.

Has no assignments at school. Doesn't attend sections. Doesn't always take part in school events. The attitude towards work is normal. Sometimes he misses classes without explanation.

He is brought up in a full-fledged family. Relations at home are normal. However, the mother does not attend school meetings and does not sufficiently monitor her son’s progress and his discipline.

Has a negative attitude towards alcohol and drugs. I do not smoke.

The characteristics were compiled for the military registration and enlistment office.

Date Signature (Cl. of the head and director of the educational institution).

For a bad student

How to write a sample testimonial for a good student

For an exemplary student, the characteristics are filled out in the same style as in the previous example. But here his academic performance is emphasized: “good” and “excellent”; he is an active participant in the life of the educational institution.

«… Petrov Petr has been studying at this school since September 1. 20xx year.

He studies “good” and “excellent”. Responsibly meets the requirements of teachers. Executive, proactive, helps peers. By nature he is calm and friendly. Enjoys authority among classmates.

There are no disciplinary comments. Peter has developed logical thinking.

Actively takes part in school sports competitions and Olympiads. Repeatedly achieved prizes. Adequately assesses his abilities.

During my studies I was interested in studying subjects such as biology, mathematics and foreign language …»

For a good student

Here you need to fill out the document in the same way. Display the student's period of study at school. Show his ability and interest in subjects, his physical and mental condition, and also what desire he shows for physical and military training.

Display relationships with classmates, with elders, with parents and teachers. Attitudes towards alcohol, drugs and smoking. In short, the document is filled out according to the same standard structure. The document must display real information about the conscript in order for the military registration and enlistment office to correctly determine the fate of the future soldier.

And also, the document must be signed by the class leader and the school director.

For an average student

For 9th grade

After graduating from the 9th grade, a reference is issued for the student, the purpose of which may be for the military registration and enlistment office, for an educational institution with the highest degree of accreditation upon admission, as well as for other purposes.

Let's consider step-by-step filling out the characteristics of a 9th grade student

  1. At the top is the name of the school that issued the document.
  2. The next paragraph is the name of the document: “ ...Student characteristics... Full name...»
  3. Basic information:
  • The period of schooling.
  • Physical training.
  • Degree of development curriculum(completely, partially).
  • Relationships in the family (full-fledged or not, material security, atmosphere in the family, parental control over the student).
  • Relationships in the team (leader, presence of friends, conflict, isolation, teacher support).
  • Social activity (organizational skills, diligence in carrying out assignments).
  • Characteristic traits (discipline, modesty, cheerfulness, self-confidence, self-criticism, aggressiveness, adequacy.)
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Date of preparation of the document and signatures of officials.

For 10th grade

This document is compiled similarly to the characteristics of a 9th grade student. The structure and content of the document is the same with a description of the true characteristic qualities of a 10th grade student. The form is signed by the class teacher and the school director.

A sample description of a 10th grade student at the military registration and enlistment office can be viewed.

For 11th grade

Preparing a reference for an 11th grade graduate is an important and responsible task. The information contained in the document must be truthful and objective.

A school graduate goes out into an almost independent life. By age, he is already a conscript and his character will depend on what characteristics are given to him. further fate in the army, what branch of the military he will end up in, or how great his chances of entering a university will be.

The preparation of such a document is usually carried out by the class leader, who knows his student best of all. Together with him, the school director is also responsible for the document, since his signature must also be on the completed form.

Recruitment armed forces The Russian Federation is always associated with moral concerns and the need to collect various documents. Among other things, they are required to provide a description of the conscript.

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Where can I get it and what should the document contain? This article will help with this.

Purpose of the document

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office in a general sense are a special document that can give a general idea of ​​the conscript and an assessment of his behavior to the relevant institution. Consequently, the characteristic includes a description of all socio-psychological aspects relating to the personality of the one who provides this document.

Who needs?

From a subjective point of view, the characteristic will undoubtedly be needed by the one who provides it - the conscript. It’s not for nothing that all young guys of the appropriate age are concerned about it. From an objective point of view - to the institution where the document is submitted, the military registration and enlistment office.

Main characters characteristics:

  • high school students;
  • students of universities, technical schools, lyceums, etc.;
  • enterprise workers of conscription age.

During a medical examination of a conscript, a psychiatrist will be guaranteed to look at the characteristics in order to determine the answer to the eternal question of “pass/fail.” In addition, this document has some influence on where the guy will be sent, if he is still fit, whether he will be assigned to a construction battalion or reconnaissance.

Further fate

In principle, except for the military registration and enlistment office, the conscript will not need this document anywhere else, but will remain in the archives as a mention of the individual.

After the reference to the military registration and enlistment office has fulfilled its purpose, it is sent to a folder called .

Who gives a character reference for a conscript to the military registration and enlistment office?

From school (from place of study)

Characteristics for a school student are written by him classroom teacher(in some cases - the head teacher, or any other teacher of this educational institution). This usually happens in 11th grade.

It includes:

  • information about academic performance;
  • activity;
  • behavior;
  • relationships in the team.

A student from a university can obtain a reference from the dean's office of his faculty. Often there are pre-printed forms/blanks that need to be filled out.

There are several options for filling:

  • the characterization is written directly by the conscript himself, highlighting his strengths and weaknesses;
  • the document is filled out by the responsible person;
  • the characterization is also written by the responsible person from the educational institution, but in any form (if no forms are provided).

Regardless of the type of educational institution, the characteristics must indicate the institution that issued it.

From the place of work

The reference letter from the place of work must also be presented on the organization’s letterhead, indicating its details.

The document is drawn up by the employer or any other responsible person directly related to this organization.

When compiling the characteristics, points similar to the previous ones are taken into account, with the exception of adding information about the work itself.

From parents

Characteristics from parents are provided with less strict rules: in free form on a regular sheet of paper. This, of course, does not exclude the fact that the mandatory details of the document remain.


  • document's name;
  • structure (full name, date of birth, etc.);
  • date, signature.

From neighbors (at place of residence)

A document of this type is often called a “household characteristic”.

It indicates the assessment of a person’s behavior and character by his neighbors.

A reference at the place of residence can be provided for various reasons (to work, to an educational institution, and so on), but its direction to the military registration and enlistment office does not have any special properties.

How to write? (sample)

Above there were several instructions on how to write a description for the military registration and enlistment office, references to the fact that, regardless of the type, they are all similar to each other. This paragraph tells all the subtleties in detail.

The draft commission of the military registration and enlistment office considers characteristics that comply with the following rules:

  • the document is written in a third person;
  • the time indicated in the document may be present or not so long ago;
  • Any form is possible, but the above-mentioned forms of the educational institution can become its limitations. The form of writing a description by parents or neighbors is not limited in any way;

The specification must contain the following information:

  1. Like all official documents, its name is indicated at the beginning of the sheet, in in this case- “Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office.”
  2. The next stage is to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic; it is also supposed to write the year of birth of the conscript and the educational institutions in which he received his education.
  3. The document must also contain basic information about the family. The description should include full names parents, date of birth and place where they work.
  4. Since this characteristic is submitted to the draft commission, and then to the medical one, the state of health is also indicated (in general terms).
  5. Next comes the turn of describing the person’s character, his behavior, at this point you can write about the conscript’s relationships with his peers, in the team, about his extracurricular activities, activity in educational institutions and at work, academic performance. Summarize with a general socio-psychological assessment, indicate the type of temperament (if known). If possible, display in better light strengths and the obvious advantages of the conscript, smooth out the shortcomings.
  6. You can add your favorite subjects to your academic performance. Academic performance is indicated by the one at the last place of study.
  7. After the description, they usually write the purpose of issuing the document (in this case, for presentation to the selection committee of the military registration and enlistment office).
  8. Next, the authorized persons responsible for the characteristics are signed and stamped by the institution where the document was issued.
  9. The last step is the date.

Responsible person

IN general concept The definition of “responsible person” includes the position and person in this position who is entrusted with the duties of fulfilling any order.

Consequently, in which case the responsible person is personally responsible for the reality of the information, and also has the necessary authority to provide it.

In the case of writing a reference to the military registration and enlistment office, the responsible person is appointed depending on the institution where this document is issued.

Considering the above group distribution, it could be:

  • class teacher, head teacher, teacher, school director;
  • curator, head of department, dean, rector;
  • employer, director of the company or organization in which the conscript works;
  • parents, guardians;
  • neighbours.

Watch an interesting video about the characteristics of the average conscript:

Selection of personal data and personal qualities

When writing characteristics, take into account best qualities person.

Disadvantages, if they are pointed out, are done in a neutral way, trying to highlight the advantages.

Personal data is indicated in the generalized structure of the characteristics. Information such as full name and date of birth are required. Information about family composition should be as brief as possible.

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Personal qualities are described over the past three years. It is necessary to create a description of the conscript as he is now, and not as he was in the past. Likewise social activity is also indicated recently.

Nuances that are best kept silent