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Characteristics of the conscript from the class teacher. Characteristics of a conscript for submission to the military registration and enlistment office. There are several options for filling

Student, born October 29, 1995, studied in Vakhtanskaya high school from fifth grade after graduation primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11th grade. Currently studying at the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseeva.

While studying at school, he proved himself to be a conscientious student, did not miss classes without a good reason, and did not violate discipline. Student It has good abilities to learning. I coped well with school subjects.

This student can be characterized like a disciplined person. Character student calm, he tries to avoid conflict situations, and is tactful. He enjoyed well-deserved authority among his classmates. Friendly: I had friends not only among my classmates, but also both at school and outside of it.

In communication with adults and teachers he is polite and friendly. He has an even relationship with everyone. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, he strives to find a compromise option. Thinks creatively.


The young man is physically developed well. While studying at school, I attended sports sections and actively participated in sports competitions and competitions not only at the class level, but also at the school level.

Student was brought up in a complete family. Family relations are good. Parents take an active part in the educational process of their children.

Sample 2

Student, born 09/07/1995, studied at Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11th grade. Currently he is a student at the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy.

During school he showed average abilities. I coped with the curriculum “good” and “satisfactorily.” He did not allow absences from classes or violations of discipline.

IN creative life did not actively participate in school, but took an active part in the life of the class. Always followed the rules of conduct.

While at school student showed himself to be a modest, cheerful, comrade.

Student tries to avoid conflict situations; if this fails, he shows tact and calmness. He enjoys well-deserved authority among other students in his class. I have friends in other classes of our school.

When communicating with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly. He has an even relationship with everyone.


The young man is physically developed well. While studying at school, he attended sports sections and actively participated in sports competitions and competitions.

The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed. He was not registered with the KDN.

Student was brought up in a single-parent family. Treat your mother and younger brother with love and respect. An indispensable helper at home. Family relations are good. The general atmosphere of relationships in the family is friendly, an atmosphere of harmony and understanding. Mom takes an active part in Roman’s life.

Sample 3

Student, born 09/04/1995, studied at the Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11th grade.

Student has good learning abilities, but did not study to the fullest of his abilities, mostly at “3”. Has good visual and auditory memory, demonstrates logical thinking. He did not allow absences from classes or violations of discipline.

The young man is physically developed well. Attended sports sections and took part in class sporting events.

Student modest, cheerful. He is not a leader in the class and is easily influenced by others. He has many friends and maintains friendly relations with many students at school. He was respected in the class.

He did not actively participate in the creative life of the school, but he always enjoyed working in the work team.

Student Calm, tactful in communicating with teachers and children.

He was not registered with the KDN.

The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed. Sergei was raised in a complete, prosperous family. Parents took an active part in raising their son.

For the full text of the material, see the downloadable file for three sample characteristics of a graduate at the military registration and enlistment office..
The page contains a fragment.

(click to open)

It includes biographical information, data about the character of the conscript, his personal qualities, behavior, and so on.

This document is of great importance both for members of the draft commission and for the youngest person conscripted into the Armed Forces. That is why it is necessary to approach the compilation of the characteristics and the information contained in it very responsibly.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office will be needed for the following categories of Russian citizens:

high school students;
working people who are of conscription age (from 18 to 27 years).

As noted above, it is this official document that is extremely important in the final positive or negative verdict on conscription into the army. They are also guided by this when deciding on the branch of the military where the recruit will go.

In what cases is a characteristic written?

There are two options that require the provision of characteristics:

  • when a young man is on the draft list;
  • when he himself decided to serve in the army.

In any of these two situations, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for service in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces, only good physical qualities and good health are not enough. Great importance have both intellectual abilities and existing professional skills, since representatives of civilian specialties are in demand in the army, for example, medical personnel, computer specialists, and communications specialists. While serving, you can find application for your knowledge and skills.

Determining the place of military service depends on whether the conscript has experience and knowledge in any professional field.


If there is a personal decision to go military service, statement and characterization are provided simultaneously.

If the conscript works officially, a reference from the employer may be provided. In this case, there is a possibility that the conscript, instead of military service, will be sent to study at universities supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In order for this to happen, you need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office with a request to be sent to study.

Features of the characteristics provided to the military registration and enlistment office

Service in the armed forces has a number of specific features. This entails special requirements that are placed on the health of the future serviceman and his personal qualities.


It is necessary to note the presence of diseases, even if at the time of writing the characteristics they no longer appear.

Information about participation in sporting events, active or passive lifestyle will be important - all this data will give military registration and enlistment office employees the necessary information to determine whether a future soldier will endure the harsh conditions of army life.

Also a very important data area that must be reflected in the characteristics from educational institution- information about the moral character of the student. They will make it possible to determine how seriously a young man takes his responsibilities as a citizen of the Russian Federation, and whether he will be psychologically stable during his military service. They are usually included at the end of the document as a summary of everything listed.

Social data about the conscript

Social and psychological characteristics helps to create an idea of ​​a person’s personality, the upbringing he received, his attitude to life, and the main character traits.

Social information includes:

  • the young man’s attitude towards activities that are socially significant;
  • involvement in collective activities;
  • the level of education of the moral and ethical qualities of the individual;
  • list of hobbies and interests;
  • status and characteristics of the family, relationships with parents and other relatives, description of living conditions.

Who can be the author of the characteristics for the military commissariat

In this white paper Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the behavior and character of the student. It is mandatory to indicate information about his academic performance, extracurricular activities, and relationships with fellow students.


If a reference is made for a student, it is written by the group supervisor or the head of the department. In some cases, the author of the document may be the rector of the educational institution. Universities usually have pre-prepared templates of standard characteristics.

It can be filled out by both the student himself and management representatives. If there are no forms, you can write the description on a standard sheet of A4 paper. In this case, it is necessary to name the type of educational institution that issued the reference.

The reference letter from the employer to the military registration and enlistment office must also be properly completed. It must be drawn up on company letterhead, the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager or other authorized person are required.

In some rare cases, the description is provided by family members or neighbors; it is called household and does not contain strict design requirements. Only the recruit’s date of birth and his full name should be indicated.

How to prepare a character reference for a conscript

Military commissariat employees can provide a special form for writing a description, but in most cases it is drawn up on a standard sheet of paper with a black or blue pen, or brought in printed form.

The structure of the document practically does not differ depending on the nature of the conscript’s employment - he is a schoolchild, a student, or already working. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office is a document that includes several mandatory points:

1) Heading.

In the characteristics header you need to write to whom it is addressed, that is, the coordinates of the military registration and enlistment office and the name of its employee. Instead of a title, you can make a note at the bottom of the document about the direction to the place of requirement.

2) Profile details of the conscript.

The young man's surname and initials, date of birth, place of birth, date of admission to an educational institution or job placement, group number, course, department and faculty must be indicated here. If the conscript is working, there must be information about the place of work and position.

3) Academic performance.

This section displays educational data, academic performance, subjects for which he has a predisposition, information about attendance and attitude towards the educational process. If there is participation and victories in competitions, participation in public events, or other achievements, these should also be noted in the characteristics.

It is also worth paying special attention to data on sports career, name the sports in which the conscript is involved, the events in which he participated, indicate victories won, the presence of medals and certificates.

4) Information about personal qualities.

The paragraph should include both positive and negative traits character that is observed in the conscript. The former include, for example, the desire for discipline, accuracy, stress resistance, and the latter - the manifestation of aggressiveness, forgetfulness, and inability to find contact with people. It is noteworthy that all the characteristics of the young man’s personality, including his cultural level, must be fully described.

5) Conclusion.

The characteristics must end with the date of writing and the signatures of responsible persons - representatives of the organizations that compiled the characteristics - a university, school or employer company.

When compiling characteristics, brevity is valued. All basic information should be indicated, but without unnecessary details. If the description is written on the letterhead of a company or institution, its name is not required to be indicated in the text.

Instructions for registration

Depending on whether the reference is drawn up for a schoolchild, student or working person, its form and the information provided may vary. But some points are common to any type of this document.

A cap. It includes information about the enterprise or organization providing the characteristic, and the full name plus details of the institution to which it is addressed.

The only exception is when the document is written on letterhead, which already contains information about the author organization. Then there is no need to additionally indicate them in the header.

Personal data of the person for whom the profile was compiled. This section contains information about his full name, residential address, passport details, education received, and marital status. If necessary, you can provide information about family composition.

Brief health information. The diseases that the young man suffers from, including mental ones, should be indicated here. It is also mentioned whether he is registered with medical institutions.

Conclusion. The final paragraph should include the date when the characterization was written, the signatures of responsible employees of the company or representatives of the educational institution, the signature of the director, and a seal.

To summarize, the description must be written in a concise manner using exclusively business style. The characteristics are written in two copies, one of which is provided to the military registration and enlistment office, and the second is sent for storage to the archives of the organization that compiled the document.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of work

The employer prepares a reference for the military commissariat when the conscript has already completed his training and has begun to build a career. In this case letter of recommendation drawn up on behalf of the company where the young man works. Following the example, such a characteristic includes the necessary points:

  1. The name of the employing company, the military registration and enlistment office, the name of the letter itself.
  2. Date the specification was written.
  3. Information about the person responsible for its compilation - full name, date of birth, position, education information.
  4. Information about the conscript’s place of work - name of the organization, contacts.
  5. Information about the employee - full name, position he holds, work skills, length of service, education diploma.
  6. Information about the character and personal qualities of the young man.
  7. If possible, an indication of the employee's prospects in military activities.

Sample characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office for a student


from the place of study
(general form)

On (indicate full name)
Date, month and year, place of birth.

General and special education received before entering an educational institution.

Specialty of study.

Compliance with academic discipline.

Academic performance.

Attitude to study and work.

Character traits.

Strong-willed: determination, independence, discipline, etc.

Emotional: impressionability, resistance to stress, excitability;

Moral: honesty, laziness, responsibility;

Abilities: logical thinking, assimilation of information, perseverance.

Life principles, moral position, interest in learning and social activities, role in the team, behavior at home, etc.

Family status.

Health status.

Physical fitness, sporting achievements, ranks.

Interests and hobbies.

When compiling characteristics, only data that is relevant at the present time is taken into account.

Characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office from the place of work


LLC “Company Name”
Legal address__________

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Military Commissariat (full name)

Characteristics of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich works at Company Name LLC from ____ to ____.
Higher education. In ____ year he graduated from “University Name” with a specialty (name of specialty). Married, two children.

Ivanov I.I. started working as a courier. Currently a senior development manager. His job responsibilities include communicating with the firm’s clients, drawing up invoices and contracts, and conducting commercial transactions.

During his work, Ivanov showed himself with the best side, demonstrated active leadership abilities, responsibility and self-confidence. He performs his assigned duties in full and in a timely manner.

Actively participates in social work. Always ready to support colleagues and provide necessary advice. Does not violate labor discipline. He is not known to be addicted to alcohol. He enjoys playing the guitar and programming.

During his work, he was twice awarded a certificate of honor for professional services.

General Director of LLC “Name of the Firm” Petrov P.P.

Characteristics for a student at the military registration and enlistment office

Characteristics of a citizen subject to conscription for military service ______.

Date of birth__________, full name__________, Russian, citizen of the Russian Federation, passport

No______ series___________, incomplete secondary education.

Family composition: father (full name, date of birth, type of employment), mother (full name, maiden name, date of birth, type of employment). There is no history of mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction in the family.

They live in a city apartment, the climate in the family is favorable, none of the family members have been brought to administrative or criminal liability.

The average student grade is 4.5. He has never been repeated a second year and does well in all subjects.

During his studies he showed perseverance, hard work and perseverance in mastering educational material. Relations with the team are good, there were no conflicts during the study.

Actively participates in extracurricular activities, takes part in social and patriotic events, and does volunteer work.

He is involved in athletics and has diplomas and certificates for victories in regional and citywide competitions.

Has no bad habits chronic diseases no, physically well developed.

Conclusion: hardworking, responsible, disciplined, friendly, athletic.

Head teacher __________________

Classroom teacher___________

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Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office for a student are required from every young person undergoing training in the 11th grade. This document is compiled by the class teacher. Less often, it is written by directors or head teachers, or other teachers who personally taught this young man.

Not everyone knows exactly what information should be contained in this characteristic, and what information should not be included in it. And therefore it makes sense to make some clarifications regarding this paper.

It is very good when military registration and enlistment offices independently formulate and transmit to schools forms that simply need to be filled out. But this practice is still rare. As a rule, class teachers draw up characteristics themselves.

Characteristics of a student at the military registration and enlistment office - basic rules

When compiling a profile, you need to disclose information about a person’s personality and his socio-psychological traits. In addition, information about academic performance and family is included in the profile.

In general, writing can be done in free form, but some rules should be kept in mind. So, in particular:

  • The characteristics are written on A4 sheet. This must be official school letterhead;
  • Writing is possible using black or blue paste;
  • The characterization is written in the third person;
  • It is written in the present tense.

The reference letter to the military registration and enlistment office for a student must contain the name and other personal data regarding the student for whom it is written, information about his family, and detailed information about his parents. It is also necessary to mention the health of the conscript, his character and inclinations, school attendance and academic performance. It is also worth noting the additional activities that the conscript has been interested in for the last 3 years. These could be clubs, sports sections, and so on. Bad habits are also indicated.

The reference letter from the school contains a subjective conclusion about whether the young man is fit for service. In what branch of the military could he be recommended? Also, the document must contain the signature of the director, the teacher who compiled the paper, and the school seal.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office - writing structure

Characteristics are an important document for a conscript. It is compiled in detail, with full responsibility. The personal attitude towards the student on the part of the teacher must not be taken into account.

The characterization of a student at the military registration and enlistment office is in some ways similar to writing. As a rule, the description is written in a neutral presentation, indicating information that is relevant and necessary for the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. Student personal data- last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, hobbies, information about the composition and completeness of the family.
  2. Level of physical development — health status, how physically developed the future conscript is. It is also necessary to indicate injuries, previous operations, tendency to drink alcohol, drugs and smoking.
  3. Family education of a student - the state of the family in which the child grew up. Level of moral well-being. Material security. It is necessary to indicate the child’s relationship to family members.
  4. Level of intellectual development - a brief analysis of the student, based on his own observations. Does the child have developed attention and concentration? Does he analyze freely? large volume information. Is he able to generalize, quickly switch to another topic, and abstract? The analysis also takes into account reviews from other teachers who taught the student.
  5. Features of temperament — the schoolchild’s temperament is indicated: melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic or choleric. Based on data received from the school psychologist, a detailed analysis of the student’s emotional health is carried out: whether he is hot-tempered or, on the contrary, calm. Reactions to various situations.
  6. Moral qualities of the student — kindness, sensitivity, mutual assistance, conflict tolerance, ease of learning.
  7. general information - what can be added about the student, how to eliminate behavior problems, increased conflict with peers, etc. The best and worst qualities of a future conscript.

Recently, draft commissions at the military registration and enlistment office, when enrolling potential soldiers into the ranks of our valiant army, in addition to the standard set of documents (application and passport), are also asked to provide a reference either from the dean’s office (for students) or from the place of work (for the working population).

This type of characteristic is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, indicating the organization’s details and reference number.

In fact this characteristic does not affect anything when choosing the type of military service for a conscript, but still...

We present to your attention several samples of characteristics for conscripts for submission to the military registration and enlistment office.

Option 1. Per student

Komi Republican Academy
Civil Service and Administration
Under the Head of the Komi Republic

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Student characteristics

Student Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Grachev, born in 1989, is a student of the Komi Republican Academy Civil service under the Head of the Komi Republic since 2006. Currently completing his 2nd year studies at the Faculty of Law and Documentation.

During his studies at the Academy, he proved himself to be a conscientious student. He copes with the curriculum with “good” and “excellent” marks. Does not allow absences from classes and violations of discipline.

The average grade point is 4.75. Actively participates in the social and sports life of the Academy, being a member of the Academy’s KVN team and a player in the academic futsal team.

Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Grachev is characterized by us as a disciplined person. He has a calm character, avoids conflict situations, and is tactful. He enjoys well-deserved authority among other students in his group. Has friends among other Academy students.

In communication with students and teachers he is polite and friendly. He has an even relationship with everyone. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, he strives to find a compromise option. Thinks creatively.

Option 2. For an employee from the place of work

LLC "Caliber"
169900, Vorkuta, Gagarin st., 37
tel./fax: 1-22-33


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Vorkuta City Military Commissariat

on Kuzmin Kuzma Kuzmich

Kuzmin Kuzma Kuzmich, born in 1959, has been working at Kalibr LLC since May 10, 2005. Secondary specialized education. In 1979 he graduated from the Syktyvkar police school with a degree in policeman-driver. Married, has two adult children.

Kuzmin K.K. hired as a mechanic, and from March 2007 to the present, has been working as a driver. By type of activity, his official duties include transporting the organization’s management on official business, forwarding and delivering documents, as well as servicing the organization’s car.

During his time working in the organization Kuzmin K.K. proved to be a professional and competent specialist. He always does all the work assigned to him accurately and on time. Participates in activities to improve his qualifications. He is studying in the fifth year of the correspondence department of the Moscow Automobile Academy with a degree in Road Construction Foreman.

No violations of labor discipline were noted. In the team, he proved himself to be a reliable comrade, ready to help the organization’s employees and support them in any situation. He is a believer with high moral qualities. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol.

The future army employee directly influences the quality of training of fighters and the military strength of the country as a whole. Therefore, such an important document as a character reference for a conscript must adequately represent the potential employee, be well-written and complete.

Compilation of characteristics

The military registration and enlistment office, in addition to the standard set of documents (passport, medical card), also requests from educational institutions a description of a student who has reached a certain age. At schools, they are often compiled by the class teacher, at enterprises - by the personnel department or other authorized person, in universities - by a curator or dean's office.

Before the place of study (sample in the article) is compiled, it is necessary to collect the most full information about the student's personality. It is better to draw up the document on the establishment’s letterhead. If it is not available, you should include all contact information and the full name of the school or university.

In addition to the signature of the originator, the reference must also be certified by the signature of a superior person (director, dean), and the seal of the institution. For a more structured presentation of data, you need to know how it is compiled from the place of study. The sample is below.

Characteristics structure for the military registration and enlistment office

  1. Name of educational institution, contact details.
  2. General information about the student: full name, date of birth, place of residence, class (academic group), specialty, faculty, year of study, in which class (in which course) is he studying at this moment.
  3. Health status and physical activity.
  4. Generalized information about the student’s achievements, progress, attitude towards educational and socially useful activities.
  5. Character traits, way of interacting with others.
  6. Psychological information (type of thinking, mental stability and level of activity, other specific traits).
  7. Interests and hobbies.
  8. Composition and (with information about parents).
  9. Date, signatures of responsible persons).

Social data about the conscript

A socio-psychological profile of a conscript gives an idea of ​​what kind of personality this person is being characterized, what kind of upbringing he received, what character traits he shows, and how he relates to life in general.

Social data includes:

  • the conscript’s attitude towards socially significant activities;
  • degree of involvement in collective action;
  • moral and ethical qualities (education);
  • Interests and hobbies;
  • family characteristics (family status, information about parents, family climate).

Psychological characteristics of a conscript

Before joining a conscript, you can talk to a staff psychologist who can provide additional information about the person being characterized. This applies to the following features:

  • type of temperament (neuro-mental stability, activity and switchability);
  • type of thinking;
  • development of memory, attention;
  • in Group;
  • presence of leadership abilities;
  • character traits (communication skills, determination, way of acting in conflict situations and etc.)

Depending on the individual characteristics student characteristics for a conscript (example in the article) can be supplemented with other data (presence of offenses, bad habits, status registered in medical institutions And so on).

How does the characterization in the military registration and enlistment office differ from its other types?

Military service has its own specifics and, accordingly, a number of requirements for the individual. The characteristics of a conscript should include data that describes the person from the point of view of his suitability to serve, showing which type of troops the person is most predisposed to.

That is why the description of the physical condition of the pupil or student plays an important role. It is important to indicate what diseases and other contraindications the young man had (or has) (even if at the time of drawing up the document they are no longer relevant). Participation in the sports life of an educational institution, lifestyle (active or passive) - all this will give the military commissar an idea of ​​the potential soldier’s readiness to endure all the “hardships and hardships.”

An equally important component, which includes the characteristics of a conscript to a military registration and enlistment office from school or university, is a description of the person’s moral character. These data will help to understand how responsible the young man is about his duties as a citizen of the country, and whether he can be psychologically stable in the conditions of military service.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study: sample for school

... (full name) is a student of ... (name of school), grade 11-A from the first grade (since 1998). During this time, he proved himself to be a responsible, purposeful young man. The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity.

... (last name, first name) is a disciplined, balanced person. During his studies he showed himself to be a positive side- as a diligent student and a good friend. It has average rating“good”, shows interest in physical and mathematical subjects. ... (name) is well physically developed, an athlete. He holds the title of Candidate Master of Sports in boxing and enjoys football.

By temperament... (name) is sanguine: cheerful, calm, averse to conflicts. Maintains friendly relations with classmates and treats elders with respect. He does not miss classes without good reason, and there have been no cases of deviant behavior. He has no bad habits and takes part in socially useful activities.

... (last name, first name) was raised in a complete family. Father: ... (full name) - ... (year of birth, position and place of work). Mother: ... (full name) - ... (year of birth, position and place of work). The parents are actively interested in their son’s educational and social activities and regularly contact the class teacher.

The character reference was issued for submission to the military registration and enlistment office.

The characteristics of a conscript to the military registration and enlistment office from school should show how socially acceptable the student’s behavior is, how he relates to authorities and interacts in a group of people.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the university

... (full name), ... year of birth, has been a student of ... (name of educational institution) since 2012. Currently continuing his 4th year studies in the specialty... (name of specialty).

During my studies, I established myself as an active, responsible, result-oriented student. Mastering his specialty is a priority for him. Actively engaged in self-education, takes part in student conferences and exhibitions scientific works. He rarely misses classes and for good reasons. By academic disciplines has “good” ratings, the average score is 4.1.

Physically well developed. He swims and is on the university basketball team.

By character - modest, tactful, reserved. Shows respect when communicating with teachers and enjoys authority among fellow students.

He is not conflict-oriented, in controversial situations he always tries to find a compromise, and is able to make concessions. He treats socially significant activities responsibly and takes initiative in helping others.

The specification is issued at the place of request.

The characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study (sample above) can be supplemented with information about achievements, the presence of contraindications to different types activities (and justification for this), as well as data on illegal actions or bad habits.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office (negative)

... (full name) studied at ... (name of educational institution) since 2002. Was transferred from... (name of educational institution) due to low academic performance and lack of discipline. During my studies here, no fundamental changes occurred - ... (last name, first name) established himself as an irresponsible and lazy student.

... (last name, first name) had difficulty coping with curriculum, has “satisfactory” grades in most subjects. He was disinterested in his classes and required constant supervision from teachers, since he did not complete assignments systematically.

Relationships in the group of peers did not work out: ... (name) did not show interest in other students, did not try to maintain friendly communication with them. I tried to avoid mass events and treated social activities with indifference. He behaved insufficiently respectfully towards his elders; he could argue and be rude in response to comments.

By nature... (name) is quite secretive, an introvert. Uncommunicative, often impulsive, has difficulty adapting.

... (name) grew up in a single-parent family. Father: ... (full name), ... year of birth, is in prison. Mother: ... (full name), ... year of birth, unemployed, suffering alcohol addiction. From the age of 7, the boy was raised by his grandmother, ... (full name), a pensioner.

The characteristics have been compiled for submission to the military registration and enlistment office.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study, a negative sample, shows for what reasons (social, psychological, legal) this or that student will not be a suitable candidate for military service.