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Characteristics of research methods. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature. Preparation of a thesis, like any research work. Review of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem


Speech at the 1st meeting of the methodological association of primary school teachers:

“Review of scientific and methodological literature.”

Prepared by:

Surmak Evgenia Mikhailovna

Teacher - defectologist


Magic letters.







These benefits allow you to organize constructive and artistic activities for the child, stimulating the development ofattention, perception, imagination and forming a whole range of manual skills (fine motor skills), which is the basis for his further mental development.

A high level of development of fine motor skills in a child is one of the indicators of his good physical and neuropsychic development. Sensorimotor development is the foundation of a child’s mental development. At the same time, creating beautiful crafts with their own hands, seeing the results of their work, children feel a surge of energy, experience positive emotions and inner satisfaction, their creative abilities “awaken” and a desire arises to live “according to the laws of beauty.”

The manuals can be used both in group classes and during individual work.

Ovchinnikova T. S.

Outdoor games, physical exercises and general developmental exercises with speech and music.

For children, the requirements stipulated by the standard curriculum are often impossible to meet. Therefore, many children need individual programs for both education and physical education, which should take into account a complex of somatic, intellectual and physical problems. These programs should be focused on correcting not only the mental, but also the psychomotor, speech, emotional and general mental development of the child.

This manual presents techniques and teaching methods that promote maximum activity of all sensory channels of perception (vision, hearing, touch, smell) and optimal processing of information.

Shtets A.A., Sabodakh R.V., Isaeva S.A.

ABC book assistant: Textbook for 1st grade of a four-year primary school.

“ABC Book Assistant” is intended for students to work independently. The texts and tasks collected in it form the skill of reading whole words and contribute to the acquisition of reading rules. Expressiveness and correct reading are developed through pronunciation skills and emotional sensitivity of the text.

Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A.

The world of the native language: Games-activities, entertainment, dramatizations, quizzes on the development of speech in preschoolers.

All speech development activities proposed in the manual are based on activities that are interesting to children and include such forms as games, entertainment, competitions, quizzes, etc.

The book contains exercises based on reproducing words already known to children and introducing new ones. The games given in the book are, in essence, training in the ability to divide words into syllables, highlight the necessary letters in them, to educate children in the ability to select words that are similar and opposite in meaning, and contribute to the activation of independent reference to their native word. A separate part is devoted to the development of logical thinking of preschoolers and their intelligence. All this is relevant for nurturing children’s future interest in school studies.

Low-impact tasks and fun activities can be used during leisure time or specialized learning activities, as well as during daily recreational activities.

Zabramnaya S. D., Isaeva T. N.

The work highlights issues of psychological and pedagogical study of children with severe and moderate mental retardation. The content and methods of study are revealed. Summaries of “revealing” lessons for the first two weeks (first year of study) are provided.


This manual is designed to help your child quickly learn the letters of the Russian alphabet and learn to write in printed font. Consists of 33 double-sided laminated cards on which a child can practice writing letters with a marker. What is written is easy to wipe off, so the manual can be used repeatedly.

You can work with the cards individually or use them for group work.


The game includes 24 cards, each of which consists of two parts. The left half depicts certain objects painted in certain colors, and the right half shows brushes with the same colors. The color of the card's outline corresponds to the number of colors involved in the coloring: blue - one color, red - two colors, green - three colors.


Characteristics of research methods

Any research requires a search for ways (methods) to solve problems. Method (Greek methodos - literally "path to something") - in the most general sense, a way (technique) of achieving a goal, a certain way of ordering activity. The choice of research methods is one of the key aspects of research.

In the practice of conducting research aimed at solving problems of the theory and methodology of physical education, the following methods are most widespread:

1. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

2. Study and analysis of documentary and archival materials.

3. Conversation, interviewing and questioning.

4. Control tests (testing).

5. Expert assessment.

6. Pedagogical observations.

7. Pedagogical experiment.

8. Mathematical and statistical methods for processing the obtained data.

Any qualifying work, regardless of its nature (experimental or abstract), begins with a review of the literature on the problem under study. This part of the preparation of the work is advanced (the study of the literature should begin in the process of choosing the topic of the thesis) due to several circumstances. Firstly, before writing a paper, you need to understand what has already been written and done by others. Only then does it become clear what has not yet been done on the topic of the work (scientific debates are ongoing; different scientific concepts and ideas are colliding; what is outdated; what questions have not been resolved) and the student himself must create. Secondly, in the process of working on information materials, it becomes clear what can and should be creatively borrowed from the works of other authors and transferred to one’s own work as a kind of basis used for comparison and contrast. Thirdly, in literary sources they find numerical data that is necessary to illustrate their work and carry out various assessments and calculations. And finally, an analysis of the works of other authors on the topic of the work must inevitably be present as an integral part of your final qualifying work. In addition, analysis of literary sources is the main research method in abstract works.

As a result, according to literary sources, it is necessary to clearly imagine everything that is relevant to the problem being studied:

Her staging


Degree of development

Applied research methods, etc.

It must be remembered that Research work is primarily a generalization of existing information.

When you begin to select and study literary sources, you find yourself in a boundless sea of ​​information, in which it is not difficult to drown. What to do?

It is advisable to “catch on” to a monograph, journal, or article that contains references to the literature used, and then a “chain reaction” of searching can occur, during which each new source expands the range of your ideas about publications on the topic of scientific research. Another, more simplified approach consists of initially turning not to the entire body of scientific information, but only to specialized journals ("Theory and Practice of Physical Culture", "Physical Culture at School", "Bulletin of Sports Science", etc.), abstracts of dissertations , other periodicals that publish information related to the physical education industry that interests you. It is enough to flip through similar publications over the past few years - and you will get a good idea of ​​the current information field, in which sources of knowledge, various information and data on the issues of your work are concentrated.

Educational literature

Training program- an educational program publication that determines the content, volume, procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline. Regulates both the activities of the teacher and the educational work of students. The curriculum reveals the goals and objectives of the discipline, its connection with other subjects, the content of the topics, indicates the time allocated for studying the main parts of the course, determines the areas and nature of knowledge, skills and abilities that the student must master as a result of studying the discipline, lists the types of educational classes, depending on the form of training, the range of literary sources necessary for the most complete mastery of the discipline is indicated. Volume - 1.0 p.l. (16 pages) and more.

Educational publications

Textbook- educational and theoretical publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline (or its part, section), corresponding to the curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication. The textbook is the main educational book for the discipline. It should reflect the basic knowledge defined by the didactic units of the State Educational Standard, which establish the main directions and aspects of consideration of the subject, as well as the sequence of arrangement of the material. The content of the textbook should include a description of the methods of obtaining and using knowledge in a particular field, the methodological foundations of the basic laws and patterns of functioning and development of the field of knowledge or field of activity reflected in it, key problems and the most important trends in the development of this science. Volume - at least 5 p.l.

Tutorial- educational and theoretical publication, partially replacing or supplementing the textbook and officially approved as this type of publication. Usually published in addition to the textbook, it may not cover the entire discipline, but only one or several sections of the curriculum. The content of the textbook includes new, more relevant material than the textbook, since the manual is created more quickly, however, the material must be presented in line with the fundamental knowledge presented in the textbook. Unlike a textbook, may include controversial questions demonstrating different points of view. Benefits can be addressed to both students and educators. Volume - at least 5 p.l.

Lecture course- texts of lectures by one or more authors on individual topics or the course as a whole. Serves as a supplement to the textbook. In the course of lectures, the author's principles of the text are clearly manifested. In such materials, the text is personalized and reflects the language and style of the teacher of the given course. The originality of the author's text should not make it difficult to perceive the main content of the educational material, and lectures should correspond to the curriculum. The author reveals specific problems, raises controversial questions, argues his own position, which has a serious educational effect. Volume - at least 6 p.l.

Lecture notes- abbreviated text of one lecture. Usually supplied with teaching materials that help students expand information on the topic stated in the abstract. Volume - not less than 1.p.

Software and methodological literature

Workshop- educational publication, targeted formation and consolidation of skills, practical skills, training in ways and methods of using theoretical knowledge in specific conditions. The workshop is aimed at mastering the forms and methods of cognition that are used in the relevant branch of science. They contain tasks and exercises of a practical nature that contribute to the mastery of the theoretical course. A laboratory workshop may contain a theoretical part (for example, a description of the physics of the phenomena being studied). Volume - at least 6 p.l.

Reader- a collection of texts illustrating the content of the textbook; it may include documents, literary works and fragments from them. An important place in the anthology is occupied by methodological instructions, which explain the features of the included text and reveal its connection with the educational material. Each text included in the anthology must be accompanied by a bibliographic description of the publication from which it is taken. Volume - at least 6 p.l.

Collection of problems (exercises)- an educational and practical publication containing tasks (exercises) and answers to them in the scope of a specific course (or its section). It may also contain solutions to problems (exercises), methodological recommendations for them, or tips. Volume - at least 6 p.l.

Collection of foreign texts- an educational and practical publication containing texts adapted by the compiler for studying a foreign language and methodological recommendations in the scope of a certain course. Volume - at least 6 p.l.

Educational and methodological literature

Educational and methodological manual- an educational and methodological publication that contains both theoretical information on an academic discipline (or its section), and materials on the methods of its independent study and practical development. Volume - at least 5 p.l.

Methodological development- a publication similar in structure to an educational manual, but narrower in topic and smaller in volume. Volume - at least 1 p.l.

Guidelines- an educational and methodological publication containing materials on the methods of independent study or practical mastery by students of an academic discipline and preparation for testing knowledge. Methodological recommendations may include requirements for the content, design and defense of coursework and dissertations. The instructions contain a general description of the discipline (goals, objectives of its study, the complex of subjects on which it is based), as well as forms and methods and types of independent work of students (studying literary sources, lecture notes, preparing for practical classes, seminars, preparing reports for speeches and etc.). Volume - at least 1 p.l.

Training and metodology complex. The name of the genre has a double interpretation: 1) a set of educational books (textbook + reader, manual + collection of exercises, etc.); 2) software and methodological publication, including the program and methodological materials for the course (bibliography, seminar lesson plans, test materials). Volume - at least 3 p.l.

Scientific literature

Abstracts of reports (communications) of scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums- a subtype of non-periodical scientific publication containing materials of a preliminary nature: annotations, abstracts of reports and (or) communications. Usually released before a scientific conference, congress, etc. so that participants can get acquainted with the content of the presentations in advance and choose the most interesting ones for themselves, which is important, given the parallel work of the sections. Volume for one author - no more than 4 pages.

Proceedings of the conference (congress, symposium)- a non-periodical collection containing the full texts of reports, messages, speeches of participants, results of discussions, recommendations, decisions made at the conference, decisions, resolutions. Volume is not limited.

Collection of scientific papers- a scientific publication containing articles with research results in scientific and scientific-technical areas of the university’s activities. Periodically published collections include Scientific Notes and Messengers. The volume of the Bulletin is no more than 10 pp.

Monograph- a scientific book publication that fully and comprehensively explores a topic or problem and summarizes its development in science by many scientists and specialists. A monograph may have one or several authors (collective monograph). Volume - at least 7 p.l.

Abstract of the dissertation- a free informational publication of a small volume, in which the author of the dissertation sets out the main provisions of his research work submitted for defense for the degree of candidate or doctor of science. The volume, format and structure of the abstract are determined in Russia by the instructions of the Higher Attestation Commission. A limited edition is sent to a list of specialists and scientific institutions shortly before the defense. The volume of the abstract of the candidate's dissertation is at least 1-1.5 pp; doctoral - 2-2.5 p.l.


Dictionary- a reference publication in the form of an ordered list of headwords - names of reference objects - and related reference information. Volume - at least 4 p.l.

Dictionary-reference book- a dictionary, the articles of which contain not only definitions of concepts, but also reference information, designed, unlike a dictionary, to be references of a practical rather than encyclopedic nature. Volume - at least 4 p.l.

Study Guide- an educational and reference publication containing reference information on a specific academic discipline (its part, section) or a set of disciplines provided for by the curriculum. Includes a set of information of an applied, practical nature. Volume - at least 4 p.l.

Memo- a reference publication containing information on the systematization of a certain field of knowledge. Includes materials of a practical nature. Volume - at least 1 p.l.

Any qualifying work, regardless of its nature (experimental or abstract), begins with a review of the literature on the problem under study. This part of the preparation of the work is advanced (the study of the literature should begin in the process of choosing the topic of the thesis) due to several circumstances. Firstly, before writing a paper, you need to understand what has already been written and done by others. Only then does it become clear what has not yet been done on the topic of the work (scientific debates are ongoing; different scientific concepts and ideas are colliding; what is outdated; what questions have not been resolved) and the student himself must create. Secondly, in the process of working on information materials, it becomes clear what can and should be creatively borrowed from the works of other authors and transferred to one’s own work as a kind of basis used for comparison and contrast. Thirdly, in literary sources they find numerical data that is necessary to illustrate their work and carry out various assessments and calculations. And finally, an analysis of the works of other authors on the topic of the work must inevitably be present as an integral part of your final qualifying work. In addition, analysis of literary sources is the main research method in abstract works.

As a result, according to literary sources, it is necessary to clearly imagine everything that is relevant to the problem being studied:

Her staging


Degree of development

Applied research methods, etc.

It must be remembered that Research work is primarily a generalization of existing information.

When you begin to select and study literary sources, you find yourself in a boundless sea of ​​information, in which it is not difficult to drown. What to do?

It is advisable to “catch on” to a monograph, journal, or article that contains references to the literature used, and then a “chain reaction” of searching can occur, during which each new source expands the range of your ideas about publications on the topic of scientific research. Another, more simplified approach consists of initially turning not to the entire body of scientific information, but only to specialized journals ("Theory and Practice of Physical Culture", "Physical Culture at School", "Bulletin of Sports Science", etc.), abstracts of dissertations , other periodicals that publish information related to the physical education industry that interests you. It is enough to flip through similar publications over the past few years - and you will get a good idea of ​​the current information field, in which sources of knowledge, various information and data on the issues of your work are concentrated.

Study and analysis of documentary and archival materials

Diverse activities in the field of physical education are reflected in various documents: training plans and diaries, competition protocols and reports, curricula and programs, progress and attendance logs, personal files and medical records, statistical data and so on. These documents record many objective data that help establish a number of characteristics, causal relationships, and identify some dependencies.

Thus, the analysis of training diaries of athletes and coaches makes it possible, with varying degrees of reliability, to identify the predominant direction of the educational and training process, the complex of training and recovery means used, the system of their use, the volume and intensity of training loads, the specifics of competitive activity, as well as to reveal the individual characteristics of training, dynamics of sports results and its relationship with the work done.

A comparative analysis of the work experience of several coaches or athletes makes it possible to identify specific patterns characteristic of a given educational and training process and to determine the most progressive directions in work.

The use of archival materials allows, on the basis of retrospective analysis, to study the evolution of methods of physical education and sports training, and other phenomena of interest to the researcher. It is not possible to achieve a similar effect using other research methods. In addition, work in the archive is an important link in many scientific and scientific-methodological research, therefore, familiarity with the organization, methodology and technology of this matter can be considered an integral part of the general scientific training of students.

Introduction. 5

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls 16-18 years old. 7

1.1. Physical development of girls 16-18 years old. 7

1.2. Health-improving gymnastics in physical improvement. 12

1.3. Methodology of health-improving gymnastics. 19

Chapter 2. Organization and methods of research. 22

2.1. Purpose and objectives of the study. 22

2.2. Research methods. 22

2.3. Organization of the study. 25

Chapter 3. Study of the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years. 26

3.1. Methods of health-improving gymnastics. 26

3.2. The effectiveness of health-improving gymnastics. thirty

Conclusion. 38

References.. 42

Appendix 1. 47

Appendix 2. 48

Appendix 3. 51


Relevance of the research topic. Currently, scientists and teachers point to the need to solve the problem of improving the health of the population of the Russian Federation (Chechenov Kh.D., 2009). In this regard, significant efforts are being made to modernize physical education in educational institutions as an important factor in the formation of health among the population (Mikhailov N.G.). One of the directions of modernization is the formation of a culture of health.

It is known that physical exercise has a positive effect on all systems of the human body and has a beneficial effect on its mental state. In this regard, it can be assumed that one of the components of a culture of health is the physical activity of an individual person.

One of the priority issues in the theory and practice of physical education is the improvement of physical education methods.

Physical education is aimed at physical development. Its main goal is to promote harmonious development, i.e. organic connection with other types of education: mental, moral, labor and aesthetic.

The evolutionarily established relationship between the musculoskeletal system and the visceral systems of the body determines the role of physical activity in improving all functions in humans: cardiorespiratory, endocrine, nervous and all sensory systems, metabolism. In this regard, the importance of a person’s motor functions for maintaining his physical health lies not only in their effect on the performance of the skeletal muscles themselves, but also in their positive impact on the functions of other organs and the system. Thus, physical education is one of the factors that allows maintaining the required level of health and high performance of a person.

The deterioration in the health of the population and in particular girls aged 16-18 has become persistent in recent decades. Analysis of various health-improving types of gymnastics provides grounds for comparing the meaning and effectiveness of certain exercises and methodological approaches to their use. In this regard, along with the use of new health-improving types of gymnastics, it is productive to improve methods aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system (“muscle corset”). Health-improving types of gymnastics are the possibility of using the means of oriented therapeutic pedagogy, a wide range of loads and exercises, compatibility with other areas of gymnastics, which, first of all, makes the classes healthy and is a means of preventing diseases.

The object of the study is the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years.

The subject of the research is the methodology of health-improving gymnastics as a method and means of physical improvement

The purpose of the study is to show the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years.

Research hypothesis - based on the problem being solved, it was suggested that it is possible to effectively use health-improving gymnastics, in which the process of development of the student’s physical and mental sphere is controlled in one direction both in terms of the content of the pedagogical means used and in terms of the recipient of the influence.

Research objectives:

Basic provisions of the work:

1. Modern health-improving gymnastics is a very dynamic structure that is constantly expanding the arsenal of tools and methods used. It is an important part of the teaching and educational process within the framework of physical education.

2. In the process of physical education, it is necessary to remember that complete morphological and functional maturity of the constituent parts of the musculoskeletal system and the system for regulating its functions is achieved only at the end of puberty. In this regard, physical exercise before the onset of puberty should be considered as factors that determine not only the improvement of the motor system, but also its possible disorders that arise from irrational exercise.

3. An important place in physical education for 15-17 year olds should be occupied by the formation of knowledge about physical activity, what can be called the intellectual component of the individual’s physical culture.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls 16-18 years old

1.1 Physical development of girls 16-18 years old

The development of children during adolescence is characterized by the process of puberty. Senior school age is characterized by active improvement of all body systems, the indicators of which become close to the parameters of the adult body.

Spiridonova L.B. indicates that the long-term and heterochronic nature of the maturation of brain structures determines the specifics of its functioning in different age periods. At high school age, the growth and development of all structures of the central nervous system continues. In adolescence, the development of the nervous system is completed, the analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex is improved, the functional activity of the tertiary fields of the anterior frontal zone increases, and the left hemisphere becomes dominant. All this contributes to the improvement of abstract logical thinking in older schoolchildren, the development of the second signaling system and extrapolation. The reaction time to verbal stimuli decreases, all types of internal inhibition increase.

At the age of 16-17 years, memory improves, higher nervous activity reaches its perfection and the body is considered mature. This age is characterized by a craving for creativity, competition, and exploits. The main personality traits take shape, character is formed, self-esteem becomes more objective, and the motivation for certain actions changes.

High school students are still developing their musculoskeletal system. Complete fusion of bony epiphyseal (epiphysis is the end of a long tubular bone) discs with the vertebral body lasts from 15 to 24 years. The fusion of the nuclei of ossification of the hands continues from 16 to 25 years, the fusion of the three pelvic bones occurs at 14-20 years, by 15-21 in young men the ossification of the phalanges of the toes is completed, a year or two later - the phalanges of the fingers, and then the metatarsus and tarsus. Since the ossification of the spine is not complete, excessive stress on it, for example, when lifting heavy objects, should be avoided. Frequent heavy lifting can also lead to flattened feet.

By the age of 16-17 years, the anatomical diameter of the muscles reaches the levels of an adult. Muscle growth in length continues until the age of 23-25 ​​and is completed simultaneously with body growth in length. Gender differences in changes in muscle mass appear especially clearly after 13-14 years: in boys it increases much faster.

By the age of 14-15, muscle fibers acquire the features of the morphological maturity of an adult. But only by the age of 20-25 is the functional and structural differentiation of the musculoskeletal system completed. By this age, muscle mass also reaches its maximum values.

In the process of physical education, it is necessary to remember that complete morphological and functional maturity of the constituent parts of the musculoskeletal system and the system for regulating its functions is achieved only at the end of puberty. In this regard, physical exercise before the onset of puberty should be considered as factors that determine not only the improvement of the motor system, but also its possible disorders that arise from irrational exercise.

In adolescence, the transverse dimensions of the body increase, individual characteristics of the proportions of body parts are established, and 70-80% of schoolchildren become harmoniously developed.

Table 1 presents the average indicators of physical development of senior schoolchildren.

Table 1. Average indicators of physical development of senior schoolchildren aged 16-18 years

The development of the nervous regulation of the heart in high school students is also not yet fully completed, so it is necessary to avoid heavy loads that can lead to disruption of its functioning. When the exercise is too intense, the oxygen content in the blood quickly decreases. The resulting oxygen deficiency can even cause semi-fainting.

The ability to master rational techniques of movements and motor actions among high school students is quite high. Already in adolescence, the formation of the motor analyzer and the most important motor functions are completed. The role of proprioception (muscle senses) in controlling movements especially increases. In boys, the accuracy of spatial differentiation reaches its maximum level, while in girls from the age of 14-15 it decreases, apparently due to a lack of physical activity, but with regular exercise this decrease can be avoided. The ability to voluntarily relax muscles also reaches its maximum development, which is of great importance for the successful learning of movements, allowing you to get rid of unnecessary movements that constrain the muscles.

In connection with the above, high school students are tasked not only with mastering the elements of movements as in previous classes, for example, run-up, repulsion, movements in flight and landing when jumping, throwing from a place and with a run, etc., but mainly improving previously studied elements of movements in a holistic motor action, in various conditions and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (limb length, body weight, strength qualities, speed and other development indicators).

Table 2. Growth rates of various physical abilities in children of senior school age (%)

Improving flexibility is important. Maximum flexibility is achieved, as a rule, by the age of 12-14, and in the future it must be constantly maintained, since otherwise it decreases significantly.

The growth rate of endurance for long-term work in high school age is lower than average. To develop endurance to static stress, you should use exercises in the form of long-term holding of certain poses, for example: mixed and simple hangs and supports, standing in the “swallow” position, holding a load. To develop endurance in dynamic work, repeated bending and extension of the arms in positions of mixed and simple hangs and supports, squats without a load and with a load, and lifting a load in different ways are useful.

During this period, favorable conditions arise for the development of schoolchildren’s endurance for dynamic work. The growth of the heart continues, the contractility of the heart muscle increases, as a result of which the stroke and minute volume of blood significantly increases while the heart rate decreases; the nervous and humoral (associated with body fluids - blood, lymph) regulation of the cardiovascular system improves, which affects a more adequate response of the heart to physical activity. The heart becomes more resilient to prolonged stress. The respiratory system is also improving: the perimeter of the chest and the volume of the lungs are increasing; The respiratory muscles become stronger; breathing regulation improves; oxygen utilization by the body increases.

Exercises for training general and speed endurance serve as the basis for increasing the physical performance of schoolchildren, and indirectly also mental (since they help improve blood supply not only to the muscles, but also to the brain), and develop volitional qualities. It should be emphasized the great importance of these exercises not only for boys, but also for girls. Lack and irregular use of endurance exercise leads to weakening of the heart muscle, and any intense work can cause overload and heart disease.

The level of physical fitness of senior schoolchildren is presented in Appendix 1.

Increases in speed of movements in high school age are also less pronounced than in middle school age, and a larger volume of appropriate exercises is required for this quality to continue to develop (Spiridonova L.B., 2003).

There are significant changes in the mental sphere. Their behavior is characterized by a conscious critical attitude and a desire to develop their own judgment. Self-esteem becomes more objective, the motives of actions acquire pronounced social features.

An important place in the physical education of 15-17 year olds should be occupied by the formation of knowledge about physical activity, what can be called the intellectual component of the individual’s physical culture.

Knowledge of the basics of theory, physical training, the laws of biomechanics of movements and other information is an indicator of achieving serious success in the physical education of a senior schoolchild.

1.2 Health-improving gymnastics in physical improvement

Polunina T.I. gives the following definition of health-improving gymnastics - this is the use of physical education for the purpose of preventing and treating various diseases.

Gymnastics classes place special demands on those involved and have a specific effect on them. Gymnastic exercises, together with the word of the teacher, music, and the conditions for conducting classes, have a huge versatility of influence on a person as an individual and as a subject of cognitive and practical activity in general.

Recreational gymnastics as a sport is an integral part of physical culture. It uses specific means and methods of sports training, as well as a certain system of preparation for competitive activity.

According to research conducted by N.V. Semenova, girls aged 16-18 years old have a high need for individual and group activities in physical education, and classes in non-traditional types of gymnastics can give a highly motivational attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of health-improving gymnastics as a component of the discipline of physical culture is the formation of physical culture.

Abdulin M.G indicates that in order to achieve this goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, developmental and health-improving tasks:

Understanding the social role of physical culture in human development and specialist training;

Knowledge of the scientific, biological and practical foundations of health-improving gymnastics and a healthy lifestyle;

Physical self-improvement and self-education, formation of the need for regular exercise and sports;

Mastery of a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities;

Independent use of health-improving gymnastics in future professional activities as a method of relieving high psychophysical stress.

The great popularity of health-improving gymnastics is due to the positive effects of exercise on the body. In particular, dance aerobics creates good preconditions for activating the most important physiological systems of the body - cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal.

As a result of regular exercise, the subcutaneous fat layer decreases, body weight decreases and the ratio of fat and muscle mass changes in a positive direction, the aerobic capabilities of the body significantly increase (according to the PWCito test) and positive changes in cardiovascular system indicators occur. The use of aerobics in a zone of predominantly moderate power (on average no more than 70% of the maximum intensity of loads) compares favorably with traditional means of physical training.

Modern health-improving gymnastics is a very dynamic structure that is constantly expanding the arsenal of tools and methods used. It is an important part of the teaching and educational process within the framework of physical education.

Health aerobics classes lead to significant positive changes in the state of the anatomical and functional systems of the human body.

Buikova O.M. notes that the following changes occur in the cardiovascular system (CVS):

Improvement of central hemodynamics;

A decrease in heart rate at rest (which indicates an increase in the functional reserves of the heart muscle);

Increased relaxation time (diastole) of the heart;

An increase in cardiac output during contraction (systole) of the heart;

Increasing blood flow speed (accelerating metabolism, increasing oxygen saturation of cells);

Improving the trophism of cells, tissues, organs.

According to numerous scientific data, classical aerobics classes significantly increase the functional reserves of the respiratory system, the effect of classes is manifested in the following:

Decreased respiratory rate (number of inhalations and exhalations per minute);

Increased depth of breathing and tidal volume;

Increased vital capacity of the lungs.

Changes in the musculoskeletal system that occur in response to recreational aerobics classes have been studied extensively and in detail.

These changes manifest themselves in the form of an increase in mobility and range of motion of the ligamentous apparatus of the human skeleton.

There is evidence in the literature that regular exercise of health-improving aerobics helps strengthen bone tissue and prevents the development of osteoporosis, especially in women during menopause.

As for building muscle mass and reducing body fat, a huge number of scientific works are devoted to this issue.

It has been proven that significant anthropometric changes in the form of a decrease in the fat content and an increase in the bone component in girls occur after 4 months of systematic exercise in health-improving aerobics.

It should be noted that the use of fat depot occurs after exercise for 1-2 hours.

According to research by O.V. Ishanova, under the influence of recreational aerobics classes, significant positive changes in anthropometric indicators were revealed: a decrease in relative fat (by 2.9%) and relative muscle mass of the body (0.9%); circumference of the thigh (3.0%), buttocks (2.2%), shoulder (1.5%), lower leg (1.7%), chest (1.7%), waist (2.4%) and skin -fat folds in the thigh (12.0%), shoulder (8.4%), abdomen (14.0%), lower leg (13.1%).

There is evidence in the literature that recreational aerobics classes have a positive effect on the autonomic homeostasis of girls.

As a result of aerobic training, interactions in the autonomic nervous system, consisting of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, change. As a rule, the sympathetic (activating) influence on a number of body systems decreases, primarily on the cardiovascular system, and the tone of the parasympathetic system (stabilizing influence) predominates, which is expressed in a decrease in heart rate at rest, respiratory rate, and a slight decrease in blood pressure .

At the same time, the possibility of rapid activation of the sympathetic system, necessary for mobilizing the functions and resources of the body during muscle work, remains.

For example, E.N. Inozemtseva proved with her research that training 18-year-old girls with sufficient vegetative support in health-improving aerobics allows for the development of endurance, strength, flexibility and speed-strength qualities.

At the same time, when conducting aerobics training sessions in groups of female students with insufficient vegetative activity, the volume of the main part of the lesson should be increased, which should include physical activity aimed at developing speed. In girls with excess autonomic support, after systematic exercise in health-improving aerobics, a significant decrease in the tension index was observed (i.e., the parasympathetic part of the central nervous system began to predominate, which indicated a positive effect of exercise on the state of the autonomic system of girls).

O. M. Buikova found that under the influence of recreational aerobics classes, girls experience positive changes in hemodynamics and autonomic regulation.

There is evidence in the literature that girls involved in recreational aerobics experience pronounced changes in functional indicators in various phases of the menstrual cycle.

It has been established that in a state of relative rest, the postmenstrual and postovulatory phases in the spring are characterized by the greatest efficiency of the external respiration apparatus and circulatory system, and the premenstrual phase in the winter is characterized by the least.

Foreign researchers have found that regular health aerobics classes reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome in girls and improve the reproductive function of girls.

The positive effect of aerobic training on the endocrine glands has been proven, which is expressed in the following: the weight of the glands that actively function during physical activity increases; the reaction of the glands decreases when performing moderate muscular work; the possibility of significant mobilization of the functions of the glands under extreme load is achieved; high functional activity of the glands is maintained for a long period; the sensitivity of tissues to hormones changes, which helps to improve the regulation of body functions and metabolic processes.

It has been established that practicing this sport helps to reduce the release of adrenaline into the blood, and therefore should be recommended to persons whose activities are associated with neuro-emotional stress.

With prolonged aerobic exercise, the excitability of the central nervous system and the activity of functions decrease. After finishing work, wave-like changes in excitability are noted: alternating its decrease and increase after certain periods of time. As fatigue increases, declines in excitability intensify. However, despite the fatigue that develops during the exercise, a positive effect on the psyche remains through an increase in the production of endorphins and their effect on brain structures. In this regard, recreational aerobics classes can help improve a person’s overall emotional state.

When starting recreational aerobics classes, it is necessary to take into account medical contraindications.

Aerobic exercise should not be done:

For any infectious disease;

After a recent heart attack (coronary heart disease) or other heart problems;

With high blood pressure;

In severe forms of diabetes;

If you are overweight;

For severe mental illness;

For malignant neoplasms;

For congenital heart defects;

With recent myocardial infarction or stroke;

For hypertension;

For aneurysms of the heart and large vessels;

In case of circulatory failure of the 2nd and 3rd degree;

For atrial fibrillation;

For other persistent heart rhythm disturbances that worsen with physical activity;

For bronchial asthma;

For diseases of the liver, gall bladder with frequent attacks of pain;

For kidney diseases with signs of renal failure;

In case of disease of the endocrine glands with significant impairment of their functions;

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system with pronounced pain syndromes;

In inflammatory processes of blood vessels (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.);

For diseases of various organs accompanied by bleeding;

For glaucoma, myopia with retinal damage.

1.3 Methodology of health-improving gymnastics

Health aerobics is characterized by certain organizational and methodological features of conducting classes.

The safety of aerobic training implies both the correct selection of exercises and the composition of complexes, and the appropriate technique of execution, in particular:

When performing movements, sudden movements of a ballistic nature should be avoided;

It is necessary to change the working link or direction of movement every 8 counts;

The change in the amplitude and power of movement should be gradual, both in the direction of increase and decrease;

New movements or ways of moving should be performed at a slow pace or even imitated;

To facilitate execution, it is effective to use accompanying commands and prompts by word and action, by demonstration;

Technically correct development of individual movements and their combination into complexes;

At the initial stages of classes, complexes should be compiled in accordance with the capabilities of the students; in subsequent stages, with a sufficiently perfect mastery of the arsenal of exercises, the instructor can freely choose movements during the lesson.

The selection of musical works and musical arrangement of classes must correspond to the character and age characteristics of the students, and correspond to the rhythm of the piece used for accompaniment.

New movements or ways of moving should be performed at a slow pace or even imitated. To facilitate implementation, it is effective to use accompanying commands and prompts by word and action - by showing. Technically correct development of individual movements and their combination into complexes.

The number of musical accents determines the intensity of motor activity and, accordingly, its level of load. In addition to being a stimulator of a positive emotional background, musical accompaniment plays the role of a leader, setting the rhythm, tempo, and overall load.

There are a number of requirements for the technique of performing exercises during recreational aerobics classes.

Correct posture, technically correct placement of legs and arms, certain positions of the body and its parts in space, a certain technique of elements (jumps, turns, movements), where straight legs, extended feet, tense muscles are necessary.

In a standing position, the feet are slightly apart (usually slightly wider than hip width);

The feet are parallel or slightly turned outward, the direction of the knees is the same as the toes;

The knees are slightly relaxed (slight bending is allowed);

The abdominal and buttock muscles are slightly tense and direct the gas forward (without emphasizing the lumbar curvature);

The pelvis is located evenly, without distortion;

The chest is raised, the shoulders are at the same height;

The head is straight and forms one line with the body.

When walking, running and jumping, the leg is placed on the entire foot.

School of movements, precise movements of the body and its parts (in certain planes), connection of the legs in the final phase of the motor action, technically correct execution of basic steps, optimal jump height and soft landing, optimal range of movements, stable position, absence of unnecessary compensatory movements (stepping, various hand waves). Complexity of the technique: the use of different rhythms in the movements of the arms and legs, speed, complexity of choreography.

Thus, modern health-improving gymnastics is a very dynamic structure that constantly expands the arsenal of tools and methods used. It is an important part of the teaching and educational process within the framework of physical education.

Health aerobics classes lead to significant positive changes in the state of the anatomical and functional systems of the human body.

Gymnastics is a system of specially selected physical exercises, methodological techniques used to improve health, harmonious physical education and improve a person’s motor abilities, his strength, agility, speed, endurance, etc.

Chapter 2. Organization and methods of research

2.1 Purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of the study was to show the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years.

The set goal of the work involved solving the following problems:

1) conduct a literature review on the basics of using health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years;

2) develop a methodology for health-improving gymnastics;

3) to study the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years.

2.2 Research methods

The following methods were used in the study:

· Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

· Testing of physical qualities;

· Pedagogical experiment;

· Methods of mathematical statistics.

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature

The scientific and methodological basis of the research consists of the works of domestic and foreign researchers. Physical improvement, being a complex social phenomenon, is realized in different spaces, including cultural and leisure spaces, and has many forms of physical activity - entertainment, games, recreation, etc.