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Georgia. Presentation on the topic: "Georgia - a country with many legends, one of them says that when God distributed the earth among the peoples, the Georgians were busy feasting on the occasion." download for free and without registration Presentation on the topic of attractions

Presentation on the topic Georgia. Students of Riga high school №46
Rudakova Olga.


A beautiful mountainous country located in the central and
western part of Transcaucasia.
The area of ​​the country is more than 69.7 thousand square meters.
Population - 4,570,934 people
The official language is Georgian.


38% of tourists travel to Georgia for the purpose of recreation and
20% come to visit relatives or friends;
19% visited the country in transit;
9% go specifically for shopping;
5% traveled for business purposes.
Eco-tourism and mountain tourism are also popular in Georgia.


This is a temple carved into the rock.
At the time of construction, the city consisted of 3 thousand large caves, not
counting all sorts of secluded nooks and crannies. The buildings of these premises accommodated up to 50 thousand soldiers.

Prometheus Cave.

Prometheus Cave (or Kumistavi) is located in
Natural cave with underground river, underground
lake and even an underground waterfall was discovered in
1984 During 2010, together with German
landscaped by scientists and builders. And she became
a mysterious curiosity.

Botanical Garden Batumi.

Located on an area of ​​113 hectares, 9 km from Batumi.
It was officially opened on November 3, 1912.


This is an abandoned city. According to historical
chronicles, the city was founded by Eristav Egrisi Kudzhi
in the 3rd century AD e.


A resort city in the region in southwestern Georgia. Borjomi
known for its healing mineral water. In Borjomi
gorge over 200 historical monuments: fortresses,
churches, monasteries. A special place among historical
monuments are occupied by the palace of the Russian Romanov tsars. Georgians claim that their country is the homeland
guilt. Wine production began here 7,000 years ago.
There are 2,400 mineral springs hidden in the depths of Georgia,
even the capital Tbilisi literally stands on
mineral water.
The rock to which the unfortunate Prometheus was chained,
who suffered for you and me is also in Georgia.
The dish “tabaka chicken” has nothing to do with tobacco.
The fact is that this is a distorted name, whereas
the correct one is “chicken tapaka”, derived from
special Georgian frying pan called


In this country, there are a lot of different fortresses, churches,
temples. There are places for every taste, just for lovers
lie on the beach, and those who love history love
nature. This country seemed very beautiful to me, because
nature and interesting because of the various abandoned cities,
caves, etc. I like.

The Republic of Georgia is a state in Transcaucasia. It borders on Russia in the north, Azerbaijan in the east, and Armenia and Turkey in the south. The total area of ​​the Republic of Georgia is 69.7 thousand km. sq., including Abkhazia (area 8.6 thousand sq. km.) and South Ossetia(area 3.9 thousand sq. km.), which unilaterally declared their independence and separation from Georgia. The western coast of Georgia is washed by the Black Sea.

Entry rules and customs restrictions Visas Citizens of Ukraine cross the border without visas. Visa-free regime also for CIS countries (except Russia), USA, Israel, etc. For citizens of the Russian Federation, a visa can be obtained upon arrival at the airport for 30 days, or at the Georgian Embassy in Moscow for 90 days. Customs restrictions Import and export of foreign currency is allowed without restrictions, declaration is optional, but recommended. Allowed to import 3 liters of wine, 10 liters of beer and 200 pcs. cigarettes.

Climate Georgia has a subtropical climate in the west and transitional from subtropical to temperate in the east. The coast of the country has humid and moderately hot summers: the average July temperature is °C, and mild winters are °C. The further from the Black Sea, the harsher the climate becomes: up to °C in summer and below zero in winter. In January, in mountainous areas the thermometer can drop to °C. Snow falls here in early November and lasts until the end of March. There is significant rainfall throughout the year. Overall, best time The best time to visit Georgia is May-June and September, when throughout the country it is warm and sunny, but not too hot. In July-August you can safely go to the Black Sea coast, where the heat is softened by the breeze and to the mountains.

Transport The transport network includes railways (80% of them electrified) and car roads with a total length of 2700 km. Taxi Taxi drivers, depending on the company, charge 1-2 GEL per 1 km. routes (it is preferable to agree on the price in advance) depending on the direction and time.

Renting a car To rent a car you will need an international license and a credit card. The driver must be at least 21 years old and have at least 1 year of driving experience. Rules traffic standard, most signs are in Georgian and English. Renting a car is quite expensive: for a basic model they will ask for from 100 USD per day, and insurance is not always included in the price. Alternatively, you can negotiate with the taxi driver to “purchase” his services for the day; this will not only cost less, but also save a lot of effort and nerves on Georgian roads. Trains The cost of trains, depending on the distance, starts from $7 per ticket. Diamonds have great importance for Amsterdam. The city has a diamond museum and a diamond processing factory, and the Diamond Center is a welcome addition to Amsterdam's glamorous image

Shopping Shops are usually open from 9-10 am to 6-7 pm, many modern stores in Tbilisi follow a 12-hour opening hours: from 9 to 21 or from 10 to 22, and supermarkets are often open around the clock. Markets and fairs open from 5-6 am and close shortly after noon. From Georgia you can bring national daggers, homespun carpets and rugs, good gold and silver jewelry with semi-precious stones (both modern and ancient), richly decorated wine containers made of glass, clay or horn, national dolls, items of clothing, embroidered shawls, leather shoes, accessories, ceramics and enamel. Delicious souvenirs such as Georgian wines and cognacs, grape vodka “Chacha”, cheeses, spices and aromatic herbs deserve the closest attention. For fans of naive painting, it makes sense to take a look at art galleries in Tbilisi, where works a la Pirosmani are presented in abundance, as well as other equally interesting works by contemporary artists.

Cuisine and restaurants Georgian cuisine is that rare case when you should start not with dishes, but with wine and the inevitable toast. As the Georgians say, a more or less decent feast should include at least twenty ornate doxologies on a variety of topics from the health of parents to the notorious coincidence of desires and possibilities. Meals where the number of toasts does not reach twenty are not taken seriously and are characterized as “sat a little.” Generally speaking, the incredible hospitality and cordiality of the locals, the atmosphere of respect and love that reigns at the table is already half the taste of the dishes. The other half is the freshest food and soulful portions to such an extent that at a Georgian feast there inevitably comes a moment when it’s impossible to cram even a crumb into yourself.

Without exception, all types of meat and poultry, a fantastic variety of cheeses and dairy products, vegetables, herbs and aromatic herbs, plus sauces and an indispensable bottle of wine for every meal, this is a portrait of Georgian cuisine in rough strokes. Delving into the details, we will mention kharcho and satsivi soup, khinkali dumplings and cheese khachapuri, suluguni, vegetable stew “adzhabsandali”, “mivadi” kebabs and smoked sausages, lobio, chakhokhbili, dolma, kutab and of course sauces: spicy adjika, sour- sweet tkemali and satsebeli based on nuts, fruits and herbs. The most popular and beloved bread is corn cakes “mchadi”, and in the western region of Megrelia they eat thick corn porridge “gomi” instead of bread. Wine began to be produced on the territory of Sakartvelo already in the 5th millennium BC. e., and today more than 500 varieties of grapevines are cultivated in Georgia, thanks to which there is a great variety of wines here: red “Saperavi”, “Khvanchkara”, “Kindzmarauli”, “Mukuzani”, “Akhasheni”, “Teliani”, white “Kakheti” , “Tsinandali”, “Tbilisuri”. Among strong drinks, grape vodka “Chacha” is known, and among weak drinks there are many varieties of local beer.

Georgian feast “The Georgian table is like a Georgian song: we sing in different voices, but unite in the choir...” - this is what one of the heroes of Ch. Amirejibi’s novel “Data Tutashkhia” said. And indeed, with all the originality of the dishes of Georgian cuisine, you can always determine its “nationality” without much effort. Crispy Georgian bread, sharp cheeses, famous Georgian wines, sauces. The names sound like music: satsivi, chakhokhbili, lobio, satsebeli, suluguni... Unlike the dishes of French, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese cuisine, which have recently entered our everyday life, we have long known and appreciated dishes of Georgian cuisine. If you ever go to a Georgian feast, you will forever remember the good-natured welcome and unique taste national dishes, the magnificent aroma of fine wines, toasts illuminated by the light of wisdom and sincerity. Georgians themselves often half-jokingly call their feast “academy.” We must admit that there is some truth in this joke...

The sights of Georgia include many ancient temples, churches and fortresses, karst caves and rock cities, palaces of Georgian kings and original villages of Upper Svaneti, National parks and monasteries. The main attractions of Tbilisi are majestic cathedrals and churches: the Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Metekhi Church, the Narikala fortress on the banks of the Kura River, Anchiskhati, the oldest cathedral of the capital, built in the 6th century, the Jvarismama Church (16th century), the Zemo Betlemi (Nativity) Cathedral, built in the 18th century , the Kvashveti Church, as well as monuments of Catholic architecture: the Baroque Cathedral Church of Saints Peter and Paul and the Church of Our Lady. The historical center of Tbilisi has narrow streets with centuries-old houses, bathing in the indescribable and unique Tbilisi atmosphere. And in the vicinity of the capital it is worth visiting ancient city Mtskheta, which was once the capital of the Georgian kingdom, and the Jvari monastery. Tbilisi

Among the Georgian castles and fortresses, first of all, we note the magnificent Khartsvisi (12th century), the fortified settlement of Sighnaghi, soaring above the picturesque Alazani Valley, the Gonio fortress, the first mention of which can be found in Roman chronicles, the watchtowers of Mestia, Tmogvi, a miniature fortress clinging to almost steep cliff, defensive structures in the town of Dmanisi, the fortified village of Shatili, near the border with Russia. The famous cave structures of Georgia are the rock monastery of Vardzia, founded by Queen Tamara in the 12th century for protection from Mongol raids. Some sections of the ancient irrigation system are still in operation here. The rock monastery of David Gareja was built in the 6th century, expanded several times in the 9th and 12th centuries, here you can see unique frescoes. The cave city of Uplistsikhe is one of the first human settlements on the territory of Georgia. It preserves the remains of religious and secular buildings erected over several millennia. Fans of speleology and everything mysterious will be interested in the natural karst caves of Sataplia and Tskaltubo, stretching for many tens of kilometers and interspersed with underground rivers, lakes and grottoes.

Ski resorts Bakuriani Bakuriani is the most famous ski resort in Georgia, located on the northern slope of the Trialeti ridge, near the Borjomi gorge. This is a small village at an altitude of 1700 meters, surrounded by mountains, alpine meadows and dense pine forests. From Tbilisi airport to Bakuriani 190 kilometers, about three hours drive. The ski season lasts from November to March. Winter is cold, but not severe, and usually snow-stable. The weather is sunny and calm. Therefore, you can often see skiers skiing in swimsuits here. The average height of snow cover is about 60 centimeters, avalanches are very a rare event in Bakuriani.

The main skiing area is Mount Kokhta. In the Kokhta-1 ski area there is a two-stage track (red and black). On the plateau there is a blue trail for beginners. In the Kokhta-2 (Tatra) zone there is a two-stage track, where steep slopes are replaced by comfortable gentle ones. There are also several trails for beginners. Among cross-country skiing enthusiasts, skiing to the Tskhratskaro pass (13 km from Bakuriani) to an altitude of 2780 m is very popular. There is also the opportunity for snowboarding. There are 3 springboards and a luge track. There are rental shops and a ski school.

Gudauri Ski resort Gudauri is the youngest and most promising ski resort in the Caucasus. It is located in the Kazbegi region of Georgia, 120 km from Tbilisi at an altitude of 2196 m. The unique natural terrain of Gudauri, deep and stable snow cover, the absence of stones on and off the pistes, avalanche safety and high-altitude location - all these factors have attracted foreign investors here. In 1982, serious development and modernization of the winter resort of Gudauri began; the Austrians built here the first ski lifts and a hotel of the famous Marco Polo chain. The tracks are located on the slopes of Mount Kudebi, the top station of the road is at an altitude of 3007 meters. All tracks are above forest level. There are few lifts here, only 4 lines, but there are many options for descent.

The ski area is connected by three lines of 3- and 4-seater Dopelmaer lifts. The lower station of the lift is at an altitude of 1990m, and the upper one is at 3007m. In winter, three lines of the Doppelmayer chairlift operate. The first stage is 1010m long with three seats, the second stage is 2310m long with four seats and the third stage is 1060m long with three seats. The longest descent is 7 km, the elevation difference is about 1000 m. But the main attraction of Gudauri is freeride - descent through virgin fields. Due to the wide opportunities for off-piste skiing available here, numerous ski lovers prefer ski holidays in Gudauri even to alpine resorts. Main routes for alpine skiing in Gudauri they prepare by snowcats, but in parallel with the prepared trails there are wide virgin fields that turn the local slopes into a paradise for freeriders. Gudauri is rightfully considered the Mecca of freeride. There are also a huge number of off-piste slopes for backcountry and heli-skiing around the resort. Delivery to the peaks by helicopter is very popular here, by which you can reach the slopes of near and distant peaks, including the luxurious snow fields of Cross Pass. Ski tours in Gudauri begin unusually early; the snow cover here lasts from November to May, and reaches 2 meters in thickness.

Borjomi Borjomi is a world famous balneological resort in Samtskhe-Javakheti, a region in southwestern Georgia. The city is famous for its Borjomi mineral water, which ranks first in export in Georgia. Borjomi is not only beautiful natural conditions for treatment and recreation, but the dacha of the last Russian emperor, the monastery complex of Timotes Ubani (10th century, not far from the Tsagveri resort), beautiful parks, many sanatoriums and a good local history museum have also been preserved. Nearby lies the unique Borjomi Nature Reserve, which is considered not only a haven for numerous representatives of flora and fauna, but also best place for ecological tourism in Transcaucasia. Borjomi Borjomi is a world famous balneological resort in Samtskhe-Javakheti, a region in southwestern Georgia. The city is famous for its Borjomi mineral water, which ranks first in export in Georgia. Borjomi not only has excellent natural conditions for treatment and recreation, but also the dacha of the last Russian emperor, the Timotes Ubani monastery complex (10th century, not far from the Tsagveri resort), beautiful parks, many sanatoriums and a good local history museum have been preserved. Nearby lies the unique Borjomi Nature Reserve, considered not only a haven for numerous representatives of flora and fauna, but also the best place for eco-tourism in Transcaucasia.

Wine tastings in Kakheti Wine tour includes a journey through Georgia, a country of winemaking and unique national cuisine. The program includes visits to wine cellars, wine tasting, a trip to Kakheti, where the harvest is harvested the best varieties grapes You will have the opportunity not only to try national cuisine from Georgian wine tastings, but also to participate in their preparation, grape harvest, wine preparation, churchkhela, etc.

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Georgia Completed by a student of grade 9 “b” of the Municipal Educational Institution Kola Secondary School No. 1 Fedetsova Angelina Teacher: Skotarenko Suzanna Nikolaevna

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The largest city: Tbilisi Date of independence: April 9, 1991 (from the USSR) Official language: Georgian Capital: Tbilisi President: Mikheil Saakashvili Prime Minister: Zurab Nogaideli Speaker of Parliament: Nino Burjanadze

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Territory: 118th in the world Total: 69,700 km² Population: 114th in the world Total (2004): 4,677,401 Density: 67 people/km² GDP: 122nd in the world Total (2005): $15.522 billion Per capita: $3038 Currency: lari Internet domain:ge Time zone:[]

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Georgia (Georgian საქართველო, Sakartvelo) is a state in the central and western part of Transcaucasia on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea, until 1991 - the Georgian SSR, a republic within the USSR. Borders with Russian Federation in the north, Azerbaijan in the east, Armenia and Turkey in the south.

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Natural-geographical features In the north, Georgia has a common 723-kilometer border with the Russian Federation (from west to east - Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia - Alania, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan). The climate is transitional from subtropical to temperate. The nature of Georgia is extremely diverse due to its geographical location, complex terrain and altitudinal zoning. The Caucasus region, in which Georgia is located, belongs to the mobile alpine belt of the earth's crust, which determines its contrasting topography and diverse landscapes with a variety of various types climate, hydrological regime, soil cover, vegetation and fauna. In addition, Georgia is located at the junction of the humid Mediterranean, the arid, drainless Aral-Caspian basin and the continental Western Asian highlands, which also determines the diversity of its natural conditions.

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Sea The Georgian coast of the Black Sea between the mouths of the Psou and Chorokh rivers, which has a length of 308 km, is slightly rugged. Describing a smooth arc, the coast is devoid of significant bays and peninsulas. The ports of Sukhumi, Batumi, and Poti are located in small bays.

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Mountains The northern part of the republic is occupied by the Greater Caucasus mountain system (Georgian Kavkasioni) with altitudes up to 4500-5000 m above sea level. The highest point is Mount Shkhara (5068 m). Just below Kazbek (5047 m). The Caucasus belongs to young folded systems (that is, tectonic processes here are not completed). Much of Georgia's coastline is slowly sinking. On average, the land subsidence of the Colchis Lowland is about 13 cm per century. There is a high seismicity of the territory (especially in the east, earthquakes up to 5-7 points). In the watershed part of the Central Caucasus there are famous passes - Krestovy (2384 m), Mamisonsky (2829 m), Roksky (2996 m). In total, two highways lead through the Caucasus Range - Trans-Caucasian and Georgian Military. The third route to Georgia from the north - along the Black Sea coast - was practically closed after the Georgian-Abkhaz war. The highland part is characterized by glaciers, in the west - karst phenomena, and in the east - young volcanic forms. In total, there are over 600 glaciers in Georgia with a total area of ​​520 km2. The largest glaciers are located in Svaneti.

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In the south of the country there are the mid-mountain ridges of the Lesser Caucasus (heights up to 2850 m), between the Greater and Lesser Caucasus there is the Colchis Lowland, which has the shape of a triangle with the base facing the Black Sea, and in the east there is the Iberian depression, where the Kura River flows. The Colchis lowland slopes to the west. In the coastal strip it barely rises above sea level, and to the east it gradually rises to 150 m until it rests on the granite ridge that connects the Greater and Lesser Caucasus and is the watershed between the basins of the Black and Caspian Seas. Colchis is described by Konstantino Paustovsky in his story of the same name. It was here, according to legend, that the Argonauts went for the Golden Fleece. In political geography, the Pankisi Gorge is known - a region on the border with Chechnya, where the Kist Chechens, related to the Chechens of the North Caucasus, live. Refugees from Chechnya who fled it during the second Chechen campaign (1999-2000) also settled here. In the extreme south of Georgia there is the South Georgian (Javakheti) volcanic highland, for which there are lava plateaus, chains of volcanoes and canyon-like river gorges. The highest characteristic point of the highland is Mount Didi-Abuli, 3301 m. The main minerals are manganese ores (Chiatura), coal (Tkibuli), and small oil reserves. One of the main natural resources is numerous mineral and thermal springs. Up to 50 resorts have been created on the basis of mineral springs. The most popular are Borjomi and Tskhaltubo.

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Rivers and lakes The rivers of Georgia belong to two basins - the Black Sea (75% of the flow) and the Caspian. Almost the entire runoff of the Caspian basin is carried out by the Kura River, on which the Mingachevir reservoir is located. The rivers of the Black Sea basin (Western Georgia) do not form a single system, flowing into the sea independently. The main one is the Rioni, which flows in the lower section along the Colchis lowland. The Inguri and others are also significant. Most rivers originating in the mountains have their maximum flow (flood) in the spring, when the snow melts. Rivers, fed mainly from glaciers, carry the most water in the summer and at this time have a pronounced diurnal flow rate with a maximum in the evening hours and a minimum before dawn. Having a fast flow, mountain rivers rarely freeze. They flow through deep gorges and have a significant number of rapids. In the zone of limestones of the Greater Caucasus and volcanic rocks of the Javakheti Highlands, underground flow (underground water flows) exceeds surface flow. Georgia is rich in hydropower resources. Cascades of hydroelectric power stations and reservoirs have been built on many mountain rivers. The total length of irrigation systems exceeds 1000 km. There are few lakes in Georgia, mainly in the Javakheti Plateau.

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Flora very rich vegetable world. According to botanists, the number of species of flowering plants - over 4500 - is more than in the entire European part former USSR. The relative stability of the climate in the past contributed to the preservation of ancient elements of the flora, relict and endemic plants (rhododendrons, boxwood, cherry laurel, persimmon, etc.). Forests occupy over one third of the territory. Previously, the entire Colchis lowland and most of the Iberian depression were covered with forest. Now the lowland forests of Colchis and the Alazani Valley are almost everywhere replaced by cultural plantings. Among the trees, the most common are broad-leaved (oak, hornbeam, chestnut, beech) and coniferous (fir, spruce, pine). There are extensive alpine meadows, stretching from the upper border of the forest to 2800-3500 m. The steppes are mainly replaced by cultural plantings. Among the specific landscape zones of Georgia, it is necessary to note the Colchis broad-leaved liana forests with evergreen trees and shrubs, as well as forests of Pitsunda pine in Adjara, Caucasian pine in the Borjomi Gorge, and Eldar pine in Eastern Georgia. About 200 thousand hectares of the Colchis lowland are occupied by swamps.

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Economy Georgia is a developing industrial-agrarian country. Minerals All types of mineral raw materials are mined: etc. Energy Electricity is produced at thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Industry Leading industries: metallurgy, mining. The chemical and oil-extracting, forestry, light (mainly textile) and food industries are developed. Agriculture Main agricultural crops: grapes, grains, sugar beets, sunflowers, potatoes, meat and dairy and wool animal husbandry, poultry farming.

History Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic(Georgia) established in February Capital Tbilisi. In 1801 Eastern Georgia and Western Georgia became part of Russian Empire(Tiflis and Kutaisi provinces). In 1918, German, Turkish and British troops were introduced into Georgian territory. In May 1918, the Georgian democratic republic. In 1921, units of the Red Army entered the territory of Georgia, and in February 1921 the Georgian SSR was formed; from March 1922 it was part of the Transcaucasian Federation (from December 1922 as part of the USSR), from December 1936 directly to the USSR. In 1991, the new name of the republic was adopted: the Republic of Georgia. After the collapse of the USSR (1991) an independent state. Part of the CIS.

State structure The official name is the Republic of Georgia, short - Georgia. State flag Georgia: the main color is dark burgundy, in the upper left corner there are two horizontal stripes of white and black. Chapter State - President Georgia. Currently Eduard Ambrosovich Shevardnadze. The highest legislative body is the Parliament of Georgia. Coat of arms of Georgia

Geographical position Georgia is located in Transcaucasia, in southwest Asia. It borders with Russia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The total length of the border is 1464 km. Washed by the Black Sea, located on the Colchis Lowland. Several rivers flow through the territory, the largest river-river Kura (Mtkari). There are many mineral springs on the territory of Georgia, as well as healing and mud resorts. Area - 69.7 sq. km (comparable to the territory of North Carolina). Georgia lies in the subtropical zone at the same latitude as Greece, Italy and Spain. The climate is warm. The highest peak is Mount Shkhara (5,068 m).

Climate In the west it is subtropical, in the east it is transitional from subtropical to temperate. Average temperatures in January are from +3 C (Colchis) to -2 C (Iberian depression), in August from +23 C to +26 C. In Western Georgia, facing the Black Sea, precipitation ranges from 1000 to 2800 mm. (in the mountains) precipitation per year, in Eastern Georgia mm. In the west it is subtropical, in the east it is transitional from subtropical to temperate. Average temperatures in January are from +3 C (Colchis) to -2 C (Iberian depression), in August from +23 C to +26 C. In Western Georgia, facing the Black Sea, precipitation ranges from 1000 to 2800 mm. (in the mountains) precipitation per year, in Eastern Georgia mm.

Population National composition Georgia is heterogeneous: Georgians - 70.1%, Armenians - 8.1%, Russians - 6.3%, other peoples: Azerbaijanis, Ossetians, Greeks, Abkhazians. other peoples: Azerbaijanis, Ossetians, Greeks, Abkhazians. Population people (1996), urban 56%. The official language is Georgian. The Russian language is widespread. Russian language.

Religion Georgians are Christians. Georgians are Christians. Georgia is one of the first countries to adopt Christianity as a state religion (337 AD). Georgia is one of the first countries to adopt Christianity as a state religion (337 AD). The center of the Georgian Orthodox Church is located in Zion Cathedral in Tbilisi. In Georgia, they are especially tolerant of other religions, so in the very center of old Tbilisi (on Meydan) there are Georgian Orthodox Church, Armenian Apostolic Church, Synagogue and Muslim Mosque. The center of the Georgian Orthodox Church is located in the Zion Cathedral in Tbilisi. In Georgia, they are especially tolerant of other religions, so in the very center of old Tbilisi (on Meydan) there are the Georgian Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, a Synagogue and a Muslim mosque.

Money The monetary unit of Georgia is the lari. Banknotes in circulation: 1,2,5,10,20,50,100, gold coins in denominations of 500, 1000 lari. US dollars are widely used, especially in the private sector. Can be used in large hotels and supermarkets credit cards VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and Cirrus/Maestro, in private stores, hotels and in the provinces, payment with them is almost impossible. Banks and shops are usually open from 9:00 to 19:00, and a large number of shops and supermarkets are open 24 hours a day. Fairs and markets are open seven days a week. Public, state organizations closed on Saturdays and Sundays. The monetary unit of Georgia is the lari. Banknotes in circulation: 1,2,5,10,20,50,100, gold coins in denominations of 500, 1000 lari. US dollars are widely used, especially in the private sector. It is possible to use VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and Cirrus/Maestro credit cards in large hotels and supermarkets; in private stores, hotels and in the provinces, payment with them is almost impossible. Banks and shops are usually open from 9:00 to 19:00, and a large number of shops and supermarkets are open 24 hours a day. Fairs and markets are open seven days a week. Public and government organizations are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Industry In the structure of national income, the share (1992,%) of industry is 34, Agriculture 29. Electricity production 13.4 billion kWh (1992). Leading industries: food and flavoring (including tea, fruit canning, wine sub-industries; production of tung, fragrant essential oils, bottling mineral waters etc.), light industry, mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining, ferrous metallurgy. Extraction of manganese ores, coal, non-ferrous metal ores, barite, etc. The area of ​​agricultural land is 3.2 million hectares (1990). The Black Sea regions of Georgia specialize in the production of tea (in 1990, the area of ​​tea plantations was 62.3 thousand hectares, the harvest of high-quality tea leaves was 516.1 thousand tons), citrus fruits, bay leaf; In the eastern part of Georgia, the leading role belongs to viticulture, and fruit growing is developed. Cereal crops (wheat, corn, barley). The main branches of livestock farming are meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep farming, pig farming, and poultry farming. Operating length (1990, thousand km): railways 1.57, public roads 21.6, including hard surfaced 20.3. Main seaports: Batumi, Poti. Baku-Batumi oil pipeline; gas pipelines from the North. Caucasus and Azerbaijan. In the structure of national income, the share (1992,%) of industry is 34, agriculture is 29. Electricity production is 13.4 billion kWh (1992). Leading industries: food industry (including tea, fruit canning, wine sub-industries; production of tung, fragrant essential oils, bottling of mineral waters, etc.), light industry, mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining, ferrous metallurgy. Extraction of manganese ores, coal, non-ferrous metal ores, barite, etc. The area of ​​agricultural land is 3.2 million hectares (1990). The Black Sea regions of Georgia specialize in the production of tea (in 1990, the area of ​​tea plantations was 62.3 thousand hectares, the harvest of high-quality tea leaves was 516.1 thousand tons), citrus fruits, bay leaves; In the eastern part of Georgia, the leading role belongs to viticulture, and fruit growing is developed. Cereal crops (wheat, corn, barley). The main branches of livestock farming are meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep farming, pig farming, and poultry farming. Operating length (1990, thousand km): railways 1.57, public roads 21.6, including paved roads 20.3. Main seaports: Batumi, Poti. Baku-Batumi oil pipeline; gas pipelines from the North. Caucasus and Azerbaijan.

Main attractions There are about 300 mountain, seaside climatic, balneological and mud resorts in the republic. There is a magnificent botanical garden near Batumi. In Georgia there are over 10 thousand monuments of archaeology, history, architecture, art, there are numerous historical documents, manuscripts and natural monuments. The oldest architectural monuments preserved in Georgia date back to the 1st millennium BC - 1st century AD. This is the acropolis in Mtskheta, the royal residence in Armaziskhevi, Armazi (I-V centuries BC), the cave city of Uplistsikhe (1st century), etc. Examples of Georgian architecture of the early Middle Ages are the fortified city of Ujarma (5th century), the castle Metekhi, Anchiskhati church, Anauri castle-fortress, settlements with fortresses of Nakalakevi, Shorapani and Skanda, temples in Kartli (V-VI centuries). The 11th-12th centuries include fortifications in Dmanisi, Samshvilda, the Bagrati temples in Kutaisi, Bolnisi Zion (5th century), Jvari (6th century), Svetitskhoveli (11th century) in Mtskheta, the cave city of Vardzia (12th century) . Tbilisi ("tbili" - warm, there are warm springs near the city) is one of the most ancient cities in the world, it is 1500 years old. There are about 300 mountain, coastal climatic, balneological and mud resorts in the republic. There is a magnificent botanical garden near Batumi. In Georgia there are over 10 thousand monuments of archaeology, history, architecture, art, there are numerous historical documents, manuscripts and natural monuments. The oldest architectural monuments preserved in Georgia date back to the 1st millennium BC - 1st century AD. This is the acropolis in Mtskheta, the royal residence in Armaziskhevi, Armazi (I-V centuries BC), the cave city of Uplistsikhe (1st century), etc. Examples of Georgian architecture of the early Middle Ages are the fortified city of Ujarma (5th century), the castle Metekhi, Anchiskhati church, Anauri castle-fortress, settlements with fortresses of Nakalakevi, Shorapani and Skanda, temples in Kartli (V-VI centuries). The 11th-12th centuries include fortifications in Dmanisi, Samshvilda, the Bagrati temples in Kutaisi, Bolnisi Zion (5th century), Jvari (6th century), Svetitskhoveli (11th century) in Mtskheta, the cave city of Vardzia (12th century) . Tbilisi (“tbili” means warm, there are warm springs near the city) is one of the most ancient cities in the world, it is 1500 years old

National cuisine Georgian cuisine is one of the most popular. Georgians are very sensitive to the ritual of preparing Georgian dishes. The most favorite dishes are satsivi, mtsvadi (kebab), lobio, pkhali, etc. An indispensable ingredient of Georgian dishes are walnuts which give food a unique taste. Georgian cuisine is unthinkable without dough products such as khinkali and khachapuri. Viticulture has been developed in Georgia since ancient times, so Georgia has a wide range of famous natural Georgian wines, which have brought worldwide fame to Georgia. It is excellent Georgian wine that is traditionally an indispensable element of Georgian cuisine. Georgian cuisine is one of the most popular. Georgians are very sensitive to the ritual of preparing Georgian dishes. The most favorite dishes are satsivi, mtsvadi (kebab), lobio, pkhali, etc. An indispensable ingredient in Georgian dishes are walnuts, which give food a unique taste. Georgian cuisine is unthinkable without dough products such as khinkali and khachapuri. Viticulture has been developed in Georgia since ancient times, so Georgia has a wide range of famous natural Georgian wines, which have brought worldwide fame to Georgia. It is excellent Georgian wine that is traditionally an indispensable element of Georgian cuisine.

National clothing In the XIX - XX centuries. National clothing was widespread. An elegant chokha, tight-fitting to the waist, made of woolen material, with wide and long sleeves and hems falling to the knees, was worn over a paper or silk ahalokha, usually in dark colors. These clothes favorably emphasized the narrow waist and broad shoulders of men. The ahalokhi was girded with a narrow belt with silver embossing. The shoes were tight-fitting soft leather boots with pointed toes and an elastic base. The peasants wore bast shoes made of rawhide - kalamani and boots made of coarse homespun wool. Women's clothing was no less unique. A dress tied at the waist - kartuli, kaba with a long wide skirt covering the legs to the feet, high-heeled shoes without a back, with toes turned up. The headdress consisted of a mchak - a triangular white tulle veil, a kopi - a thin roller made of silk and cotton wool, and a chikhta - a cardboard headband lined with velvet. A smooth, usually dark, scarf with a modest pattern - bagdadi - was thrown over the top. In the XIX - XX centuries. National clothing was widespread. An elegant chokha, tight-fitting to the waist, made of woolen material, with wide and long sleeves and hems falling to the knees, was worn over a paper or silk ahalokha, usually in dark colors. These clothes favorably emphasized the narrow waist and broad shoulders of men. The ahalokhi was girded with a narrow belt with silver embossing. The shoes were tight-fitting soft leather boots with pointed toes and an elastic base. The peasants wore bast shoes made of rawhide - kalamani and boots made of coarse homespun wool. Women's clothing was no less unique. A dress tied at the waist - kartuli, kaba with a long wide skirt covering the legs to the feet, high-heeled shoes without a back, with toes turned up. The headdress consisted of a mchak - a triangular white tulle veil, a kopi - a thin roller made of silk and cotton wool, and a chikhta - a cardboard headband lined with velvet. A smooth, usually dark, scarf with a modest pattern - bagdadi - was thrown over the top.

Museums and libraries There are 118 museums in Georgia. Best known State Museum Georgia, transformed in 1919 from the Caucasian Museum (founded in 1852), which houses exhibits demonstrating the development of the civilization of Georgia and the Caucasus as a whole. The Historical and Ethnographic Museum with its collection of ancient Georgian dwellings and the State Museum of Art of Georgia with its “golden fund” are very interesting. This museum has five main sections: ancient Georgian art (with the famous enamels of the Khakhul triptych and the central enamel icon of the Mother of God), Russian, Soviet, Western European and Oriental art. There are 118 museums in Georgia. The most famous is the State Museum of Georgia, transformed in 1919 from the Caucasian Museum (founded in 1852), which houses exhibits demonstrating the development of the civilization of Georgia and the Caucasus as a whole. The Historical and Ethnographic Museum with its collection of ancient Georgian dwellings and the State Museum of Art of Georgia with its “golden fund” are very interesting. This museum has five main sections: ancient Georgian art (with the famous enamels of the Khakhul triptych and the central enamel icon of the Mother of God), Russian, Soviet, Western European and Oriental art. The largest libraries in Georgia are the National Library, founded in 1846, with a collection of more than 7 million items; libraries of Tbilisi University and the Georgian Academy of Sciences, as well as the central libraries of the autonomous republics of Abkhazia and Adjara. The largest libraries in Georgia are the National Library, founded in 1846, with a collection of more than 7 million items; libraries of Tbilisi University and the Georgian Academy of Sciences, as well as the central libraries of the autonomous republics of Abkhazia and Adjara.

Education Education in Georgia has old traditions. Medieval monasteries and academies were important centers of learning and preserved the national heritage even in times of foreign oppression. Education in Georgia has old traditions. Medieval monasteries and academies were important centers of learning and preserved the national heritage even in times of foreign oppression. Higher education currently consists of a network of public universities and private “commercial” institutions. In the 1995/1996 academic year, more than 90 thousand students studied at 28 state universities (about 50 thousand full-time, and the rest in the evening department), another 3 thousand people studied in graduate school in 59 specialties. In addition, there are 250 private institutes (185 in Tbilisi alone). State universities have highly qualified professors and teachers. However, some of them, in order not to lose their prestige and retain staff, opened paid branches. New institutions based on international partnership have been created. Higher education currently consists of a network of public universities and private “for-profit” institutions. In the 1995/1996 academic year, more than 90 thousand students studied at 28 state universities (about 50 thousand full-time, and the rest in the evening department), another 3 thousand people studied in graduate school in 59 specialties. In addition, there are 250 private institutes (185 in Tbilisi alone). State universities have highly qualified professors and teachers. However, some of them, in order not to lose their prestige and retain staff, opened paid branches. New institutions based on international partnership have been created. Christian Institute "Elim" m. "North" House Writers' Union

GEORGIA IS A COUNTRY WITH MANY LEGENDS One of them says that when God was distributing the earth among the peoples, the Georgians were busy with a feast on the occasion of the creation of the world. Having raised toasts, they still came. But it turned out that they were too late. Then the Georgians said: “Sorry, dear, we’re late: we drank to your health.” God thought and said: “I have saved a piece of land here for myself, but for your spontaneity and directness I am giving it to you! Remember that the land is very beautiful and incomparable to anything, and people will admire and admire it in all ages.” It happened as the Almighty said. For many centuries now, everyone has admired the beauty of a small but proud country.

NAME Georgians call their country Sakartvelo. This word comes from the name of the Kartvel people, who lived in the territory of present-day Georgia. The word “Georgia” came into our language from the Arabic “Gurjistan”. IN Ancient world Georgia and Spain were called the same Iberia.

F LAG One rectangular cross and four small crosses on a silver (white) background depicted on the flag of Georgia are a common Christian symbol, personifying Jesus Christ the Savior and the four evangelists. Silver (white) color in heraldry indicates innocence, purity, purity, wisdom, and red indicates courage, courage, justice and love.

I LANGUAGE The language of the Basque people living in Spain is very similar to Georgian. There are three Georgian alphabets. In the Georgian language there is no stress as such, only the t is raised on a certain syllable. Georgian has no capital letters, no masculine and feminine(it is determined by context). In the Georgian language there are words with 8 consonants in a row - (gvprtskvnis). But this is not even a “ceiling”; in the famous Georgian work “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger” a word with 11 consonants in a row is used and sounds like vefkhvtmbrdgvneli. In the Georgian language, the decimal system is used for naming numbers. To pronounce a number between 20 and 100, you need to divide it into twenties and say their number and remainder. For example: 33 twenty-thirteen, a78 three-twenty-eighteen. In the Georgian language, all known and native words sound like this: “mama” is dad, “deda” is mom, “bebia” is grandmother, “babua” or “papa” is grandfather.

HISTORY AND POPULATION The remains of the first representatives of the human race were found on the territory of Georgia. They were discovered in 1991 in Dmanisi and date back to approximately 1 million 770 thousand years ago. They were given the names Zezva and Mzia. Jews have lived in Georgia for 2,600 years.

LAWS If you have drunk a lot while visiting and do not want to get behind the wheel of your car, then calmly call the police patrol, warning in advance that you do not want to create emergency situations on the road. In gratitude for this behavior, the police will deliver you and the car to your home. And it's all absolutely free. In Georgian high-rise buildings, elevators with payment or a personal key are very often found. Pay elevators: To go up, you need to put a certain amount of coins into the mechanism. The descent is free. Gun storage is allowed in Georgia. There is not a single “Thief in Law” at large in Georgia.

IN THE WAR In the Second World War, Georgians died more than all others in percentage terms. The first person to hoist the Victory Banner on the roof of the German Reichstag was the Georgian Meliton Kantaria. In 1976, the American space agency NASA sent the Georgian song “Chakrulo” into space as an example of the musical abilities of humanity.

T RADITION Don't be surprised if you see men kissing on the cheek in Georgia. After all, according to Georgian tradition, everyone kisses when they meet. Georgians do not take off their street shoes when they come to visit cities. If you do this, Georgians may take such a gesture as disrespect for the owners. Even worse if you ask for room slippers.

TRADITIONS In some regions of Georgia, the tradition of kidnapping brides has been preserved. This is only done at the mutual desire of the bride and groom. In Georgia, it is impossible to refuse to come to a wedding, since this is a great offense for the inviting party, and it happens that this is the beginning of a long-term feud between two families.

T URISM Georgia strives to become a tourist Mecca for the whole world. Therefore, all signs, information boards and plaques are made in Georgian and English languages, even turns to the smallest villages. Georgia has excellent hitchhiking: they will give you a lift where you need to go, then they will also feed you and give you an overnight stay if necessary. One of the many attractions of Georgia is the laundry hanging from everywhere, which Georgians place not on the territory of the balk, but outside it.

KITCHEN Main man toastmaster during a feast in Georgia. According to custom, this is either the host himself, or he chooses a toastmaster from among the guests (a respected person). No one has the right to drink a glass of wine unless a toast is made in turn by all the people (seniors) who are participating in the feast. In Georgia, shish kebab is eaten with your hands. An obligatory attribute of a Georgian feast is a plate of greens on the table. Cilantro, basil, tarragon, green onions are what Georgians love to eat with meat.