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Where in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl are the repairmen. STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl - complete walkthrough: quests, secrets. P dungeons of the Research Institute "Agroprom"

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In the game Stalker Call of Pripyat, the developers did not skimp on various Easter eggs and secrets, which in one way or another are a kind of reference not only to the previous parts of the Stalker series, but also to various films, games and interesting events. Easter eggs in Stalker Call of Pripyat, as in any other game, are designed primarily for an attentive player, for whom every little detail in the game is important, who is ready to look into the most secluded corners of the game locations.

Below we have tried to collect and present to your attention almost all the Easter eggs, and for some, probably the secrets of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat.

A reference to Clear Sky is that if you go down to the X-8 laboratory, which is located in the city of Pripyat, you can find a photograph of young Lebedev, who is known to be the head of the group Clear sky.

When improving Sev's suit, the name of Professor Sakharov is mentioned - this is a character from the game Stalker PM, who lives in a mobile bunker on Lake Yantar, near the Wild Territory. Also, the name Sakharov belongs to a real-life physicist who worked on the creation of a hydrogen bomb.

West of Skadovsk there are underground passages where you can find the Joker, a friend of the Barge, and also make good money on artifacts. To the north of these passages there is another cave, in which a talking controller lives. When inspecting the cave, the inspector will ask Degtyarev to move away in a menacing tone. But if main character If he disobeys and moves deeper into the cave, destroying the controller in the process, he will see a dead stalker with the call sign Myron lying on the mattress. This is a reference to the game Fallout 2. In Fallout there is a character with the same name and he is a crazy chemist.

In a place called Izumrudny, on the walls of dilapidated houses you can see images of Soviet cartoon characters, who are actually painted on houses in a real recreation center in Izumrudny.

Lamps from the laboratory of O-Consciousness can also be found in Call of Pripyat - this is another reference to the game Stalker PM. One of these lamps lies at the Jupiter plant. You just need to come to the room where the entrance to Overpass-1 is located. Find the container we need and break the boards. Behind them will be the same lamp. The second lamp can be found in Pripyat when completing the quest in kindergarten.

In the Cordon location, in a place called Sawmill, you can find a tractor with the inscription Rostock, and Rostock is a factory that is present in the first part of the game Stalker.

There is also a reference to the previous game in the Stalker series - Clear Sky. In CHN, Senka was a friend of Transparent, a bandit technician. In Call of Pripyat, Senka is again next to the technician, but this time with Azot on Yanov. After a conversation with Azot, the main character learns that Senka is the technician’s faithful assistant and is ready to carry out any small assignments for him at any time.

Pay attention to the name of the detector in the game, some of them are named Veles and Svarog. These names are a reference to the ancient gods of the pagans. Veles is the patron of fairy tales and poetry, and Svarog is the blacksmith god.

Petrukha is another reference to the game Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl, with which the main character had to protect the ATP from bandits. We meet him next to the anomaly. If we help him, he will give us a bear detector. However, if before meeting Petruha we already had this detector, then it will give us the Fireball artifact.

In the Call of Pripyat addon, we meet Shustry at the Skadovsk base. You can order various modified weapons from him - this is also a reference to Stalker PM.

In one of the documents that Degtyarev finds in the car on the Preobrazhensky Bridge, there will be a mention of the head of the Stalker project, Ruslan Didenko.

A fairly famous stalker named Uncle Yar (member of the Svoboda group), whom you will meet at Yanov station, was previously encountered in the game Clear Sky. Only his name is Yar and he is also a member of the freedom group. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but everyone will decide for themselves.

In the game Stalker there are often times when there is not enough ammunition.
There is such a trick, let’s say the merchant has the cartridges that you need, you of course buy them, but it’s not enough for you, since there are a lot of all kinds of creatures walking around Chernobyl, and you cannot teleport to any city at any time (as in). You buy them, save, and then immediately load into the same save, and this merchant now has cartridges. So there will be no problems with cartridges.

There are small boxes scattered throughout the game. They resemble white suitcases. Don't pass by! Break them! There are cartridges inside, sometimes rare.

The padlocks on the doors are broken by gunfire. You can also open locked cabinets (green ones are locker rooms). You need to shoot at the place where the lock is and they open. Summarizing the above, I can advise. Go to the Svoboda military base (grab some weapons with a silencer in advance). Go to the headquarters (to do this, you need to tell the guard that the “Dolg” group is nearby). There will be a guard immediately to the right. He can be killed by shooting from the window behind him. Make sure no one sees or hears you. Don’t forget, no one should smell it either :) Having eliminated the obstacle, you can enter the weapons warehouse. There is a lock on the door... well, you know what to do with it. Don't miss it: there will be two drawers at the top...

In the mercenary territory (west of the Debt base) there is an abandoned tunnel with anomalies. This place is not far from the crashed helicopter. There you can find the corpse of... Gordon Freeman(!). He will have Desert Eagle. By the way, after you search him, you can read funny entries in Gordon's PDA.

Be sure to go through the "Arena"! For the last two fights you will need at least a "veteran" rank, but these are the ones that will give you the most fun! Especially that fight in which there will be a “little surprise” :). Not to mention money...

At the abandoned base X18, towards the end you will meet a pseudo-giant. In the depths of the room where he wanders, you can find an RPG. I don’t know how it is deciphered, maybe something like a hand-held field grenade launcher... It will be next to the grate, to the left, on the floor.

For those who want to find good weapons at the beginning of the game, I can recommend going to the "Junkyard" level. Behind the hangar there will be a railway tunnel. At the very end of it lies the corpse of the stalker. He will have a viper, but only loaded with 9x18 (pistol) cartridges. Very useful thing for beginners.

To see the 2 true endings, you MUST take the “decoder” in PRIPYAT, it lies in one of the rooms on the second floor of the hotel. The hotel is located immediately opposite the exit from the underground parking lot on the second floor, the door to the room is closed, and there are bars on the windows.
It can be taken in two ways:
1 - if you previously received information about this decoder from the doctor at Agroprom, then there will be a mark and quest on the map
2 - I didn’t take this quest, I had to climb out through the next window because... in this room there are bars on the windows, then I threw a grenade inside the room with a blast wave of documents and the decoder was thrown towards me and I was able to take them, this is such interactivity. Then a quest is given for him, which must be completed in the sarcophagus. After descending you will need to look for the door.
Good luck searching!

1. SAVE + LOAD will help if you find yourself in a trap - maybe I’m wrong, but the location and intentions of the opponents change, you can escape.
2. After each reboot, it is useful to search the corpses again. Often something new appears.
3. It is easiest to kill strong opponents while sitting on the roof of a building. They don’t climb up, they don’t shoot accurately, they wander downstairs and swear. I killed almost all of them with a pistol.

First aid kits in the game are not a problem, as you understand, but if you need scientific and military first aid kits (yellow and blue), there is an easy way to get as many as you need. Go to the Wild Territory (a location not far from Bar) there, near a downed helicopter, there are several scientists, as I understand it, they are dressed in orange “Ecologist” suits. Approach one of them and the inscription “Box with medicines” appears in the lower left corner of the screen, and a cache icon appears on the map 15 meters from you. Run to him and pick up first aid kits, naturally the cache icon will disappear from the minimap since you took everything from it. Then you run up to the same scientist and again the same inscription appears in the lower left corner. Run to this box again and you will find the same first aid kits there. You can do this as many times as you like.

To begin with, I will say that the A-life system works in stalker, which means random events occur at random times. For example, I was lucky enough to find the corpse of a veteran stalker, who turned out to have an automatic grenade launcher complex "Groza" (!!), and besides, that stalker was a folk craftsman, and upgraded Groza (during his lifetime, of course), now the cartridges are suitable for it AK-74 (!!!).
Further. At the bandits' base Dark Valley There is, among other things, a handful of suits, among which is the suit of the Debt group, very useful, better and more expensive than the Stalker suit. In the underground laboratory, in the same Dark Valley, they will throw barrels at you. Don't despair, find a moving object like ball lightning and shoot as appropriate. Oops! Yes, it's a monster! Yes, this darling's name is POLTERGEIST. There are about 15 of them there, and they will respawn (!!!). At the same base you can find a pumped-up AK-74 with a grenade launcher attached to it. There are 2 grenades nearby. (in the same room). By the way, this base has a lot of useful artifacts and other weapons. Good luck, stalkers!

1. For those who need rare cartridges for “vintar”, etc., or just need guns like Abakan and the like, go here ->
At the duty base, after you pass the first warehouse on the way to the bar, there is a fire burning at the exit on the right. So you approach him. There is an opening between the building and the pipe, filled with ventilation pipes. Climb up them - it’s overgrown, there’s a house right opposite, there’s a long-serving guy there, he won’t give you up, he’s a local huckster. He will ask why you came, and buy what you need. He also has assignments there. This is a reverse gallop, not a return. It’s impossible in the normal way, duty doesn’t let strangers in - it gets stuck. So we return the same way. Through pipes also. I just have a suspicion that the developers didn’t want to let people out like that, but it’s still possible, after 2 minutes it will work. Squat there and stuff. I always succeed.
2. Not advice, just a joke. As soon as you come to duty (from the side of the landfill, again), go through the cordon, there are further crosses, we come to the very last one. We jump to the part of the cross that is lower than the other, then to the very top of the head, then to the pillar that connects the gate, then to the gate and voila we are outside the designated area. If you want, you can go back, but after running to the opposite side.
3. Open the console (~), write Save - enter, and the quick save is ready.

If you want to get Vintar for free, then go to the Warehouses, to the Freedom base. As you approach the checkpoint (which is in front of the bridge, behind which the base itself begins) at the entrance to the base, go straight, at the intersection you will see a Tank with a torn track on the right of the road. We turn left, the road is blocked by a tree, we go around it to the left and find ourselves between two barracks. One has steps in front of the door, the other has a wooden platform, go into the one with the platform. We go straight along the barracks to the far left corner and look CAREFULLY at the floor. Here he is, his dear one.
Vintar is an automatic rifle with an integrated sniper scope and a built-in silencer. In all respects, it is the best gun for long and medium ranges that I have ever encountered. But the 10-round clip breaks off badly. In general, I went with her alone to cut off the Psi emitter in Yantar. The gun has proven itself to be excellent. For comparison, Obokan kills Snork with 20 rounds, and Vintar with 4 or 5.
By the way, I found a PDA on one corpse, with information that in the laboratory (in amber), in the elevator shaft there is a switchboard (there is only one elevator shaft, so it’s not difficult to find), and swag is hidden in it. I was not lazy, looked around and found this shield... In general, as a result, I became one more Vintar richer :) and put it aside until the first one wore out.

You don’t have to turn off the third brain burner and don’t have to drag yourself to the radar station, destroying all life in your path. You just need to brazenly break through to Pripyat. You will be seriously injured by psi radiation, but there are first aid kits against injuries. When you get to Pripyat, you will be told that the task has been completed and a group of stalkers will be waiting for you to break through to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Sometimes you come across tasks to kill this or that stalker, but he is located in a protected area (Dolga, for example, or Vaults) and it is very difficult to kill him without the entire group taking up arms. But there is o-o-o-o-o-o easy way: we roll up to the victim 2-3 barrels of gasoline (for the children of the Zone - red ones), shoot at them a couple of times with a weapon that has a silencer and voila - our victim has glued his fins together, and you have nothing to do with it and the mission is completed! P.S. 3 barrels are enough to blow up a stalker in an exoskeleton.

To carry a larger number of things (the weight of things is limited - 50 kg), they can be placed in a corpse (any quantity) and the corpse with things can be moved to any box and transferred. This way you can carry as many things and weapons as you like, but only in this location.

One of the first tips said that you could find the Black Eagle pistol on the corpse of Gordon Freeman. The gun is definitely powerful. But do you want to find a real weapon of destruction? But there’s no need to go far (in the sense of being from Gordon’s corpse). We go into the container opposite which Freeman is lying and notice a suitcase there, we smash it and out falls... a modification of the black eagle - a big ben! The gun is approximately 1.5(!) times more powerful than the previous one. Hence the question: Why pay more?

There is one way to distract evil dogs from you - to do this, take a corpse and when the dogs attack you from the front, throw the corpse at your feet and retreat backwards to a safe distance from which you can shoot them without any problems.

Even in the first zone behind the ATP, where people like to live, it is expensive. Follow this path to the tunnel, before getting closer to it, save and pick up a machine gun or a pistol, the shotgun didn’t help me (it turned out to be a draw), but I got it off with two shots from the pistol. Next, we go into the tunnel (it’s not big) and pick up a modified bandit jacket there - “Chain Jacket”. By the way, periodically return to the bandit ATP. These bastards appear there periodically.

If you want to arrange a debriefing with the military, no problem! Get a modified Grom assault rifle chambered for 5*45 cartridges from the Kalash, an awesome thing, military currents and fly off. As soon as you have acquired a serious gun, go to the military base in the first zone, around it there are still YELLOW TRIANGULAR signs “STOP FIRE TO KILL”. I found there a bunch of weapon cartridges and some military documents in a white case. I don’t know what to do with them yet. Still wander around the carriages at railway with the collapsed bridge there are several caches of artifacts there.

1. At the very beginning, the stalker rescued at the factory (quest with a flash drive) has a job to do, find a jacket, you don’t have to give the jacket back, but keep it for yourself. Another one, a little worse, lies in the corner, in a pile of boxes, in the building next to the elevator.
2. Agroprom quest, in Strelka’s hiding place - behind a large pipe, in the corner there is a stalker’s suit, and there, on the wall, is an excellent upgraded machine gun, on which you can then attach a sight and a grenade launcher.
3. At the base of duty (how to get there is described by the author above), from Colonel Petrenko you take a quest to kill a traitor who has gone to Freedom, kill him (as described by the author above) and get an excellent suit, and almost at the beginning of the game.
4. I found the same suit in the Wild Lands (towards Yantar) there is a platform with a leaky canopy, and a building with boarded up windows, but one window is not boarded up, drag the box and get in and in one of the rooms, in the safe there is a suit (there is radiation there).
Good luck!

In the location "Army Warehouses" (there is also a base of the "Freedom" group), not far from the entrance to the location, to the left of the road, there is a village with bloodsuckers (you can take a quest to destroy these bloodsuckers from the Hunter in the bar), in this village, in the underground of one From the houses (inside the house) there is a 6-round RG-6 grenade launcher for VOG-25 grenades, and there are several such grenades nearby.

Do not openly kill members of the "Duty" group, even if you are offered such a quest ("Svoboda", for example..), otherwise there will be big problems with visiting the bartender. And if you kill someone in a bar, then everyone will turn on you.

Check wooden grave crosses, on which the iron is nailed? there is a sign and a gas mask hanging, usually there is a hidden hiding place underneath.

The box with documents from the military base on the first level can be given to Sidorovich after completing the first special task. This will be like a second special task.

1. On the map of the military base, go to the village. We go to the water tower and climb up it. Voila artifact spring - gives only plus and no minuses (+30 hit)
2. Many people probably tried to find a lost gun. So here it is in the underground passage at the very end. Carefully go through traps and pick up artifacts. By the way, the artifacts here are always different, for example, I came across 2 artifacts there +103 tired. Most often there is a cheaper analogue of this artifact.
3. In my opinion, the best armor is given to scientists upon completion of the mission in laboratory 18.
4. Snipers are bullshit. There is no way to use it to its full potential in the game. A Kalash with a sight will replace it for you or a vintar. Besides, you can’t run around with a sniper rifle. The bazooka is too heavy, there is no use at all.
5. Helicopters at nuclear power plants are endless.
6. If you decide to take out the Svoboda base, it’s pointless, soldiers are endlessly born again.
7. The ending of the game (desire) depends on reputation.
8. The game is buggy and you can earn a bad reputation even from a simple task: create an artifact, bring a weapon, clear the area of ​​mutants.
9. Search all the corpses. They may contain important information: hiding places, passwords for locked doors, zone history, etc.
10. At the location where the helicopter crashes there is a house (near the railway station). Climb onto the roof and carefully make your way through the hole in the roof into the house. Go down the beams carefully. in one of the rooms in the house there is a safe, there is armor in it (at the very beginning of the game, you won’t find anything better). You can get out of the house through the window. In principle, you can enter the house through the window (drag the box), then press the button sit down and shift.
11. Well, in general, run and look everywhere. The most rare things are always found where you didn’t even think to look for them.

1) Complete tasks for bar visitors. For them they give unique artifacts that I have not found anywhere else (+5 bullet resistance; +30 to electric shock, etc.).
2) Also, many dudes give you tasks to bring them unique armor or weapons. They give you the coordinates of such caches, but no one is stopping you from keeping them for yourself.
3) At the end of the game, there is a cache in the sarcophagus in which you can take an exo-skeleton - the best armor in the game. In one of the rooms there is a staircase down - and there is a blue box. But there is strong radiation there, so it would be nice to have an appropriate artifact.
4) To see 2 endings of the game, you need to take the doctor’s quest in the underground cache in the agricultural industry, a room indicator with a decoder will appear on the map in Pripyat, we take it in the sarcophagus, at the very end, not far from the wish-fulfiller, where the corridor can be walked around, there is a staircase to the top. We get out, go to the door, open it, go inside.

1) Scientists give more money for artifacts than others, for example a bartender.
2) As soon as you move to the location leading to the burner, behind the stones, almost before reaching the booth with the barrier, there is a bag of grenades for the under-barrel grenade launcher (6 pieces).
3) An artifact with approximately 100% stamina can be found in the area where the helicopter with the scientists fell, behind all the carriages in a recess in the wall, in the grass. Although its location, as I noticed, may change.
4) There we climb onto the crane, jump into the driver’s booth, there is a lot of useful stuff and the bandit’s armored vest.
5) Things can also be hidden in car trunks.

In STALKER it was said that weapons cannot be repaired. With a certain amount of persistence, it’s possible! There are several “permanent corpses” at the Svobodov base, and if you put the necessary weapons in their backpacks, for example, pumped-up but dead guns, you can eventually achieve 95%. By the same principle, if we put weapons for which it is difficult to obtain cartridges in backpacks - SVD, Gauss gun, etc., then we have a constantly replenished supply of the necessary cartridges.

I want to tell you how to look for cool costumes:
1. Agroprom quest (Strelka’s hiding place) - behind a large pipe, in the corner lies a stalker’s suit, and there, on the wall, is an excellent upgraded machine gun, on which you can then attach a sight and a grenade launcher!
2. At the base of duty (how to get there is described by the author above), from Colonel Petrenko you take the quest to kill a traitor who has gone to Freedom, kill him (as described by the author above) and get an excellent suit!
3. I found the same suit in the Wild Lands (towards Yantar), there is a platform with a leaky canopy, and a building with boarded up windows, but one window is not boarded up, drag the box and get in and in one of the rooms, in the safe, there is a suit (there is radiation there! ) Good luck!

In the dungeons of the Research Institute of Agroprom, near the tunnel with “jelly” there is a side room. In appearance, there is nothing there... but if you climb the hill near the far wall, then there lies a “Sea Urchin” - a rather rare artifact. There, if you sit in the room longer (I don’t know about everyone), a bloodsucker still appears.
When you find Strelok's hiding place, search it thoroughly. There should be a "Fireball", an upgraded AKM, a stalker's jacket and little ammunition. Also info about Strelka).

There is a very convenient hiding place in the landfill. It is located in a havod/factory where stalkers gather and there are always a bunch of bandits. There in the building there is a central part, and on the sides there are recesses. If you enter from the side of the road, and not Agroprom, then this is the first opening to the right. There is a chest of drawers there. You need to open its doors and look at the tape recorder. Here he is. Along the way, there is an eternal war and this cache is very useful for putting things there.

At the same landfill, on the northern passage, there are debtors. If you are itching to go there when they don’t let you in, then you only need to kill 1 debtor. He stands with a shotgun at the door itself between 2 more debtors. Those. you need to kill him and quickly run forward and you will end up right where you want to go.

At the landfill, where the vehicle dump is, at the end of it there is a lair of bandits, which Bes also asks for help to clean. If you go further, there is a tempting field of artifacts, inexpensive, but there are a lot of them. Despite their attractive appearance, it is better not to go there - some simply fly into the sky under the influence of anomalies that are activated when you approach, while others are in a zone of HUGE radiation. In general, your foray there will not yield anything useful =)

This trick is very helpful in the Arena - before participating in the battle, turn on night vision. Without turning it off, we agree on a fight. And we find ourselves in the Arena with night vision turned on, even without protection. suit.

To see the 2 true endings of the game associated with awareness, you do not NEED to take a decoder in Pripyat. To do this, you should approach the coded door with a gauss cannon (it can be easily found in the sarcophagus). Save, as it may not work the first time and you will waste ammo. Then stand close to the door, lean to the side and shoot at the door handle and it will bounce back, but then quickly close, so you need to be patient and catch the best moment to slip through.

In the Wild Territory you can find two rare artifacts (they are always there)
1. In the tunnel near Gordon Freeman there is a film (so green) +30% of the chemical. burns, price 5000 rub.
2. Opposite the sniper tower there is a truck that crashed into a garage, and in the next one there is aspic (green bubbling liquid), near it there is a mica artifact (-400% bleeding, 5000 rubles).

After we talked with the demon and completed the task of pacifying the bandits for him, we run a little towards the Bar. There are some concrete ceilings on the right in which bandits are hiding. So, if you lure them closer to the Demon and ensure that the bandits knock him out, you will get a shortened AK with an integrated silencer. I've never seen anything like this anywhere else.

When turning to the burner (exit from the Debt base), we first go through the workshop and only after it we go to the next level. So, before you leave, turn left, there is a bush there, and behind the bush there is a cache with a cross. There are 5 F-1 grenades.
At the equipment dump, the Bes will ask you to help repel the attack of the bandits. If you really want to waste ammo and time, wait. There will be a whole bunch of bandits, and if you don’t want to, then before talking with the Imp (save before entering the landfill), run to the bandits. They are sitting behind the landfill. Get ready. There is no need to get close to them - they will notice. Go around them on the right, throw 3-4 grenades. And break back, otherwise the rest will be shot. And then talk to Bes. He will definitely remain alive after the attack, and there will be gangsters like Gulkin...
At the Svoboda location, someone wrote that they found RG-6 in the village, to the left of the main road, in the basement. It should be there. This is a quest with a cook.
In wild territory, it is not necessary to climb into the station house through the window to get a suit. Why such difficulties? climb the ladder onto the roof of the neighboring house and carefully walk through the pipe to the station house. Just when you go down into the hole in the roof of the house, try not to fall into the hole with sparks - you won’t get out. Game, as they say, is Over.

An unlimited amount of money can be obtained from scientists (Sakharov) on amber. To do this, after returning from the mission with the round one, approach Sakharov and activate the start conversation key. He thanks and immediately gives the soul artifact, which he also buys. Do not continue the dialogue beyond gratitude, but exit the dialogue mode. You start talking to Sakharov again. He thanks again and gives this artifact, which we sell to him. You can do this as many times as you like until you reach the required amount of money. For example, I bought an exoskeleton from a miser at the freedom base and armored suits from the same Sakharov after I turned off the emitter.

To get vintar there is a 3rd way, after talking with the bartender, go to the duty base, they will let you through, since the bartender gave a word for you, then talk to the elder of duty, he will give you the task of finding BULLDOG - 6. He is located at the base freedom, after completing the quest you will receive a vintar and an improved longevity suit.

When you leave the landfill to the bar, when crossing the fence, pay attention to the anomaly that stands right on the road. Look, there must be something interesting near it. For example, I found a “Thunder” there, and even converted to AK cartridges. It’s just that when the military leave the bar and run towards the Outpost of Duty, they just end up in this anomaly. Before my eyes, a couple of military men ran like that, were hit, took off, swirled and exploded. So there might be some useful things there.

To get a cool jumpsuit, you need to complete a mission in the Yantar location to disable the psi generator in the X-16 laboratory. We find the corpse of a stalker nicknamed the Ghost, take the documents and his JUMPSUIT. We complete the mission to the end. From Sakharov we take the additional task “Bring a unique jumpsuit.” Since we have the Phantom's jumpsuit, we'll give it away. In return we get SSP-99M. It is better than PSZ-9MD “Universal Protection” (like Debt).

1. On the map, where is the entrance to laboratory X16, where you checked the radiation with the ecologist near the bus, turn 360 and go straight, there we find a hatch where there is always a rare artifact “film”.
2. Level where you need to turn off the burner - there are rooms near the ghost, in one of them there is a backpack with an artifact.
3. Level where the entrance to the laboratory X18 - near the building there are the remains of a mine, we go up the stairs and see a box in which there is a “spring” artifact, a radio and a guitar.

Vintar can be found not only in the barracks at the Svoboda base, if you go through the hole in the wall made by the debtors during the attack on this base, down and to the right - there is a cache marked on the map in the form of an underground passage cover, and so there are already two brand new screw cutters - together with the first one, you can take out as many as three pieces from a walk to the Svoboda residents.

In my opinion, the best weapon in the game is the German one assault rifle(30 rounds!), in terms of characteristics it is better than Abakan and even SVD (better accuracy, but less lethal force, but the rate of fire is lower). You can find her at the Miser at the Freedom base, when you complete 2 missions for their boss - kill a group of debtors and an informer. Costs 72,000 USD. Or you can get it for free - to the left of the intersection at the Freedom base there is a gathering place for neutral stalkers, there is a trailer on the hill, a chest in the carriage, in the chest - “This is the death of Kashcheev!”
You can also buy an exoskeleton from the Miser, but it’s expensive - 200,000. You need to complete the quest for him to kill the bloodsuckers on the farm, he will give a good artifact Crystal minus 30 radiation.
When we go to the Brain Burner along the way we help Freedom against the Monolith plus 5000 USD.
After moving to another location, we hit the Monolith and reach a soldier with a grenade launcher, there is a military armored suit in the carriage - in my opinion, the best suit against firearms, better than the green one with a mask, you just need to hang at least 2 anti-radiation artifacts on your belt, I have 30+20. It’s hard without them, you have to constantly use anti-rad.
And yet, I think you have already noticed that it is better to aim at the head, and with the above-mentioned rifle this can be done from very far away. I don't carry a gun with me - excess weight, better than the Battle Chaser (shotgun with 5 rounds), very effective in close combat. Shot cartridges are against all evil, and armor-piercing ones are against soldiers, they penetrate armor in one go.

1) Artifact "Flash". I started the game over again, completing all the tasks, and I had to work hard for BarMAN’s task “Find the Flash artifact.” Entering the “Wild Territory” from a two-story building, a number of military men with an upgraded Kalash (these are the ones with a scope) are trying to kill me, and to the right of this building there is a booth, under the booth there is an anomaly called. “Stay there - come here” :-), and having made our way through the anomalies there was a box with two “FLASH” artifacts.

2) After the first incident, all my artifacts and modified weapons (those with a green arrow), animal body parts are stored in a box at the Duty base (where the Bartender is). But when there is some kind of secondary task, I sometimes see my box on the map marked with a blue circle (the color of the secondary task).

Regarding the costumes.
Scientists give an excellent costume for completing a quest, but you can find almost the same one in an abandoned area. Just stock up on something to protect yourself from radiation. There you need a house near which there is a fonit (there is a carriage opposite it). There is a window there. You break it, drag a barrel or box towards it and voila! Inside the house there is a safe with a suit, and on the roof there is a stash of artifacts!

From the Skull at Debt Farm, after completing the mission to destroy the snipers, you can beg for an endless amount of money. He gives you 4000 for the task. You can ask endlessly, but sometimes he sends you.

Good afternoon colleagues! Laboratory X18: two coded doors. The first one is 1243. The second one is 9524. But still walk around on the floors.

On Stalker with the first patch (V 1.0001), after the army warehouses you have to shoot a lot; There is a lot of radiation next to every machine and pipe. You have to shoot while standing in the middle of the road. Moreover, the vests tear quickly compared to the original version. Going beyond the warehouses, take at least 2 vests.
Some vests you come across are pumped up, and you have to give them back right away (the ghost vest in laboratory X16 must be given to the scientist according to the assignment). Walk around with it first, and when it wears out, give it back as directed.

When you get to Pripyat, don’t rush to break through to the nuclear power plant! You can't return from the next zone! And after 500m

How to increase your carry weight in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl.

Increase the weight carried in STALKER Shadow Chernobyl is extremely simple. You just need to make a few changes to the system.ltx and actor.ltx files located at:
game folder ⇒ gamedata ⇒config ⇒ creatures ⇒ actor.ltx
game folder ⇒gamedata ⇒ config ⇒ system.ltx
In system.ltx we find the lines:
max_weight = 50 (weight with which the Marked One can run freely)
max_ruck = 56 (weight at which fatigue occurs)
and change them at our discretion. For example:
max_weight = 550
max_ruck = 600
And we get that the weight with which the tagged person can run freely is now 550, and the weight at which he gets tired is 600 kilograms.
In the actor.ltx file we change the values:
max_item_mass = 50 by 550
max_walk_weight = 60 by 600 respectively.

Setting up the characteristics of the game "STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl"

Changing any characteristics of the Marked One and gear is no more difficult than the transferred weight. You just need to change a few things here and there.
Weapon characteristics are changed in the gamedata ⇒ config ⇒ weapons folder in the ltx files separately for each weapon:
ammo_mag_size - number of cartridges in the magazine,
condition_shot_dec - barrel wear,
ammo_class - change the type of ammo,
grenade_class - grenade type,
inv_weight - weapon weight,
cam_dispersion - recoil,
light_color - shot flame color
and so on. Everything is signed there.
In the gamedata ⇒ config ⇒ misc folder in the outfit.ltx file, we change the characteristics of the costumes in the same way:
burn_protection - fire protection
strike_protection - protection from strike
shock_protection - protection against electric shock
wound_protection - protection against tearing
radiation_protection - radiation protection
telepathic_protection - protection from telepathic waves
chemical_burn_protection - protection against chemical reagents
explosion_protection - protection against explosions
fire_wound_protection - protection from shots
The lines burn_immunity, strike_immunity, shock_immunity and so on are responsible for the wear resistance of the suit from external influences.
In addition to changing the characteristics of the character, questions may arise regarding the plot, the passage of the game, for example, codes for unlocking doors.

Door codes in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Laboratory door codes X - 18:
Laboratory X - 18 door - 1: 1243,
Laboratory X - 18 door - 2: 9524
Door code on radar:
Door codes in the radar control bunker:
First door: 342089,
Second door: 2011533
No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to open the door near the switch. Apparently the developers were joking or, most likely, too lazy to finish the location. As mentioned above, the game is not finalized.

Where to look for rare artifacts in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Gold fish:
1)Location Amber. The third floor of the building with the entrance to the laboratory,
2)Location Army warehouses. In a blue box, on a tower, in a village with bloodsuckers

1)Location Army warehouses. Given for a quest from the Gloomy,
2) Location Agroprom. For cleaning up.
3)In the X-18 laboratory

1) For the quest from Sidorovich, killing the “Demon”,
2)Location Wild Territory. Cache on the roof.

1)Location Wild Territory. Near Freeman's body
2) Location Amber. In one of the hiding places.

1) At Sidorovich's. For the murder of Diodorus
2) Location Amber. Yard X -16.

1) From a hunter from a bar. For destroying the bloodsucker,
2) Location Landfill. At the transition to the Dark Valley.
3)Location Radar. At the crashed helicopter.

1)Location Amber. Cache in the swamp,
2) Location Pripyat. Secret place in kindergarten

1)Location Army warehouses. In the fire tower of the village with bloodsuckers.

Unique weapons and costumes in the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Grenade launcher "Bulldog-6 M209" - a box in the arsenal of freedom,
Grenade launcher "Bulldog-6" - in the village of bloodsuckers,
VLA sniper - for the quest to destroy Svoboda members,
Thunder 5*45 - from a stalker nicknamed "Barin",
SIP sniper - from Leshy and Prut from Svoboda,
TPc - 301 sniper - based on mercenaries,
Il - 86 lightweight - from a stalker nicknamed "Master",
Il - 86 balance - from the smuggler "Scarecrow",
Abakan sniper - from a stalker nicknamed "Demon",
Abakan assault - from a bandit nicknamed "Fraer",
AKM rapid fire - gunner's hiding place,
AKM special forces - from the stalker Bes,
Viper - 5 9*18 - in a tunnel in a landfill,
Viper - 5 silent - At the Ghoul stacker,
SPSA-14 rifled - in the dungeons of Agroprom,
Chayzer combat - from Father Diodorus,
Big Ben is near Freeman's corpse,
Silent bark - from a stalker nicknamed "Sparrow"
Walker 9*18 - can be obtained by killing Mole,
Major Kuznetsov has a 15 micron handicap.
Unique Costumes:

Exoskeleton PNB-4UZ - Fang's hiding place in Pripyat,
Healing Beryl - only in the Yantar location,
Army body armor PSZ-7 - barracks checkpoint on Cordon,
Hunting PSZ-9d - cache on the territory of Bar,
Freedom jumpsuit M2 - box in the "Freedom" arsenal,
Reinforced Mercenary Jumpsuit - crate on crane in Wild Territory,
Ghost jumpsuit - laboratory X-16,
Tourist overalls - for the quest from Sidorovich,
Mail jacket - in the tunnel at the cordon
An abnormal leather jacket - the corpse of a military man at the cordon.
That's probably all.
Have a good game!

According to many gamers, the first-person shooter "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl" is one of best games in its genre. Excellent musical accompaniment, good story, huge open world, many secondary quests - all this made the game even a cult one. But for those who want to complete the game for the first time, it will be useful to know how to repair weapons in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. This will avoid certain difficulties.

Why repair weapons?

Unlike most shooters, weapons in this game tend to wear out. One is more durable, but the other fails relatively quickly. Worn weapons are more likely to misfire, which can lead to the most undesirable consequences in the heat of battle. Of course, you can use codes for weapons, completely solving this problem.

Going to the folder with the installed game, you need to find the setup-bp.exe file. After launching it, you need to enter your choice of pseudodog or snork code. This will allow you to receive pleasant bonuses. There are no other codes for "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl", although different versions are sometimes posted on many forums, but they do not pass practical tests.

But still, most players consider such blatant cheating unacceptable, trying to adhere to the limits defined by the creators of the game. In addition, codes for weapons spoil the fun of the game, upsetting the balance. In subsequent parts of the series, the developers provided the ability to repair and modify weapons. By contacting technicians, you can, for a certain fee, not only upgrade your favorite pistol, rifle or machine gun, but also improve their characteristics: damage, magazine size, range, etc. Unfortunately, in the first part there is no such option. And the weapon wears out pretty quickly. Therefore, players have a completely expected question: how to repair weapons in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl?

Using the features of the Zone

Since there are no technicians (or rather, they exist, but they completely refuse to repair anything), we have to resort to various tricks. Which is understandable - it’s a pity to throw away a rare weapon or a suit obtained at great risk to life just because the developers did not want to add an option to repair them. In addition, these tricks have nothing to do with cheating - just smart use of the game's features and minor flaws.

Sometimes you can find “plot” corpses in locations. That is, these are the bodies of characters who were not killed by the Marked One and therefore do not disappear when moving from one location to another. They will help solve the problem of how to repair weapons in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Find such a corpse, search it and leave the heavily damaged weapon in the deceased's inventory. Now leave the location, and then immediately return and hurry to the “familiar” dead man before someone else searches him. Take away the weapon you left earlier - usually its resource increases significantly (most often up to 70-90%), which allows you to use it for a long time.

Unfortunately this the only way repair weapons without spoiling your reputation. Yes, there are many places in the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" where you can find weapons. But with repairs everything is much worse.

Or maybe you are interested in armor repair? After all, it wears out even faster from bullet hits, fights with mutants and exposure to anomalies, and replacing it is more difficult and expensive.

First you need to find five identical artifacts that protect against anomalies. This:

  • "Dummy" for fire anomalies.
  • "Batteries" for electric ones.
  • "Films" for chemicals.

Having put all five artifacts on your belt, you need to stand in the corresponding anomaly (or in the fire, if you use “Dummy”). The protection in this case will be 150%. As a result, acid, fire or electricity, instead of ruining the suit, restore it quite quickly.

Of course, find five valuable artifacts pretty hard. But it’s quite possible towards the end of the game, when costumes appear that you don’t want to change to others that are less suitable.

We use an “unclean” technique

There is another way to repair weapons in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. True, he is very “unclean”. To do this, you need to find a newcomer (usually at the Cordon or the Landfill) and throw away the damaged weapon near him. He will probably be greedy and pick it up, putting it in his inventory.

Now you can stealthily finish off the gullible stalker and rummage through his things. Almost completely destroyed weapons turn out to be repaired to 90, or even 95%. But be careful - this way you can ruin relations with many stalkers in the Zone.


The article is coming to an end. Now you know how to repair weapons and armor in “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” and you will probably be able to put this knowledge to good use. So, weapons and equipment will always be in excellent condition and will definitely not fail at a crucial moment.