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Where is more caffeine found in tea or coffee? Caffeine in tea Black green tea contains caffeine

Julia Vern 61 994 11

Thinking about the composition of foods and their effect on the body is the norm for modern man. That is why it is important for connoisseurs of strong tonic drinks to know where there is more caffeine in tea or coffee and what effect it has on the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.
How much caffeine is in brewed coffee beans

You need to understand that the amount of active alkaloid in coffee beans depends on their variety, place of origin, and soil where the crop was grown.

Additionally, the amount of caffeine in a flavored drink is affected by:

  • degree of roasting;
  • naturalness;
  • cooking method.

The table shows caffeine levels for different types of coffee that are in greatest demand.

Type of coffee beans Amount of caffeine per cup (170 g), mg
Ethiopian "Mocha" 160
"Santos" 160
"Minas" 163
"Peru" 170
"Costa Rica" 170
"Mexican" 170
"Arabica" 177
"Nicaragua" 180
"Cameroon" 180
"Guatemala" 187
"Salvador" 187
"Javanese Arabica" 187
"Venezuela" 192
"Colombia" 195
"Cuban" 195
Indian "Meleber" 195
Haitian 201
Robusta from Congo 325
"Robusta from Uganda 325

As for the degree of roasting of the bean, the amount of caffeine increases with increasing heat treatment. The lighter the beans, the less caffeine they contain. That is why espresso is brewed from the darkest, deep-roasted beans.

Regarding naturalness, it is worth noting that instant coffee is not as strong as natural coffee brewed from freshly ground beans. The amount of caffeine in it is about 60 mg per 170 ml of liquid.

The method of preparation also matters. A drink brewed in a Turk will be less strong than one passed through a coffee machine, where the beans undergo prolonged extraction, saturating the water with active substances as much as possible. A cup (170 ml) of coffee brewed in a Turk based on strong or medium roast beans contains about 115 mg of caffeine.

Just like in coffee, contrary to popular belief that it is almost completely harmless, caffeine is also present in tea. Its level is influenced by several factors:

  • tea leaf quality;
  • fermentation level;
  • type of preparation;
  • variety;
  • concentration.

If the answer to the question of whether there is caffeine in tea is unequivocally affirmative, then the amount of it is worth arguing about. The quality of the sheet in this case is almost of key importance. Traditionally, several groups of leaves and tips (buds) are used for production.

The highest amount of caffeine is found in the top leaves. As they decrease, the proportion of caffeine also decreases. The lower shoots contain less than 1% caffeine. The price also depends on this indicator. ready-made tea. Expensive elite varieties are produced from the upper shoots, and cheap ones from the lower shoots. The more expensive the drink, the more caffeine it contains. At the same time, the so-called decaffeinated tea is in most cases made from the lowest shoots and still contains it in small quantities.

The degree of fermentation, that is, the level of processing of raw materials, also plays a role. The amount of natural substances preserved in the leaves increases caffeine levels. According to this indicator, the strongest - green tea, subject to the least processing.

One cup of green tea contains from 50 to 70 mg of caffeine, while in its black counterpart its amount is almost halved.

The indicators provide a clear answer to the question of whether there is caffeine in green tea; moreover, they prove that green does not always mean healthier and safer.

The method of preparing tea also affects the final caffeine level in a cup of tea

one kind or another. The higher the temperature of the water during brewing, and therefore the degree of extraction, the more caffeine comes out of the drink. Classic brewing option using hot water, but not boiling water allows you to preserve the alkaloid in tea leaves and a number of active substances that are beneficial to the body. This applies to green tea.

Varieties of black tea leaves can only be brewed with water at a temperature of up to 100 degrees, so the amount of caffeine in it is reduced by an order of magnitude.

Another indicator that influences the final alkaloid content is concentration, that is, the number of leaves used to prepare one serving. Typically, one cup of a green drink requires no more than 4-8 grams of dry leaves, while a black drink will require half the amount of the prepared mixture.

The type of tea used for preparation influences which tea has more caffeine. Popular varieties of green drinks Edwin and Heritage contain 55 and 65 mg per 150 mg of caffeine, respectively, but the famous Lipton will supply the body with no more than 50 mg of the active substance. Akbar tea has the least caffeine - 44 mg.

The strength of the drink and its tonic properties are affected by the amount of flavorings. The more of them there are, the less strong it becomes.

Useful information about tea caffeine

The tonic crystals that make up the tea are scientifically called tannin. It was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century and was initially classified as a separate group of alkaloids. Only a century later, pure caffeine was extracted from tea leaves, and a few years later they came to the conclusion that it is the same as tannin. This finding led to the conclusion that tea and coffee contain the same caffeine. At the same time, the effect of drinks on the body is different, which means that something changes the effect of alkaloids.

Over time, it turned out that the tannin in tea leaves partially blocks the effect of caffeine, so the effect of espresso, for example, and a Lipton cup varies. Drinking a cup of coffee makes a person feel cheerful, energetic and even happy. The sensation lasts about 30-40 minutes of caffeine action. After tea, the effect of vigor is longer lasting, even despite high level concentrations in the first drink.

Unlike coffee beans brewed in one way or another, tea is perfectly refreshing and helps to invigorate, quenching thirst. It is not for nothing that in some countries the tea drinking ceremony is a national tradition that has not become obsolete even after the discovery of the properties of coffee.

Caffeine component - which is more in tea leaves or coffee beans?

As mentioned above, caffeine is white or colorless crystals with a bitter aftertaste. If you consume it in moderation, you can achieve a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, as well as the body as a whole.

The main difficulty is that the reaction to this component may differ depending on the characteristics of the body. If one small cup of Americano is enough for one person to tone up, then for another a few stronger shots of espresso will not be enough to achieve the same goal.

Below is a table of caffeine content in tea and coffee for comparison:

The table shows that the most caffeine is found in ground coffee and green tea.

“Caffeine-free” drink options for connoisseurs of taste are not harmful to health

There is no caffeine, for example, in Ivan tea - a plant with a number of useful components:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • boron;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • lithium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • pectin;
  • molybdenum

Tea breaks all records for the content of vitamin C and B vitamins, surpassing in this regard the rich sources of vitamins orange, lemon and black currant. In addition, fireweed tea contains quickly digestible protein; in addition to caffeine, there are no uric, oxalic and puric acids that negatively affect metabolism.

In addition to fireweed, herbal infusions that can be prepared at home, for example, from linden and chamomile flowers, or purchased ready-made at a pharmacy, are safe and healthy.

In conclusion, we note that a healthy person can afford a small daily dose caffeine On average, this is from 100 to 200 mg at a time and no more than 1000 mg per day, depending on age, weight, and health status.

Where is there more caffeine - coffee or tea? and got the best answer

Answer from Evelina[guru]
Despite the strengthened Lately The fashionable statement that a cup of tea contains more caffeine than coffee is still not true.
Dry tea leaves do contain a higher percentage of caffeine than coffee beans. However, when it comes to cups, the average cup of tea has about three times less caffeine than the same cup of coffee because the coffee requires more beans to brew.
The level of caffeine will vary depending on the variety, where the coffee beans or tea leaves are grown, and how they were roasted (in the case of coffee) or cut (in the case of tea).
If we compare types of tea, then green tea has more caffeine than black tea (the caffeine content in most green teas is more than 80 mg, in black teas - 40-50 mg in 1 cup of tea).
The caffeine content in brewed coffee is 380-650 mg/l, in instant coffee 310-480 mg/l, in Espresso coffee 1700-2250 mg/l.
At the same time, the caffeine in tea is associated with tannin, so its effect is milder than the effect of caffeine in coffee. This has its positive side - tea does not cause addiction, as coffee often does.
Caffeine in tea was discovered in 1827 and was named theine. It was later proven that theine and caffeine are identical. A cup of tea contains between half and a third the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee of the same volume. However, if you measure the caffeine content in a dry product, tea contains more caffeine than coffee. The amount of caffeine in both tea and coffee depends on the type of plant, time of harvest, method of processing the leaves or beans, storage and other factors.
Caffeine content table.
90 - 200 mg - in one cup of express coffee
150 - 300 mg - in one cup of American coffee
2 - 3 mg - in one cup of decaffeinated coffee (decaffeinated)
70 - 80 mg - in one cup of cappuccino
40-100 mg - in one cup of instant coffee
100 mg - in one cup of cocoa
40 - 50 mg - in one cup of tea
20-35 mg - in one can of iced tea
80 mg - per 100 g. chocolate
25 mg - in one jar of coffee yogurt (125 g).
65 mg - in 1 liter of Coca-Cola
54 mg - in 1 liter of Pepsi-Cola
100 - 350 mg - in 1 liter of energy drink
100 mg - in 1 liter of any other soft drink
The average daily caffeine intake is 85 - 250 grams, it tones the body, increases concentration and relieves fatigue.

Answer from Oliya Fomina[expert]
in black tea

Answer from Misha Kurdenkov[newbie]
I heard somewhere that it's in tea

Answer from LadyMillion[guru]
in coffee!

Answer from Ioman Trofimov[active]
Green tea contains more than coffee.
green tea - 75 mg / 200 g (cup)
strong coffee - 50 mg/cup
regular coffee - 30 mg/cup
strong tea - 20 mg/cup
regular tea - 10 mg/cup

Answer from Oleg Belyaev[newbie]
There is no caffeine in tea at all, BUT there is tannin, which in certain quantities is much more harmful than caffeine

In today's article we will look at the caffeine content in black and green tea, loose leaf and in bags. Plants synthesize it to protect against insects. The caffeine in black tea is called theine. There is matein and guaranine, present in yerba mate and guarana varieties.

A psychostimulant affects people differently: in a small dosage it tones, but in a large dosage it negatively affects the body. You need to figure out how much caffeine is in different varieties to avoid health problems. In a controlled dosage, it is not only harmless, but also beneficial. So, how much caffeine is in different types of tea?

Caffeine in black tea

Black teas are traditionally the most popular for us. It contains our psychostimulating component in an amount of 70 mg per 200 ml. For comparison, we note that a cup of regular coffee contains up to 100 mg, and a glass of cola 40 mg.

Those who do not know how much caffeine is in black tea mistakenly believe that there is a lot of it due to the strength of the drink. To benefit from it and enjoy it, you need to drink no more than four weakly brewed cups a day.

Caffeine in green tea

Recently, which is higher than black has become increasingly popular. What is its fundamental difference from black tea? The caffeine concentration in green tea is slightly higher when compared to the black variety. Most of all in a pure product without additional flavorings.

Each cup contains about 85 mg of the substance. So that you forever remember how much caffeine is in green tea with jasmine, let us clarify: 200 ml contains approximately 60-70 mg of psychostimulant.

Given the dose of caffeine in green tea, you need to drink two or three cups a day to benefit your body. You will gain a good tonic effect and avoid sudden surges in blood pressure.

Of course, elite varieties of tea have a richer taste and aroma, but there is not always time for a full-fledged tea ceremony at home. Therefore, tea bags are a frequent guest on our table: after all, brewing a bag is much easier than waiting for real tea to be prepared according to all the rules.

It is not surprising that in this regard, many are interested in how much caffeine is in tea bags, due to which the drink charges us with energy and vigor. The minimum concentration of the substance in Conversation and Maitre de The products is about 45 mg per cup.

Now let's look at how much caffeine is in Greenfield and Riston green tea? Each cup contains 74 and 70 mg of psychostimulant, respectively. It should be noted that the caffeine content in tea leaves is higher compared to coffee beans, but there is less substance in the finished drink due to less use of the product in its original form.

Many people drink tea constantly and in considerable quantities. For most, a cup of strong tea in the morning is sacred. When wondering whether there is caffeine in tea, you first need to pay attention to the effect of this drink. A cup of aromatic and strong tea gives vitality, saturates with energy and increases performance.

Caffeine is an alkaloid produced by many representatives flora for protection against pests. This substance has the property of stimulating the nervous system and accelerating the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

This manifests itself in the body like this:

  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • cerebral circulation improves;
  • the secretion of gastric juice is stimulated;
  • blood vessels narrow;
  • breathing quickens;
  • urination increases;
  • mood improves;
  • drowsiness goes away;
  • working capacity increases.

For healthy body this effect is not dangerous. But for easily excitable people and people with heart disease, it is better to avoid drinking caffeine-containing drinks.

So, does tea have caffeine? The answer is unequivocal - yes. However, the amount of caffeine in green tea is often about the same as in strongly brewed black tea. Previously, theine, a substance with a similar effect, was found in tea leaves. Then the researchers concluded that these components are absolutely identical, so now they are used as synonyms. But still, theine is slightly different from its brother: it does not accumulate during internal organs and does not cause caffeine overdose.

It must be remembered that the maximum permissible dose of caffeine is 1000 mg, a single dose is 2.5 times less.

Exceeding these parameters negatively affects the functioning of the heart and can even lead to death. The maximum content of the substance in the blood is observed 40–60 minutes after ingestion, the main part is excreted within 6–12 hours.

Where is there more caffeine in tea or coffee?

The drinks under discussion may well compete with each other in terms of the content of this component.

In dried raw materials for tea production, the concentration of theine is higher than in coffee beans, but during the brewing process this ratio changes. For example, in a cup of instant coffee drink there is exactly as much of it as in the same amount of green tea, which was brewed for at least 5 minutes.

But you need to take into account that coffee is rarely drunk in more than one small cup with a capacity of 30 ml. Many people drink tea in large cups of 200–230 ml, and even in several doses. Therefore, during such tea drinking you can get a decent dose of this substance.

Brewing time is also an important parameter. A cup of well-brewed tea will contain much more theine than the same amount of weak coffee with milk.

Table: how much caffeine is in tea

Many people are interested in specific figures about how much caffeine is in black tea and its other types. Interestingly, this depends on the specific varieties, as well as the brewing time of the drink - the longer it is brewed, the more theine will be extracted from the leaves.

Also, much depends on the time of collection of leaves, production technology and the quality of the final product. For example, the earlier the raw material is collected, the less theine it contains. In small leaves the concentration of this substance is much higher.

As a rule, the maximum concentration of theine is found in strong black or green tea, and the minimum in milk oolongs. The variety also plays an important role. Tasty and light white tea "Bai Hao Yin Zhen" contains a higher percentage of theine than the dark and rich "Shou Mei".

Which tea has no alkaloid at all?

The maximum concentration of theine is in the upper leaves. Large leaves on the lower branches contain less than 1 - 2%. Elite varieties are prepared from the upper leaves, and the cheapest from the lower leaves.

Therefore, the cheaper the tea, the less theine it contains.

Caffeine-free drinks include teas from other plants - fireweed, chamomile, hibiscus, linden, mint, lemon balm, thyme, and other herbal infusions. You can reduce the amount of theine in tea like this: add some other ingredients to it - a slice of lemon, some berries, 1 tsp. chamomile or thyme.

Caffeine in decaffeinated tea

Decaffeinated tea is designated with a "D". But this does not mean that products with such labeling do not contain this substance at all. A small amount remains of the original volume - 3%, but caffeine is still present in such drinks. Of course, this amount is so insignificant that it is unlikely to cause any harm, but you should pay attention to the methods of decaffeination - not all of them are considered safe for human health.

Decaffeination methods are varied:

  • Use of carbon dioxide. The steam-treated raw materials are placed in a special container with CO2 under a pressure of 100 - 250 atmospheres, and kept for at least 9 hours. When the pressure is removed, the gas evaporates, and the caffeine is easily removed by filtration. This method is non-toxic and allows you to fully preserve the taste of the tea. However, it is rarely used, as it requires large investments.
  • Use of ethyl acetate. This substance can be organic (derived from fruits or vegetables) or synthetic. First, the raw materials are treated with steam, and then with ethyl acetate for at least 10 hours. After this, the raw materials are further processed to remove residual solvent. It is slightly toxic, but has a strong effect on taste and smell.
  • Use of methyl chloride. This method cannot be called safe. The toxic chemical is quite dangerous, so companies selling such tea do not advertise their methods of processing raw materials.

Tea leaves contain a lot of complex chemical compounds, and during any processing, a significant part of them is lost. It is difficult to make sure that caffeine is absent and the remaining components remain in their original volume.

You cannot decaffeine tea yourself. It is believed that draining the first water helps remove most of the substance. However, this technology only works with crushed tea leaves. In addition, during this procedure the drink loses its taste and aromatic properties. Large leaf varieties, along with a pleasant taste and aroma, retain a high theine content for a long time.

Decaffeinated drinks do not have a rich taste. Therefore, it is better to purchase varieties with fruit additives to enjoy the taste of tea. People suffering from heart and vascular diseases can drink this tea without restrictions - up to 8 glasses per day.

Based on the above, we can come to the conclusion that the caffeine content in tea is quite significant. However, when used wisely, the drink brings many benefits, so choose a quality product and drink without fanaticism, enjoying every cup.

Many people in the morning, even before getting out of bed, begin to think about the invigorating and awakening morning. This is not surprising if you know how many beneficial properties this drink, without even taking into account its ability to lift your spirits and give you a boost of energy at the very beginning of the day. Its main active component is, of course, caffeine, which is also found in a wide variety of ingredients. This has given rise to a lot of controversy and fiction. Therefore, in order to figure out whether tea or coffee has more caffeine, you must become familiar with all the features of these drinks.

Harm or benefit?

Today, you can increasingly find information that these two common drinks are not as harmless as the manufacturers say. This is believed to be due to the negative effects of caffeine, which some consider a psychoactive substance that has a stimulant effect on the brain and central nervous system.

In defense of caffeine, it must be said that, by and large, it brings a lot of benefits to the body, helping to concentrate and tune in to solving complex problems. In addition, it simply improves your mood. However, this only happens if you do not abuse this stimulating, aromatic drink, which can even cause psychological dependence. This is why many people are interested in the caffeine content in coffee. After all, knowing the dosage, you can take advantage of all its benefits and avoid potential problems.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee

It is believed that a cup of tea contains between a third and half the caffeine as a cup of coffee of the same volume. However, if we take into account the amount of this component in a dry product, then there is more of it in tea than in coffee. This is easily explained if you take into account the peculiarities of preparing these two drinks. To brew a glass of tea, you will need less dry tea than to prepare the same amount of coffee. In addition, the caffeine in dry leaf tea is never fully released into the drink, unlike coffee.

In addition, we must remember that the answer to the question of whether tea or coffee has more caffeine varies depending on many factors, including: variety, place of production, collection of the product, method of processing and storage. This leads to the fact that, for example, small-leaf tea contains more caffeine than large-leaf tea. Its concentration is highest in black long beans, and the caffeine content is lowest in even a drink that manufacturers position as not containing this element will still have the most minimum percentage caffeine content, usually around 3%.

What determines the level of caffeine in a drink?

The percentage of active element content is influenced by the process and features of preparing tea and coffee. First of all, it depends on the temperature of the water: the higher it is, the more caffeine there is in the drink. So, for example, the famous espresso, which is prepared under high pressure using steam, contains more active ingredient than one drop of brewed drink. It can also be related to tea. 30 ml of espresso contains as much caffeine as 150 ml of Brook Bond.

As for the varieties of coffee itself, of course, brewed coffee has much more awakening substance than instant coffee. This can be easily explained various methods production. So, one cup contains only 50% of the amount of caffeine that is included in the same amount of Americano. It is very important to take into account the brewing time of the drink, since the amount of this alkaloid also greatly depends on it. Therefore, it is worth limiting this time. Tea contains caffeine, but don't forget about essential oils, which, if brewed for too long, not only begin to oxidize, but can also negatively affect the taste of the finished drink. This leads to the fact that it is highly not recommended to brew it for more than 5-6 minutes.

Tea strength

Some believe that the strength of tea depends on the amount of caffeine it contains. However, these factors are in no way related to each other.

There is strong evidence for this. So, which is famous for its strength and richness, has less caffeine than the “milder” Chinese varieties. Also, you can’t take into account the color of the drink. Even if it is very dark, this does not depend in any way on the percentage of caffeine in it.


As mentioned above, the answer to the question of whether tea or coffee has more caffeine depends on many factors. However, there are statistical averages for each drink. Thus, in a miniature cup of world-famous espresso there is 50 mg of caffeine per 50 ml of drink, and about 100 mg in 125 ml of filtered coffee.

As for tea, the amount of caffeine in it ranges from 30 to 60 mg per average cup. The stimulant is also found in such a popular drink as Coca-Cola - 200 ml contains from 30 to 70 mg of caffeine. Few people know, but it is also included in some tablets. For example, citramone may contain 30 mg of caffeine.


The morning awakening effect of coffee and tea is undeniable. Many of us start our day with a cup of hot stimulant. However, to avoid consequences, it is worth remembering certain dosages that must be adhered to. It is not recommended to consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, although this may vary depending on the reactions that the alkaloid causes in specific person. Therefore, it is necessary not only to know whether tea or coffee has more caffeine, but also not to abuse either the first or the second drink.