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Energy value of fresh tomato per 100 grams. Calorie content of tomato: fresh, salted, stewed, pickled. It is necessary to include them in your diet because

Tomatoes are herbaceous plants from the nightshade family. In the vastness of our homeland, tomato fruits are known as tomatoes. The word itself came to us from the Italian language and translated it means “golden apple”. South America is the birthplace of tomatoes, where wild species of these fruits still exist. As soon as the plant came to Europe, it was considered not edible and even poisonous, and was grown only for decorative purposes. It was only in the 17th century that Europeans began to eat tomatoes.

In Russia, tomatoes began to be eaten at the beginning of the 19th century. Today, tomatoes can be seen in greenhouses and in the beds of almost any summer cottage, and therefore this vegetable is eaten everywhere and in all kinds of forms.

Thanks to the many varieties of tomatoes available to us all year round. They have the most variety different shapes– from the usual round to heart-shaped. Tomatoes also differ in fruit color and size. This depends not only on the variety, but also on the degree of maturity.

If we turn to the botanical classification, then the tomato is considered a berry, and not a vegetable we are used to. This is a tasty fruit that will help cope with excess weight, maintain beauty and prevent many diseases.

What does it contain?

Tomato contains many useful substances, acids and microelements. Most of this vegetable contains pectin and beta-carotene, as well as easily digestible carbons. In addition, it should be noted that there are a large number of vitamins of different groups. In percentage terms, the chemical and vitamin composition in 1 piece of tomato will be as follows:

  • vitamin A – 22%;
  • vitamin C – 28%;
  • vitamin K – 6.6%;
  • vitamin B1 – 4%;
  • vitamin B2 – 2%;
  • vitamin B5 – 5%;
  • vitamin B12 – 2.9%;
  • vitamin E – 2.6%;
  • vitamin H – 2.4%.

This product is also rich in such useful elements of the periodic table as iron, potassium, cobalt, magnesium, boron and magnesium. With such an impressive list of substances, tomatoes contain at least 0.6 grams of protein, about 0.2 grams of fat and as much as 4.2 grams of carbohydrates.

A special pigment, lycopene, is responsible for the red color of this vegetable. Thanks to it, tomatoes have dietary properties. Lycopene neutralizes fats and helps balance cholesterol levels. Tomatoes contribute normal course digestion process and are able to saturate the body in the shortest possible time.

The nutritional value

The energy value of this vegetable will vary depending on how they are prepared. Fresh greenhouse vegetables or purees will have slightly more calories when compared to pickled or pickled tomatoes. At the same time, the energy value of sun-dried tomatoes will be quite significant - twice as much as chicken breast. For this reason, you should take a closer look at how many calories a tomato contains, prepared using different methods.

Fresh tomatoes are not a high-calorie vegetable. One hundred grams, regardless of the variety, contain on average no more than 20 kcal. The calorie content of one fruit, in turn, is determined by its size.

However, even a very large tomato will have no more than 50 kilocalories. The most popular summer dish - a tomato salad with the addition of other vegetables, as well as olive or sunflower oil, will contain approximately 40-50 kilocalories per hundred grams.

Pickled tomatoes are a well-known delicacy that, among other things, can be enjoyed all year round. Pickling tomatoes is not difficult - just ripe fruits, vinegar, salt, sugar and traditional seasonings are enough. Vegetables prepared in this way can be eaten as an independent dish, or you can prepare various cold appetizers or even salads from them. 100 g of such a product will contain about 15 kilocalories. Salted tomatoes have the least calories - only 13 kcal per 100 g of salted vegetables.

During the cold season, tomato juice becomes a popular drink. It is highly valued not only for its excellent taste, but also for beneficial features– it has a positive effect on human health and strengthens the immune system. Healing properties juice are explained by the high content of natural antioxidants, which are destroyed when heat treatment. When fresh, the energy value of tomato juice is only 18 kilocalories per hundred milliliters of drink.

Oven-baked tomatoes can be seen on the table as a side dish for the main dish or as an appetizer. Vegetable oil, salt, pepper and garlic are added to the tomatoes, after which the vegetables are baked in the oven for twenty minutes at 200 degrees. During the cooking process, tomatoes lose a large amount of moisture, as a result of which the calorie content of the finished dish increases. Thus, in baked and fried tomatoes the calorie content reaches 27 kilocalories per hundred grams.

Another common way to cook tomatoes is to stew them with onions, garlic, oil and herbs. Despite the heat treatment, the calorie content remains low - only about 20 kilocalories per 100 grams of the finished dish. Additional products are not taken into account. However, even such a dish can be consumed in almost any quantity without the slightest fear of gaining excess weight.

Sun-dried tomatoes are most often found on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. This is a delicacy with a rich, concentrated taste. They are prepared in a special way, in several stages; in addition, not all varieties are suitable for drying.

Sun-dried tomatoes are the absolute champion in energy value; they contain almost 260 kilocalories per hundred grams.

In most cases, the calorie content of tomatoes does not change depending on the variety. However, in cherry tomatoes it is slightly lower than in ordinary vegetables. The small red fruits with an extremely rich taste contain only 15 kilocalories per hundred grams of vegetables.


Eating tomatoes on a regular basis is a good prevention of an impressive list of ailments. For pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and digestive tract, it is best to eat fresh tomatoes. The presence of vitamins A and C will help support the immune system and improve metabolism. Tomatoes are recommended to be consumed daily, as they are rich in micro- and macroelements such as copper, iron, as well as all kinds of acids.

Tomatoes improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, promote better metabolism and help our body better rid itself of toxins. Substances in tomatoes reduce the likelihood of blood clots in blood vessels due to their positive effect on red blood cells. A glass of tomato juice drunk before meals can normalize blood pressure.

Tomatoes are also unique in that they contain a substance called lycopene. It significantly reduces the likelihood of the occurrence and development of certain cancers. Bioflavonoids in tomatoes may help relieve pain due to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Tomatoes are also used externally. A compress made from the pulp of this vegetable in its pure form will relieve swelling and reduce pain from varicose veins. And if you apply a tomato to the wound, it will heal faster.

Eating tomatoes is also beneficial for problem skin. Vitamin B2 stimulates cellular regeneration, which will help cope with peeling and inflammation. Vitamins E and A will allow the epithelium to level out and become more elastic and smooth to the touch. The high antioxidant content of tomatoes makes them invaluable in the fight against wrinkles.

Along with the benefits of tomatoes, attention should be paid to their dietary properties. So, ripe fruits may well notice a full dinner and charge the body with energy. They have a minimum of calories, and that is why they can be seen on the menu of a wide variety of nutritional systems.

Today there are many diets where the main dish is tomatoes and tomato juice. This diet is designed for three days and allows you to eat only tomatoes. But if you are not trying to quickly lose weight, but want to always have a normal figure, then simply add such a low-calorie product to your diet. Nutritionists strongly recommend combining tomatoes with meat. This will allow animal protein to be absorbed much better and faster.


No one will argue that tomatoes are extremely beneficial for the human body. However, this vegetable can cause harm under some circumstances. To prevent this, you need to eat vegetables in a certain way. In the case of tomatoes, there are several contraindications.

As with any other brightly colored fruit, any allergy sufferer needs to be extremely careful with tomatoes. In some cases, people suffering from severe allergies are strictly prohibited from eating tomatoes.

Among all vegetables, tomatoes are distinguished by their high content of organic acids. They significantly improve performance gastrointestinal tract and thyroid glands. However, in case of cholelithiasis, it is for this reason that the consumption of tomatoes is contraindicated, since they provoke additional secretion of bile. Also, you should not overuse tomatoes during an exacerbation of gastritis, as this can significantly worsen the situation.

People who have abnormalities in the functioning of the genitourinary system should exclude tomatoes from their daily diet. Such measures are necessary due to the content of oxalic acid in fruits, which has a detrimental effect on the water-salt balance. For kidney pathologies, it is not recommended to use preserved tomatoes - in this form, tomatoes can stimulate the growth of stones in case of predisposition to urolithiasis.

Tomatoes are contraindicated for problems with musculoskeletal system, since oxalic acid can cause joint pain.


In cooking, tomatoes are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. The abundance of recipes allows you to use tomato as an independent product and as an integral component of salads, first courses, stews, as well as with meat and fish in fresh, pickled, salted, or even dried form. In addition, tomatoes are used to make sauces and seasonings.

When choosing tomatoes in a store, supermarket or market, you must first decide on the purpose for which they are being purchased, as well as when they will be eaten and what taste properties they need to be endowed with.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the type of vegetable. After all, it is he who dictates our taste characteristics. Let's look at a few of the most popular ones.

Cherry tomatoes are small round tomatoes, about the size of a cherry. Their taste is very rich, with the presence of sour notes. It is better to use for salads and combine with meat dishes.

Cream tomatoes are most used as one of the components of all kinds of sauces and pickles. The most common variety is " Lady fingers" After all, these tomatoes have fairly dense flesh, thanks to which they will retain their shape and structure even during long-term storage.

Ox heart is best used fresh. These juicy, meaty tomatoes are great for sauces, main dishes, soups and salads. You should not preserve or pickle “Ox Heart”, as its fruits are very large.

Also, the color of tomatoes differs depending on the characteristics of the variety. Red tomatoes are by far the most common type. Black tomatoes have a pronounced and richer taste. Green tomatoes are the juiciest and have a sour taste. Pink tomatoes have a higher vitamin C content than other tomatoes.

Separately, it is worth noting yellow tomatoes. Their fruits are highly valued due to their outstanding taste and large size - they are very sweet, and they have much more pulp than their red counterparts. In addition, the content of some organic acids and vitamins in yellow tomatoes is even higher than in citrus fruits.

People believe that yellow and orange tomatoes are healing and can treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines and free the body from toxins and wastes.

When buying tomatoes, it is very important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • a ripe fruit should be elastic and its surface dense;
  • a good tomato will have a pronounced, pleasant aroma;
  • uniform color without obvious damage and dried areas.

Tomatoes have a high moisture and fiber content, and therefore they can effectively fight hunger. This happens due to the fact that the body spends more energy to digest a tomato than it receives from eating this fruit, and therefore it is more than possible to lose weight on it. Although this vegetable does not burn fat, due to the large amount of acids and other nutrients, a tomato-based diet will be balanced and will have a positive effect on health. And by using your imagination and minimal culinary skills, you can also lose weight with pleasure.

As a snack or light breakfast, fresh chopped tomatoes combined with cottage cheese, vegetable oil or other vegetables, such as cucumber, are perfect. Fresh fruits can also be used as a complete replacement. tomato paste, which contains a large amount of sugar. Good breakfast There will also be some toasted whole grain bread, on which 50 grams of fresh tomatoes and herbs are placed. A denser option for morning food is fried eggs or an omelet with tomatoes. The average calorie content of such a dish is about 100 kilocalories.

At lunchtime, you can satisfy your hunger without harming your figure with the help of a light but tasty tomato soup. To prepare it, you need to peel several ripe fruits and chop them finely. Then they are fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil, onion and garlic. After frying, add to pre-cooked chicken bouillon and everything is brought to a boil together. Ready dish seasoned with herbs and served with toasted rye bread. The calorie content of such soup is no more than 70 kilocalories per 100 g.

As a tasty dietary dinner, you can prepare various salads or stews. Stewed or fried tomatoes acquire completely new taste qualities, which can be emphasized using different spices. The classic combination is tomatoes with garlic and basil.

Also, don’t forget about tomato juice, because this drink goes with almost any dish.

Real masters of culinary art prepare sauces, independent dishes and even desserts from tomatoes. This is a product whose scope of application is limited only by imagination. Tomatoes combine beneficial properties, low calorie content, availability and taste - all these qualities make this vegetable truly unique.

More interesting facts You will learn about tomatoes from the following video.

Once upon a time, our ancestors considered tomatoes to be poisonous. And even after it was allowed to the table, they treated this vegetable (actually a berry, but we’re more used to it) with some caution. Who would have known that this blood-red, juicy beauty was so useful!

Today everyone knows the benefits of tomato; it is used in national cuisines all over the world and it has been proven that regular consumption of tomatoes has a beneficial effect on the body and helps in the prevention of many diseases.

What are the benefits of tomatoes?

The bright red color of tomatoes is caused by a substance called lycopene, but it not only gives beauty, but is also a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals. So the tomato is a good helper in the fight for clean, beautiful skin and hair. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin B and potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, regulate blood cholesterol levels, prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and strengthen bones. Tomatoes are good for the urinary system, they reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary organs by various infections, indirectly contribute to the dissolution of stones in gallbladder. Tomatoes are also beneficial for diabetic patients; they normalize blood sugar levels.

When heat treated, tomatoes do not lose their nutritional value.. Refried tomatoes in oil are very useful for men who want to maintain sexual strength. Tomatoes with herbs and nuts, olive oil, olives, and grains are very nutritious. Tomatoes are part of the Mediterranean diet, which is protected by UNESCO and recognized as the healthiest in the world. It is believed that by following this diet, you can maintain health and meet old age cheerful, full of strength and without chronic diseases. This is not a simple signor - a tomato.

How many calories are in 100g of tomatoes?

In 100 grams fresh tomatoes contains only 19.9 calories, that is, it is a very light dietary product.

2 calories come from fat, 2 from protein, and 17 from carbohydrates.

Nutritional value of fresh tomatoes:

— water — 93.5 g
— carbohydrates — 4.2 g
— mono- and disaccharides — 3.5 g
— dietary fiber — 0.8 g
- ash - 0.7 g
— proteins — 0.6 g
organic acids— 0.5 g
— fats — 0.2 g
— starch — 0.3 g

Vitamins in tomatoes:

— vitamin C — 25 mg
— choline — 6.7 mg
— beta-carotene — 1.2 mg
— vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) — 0.5996 mg
— vitamin PP — 0.5 mg
— vitamin E (TE) — 0.4 mg
— vitamin B5 (pantothenic) — 0.3 mg
— vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) — 0.1 mg
— vitamin B1 (thiamine) — 0.06 mg
— vitamin B2 (riboflavin) — 0.04 mg
— vitamin A (RE) — 200 mcg
— vitamin B9 (folic) — 11 mcg
— vitamin K (phylloquinone) — 7.9 mcg
— vitamin H (biotin) — 1.2 mcg

Hello, dear readers! Tomato is one of the most common and popular vegetables all over the world. A large number of different varieties, differing in taste, size and color, allow people to choose exactly what they need. But how harmful or not is this vegetable for the figure? Today we will find out how many calories are in a tomato, and we will look at its different types and popular dishes where it is used.


South America is considered the birthplace of tomatoes, where the fruits were brought from. by sea to Europe. At first, European countries treated the plant with great caution, because Its fruits were considered poisonous. Only by the 17th century did everyone realize that tomatoes were not at all dangerous. Now they are eaten all over the world.

The calorie content of a fresh tomato depends on its variety. And there are a lot of varieties. Some are very small, others - the opposite. Some are the usual red, some are yellow, and some are even black and finally pink. Lycopene, present in all varieties, determines their final color. All of them are edible and very tasty.


  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K, H, PP);
  • Minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cl, S, I, P);
  • Folic acid;
  • Cellulose;
  • Carotene.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are present in the following percentage ratio: 17.7/0/77.2.

Benefits and harms

All these substances that the body needs so much make tomatoes extremely useful and important for humans. What are the beneficial properties of tomatoes you need to know:

  • Improves memory, improves mood, gives strength;
  • Normalizes the condition of hypertension, low hemoglobin, high cholesterol, gastritis;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Positively affects the health of the genital organs, improves the quality of sexual life;
  • Allows you to maintain visual acuity;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Removes toxins and all kinds of waste from the body.

A large amount of vitamins and minerals does not guarantee the exceptional usefulness of the product. Any type of tomato can cause allergies, which is important to consider, especially if you are giving this vegetable to your child for the first time.

Weight loss

Proper nutrition - The best way To be in the good shape. With the help of tomatoes you can make your diet even more correct and healthy. Tomatoes are an excellent substitute for dinner, and can also be used in special diets where other foods are prohibited.

The main reason why tomatoes help you lose extra pounds is its red color. The color is determined by lycopene, which accelerates the breakdown of any fats and improves the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes weight loss. The second reason is the feeling of fullness that appears immediately after eating the vegetable. And the third reason is low calorie content, and not a single carbohydrate is harmful to the figure.

Calorie content

The nutritional value of tomatoes depends on their variety, as well as the type in which they are consumed. If they are served in some kind of dish, then the calorie content can be tens of times higher than that of ordinary tomatoes.


If we consider a fresh tomato of classic varieties, then the calorie content per 100 grams will be about 20 kcal. Of these, proteins – 0.6 g, fats – 0.2 g, carbohydrates – 4.2 g.

For the ox heart variety, the calorie content is significantly higher, which can be off-putting. However, the figures still remain extremely low for a nutritious product. 100 g of ox heart contains 70 kcal.

Cherry tomatoes have a small calorie content - 15 kcal. It's even less than classic varieties. We can say that this is one of the most dietary varieties of this vegetable.

The popular variety “On a Branch” can be classified as classic, because he is not much different from them. Its calorie content is 22 kcal.

Pink tomatoes are also close to the rest classic options. They are just as versatile and delicious. Tomatoes Pink colour contain 22 kcal.

Tomato products

By tomato products we mean the tomatoes themselves, which are usually consumed in a different, somewhat different form from the usual one. For example, salty or in the form of ketchup.

Many people love pickled tomatoes. They are lucky because they not only use delicious product, but also do not get extra calories from it. Pickled tomatoes contain only 15 kcal per 100 g.

When salted, tomatoes are also low in calories. Only 13 kcal. Few products can compare with such indicators. Salted tomato becomes an excellent choice.

Tomato paste and ketchup are equivalent when it comes to nutritional value. Tomatoes are not very high in calories, but the additives included in these two products are the opposite. For this reason, caloric content increases to 112 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, consuming them during a diet is contraindicated.

Tomato juice is a great way to get rid of hunger. The number of calories in freshly squeezed tomato juice varies from 17 to 22 units, which is very low. The exact numbers depend on the variety.

Dishes with tomatoes

Tomatoes are a common component in popular dishes, both hot and cold. Let's look at the most popular of them.

A simple scrambled egg with tomatoes is not so high in calories if we consider it as an independent full-fledged dish, which it is. It has only 140 kcal. A serving of fried eggs can fill the body with energy for for a long time. If we consider the option of 2 eggs, then the kcal will increase to 260, and a fried egg made from 3 eggs contains 374 kcal. This is for options with vegetable oil, which accounts for 44 kcal. With olive oil, the calorie content will not change. Using margarine instead of butter will reduce calories by about 10 units. If you completely exclude oil, etc. means, then scrambled eggs with 1 egg will contain about 100 kcal. If you add more eggs, the kcal will increase by about 90 units.

Scrambled eggs with vegetables contain about 90 kcal. You can use any suitable frozen vegetables. Tomatoes can also be frozen. With fresh beans, the calorie content will increase to 160 units.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and meat or sausage will contain from 290 to 500 kcal. However, you need to correctly combine the product with meat products, which may be too fatty.

The dietary version of tomato scrambled eggs with cheese contains about 80 kcal In this case it turns out very tasty dish.

Omelette with tomatoes is lower in calories thanks to beating the eggs.

Tomato soup contains about 40 kcal if you avoid unnecessary ingredients.

A cucumber and tomato salad has 90 kcal if you cook it with butter. With mayonnaise – 56 kcal. With sour cream – 30 kcal.

By the way, an omelet with tomatoes has an energy value of approximately 340 kcal.

Tomato is very tasty and healthy vegetable. You can eat it without fear for your figure, and at the same time receive a lot of useful substances for your body. Everyone should include it in their diet on a regular basis.

Nutritional value and chemical composition "Fresh tomato salad 1-62".

Energy value Fresh tomato salad 1-62 each is 59 kcal.

One regular tomato has 19.9 kcal, but a cherry tomato has only 4.8. Find out the calorie content of tomatoes in fresh, salted and pickled form, take note of 5 recipes and lose weight easily!

Tomatoes are a very common vegetable crop, the fruits of which, depending on the variety and degree of ripeness, can have different shapes (round, elongated, heart-shaped, flattened), size (from small cherry tomatoes to giant kilogram ones) and color (green, yellow, pink, red, dark burgundy). All of them are an excellent dietary product with low calorie content, allowing you to lose weight easily and comfortably.


In its raw form, the average calorie content of a tomato is 19.9 kcal per 100 grams. If we translate these indicators into piece measurements, then depending on the size and weight of a fresh tomato, the calorie content will be:

  • 1 PC. with a diameter of 6 cm and a weight of 80 g - 15.9 kcal;
  • 1 PC. with a diameter of 7 cm and a weight of 120 g - 23.9 kcal.

Only the smallest fruits of the cherry variety have a slightly lower energy value (18 kcal/100 g). One such “cherry” with a diameter of 2 cm contains only 4.8 kcal.


The calorie content of salted tomatoes is even lower - only 13 kcal/100 g. This is explained by the fact that when pickling at home, the brine is prepared only from water and salt - ingredients that have zero energy value. When such a solution is absorbed, the calorie content of the tomato decreases slightly, since its weight increases due to the addition of water. But during the period of losing weight, this product should not be abused, since salt promotes fluid retention in the body and leads to swelling, which reduces the effectiveness of the diet.

The situation is somewhat different with salted green tomatoes. Due to their denser structure, when pickled, they absorb less water, so the calorie content of a tomato in this case is reduced only to 19.2 kcal/100 g. In addition, green fruits are not so salty and are more suitable for consumption during weight loss.


The highest calorie of all types of canned tomatoes are pickled ones - their energy value is 32 kcal/100 g. This is explained by the fact that even when preparing a marinade at home, sugar is always used along with vinegar and salt. For this reason, the calorie content of the brine increases to 12 kcal/100 ml. In addition, under the influence of vinegar and boiling water, which is poured into tomatoes canned in this way, a significant part of the beneficial substances contained in them is destroyed. Although they still remain a very valuable food product.


Tomatoes are consumed not only raw, salted and pickled. They are dried, fried, baked, sauces and ketchups are prepared from them, added to soups, main courses and fillings for open pies, and tomato juice, unique in its taste and nutritional qualities, is squeezed out.

Tomato juice

This is a fairly thick drink with a bright tomato taste and aroma. Tomato juice contains the pulp of ripe fruits, so when freshly squeezed it has almost all the properties of fresh tomatoes. Its energy value is 17 kcal/100 ml, which is even slightly less than that of the fruit.

It is recommended to consume tomato juice immediately after squeezing in order to get all the beneficial substances contained in the fruit. In addition, the product is added to various dishes, canned separately as a drink, and is also widely used in the preparation of other preparations. It is especially recommended to use it for preparing tomatoes in their own juice. This method of canning allows you to preserve the original calorie content of tomatoes and even reduce it somewhat, while avoiding the disadvantages that salted and pickled fruits have.

Sun-dried tomatoes

The benefits of sun-dried tomatoes are due to the fact that in such a dish all the vitamins and minerals given by nature are preserved. The calorie content of dried tomatoes is 258 kcal/100 g.

Drying tomatoes is quite simple:

  • cut into quarters (or halves if it’s cherry);
  • remove excess pulp and juice with a teaspoon;
  • sprinkle with spices and herbs to taste;
  • lightly sprinkle with olive oil;
  • place on a baking sheet;
  • Place in an oven preheated to 120 ºC for 2 hours.

Cooled tomato slices are stored in tight fabric bags, like dried fruit, or poured with olive oil in an airtight container.

Tomato salad

The simplest, but very tasty and healthy dish made from tomatoes - this is a salad. Its energy value is 53.1 kcal/100 g.

You just need to cut the fruits into small slices, add a little chopped green or onions, salt and season with vegetable oil. To obtain the indicated calorie content, take 10 g of oil per 250 g of tomatoes. You can also prepare a salad with sour cream, but to do this you should take into account how much fat it has. To maintain the same calorie content of the dish, instead of 10 g of butter, you should take 50 g of low-fat (15%) sour cream.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

To prepare the dish, first fry 50 g of onion in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, then add a medium-sized tomato cut into small pieces, simmer a little and then beat 2 eggs into the mixture. The eggs can be fried covered as a fried egg, or mixed together for a more instant cooking. The energy value of the finished product is 132.3 kcal/100 g.

Omelette with tomatoes

The nutritional value

With minimal calorie content, tomatoes have high nutritional value and an optimal ratio of dietary fats, which is why they are often included in the menu of various diets. In addition, fruits and tomato juice can be used to fasting days and even follow a mono-diet.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

  • 100 g of red fruits contain (in grams):
    • proteins - 1.1;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates - 3.7;
  • in pink:
    • proteins - 0.9;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates - 3.9;
  • in yellow:
    • proteins - 0.6;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates −4.2;
  • in green:
    • proteins - 1.0;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates – 4.0;
  • in cherry:
    • proteins - 0.8;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates - 2.8.

It should be borne in mind that fruits with a sweeter taste contain more carbohydrates, which slightly increases the calorie content of tomatoes of these varieties.

Macro- and microelements

Tomatoes contain a lot of fiber, pectin, and minerals. Chemical composition fruit is represented by the following elements:

Macro- and microelementsQuantity per 100 g% of daily value
Potassium290 mg11.6%
Chlorine57 mg2.5%
Sodium40 mg3.1%
Phosphorus26 mg3.3%
Magnesium20 mg5%
Calcium14 mg1.4%
Sulfur12 mg1.2%
Iron0.9 mg5%
Bor115 mcg
Copper110 mcg11%
Fluorine20 mcg0.5%
Nickel13 mcg
Molybdenum7 mcg10%
Cobalt6 mcg60%
Chromium5 mcg10%
Iodine2 mcg1.3%
Selenium0.4 mcg0.7%
Zinc0.2 mg1.7%
Manganese0.14 mg7%

Of particular value is the presence of potassium, copper and cobalt in tomatoes:

  • potassium is the main intracellular ion, without which normal regulation of water, electrolyte and acid balance, as well as the conduction of nerve impulses, is impossible;
  • copper - improves redox processes, increases the absorption of proteins, participates in iron metabolism, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • cobalt - increases the activity of enzymes that affect metabolism fatty acids and folic acid metabolism.

In addition, ripe fruits contain lycopene, a carotenoid coloring pigment that gives the fruits their color. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that protects the most important internal organs (especially the stomach, intestines, lungs) and tissues from cancer, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and slows down the aging process.


The vitamin composition of tomatoes is also rich and varied:

In count ascorbic acid tomatoes are not inferior to citrus fruits and black currants. Vitamin C is an active participant in redox reactions, improves the functioning of immune system, strengthens blood vessels and promotes overall rejuvenation of the body. Taking into account the low calorie content of the tomato, this vitamin and mineral composition makes it one of best products for dietary nutrition.

Tomatoes are also recommended because of the chromium they contain - it causes a feeling of fullness, this helps during diets to reduce food consumption and better tolerate fasting.

However, it is worth remembering that tomatoes come in different varieties and varying degrees of maturity.

For example, sweet cherry will have more calories than sour cherry due to its sucrose content.
Ripe vegetables usually contain more calories, they just have more sugar.
If you take pickled tomatoes, they will provide only 15 calories per 100 grams, but they are poorly compatible with the diet - they cause appetite. These vegetables can be used to make a low-calorie creamy tomato soup.

They are rich in fiber and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach;
in addition, they contain vitamins such as C, E, even B;
from them the body receives folic acid, some amount of carotene;
trace elements such as Ca, Na, S, phosphorus, elements of iodine, chlorine, and then silicon;
tomatoes also contain very useful to the body organic acids: citric, oxalic, even succinic, tartaric or malic.

Tasty and healthy even for treatment

The tomato itself is quite popular among children and adults. They love it for its juicy taste and soft skin. In cooking, it is added to many dishes; how many calories are in a fresh tomato? There are only 20 calories in 100 grams, and it is juicy, tasty, healthy and will add brightness to any salad or appetizer.

Doctors advise eating tomatoes every day and to prevent diseases such as cancer, diabetes, problems with vascular system– the provitamins A, C and lipocene contained in the vegetable have a good effect on the functioning of the body. Lipoken should be taken for people with poor vision and the elderly. Moreover, there is much more of it in boiled tomatoes.

Tomatoes have choleretic and diuretic properties; they can help with stool problems and liver diseases. For prevention, it is better to eat them constantly. For people prone to depression, tomatoes will help improve their mood thanks to the serotonin and thiamine they contain.

There are several reasons:

  • Due to its low calorie content, tomatoes can be eaten in large quantities without worrying about your figure. One fruit weighing 100 grams will give only 20 calories! It’s clear, in one sitting, even with Great love Don’t eat more than two or three tomatoes at most.
  • Nutritionists also advise eating tomato salads and drinking juice from them (17 kcal). It’s safe to crack them raw, and how many calories are there in a fresh tomato, with salt – only 13 kcal!
  • Also, unlike many dietary products, tomatoes are rich in vitamins.

Difference in caloric content of different varieties

You can find several varieties of this tasty vegetable on the market. Most Popular:

A bull's heart contains about 70 kcal;
in cherry tomatoes – 15 kcal;
on a branch – 22 kcal;
ideal tomato, regular size, the simplest variety - 20 kcal per 100 g.

Apart from the large Oxheart tomatoes, the other varieties do not vary too much in their calorie content. So you can safely eat the small or large tomatoes you want.

How many calories are in the resulting tomato products?

How many calories are in a fresh tomato, without salt, in its own juice? On average, if you calculate the sizes, from 15-35 kcal per piece. Regarding tomato dishes:

Tomatoes in marinade – 15 kcal;
salted tomatoes – from 13-14 kcal;
ketchup - 112 kcal (other substances in the seasoning already play a role here).

Tasty, satisfying and low in calories?

Knowing all the calorie indicators for dishes, a person is already able to conclude what will be healthier for the figure. After all, it’s quite possible to eat deliciously without fear of gaining weight; this is something that is repeated, if not by nutritionists (who often recommend lean porridges without salt, sugar and water), then by chefs!

Often watching episodes with famous chefs different countries you can learn a lot of useful things. They are showing simple dishes, dishes in 15 minutes, a menu for a week on a limited budget, when a person can make preparations for seven days in one evening. And of course, dietary dishes in proper nutrition with a minimum of calories.

Chefs pay tribute to the tomato, its amazing taste, color and properties. The masters are confident in their craft - you can cook a delicious dish and please yourself even with the most restrictive diet! The main thing is to be smart, carefully study the list of available products and “surf” on the Internet.

Such an approach would make pleasant not only the life of an army of voluntarily starving people who are on a diet to improve their figure. But they will also give a chance to taste real food to those unfortunate people who are limited by their diagnosis - allergy sufferers, diabetics.

How many calories are in a fresh tomato, cucumber, if you are planning a diet salad? You can lighten the popular composition by eliminating mayonnaise or fatty oil. A drop of olive oil or low-fat sour cream is suitable for dilution. You can just add salt. Then the calorie content of your favorite salad will decrease, since the cucumber also contains a little 15 kcal calories per average 100 grams. Mayonnaise or oil used to dilute the salad gives more. Cutting a couple of onion rings on top is also a good idea, it has a minimum of calories.

These are some of the tricks chefs use to get people to get creative with their menus. If a person is prohibited from eating many sweet foods and starchy foods, and he has a sweet tooth, why not switch to fruits and some vegetables? The tomato tastes sweet, juicy, just melts in your mouth and is only good for health. You can review the composition of many of your favorite dishes and lighten their calorie content by replacing some components.

In any case, those who have chosen a diet should remember - no mayonnaise, fatty sour cream, cakes, honey, chocolate spread, and so on! They are a “taboo” in any diet. And with the rest you can still come up with something.

Tomato juice - healthy and nutritious

How many calories are there in 100 grams of fresh tomato? – no more than 16 kcal, it can also be consumed as juice. Here you should buy a juicer and prepare the drink yourself. This is the only way to be sure that the glass contains only squeezed vegetables. Some manufacturers add sugar, salt and other spices to the finished juices to preserve the freshness of the product for a long time. This adds calories, and store-bought juice itself can no longer be considered 100% natural and healthy.
And tomato juice perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes on a hot day and improves your mood. There will be 1-2 medium-sized tomatoes per glass. Calorie content 15-20 together.

Tomato and sour cream - too fatty?

There are many dishes in which tomatoes are seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. For example, “barrels” or oven-baked tomatoes with a layer of sour cream and cheese on top. It’s very tasty, but is it possible to eat it if you’re losing weight? How strong is the blow to your figure?

In any dish, the total calorie content is made up of individual parts. Replacing the seasoning will help make these dishes lighter.

Tomato salad with mayonnaise and onion rings is a favorite and familiar option for many. We reduce calories: instead of harmful mayonnaise, we take low-fat sour cream. There are 20, 30 or 10% types. We add just a little to the salad so that the taste is felt, nothing more. And how many calories are there in a fresh tomato, with salt and sour cream - about 30 kcal, that’s like eating one and a half regular tomatoes without anything.

By the way, fried tomatoes are also low in calories, so you can safely dilute them with low-fat sour cream and eat them hot - a real bomb for the stomach! And if you sprinkle with cheese or chop some green onions, herbes de Provence or crush a couple of cloves of garlic... yummy.

Who can't eat tomatoes?

Not everyone benefits from eating tomatoes. For example, doctors forbid people with ulcers or people with problems from even looking at them duodenum, disturbances in the level of stomach acidity. Hypertensive patients also have restrictions.