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Saving and rational use of water. How to save water and reduce the cost of its consumption Project to save household water consumption

Water takes up 70% earth's surface, but only 1% of the water is readily available for consumption. Given that water is an essential resource for life on Earth, reducing your water footprint is a responsible step for anyone. Saving water is not at all difficult, but you need to start saving water from your own home. There are a number of strategies to help you conserve water when doing laundry, washing dishes, brushing your teeth, watering your plants, and more.


Saving water in the bathroom

    Check faucets, toilets and pipes for leaks. Hidden water leaks in a house can amount to more than ten cubic meters per year. For this reason, be sure to check your plumbing system for leaks, especially leaking toilets and faucets.

    Remember to turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving. Don't just let the water run while you brush your teeth, turn it off when it's not needed. When shaving, turn off the water between rinsing the razor.

    • If you shave in the shower, try turning the shower off while you shave instead of leaving the water running.
  1. Install water-saving shower heads. Many shower heads use up to 10 liters of water per minute, and some use up to 20. Get yourself a water-saving shower head that will work with the same pressure, creating the same feeling as a regular shower head, but will use less two times less water.

    • Depending on the quality, economical shower heads can cost from several hundred to several thousand rubles.
    • You can also install a separate tap on the shower head, which will allow you to temporarily turn off the water while you soap up and turn it back on at the same temperature setting.
  2. Install aerators on faucets. The presence of an aerator on faucets allows you to enrich the water with oxygen, create a more stable flow and consume less water overall. Installing the aerator is quite simple - you just need to screw it onto the tap; and it costs, on average, from several tens of rubles to a couple of hundred.

    Learn to shower faster. Take a clock or timer with you into the bathroom and try to reduce your usual shower time, or turn on one tune and try to complete all procedures by the end of it. Reducing your shower time by even just 2 minutes can save you up to 40 liters of water.

    Install an economical tank or a tank with two flush modes in the toilet. Economical tanks consume no more than 6 liters of water per flush, while conventional ones can consume three or even four times more than this. Toilet cisterns with two flush modes allow you to waste less water for liquid excrement and more for solid excrement (by pressing the appropriate buttons).

    • You can also purchase separately a water-saving drain mechanism with a dual flush system to install a double button on your tank. Look for such products at local plumbing supply stores or online retailers. They work well and at the same time allow you to save money.
    • Be aware that not all toilets clean effectively when flushed with a small amount of water, so do some practical testing first. If the reduced water volume prevents normal flushing, your toilet needs more water.
  3. Do not use the toilet as a trash can. Flushing garbage down the toilet not only can clog the drain and increase water pollution, but it also creates additional flushing water. Using a trash can to dispose of tissues, expired medications, and any other small trash will help you avoid unnecessary waste.

    Hang washed clothes on the clothes dryer. It will probably not be possible to do this with all your clothes, but try to hang as many dresses, shirts, trousers, etc. as possible to dry naturally. The use of electric dryers leads to a large consumption of electricity, the production of which also requires water.

    Wash less. Many items of clothing, such as jeans and sweaters, do not need to be washed every day. Try to be aware of which items are really dirty and which ones can still be worn again. This will not only save water, but also reduce wear and tear on your clothes!

    • It's okay to wear nightwear two or three times before putting it in the wash, especially if you always shower before bed.
    • Change your socks and underwear daily, but pants, jeans, skirts and other clothing can be worn more than once before washing.
    • When wearing a sweater or sweatshirt over a shirt, only the shirt will require regular washing.
    • Hang towels to dry on a heated towel rail after use and use them several times before washing again.

Saving water in the kitchen

  1. Load the dishwasher fully. Similar to a washing machine, you need to ensure your dishwasher is fully loaded before running it to avoid wasting water.

    • If you don't have a dishwasher, try washing dishes in a sink or pan filled with water instead of leaving the water running while you wash the dishes.
    • Dispose of large food scraps from plates into the trash or compost bin. If dishes do not wash in the dishwasher without first rinsing, make sure that you are loading the appliance correctly, that the machine is in good condition, and that you are using effective detergent for dishwashers.
  2. Use the food waste disposer less often if it is installed in the sink. A food waste disposer requires quite a bit of water to flush out the shredded waste, so try not to use it too often. Either simply pick up food scraps from the sink and throw them in the trash, or even have a compost bin in your yard instead of flushing food scraps down the drain through a disposer.

    Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator compartment of the refrigerator. Although immersing frozen food in water can speed up defrosting, it results in unnecessary water consumption. Try to plan ahead and move any frozen food you need to defrost overnight into the refrigerator compartment.

    Wash food in a sink or pan filled with water. When it comes to washing fruits, vegetables, and other foods, try doing so in a sink full of water or a pot rather than using running water. This way you will waste less water, and the used water can be used to water your plants.

    Keep the jug with drinking water in a refrigerator. Instead of waiting a long time to drain tap water to get it cool enough to drink, fill a pitcher or bottle with water and place it in the refrigerator. This way you don’t have to drain the water and wait for it to get cold, this will also save a valuable resource.

Saving water in your yard

    Install a water flow meter. You might be surprised how much water actually goes into irrigation. personal plot. With the installation of a meter, you will ensure that you are fully aware of your expenses and will be able to take measures to reduce water consumption.

    • If you already have a meter, learn how to use its readings. Meters can be very useful in identifying hidden leaks. Do not use the water for an hour or two and take another look at the meter reading. If they change, it means there is a leak somewhere.
  1. Take a thoughtful approach to watering your garden and the plants in it. Water can also be saved when watering lawns and plants without compromising their health. Water only when it is really necessary (during a long absence of rain), and on those areas of the land that need it.

    • Morning or evening hours are best for watering, when the water does not evaporate quickly. Watering should not be done in cool, rainy or windy weather.
    • Water your garden with a watering can or use a diffuser hose attachment to avoid wasting water.
    • You can also set up a rainwater harvesting system to monitor rainfall levels and use the collected water to water your lawns, vegetable garden, and garden. Before installing a rainwater harvesting system, make sure you do not violate any local environmental regulations.
    • Water the plants better, but less often. This will encourage the plants to develop deeper root systems, reducing their need for frequent watering.
  2. Install timers on your self-watering system. Install timers on street water supply taps and sprinklers of the auto-irrigation system. Look for inexpensive automatic timers that fit between the hose and the sprinkler nipple, or install a programmable timer on your sprinkler system or drip irrigation. An automatic timer will also help you organize watering at exactly the time of day when water is best absorbed into the soil.

    • If you turn on the watering manually, use a kitchen timer to turn off the water supply in a timely manner or constantly monitor the watering process.
    • Find out the best way to set your auto watering system timer for different seasons. In damp and cool weather, plants need to be watered less often or not at all.
    • Do not overwater the soil or water it faster than it can absorb water. If water runs off your lawn onto the sidewalk, reduce your watering time or divide it into two shorter watering sessions to give the water enough time to soak into the soil.
  3. Monitor the condition of the sprinklers and the irrigation system as a whole. If you use timers, be sure to check them periodically. Repair broken sprinklers and burst pipes, and make sure the irrigation area is where it's supposed to be.

    • Consider installing a drip irrigation system or similar to save even more water.
    • If necessary, adjust sprinklers so that they only cover areas that need it, not sidewalks and driveways.
  4. Don't cut lawns too short. From a water conservation perspective, tall grass is better than grass that is too short. Grass is able to grow longer roots when it is longer, allowing it to be watered less frequently. Raise the mower blades higher to avoid cutting the grass too short.

    • If you live in an area with irregular rainfall, try not seeding your lawn with grass, but instead planting it with native grasses. ornamental plants, which do not require special care and watering.
  5. Cover your outdoor pool with a protective awning. If you have an outdoor pool, using a pool cover at night will help prevent excess water evaporation during the hotter months. In certain regions of some countries, emptying pools and refilling them with new water is strictly limited or even prohibited, so conserving water in the pool is a critical issue.

Today, the capital consumes about 4 million cubic meters per day every day, although 15 years ago water consumption was almost 6 million. Since 1996, there has been a steady downward trend in water consumption. In 2008, compared to 1995, water consumption decreased by 31.3% and reached the level of 72 years. The decrease was mainly due to the population, which consumes 71.3% of water. That is why the main efforts to save water are concentrated in the housing stock.

The city is implementing a program to equip housing stock with water meters. The program consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1 - equipping residential and social buildings with communal water meters is almost complete. Today, almost all residential buildings (about 99%) are equipped with communal water meters, with the exception of buildings that do not have basements or are subject to demolition.

Stage 2 - equipping apartments with individual water meters. As of March 1, 2008, out of 3.8 million apartments, 31% (1.16 million apartments) are equipped with water meters. Of these, 590 thousand apartments are at the expense of the city budget (as part of the implementation of Moscow Government Decree No. 406-PP dated May 29, 2007), 570 are at the expense of citizens’ own funds and funds provided for in the design and estimate documentation (for new construction). At the expense of the budget, by the end of 2009 it is planned to equip 1.2 million apartments with individual water meters - these are all state-owned apartments, as well as apartments whose owners receive a subsidy to pay for utilities.

An effective way to save water is the widespread use of water-saving fittings in residential buildings and apartments of Muscovites (valve heads with a ceramic shut-off unit for household faucets and a set of fittings for "Compact" flush cisterns). In the city, 152.5 thousand apartments have already been equipped with such fittings at the expense of Mosvodokanal. At the same time, water savings average 12%.

The average specific water consumption by the city population in 2008 was 249 liters. per 1 person per day. This is 200 liters less than in 1995. At the same time, the rational consumption of water to satisfy reasonable physiological and sanitary-hygienic needs is 145 l/person. days With a water consumption of 249 l/person per day - 80% is conditionally useful water consumption, 20% is losses. It is planned to reduce water consumption in Moscow to 200 l/person/day by 2012.

The second group in terms of water consumption consists of industrial enterprises and commercial organizations(share-14.7%). Drinking water consumption by this group has decreased by 15.9% since 1995 and in 2008 amounted to 566 thousand m3/day. The following factors influenced the decrease in water consumption in the industrial sector:

Decrease in the number of industrial enterprises;

Increase in water prices;

Reducing specific water consumption per unit of commercial product. This became possible thanks to the following activities carried out at the enterprises:

Application of circulating water supply systems;

Creation of closed water management systems for industrial enterprises.

Translation technological processes industrial enterprises for technical (river) water.

Introduction of low-water and water-free technologies.

The city's budgetary organizations account for 6.9% of total water consumption. Compared to 1995, water consumption by budgetary organizations decreased by 45.7% and reached 265 thousand m3/day in 2008. The main overconsumption of water in this group of consumers is observed at the facilities of the departments of education, health care and military units.

Experience shows that the main reasons for increased water consumption in educational institutions is the irrational use of water due to the water tap not being closed. Considering this circumstance, MGUP Mosvodokanal, together with the Department of Education, is installing water-saving (vandal-proof) sanitary fittings with rationed water supply in children's institutions. Such plumbing fixtures have already been installed in 206 educational institutions Moscow, which made it possible to save water at these facilities by an average of 35%.

In addition, in pursuance of the resolution of the Moscow Government dated February 10, 2004 No. 77-PP, all objects social sphere, were equipped with cold and hot water.

Rational and careful use of drinking water is a strategic task. Currently, water losses in Moscow amount to 6.8% of the total volume of its production. In Russia this figure reaches 40%.

In March 2009, at a meeting of the Moscow Government, the concept for developing the city program “Clean Water” was approved. In accordance with this concept, the city provides for the following measures for water conservation and rational water use:

Reducing losses in the water supply and sewerage system;

Organization of monitoring of all water consumers in the city from the point of view of assessing the condition of internal sanitary systems of buildings;

Replacement of drinking quality water with industrial water for a number of consumers with appropriate feasibility and sanitary-hygienic justification;

Improving water consumption accounting;

Completion of the transition to settlements between management organizations and the population for actual water consumption, based on meter readings;

Carrying out work to normalize and control pressure;

Improving water leak detection technology;

Reducing irrational water use at city enterprises;

Construction of circulating water supply systems;

Installation of anti-vandal sanitary fittings in the cultural and domestic sector and budgetary organizations.

Why do we need apartment water meters?

You will pay for the water actually consumed;

Thanks to meters, there is a real opportunity to save not only water, but also the contents of your wallet. And this means: for everyone who wants to know how much and what they pay for, wants to be the master of their home and not throw money away, such a device is simply necessary. After installing an individual apartment water meter, you stop paying for water for those who live but are not registered in your house; you do not have to pay for water consumption in case of accidents, internal leaks, or leaks from faulty neighbors’ taps.

With economical consumption of water, its actual consumption in everyday life is, as a rule, much less than the established consumption standards. Therefore, by installing meters and rationally using water in your home, you can significantly save on utility bills.

You will reduce water losses

As practice shows, of the total volume of water consumed, 74% is useful water consumption, and 26% is losses. The most effective means of combating water losses is to account for the water supplied to consumers. Numerous data confirm that when installing water meters, water consumption decreases. According to the World Health Organization, water meters can save up to 33% of water.

You will reduce the load on water bodies

By saving water, you not only save your own money, but also help protect the environment: less natural water will be required for water treatment, and less water will be discharged into reservoirs after use. Beneficial for you, good for the environment!

Is it mandatory to install individual water meters in Russia?

Yes, it is required. According to the energy saving law adopted by the Government Russian Federation in November 2009, payments for energy resources, including water, must be carried out on the basis of data on their quantitative value, determined using metering devices.

Until January 1, 2012, owners of premises in apartment buildings, residential buildings, country houses or garden houses with a centralized supply of resources are required to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices for the energy resources used, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation. Wherein apartment buildings within the specified period, they must be equipped with collective communal water meters, as well as individual and common water meters for communal apartments.

Since the adoption of the Law, it is not allowed to put into operation buildings, structures, structures without equipping them with energy and water metering devices.

Who should pay for the installation of metering devices?

The law obliges owners of buildings, structures, structures, residential, country or garden houses, premises in apartment buildings to bear the costs of installing metering devices. Owners of metering devices are obliged to ensure proper operation of these metering devices.

Subject of the Russian Federation or municipality has the right to provide support to certain categories of consumers at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local budget by allocating funds to them for the installation of metering devices for energy resources used.

For example, the Moscow Government decided to equip apartments owned by the city with water meters at the expense of the city budget, as well as apartments whose owners receive a subsidy to pay for utilities or are disabled and participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Currently, 50% of apartments in Moscow are equipped with individual appliances. Muscovites have seen from their own example that with rational consumption, having an apartment water meter, the amount of payment for water supply and sanitation services is significantly less than when paying at the standard rate or using a common house meter.

What requirements must water metering devices installed in the city's housing stock meet?

Individual water meters for both cold and hot water are widely available on sale.

For installation in the city's housing stock, it is allowed to use vane meters for cold and hot (up to 90 degrees Celsius) water with a counting mechanism isolated from the water (dry flow meters).

Requirements for water meters:

1. The parameters of metering devices must comply with GOST R 50601 and 50193 (metrological class A - for installation on vertical pipelines, class B - for installation on horizontal pipelines).

2.The type of metering devices must be approved by Gosstandart of the Russian Federation and included in State Register measuring instruments. The metering device must have a passport and a certificate of conformity issued by a certification body accredited by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. The metering device passport must contain a mark on the initial verification of the metering device

3. The calibration interval should be for metering devices cold water at least 5 years, for hot water meters - at least 4 years.

4. The nominal diameter of residential water metering devices, regardless of the nominal water flow rate, should be 15 mm, the length of the metering device (without connecting fittings) - 80 mm. Metering devices installed in housing stock must have a built-in check valve.

5. The reliability of metering devices must be confirmed by accelerated wear tests (under cyclic loads) carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50193.

6. Reliability of protection of metering devices from manipulation of their readings using external constant magnetic fields and/or indicator efficiency magnetic influence must be confirmed by tests carried out when the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation approved the type of metering device or during certification in the GOST R system.

7. For installation in housing stock equipped with automated energy consumption control systems, cold and hot water metering devices must have permanent or removable (installed or replaced during operation) devices for generating electrical pulses with a frequency proportional to the water flow through the metering device (pulse sensors, impulse price 1, 10 or 25 l). Any residential hot and cold water metering devices must have built-in pulse preparation systems (magnets) and the ability to install/replace removable pulse sensors during operation.

What should you do to pay less for water?

There is an opinion - “if we install a meter, we will pay less.” Many residents have seen from their own example that a water meter helps save water, but does not solve all the problems of water conservation and savings Money. Water consumption largely depends on the culture of water consumption and whether consumers have habits of careful use of water.

IN Soviet time posters called: “Save water!” However, they could not accustom us to this. We open the tap halfway or even more just to wash our hands, although a thin stream is enough.

Now look at your receipts: water is one of our most expensive expenses! So what to do?

Observe how you and your family members use water in your apartment. This will help you develop your own effective savings program, including money. We will recommend some ways to save water at home.

Make sure your home plumbing is in good working order. This is the main source of water loss in everyday life. Just one faulty tap can leak up to 6 m3 of water per day, or more than 2 thousand m3 per year. The indicators installed on the meter will help you do this. If the indicator moves, it means there is a leak somewhere. Modern faucet axle boxes with metal-ceramic elements instead of “elastic” gaskets will allow you to forget about the eternal dripping from faucets.

Do not turn on the water at full blast. In 90% of cases, a small jet is enough, which will allow. Close the taps tightly and teach your children to do so. And get 4-5 times savings.

Install lever mixers; they mix water faster to create the optimal temperature than mixers with two valves.

Install perlators, aerating nozzles, and flow straighteners on the faucets. Their use, as well as diaphragms (washers) on water distribution pipes, will help reduce water consumption.

A little here and a little here - this results in decent water savings. And yet, the main measure for saving water should be considered changing our habits.

Where can you save money at home?

In bathroom:

When brushing your teeth, try to turn on the water at the beginning and end of the procedure.

Close the tap while shaving.

In countries where residents have long used water meters, it is customary to wash your face by filling the sink with water and adding skin care products to the water. This also allows you to get a therapeutic effect.

To wash yourself, just take a shower. On average, a shower consumes 5–7 times less water than a bath. And to reduce its consumption to a minimum, use water when rinsing and washing off the foam. Reduce your shower time to 5-7 minutes. Every two minutes taken from own desire Soaking under the warm streams for a longer time will save up to 30 liters of water. The shower handle with water flow interrupter reduces water consumption by another quarter. The use of an economical diffuser with a smaller hole diameter will allow you to comfortably use water at half the consumption. As a rule, such attachments are included in the kit on new faucets.

But, if you still prefer to relax in the bath, fill the bathtub halfway to save money.

To wash clothes, it is more economical to use washing machines than to wash them by hand. Now they are equipped with special sensors that accurately determine the amount of laundry and automatically control water consumption, taking into account the volume and type of load. By the way, this also saves energy. In many washing machines There is a half-load mode that can be turned on when you only need to wash a few shirts. In terms of saving water, it is preferable to purchase a machine with front loading

If you still prefer to wash by hand, do not rinse the laundry under running water. It is better to use a filled bath or basin.

In the kitchen:

Washing dishes under running water is doubly wasteful: in addition to water, the consumption of detergents increases. In Europe, it is common to clear plates of leftover food and collect them in the sink. Then add detergent and wash. It is preferable to have a sink with two compartments, so that in the second you can rinse in clean water. Water savings are 3–5 times compared to the flow-through option.

Using dishwashers - although more expensive, effective method saving water. Modern models consume only 13–15 liters per wash cycle, during which 9 sets of dishes are washed.

Only use the dishwasher with a full load.

When washing dishes, you can skip the initial rinsing stage - both manually and by machine, that is, do not turn on running water until the detergent is washed off.

It is economical to wash vegetables and fruits in a sink filled with water with the tap turned off.

Do not use water to defrost meat products. They can be defrosted by leaving them in the refrigerator overnight.

In the toilet:

Check carefully whether there is any water leakage from the cistern. It usually occurs due to old fittings in the tank. Replacing fittings is a cheap thing, but the savings are impressive. To check if there is a water leak in the toilet, you will need a small amount of food coloring. Pour it into the toilet tank and wait about 15 minutes. If the dye does not appear on the drain, then there is no leak.

If possible, change old toilet to a modern one, which is equipped with a combined flush - 6 l and 3 l. This will save up to 6 thousand liters of water per person per year. If cistern your toilet is not equipped with two flush modes, a simple remedy will help avoid water loss: fill a two-liter plastic bottle water and place in the tank. This simple device will save up to 20 liters of water per day.

Do not use the toilet as a trash can - this will allow you to press the flush less often.

Agriculture - land irrigation Drinking and cooking Solvent in industry Coolant - water has the highest heat capacity (heating networks) Fire fighting Sports - scuba diving, sports boating, biathlon, etc. WATER IS THE PERFECT SOURCE OF LIFE

Global problem humanity Gradual destruction and growing pollution of fresh water sources. Sewage and industrial waters, leaching of pesticides and other chemicals into water Damage to aquatic ecosystems and threat to living inhabitants of fresh rivers and reservoirs Deterioration of the health of nations

Do you know how much water we use? Each of us uses an average of about 300 liters daily. And what do we do with it? How much can you drink in a day? How much do you need for cooking and hygiene? Have you figured it out? Where did the rest of the water go? She just disappeared, she's gone. Each of us can painlessly reduce water consumption by about a third. We need to save water. Around the world, millions of people lack drinking water, not to mention water for household needs. To be wasteful under such conditions is immoral. Saving water does not require Herculean efforts. It is enough to follow simple rules and accustom yourself to minor restrictions. We installed a water meter in the house. This modern solution and a means for saving and accounting for consumption natural resources. A water meter is also a way to plan our family budget."

I try to save water. When I wash my face, I try not to use a lot of water. When I brush my teeth, I turn off the tap for a while so that the water does not flow in vain. Our apartment has faucets that allow us not to waste a lot of water. Unlike others, they can be turned on or off with one motion. It is very comfortable. When the mixer has two taps, in order to achieve the desired water temperature, you need to adjust the water pressure in each tap in turn.

Using water at home Purpose: to study water consumption in a house (apartment) and give recommendations for saving water. Object of study: water consumption in a house (apartment). Equipment: paper, pen, markers, calculator, information materials.

Water... amazing, paradoxical, mysterious, incomprehensible “Water stands apart in the history of our planet” V.I. Vernadsky “Water is more valuable than gold...” Antoine de Saint-Exupery “Life is animate water” E. Dubois “Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth” Leonardo da Vinci “Water is the beginning of everything” Thales of Miletus

March 22 is World Water Day! February 22, 1993 The UN General Assembly declared March 22 – World Water Day! Goal: to attract the attention of the planet's inhabitants to the problems of shortage of drinking water, the need for conservation and rational use of water resources.

Additional information Dripping from the tap is 24 liters. per day, 720 l. per month 144 liters flow from the tap. per day, 4000 l. per month The toilet leaks 2000 liters. per day, l. per month Taking a shower for 5 minutes, you spend about 100 liters. water A single toilet flush requires 8-10 liters. water Filling the bathtub only halfway, you spend 150 liters. water during wet cleaning at least 10 liters are consumed. Each wash of clothes in a washing machine requires over 100 liters. About 1000 liters of water are poured through an open tap. water in an hour.

Additional information A camel needs 20 liters. water for three weeks One American spends 635 liters. water per day, while an Indian needs 60 liters. According to the standards, for each resident of St. Petersburg there are 220 liters. cold water per day, actual consumption is at least 300 liters. per person.

Purpose of water use Approximate volume for each family member, in liters Possible techniques reducing water consumption yamamapapadr. Cooking: - breakfast - lunch - dinner - other Sanitary and hygienic measures: - washing hands, face - brushing teeth - taking a bath - taking a shower - using the toilet - other Household needs: - washing dishes - cleaning the apartment - laundry - watering flowers - other Add it yourself Total: Accounting for water consumption in the family

Environmental Study QuestionsYesNo When I brush my teeth, water flows until I finish. I usually take a shower. I love to take a bath. Our toilet tank is leaking at home. Our kitchen faucet is leaking. Our bathroom faucets are leaking. When I'm thirsty on a hot summer day, I run the tap water for a long time until it becomes cold. I always have drinking water in the refrigerator. Do you use to wash clothes: 1) an automatic machine 2) a rotary type machine 3) hand wash When I wash dishes, water flows all the time. I pour soapy water for washing dishes into one container, and clean water for rinsing into another.

Project objectives: to study the world's water reserves; how much water does a person need; problems related to water consumption; The practical part of the work: what is the water saving if we cook food. The purpose of the research work: to develop tips for saving water at home.

Sources of water and its types Water on Earth contains approximately 1500 million km3, and fresh water makes up about 10% of the total planetary water supply. Most of the water is not in open reservoirs, but in the earth's crust: 110-190 million km3. These waters are divided into two types according to the depth of their occurrence - groundwater and surface water. Deep underground waters are located tens to hundreds of meters from the surface of the earth, they permeate porous rocks, and also form giant underground pools surrounded by waterproof layers. The water in such underground reservoirs is under pressure.

located in the soil and upper layers of the earth's surface at a depth of several meters. Compared to deep waters, they have one disadvantage and one advantage. Disadvantage: these waters are much more actively in contact with the surface of the earth and therefore they are less protected from pollution than deep waters. The advantage of these waters is that they are more accessible and easily accumulated in wells and surface reservoirs. The next largest body of fresh water (20-30 million km3) is concentrated in the glaciers of Antarctica, Greenland and the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Fresh water from the atmosphere (about 13 thousand km3) we Another type groundwater surface, we receive in the form of precipitation - rain and snow. The world's oceans contain large reserves of water, which can be desalinated using various physicochemical methods.

The main supply of fresh water consumed by humans is concentrated in lakes and rivers. One of the largest Russian lake water storage facilities, Lake Baikal contains about 20 thousand km3 of water. Today, Baikal water is considered the cleanest in the world. So distributed water resources on our planet Another source of water is living organisms. Plants and animals, which are two-thirds water, contain 6 thousand km3 of water. The human body is in a state of continuous water exchange with environment: It secretes water in the form of sweat and urine and replenishes water loss with fresh water daily. If it is not possible to get drunk, then water is lost through sweat and exhaled air, and as a result, there is a threat of dehydration (dehydration) of the body.

Fresh water shortage is a phenomenon familiar to humanity since ancient times. More than once it has become the cause of crises and social disasters. In traditional societies, water shortages occurred on a local scale, and the resulting crises also remained local. But as humanity developed, the scale of both water shortages and crises increased. It was the water crisis, caused by the consequences of grandiose land reclamation works (namely, secondary salinization of the soil), that became the cause of the death of the civilization of Ancient Mesopotamia. Similar manifestations of inept water management led to the economic weakening of Carthage, followed by its defeat in the wars with Rome and its virtual disappearance from the map of the Ancient Mediterranean. These days, the water crisis is acquiring global proportions.

World water reserves Global problems of fresh water on earth Water is the only substance that exists in nature Water is the only substance that exists in nature in liquid, solid and gaseous states exists in liquid, solid and gaseous states. The value of liquid water is essential. The value of liquid water varies significantly by location and varies depending on location and application possibilities. application possibilities. Fresh water is more widely used than salt water. Fresh water is more widely used than salt water. The fresh water on planet Earth is only 3%, and 97% The fresh water on planet Earth is only 3%, and 97% is salt water, which is unfit for is salt water, which is unfit for drinking, growing crops and drinking, growing crops and use in everyday life. Only 3% of household reserves remain. water that people use in their economic activities. But for some reason, many people think that this 3% But for some reason, many people think that this 3% is inexhaustible. inexhaustible. ..

Limited water resources have led to some regions and cities experiencing water shortages. drinking water. The time is over, The time is over when fresh water was considered as when fresh water was considered as a free gift of nature. For a free gift of nature. Today, some today some territories on Earth are already territories on Earth have already felt this. We felt the water savings. Saving water - According to the UN, a total shortage is not only a problem of saving, but also a problem not only of saving, but also of fresh water is just around the corner. If the survival of mankind... the survival of mankind takes into account that global consumption of fresh water from 1990 to 1995 increased 6 times, with a doubling of population, then the problem with fresh water will become increasingly worse.

Statistics, Alarming Statistics: Alarming: 1.1 billion people no longer have safe drinking water; 1.1 billion people no longer have safe drinking water; More than 80 countries (1.7 billion people) are experiencing a shortage of fresh water; More than 80 countries (1.7 billion people) are experiencing a shortage of fresh water; fresh water; Now fresh water is obtained from salt and sea water. Now fresh water is also obtained from salt and sea water, but it is expensive. Meanwhile, 1.3 billion people live in but it is expensive. Meanwhile, 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty. conditions of extreme poverty. The forecast for 2025 is simply frightening: out of every three The forecast for 2025 is simply frightening: out of every three people on the planet, two will experience a lack of people on the planet, two will experience a lack of fresh water. Over the past 40 years, the amount of fresh fresh water. Over the past 40 years, the amount of fresh water available to each person in the world has decreased by 60%. The water available to every person in the world has decreased by 60%. Over the next 25 years, a further reduction by another 2 times is expected over the next 25 years. reduction by another 2 times. Therefore, the most urgent task is not Therefore the most urgent task is not only the study of water reproduction, placing hopes only on the study of water reproduction, placing hopes on the ice sheets of Antarctica, hopes on the ice sheets of Antarctica, Greenland, the Arctic, but also the use of Greenland, the Arctic, but also the use of various methods saving water by people everywhere various ways to save water by people everywhere. and everywhere.

Ways to save Ways to save water in the home: water in the home: - turn off the water while brushing your teeth - turn off the water while brushing your teeth - when taking a shower, turn off the water during - when taking a shower, turn off the water while soaping - load the dishwasher and - load dishwashers and washing machines as much as possible - do not keep the water on all the time when - do not keep the water on all the time when cooking, etc…. cooking, etc…. WE DECIDED TO CHECK AND CALCULATE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL WAY, WE DECIDED TO CHECK AND CALCULATE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL WAY, EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO WATER SAVINGS, IF THERE WILL BE WATER SAVINGS, EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE, IF THERE WAS ANY AMOUNT OF SAVINGS, TO THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM WHAT AMOUNT OF SAVINGS DO WE REGULARLY FOLLOW AT LEAST ONE OF THE PROBLEM? REGULARLY FOLLOW AT LEAST ONE OF THE ABOVE POINTS. OF THE POINTS LISTED ABOVE.