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So that the husband does not walk to the left. Conspiracies to stop your husband from walking and turning to the left are the most powerful rituals. Conspiracy for reconciliation

No couple is immune from infidelity in a relationship. It is believed that men are polygamous by nature, so women in relationships are much more likely to worry that a man might cheat on them. Of course, the most The best way Insuring against infidelity means building an honest and trusting relationship with your loved one. But sometimes you can insure yourself in a magical way. It is precisely for these cases that there is a conspiracy against cheating on a husband.

How does the conspiracy against cheating husband work?

Any magical conspiracy is nothing more than an influence on the will of a person. How to make a person think and act exactly as you want. It is precisely for these purposes that they are used magic ritual. It helps to inspire another person with what you want to receive from him. In principle, a conspiracy to prevent a husband from cheating is a fairly simple and harmless procedure. The fact is that this conspiracy does not enter into an intrapersonal conflict.

The fact is that when a man gets married, he, as a rule, wants to remain faithful, some part of it. This means that the conspiracy against betrayal will work on that part of it that supports the idea of ​​jealousy.

Of course, it may also be that a man does not adhere to the idea of ​​fidelity at all and considers it normal to cheat on his wife. In this case, the situation is more complicated. Because here the idea of ​​fidelity, imposed by the conspiracy, comes into conflict with the true opinion of the husband, who considers betrayal to be an absolutely normal phenomenon. From this state of affairs, from intrapersonal conflict, there may be Negative consequences, which can be expressed in a sharp change in mood, in this case a man’s character can deteriorate greatly. In this case, the wife may even regret that she brought such a conspiracy on him. But even if this happened, you can always do another ritual that will help correct the created state of affairs.

In what situations can a spell be used?

If we consider situations in which it is worth using a conspiracy, there may be several of them:

  1. A wife can use a conspiracy against cheating if she initially notices an increased interest in other women in her husband. There are some men who don’t even hide how much they are interested in other women sexually. So that such a husband does not cheat and is always faithful to his wife, a conspiracy is used.
  2. The conspiracy against betrayal can be read by a wife if the fact of betrayal has already occurred. If a woman has found the strength in herself and decided to forgive her unfaithful husband, then she can make sure that the past betrayal becomes a real lesson for him, and this is exactly what a correctly performed magical ritual will help with.
  3. Such a conspiracy against betrayal can be carried out not only by the wife herself. A mother can do this to her son before his marriage, for example. If the mother is aware that her son likes to date more than just one girl at a time, then if she knows that he is capable of cheating, then she can protect her future daughter-in-law.
  4. You can perform such a magical love ritual if your husband goes somewhere far away. At a distance, the degree of love and flirtation between spouses, for obvious reasons, decreases, and the man’s attention dissipates. This leads to the fact that the likelihood of betrayal increases several times. It is in such a situation that it will be very useful to cast such a conspiracy on your loved one.

Spell on underwear

A conspiracy against betrayal is, of course, a magical ritual that involves working with sexual energy. For this reason, it is very good to cast a similar spell on your loved one’s underwear. It is necessary to perform such a ritual during the period when the moon is waxing. Stock up on your husband's underpants in advance, no matter what shape or color they are. You will also need a candle to carry out the ritual.

Stay alone indoors. No one should disturb you, neither animals nor other people. Also turn off all electrical appliances in the room and light a candle instead. First you need to get ready for the ritual. You need to tune yourself, mind and soul. Take a deep breath and exhale to make your head clearer. After this, begin the ritual. Hold your loved one's underwear. Then you need to read the following ritual:

“From now on, the servant of God (husband’s name), no matter who you desire, and all your desires will return to the servant of God (your name). All other women will fight off these desires and they will all return to me. You won’t have a mistress, you won’t fall in love with your mistress, you’ll spend all your libido on me. Our love will become stronger when you release all your passion on me, our love will become better when you turn all your attention to me. You should only be with me, you will love only me passionately. I can’t force it, but I can easily start talking. My strong words penetrate the soul, my well-aimed words hit like an arrow. You don’t feel desire for any girl except me. You will not turn out to be a traitor, only a faithful and honest husband. Our relationship is pure, our relationship is passionate, all your thoughts are at home, with me. My words are strong, my words penetrate your soul.”

After this, for a couple of minutes, holding the underwear in your hands, think about your loved one. Then quickly put out the candle and leave the room. It is necessary to arrange it so that it is this underwear that your loved one puts on the next morning. It is also advisable to have sex with your husband the next evening. This practice is very effective, by the way, it is not so easy, it can be removed if desired. With the help of this practice, it is good to attune your husband to the feeling of home and family. So that he has a certain longing for home and for you, which simply will not give him the opportunity to change. It is very good to carry out this practice if your husband leaves home for a long time.

Spell on a flower and a tree

This conspiracy, so that the husband does not offend his wife by cheating, must be carried out in summer period of the year. Specifically during the period when poppies and trees bloom. A similar ritual is performed on wormwood. With the help of this magical love ritual, you will make sure that your husband will not go on the side. These rituals should be performed on a clear summer day, lunar calendar it must be the waxing moon.

Go to a place outside of nature, where poppies bloom and trees grow. Poppy red and in this case it will symbolize the passion with which you will work through the conspiracy. First, approach the flower, look at it more carefully, imbue it with a feeling of respect and admiration, in this way you will establish contact with it, and the flower will respond. If there is contact, then you can read the plot:

“Handsome, slim, plump, you remind me of my man. I turn love spells to you so that my man can turn his wife to me once and for all. Only my wife, let the servant of God (husband’s name) love me, let him only caress his wife with his eyes and hands, let him not offend his wife, he passionately desires his wife, he doesn’t want anyone else, only his wife. I can’t force it, but I ask my man to speak of love and passion for me. Nothing will happen against the power of nature. Strong conspiracy to strong and beautiful flower and to a faithful man. I’m turning the situation around on myself.”

After this, go to the masculine tree, hug it and you need to read the following plot:

“I want to admit that I love the servant of God (the man’s name), I do rituals for him, I read prayers so that he will love me alone. You are a mighty, beautiful tree, make sure that he can only show nobility towards me, there are no others for him, no matter who he communicates with in life. So that he could admire me alone in life, so that he could bewitch him forever. For him there is only me and he doesn’t need to do anything, without me it’s like without air. I tell you my fate, I tell you prayers so that he loves me, loves his wife, no one else. The words are strong, the rituals are reliable.”

Ask the tree for sincere care, like your father, and let your husband treat you just as tenderly. If you were sincere in the rituals, then a change in your relationship with your husband will come very soon. You can check this by how he takes care of you and protects you.

Food spell

Food conspiracies work very well. You can cast a magical love spell on salt in advance, and then use this salt to salt your loved one’s food during a romantic dinner.

For salt in the appropriate atmosphere and the corresponding lunar day, you need to read the following plot:

“My eye is loving and all-seeing. I look at my husband and talk to him from going out to his side. He won’t want to, he won’t be able to, he won’t love him, he is only faithful to his wife, all his thoughts are about her. My boyfriend, my husband, my beloved. Your fate is bitter with others, but with me alone you feel good.”

This must be a completely new pack of salt. You can completely salt the food you are preparing for your loved one. But it is important to make sure that no one else eats this salt or food with the charmed salt. By the way, such a ritual is the best way to punish a man for treason. If you love him, then forgive him and whisper to yourself during dinner:

“It’s easy to punish, but I won’t give it to someone else, punish me and leave it with me, I prepared food for you, I spoke to you, I will become your beloved.”

Conspiracies work even better if carried out on church holidays, Maundy Thursday, Easter.

This ritual is performed on the full moon; if it also coincides with Sunday, the power will be even greater. Go out into an open space, such as a balcony, look at the moon and say these words:

“Moon, help me preserve fragile, better love. Help me tell the servant of God (the man’s name) that I love him alone, and I want fidelity from him. Let him hear my heart from a distance, let him keep our love. Help him open his heart and let me into it, thoughts about me, feelings about me. I ask for what is mine, I fight for what is mine, let what is mine remain with me. The moon will give me wisdom."

Even if you have a very difficult state of mind, such a ritual can still be performed. It works very well, it's white magic. This magic helps to find out the true feelings of all participants in the situation. After such a ritual, your soul usually becomes much calmer.

Is it possible to bewitch your husband on your own without bad consequences? I, magician Sergei Artgrom, within the framework of our topic - love witchcraft, magical rituals and home conspiracies in the practices of black magic - this is a rhetorical question that does not require an answer due to its obviousness. You can have a magical effect on any person. The weak will succumb to influence immediately. You will have to fight with the strong, but even the strong can be forced to bear the love spell burden.

Independent conspiracies against cheating on your husband - how to read them and what they give

Today the focus of our attention is on legitimate husbands and homewreckers - rivals. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in what ways you can bewitch your husband using a photo, and what the consequences of doing it yourself can be. And, in addition, we’ll talk about how to use a strong conspiracy against your husband’s mistress in order to destroy an affair on the side and preserve the integrity of the marriage.

Just for this, to save a marriage and maintain a full-fledged relationship, there is a home ritual against cheating on your husband. Take the man’s shoes, slam the sole against the sole 3 times and say:

“Wherever you (name) were, you would still grieve for your home. Walk from me, and run to me (name).

They read home conspiracies for the husband not to cheat, on the waning moon, in contrast to those that are read for love, so that the husband is kind and caring, on the waxing moon. If strong black magic conspiracies are chosen, they are read according to all the rules of black love witchcraft, with the calling of Powers, payoffs, and so on. There are a huge number of conspiracies and love spells for harmonizing relationships for husband’s fidelity, which work on the power of the performer and according to the laws of sympathetic magic.

And if you work with Christian Forces within the framework of white magic, and read conspiracies for husband's mistress, then this must be done according to the rules of the Christian egregor, and no other way. Here is an example of a white conspiracy against a husband’s infidelity and to hide him from other people’s women.

Husband's plot not to look at other girls

In order to make a conspiracy for your husband’s fidelity yourself, you need to have:

  • wax church candle
  • piece of red paper
  • photo of husband

Light a candle, put a photograph of your husband in front of you, and read a home spell on it if your husband looks at other women:

“Beyond the blue sea there is a stone island, on that island there is a fiery furnace. Seven heroes, seven fiery swords burn in it. I, God's servant (name), call upon fire from the furnace. Stand like a fire wall, stand around my husband, God's servant (name). Burn the girl and the woman, the maiden, the young woman, the widow, and any other female gender, if she wants the love of my husband, God's servant (name). Just don’t burn me, God’s servant (name), don’t stab me with fiery swords, just let me through. Amen".

Let the candle burn to the ground. Wrap the cinder along with the photo in paper and hide it at home.

If the husband looks at other women - disgust with the power of a black conspiracy

This magical ritual has proven itself to be very useful and effective. Read the plot for the love of your husband using the smoke from a burning aspen tree. You can light a splinter, but I... magician Sergei Artgrom recommends building a fire and reading an independent plot against your husband’s infidelity in the thick smoke. It is possible for a man to have disgust for all women except his legal wife.

You can use an independent conspiracy on your husband’s feelings for other purposes - to dissuade him from addictions: binge drinking, smoking, gambling addiction, as well as other personality disorders and bad habits. In love matters, it will work for relationships in which people have been in a long time, and not out of love, but out of habit. This homemade plot for your husband to never cheat is read at least 3 times, and to strengthen and consolidate the result, it is better to read more than one day.

“Go, first smoke, beyond the black forest, the black swamp, the black roads to the iron rapids. Those rapids at iron door where different animals live. There is also a door where the unbaptized Mamaev beast lives. Whoever looks at him will remember the kingdom of heaven. The slave (name) will become disgusted with (describe what exactly the disgust should arise for). The beast will turn him away for three years from this hour, on my order, through the black door, behind which Mamaev’s beast. Key, lock, iron threshold. Amen".

The unbaptized Mamaev beast is evil spirits. Before a witchcraft ritual against a man’s betrayal, make a call on the Forces. This is not a mandatory but desirable condition. Payment to the crossroads. Using the ritual as a love spell to ward off a husband from a specific girl and from all other women, you can read it like this:

“Go, first smoke, beyond the black forest, the black swamp, the black roads to the iron rapids. Those thresholds at the iron door where various animals live, there is also such a door where the unbaptized Mamaev beast lives. Whoever looks at him will remember the kingdom of heaven. And my husband (name) will become disgusted with all the women besides me, the witch (name). The beast will turn him away from them for three years from this hour, on my order, through the black door behind which Mamaev’s beast. Key, lock, iron threshold. Amen".

Real conspiracy if the husband looks at other women, designed for complex work. But even one, in its pure form, witchcraft ritual works. The effect can last up to several months, then repeat. Do it, of course, on the waning moon, when all the cleansing and lapel-sorting work is most favorable.

There are suspicions that the rival bewitched her husband - clear signs of witchcraft

And now a few words about how to find out if a husband is bewitched by his mistress? The signs of a love spell on a man were discussed. Strong love spell with the subordination of a married guy, zombification, egylet always leaves markers in the emotional sphere. The man becomes aggressive or sad, and problems begin in the financial sphere, with health, and with self-esteem.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A practicing magician catches such changes immediately, often even as the negativity approaches. He sees reliable signs that the husband has been greatly bewitched, and therefore has the opportunity to react quickly, and intercept the love spell cast on the guy, preventing it from taking root. In addition, powerful love spells married men, usually done in combination with ruffles and lapels. And such influences will not go unnoticed by a real magician, or even just a person interested in witchcraft.

Let us now figure out what needs to be done if a husband is bewitched by his mistress, and what witchcraft rituals can be done independently at home.

If your husband is bewitched by another woman - how to correct the situation

Hot on your heels, you can do a magical rite of closure from cheating on bear fat yourself. Melt the fat, dip a brush into it and apply an equilateral Cross of Strength to the sole of your beloved husband’s shoes.

Read the love plot from a man’s betrayal to eternal fidelity three times:

“Just as all the people are afraid of the evil brown bear, so let my husband (name) be afraid of someone else’s woman and girl. Just as people run away from a brown bear, let my husband (name) rush away from any girl. Key, lock, threshold. Amen".

An effective conspiracy to cool down your husband - relieve longing for your rival

The moon is waning, speak for food or drink for 3 days in a row. You can read it with water and give it to your husband to drink. What is needed is good, clear visualization.

“As in the red spring, in the clear sun, white snowballs flow down from the mountains and from the meadows, steep banks, so the melancholy and grief, secret thoughts from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the black eyebrows, from red blood from his violent head. So that he doesn’t yearn and remember, doesn’t hold it in his thoughts, doesn’t think in his mind, doesn’t see it in a dream, doesn’t raise his eyes when he meets slave (name), doesn’t reach out to her with affectionate hands, doesn’t look out her window, doesn’t look for a meeting, doesn’t look for words I wouldn’t speak, I wouldn’t write to her with a pen, I wouldn’t want her with my body. Strengthen my words with a strong fortress, a holy prosphyra, someone else's grave, a night star, a salty tear, all the blood of human flesh. Amen".

If it is not possible to spell food or add water to your husband, a love spell from a bewitching rival can be used at a distance - make a casting. Also pour for at least 3 days. A conspiracy for a beloved husband from a rival, very well behaved.

A strong conspiracy to turn a husband away from his mistress - a turn on the nine of spades

To do this myself lapel ritual, you need the following materials:

  • deck of 36 cards
  • 2 regular wax candles
  • 1 black candle
  • photo of the person for whom the magic ritual is performed

Do it any day. Place the deck of cards on the table. Light 2 candles on the sides. Place and light a black candle opposite the deck, and read the plot to turn your husband away from his mistress 8 times:

“36 warriors, then the army of demons, the forces of the underworld are filled,

now incredulity, now separated secrets, blasphemy almighty, human hearts that are filled with languor of love, plagued by blasphemous rifts. At this hour of marmot, I call out to you from the nobility of hell, I summon you, as the earth calls out to the sun every day, and open it with the sunrise, so I call out 36 gambling demons, and not all of them, but only nine, which I have been doing for a long time. Come as my ruler. Amen".

After this, take the deck, shuffle it several times, and from it take out a nine of spades with the words the strongest conspiracy to her husband's mistress:

“For solid separation, what curled up into one, then split into two, nines, demons, strongholds of love. (name) and (name) cannot create delights together, between them there is devilry, and on the ninth of the month there is a homewrecker. This legend is powerful. Amen".

Then take a photo, drip wax from a black candle onto it, and attach the nine of spades to the photo with the front side. Place the entire deck on top, pressing down the photo. Leave it like this until the morning. The next morning, bury it under any tree, while reading: “(Name) and (name) are trampled by separation. Amen". Leave as expected - silently and without turning around. The Black Forces, of course, need a payoff, since the ritual is demonic.

Unfortunately, men often cheat on their wives. This entails many negative consequences: children become half-orphans, families break up. But there are conspiracies to prevent your husband from going out, which help to avoid such troubles.

Is it worth using spells?

Even knowing about the existence of conspiracies, thousands of women do not dare to use them for fear of harming their husbands. Their fears are not in vain if we are not talking about black magic. In other cases it is even useful. Conspiracies will help a man:

  • remember past feelings for you;
  • forget about other women;
  • settle down and become more reasonable.

It is also possible that your rival herself stops loving your husband.

The desire to return a man to the family is quite logical and justified. No one will judge or reproach you for it. After all, the Bible says that husbands should love their wives as strongly and selflessly as Christ loved the church.

Method one

First of all, we want to tell you about one of the most powerful conspiracies against the partying of a cheating husband. Using it, any woman will be able to “bring to her senses” her betrothed and make him come to his senses before it’s too late.

You need to read this plot late in the evening. You should first prepare properly: cover the table with a snow-white tablecloth, placing a bowl with thirteen raw eggs in the center. Then each of them, holding the sharp end towards you, needs to be crushed. This should be done so that the yolk and white flow down between the fingers. At the same time, say the following:

“There are twelve saints, and thirteen eggs.
How God's people destroyed evil,
This is how my husband (name) would be seen off
Gray-haired and young women, women and widows.
Let him be a stallion with me,
And with the rest - a gelding.
The eggs are breaking
A ring is put on the soul,
And my word comes true.
Lock, key, tongue.
Amen (three times)."

As a result, your husband will only be able to have intimate relations with you.

Method two

Here is another time-tested conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating. You need to read it while drinking it cold, and then give it to your unfaithful spouse to drink at the beginning, end and middle of the month:

“Just as a brownie will not betray his house, his floor and his wall,
So my dear will not cheat on me with any of the women.

Method three

To prevent a man from cheating on you, cut a clothesline somewhere and say the following words to it: “Holy Spirit, Father and Son, help! Just as this rope hangs upright and bends, so may the genital organ of my husband (name) not react to all women on the planet except me. Amen".

The rope must be placed under the threshold of the house so that the man can step over it. Then take it out from there and cut off small pieces, placing them in your loved one’s trousers. As a result, he will stop hanging out and will never cheat on you.

Down with partying and drinking

Very often, men not only “go to the left”, but also spend a lot of time with friends, drink alcohol for a day and go around unknown. In this case, a conspiracy will help so that the husband does not drink and spends more time with his family.

Take a thin silk thread, divide it into two parts, lubricate them with honey and say out loud: “Lord.” Remember King David with his meekness, pacify your servant (husband’s name). Let empty fun become disgusting to him, and love for me with new strength will light up. Let my husband (name) cannot live without his home, like birds without a nest, and bees without honey. My word is strong, but the thread is invisible. Even someone who has drunk the ocean cannot break it. Amen".

Now wipe one of the two halves of the thread thoroughly and sew it discreetly to the clothes that your spouse usually wears when going for a walk. Hide the second part of the thread. The best place to do this is next to the bed.

Preventing or stopping infidelity

To prevent your husband’s infidelity or to wean a man from debauchery, you can perform the following ritual. By the way, it is best to do it on Wednesday. So, go to the nearest coniferous forest and light a fire there. Place your husband's shirt there, sprinkled with pine needles on top. Speak the following words into the smoke: “From various fornications, from your betrayal. Language is a lock. The body is in business, the matter is in the key, and the key is in the lock. As I said, so it will be. Amen".

Another method

Is your husband cheating on you? Then use this spell from an old Siberian healer - it will definitely help. and fornicate, find a dried stump in the field and tie your belt from a dress or other clothing around it. Tighten its ends with a knot, but first say the spell words:

“The stump is to the ground, and the water is to the river,
My husband's hand to my hand.
When he comes to this stump,
When the knot breaks,
Only then will he leave me
He will go to someone else.
My word is molded, but my deed is strong.

Dough spell

You can stop your husband’s infidelity by kneading the dough on a decreasing scale and molding 2 figures from it. One of them should depict a woman - your possible rival, and the second - your husband.

After making the figures, bury them in the ground as far from each other as possible. For each of them, read the following conspiracy: “Never shall my husband (name) sleep, raise children, or live with anyone but me. Amen!".

So as not to feed

So that another woman does not feed your betrothed and lure him to her, say the following: “How this flesh seethes and how it can no longer live alive, so let no one manage to feed my husband (name). Neither salty, nor boiled, nor sweet. You can’t drink from a mug and spoon, you can’t ruin it with a whisper, you can’t feed you from dishes. No one will interrupt my word until the dog sings like a nightingale. Amen".

Conspiracy of the Pechora healer

To prevent your husband from going out, give him some fresh milk to drink in the evening, after telling him off. Say it like this:

“I, God's servant (name)
She was expecting her husband (name)
She endured with her soul, she burned with fire.
My husband is as cruel as a stone
And I dull my teeth and chew the earth.
Just as my blood boils, his liver hurts.
With me, with me
If only he were mine.
Virgin Mary and Jesus,
Help bring the man back to the house.

Love spell results

Our great-grandmothers proved that love spells are effective and efficient. They are a kind of guarantee that the desired will come true, in this case, the husband will stop cheating on his wife.

Not everything in the family is built on the intimate relationships of the spouses. At the same time, if a man begins to cheat, he will move away from his loved ones and lose not only physical, but also mental contact with them. Therefore, you can and should prevent this by using conspiracies.

It happens that conspiracies do not help. This means you did something wrong. In this situation, you need to repeat the steps again, following the rules. And then everything will definitely work out.

When your beloved boyfriend or husband cheats, it seems that the world has collapsed. There is a breakup or collapse of the family ahead. It is harder to create a happy couple than to destroy it. It is better to try to correct the mistakes of your loved one, and to prevent stupid betrayals in the future. You should read the plot so that your husband does not cheat, and live as a happy couple. A conspiracy against betrayal will save a marriage or relationship with a loved one. Let your envious people look for happiness in another place, and not at your home.

Features of love conspiracies

Love magic can have a very strong influence on a person, so resort to it only if nothing else helps, and breaking up is not the best solution in your situation.

Beginning serious relationship, your chosen one did not plan to cheat, at least this happens most often, so the magical effect will not come into conflict with his personality. Perhaps the betrayal happened by chance or there was a purposeful homewrecker next to him. In such a situation, there should be no negative consequences from the use of magic. If you have always noticed longing glances at other girls behind your husband or boyfriend and have repeatedly accused him of cheating, then the conspiracy here will most likely come into conflict with the personality of the conspirator and negative consequences may appear. Therefore, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Conspiracy for husband's fidelity

The betrayal is obvious and has been fully revealed by you. You have decided to preserve your happiness and prevent your beloved from committing misdeeds in the future. Here are the simple items we will need:

Cold running water;
Any container: glass, cup or saucer.

The spell should be carried out with poured water - three times a month. Do the ritual at the beginning of the month, in the middle, at the end of the calendar month. When you cast a spell on your loved one, imagine your husband. Here's what you need to read on the water:

“A brownie cannot change his home. May my betrothed be just as faithful to me, slave (your name). Amen".

A brownie never betrays his home, and your loved one will never cheat on his woman again. After the ritual, wash your hands thoroughly.

There is another strong way against adultery - with the help of a candle. We take a wax candle and take out a thread wick from it. Set fire to the thread on both sides and cast a spell. Speak quickly while the fuse is smoldering:

“This fire is eternal. It is marked with gold. And also silver and various other goods. Amen".

Extinguish the thread. You have a talisman that will act against the betrayal of a loved one. Always carry the thread with you.

So that the husband does not walk around with other women

Take a hair from the gelding's mane, slander the hair, then burn it, put the ashes in the pocket of the husband who is walking away from his wife. Read after sunset:

“They took a young stallion (name) out into the field, and when they returned him, they turned him into a gelding. That gelding does not run, the gelding's vein is not worth a single mare, and the slave (name) is not worth a single young woman, neither light nor dark, neither sad nor cheerful, from now on and forever. Amen."

Red ribbon - a symbol of fidelity

It is good to use a red ribbon against the infidelity of a loved one. Your boyfriend will forget what it's like to cheat.

You will need to buy a meter of red satin or silk ribbon. Cut a piece from the tape that is equal to the length of your loved one’s penis. When you indulge in lovemaking, the tape should be under the pillow. Let it gain your energy of love.

Wait until your boyfriend falls asleep and tie seven knots on the ribbon. You keep the tape - the guy remains faithful to you. Talisman of fidelity. Relationships may end. If you decide to break up with your boyfriend, untie the knots on the tape and throw it away. If you don't do this, you are dooming yourself to unnecessary suffering. The connection with the guy will continue, and the relationship will heat up like heat in a forge. You need to get rid of unnecessary connections like clothes with holes.

Prevention of betrayal

Some girls and women are like grandmasters in chess. They calculate all the opponent's moves in advance and make their own calculations. It’s better to prevent your beloved guy from cheating on you than to suffer from his spree later. All women do this because they want loyalty from their loved one.

This powerful plot is made for love and fidelity. The beautiful moon will help in our business. Find a perfectly round mirror - a shape that will represent the sky. The mirror frame is golden in color. As a last resort - a silver tint. No sharp corners are allowed in the frame - because our relationship will be smooth and happy. Why do we need bad relationships?

We will perform the ceremony on the full moon. The full moon always has a lot of energy that it is happy to share. The full moon is fully reflected in your mirror. Point a mirror at the moon, which should absorb the lunar power. The ritual is carried out for at least three hours, because we need the full surrender of the moon.

Is the energy up? If yes, then put the mirror in a silk bag, or maybe in a brocade bag. No one but you should pick up your magic mirror. You are also forbidden to look into it, so as not to mix your and lunar energy.
IN this method Observance of the moon phase is mandatory.

Now for 15 days we read any strong love spell. Maybe this one:

“Everyone has bad manners, bad faces, terrible figures. I am one beauty, I can make everyone love me. I attract everyone's attention with my gaze. All men will like me."

When the moon is full again, then we continue the ritual. Now we need to stand so that the full moon is behind us. Look in the mirror - you should see both the full moon and your face. There will be an exchange. You will absorb the lunar beauty, and the mirror will absorb your energy.

Then you should wait for the new full moon. We repeat the love spell you have chosen and again perform the exchange with the mirror and the moon. Imagine the type of man you are. What he should be - your loved one. If you have a guy in mind, introduce him. Now our mirror is ready for its mission.

You need to show the mirror to the person you want to be with for the rest of your life. The mirror should see your boyfriend's face. The ritual is strong, so you shouldn’t wave a mirror in front of everyone you meet. Show him who your heart points to. Your feelings must be real.

The ritual will help the guy marry you as soon as possible and be faithful to you until the grave. Weigh the pros and cons again. Is he my only one?

If you want fidelity from your soul mate, then read the plot against betrayal. Reading a strong conspiracy will give results if you believe in it. Remember that there must still be real feelings and understanding of each other.

A strong conspiracy to punish your husband for cheating

When you want to cry from resentment, but your heart cannot forgive and demands punishment for the offender, then you can resort to magic and read the conspiracy. But this should be done only when you are sure that there is no point in saving the family, and you don’t want to.
One of the possible conspiracies:

“I love you, but I want to take revenge, and I don’t want to destroy you. I invite the devils and firmly ask you to let me know, even if I sin cruelly. You will suffer for lies and betrayal, so that you understand, damned, how to cause pain. It will be disgusting in the soul and weak in the body, and stuffy with fear in a cozy bed. All this will last until you understand, with repentance in your heart, you will crawl to me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

With the first feeling that all the power has been given to the words, you can stop reading the words. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the plot does not turn into imposing damage.

So that your husband cannot sleep with anyone but you

If your husband likes to party, you can make sure that nothing works out for him with anyone.

To do this, you need to take a hair from the gelding’s mane and thread it, along with an elastic band, into his underpants, while reading the hex.

“A gelding has no bones equal to any mare, neither black nor bay.”

“From an agile sorcerer, from a damask knife, so that the slave (name) does not have a stiff vein, a white body. Not for any slave except me:
Not on the dark
Not for the light
Not even smart
Not like a patchwork one,
Not on a windy day,
Not to the oncoming one,
Not on the transverse
From now on forever. Forever and ever.

So that nothing happens between the husband and the other woman in bed

“Just as a brownie cannot cheat on his house, his sex, his wall, so with not a single slave, nor with a beauty, nor with a pockmarked woman, my dear will not cheat on me. Amen."

They read to themselves during love affairs.

For the husband's return to the house

If your husband left you, buy a candle and light it while reading.

“How I, the servant of God (name), was baptized in church with my dear mother, and with my godmother, and with the Mother of the Lord. Mother Holy Mother of God, for the sake of baptism, give me forgiveness. Please help me, bring my husband back to me. Amen."

So that the husband does not walk

They collect cobwebs in the forest on aspen trees. They collect by going into the forest three times, for three days in a row. They brew tea for the husband and put it in there.

“There are trees in the forest, an aspen grows there, a spider lives on it, it weaves a web. The spider wove traps for the servant of God (name). Boil, web, boil, turn yourself into a net, so that my husband does not walk with girls, with women, neither in the morning, nor in the afternoon, nor in the evening, nor from midnight until the morning. Just as a spider sits in its web, so the slave (name) would sit in my house, would not leave me anywhere, would still admire me. Amen."

Whisper in the back

“Little devils, stand behind the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Footprint after footstep, step by step, don’t lag behind and don’t leave behind, remind me of me. So that he knows and remembers my name, and never forgets. Amen."

Whispers on the threshold

“Go where you went, you’ll still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen."

Whispers in bed

“You are a Leo, I am your Lioness, you are my Dove, I am your Dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything else. Amen."

To quarrel between the husband and the homewrecker to return to the family

“I will take the heart of God’s servant (name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state. So that the slave (name) does not love the slave (name), cools his heart, does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So if the servant of God (name) fought and pinched, got angry and swore with the servant of God (name), he would not think twice, would not give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen."

Spell for husband's love (for salt)

They read for salt so that they can add salt to food for their husband.

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so that my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, a minute passes, he would still follow me and admire me. Amen."

Spell on the castle

Buy a new lock, lock it with the key, while saying a spell, throw away the key.

“Just as no one will open this lock without a key, no one will separate you and me. Amen."

If your husband is under a love spell

If you find in the forest a young tree of any tree that reaches your waist in height, break it at the root and say:

“As I break this tree, all the affairs of the slave (name of his mistress) are broken. Just as this tree doesn’t bloom this year, her business won’t go well. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

So that the husband loves and does not walk away from his wife

Add salt to your husband's food with this curse. He will love you and will never take sides.

“The salt of the earth was given by God, I was told from the betrayal of God’s servant (name), so that my husband would love me more than life itself and never leave me. Key, lock, salt on the threshold. Amen."

So that you don’t eat or drink from other people’s women

With this slander, discourage him once and for all from the desire to eat and drink around women. Even if he is hungry, food will not go down his throat. Hex:

“33 birds flew in and ate grains. They ate and drank and said: “Don’t eat, slave (name), in someone else’s garden, at someone else’s table from the hands of white people, not within your own walls. Neither a young woman, nor an old woman, nor a black one, nor a white one, nor a red one, nor anyone else, but eat and drink with me alone, with your wife, God’s servant (name). Amen."

So as not to feed

Everyone knows that they cast a love spell on food. To put a talisman, they do the following: they read it on the meat, which is boiling, skimming off the foam, put it in a plate, and then feed it to the dogs.

“Just as this flesh boils and seethes and just as it can no longer live alive, so my husband (name) cannot be fed to anyone: neither raw, nor boiled, nor sweet, nor salty. You can’t ruin it with a whisper, you can’t drink it from a spoon, you can’t drink it from a mug, you can’t feed it from a plate. Boil, flesh, boil away, and you, dog, eat up the trouble. Until the dog sings like a nightingale, until then no one will interrupt my word. Neither the witch, nor the witch, nor the king, the word, the queen. Amen."

To prevent my husband from cheating

“Oh, mother of the first star, high in the sky, from me
far away, see the slave (name), meet him on the road,
in someone else's garden, on a changeable threshold, in a house, in a field,
on land and at sea. Make him sad
so that he doesn’t sit with other people’s girls, bread and salt from other people’s hands
didn’t take him, didn’t fall asleep in someone else’s bed, about me,
I never forgot my wife (name) for an hour.
Take him, star, under the bridle, bring him here,
to me, God's servant (name).
Ako the bird flies to its nest,
cattle to their meadow,
horse before foaling, sheep before lambing,
mother to her child.
So that the servant of God (name) runs
before me, before the servant of God (name),
to my black eyebrows,
to my clear eyes, to my scarlet lips, to my white face,
to the zealous heart, to my home,
to the marital threshold.

So that my darling can go anywhere without passing the threshold

They read while drinking, eating, on even days, during the full moon.

“Like a snake wriggles, its back bends, it crawls through the dust. So dear (name), no matter where he goes, where he sews his head, he will come to me. Amine"

The plot will make sure that the husband always hurries home, sits at home, does not drink or go out with friends, and hurries home after work . The wife must make a conspiracy to bind her husband to the house; for the ritual, pour water into a bucket, and then dip her chest in this water: first the left, and then the right, saying words of conspiracy:

How men, old and young, love women's breasts
And through this love they destroy their hearts,
So would you, my husband, servant of God (name),
He loved me alone
From all paths, from all roads I hurried home,
The day has not passed, the night has not passed,
Loved me, suffered and suffered,
On my mind, on my mind I kept
My name and me, the servant of God (name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen, Amen, Amen.

Now take this water and rinse the shirt your husband is wearing in it. After this, you need to wash the entire house (apartment) where you live with your husband with the charmed water, and pour the rest of the water into the toilet. If the wife independently performs this simple ritual with the reading of a special spell, the husband will forever stop drinking and going out with friends and will always be drawn home and will rush to his wife and children.

© Copyright: Magician


  • Is it possible to overcome alcoholism on your own and get rid of it forever? alcohol addiction- YES, THIS IS POSSIBLE and Magina will be happy to share my story of how I was able to cure my husband’s drunkenness in a way accessible to everyone - with the help of white magic, namely prayers against alcoholism and faith in the necessary good result. I think many of you have heard about the miraculous prayer before the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, which helps people get rid of alcoholism and cast out “alcoholic demons” from themselves.

  • Magic will help you cure alcoholism on your own, namely, church magic will help you quickly stop drinking. A person who has decided on a ritual against drunkenness in order to quit drinking once and for all needs to serve a prayer service in church to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface with the blessing of water. Store the resulting consecrated water in a closed jar and dilute the consecrated water 1:1 with holy water and drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach. For a complete home course of treatment for alcohol addiction with the help of church magic you need to serve at least 3 prayers in church for deliverance from drunkenness, performing the next one as soon as the water you read from drunkenness runs out. In addition to the ritual, in order to quickly cure your drunkenness, you can read a prayer for the treatment of alcohol addiction for 40 days in a row in front of the Akathist icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”:

  • A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help remove any person who is at a distance from you from binge drinking. Alcoholism conspiracies made with a new padlock are considered effective against drunkenness. It is this ancient and effective method self-recovery from heavy drinking at home has been helping wives and mothers for centuries! To carry out the conspiracy, buy a new padlock, and when you come home, lock it with a key. To make a spell to get rid of binge drinking, heat the key on the fire and throw it into a pre-prepared cold water. As soon as he hisses, quickly say a conspiracy against binge drinking:

  • A strong spell on ice will cool the craving for drunkenness and, as a result of a turn away from alcoholism made on ice, the charmed person, taking a glass, will experience a strong aversion to alcohol. You can read the ice plot for three months in a row on the waning moon. Place a piece of ice or an icicle in a cup on the windowsill so that it melts overnight and you can see the moon. Getting up early in the morning at sunrise, when the icicle has melted into the resulting melt water, read the conspiracy to get rid of drunkenness three times within seven days (week):

  • The prayer to John of Kronstadt that heals drunkenness is very popular and has helped several thousand people get rid of alcohol addiction. In order to independently get rid of alcoholism and addiction to alcohol, chapter 15 of the Gospel of John is read along with prayer, together they help in healing from drunkenness in a very short time. Text of the prayer: Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy. Grant him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen. To get rid of the passion of drunkenness, it is also recommended to read daily Chapter 15 of the Gospel of John, the text of which is given below:

  • Eat good prayer against drunkenness and alcoholism, which you need to read for yourself. The Church claims that alcohol addiction is damage caused by demons to a person. That is why you need to pray in church to stop drinking and read a prayer to yourself in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. This prayer has already helped many to relieve their addiction to alcohol, and many, having read the prayer healing themselves from drunkenness just once, have gotten rid of the craving for alcohol forever. If you have the desire and faith in the result, go to church and read a prayer to heal yourself from the habit of alcoholism. Text of the prayer:

  • Wives reading a prayer against their husband’s drunkenness and alcoholism to Matrona of Moscow helped her husband get rid of alcohol addiction and completely stop drinking alcohol. Matrona of Moscow is considered the patron saint who helps people get rid of the harmful effects of alcoholism. Before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, people pray for everything that troubles their souls, and very often ask for deliverance of themselves, husbands, children, brothers, sisters from drunkenness and healing of alcoholism. Millions of people turn to Saint Matronushka in prayer and write reviews about the help they received! Believe me, the prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness is unusually strong and very effective, it has helped many, and it will also help your husband get rid of the disease of alcoholism.

  • The most powerful and effective conspiracy against alcoholism, as a powerful way to rid a person of alcohol addiction and relieve him of the craving for alcohol, can be read every day, but in practice, a week is enough to cause a complete aversion to alcohol in a person. A conspiracy against alcoholism should be read over a sleeping person by a sober person standing at the head of a drunk sleeping man or woman. It is best if the plot against alcoholism is read by a wife against her husband or a husband against her wife, in this case the effect of the conspiracy has a stronger effect and the consequences can discourage the craving for alcohol in a few days and the person will stop drinking forever. When a person returns from drinking and goes to bed, stand at the head of the bed and pray the Lord’s Prayer, read the anti-drunkenness spell over the sleeping person three times:

  • Vanga taught how to wean her husband off alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy against alcoholism that needs to be read every day in the photo drinking husband. By performing this ritual, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. Vanga's conspiracy against drunkenness is done using a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 yellow wax church candles. At home, where a person suffering from alcoholism lives, at sunset, light all 3 candles, placing them on a saucer in the middle of the table. Place a photo of your husband on the table and sprinkle it with previously prepared holy water and placing the glass on the photo of your husband, say the text of the conspiracy: