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What do you need to do to get a medical book? Where can I get a new type of food and industrial medical book and how does it differ from a health book? Why do you need a medical record book? The document will be required for those involved

And the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ) (Collected legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, art. 1650) and Article 19 of the Federal Law of January 2, 2000 N 29-FZ “On the quality and safety of food products” (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ) (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 2 , Art. 150) I order:


  1. The form of a personal medical record for workers of certain professions, industries and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, raising and educating children, public utilities and consumer services for the population (hereinafter referred to as a personal medical record) ().
  2. Form of a sanitary passport for specially designed or specially equipped vehicles for transporting food products (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary passport) ().
  3. Establish that personal medical records and sanitary passports are issued on forms that are security printing products of level “B”. (Clause 1.3 introduced by Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated 04/07/2009 N 321)

Federal budgetary institution health care "Center for Hygienic Education of the Population":
(as amended by Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated June 2, 2016 N 459)

  1. Organize the provision of hygiene and epidemiology centers with personal forms medical books, sanitary passports and holographic stamps for them.
  2. To develop and implement an automated system for recording the issuance of personal medical records and sanitary passports.
  3. Ensure the maintenance of a register of issued personal medical records and sanitary passports.
    ConsultantPlus: note. Federal Law dated July 19, 2011 N 248-FZ, effective October 21, 2011, abolished the requirement to have a duly issued sanitary passport for specially designed or specially equipped vehicles for transporting food products.
  4. Establish that personal medical records for employees specified in paragraph 1.1 of this Order and sanitary passports for specially designed or specially equipped vehicles for transporting food products are issued by hygiene and epidemiology centers.
  5. Control over the implementation of this Order is assigned to the deputy head Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being N.V. Shestopalova.

It is issued after a medical examination and examination.

After a certain time, it needs to be extended and re-examined.

Medical book: where can I get it?

Many residents of our country are interested in: is it possible to get a medical book in another city?

The document is valid throughout the country. Get her possible in any city(even if you are registered in one, and live and work in another).

For this you need go to the nearest clinic, present a document confirming residence or employment in this locality.

If you are applying for a job Abroad, the existing medical book may be invalid, and you will need to issue a new one - based on the requirements of the state.

Types of document

There are two types of medical records. Therefore, you should know the difference between a grocery medical book and an industrial one.

Medical book certification - what is it?? The frequency of repeated examinations depends on the employee’s area of ​​employment: teachers, doctors and food workers are examined more often and more thoroughly.

Now you know the difference between an industrial medical book and a grocery book.

Where and what tests should I take?

Can in any clinic– public or private. Main– to have a license and seal. In a private clinic, this service is paid, plus the cost of tests. You can find out in the article at the link.

In most cases The company pays for the registration and renewal of medical books for employees. But “private owners” can impose these expenses on workers. A person pays and receives it on his own when applying for a job.

To obtain a medical card you need undergo doctors and a comprehensive examination:

In addition to the therapist, the examination is carried out by doctors of narrow specializations:

  • expert in narcology;
  • psychiatrist;
  • dermatologist;
  • gynecologist – for women.

Varies depending on specialization.

How is authenticity verified?

Today, many companies that sell medical certificates offer buy a fake medical book. The main argument is that it’s fast, without queuing and going to offices.

If the employer detects a forgery, the person presenting it faces criminal liability for using fictitious documents.

Often people with health problems decide to use this purchase. If, in addition to everything else, they turn out to be the cause of infection of other people, the measures of law enforcement agencies will be more stringent.

For using a fake medical book, its owner faces fine, correctional labor or imprisonment for up to two years - depending on the nature of the enterprise.

Can by document number And owner's last name in the database of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology or in a medical institution whose seal is on the document.

Signs of a genuine health book:

You can also learn how to check the authenticity of a document in the following video.

Do I need to change my medical record when changing my last name?

When changing data (first name, last name) no need to apply for a new one.

It is enough to contact the clinic or the personnel department of the enterprise itself, present a document confirming the change of data - on the basis of it, an authorized employee will make the necessary changes.

Now the question “Do I need to change my medical record after changing my last name?” was revealed. Let's move on.

Why do you need a log book?

When hiring, data is entered into the medical records log (). The document number, full name and position of the owner, and date of adoption are recorded. This magazine used to control medical examinations, stored in the HR department.

A medical book is a document of strict accountability, stored at the enterprise and issued only for routine examination or upon dismissal.

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Detailed instructions will tell you how to obtain a medical record with minimal waste of time and money.

Medical book: how to distinguish a fake?

When figuring out where to get a medical record, many are faced with the offer to correct the document without unnecessary hassle: without going to the doctors, without visiting a medical examination, without passing an exam. You should be wary of such “Cheese in the Trap” - it is quite possible that these are scammers. Having received a “symbolic amount” from you, they will either disappear or give you a fake document.

Signs of a real medical book - an official document on a strict reporting form:

    dark blue cover;

    dimensions: width 9.7 cm, height 13.5 cm;

    a hologram in the form of a square, confirming the results of certification;

    paper with watermarks - on all pages and the inside cover there is a pale blue grid with half rings;

    a round seal of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (regional)” that appears on a personal photo;

    a hologram in the form of a circle extending to the upper right corner of a personal photo;

    flashing the book with special thread;

    a unique number of 7 digits (entered in the LMK register).

On a note! To understand whether this is a fake or an original, find the seven-digit number in the register of personal medical records (PMR).


Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to obtain a medical record for work.

    Buy a medical book form.

    Prepare necessary documents.

    Take the required tests and receive their results.

    Go through specialists and get an opinion from each one.

    Attend an educational medical course and successfully pass the exam.

    Pick up the completed medical book.

On a note! A medical book is required for employment in professions related to food products(food seller, catering worker, etc.), medical services, work in the pedagogical field, etc. - full list placed in Chapter 34 of the Labor Code, Order 302 of the Ministry of Health and the Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population.”

If you are figuring out how to get a medical record at a clinic for free, keep in mind that this procedure will take longer than going to a private clinic. However, you won’t be able to spend any money at all. Minimum expenses– this is the purchase of a medical book form and a lecture on the medical minimum with confirmation of certification.

Learn more about each step

In order to avoid unnecessary actions and save money, it is important to learn a little more about each step and understand where to formally obtain a medical record.

Where to go?

Registration of a medical record is possible both in a municipal clinic and in a private one. In the first case, you won’t have to spend extra money, but the procedure can take several weeks (from 3 to 6). In a commercial clinic, everything will take at most a few days, but you will have to pay on average:

    for tests - from 2500 to 5000 rubles (one analysis costs 200-300 rubles);

    for a course of medical lectures for admission to the exam - from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Important! According to Article 214 of the Labor Code, the cost of correcting the medical record must be borne by the employer, but in practice, unfortunately, the costs usually fall on the shoulders of the employees.

Taking this into account, everyone independently decides where they can get a medical record: quickly, but for money from private owners, or for free, but in a city clinic. On average, a medical book costs 3.5 thousand rubles:

    cost of crusts (120 rub.);

    course of lectures (500 rub.) + passing the certification exam (200 rub.);

    photographs (150 rub.);

    tests (RUB 2,500).

In addition to clinics, you can contact the branch of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in your city. For example, obtaining a medical record for those who live in Moscow is officially and free of charge offered by the Moscow Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution TsGiE. On the official website of the institution Can:

    check the completed medical book;

    arrange it on paper or in electronic format;

    undergo hygiene training.

On a note! The initial registration and issuance of personal medical records at the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution Central State Hygiene and Epidemiology Center in Moscow will cost 186 rubles at the end of 2017. (paper version), 104 rub. (electronic).

Purchasing a form

You can purchase an empty medical book in special sections of book or stationery stores. The average price is 100-120 rubles.

Collection of documents

To pass the medical examination, you must prepare the following documents:

  • health insurance policy;

  • personal statement;

    a completed medical book (we’ll talk about obtaining it below);

    2 photos 3x4;

    direction from the employer (if available).

It’s worth looking at the statement in a little more detail. It is filled out on a ready-made form at the clinic (private clinic, Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology). Its goal is not only to declare a desire to receive a medical book, but also to give consent to the so-called medical intervention.

Taking tests

To be allowed to work and receive a medical certificate, you need to undergo a number of examinations and tests:

    blood (general);

    urine (general);

    smear (STD) for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;

    tests for hepatitis, syphilis and AIDS are taken separately;

    one of the tests for the presence of helminths in the body: feces, smear, blood test for antibodies;

    fluorography (done once a year, so if you have the results of an unexpired previous examination, they will do);


    mucosal smear for staphylococcus.

On a note! This list of standard tests and examinations may be expanded at the request of the employer.

The results must demonstrate that the applicant does not have contagious diseases, and is healthy enough to perform professional tasks at work. After employment, some specialists will have to undergo regular examinations, and each application is entered into the LMC.

If the tests show any problems, then you will not be able to pass the commission, and therefore, you will have to forget about the medical book. What to do in this case? You need to make sure that you have prepared correctly for tests and examinations. The donation of most of them has special features, for example, blood is donated on an empty stomach. If suspicions of a particular pathology are justified, then you need to undergo treatment.

Important! All diseases that interfere with employment are published in Order of the Ministry of Health No. 302-n dated April 12, 2011.

Pass a medical examination

After receiving the results of all tests and examinations and preparing a complete package of documents, we go to the commission. It includes examinations by the following doctors:




    orthopedic surgeon;




    dermatologist and venereologist (often this is the same specialist);

    expert in narcology;


Each doctor makes notes in the book, thereby confirming that the person who applied is healthy or has certain pathologies.

On a note! For the conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist, they are often sent to specialized medical institutions - dispensaries.

Typically, women over 40 years old have to make an additional appointment with a mammologist. And many organizations today ask for a cardiologist’s opinion. That is why the exact list of required doctors should be clarified during employment.

Pass the exam

Before taking the general medical course exam, you must sign up for lectures at the city Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. They talk about current sanitary standards and hygiene rules in the workplace. The training ends with an exam test. Based on its results, a finished document is issued.

On a note! If the certification exam is failed, then the next attempt is given no earlier than in a month.

Now you know how to quickly obtain a medical record. Choose a method that is convenient for you and do not believe false promises to get your medical record done “officially and quickly” without your participation.

Medical book– this is a document confirming that a person has not been diagnosed with infectious diseases.

It will be required when applying for a job related to the educational process (school, kindergarten, boarding school), food (production of confectionery and other products, canteens, cafes, etc.), consumer services (beauty salons, baths, saunas, hotels, dry cleaners, nightclubs, etc.), medical institutions (clinics, maternity hospitals, children's hospitals), public transport(drivers, flight attendants, conductors) and many other areas of employment.

In what cases is a medical record needed?

If you are planning to find employment in such enterprises, you should start applying for a medical record yourself and in advance, since this is not a matter of one day. Some employers, at their own expense, arrange and renew medical records for their employees.

But when you first get a job, you will still have to go through and pay for this procedure yourself, regardless of which clinic (public or private) you will be checked by doctors and take tests.

When applying for a sanitary and medical record, you will need to stand in line to see doctors, take the required tests and pay for it all. Alas, it will not be possible to obtain and issue a medical book for free for the first time.

It is clear that private clinics will save you from queues and reduce waiting time, but at the same time the price of services increases.

The instructions below will help you when applying for a sanitary and medical record.

Procedure for obtaining a medical record

  • You need to contact the city clinic at your place of residence with an application to issue a book form and pay for it. You can also purchase it at any stationery store, paste in a photograph and fill out the front side of the book with personal data;
  • Make an appointment with a therapist;
  • For each profession, the list of necessary tests and doctors to undergo is different, but there are the most basic ones that are required, regardless of the field of employment. When you see a therapist, explain to him what field of activity you are going to work in. He will write you the necessary directions for the tests you need to take and appointments with doctors;
  • Find out at the reception the schedule of appointments with assigned specialists and go through them on a first-come, first-served basis. The results of the appointment and tests must be entered in a medical record and certified with the seal and signature of the doctor;
  • After going through all the doctors, you need to make an appointment with the therapist again, as he will enter all the results of the tests taken;
  • Show the SES employee your medical book with the tests and examination results certified by a seal and signature, he should give you a referral to a training lecture on hygienic and sanitary standards;
  • Pass hygienic certification. It takes place in two stages, the first involves a training lecture, the second involves taking a test and receiving the appropriate grade. It determines the readiness and level of knowledge of the employee. This certification is paid, usually the repeated procedure is carried out at the expense of the employer (but not necessarily);
  • Get your medical record from the SES. Be sure to make sure that all seals, signatures, and results are included in this document (a stamp is placed on the photograph and a record indicating that the certification was passed);
  • Keep all receipts and checks, so you can get your money back from your employer for the tests you took (if provided by the company).
  • Get to work.

After undergoing an examination by medical specialists and passing tests, you must provide the following documents to obtain a sanitary and medical record:

  • Photo card 3*4;
  • The medical book that was previously available (when extending the terms of medical examinations and sanitary and hygienic certification).

When you receive a medical record, it is worth checking at the reception desk whether the examination results are entered into the medical institution’s database. If you lose your personal identification card, this can play an important role; data can be restored without significant financial costs, and a second examination will not be required.

Tests and doctors for issuing a health certificate

  • Fluorography of the chest;
  • Vaccination record;
  • Seeing a therapist.

This is the most basic, simple list of tests and doctors to undergo, but depending on the area of ​​employment, it expands.

So, when working with food, children, as well as personnel working with consumer services, you will need to undergo the following tests and examinations from specialists:

  • UMSS;
  • Blood tests (biochemical, clinical, RGNA, typhoid fever);
  • Feces (for worm eggs, dysentery, enterobiasis);
  • stroke();
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Dermatologist;
  • Psychologist.

In addition to the above tests and specialists, medical workers will need to visit the dermatovenerology department for the following additional tests:

  • Tests for hepatitis (B and C).

Passing preliminary medical examinations at enterprises and industries (at the beginning and end of a shift) with harmful or dangerous conditions is regulated Federal laws And legal acts RF.

The frequency of repeated medical examinations depends on the specialization.

Of course, if you don’t have that much time to undergo an examination and tests, you should contact a private clinic. On the Internet, and not only, you can find out the phone numbers, addresses, work hours, as well as the cost of services of such clinics. All you have to do is make an appointment and come at the appointed time. In one day you can issue a health certificate.

Timely medical examination, against troubles at work

A medical record not only gives the employer an idea of ​​your professional suitability, it is an official document.

You should not falsify the results of tests and medical examinations, or buy a health certificate from someone.

These actions are criminally punishable in the Russian Federation, you can pay with imprisonment for a term of 6 months to 2 years under Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

And finally: Video How a fake medical book differs from a real one

Almost every employee at any enterprise should have a medical book. How to formalize this document? In fact, this is not as difficult to do as it seems. Especially if you start solving the issue in advance. The thing is that they often don’t hire you for a job without a medical record. And that’s why many people think about preparing the document themselves. What should you prepare for? How can you quickly accomplish the task?


How to apply for a medical card yourself? Officially, according to the law, bringing the idea to life is not as difficult as it might seem. But first you need to figure out what kind of document we are talking about. Why do employees need this?

This is a document that indicates the health status of an employee. A kind of confirmation that he is healthy and will not infect others with any disease.

This document is not required for everyone. But it’s good if a potential employee already has a medical record. Its presence gives an advantage over other candidates for the vacancy. This is such a useful medical book. How to formalize it so that there are no problems when hiring? This can be done quite quickly.

Who needs to have a book?

Not all employees are required to have a medical record. But as already mentioned, its presence will not be superfluous. When applying for a job, an employer will be very happy to hire a person who has this document. There are some categories of employees for whom having a medical book is mandatory. These include workers:

  • communal services;
  • kindergartens and nurseries;
  • medical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.);
  • any educational institutions;
  • sewer networks and structures;
  • transport companies;
  • catering establishments;
  • those engaged in the sale of food products (sellers);
  • entertainment industry (animators).

The age of the employee is not important. Even minor citizens must bring a medical card to the employer when applying for employment. If this document is not available, the boss undertakes to provide the subordinate with time to obtain a health certificate as soon as possible.

Buying a book

Where does the process of obtaining a book indicating a citizen’s health status begin? The first stage is the purchase of a standard form. We can say that we are talking about purchasing an empty medical book. It will contain information about the employee’s health.

You can apply for a medical book in Moscow at branches of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology or at the Medical Center “Special MDC-S” ( - here you will quickly undergo a medical examination and receive an official medical book, the data of which will be entered in State Register LMK). Only these establishments are authorized to issue the form. This is where you buy the book. But as already mentioned, there is initially no information about the owner in it. Therefore, you will have to try a lot more to bring the idea to life.


The next stage makes many people think seriously about where to apply for a medical book. It doesn't matter what city we're talking about. After all, after purchasing a standard form, you must enter information about your health status into it. To do this, the citizen must undergo a medical examination. Or, as they also say, a medical examination.

This is the most difficult process that causes a lot of trouble. The specialists you need to visit are varied. It all depends on what position the employee works in, as well as in what specific field he is employed. Most often we are talking about personnel employed in public catering. Therefore, if you need to get a medical book (urgently or not), it is recommended to go through the so-called minimum. Among the required specialists are:

  • dermatologist;
  • gynecologist (for women);
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • venereologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • narcologist;
  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • dentist


Of course, specialists alone will not be enough to confirm the employee’s health status. You will have to additionally undergo a certain range of tests. Their list varies depending on the area of ​​employment. But usually there are certain studies that each medical book contains. How to formalize this document? It is necessary to conduct the following studies together with specialized specialists (they occur most often):

  • fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (for employees over 40 years old);
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • cytology smear;
  • examination for intestinal infections;
  • coprogram;
  • analysis for TORCH infections;
  • blood glucose test;
  • smear for staphylococcus;
  • analysis for AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • testing for typhoid fever.

Typically, this is the list of studies that all workers who need a health certificate go through. And from the moment the document is drawn up, you will have to not only update the analyzes from time to time, but also go through specialized examinations again and again. All health changes will be recorded in the book.

Where is it issued?

Now a little more about where to go to implement the task. Where can I get a medical card? After all, there are no specialized specialists in hygiene centers. Where should you go to undergo a medical examination and also pass all necessary tests? There are several options. Citizens themselves have every right to choose where to go for the commission. You can contact:

  • to public clinics;
  • hospitals;
  • private medical centers.

It is not important to go through the entire commission in one place. Therefore, citizens are offered complete freedom to choose a place for What are the pros and cons of each organization? How to decide where to apply for a medical book?

Government agencies

What can hospitals and clinics offer? These options are often chosen because in this case medical examinations and tests will be either completely free or inexpensive. Basically, in a clinic at your place of registration you can get a medical book cheaper than in a private clinic. You won't be able to get it completely free. The disadvantage of such a step is that there are constant queues in public medical institutions. This means that it will not be possible to quickly complete the task.

How to apply for a medical card at a clinic? To do this, you first need to buy the appropriate form, and also find out which specialists you will need to pass through. Next, an application is made to a medical institution chosen by the employee. The following must be presented to the registry:

  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • ID card (passport);
  • SNILS;
  • medical record;
  • application for passing the commission.

The last document must be filled out when visiting the clinic. Sometimes the population is offered ready-made forms on which you only need to write your full name. and sign as consent to medical intervention. This is all. Now all that remains is to simply go through all the prescribed doctors and receive a medical book for further use. A few more steps - and the idea will be brought to life.

Private clinic

Private medical centers help you quickly obtain a medical record. This is the most popular scenario. Those who prefer to always use paid medicine are especially satisfied with it. The process of taking tests and visiting specialists is not much different from the actions in a public clinic. Need to:

  • present SNILS, passport, insurance policy (optional), medical book;
  • fill out an application for a medical examination;
  • undergo examinations and obtain a doctor’s opinion (usually this can be done in 1 day).

The disadvantages of this action include the extremely high cost of registration. On average, an appointment with a specialist costs 1500-2000 rubles, and one analysis costs about 300-500. According to Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all costs for passing a medical examination must be paid by the employer.

Each citizen decides for himself where to apply for a medical book. In any case, after passing the commission, you will have to do something else for registration.

Sanitary minimum

We are talking about passing an exam in Most positions require the employee to have completed hygiene training. Without it, you cannot issue a medical book. In Moscow, training is officially provided only by branches of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. The employee must write an application, presenting a passport, to receive a medical book and attend lectures on the sanitary minimum. Information from medical institutions must also be brought by that time.

Next, the citizen attends lectures for some time, where he is told about existing sanitary standards, as well as hygiene rules in the workplace. At the end you will have to take an exam (usually in the form of a test). It will help you get certified. Upon successful completion of the examination, a completed, approved medical book is issued. How to formalize this document? If you prepare in advance and allocate time, you will be able to implement your idea in the shortest possible time.

Photos and registration

Just before visiting hygiene centers in a particular city, you should do one more thing. We are talking about providing personal photographs. Every citizen who wishes to make a health record must bring with him and present several images of the established sample when submitting an application. Photos must be color, 3 by 4 format. 2-3 pieces are enough.

There is one more rule for foreigners - they must have registration or a residence permit in the city or town where the medical book is issued. It is advisable to bring both the original certificates and their copies to the hygiene centers. Now it’s clear where you can apply for a medical card, as well as how to do it correctly.

Purchase of ready-made documents

Some citizens come across advertisements offering to receive a full health certificate in just a day. That is, without passing a commission. Moreover, it is the official registration that is proposed. You should not believe such offers.

The thing is that all medical books undergo mandatory registration at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. They are entered into a special database that cannot be faked. Therefore, you should not trust tempting offers that attract you with a quick, simple and affordable book design.

You can bring your idea to life only on your own, spending some time on a medical commission. You can officially obtain a medical card in Moscow, as already mentioned, at a branch of the Hygiene Center. The medical examination is carried out either in any district clinic or in a private clinic. For example:

  • "European Medical Center" on Trifonovskaya 24;
  • "Natalie Med", Katukova 6;
  • " - Red Gate", Novaya Basmannaya street, 10, building 1.

The list goes on for a long time. After all, everyone has the opportunity to undergo all examinations in different places. The main thing is to present the results in full to the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Norms Russian legislation determine that certain activities are available exclusively to people whose good health is documented. These are professions that involve interaction with food, water, raising children, and public services. Their representatives regularly have to wonder how to get a medical book for work. The procedure is strictly regulated by legal acts, and if their norms are observed, there are no pitfalls.

According to the norms of Russian legislation, a medical book is a document confirming that a person engaged in a certain activity does not suffer from diseases dangerous to society and cannot cause epidemics or mass poisonings. The presence of such paper guarantees that the specialist is familiar with the standards of hygiene and sanitation, has passed the necessary tests and visited the established list of doctors.

As long as the medical record is valid, potential clients of a catering worker or salesperson may not have to worry about the possibility of becoming infected from him dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.

The medical book form was approved by order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 of 2005. The document includes the following pages:

  • the second contains a photo of the owner and a security hologram, the signature of the authorized person who issued the paper, and the seal of the center;
  • the third is devoted to information about the owner of the document: his full name, year of birth, residential address.

Subsequent sheets of the document contain information about tests taken and examinations completed, vaccinations, past infections, violations of sanitary discipline, if any. Next to it is a medical opinion on admission to work in a specific profession. The validity period of the medical book is not directly stated, but follows from its general content.

The last page of the document contains legal information that is useful for the owner to read.

To obtain a health record for the first time, a person must purchase a form. It is important to remember that, in accordance with the law, it cannot be sold through retail stores. Its sale is the prerogative of centers authorized by Rospotrebnadzor.

Who should have a medical book: list of professions

The list of professions whose representatives are required to undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations and draw up medical records is approved by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 212, 213 and 69) and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 320n.

In particular, the rule on mandatory receipt of medical books applies to:

  • workers of nurseries and kindergartens;
  • teachers and teachers of schools, colleges and universities;
  • employees of food production enterprises;
  • representatives of the catering industry;
  • grocery store clerks;
  • hairdressers, beauty salon staff;
  • persons employed in the field of consumer and public services;
  • health workers;
  • persons employed in industries with harmful and dangerous working conditions, etc.

When answering the question of whether a medical book is needed in a particular case, it is important to take into account the specifics of the field of activity. For example, sellers are required to draw up a document if they sell food products. If they work with real estate or trade on the Internet, there is no need to undergo medical examinations.

When hiring a specialist, the hiring company must make sure that he has a medical book, or help him with the preparation of the document. Allowing a person to work who has not passed a medical commission is prohibited by law.

How to make a medical book for work?

To become the owner of a health book, you need to contact any medical organization that has the right to issue such documents on the basis of a license from Rospotrebnadzor. To begin the procedure, you must write an application according to the established template and enter into an agreement for the provision of paid services. Cost varies from domestic policy prices in the organization.

When the administrative procedures are completed, the person is given a book form. It is necessary to visit medical specialists with him. The number of doctors depends on the specifics of the citizen’s work. The lower the sanitary and hygienic requirements for his profession, the shorter the list will be.

The results of examinations and tests are entered into the appropriate sections of the medical record. They are certified with the seal and stamp of the hospital or clinic, and the signature of the doctor. The fifth section of the document formulates a conclusion: is a person suitable for a certain type of activity.

After a medical examination, a person receiving a health certificate for the first time is sent for hygienic training. It consists of a 180-minute lecture and self-study based on recommended literature. Based on the results, certification is carried out. If a person has passed the test, information about this is entered into the eleventh section and certified with a stamp and a hologram.

Important! To apply for a medical book, you need to take with you your all-Russian passport and a 3 by 4 cm photograph: it will be pasted into the document.

How to apply for a medical card for work: list of doctors to pass

The list of doctors and tests required to issue a health certificate depends on the specifics of the employee’s activities. It should be clarified with your immediate supervisor or the HR department. In some cases, to obtain a document you need to pass a minimum number of specialists. This list includes:

  • The therapist assesses the general condition of a person, refers him to specialists and laboratory tests. Usually, when applying for a medical record, you need to take blood and urine tests and biochemistry. If the results of the first two become known the next day, then the results of the third need to wait a week.
  • A fluorography room - a visit to it determines the presence or absence of tuberculosis - one of the most common infections. The results of the check become known immediately.
  • ECG room – the condition of the human heart and blood vessels is assessed.
  • An ophthalmologist determines the quality of vision. This parameter is important for professions such as pilot, driver, etc.
  • ENT doctor - assesses hearing acuity, diagnoses the presence of diseases of the nose (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.) and throat.
  • Neurologist – evaluates the state of the nervous system.
  • Psychiatrist – confirms the general adequacy of a person.
  • Gynecologist, venereologist - check the condition of the reproductive systems of men and women.
  • Dermatologist – eliminates the possibility of skin diseases.

The period for which a medical book is issued depends on the number of specialists and tests performed and the validity period of the result. The document processing process takes no more than a week.

When the tests have been completed, the employee needs to go to a therapist, who will systematize the patient’s health data and make a conclusion whether he is fit for work. This “verdict” is confirmed by the signature of the chief physician and the seal of the health care institution.

Expiration date of the sanitary book

From a legal point of view, a medical book does not have an expiration date. As long as there are free pages in it, it must be filled out. Purchasing a new form may be required in three situations:

  • the old one is lost or stolen;
  • the existing book turned out to be fake;
  • All pages of the old one are filled, there is no room for new entries.

If a person changes his last name, this does not mean that the medical book has expired. The document cannot be replaced; changes must be made to the existing form at the health care institution that issued it. The basis is a supporting document, for example a marriage certificate. If this clinic no longer exists, you need to contact your employer for adjustments. You don’t have to edit anything, but keep the book along with the certificate. This option does not contradict the provisions of the law.

How long is a health certificate valid?

The medical record is considered current until the test results indicated in it have expired. When this happens, you will need to undergo a second medical examination, including visits to doctors and laboratory tests.

According to the provisions of Order No. 302n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the frequency of document renewal is once a year. There are exceptions to this rule due to the characteristics of individual professions. Their own provisions regarding how long a medical book is valid are established for the following categories of workers:

  • women over 40 years old should visit a mammologist at least once every two years;
  • staff of medical institutions and maternity wards take a swab from the mouth and throat at least once every six months;
  • workers in meat and dairy production, confectionery factories, take blood tests and visit a dermatologist twice a year;
  • employees of nurseries, orphanages and sanatoriums for children are required to visit a dermatologist and venereologist four times a year.

The frequency of testing may become higher due to special medical indications and hazards at the enterprise.

Maintaining the validity period of a medical book is in the interest of not only the employer, but also the employee himself. During medical research, serious diseases can be identified at an early stage, when they can be cured.

Medical record when applying for a job: who pays for the production?

Often, tight-fisted employers try to shift the costs of obtaining health certificates onto the shoulders of employees. This approach is contrary to the provisions of current legislation. In Art. 212-213 Labor Code it is indicated that mandatory medical examinations, including preliminary ones, are organized and financed by the employing company.

Obtaining a medical certificate is essentially undergoing a medical examination. The employee undergoes tests and attends examinations, the results of which determine whether he is fit to perform activities of a certain nature. This means that the procedure for issuing a document is subject to the provisions of Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the financing of expenses by the employing organization.

If an employee has undergone a medical examination and received a health certificate at the expense of the company, but refused to enter into an employment contract with it, it is not possible to recover the money spent from him. Any attempts are contrary to current laws.

Features of document renewal

According to the provisions of the law, the expiration date of a medical book is unlimited. It can be filled out as long as there are blank pages. If there are none left, the employee will have to purchase a new form, the cost of which in different regions of the Russian Federation varies from 150 to 300 rubles.

Ensuring timely completion of medical tests is the employer’s task. He must create conditions for the inspection and pay for it from his own funds.

How long a medical book is valid is determined by the “lifetime” of test results. If one of them has expired, the employee must be referred to an appropriate specialist. The procedure is simpler than receiving a document for the first time, since the employee does not need to purchase a form, undergo hygiene training and certification.

Employees with expired documents should not be allowed to perform official duties, in otherwise Penalties are provided for them and the hiring company.

Who is required to keep medical records?

The law states that health records are strictly reporting documents. Maintaining their safety is the responsibility of the employer. It is permissible to hand over documents to hired workers in a limited number of cases: if they sell food products through remote small retail outlets or sell goods from a vehicle.

The hiring company's HR staff monitors how long the health certificate is valid and, if necessary, sends specialists for a second inspection. They are required to check the authenticity of documents received from newly employed persons.

When labor Relations companies and specialists are terminated, the latter is issued a book on the day of dismissal. It must be presented to the new employer.