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What's good about school? What needs to be done to make the school better? What do you think the school does well?

Are you familiar with the expression “the walls are pressing in”? Most often, this annoying phrase can be heard from people working in faceless, unattractive and devoid of individuality places. Such an environment involuntarily fetters a person’s consciousness and is not at all conducive to creativity, relaxation and fruitful work. All this applies to adults. What if a child is placed in such conditions? Especially if he just came out of kindergarten, where there were colorful pictures on the walls, flowers and crafts around, was it warm, cozy and comfortable? So what needs to be done to school has become better?

The average school, unfortunately, does not look very joyful and attractive. The child is lost: a new team, teachers and the picture is completed - faceless school premises. Not all children are able to open up to others in such conditions, show their talents, and go to school with joy and desire. The depressing thing is that the child will spend 5 - 7 hours of his life here, 5 - 6 days a week. Many children begin to feel shy, sad and try to blend into the crowd; some rebel and skip school, others simply “go with the flow.”

How can we reverse this situation?

I would like schoolchildren to rush to school every day, not because they “have to,” but because there they learn something new, interesting, unusual and useful. Creating a special “intellectual” atmosphere in classrooms and school premises can help with this. Make each of them special, unusual, with its own bright personality.

  1. The geography classroom can become a kind of ship on which children discover new lands, mountains, rivers and villages. Maps, depth and height measuring instruments, hydrological instruments and others will help them with this. necessary tools. For each of the offices, you can come up with something unique in the interior, something special and at the same time very useful.
  1. There are other ways to make school interiors more welcoming and joyful. The use of color therapy has long been known to mankind and is increasingly being used in various fields:
  • The red color excites and sets a person up for an active pastime. Red color, within reasonable limits, should be used in science classrooms, where you need to be focused;
  • Pastel shades in the interior are calming and relaxing. They are best used in rooms for psychological relief, in rooms for creativity and relaxation;
  • golden and yellow shades – give a feeling of joy and warmth, increase performance;
  • the color of spring greenery gives a feeling of renewal, newness, motivates to move forward, to knowledge;
  • Blue colors give a feeling of cold. They, like the black and brown palette, are used minimally, since rooms decorated in such colors are depressing. Use these simple rules when decorating the school interior, as well as when choosing colors for students’ uniforms.
  • First- free space. Do not clutter the premises with massive furniture.
  • Second– lighting. The best lighting is natural or created using modern energy-saving lamps.
  • Third– color palette of warm natural shades. The main colors in the interior are the colors of earth, sand, and wood.
  • Fourth– decorative natural elements. Aquariums or indoor plants will help with this.
  • And fifth– materials. Natural wooden furniture, textiles, stone vases. This style is becoming more and more popular and fashionable.
  1. Pay attention also to appearance teachers, which is also part of the school interior. It’s not for nothing that the expression “meet you by your clothes” exists. Children feel and react very subtly, notice the smallest details and build their attitude towards the teacher accordingly. Remember how governesses dressed during the time of the aristocrats. The teacher's costume of that time combined severity and elegance, beauty and restraint, so it is necessary for the teacher to make some efforts to look dignified, at the same time strict, but not repulsive.

To summarize, we can say that school premises, their interior, and the overall impression of them are created by many components. There are no small details here, you need to pay attention to everything: the interior details, the color scheme of the premises, the school uniform of the students themselves, the appearance of the teachers. Everyone knows that the more of our soul we invest in the upbringing and development of children, the greater and better results await us in the future.

Published by the author - - March 5, 2014

Studying is a truly important thing in our life. A lot depends on our level of education. Most employers today prefer to hire highly specialized professionals who are able to do work that not many can handle. This point is covered in more detail in the article “”. Today we will talk about how to study well, how to make this process more fun and how to achieve better results.

First, let's get some basics out of the way. Studying is a process that requires large energy resources, since mental activity takes up quite a lot of energy. I'm sure you've probably noticed how when you came home from class, you felt really overwhelmed and tired. Sometimes it happens that physical exercise does not take as much energy as mental activity. They even conducted a similar experiment that confirmed these assumptions.

So, from all this a significant conclusion arises. If we draw an analogy, we can compare the brain to a muscle. That is, it can be developed in such a way that, due to heavy load he will increase his resources and, as a result, become increasingly effective. That is, if you actively use your mental abilities during the week, then it will be much easier for you to do this. Now imagine that you develop your brain every day for several years. Can you imagine what results can be achieved in this field? You did the right thing by asking how to do well at school.

How does all this relate to our topic? If you want to study well, you need to do it constantly, regularly and urgently. How can this be done? Read in my article “” about the way to achieve results every day. In short, you need to define three parameters: minimum, standard and maximum. Next, depending on your capabilities, you should run one of these programs. That is, if you have no strength at all, then you should stop at the minimum program, etc.

Another important point which is associated with education is your discipline, attention and willpower. You can read about the second characteristic in my article “”, the rest will be described in the following articles, so if you don’t want to miss updates, be sure to subscribe to new posts. You can do this at the end of the post or by following this link.

In order to improve your performance, you must first of all understand why you need all this. Some children don't understand why they go to school. It’s just that parents demand some result from them, but don’t talk at all about where the knowledge they gain will be useful. Firstly, this is the fault of the parents themselves, since upbringing includes not only the process of physical adaptation of children. Secondly, the children themselves are also to blame, since they do not think about the future. This is especially true for students, since they are already adults and must be fully responsible for their own lives.

So, in order to understand, how to study better at school, try to find yourself an incentive or motivation for action. It can be very diverse. First of all, if you are in school, it may be a desire to enroll in good university. Now everyone has the opportunity to get into any Russian university on a budget basis if they study well enough. You just need to do well in the Unified State Exam. This may be enough motivation to improve your academic performance.

Another example is an interesting job. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a truly interesting job that will pay pretty good money if you are not sufficiently educated, so excellent studies can be a really serious motivator. A scholarship can be selected from the same series. If you are a student studying on a commercial basis, then excellent studies will help you transfer to a budget, and if you already receive a scholarship, then it can become much more. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

It is important to remember that motivation should truly inspire you. That is, you must find something that will help you get out of bed and go to study. This is often quite difficult to do. Because laziness gets in the way. To get rid of it forever, read. Remember that motivation cannot appear on purpose. Listen to your feelings. What do you want most? What are you drawn to? And continue to develop in this area. I'm sure you will succeed. That's why you're interested, how to start studying well.

Finally, I would like to say that you can turn to your friends and parents for advice. Yes, their point of view may be different from yours, but you will certainly receive direction that will help you develop your train of thought. By the way, at this time you already need to deal with the fact.

Surprisingly, our daily routine has a good effect on our academic performance. How does this manifest itself? Let's take a look at everything specific example to better understand. Let's say you leave for class at 8 am and arrive at 2 pm. Sit down to eat, and after that you rest until 8 pm and only then sit down to cook homework. Your body is not used to working efficiently and therefore there is more and more apathy and more and more laziness. Your activities lose meaning.

Try to change your routine so that you can complete tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is best to do this when your body is still in working order, that is, immediately after exercise. Try for 3-4 weeks homework immediately after you come home. At first you will be bad at this, your whole body will resist such changes, but soon you will realize that this is the ideal way, since all the tasks will already be solved, and you will still have the whole day ahead.

What else can be added to this advice on the issue, how to start studying better. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Some authors recommend getting up as early as 5 a.m. and having time to do much more things. Typically, this practice is not suitable for schoolchildren and students. With a typical schedule, I recommend that you go to bed at 23-24 hours and get up at 7. During this time, you can get a good night's sleep and be well rested. By the way, if you do this at the same time, your body will get used to it and you will be able to become much more efficient.

It would be a good idea to make time in your schedule for exercise. Remember that if you constantly sit and do nothing physical exercise, over time, your body will begin to lose some of the truly important energy that you could direct into productive activities. Try to always have support high level energy. To do this, eat the right food and don’t forget to unload your brain. That is, just lie in silence and not think about anything. Believe me, after such exercises, the effectiveness of your studies increases significantly. Try it in practice, the result will surprise you.

To reach good results in the field of education, a regular school or student program will not be enough for you. Your brain will demand more, new knowledge and skills that will facilitate the learning state. No wonder you say: “ I want to study well" If you said a similar phrase, it means that the current state of affairs seriously worries you, and you want to change the situation. So, this post is an example of such additional education.

You can start studying some additional field, like psychology with me. You can do it scientific practice or deeply study the culture of a country, that is, your task is to gain as much knowledge as possible. Moreover, this knowledge should be interesting to you. A randomly selected area is unlikely to attract your attention. Think about what has always been interesting to you and deepen your knowledge in this area. Maybe this will bring you even more pleasure than the previously chosen motivation.

Let's say you want be smart and study well. I advise you to read my article “How to become smarter”, it will help you understand the first part of your question. Now let's take a closer look at how to find an area that will be quite interesting for you. I don’t believe I’m saying this, but TV will help you. There are many useful TV channels like Discovery that show educational programs. So, look at a few. One of them will definitely attract you. Try to delve into this direction and you will 100% find exactly the area that you will be truly interested in studying.

Another option is to sign up for special classes in your chosen field. For example, you can start learning a foreign language. Find a school in your city that provides training in this topic and sign up for classes. This will not only help you expand your knowledge and improve your performance, but will also introduce you to many new people, many of whom can become your good friends. Connections are always good.

As a last resort, you can find these group classes conducted online. For example, blogging is a kind of hobby group. That is, people exchange knowledge on a topic using personal journals and read about some new knowledge. It turns out quite interesting and informative. And blogging itself can be called such an area, since mastering it requires a lot of additional knowledge.

The most popular answer to the question, what to do to study well– is to read more books. This is not surprising, because they contain a truly huge repository of knowledge that will certainly help you improve your performance. Especially if you read specialized books. How to understand this? Let me try to explain.

Let's say you're studying to become a marketer. During your studies, you have many specialties, some of which seem really important to you, and some of which are unnecessary. So, try to prioritize your studies and highlight exactly those subjects that seem most significant to you. After that, go to the library and find at least three books (not textbooks) that will help you better understand the passed version and read it.

If we are talking about subjects that are specialized for a given specialty, then you need to read such books to the maximum. The first ones will contain the maximum amount of new knowledge, and then you will learn less and less new things. This indicates that you are becoming professionals in your chosen specialty. Of course, you will still need years of practice, but you will get an excellent theoretical basis. In this case, you do not have to learn anything special. All knowledge will be mastered by you and there will be no cramming.

By the way, about cramming. If you want to know what to do to study better, pay attention to memory. If you develop it, it will become really easy for you to remember new information, which means your academic performance will increase. I recommend that you read two posts on my blog: “” and “”. There you will find many useful tips that will help you develop.

Finally, I would like to recommend that you improve your relationship with your classmates and classmates, since it is a good atmosphere within the team that will help you improve your academic performance. By the way, my article “How to Increase Self-Esteem” indirectly touches on this topic; I advise you to read it.

This concludes the post. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I hope you understand how to study well. And don't forget subscribe to blog updates. This will allow you to be the first to know about new posts. Bye!

Every person devotes 11 years of his life to school. During this time, a first-grader child grows into an adult, self-confident graduate, around whom various events take place that shape his personality. After graduating from school, a person receives not only wide range knowledge in various fields of science, but also excellent communication experience in a team.

The daily monotony that accompanies schooling, namely long hours of sitting at desks, difficult independent work and tests, boring presentation of material by teachers, often leads students to the idea that there is too little good in school, and why is all this necessary. The consequence of such thoughts can be either a loss of interest in studying or a complete refusal to attend school.

Utilities acquired at school

Knowledge is power

But not everything is as scary as it seems. You should understand that the knowledge gained at school will be very useful in the future. Because school program training involves studying many subjects. Even while studying at school, you can decide which sciences your child has a penchant for. And then further develop this tendency more thoroughly. This can be especially useful during vocational guidance, when a future specialty will be chosen.

School friendship

Another good thing about school is that the friendships created within its walls often remain the strongest. School friends try to support each other throughout their lives. In addition, everyone's path is different, and a former school friend can become a business partner or a reliable supplier.

Breadth of interests

Visiting various school clubs and sections provides an opportunity to find unexplored sides of yourself and open up new opportunities. Quite by accident, starting to attend the chess section, you can become the winner of various tournaments, and a small role in a theater club for a seemingly inconspicuous girl can later open the way to the world of show business.

Tender feelings

Also, first sympathies and attachments most often arise within the walls of the school. You can be sure that school love will never be forgotten. Often it ends in strong unions, marriages for life. It's safe to say that what the school does well is connect people tightly with each other.

Knowledge of the world

School excursions, visits to museums and theaters are valuable cultural experiences. This helps not only to see the sights and learn interesting stories from the life of many cities, but also significantly expand the range of interests.

Small victories

School helps you learn to achieve what you want. An example of this could even be a high grade received on a test. Not to mention victories in the Olympiads, various tournaments and competitions. If a person has learned to win at adolescence, we can say that he will be a winner in life.

On March 19, the “Big Change” forum was held at the MAOU Vagai Secondary School branch of the Pervomaisk Secondary School, in which 33 people took part. Among which are 20 parents and 13 teachers

The purpose of the forum was: to acquaint the public with those adopted as mandatory for implementation in educational institutions district formats and principles for presenting the content of classes on the following issues:

  1. Career guidance work
  2. Preparation and conduct of state final certification
  3. Organization of adaptation work with children with disabilities.

The forum took place in several stages:

1.Greetings - school director T.M. Yuzhakova

Information on the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Forum work plan.

2.Fragments of lessons, extracurricular activities.

During the classes, parents had the opportunity to briefly become children and again attend mini-lessons in various educational areas. They attended extracurricular activities and master classes by the following teachers:

  1. Class hour “Career guidance for schoolchildren”

Technology teacher Fakhrutdinova Marina Viktorovna.

  1. Consultation on the Russian language “Unified State Exam is easy.”

Russian language teacher Silina Svetlana Nikolaevna.

  1. Extracurricular lesson in mathematics in 9th grade “I will pass the OGE.”

Mathematics teacher Sadykova Rufa Timerbaevna.

4. Extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard, 5th grade. Club lesson “Merry grain”

Teacher foreign language, classroom teacher 5th grade Nazyrova Rauzilya Sagitovna.

  1. Extracurricular activity, "Skillful Hands" club.

Teacher primary classes Cheskidova Lyubov Alexandrovna.

6. Lesson with preschoolers “Conditions” healthy image family life"

Educator of the GKP Valitova Nasima Aitmukhametovna.

The events held were filled with playful, practical, experimental activities.

3.Creative change

The parents were given health exercises under the guidance of the volunteer team “Initiative” and their leader, the organizer of the educational work Saydasheva N.R., musical number “Who are the volunteers”

  1. At the end of all activities, a reflection on success was carried out.

The results of the “Big Change” forum were summed up in the “Free Microphone” format, where parents were given the opportunity to express their opinions on the organized events.

Results of reflection with parents after the forum

"Big change"

What do you think the school does well?

- gives knowledge

- teaches how to live in a team

- deals with child development

— uses ICT

- works well with parents

- keeps up with the times

- organizes extracurricular activities well

What do you think should be done better?

- better control children during recess

- improve discipline

- determine the choice of profession

- conduct more extracurricular activities

- develop the student

- work with struggling students

- so that children are always busy with interesting things

- monitor children's conflicts

During this event, specific recommendations were given about simulators, websites when preparing for exams, recommendations for filling out forms and creating a comfortable psychological environment.

Objective ideas about the professions of our region were given, testing was carried out on effective choice professions.

There has been an understanding of the need to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard.


I’ll tell you a big secret that such principles do not exist. This is both bad news and good news. Bad - because there is no magic instruction for your child, which you follow and get a child who wants to learn and masters the program “perfectly”. Good - because you, as parents, know your child better. It is you who can better organize training with the same individual approach praised in pedagogical treatises.

Often parents who are planning home schooling for their child, or planning to transfer their child from a regular school, have an ideal idea of ​​how learning will happen. At school, the methods do not take into account individual characteristics of the perception of information - but I will take into account, I will give the material in pictures, cartoons and in a playful form, and the child will be simply happy to learn, will easily and quickly absorb information, will want to learn every day, will ask to learn. At school they don’t move much, they don’t walk outside much—I’ll conduct classes outside. I’ll cancel the copybook, and the child will want to learn to write and somehow learn.

Parents fall into a certain captivity of their ideal ideas about homeschooling, mixed up with childhood memories of school, truly wonderful ones. pedagogical methods, the belief that if we stay at home, “everything will be different for us.” Yes, it really will be different. But how exactly? This is where the real adventure begins.

Mine was about the same as I wrote. Ideal ideas about homeschooling plus my childhood A student syndrome. Certain high expectations from yourself, as a teacher-tutor-organizer of learning, and from the child - student.

Of course, my expectations did not come true as I had planned. But after a difficult period of adaptation to the role of a home teacher and a child to home schooling, after an absolute reformatting of my brain about the learning process itself, a certain stability, understanding and pleasure from the process came. Yes, we still enjoy learning from home. This is our third year of homeschooling.

And now certain principles of learning are emerging, perhaps they will help you too. Probably these tips will be useful for parents who take their child out of a regular school for home schooling and want to teach their child themselves. And also for those who plan to teach at home, but have never done this themselves before. Who wants to, but has certain fears and many questions. For those who have already started teaching, but reality does not correspond to ideal ideas, and you are not sure if you are doing everything right. I hope you find answers to your questions.

So, 10 principles for successful homeschooling

1. Get to know your child, deepen the attachment.

First, remember and never forget that your child is special. And you know its features better than anyone. Favorite characters, temperament, how he perceives information better. If you didn’t know her before this moment, now that you start spending a lot of time together, you will be able to get to know her and deepen your relationship. And that's great!

Another problem is solved by deepening the attachment with the child - you can become an authority for him, the child begins to perceive you as a teacher.

2. Reformat your brain.

You will also be able to get to know yourself better. And not always with the best side. All children's complexes, fears, automatic reactions, the same as your parents and teachers treated you, risk coming to the surface automatically and violently. You will find out how patient you are, remember what words your parents and teachers called you, what methods you taught. And these methods will not always coincide with those described in good books.

But there is also good news. If you consciously stop your automatic reactions and replace them with new ones, it will become easier over time. You will be surprised how much more tolerant you will become. This is a great opportunity for powerful self-development that will benefit the whole family. You will also have to change the teaching methods and approach to learning that you have been accustomed to since childhood to other, more effective ones, and include creativity.

3. Lower expectations.

If you did well at school, reduce your expectations from your child several times. A child does not have to be perfect in all subjects, and this is not necessary. The child is definitely not the same as you, he is a different person. He won't learn the same way as you. He can perceive information differently, love other objects.

4. Patience, calmness, “trainer” mode.

Even if your child is a genius, she can still write letters in reverse, it may be difficult for her to understand subtraction by going through ten, how to find an unknown subtrahend, why "I" is 2 sounds, what is the letter in the equation... When you already know everything and perceive it as elementary, it is difficult to understand how 2 + 2 can be complex.

But there are topics that are objectively difficult for children, and school teachers know the topics that are difficult for others. To us, parents without teacher education, in this regard it is more difficult. Therefore, we learn to simply patiently explain the same thing a hundred times, but in different ways, to invent visualizations, to accept your child as he is, different from you.

If a child understood everything the first day and solved perfectly defined problems, it is not at all a fact that he will solve the same problems tomorrow. And a month later, in the test? ...

It happens that a child does not remember something that we taught. And I was sure that he had to know this. In this case, it helps me to turn on the “trainer” mode. Ok, it didn’t work out now, it will work out tomorrow. I, as a coach who trains for results, who encourages, believes, creates an individual training schedule.

And this is where we homeschoolers have an advantage - we can see a real picture of our student’s knowledge. Go through some topics quickly and spend a little more time on others. Put real goals and achieve them.

5. Sometimes the best solution is to leave the child alone.

Let him do what he wants. Repeat after a while.

If something doesn’t get through or is difficult, what works for us is to simply leave the child alone for a while. Leave this topic and move on to another. And then come back again (sometimes after a month or three, sometimes after a year). And I have already observed this phenomenon many times - what was difficult becomes easy after a while. Either the brain perceives this information the second time not as new, but as familiar, and it is absorbed better. Either the child simply grows into information or skill (as with the ability to read and write).

6. Individual schedule, learning style. Don't be afraid to try and change.

Over time, you will develop an individual schedule, style and way of teaching that is best for you, which will take into account the characteristics and needs of you and your child. Some people prefer a clear schedule with early rises. For some, learning is more free when the requirements of the program are somehow woven into what the child wants to do. Just a child in free flight, and the program is the tenth thing. There are many different options, and I am sure that you, as parents, will choose the best option for you.

There is no “right” or “wrong” here. You can try different approaches, quickly see the result, feedback and adjust. Here we also have a huge advantage over the standard education system, when it takes a lot of years to reform and analyze what has happened.

We have had a smooth transition from strict control of learning, a rigid schedule, “we must” to more free learning, to more of what the child wants.

Of course, the training structure largely depends on the requirements educational institution. And it makes sense to choose a school whose requirements best match your desired learning style. It's good that the choice is increasing every year.

7. Fun learning, FUN, freedom to want or not to want to study, does not relieve one from responsibility.

Ideal learning is fun and interesting, FUN! I noticed from myself that the more I get involved, joke, release the flow of imagination and don’t hold back ideas, the easier, more fun, more interesting and more effective learning becomes. Funny songs and raps for the multiplication tables, science - “depict an insect that hides in the bark of a tree for the winter”, learning English words with Minecraft... there are no limits to imagination. The more I stress, because: “I have to convey something, because I have all the responsibility,” the worse the results are, and the harder it is to learn.

But it’s absolutely normal if your child doesn’t want to study one day, even if you jump and dance in front of him. And it’s completely normal that on another, no less wonderful day, you won’t want to be an animator. Everyone has different days, different moods, different performance. We all people. And a child, if he studies at home, does not have to always want to study, even if, in your opinion, you have come up with a wonderful visual aid.

But my child and I understand that going homeschooling means taking on certain obligations and somehow learning something. Therefore, there is also no single correct option here. There is a trial and error method. If you force yourself to love mathematics that you yourself love, there is a risk of developing an aversion to it. Can you unwittingly captivate a child? English language. And, yes, my child loved studying at home more than at school.

8. 6-8 years old - learning through play with parents, from 8-9 years old - independence, responsibility, effort, organization.

Responsibility, independence in learning, conscious effort in learning, organization, according to my observations, can be expected from a child no earlier than 8-9 years old, or even 9-10. Therefore, ideally, at 6-7-8 years of age, education should have been as much as possible in the form of a game. And conscious effort, organization, everything that teachers want to see from the first days of teaching, should be introduced gradually in small doses.

Of course, everything is individual; children have different temperaments and inclinations. Girls are more likely to sit quietly and write out letters in calligraphy; boys often perceive information better by jumping, have worse handwriting and have no patience. Statistically average. Perhaps there are 6-7 year olds who are so conscientious that they know how to plan their learning schedule and patiently complete all tasks, even boring ones, on their own. But for the vast majority of children, the first 2-3-4 years definitely need maximum parental involvement in the educational process. Even if it is a full school with well-written tasks. And, with the vast majority of children, you need to sit with them while writing out letters, inspiring them to write the next one.

My child (boy) began to show responsibility, independence, organization at the age of 8-9, 3rd grade. Already at this age, I can calmly assign some tasks and go somewhere about my business, knowing that he will do everything. So, the dream that the son will study on his own is gradually beginning to come true.

9. Study where it is convenient for you.

About learning on the street. It is, of course, wonderful to spend a lot of time outside, learning as you go. But it is most convenient to do this in the summer. But even when it’s warm, writing texts in a notebook outside is not very convenient. That is, not all types of activities are suitable for the street. On the street, it’s ideal to just run, physical activity, quests, natural science, and not all topics. And learning mathematics on the street is quite difficult. Lack of concentration. Everything on the street is distracting, but your friends invite you to play...

10. Feeling of safety, experiencing emotions.

It is very important. Learning is effective when there is a sense of security. And when the child is safe with you, she trusts you, then she can allow herself to show her true emotions. Cry “I don’t want to write.” Release and experience some of your fears and experiences, especially when there was some kind of negative experience associated with learning (in kindergarten, school...). I learned a lot about kindergarten and school from my son during homeschooling, things that he didn’t tell me before... It’s important to allow those emotions to be there. Helping people live through them may be more important than any academic knowledge. In general, emotional intelligence, the formation of the emotional sphere, is very important.

By and large, this is all - treating the child as a person. With the characteristics of his personality, with desires, inclinations and emotions. Remembering that we are responsible loving adults who can provide for a child best conditions and be guides in the world of knowledge, and simply in life.

Teaching your child at home is a great choice. Choosing new opportunities and development for yourself and your child. Of course, it's not always easy, especially in the beginning. But over time it becomes easier and more interesting. The benefits of homeschooling are becoming clear. We are pleased with the child’s success in learning and understanding. Personal and emotional development is clearly visible. And we, those who teach our children at home, will never be the same as we were before.

And may the force be with us!