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What is the concept of gender equality? The concept of gender and gender equality. What is gender

Gender equality: what is it and who needs it

We've all heard of feminism. But we, as such, do not particularly encounter it every day. Whereas, it turns out that gender is a concept that applies to us everywhere.

Society has formed certain models of female and male behavior that we must follow in order not to feel like outcasts and to achieve something. However, we ourselves become prisoners of these behavior patterns. And as a result, our capabilities are limited to these same models. That is why the whole world is talking about the need for gender equality as equal rights and opportunities for men and women.

Achieving gender equality is one of the Millennium Goals, which activists around the world have taken up. But real gender equality starts with ourselves. Therefore, first, let's try to understand what it is - gender and gender equality and why we need it at all.

Gender and gender equality: concepts

The word "gender" came to us from in English and, unlike the word sex, which describes a person’s biological sex, it characterizes the so-called social sex. That is, gender is a complex of stereotypes that lead to the formation of a typically feminine or typically masculine model of behavior. Along with the typical behavior model, men and women also acquire those characteristics that have nothing to do with gender and can be changed:

The financial dependence of some people (usually women), the everyday helplessness of others (usually men) - as a result, marriages are often created for these reasons, and not only and not so much for love, but divorces (the epidemic of which has not spared us) happen precisely because of the lack of love.

Developed countries, not agreeing with this state of affairs, started talking about the need for gender equality and began to implement it. The most striking example is Sweden, a country where progress towards gender equality has brought real good results: increased life expectancy, reduced the incidence of depression, crime rates and simply made more people subjectively happy.

So it turns out that gender equality can help us achieve all this. After all, who doesn’t want to be healthy and wealthy? Who doesn't want to grow old with her husband, rather than as a widow? Who doesn't want to feel real freedom of choice?

Gender equality: benefits for men

Can a man become, for example, a teacher in kindergarten, even if he really wants it?! First of all, everyone will laugh at him. Secondly, the parents of his pupils may refuse a male teacher, since they themselves consider this some kind of abnormal phenomenon. Thirdly, a teacher’s salary will not allow a man not only to stereotypically “feed his family,” but also to live on his own. After all, salaries in so-called female professions are usually lower, so women are forced to rely on financial support from their parents or a man (husband), while men have no such options. The result is that a man must choose not the profession that he would like, but the one that brings money and is “masculine.”

By doing a job that is not his favorite (at least 8 hours a day), a man becomes angry, dissatisfied, aggressive, drinks alcohol more often (to “relieve stress”), and is less likely to take care of the house and children. Plus the stereotype “real men never cry,” and such a man’s blood vessels wear out much faster, and his antitumor immunity weakens. So it turns out that men live in Ukraine for an average of 63 years, dying from heart attacks, strokes and cancer, and women live for 76 years. In countries where there is the greatest gender equality (for example, in Sweden), the difference in life expectancy between men and women is minimal, and life expectancy itself has exceeded 80.

It has also been proven that men who spend more time raising children live longer than those who spend their entire lives at work. In addition, the former are less aggressive and feel happier.

The fact that stereotypically women (usually it all starts with mothers) do almost all the housework makes a man helpless and, in fact, dependent on a woman. Such a man actually cannot cook his own food, wash his clothes, iron them, or clean his house. Therefore, instead of waiting and meeting a woman whom he will love and with whom he will be happy, he should marry the one who will fulfill all the responsibilities of caring for him and the house. And therefore, in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, she will not get divorced. For this reason, he will start drinking, partying, working a lot, just so as not to go home. And, having divorced, he gets married again very quickly because of the same helplessness, and usually unsuccessfully.

Gender equality: benefits for women

Domestic work is not paid. And it doesn't affect your pension. And it is not appreciated by anyone. Being divided into two (between husband and wife), housework and raising children will not then prevent a woman from self-realization in something else if she wants it. For example, become a journalist, an engineer, make a career in a bank, reaching the heights you want. But, unfortunately, many women do not even have any special ambitions or professional desires. More precisely, we had them, but then we got our brains straightened out. Since childhood, we were taught by our mothers, fathers, aunts and grandmothers that “the main purpose of a woman is to be a mother and wife.” The same gender stereotypes were instilled in us by school (“mom washed the frame”), college (“only a man can be a programmer”), television (“a woman cannot be a good leader”).

Besides, what woman wants to be left alone in her old age if her average stereotypical husband dies within 3 years of retirement? In addition, such a woman will remain poor - her salary was a pittance, and her pension will be the same.

Here is a reason for you to think about your life, the lives of your loved ones, raising your children and their future.

2019, the 21st century is reaching its midpoint. The women's rights movement has gained momentum around the world, not excluding Muslim countries with centuries-old patriarchal foundations. Gender stereotypes are being erased, women serve in the army, men do not hide their tears. This is fine. There will be gender equality. These are the trends of the information age. Ages of opportunity, when everyone can be whoever they want.

Gender equality and stereotypes of the twentieth century

A breakthrough in gender equality occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the German socialist Clara Zetkin and her friend Rosa Luxemburg actively campaigned for women's rights. In particular, German friends achieved equal voting and labor rights with men. Ideologically close to Lenin, they repeatedly visited the newly created USSR, in which feminist ideas became part of the state ideology. In the Union, women began working in construction, driving tractors and even tanks.

Simultaneously with this process, the feminization of boys began. This is quite logical, because if women took on male responsibilities, they were forced to give up some of the female ones (24 hours in a day are not enough for everything). Accordingly, men took on these women's responsibilities. No, in the Soviet Union they did not paint their nails or perm them yet. But, for example, children had to be looked after. What to do if women were given maternity leave for only a year (if anyone doesn’t know, now it’s 3 years). And then everyone goes to work, benefiting the state. So men had to take on some of the mother’s functions.

Despite this, gender stereotypes are still alive today. Quite often you can hear the phrases “a real man should...”, “this is not a woman’s business,” and so on. But in fact, fewer and fewer people are striving to meet these standards. Women in the 21st century, on an equal basis with men, build a career and look towards social fulfillment. Along with this, there is a growing movement of “male housewives” who do not really want to achieve career heights, instead paying attention to home comfort and the kitchen.

Psychology and self-analysis are popular now. This is a wonderful trend that helps people see their true desires, without regard to public opinion and gender stereotypes. If a woman understands that she does not want to devote her life to children, then she should not have offspring simply because it is “accepted” to do so. All the same, in this case, children will not receive proper love and may grow up with a traumatized psyche.

The issue of a traumatized psyche is also relevant for men. The fact that now the feminization of boys from an early age allows them to openly show emotions, including crying, is good for the psyche. Constantly pent-up negative emotions result in somatic illnesses, depression and alcoholism. Cry sometimes or drink yourself to death – what would you choose?

Gender stereotypes in Russia

Historically in Russia people are more conservative. Patriarchal principles are promoted by the state, so it is too early to talk about gender equality. First of all, this concerns military service for guys. The transition to a contract army has not yet been discussed, which means that men’s rights will be infringed for a long time. While girls can freely manage their lives from the age of 18, young people are obliged to give 2 years of their youth to the state. This is an infringement of the right to freedom and there is no talk of equality between men and women.


Equality between men and women is recognized as one of the key problems of our time. At the international level, it is given priority attention. Organizations of the UN system, such as UNDP, UNIFEM, UNFPA, ILO, WHO, as well as the World Bank, recognize this problem as fundamental, underlying the sustainable socio-economic development of states.

Society consists of women and men occupying different places in it. This place depends on the level of civilization of the society. Without studying gender issues, a comprehensive study of man, demographic changes and their causes is impossible.

In Russia in last years There have been certain shifts in understanding the problems of gender equality. This is evidenced, on the one hand, by the beginning of the integration process gender approach into science and political practice, on the other hand, the development of the women's movement, including the human rights movement, and various initiatives aimed at achieving equality between the sexes. However, for a variety of reasons, it is too early to talk about significant progress in overcoming discrimination against women and achieving gender symmetry in various areas public life. The gender problem has not disappeared in the 21st century, but on the contrary, it has acquired a new turn due to the prevailing conditions of the information development of mankind. It remains an undeniable fact that, despite the fact that women have achieved success in politics, science, medicine, education, management and other spheres of public life, they have not been able to achieve equality with men.

The purpose of this work is to study the legal protection of women.

To do this, it is necessary to: characterize concepts such as gender and gender equality, as well as the basic principles of equality between women and men; consider legal support for equality of social and labor rights of women.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part and a list of sources used.

The concept of “gender and gender equality”

The term "gender" reflects socially determined differences and connections between men and women. They vary across societies and cultures and change over time. However, the term “gender” is not interchangeable with the term “sex,” which solely reflects biological differences between men and women that are universal and unchangeable.

Statistics are disaggregated by sex, and gender describes the differing roles, responsibilities, constraints, opportunities and needs of women and men in all areas and in any given social context.

Gender roles are skills of behavior in a given society, community or other social group. They determine which activities, tasks and responsibilities are considered appropriate for men and which for women.

Gender roles are influenced by age, socioeconomic class, race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, and geographic, economic, political, and cultural environments. Relations between the sexes are also relations of power, which influences who has access to and can control tangible and intangible resources.

Changes in gender roles often occur in response to changes in economic, natural and political conditions, including development or structural adjustment and other national or international forces. Gender roles in a given social context can be flexible or rigid, similar or different, complementary or conflicting. Both women and men participate to varying degrees and in different ways in reproductive and production activities, in community governance and play different roles in social and political groups. Their participation in one activity or another reflects the division of labor between the sexes. Thus, gender relations influence aspects of recruitment, working conditions, social protection, representation and voice in the workplace; Therefore, inequality between women and men in all areas: their degree of participation, access to resources, rights, power and influence, remuneration and benefits - is often called the gender gap. Closely related to gender inequality at work is the gender pay gap, that is, the inequality between the average earnings of men and women; social differences between men and women are also evident in obtaining employment, education, vocational training and in real participation in representative institutions of social dialogue.

Gender equality means equal rights and opportunities for men and women, boys and girls, and equal treatment in all areas of life. It states that a person's rights, responsibilities, social status and access to resources do not depend on whether he was born male or female. However, this does not mean that men and women are or should become the same, or that all labor market measures should produce the same results.

Gender equality assumes that all men and women are free to choose the personal abilities they wish to develop and to make life decisions without restrictions created by stereotypes and prejudices about gender roles or the characteristics of men and women. In the context of decent work, gender equality includes equal opportunities and treatment, equal pay, access to a safe and healthy work environment, equality in associations and collective agreements, equality in achieving meaningful career advancement, maternity protection, work-family balance, fair and equitable men and for women.

Equality of rights and equal opportunities for women and men and equal opportunities for their implementation are rights and opportunities protected and ensured by the state to act in a certain way or not to exercise any of its powers.

  • Golovinova Yulia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, Altai branch

This publication is devoted to a theoretical and legal analysis of the issues of gender equality. The author emphasizes that today “gender” means the distribution of roles between the sexes in society with all the consequences of such distribution: economic, political, social, cultural, psychological.

  • To the characteristics of international legal acts establishing the socio-economic rights of women
  • Conducting a preliminary investigation by an investigative group (group of investigators)

IN last decades The problem of gender equality is becoming increasingly acute, which is due to the actualization of the struggle for the establishment of democratic norms and principles throughout the world community. Gender equality becomes integral integral part general concept of equality as a basic social value.

In modern science, the concept of “gender” refers to socially constructed characteristics of differences in behavior, mentality and emotional reactions between men and women. As you know, the term “gender” was first used in the late 1950s. last century by American psychoanalyst Robert Stoler. While studying transsexuals, he came to the conclusion that biological sex may not coincide with gender identity (it is better to change the gender of such a person than to teach him to feel like a man or a woman). This is how the concept of “gender” arose, denoting the socio-cultural aspects of sex. Stoler proposed using it to distinguish between the concepts of “sex in a social context” and “sex in the biological and sexual sense of the word.” However, in Social sciencies the concept of “gender” was introduced in the 70s. XX century Anne Oakley. Initially, the interest of foreign researchers was focused on identifying evidence of the existence of gender, on identifying non-biological causes of the difference between male and female in society.

Anthony Giddens, as one of the leading sociologists who has developed the theory of gender in some detail and determined its close connection with social processes and phenomena, notes that the distinction between sex and gender is fundamental, since many differences between men and women are caused by reasons not being biological in nature. Since the late 1980s, research interest has been directed towards identifying the dependence of gender relations and gender roles on cultural type.

Today, “gender” means the distribution of roles between the sexes in society with all the consequences of such distribution: economic, political, social, cultural, psychological. Gender is understood as an organized pattern of social relations between women and men, not only in the family, but also as social relationships in the main institutions of society. N.L. Pushkareva, one of the largest researchers of “women’s history,” notes that gender is “a mental construct that determines the socio-cultural functions of gender and allows us to distinguish these functions from biological functions.”

Gender allows not only to distinguish a person’s sex based on certain characteristics, but also makes it possible to move away from the usual framework of the concept of a person’s sex and move to a multistructural one, which is socialized in society as a real phenomenon. Thus, a transition is made from the categories of masculinity and femininity inherent in a person’s biological sex to the categories of masculinity and femininity inherent exclusively to gender. Thus, gender should be understood as a socio-psychological construct of sex, expressed in a complex of given and predetermined properties and qualities of human behavior. These are nothing more than social roles, quality of behavior, occupations that are considered in society to be characteristic of men and women.

Most often, gender roles are reinforced through gender stereotypes based on socially accepted ideas about what is masculine and feminine. In general, a social stereotype is understood as a standardized, stable, value-based image. The basis of the stereotype is the cliché of accumulated social experience. Among the features of a social stereotype, one can highlight the rigid fixity of the polarization of a person’s qualities (as the main social object and the main content of the stereotype). In the future, this can and usually becomes the basis of prejudice.

Today, stereotypical male and female identities (masculine and feminine) are firmly entrenched in cultural stereotypes. Masculine and feminine appear as polarized and mutually exclusive. This is especially obvious in the division of labor by gender - into male and female. In many ways, this phenomenon is determined by culture.

Among the factors influencing the formation of gender stereotypes are language, games, school, religion, means mass media- movies, advertising, magazines. It is the media that influence people every day and become a powerful means of constructing reality. Advertising provides interesting material for analysis. First of all, these are lexical and visual images associated with social differentiation of the sexes, when the archetype of a weak woman should appear against the background of the archetype of a strong man. The image of a woman expresses, first of all, gender, which is interpreted at the level of sexual perception. The image of a woman should not indicate strength, independence, masculinity, that is, authority. An exception may be social advertising, whose female images are closer to reality.

Russian society is dominated by stereotypes, leading to strongly held views about the traditional roles of men and women. Women are believed to be primarily responsible for raising children and family responsibilities. This has a great impact on their ability to advance in the public sphere, for example, in politics, when working in leadership positions. Stereotypical ideas about gender roles are reinforced not only in school and the media, but also in government initiatives where the focus is on women's reproductive functions and other issues are not mentioned. In general, in Russia there is a high degree of tolerance for violations of equality between men and women.

In turn, “gender equality” means an equal level of opportunity, participation and presence of both sexes in various spheres of public and private life. It should be seen as the establishment of a harmonious partnership relationship between a man and a woman; creating conditions for the full realization of male and female potential, expressed in equality of potential opportunities, equality of personal status, an identical value system that does not depend on gender characteristics and equal assessment of the importance of gender social roles by society. It aims to promote the full participation of both men and women in society. According to N.A. Shvedova, “gender equality is an equal assessment by society of the similarities and differences between women and men, the various social roles they play.”

Thus, gender equality is nothing more than the “sameness” of men and women - precisely sameness, but not identity. It is impossible to put an equal sign between a man and a woman simply because of their psychophysiological differences and characteristics, as well as different biological functions.


  1. Voronina O.A. Feminism and gender equality. M., 2004. pp. 125-126.
  2. Dysyuk T.N. Basic concepts for interpreting gender equality // Scientific Bulletin of MGIIT. 2013. No. 3. P. 55.
  3. Pushkareva N.L. Gender research: birth, formation of methods and prospects in the system historical sciences// Woman, gender, culture. M., 1999. pp. 21-22.
  4. Maksimov A.A. Correlation of the concepts of gender equality and gender equality // Diploma. 2012. No. 9 (23). Part 1. P. 128.
  5. Butovskaya M.L. Gender in modern world: realities and prospects of women in the field of gender equality // Personality. Culture. Society. 2008. Vol. 3-4 (42-43). P. 167.
  6. Shvedova N.A. Gender education: simply about complex things. M., 2002. P. 4.

The purpose of this article is to show the reader at a glance that “gender” and “gender equality” as a concept, a social idea, are absolutely absurd. I still find it hard to accept that civilized Western countries fell so easily for this feminist bullshit. At the end of the article, I will still explain why our Russian government supports the insane demands of demoniac feminists.

To demonstrate the complete delusion of the whole spectrum of “gender problems”, the falsity of their messages, I will use quotes from the “Dictionary of Gender Terms” (edited by A. A. Denisova / Regional public organization"East-West: Women's Innovation Projects." M.: Information XXI century, 2002. 256 pp.) and ... ordinary common sense. I hope my reader possesses the latter no less than I do.

The word “gender” itself means the division of people according to the principle of “social sex” and the denial of biological sex, which is already a mockery of the nature of men and women, of the very creation of the Almighty.

What does gender equality mean?

“Gender is created (constructed) by society as a social model of women and men, determining their position and role in society and its institutions (family, political structure, economics, culture and education, etc.)"— the feminist book instructs the reader. Thus, as the concept of “gender” suggests, boys grow into men, and girls into women, not by birth, but by their upbringing by their parents and society. What a thought!

According to feminists, women still have not taken their due position in society precisely because of various gender and social stereotypes that predetermine a person’s fate and his role in society.

Let's try to answer two questions:

Question one: what position, in fact, are women “owed” to? In general, can there be any NORMS at all from the point of view of common sense and in what areas can these norms be applied?

For clarity, let's take little people. It is natural to assume that all their lives they suffer to one degree or another because of their height, they are often offended, called short, women do not like such men. However, it never occurs to anyone to demand that 40% of marriages be concluded exclusively with short people. What is characteristic is that in the Duma they do not demand any minimum. There are many different groups who have a hard time in life, the world requires much more effort, work, perseverance, will to achieve the same results as the average person. These include patients with cerebral palsy, other disabled people, people with severely impaired vision, deafness, excessive excess weight, and others. But it never occurs to any of them to demand special preferences and exceptional conditions for themselves in order to achieve some kind of “norm”. And it comes to feminists. They all talk about this nonsense about “gender equality.”

But they understand this equality in a very unique way, only where it is beneficial to women. Feminists demand 40% women in power structures. But they do not require compulsory military conscription. Let me remind you: there are 0% women there, they are still not called up. Like this: women have more rights, but fewer responsibilities to society. And for some reason they don’t require 40% of miners’ jobs either. They only want sweet pieces, where it’s more profitable and easier. The authorities want money too. But where the work is dirty, hard and dangerous, they immediately “forget” about “gender equality”. In our country, 95-98% of children in divorce are left with their mothers - are feminists demanding “gender balance” here? Nope. How else to bet men with money and blackmail them with children?

Let's go from the other side. Let’s say that 40% of ministerial portfolios or seats in the Duma were given to women. Note, not for abilities, achievements, overcoming, intelligence, professionalism, but for boobs. What does this mean? And the fact is that exactly the same number of places will obviously be lost by men who could apply for them by the right of free competitive access. Thus, a positive quota for women simultaneously means direct discrimination against men!

Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov is perplexed with me and develops this thought:

“It is proposed to introduce gender quotas of 40%. Amazing! Are we waiting for 40% of school teachers to be men? No. What's the matter then? It turns out that we are talking about dividing in this way best places in the government and in the State Duma. I wonder how the deputies, most of whom are men, will vote for this? Either without understanding it, automatically, or under pressure. After all, according to this law, a thousand male civil servants must be immediately fired simply for being men.

In this regard, I came up with a counter proposal. All women sit on the committee on family affairs - 100 percent, therefore, according to the new law, it is necessary to fire 40% of the women members of the committee and replace them with men, and only then submit such a law. Because this law, which they want to force us to live by, has all the signs of gender discrimination against men. Moreover, Mizulina herself has held the post for two terms, therefore, according to the logic and spirit of the new bill, she needs to be replaced by a man.”

A hooligan thought came to mind: would a transvestite or homosexual who declared that he feels like a woman (based on “gender”) get the right to a quota from Mizulina? This is another inconsistency, an absurdity in using the entire “gender” arsenal of feminists: declaring gender as “social sex,” but handing out privileges only based on the criterion of having a vagina.

In general, can any percentage of women or men anywhere constitute any kind of “norm”? Why is this question so strange? Tell me, would you send your child to a school where the director would issue an order that 40% of the “A” grades in mathematics should be given to girls? It’s unlikely that they would give it away, you’ll agree. Personally, I would never send my child to a school where grades are based on sex (oh, sorry, “gender”!). How would you feel about a legislative initiative according to which at least 40% of driver's licenses should be issued to women? Would it be considered nonsense? But why does society allow equally absurd “norms” for women’s participation in politics to be imposed on itself? Why does the exclusively delusional and anti-constitutional law, pushed through by feminists led by Lakhova and Mizulina since 2003, hardly cause fair surprise and indignation among State Duma deputies and voters, but, on the contrary, was submitted for approval in the second reading? Why did almost all leading parties acquire the so-called. “gender committees (sections)” and welcome a positive quota for women on party lists? The answer, as I already promised, is ahead.

And the second big question: what actually prevents women from taking worthy positions in society and politics? After all, for about 100 years women have enjoyed all the fullness civil rights(which, however, cannot be said about responsibilities!).

Feminist thinkers find the answer here too and give the following explanation, which, as I will show below, does not stand up to criticism even of elementary common sense. Here is a fragment of an article from the notorious “gender dictionary”.

“Glass ceiling” are invisible and not formally identified barriers that hinder women’s career growth. Possessing the same or superior level of professionalism compared to their male colleagues, women, however, “stop” at career growth most often at the executive level, or, at best, they become deputy managers. These barriers are caused both by deep gender stereotypes about the secondary role of women in general and the limitations of their abilities, and the so-called fear of success to which many working women are subject.”

Pay attention to the phrase: “Having the same or superior level of professionalism compared to male colleagues.” The authors of the dictionary are thus gradually pushing through the idea that women are at least (!) no less professionals in any field than men. It is implied that they are larger. I’m not saying this, it’s written in the dictionary. Do you agree with this? Okay, let's not waste time on trifles.

And just imagine: in the way of these honest workers, smart, talented, highly professional workers, a kind of monstrous lout grows up, who shouts in a loud voice: “Don’t let women become bosses!” Can you imagine it? Me not. And that's why.

Imagine yourself in the place of an entrepreneur, owner of a production facility, or a company. What is your main and main interest in business? Profit! Grandma is the main goal of any businessman, and even a 5-year-old child understands this. And what does this entrepreneur care if a woman or a man works in a particular place, if this employee is highly effective in his place and contributes to making a profit? Yes, he will put the crocodile Gena on workplace, if there is any benefit from it. Do you agree? This is very simple logic: just common sense, which is unknown to feminists.

I won’t even comment on the “fear of success that many working women are subject to” because it is obviously ridiculous.

In my online discussions, I often hear feminist gobbledygook that goes something like this: “women get paid less for the SAME job.”

Question number one: for which “same”? In general, who is the measure of this “identity” of work? Obviously, only the employer, employer, or boss can evaluate the quality and volume of work. Who else? In general, what will happen to the World if each of us considers himself offended and disadvantaged in his salary and on this basis demands money no less than what, say, Petya receives?

Question number two: in fact, who forces women to agree to payment that they consider inappropriate? Is slave labor or forced labor common in our country? No, free labor market. Valuable to the employer - get good money. (By the way, as you know, many women receive money based on their abilities and work). If you don’t like it here, offer yourself somewhere else.

Why do fools of all stripes repeat this absurd phrase like crazy? But it’s simple: feminists realized quite a long time ago that in fact, in most areas of the economy, women simply cannot compete with men! Do you understand? Women do not cope with free competition in the labor market and cannot withstand it without special “supports” in the form of special articles Labor Code, positive quotas, benefits. Of course, if we are not talking about traditional female areas. This is how the feminist MYTH about the equal abilities and opportunities of men and women is clearly being destroyed before our very eyes. And feminists don’t want this. What was to be done? And that’s when the saving word “gender” came to their aid. Therefore, feminists screamed, if there is no equal RESULT for men and women, then there is some kind of notorious “gender discrimination”. There are few women in politics (remember the beginning of the article: what exactly does “few” mean and who decided that 40% is enough?) - which means positive quotas are needed. And here a very interesting thing happened: feminists somehow managed to convince the entire so-called. The “civilized world” is that the greatest public good is hidden in achieving equality of RESULT between men and women.

The concept of equality of outcome is the essence of the modern concept of equality, according to which it is recognized that in order for women and men to achieve equal (same) results, they must be treated differently - because the living conditions of both are different, or in order to compensate for discrimination against women in past. After all, equality means ensuring that all people, regardless of their gender, nationality, religion or abilities, have equal opportunities to access the positive results of the political, economic, cultural and other courses carried out in the country.

Do you see what kind of demagoguery is being used? But following this logic, it is necessary to equalize everyone, everything and in everything. And height, number of teeth, hair thickness, education, grades at the institute, weight, number of books read, etc. How else can we ensure “equal opportunities to access positive outcomes”?

Absurd? But feminists talk about this in all seriousness. And they don’t just talk, but quite successfully lobby for the laws of Western countries.

We also took on Russia. Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov continues:

“The law was prepared by Mizulina in her committee, but initially Lakhova was behind it. Well, Ekaterina Lakhova - a famous person in this sense, she received very serious money from the West, she once wanted to push through a law on “reproductive rights,” which would result in the introduction of compulsory “sex education” in our schools and other abominations.”

Why did this fraudulent substitution of the healthy and normal principle of equality of rights with the absurd equality of RESULT work? Why doesn’t anyone tell feminists: “Well, stop talking nonsense, calm down!”?

And here I will give the very answer that I promised.

The fact is that 53% of the electorate are women.

They “vote with their hearts” and, alas, attend polling stations more actively than men. It is very easy to control them with the help of primitive populist slogans. What's wrong: tell a lie about new benefits for women, and the deputy is ready! But try at least one politician, a presidential candidate, to voice the fact that while the difference in retirement age between men and women is 5 years, women on average live on pensions for 19 years, and men MINUS one year - how long will such a politician hold out? Has at least one deputy raised the problem of excess mortality among men, zero budgetary allocations for men's healthcare, or the issue of discriminatory compulsory conscription of only men into the army? That's it.

In fact, Western democracy trapped itself the moment it granted women equal voting rights. Now in Russia we should not talk about the infringement of women’s rights, but about the flagrant DISCRIMINATION OF MEN, but who can afford it? In fact, any legislative initiative aimed at limiting the already excessive female preferences will not only be buried under the cries of the female electorate, but will have a very detrimental effect on the political career of the initiator himself. Politicians know this and do not want to lose their seats.

Isn't it time for all sensible people to speak out against all this feminist schizophrenia and consign feminism, along with its "gender", to the dustbin of History?

For dessert, for the reader, just a few facts from the mosaic of the triumphant world femchiza:

October 2011. The issue of “women’s quotas” for large German companies quarreled women ministers in Angela Merkel’s government. There is no doubt that the German business elite is formed by men. Among the 190 CEOs of companies included in the DAX index (the 30 largest publicly traded corporations in Germany), only seven are women. The need to change this ratio is obvious, the problem is how to do it: forcefully, by adopting a special law, or voluntarily, by agreeing on self-control on the part of companies.

January 2012. The French Parliament discusses new way the fight against prostitution, which involves persecuting consumers of sex services... in January, deputies will have to consider a bill introducing liability for using the services of prostitutes.

A similar law was passed in 1999 in Sweden: the criminal code there prosecutes consumers of sex services, but does not provide any punishment for the women offering them... In Norway, such a law has already been passed.

Please note: it is not prostitutes who are punished, but their CLIENTS. I wonder if it never occurs to them to imprison only heroin users, and not drug dealers?

September 2011. Passports of Australian citizens will now indicate one of three genders - male, female or gender X (X)

November 2001. In the United States, the 11-year-old adopted son of a lesbian family decided to become a girl. Now he is being treated with drugs that block hormones that delay sexual development.

A lesbian family from California (USA) claims that their adopted 11-year-old son wants to become a girl.

The boy is given drugs that block hormones that delay sexual development, so that he has time to decide exactly whether he wants to change his sex, until he is 14-15 years old.

Proponents of blocking therapy believe that its use in childhood will help change the situation among transsexual youth.

May 2011. In Brooklyn, a rabbi was convicted of harassing an IDF soldier. In the United States, a Hasidic rabbi was found guilty of harassing an Israeli IDF soldier. Associated Press reports.

The court hearing in Brooklyn in the case of Israeli citizen Gavriel Bidany took place on Thursday, May 5. Judge Ramon Reyes found Bidani's guilt fully proven. The rabbi's verdict will be announced next week.

The incident for which the Israeli is being tried occurred on board a Delta airline flight on March 27 from Tel Aviv to New York. Bidani, the father of 11 children, got a seat next to a young attractive woman, who, as it turned out later, was the captain of an air defense unit in the IDF. According to the prosecution's version, which Judge Reyes agreed with, the woman dozed off during the flight, and Bidani, taking advantage of the situation, began to harass her.

February 2011. There is a boom in Europe: women are urgently being sought for positions of top managers. That's what the law says. French companies are urgently looking for women. Career prospect - a place on the board of directors. Companies will have to hire about 1,350 women in leadership positions in the coming years. This is exactly how much it will take, according to headhunters, to implement the law adopted by the French Parliament on January 13. According to it, by 2017, 40% of seats on the boards of directors of public companies, as well as companies with a turnover of more than €50 million per year, should be occupied by women. Failure to meet this quota will result in serious sanctions: the appointment of male directors in this case will be considered illegitimate; moreover, without the required 40% of women, companies will be prohibited from paying for the work of the entire board.

January 2011: The US State Department will no longer use the words "mother" and "father" in official documentation starting in February. Instead, the documents will indicate "parent?1" and "parent?2".

The State Department explained this step by saying that the gender identification of parents was simply outdated. In the United States, the number of same-sex families raising young children is growing every year.

June 2007. I am in favor of lowering income taxes for women. In contrast, the tax burden on men should be slightly increased,” the weekly Bild am Sonntag quoted Antje Hermenau, chairman of the Green faction in the Saxony Landtag. The tax reduction, Hermenau believes, should range from 10 to 30%. The resulting tax increase for men would be significantly smaller because there are significantly more men working than women workers and their earnings are higher. At the same time, a member of the Green party council insists, men's rights will not be infringed. On the contrary, this, in her opinion, is an important condition for the final equalization of the rights of both sexes. How? Well, for example, a more equitable distribution of responsibilities between men and women - both at work and at home. Tax benefits will lead to more women becoming the main “money earners” in the family, and men, having lost this role, will be more actively involved in household chores, raising children, etc. The change in roles will lead to the fact that spouses will ultimately understand better and support each other. Gender justice will prevail.

Here are quotes from our above-mentioned law on gender equality, which is being promoted by domestic feminists led by Lakhova and Mizulina.

gender balance - the ratio of the number of women and men, in which the number of representatives of one sex is at least forty percent;

The following are not gender discrimination:

3) call for military service men in cases established federal law;

4) different conditions for serving sentences in the form of imprisonment for convicted women and convicted men;

2. Main directions public policy in the field of ensuring gender equality are:

1) improvement and development of legislation Russian Federation on gender equality;

2) conducting a gender examination of draft normative legal acts and (or) normative legal acts adopted by bodies state power and local governments;

3) adoption and implementation of a federal target program aimed at eliminating gender discrimination;

development of special measures aimed at overcoming discrimination against women in hiring, promotion, in remuneration, protection from sexual harassment in the workplace, ensuring equal representation with men in government bodies, local governments, as well as overcoming discrimination against women in other areas where women are in a less favorable situation compared to men;

Stop the demoniac feminists!

Dmitry Seleznev, 2012

Chief Editor Digest of the Men's Movement