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The future of the ocean: The Gulf Stream has punched a hole in global warming. Consequences of stopping the Golf Stream for Russia Report on changes in the flow of the Golf Stream 03/25

E. Volodin, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sci.

Rumors do not subside about the weakening of the Gulf Stream, which is either due to an oil leak in Gulf of Mexico, either because of the strong melting of Arctic ice, and that this threatens us with unheard-of climate disasters, up to the onset of a new ice age. Letters are coming to the editor asking for clarification on whether the warm current will really disappear soon. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Evgeniy Volodin, presenter, answers readers’ questions Researcher Institute of Computational Mathematics RAS.

Rice. 1. Anomaly (deviation) of surface temperature in September-November 2010 compared to September-November 1970-2009. Data from NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA).

Rice. 2. Difference in ocean surface temperatures in June 2010 and June 2009. GODAS data.

Rice. 3. Difference in ocean surface temperatures in September-November 2010 and September-November 2009. GODAS data.

Rice. 4. Current speeds in June 2010 at a depth of 50 m, according to GODAS data. The arrows indicate the direction, the color indicates the speed (m/s).

The Gulf Stream is a warm current in the Gulf of Mexico that bends around Florida and flows along the east coast of the United States to approximately 37 degrees north latitude. and then breaks away from the coast to the east. Similar trends exist in Pacific Ocean- Kuroshio, and in the Southern Hemisphere. The uniqueness of the Gulf Stream lies in the fact that after breaking away from the American coast, it does not turn back to the subtropics, but partially penetrates into high latitudes, where it is already called the North Atlantic Current. It is thanks to him that in the north of the Atlantic the temperature is 5-10 degrees higher than at similar latitudes in the Pacific Ocean or in the Southern Hemisphere. For the same reason, the Northern Hemisphere as a whole is slightly warmer than the Southern.

The primary reason for the unusual nature of the North Atlantic is that slightly more water evaporates over the Atlantic than falls as precipitation. Over the Pacific Ocean, on the contrary, precipitation slightly exceeds evaporation. Therefore, in the Atlantic, water on average is somewhat saltier than in the Pacific Ocean, and therefore heavier than the fresher Pacific Ocean, and therefore it tends to sink to the bottom. This happens especially intensely in the north Atlantic, where the salty water is also made heavier by cooling on the surface. In place of the water that has sank into the depths of the North Atlantic, water comes from the south, this is the North Atlantic Current.

Thus, the causes of the North Atlantic Current are global, and are unlikely to be significantly affected by such a local event as an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. According to the most pessimistic estimates, the area of ​​the oil slick is one hundred thousand square kilometers, while the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is slightly less than one hundred million square kilometers (that is, a thousand times larger than the slick). According to the NCEP atmospheric reanalysis data (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA) - synthesized data from satellites, ground-based observation stations, soundings, “assimilated” by the atmospheric dynamics model (NCEP's Global Forecast System - GFS), there is nothing wrong with the warm currents of the North Atlantic hasn't happened yet. Take a look at the map compiled from this data (Figure 1). In September-November 2010, the deviation of surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in that part of the Atlantic where the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current pass, from the average value in the same months of 1970-2009 does not exceed one degree Celsius. Only in the northwest Atlantic, in the region of the cold Labrador Current, do these anomalies reach two to three degrees. But even this magnitude of seasonal anomalies is quite common and is observed in one region or another almost every year.

Reports that the Gulf Stream between the 76th and 47th meridians in 2010 became colder by 10 degrees Celsius are also not confirmed. According to GODAS data (Global Ocean Data Assimilation System - a system for assimilation of all available observational data - satellites, ships, buoys, etc. - using an ocean dynamics model), the average ocean surface temperature in June 2010 was between about 40 and 70 degrees west was lower than in June 2009, by only one or two degrees, and only in one place - by almost three degrees (Fig. 2). But such temperature anomalies are well within the framework of natural variability. They are usually accompanied by "outliers" of a different sign in nearby ocean areas, which is what happened in the summer of 2010, according to GODAS data. So if they were averaged over the entire North Atlantic, the average temperature deviation was close to zero. In addition, such phenomena usually last for several months, and in the fall the negative anomaly was no longer visible (Fig. 3).

The existence of the Gulf Stream is well confirmed by GODAS data on horizontal current velocities at a depth of 50 m, averaged for June 2010. The map compiled from this data (Fig. 4) shows that the Gulf Stream, as always, flows through the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida and along eastern shore USA. Then it breaks away from the shore, becomes wider, and at the same time the speed of the current drops (as it should be), that is, nothing unusual can be traced. According to GODAS, the Gulf Stream flows in approximately the same way in other months of 2010. Note that 50 m is the most typical depth at which the Gulf Stream is best visible. For example, surface currents may differ from those at a depth of 50 m, most often due to the influence of wind.

However, there have been cases in history when events similar to those described in the now widespread “horror stories” occurred. The last such event occurred about 14 thousand years ago. Then the ice age ended, and in North America a huge lake was formed from melted ice, dammed by a glacier that had not yet melted. But the ice continued to melt, and at some point, water from the lake began to flow into the North Atlantic, desalinizing it and thereby preventing the sinking of the water and the North Atlantic Current. As a result, Europe has become noticeably colder, especially in winter. But then, according to existing estimates, the impact on the climate system was enormous, because the fresh water flow was about 10 6 m 3 /s. This is more than an order of magnitude higher than, for example, the current flow of all Russian rivers.

Another important point that I would like to emphasize: seasonal average atmospheric circulation anomalies in temperate latitudes depend to a very small extent on ocean surface temperature anomalies, including such large ones as were observed this summer in European Russia. Experts in seasonal weather forecasting claim that only 10-30% of deviations from the “norm” of the average seasonal temperature at any point in Russia are due to ocean surface temperature anomalies, and the remaining 70-90% are the result of natural atmospheric variability, the root cause of which is unequal heating high and low latitudes and which is almost impossible to predict for more than two to three weeks (see also “Science and Life” No. 12, 2010).

That is why it is wrong to consider the observed weather anomalies in Europe in the summer of 2010 or in any other season to be the result of only the influence of the ocean. If this were so, seasonal or monthly weather deviations from the “norm” would be easily predicted, since large ocean temperature anomalies, as a rule, are inertial and last at least several months. But so far no forecasting center in the world has been able to produce a good seasonal weather forecast.

If we talk specifically about the causes of the anomaly in the summer of 2010 in Russia, it was caused by the interaction of two coincidentally coinciding factors: a blocking anticyclone, which caused the transfer of air to the central regions of Russia mainly from the east-southeast, and soil drought in the Volga region and the Urals, which allowed the spreading air not to waste heat on evaporating water from the surface. As a result, the increase in air temperature at the surface was truly unprecedented over the entire observation period. However, the probability of the occurrence of a blocking anticyclone and soil drought in the Volga region depends little on ocean surface temperature anomalies, including in the Gulf Stream region.

If you clearly understand only two things: the US dollar is not a US dollar at all, but the dollar of a private company called the Federal Reserve System (FRS), as well as the catastrophic deterioration of the climate on both sides of the North Atlantic that is coming in the coming years, then you can confidently understand in the seemingly unimaginable chaos of so-called world politics. There is no chaos! There are clear actions by the Federal Reserve (as I already said, a private organization) regarding the future arrangement of its beloved planet Earth after a sharp cold snap in the USA and Western Europe, exactly where the so-called “golden billion” now live happily.

We’ll talk separately about the private world currency – the dollar (aka “bucks”, “greens”, “cabbage”, etc.). Let's start with the climate.

Gulf Stream - yes

The warm and ultra-comfortable climate of the USA and Western Europe 90% is due to the warming effect of the Gulf Stream ocean current, with a capacity of 50 million m 3 of warm water per second - ten to the fifteenth power of kilowatts (one and a half petawatts) of thermal energy. And this is equivalent in power to one million nuclear power plants, which have been heating Europe, the USA and Canada (the areas adjacent to the Atlantic) for centuries. This “thermal additive” increases the temperature in Europe and the USA by 8-10ºС, and even by 2º in Moscow! The average annual temperature of the Russian capital is +3.8ºС. Located much further north, Reykjavik is heated by the Gulf Stream to +5ºС, in Helsinki - on average +6.8ºС, while in Yakutsk, located at the same latitude, the temperature is 10.2ºС. London with the Gulf Stream - +11ºС, Voronezh (without the Gulf Stream), but at the same latitude - +5ºС. Berlin is +10ºС, and “one-latitude” Novosibirsk is -0.2ºС. What creates exceptional conditions for Agriculture these territories. The grain yield in non-chernozem Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Ireland... ranges from 60 to 85 centners per hectare, and the yield of black-earth Ukraine is only 24 c/ha, in non-chernozem Russia - 12-15 c/ha. In Europe and the USA, there are no droughts or spring frosts that destroy crops, and today the USA and Canada export 100 million tons. grains, and Western Europe 50 million tons. in year. There, agricultural yields depend only 5% on the climate (Gulf Stream!!!), while in our country it depends on 50%!

The favorable warm climate, the absence of permafrost and soil freezing, allow us to save trillions of dollars on infrastructure and its operation. Remember your favorite scene from Hollywood action movies, how some idiot like Rambo punches through the wall of a house! And so it is! There is no need for strong walls there. Warm. Comrade Rambo would try to break through the wall of our house with four bricks!!! I think he would still be in the hospital.

...A huge amount of fuel (gas, oil, coal, electricity), building materials, and insulation materials are saved. There is no need to build powerful heating plants and heating mains. People in warm climates save on warm clothing and do not need to eat more high-calorie foods in colder climates. Roads are preserved tens of times longer, due to the absence of the deadly processes of freezing and thawing. And so on…

In general, the Gulf Stream for Europe and the United States is a royal gift to their economies and their populations. That's how they would continue to live. Everything is captured! Private dollar - world currency, warmth, media under control. Talk to yourself about developed democracy (for others, at home - a police state - the USA), about human rights (for your person), compose ratings for yourself and draw zero inflation (for yourself), fight world terrorism (after creating it, so that there is whom to “fight”) In general, there is a lot to do. Throwing bullshit on a global scale and creating “dissent marches” is something you “don’t want to eat.” Both expensive and troublesome. But then a major disaster happened. The “free” Gulf Stream began to act up.

There is no Gulf Stream or no one wanted to freeze!

The weather kitchen is located in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. The role of the heating system is played by the warm ocean current Gulf Stream, which many call the “stove of Europe”.

Now, in the interglacial period (Holocene), the characteristic picture of ocean currents looks like in Fig. The cold and denser Labrador Current “dives” under the warm and lighter Gulf Stream without preventing it from warming Europe. Then the Labrador Current “surfaces” off the coast of Spain under the name of the cold Canary Current, crosses the Atlantic, reaches the Caribbean Sea, heats up and, called the Gulf Stream, rushes unhindered to the North. The density of the Labrador Current is a key factor in the well-being of the world. It is not the “greenhouse effect”, not the “ozone hole”, not the technogenic activity of mankind, but precisely the density of the waters of the Labrador Current that determines the current warm period. Currently, the density of the waters of the Labrador Current is only one tenth of a percent higher than the density of the waters of the Gulf Stream.

A sharp drop in Atlantic temperatures after the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

Labrador Current is denser than the Gulf Stream = interglacial

Just 0.1% excess density, and - palm trees in London, the beaches of Palma de Mallorca, ice-free fjords of Norway and year-round navigation in the Barents Sea.

As soon as the Labrador Current becomes equal in density to the Gulf Stream, it will stop “diving” under the Gulf Stream, rise to the surface of the ocean and block the movement of the Gulf Stream to the north. It will instantly shut down, instantly even by the standards of human life: 3-10 years for the whole process - and the Gulf Stream will be “turned off”. The great interconnected "eight" of ocean currents (see figure) will turn into two circular currents (see figure) characteristic of the Ice Age. The Gulf Stream will head towards Spain and begin to circulate in a small circle, the cold Labrador Current will break through to Europe, which immediately begins to freeze.

The Labrador Current is equal in density to the Gulf Stream = Ice Age

Moreover, the process will be extremely sharp for 3-20 years, which is confirmed by direct data on previous cold snaps obtained by drilling ice in Greenland. The air temperature in Europe will instantly (within 3-20 years) become Siberian. Living in Europe, Canada and the USA will become unbearable once the Labrador switch is triggered. Today there are palm trees in London, and tomorrow (in 3-10-20 years) London will be buried in snow, frosts will reach -40°C, and even reindeer will refuse to live there. Sharp, freezing cold is a real prospect for the coming years, which is being seriously discussed. The fact is that already now the strength of the winter Gulf Stream towards Europe is weakening significantly (according to some data - by 30%). Possibly abnormally cold winters recent years in Europe - a direct consequence of this.

The process of “disappearance” of the Gulf Stream is in full swing. The process was accelerated by the large-scale accident of the British Petroleum oil platform on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico.

In early May 2010, US President Barack Obama called what was happening in the Gulf of Mexico “a potentially unprecedented environmental disaster.” Oil slicks were discovered in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico (one slick 16 km long and 90 meters thick at a depth of up to 1300 meters).

The Corexit family of dispersants, Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527, were widely used to combat surface oil spills. About 9 million liters of Corexit, as well as more than 10 million liters of other dispersants, were added by BP to more than a billion liters of crude oil that was discharged during several months from a well drilled by BP at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. The concern was able to effectively hide most of the oil, lowering it to the bottom in order to seriously reduce the size of the federal fine, depending on the size of the oil disaster.

But it turned out that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the massive use of dispersants affected the speed of the Gulf Stream.

According to the latest satellite data, The North Atlantic Current (Gulf Stream) no longer exists in its former form , and with it the Norwegian Current disappeared. These two warm water currents are actually part of the same system, which has several names depending on where in the Atlantic Ocean it is located. This water circulation system has already died in a number of places and is dying in other areas.

The first to report the stoppage of the Gulf Stream in August 2010 was Dr. Zangari, a theoretical physicist at the Frascati Institute, who has been collaborating with a group of monitoring scientists in the Gulf of Mexico for several years: “... a huge amount of oil, constantly expanding in volume, covers such vast areas that has a serious impact on the entire thermoregulation system of the planet, by destroying the boundary layers of the warm flow of water. Conveyor in the Gulf of Mexico, ceased to exist a month ago , the latest satellite data clearly shows that the North Atlantic Current is now gone and the Gulf Stream is beginning to break apart, about 250 kilometers offshore North Carolina.

Thermohaline vascular system, where warm waters flow through cooler ones, have a much greater effect, not only on the ocean, but also on the upper atmosphere, up to seven miles high. The absence of this usual phenomenon in the eastern North Atlantic disrupted the normal course of atmospheric flows this summer, resulting in the formation of unprecedented high temperatures in Moscow (up to 40ºС), droughts and floods in Central Europe, with high temperatures in many Asian countries and massive floods in China, Pakistan and other Asian countries.”

According to satellite data from August 22, 2010, it is clear that the average water temperature in the north of the Gulf Stream fell by 10 degrees Celsius compared to pre-disaster 2009 . The conveyor belt broke into separate sections and stopped transporting warm water to Europe. Dr. Zangari states: “They killed the pacemaker of the global climate on the planet.”

In his comparative diagrams of water surface temperature and the speed of ocean jets in the Gulf of Mexico, even non-specialists can see that a blockage of internal currents has formed in the Gulf of Mexico, and that the pump of warm waters of the Gulf Stream has stopped at the very beginning - in the Gulf of Mexico. The scientist argues that the problem will worsen in the fall and winter, when the Gulf Stream disappears completely and temperatures begin to drop in Europe and North America. It has long been believed that the disappearance of the Gulf Stream will lead to a drop in the average annual temperature of the continent by 9 degrees - Europe will turn into Siberia. Siberia in Europe is already beginning:

  • In Germany, for two months in a row (during November and December 2010), a stable snow cover of about 10 cm thick remained, which had not happened for many decades, and there were frosts that were unusual for these places, reaching minus 20°C at night. There were no thaws typical for the beginning of winter last year.
  • The worst frosts in the last 100 years hit England in December 2010. Due to unprecedented frosts, both London airports were even closed for a while.
  • The icy winter rains of Moscow and the region in the winter of 2010-2011 were also “greetings from the Gulf Stream.”

There were even articles in the Western press stating that the onset of cold snap would kill up to two-thirds of humanity.

In this regard, the statements of the Chairman of the Board of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, which appeared on the Internet on May 11, 2011, are interesting: “It’s May, and Gazprom’s export volumes practically correspond to winter levels. The application for today is almost 500 million cubic meters.” Further, Miller happily called the current European gas market “soaring to the skies” and confidently predicted the December 2011 gas price of $500 per 1000 m 3, adding: “I’m sure this will not be the last record this year.”

In general, we finished the game! What could have happened naturally (due to the desalination of the Labrador Current) within 5-10 years happened yesterday. The Gulf Stream does not exist in its former form. Officials and the official media are trying to hush up this truly terrible news, but thanks to the Internet, the news leaks out. To drown out the truth about the Gulf Stream, thousands of horror stories and misinformation are being thrown onto the Internet about how the climate can change from “gravitational bubbles”, from “a shift in the Earth’s rotation axis”, from “giant prominences on the Sun”, from “a change in the Earth’s magnetic poles”, from the “greenhouse effect”, from “depletion of the ozone layer”, from “supervolcano caldera explosions in the USA”, as well as from the direct impact of “global warming” or “global cooling”, which is supposedly happening now, etc.

Some of the above phenomena occur only in the brains of the creators of horror stories about them, some of the phenomena actually take place, but the “harm” or “benefit” from them is almost impossible to reliably predict, some of these phenomena occur very slowly (such as “global warming” or “cooling” " - as you like), so at best, any noticeable changes can occur in 50-100 years, and this is too much time to seriously worry the current generation of the living.

“The beacon of democracy and the standard of humanism” of planet Earth - the United States of America (as they present themselves to the suckers from the rest of the World), in the person of their President Bush Jr., went even further. About 1,600 American scientists admitted that they were either prohibited from using the terms “climate change” and “global warming” in their works, or the materials were edited in the right way before publication. (from dated July 28, 2009)

As a result, very few people, including the leaders of most countries, know about the real state of affairs.

Due to the ongoing processes of freezing in Europe and the USA, desertification of agricultural regions, each person from the “golden billion” will have to spend 3-4 thousand dollars more per year (3-4 trillion dollars), adapt the infrastructure - another 15-20 trillion, and maintain it in working order in winter - another couple of trillions of “green” ones. But that's not the worst thing. The worst thing is that you will have to get the missing heat from somewhere to warm a billion people in winter and feed these “golden ones.” Let me remind you that now the grain yield in Europe and the USA is 60-85 c/ha, and will be 15-20 c/ha; now they export 150 million tons. grains per year, but it will be necessary to purchase approximately the same amount of grain per year somewhere. And feverish, secret preparations began for climate collapse, sharply accelerated thanks to comrades Obama and uncles from British Petroleum.

Preparing for disaster

Unlike our leaders, who always smartly broadcast on television on the topic of “what to do” after a disaster, Western private “guys” from the US Federal Reserve System and dedicated “guys” from Europe do not want to starve and freeze. They are smart enough to realize that a private dollar cannot eat dinner and will not heat the house, even if it is burned in stoves. Therefore, preparations for the Trouble are in full swing, before our eyes, naturally masking only the essence and true meaning of what is happening. Let's start with the heat.

So that the people do not suspect anything, everything that happens with gas is disguised as an energy showdown between Russia, Ukraine, the European Union and other participants. The construction of several “alternative” gas pipelines allegedly began solely because of these showdowns. The uninitiated people include not only ordinary people, but also the vast majority of heads of European states.

That is why they are so selflessly trying to fight Russia’s “energy expansion” and are engaged in other “noble” deeds to curb “aggressive” Russia. In fact the essence of what is happening is completely different . Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder announced that by 2015, Europe will consume 200 billion m3 of natural gas per year more. Now it consumes 500 billion m 3 /year. Why did it happen? Chemical industry no one is going to increase it, but they plan to increase consumption by 200 billion m 3 /year! There is only one explanation: you don’t want to be too cold. And therefore, as if on command, all planned gas pipelines are being approved, including the notorious Nabucco.

Impact construction of additional gas pipelines for freezing Europe

In addition, after reconstruction, the gas pipeline system of Belarus and Ukraine will increase by 40-60 billion m3 per year.

When coordinating gas pipelines, there were several interesting incidents when the leaders of all sorts of Estonia and Finland, as well as Bulgaria, being “off topic”, tried to freeze the coordination of flows. They say that mines are on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, or they will destroy the environment... There followed a lightning-fast shout from the “watchers” from the States, and within a day or two the embarrassed mini-leaders signed everything, saying: “There’s been a mistake. Realized. Will not happen again".

It is interesting that gas for Nabucco can only be supplied from Iran, which categorically does not want to do this yet. In this regard, my forecast for Iran is disappointing. Either developed democracy will be declared victorious in Iran, just as, for example, it “won” in obedient Saudi Arabia(if Iran agrees to sell gas cheaply), or a series of revolutions will begin there - cashmere, tulip-camel thorn with the flourishing of terrorism, the murder of Iranian leaders, etc. They will not stand on ceremony. Attacks on Iran are ongoing. Iran understands this and is trying to resist. To do this, he sharply strengthens ties with China, which is now de facto “acting as the USSR,” tries to organize a single bloc with Turkey, Syria and Azerbaijan, and most importantly, sharply strengthens the combat capability of the army. God help him!

I will report on what Russia is doing to save future “frozen people.”

Decisions have been made to build and are already designing plants for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Yamal with a capacity of 5 million tons (equivalent to 7.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas). Part of this gas will be supplied to the United States, and part to Europe.

An LNG plant is being built in the Murmansk region (Teriberka village) with a capacity of 15 million tons (LNG) (equivalent to 22 billion cubic meters of natural gas). Deliveries will go to Europe.

The previously frozen decision on the construction of the Baltic LNG plant in Leningrad region, capacity - 3.5 million tons of LNG (equivalent to 5.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas). Deliveries to Europe.

All these gas pipelines and plants should come into operation in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015. That is, everything is in full - no later than 2015.

Yes, by the way, the price of natural gas will increase in the near future to $1,000 per 1,000 m 3 (from 200 today).

In addition, Russia began building the world's first Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP), at the Baltic Plant in St. Petersburg, with a capacity of 70 MW. Urgent construction of seven more such stations is planned. I would like to believe that the “floating ships” will warm Murmansk or Pevek, but I am very afraid that they will still sail to fulfill their “international duty” somewhere in Manchester-Liverpool; I don’t rule out Marseille or Barcelona.

Europe is also feverishly arming itself with energy. Spitting on the lamentations of the “greens,” they began to build nuclear power plants in Finland (a new unit at the Loviisa nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1 to 1.8 GW). It is planned to develop nuclear energy in Sweden, Bulgaria, Germany...

We have leaned heavily on alternative renewable energy. Germany is in the lead. Already, the share of renewable energy sources in Germany is 10%, and will be 20% by 2020. There are more than 17 thousand wind generators in operation in Germany; on April 27, 2010, the first offshore wind farm, Alpha Ventus, came into operation. Its seven generators, the foundation of which is located 30 meters deep in the North Sea, 45 km north of the German city of Borkun. It is planned to build another 25 offshore wind farms: 22 of them will be built in the North Sea, 3 in the Baltic Sea.

The UK urgently plans to build several offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 32 GW (equivalent to the capacity of 30-40 nuclear power plants).

Denmark already has (since 1991) nine offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 630 megawatts. The largest of these, Horns Rev 2, covers an area of ​​35 km 2 in the open North Sea and includes 91 turbines with a capacity of 2.3 MWh each.

France is generally trying to get electricity using wind flows along highways. An experiment has already begun with a pilot “auto power station” on the A6 motorway connecting Paris and Lyon, in the department of Yona.

The European Union plans to build the world's largest system in the Sahara solar power plants worth 400 billion euros, the so-called “Solar City”.

Battles for the harvest

As mentioned earlier, soon yields on both sides of the Atlantic will begin to fall from 80-60 c/ha to 10-15. And grain exporting countries will be forced to buy grain. The question is - where? And grain importing countries will also have to find the missing 150 million tons somewhere. grains In this regard, let us remember Madagascar, where in January-March 2009 there was an uprising of the masses, which led to the overthrow of President Ratsirika. I visited Madagascar in the 90s, saw the presidential palace, and talked with the country’s leaders. The Presidential Palace is located outside the capital and is a real fortified area, with walls, minefields around the walls, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missile systems. Taking such a palace is difficult military task. Have taken. And the army for the time being was completely loyal to Ratsirika, and then suddenly began en masse to go over to the side of the people. Ratsirika lost in the bloody short-term civil war, fled the country and is now somewhere in France, eating up everything he acquired through back-breaking presidential labor. In this regard, we recall the wise statement of our President Putin, that presidential work is akin to slave labor in the galleys. Why did calm Madagascar suddenly rear up, so much so that no minefields with missiles helped?

The Western “democratic” media babbled in unison about something about the people who had seen the light, who decided to go to mines and remove the hated dictator. In the name of the triumph of democracy. But of course! Once upon a time there lived simple Madagascar peasants, 50% pagans, 80% illiterate, they lived on their own, and then they gathered under a palm tree and thought: “How can we live without developed democracy, brothers?” And they became so offended by living without democracy that they stopped sowing grain, raising children, armed themselves with spears and knives, and went to die (and the death toll is in the many thousands), storming palaces and fortified areas, to die for democracy. And this nonsense, without blinking an eye, is presented to us as truth by all sorts of “New York Times” and “Washington Post”!

The reality, as usual, is simpler and harsher, having nothing in common with developed democracy. The real reason for the unrest was that the president (I think not for free for himself) gave a 99-year lease South Korea 1.3 million hectares of agricultural land near the capital of Madagascar - the city of Antananarivo, driving a lot of peasants off the land. And this despite the fact that there are only 2.5 million hectares of arable land on the island. The land was given to South Korea for 99 years to grow corn. Only this reason forced the peasants to “leave the hut” and go to war. The Madagascars, although pagans and illiterate, clearly understood that it was better to die in battle for their land than to die of hunger without land.

For many years the war raged in Sudan. As usual, the main disinformation force of our time, the Western media, presented it as a struggle between the Christian north and the Muslim south. Christians and Muslims also lived peacefully for hundreds of years, and then they decided that Christ and the Prophet Muhammad could not live under the rule of one government. Give me independence! Lepota. Still, immediately “it’s clear!” What really? China, actively advancing on all fronts and thinking about its daily bread, took a long-term lease of several million hectares of agricultural land from Sudan. And when the guys from the Federal Reserve System rushed to buy land in Sudan, finally realizing that there would soon be nothing to eat in the United States of America, it turned out that China was ahead of them. "Ah well!" - said the men from the Federal Reserve and rushed to organize a religious civil war, and succeeded in this. A referendum was held in Sudan, at which it was decided to create two Sudans: Christian and Muslim. Q.E.D. All previous Chinese agreements with the previous Sudanese government immediately lost their legal validity! There is no such state as Sudan, and China, cursed for the United States, needs to start all over again.

It is not entirely clear to the broad masses that North Africa and the Middle East were on fire: Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco... suddenly, overnight, they decided to live in a new, democratic way!

The media of Mass Disinformation in the United States and Western Europe unanimously shouted about the people who had seen the light, who decided at the same time, in a dozen countries remote from each other, to fight dictatorships. For the same reasons: for decades everything suited them, and then suddenly, overnight, everyone immediately changed their minds about living with a “dictatorship.” And so that the newly awakened people would not decide to return home, “unknown” snipers appeared everywhere, shooting demonstrators, providing a “television picture” about the atrocities of the regimes and fueling the hatred of the masses. An interesting pattern: almost everywhere where grey-brown-crimson revolutions “suddenly” begin, “unknown snipers” appear!!! Many began to guess about who organized all these “revolutions,” for example, Igor Shishkin: “Why did America blow up the Greater Middle East?” (Information agency “Regnum” dated April 17, 2011). For Shishkin, the organizer of the explosion is completely obvious - the United States. But to the question: “Why?” — follows an explanation that America’s current foreign policy strategy fits into the theory of “organized chaos.” Chaos for the sake of chaos. Nice, but doesn't explain much. The pragmatists at the Federal Reserve, who control the rogue state of the United States and most of the World, simply do nothing. The chaos began in the Sahara and the Middle East. It is these regions that in the near future will become areas of favorable climate; it is here that the abundance of sun will be added to the abundance of water from the inevitable climate humidification after the “reformatting” of the Gulf Stream. Land in the Sahara will be worth its weight in gold! And the local leaders, who have overstayed their welcome and are well-packed, do not want to sell their land cheaply or lease it out for a long time. The leaders must be replaced with new, obedient ones, our own. Therefore, the “people”, of course, demand: “Down with the dictatorship!” But the strategy is stalling: Gaddafi has not given up and will never give up, Yemen and Syria are holding on, even in Egypt it was not American puppets who came to power, but an army that has its own interests that do not coincide with the US ones.

To take power out of your hands Egyptian army, the United States began to organize sectarian clashes in Egypt, pitting 10% of Coptic Christians against 90% of Muslims.

In addition to this main carefully hidden goal - to seize the land, hiding behind words about progress and the welfare of the people, there are others. It is useful for the United States to weaken and undermine a strengthening Europe, especially an increasingly struggling Germany, by sending there crowds of refugees organized by them. It is useful to weaken the euro, prolonging the agony of the private candy wrapper called the dollar, and it is useful to test new weapons systems - killing women and children in Libya. Wherever you go, it’s good! Good for the USA! But we need to talk about the USA separately. In a nutshell: USA last decades- a cannibalistic regime that creates the main evil on planet Earth! Naturally, evil for the sake of “democracy”: not just bombs are falling on Libya, but “democratic”, the most “free” bombs in the World. To die under such bombs, according to executioners from the USA, is happiness! I am sure that he will be rewarded according to his deserts! “No matter how long the rope twists, the end is near!”

What about Russia? Russia climatically benefits from changes in the flow and nature of the Gulf Stream stopping! This is most clearly established when analyzing several data. In 1995, on 63 million hectares of land, Russia received 63.4 million tons of grain (in weight after processing), that is, the yield was 10.1 c/ha. The Russian authorities did not lift a finger, ruining chemicalization, irrigation, fertilizers, etc., i.e., practically ruining everything achieved in the USSR and reducing the area under grain to 47 million hectares, but Russia received, nevertheless, 2008 - 108.2 million tons. grain, and in 2009 - 97.1. The yield was 23.0 and 20.6 c/ha, respectively. The Gulf Stream only stopped during these years! But even this climate softening had such an effect! Naturally, the boys from the Fed could not ignore Russia. And our vassal government issues a “Government Order Russian Federation dated October 25, 2010 No. 1874-r Moscow”, where, of course, for the sake of the “sacred” goals of “creating conditions for attracting investments, stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernization and technological development of the economy,” the “list” is approved legal entities for organizing on behalf of the Russian Federation the sale of privatized federal property and (or) performing the functions of a seller.” The following is the list:

List of legal entities for organizing on behalf of the Russian Federation the sale of privatized federal property and (or) performing the functions of a seller:

1. Closed Joint-Stock Company "Bank Credit Suisse (Moscow)"

2. Closed joint-stock company "VTB Capital"

3. Limited liability company Deutsche Bank

4. Limited Liability Company "Investment Company of Vnesheconombank (VEB Capital)"

5. Limited liability company Commercial Bank J.P. Morgan Bank International

6. Limited liability company Merrill Lynch Securities

7. Limited liability company Morgan Stanley Bank

8. Limited Liability Company "Renaissance Broker"

9. Open joint-stock company "Russian Auction House"

10. Branch private company with unlimited liability "GOLDMAN SAX (Russia)"

The native government of the Russian Federation published this list only 5 months later - on March 18, 2011, in Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Six Western banks and companies, including the organizer and permanent member of the Federal Reserve System, GOLDMAN SAX, which even in the United States is considered to be the culprit of all the last six crises and often applies the epithet “gangster” to them, have been appointed as sellers of Russian property on behalf and at the “tearful request” of Russia. The circle is closed! At the dawn of Russian statehood, the desperate Slavs, official version, called on the Rurik with a tearful plea: “Come and rule over us...”

A thousand years later, the current organizer of the Popular Front, Putin, without unnecessary publicity, quietly invites the guys from the Federal Reserve to buy the remains of Russian property. “Come and buy us.” But if earlier our fronts: the 1st Ukrainian, Belarusian... took Western capitals, defending our right to independence, then the current Popular Front, created by Comrade V.V. Putin, will hand over the remains of Russian property and independence to the Western boys, hand over Moscow! On December 20, 2010, the Russian government added 13 more sellers of federal property on behalf of the Russian Federation. The algorithm is the same. Out of 13 sellers - 8 foreign banks, including Barclay Capital LLC, UBS Bank LLC and so on. Calmed down the offended. Don’t worry, they say, Russian property is free - there is enough for everyone. The list of those sold is easy to find in the government plan for the privatization of 10 large companies for 2011-13. Here are Sovcomflot, OJSC Russian Railways, part of Sberabank and much more. Out of 10 companies, only one is being sold completely, 100% of the shares! It’s easy to guess which one: “United Grain Company” (until 2012).

I wish I was wrong, but I believe that as of January 1, 2012, Goldman Sachs will manage our grain!

And in order to better harvest what is still ours, but in the near future “their” grain harvest, a decision was made to urgently build in Russia two plants for the production of combine harvesters and tractors in the Kaluga and Voronezh regions by US forces.

What's in the bottom line?

1. Catastrophic climate change began on both sides of the North Atlantic, due to the slowdown of the warm Gulf Stream flow to Europe. At first, since 2006, the slowdown of the Gulf Stream was caused by natural causes: the desalination of the Labrador Current, after the disaster on June 20, 2010 of the British Petroleum oil platform, the Gulf Stream was stopped by incompetent human intervention.

2. In parallel with the deterioration of the climate in the North Atlantic, according to the principle: “If it decreases in one place, and increases in another,” a sharp improvement in the climate began in Russia and Africa (especially North Africa).

3. The battle for African lands began primarily on the part of the private Federal Reserve System (sovereign of the US state) and China. A series of incomprehensible revolutions and wars in Africa is perfectly explained by the Fed’s attempts to take African lands cheaply, pushing aside everyone else, primarily China.

4. Europe, and the United States, do not want to freeze and therefore immediately agreed on the construction of all controversial gas pipelines from Russia, hoping to increase gas supplies by 2016 to 700 billion m 3 instead of the current 500. In parallel, a boom in the construction of “alternative” (wind, solar) and nuclear power plants. Russia has been instructed to initially produce seven Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) for the future heating of European cities.

5. In order to completely take control of the Russian grain market with a sharply increased yield from 10.1 c/ha to 23 (and higher) c/ha, the vassal Russian government issues order No. 1874-r on October 25, 2010, where the sellers of our federal property Mostly Western banks are appointed, including one of the organizers of the Federal Reserve System, Goldman Sachs. In the privatization plans of the Russian government for 2011-13, only one “United Grain Company” should be sold completely (all 100% of shares) by 2012. Most likely, both Goldman and Sachs will own it.

6. In the near future, all the most valuable parts of Russian industry, aluminum, oil, nickel, railways etc. will most likely come under the control of the “guys from the Fed.” It is no coincidence that the decree of 1874 was issued, it is no coincidence that Nathaniel Rothschild becomes the chairman of the supervisory board of still “our” “Rusal” Deripaska, and tomorrow he will also head Norilsk Nickel. Russia's agricultural lands will come under their control en masse. The widespread sale of the best protected lands of Altai by the organization “SION” Land in Altai” ( to the English-speaking public is very symptomatic

7. Naturally, all this will happen under the smokescreen of all sorts of initiatives such as “destanilinization”, the fight against extremism, the creation of fronts of all stripes, and developed “democracy”. Unfortunately, children will die under the bombs of NATO “peace lovers” - yesterday in Yugoslavia, today in Libya, tomorrow in Syria and Iran. You don’t need to believe either Western or, especially, our information agencies, you need to think for yourself. Principle: “Who benefits?” - no one canceled it.

In the middle of last summer, Italian theoretical physicist Gianluigi Zangari, who works as the chief analyst for complex and chaotic systems at the Frascati National Laboratory of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, published on the Internet your two-page article. In this publication, he, based on satellite observation data, stated that the Gulf Stream, which provides, in particular, the warm maritime climate of Europe and the British Isles, may stop. It is worth mentioning that the Gulf Stream is only the current that moves from south to north along the North American continent, then it is divided into branches. One branch turns back to the tropics, and the other changes curvature and goes into the North Atlantic, due to which it received the name North Atlantic Current. It is this warm current that significantly changes the climate of Western and Northern Europe: due to it, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, average temperatures differ from latitude norms by 10-15 degrees, and in the port of Murmansk, which is located above the Arctic Circle, year-round navigation is possible. At the same time, access to Arkhangelsk, located to the south (on the White Sea), in winter time It is covered with ice because warm waters do not reach there.

At first, Tsangari’s publication was not widely disseminated and went virtually unnoticed in scientific circles. But a few months later, messages about the threat of stopping the Gulf Stream flooded the world Internet, and over time, such messages acquired an increasingly peremptory tone.

In February of this year, this led to a flurry of news and blog posts with phrases like: “Life on Earth just changed... The Gulf Stream died... According to the latest satellite data, the Gulf Stream no longer exists.”

Related news for greater persuasiveness, they were supplemented by stories about some experiments of physicists who carried out a simple simulation of the impact of an oil spill on warm currents. In a regular bath with cold water specially colored warm jets were added, that is, the boundary of warm and cold layers could be observed visually. When oil is added, the boundaries of the layers are disrupted and the current directions of movement are destroyed, which is what allegedly happened in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean due to the oil spill after the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon platform.

The news was reinforced by Tsangari’s words, which were spoken unknown when and to whom, and it is unknown whether they were said at all. Thus, in the fall, the scientist allegedly stated that the North Atlantic Current no longer exists, and the Gulf Stream is breaking up into separate small streams already 250 km from the coast of North Carolina, which resulted in an abnormally hot summer in Russia, droughts and floods in Central Europe, high temperatures in many Asian countries and widespread flooding in China, Pakistan and other Asian countries, as well as severe winter in Western Europe and especially in the British Isles. Tsangari allegedly predicted ecological collapse, global famine, death and mass migration population from zones unsuitable for human habitation, and a new ice age, which could begin at any moment with glaciation in North America, Europe and Asia and kill 2/3 of the human race. The scientist simply explains that the data on the American satellite server, available for observation now, does not confirm his hypothesis: the current maps were falsified after the BP accident. “They destroyed the pacemaker of the global climate on the planet,” the Italian scientist allegedly said.

As a result of these reports, many people now believe that the Gulf Stream has disappeared, that all weather anomalies last months are connected precisely with this and that “life on Earth has really changed,” it’s just that it’s “carefully hidden.”

But hiding information about the stop of the Gulf Stream is almost the same as hiding the news that, for example, Great Britain went completely under water.

Observations of ocean currents are carried out not only by American satellites; too many scientists are engaged in their research to be involved in a single “international conspiracy.” In addition, many do not see the difference between the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current, although they have different prerequisites for stopping. “The Gulf Stream will not stop until the trade wind circulation in the atmosphere stops, but it exists without interruption, and there is not even a thought that it will change. This is to some extent a fundamental constant, so to speak, the most stable circulation system in the world. globe, which always exists,” explains Alexander, head of the department of meteorology and climatology at the Faculty of Geography. - To say that the Gulf Stream can stop is simply unrealistic, since this event has never happened in the last few tens of millions of years - since the Isthmus of Panama closed. But there may be problems with the North Atlantic Current. It has always existed, but its intensity has experienced strong weakening several times throughout paleohistory, known as the Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillation, and there have been about seventeen such events over the past 60 thousand years.”

When asked whether an oil spill could affect the Gulf Stream, the scientist answered negatively.

“A very simple mechanism works here - pumping water into a very closed pool. The water simply has nowhere to go, it must flow out - so it flows out. There's nothing to even talk about. With the North Atlantic Current, these events could occur - and they occurred due to changes in the salinity of the waters. To stop this process, there needs to be a strong desalination of water in the North Atlantic. Now this process is happening, desalination exists as a real process, so there is some concern that the ocean system will go down this path. But so far there are no calculated or theoretical ideas that such an event can happen. That is, it may weaken little by little over 100 years, but such a collapse, as I said above, apparently will not happen.”

Note that, speaking about the possible stop of the North Atlantic Current, Kislov used the phrase “apparently it won’t happen”. Note that Tsangari, in his publication about stopping the Gulf Stream, wrote that it "may happen" due to an oil spill.

The words “apparently” and “may” signify uncertainty in action, and such uncertainty is an inherent property of science.

But sometimes this uncertainty, which scientists clearly voice, can disappear. This can happen accidentally, as a result of a misunderstanding of the essence of the issue or distortions in the process of transmitting information. This can also happen intentionally, for example, to maintain the circulation of yellow publications or to finance dubious research. It is difficult for society to understand how the scientific understanding of the accuracy and reliability of knowledge is combined with all these “possibly” and “apparently”. From the need for absolute knowledge, its wretched shadow is born - pseudo-scientific gossip, a flowery and funny genre, but not so harmless: too often scientific misconceptions are used quite calculatedly. However, everything has already been said about this in Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog.”

MOSCOW, July 26 – RIA Novosti, Tatyana Pichugina. Since the 19th century, oceanic heating of Western Europe has weakened noticeably. Scientists link this to climate change on the planet and paint grim future scenarios. What threatens the disappearance of the deep-sea currents of the North Atlantic and what is the fate of the Gulf Stream - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Suspiciously cold

Ten years ago, south of Greenland, a section of water surface the size of a European country was discovered that, instead of warming like the rest of the planet, was cooling. It was called the “global warming hole,” the “cold blob.” In 2015, it broke the cold temperature record, although it was the hottest year for the planet as a whole.

Scientists have suggested that atmospheric aerosols accumulate above the “cold bubble” and intercept some solar radiation. The hypothesis was not confirmed. Now the “hole in global warming” is associated with a slowdown in the North Atlantic Current. This is the name given to part of the deep-sea conveyor that continues the Gulf Stream, carrying heat to the Arctic.

“I used to be very annoyed by headlines in the media that the Gulf Stream would stop. From a strictly scientific point of view, this current is on the surface of the ocean, it is generated by winds. Something in it may change over time, but there is no sign that it will disappear in the coming centuries,” explains RIA Novosti Nikolai Koldunov, an employee of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Germany).

With regard to the North Atlantic Current, which is often confused with the Gulf Stream, such concerns are appropriate. This current is determined by changes in salinity and water temperature (thermohaline circulation).

Salty warm waters move from south to north. They cool, become heavier and sink deeper. There they slowly turn around and begin the return journey, which takes thousands of years. Thanks to this mechanism, the entire World Ocean is gradually mixed.


How the cycle in the ocean breaks

The global ocean conveyor belt in the North Atlantic Ocean will grind to a halt if the waters become significantly warmer or desalinated.

This already happened at the end of the last ice age. Then, in Canada, the melt waters of the glacier formed the huge Lake Agassiz. About 8,200 years ago, it very quickly poured into the ocean and reduced its salinity to such an extent that the waters in the Labrador Sea and the Norwegian Sea - where the conveyor belt backs up - stopped sinking. The North Atlantic Current literally lost its thrust and stopped. The waters heated in the tropics did not reach the shores of Western Europe, Great Britain and the Scandinavian Peninsula, causing cooling.

© Illustration RIA Novosti

© Illustration RIA Novosti

The connection between warming and currents

This scenario may repeat itself, climate scientists warn. The world's oceans, although slowly, are warming up. The increasing greenhouse effect in the atmosphere contributes to the melting of glaciers and the flow of fresh water into the seas. More abundant wet precipitation contributes to desalination. All this weakens the North Atlantic Current, scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Research (Germany) believe.

Together with their American colleagues, they modeled the Atlantic branch of the global ocean conveyor over a long period of time and came to the conclusion that its speed has decreased by 15 percent since the mid-20th century. Their recent paper in Nature has sparked debate among experts.

One of the authors, Stefan Rahmstorf, even published detailed explanations on the collective scientific blog "Real Climate". Consistently discarding various options, he argued that the “cold bubble” had been predicted and that it could only be explained by a weakening of the North Atlantic Current.

According to another model, this current will weaken by a factor of three if industrial emissions of CO₂ into the atmosphere double compared to 1990 levels. In three hundred years, the conveyor belt in the Atlantic will stop.

© RAPID-AMOC Project

© RAPID-AMOC Project

Imperfect calculations

“We must take into account that all forecasts are made based on modeling results. For the atmosphere, this works relatively well, but we are still poorly modeling the ocean thickness,” notes Koldunov.

According to him, we know the ocean much less well than the atmosphere. Less funds have always been allocated for ocean research, and expeditions are expensive. Without direct observations of water parameters, it is impossible to obtain the necessary input data for the models. Until recently there were very few of them.

“In the 1990s, measurements of the ocean from satellites began, data was received on the topography of the water surface, which can be used to study surface currents on a global scale. At the beginning of the 2000s, the Argo project was launched in the United States - thousands of buoys measuring water parameters at a depth of up to two kilometers and transmitting information to satellites. Data is accumulating, but it is not yet enough,” the scientist continues.

There are direct measurements of water transport in a pipeline in the North Atlantic for ten years - from 2004 to 2014 (RAPID-AMOC project). They do show a slowdown, but they don't say anything about the long-term trend.

Due to the lack of input data and computer power, many things have to be simplified and various tricks used. For example, the group in which Koldunov works is working on new generation dynamic global models of ocean currents. IN last job scientists have shown how to increase resolution in specific areas of the ocean to reveal more detail where it matters, such as the Gulf Stream.

Ocean modeling requires enormous computational resources. And by changing the resolution point by point, you can save expensive supercomputer time.