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Atomic bomb for the poor, part 2. Atomic bomb for the poor

In the next couple of weeks I will post videos of the film on YouTube under the general title “Atomic Bomb for the Poor People.” The content of the film is suicide bombers of the Islamic State.

The phenomenon of ISIS suicide bombers is that for the first time in many decades, suicide bombers are used as a fundamentally new type of weapon on the battlefield. We are accustomed to the fact that a suicide bomber is a terrorist, but now both Iraq and Syria are faced with a completely different phenomenon - suicide bombers, people who deliberately use their own death as a weapon against enemies in battle.

The emergence of suicide bombers was the result of a whole complex of reasons - from a purely rational design decision for their creation to deep-seated mental reasons that allowed the Islamic State to find a fundamentally new and very powerful resource to fight its opponents - death.

The power of this resource allows the Islamic State to fight almost equally with well-prepared opponents. The reliance on special forces, which the American, Iraqi, Iranian and Russian militaries made, does not work in this case. The very well prepared (by Arab standards) “Golden Division”, which was trained according to the methods of the 101st American division, turned out to be powerless in the fight against an enemy ten times smaller in number and much worse prepared. All preparation, all tactical schemes and special equipment turn out to be powerless in the face of a ton of explosives that explode near and in the middle of battle formations.

The massive use of Istishhadi suicide bombers has become a kind of atomic bomb of the Islamic State, against which there are simply no adequate weapons.

The Russian leadership, having become involved in someone else's conflict, does not have a very good idea of ​​what it has gotten itself into. In general, there is nothing to be surprised at - a street shoe that believes in only one value - the dollar - cannot imagine a situation where something else could be a value. Refusal to live in humiliation, for example. “I will not live in humiliation” is one of the key phrases uttered by the Islamic State propaganda, and this phrase resonates with millions of people.

Nevertheless, since the Kremlin’s bullshit has dragged us into this war, we should at least understand what exactly we are facing there in Syria, and what we will inevitably be faced with here in Russia. They will clash, if only because for the Islamic State, Russia is not goal number one or even goal number two. However, constant attempts to provoke him will eventually lead to the fact that distant approaches will inevitably come here. And this is the criminal idiocy of our authorities.

The film itself is not yet completely finished, but in general it already exists. All that remains is to reduce it and break it down into readable parts. I think the film will be about two hours in total, so there will be four or five parts in total.

NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov said that Ukraine is ready to create a so-called “dirty bomb” within the framework of closed military-technical programs. According to him, “it doesn’t matter whether it’s dirty or clean, the main thing is that it’s effective.” It’s difficult to say what exactly the pastor of the Word of Life Baptist Church, Alexander Turchinov, meant.

There can be many types of “dirty bombs”. Spent fuel from a nuclear power plant or materials from nuclear centers can be used as a filling for making a dirty bomb. Moreover, unlike classical atomic weapons, there is no need to reach the critical mass of an atomic charge. Strictly speaking, such a device may consist of a container with radioactive isotope and an explosive charge. During an explosion, a radioactive substance is sprayed over a fairly large area and makes it uninhabitable for a long time (half-life of the isotope).

One option for a “dirty bomb” could be the deliberate detonation of a non-military facility that uses radioactive materials. Typically, the most common assumption remains that those who want to create a dirty atomic bomb will try to do so simply because it is much easier and cheaper. In addition to the so-called “classic” “dirty bombs,” mechanical dispersion of radioactive material was also considered. In science fiction literature, this option was first described by Robert Heinlein in the story “Solution Unsatisfactory” in 1940. The idea of ​​a cobalt bomb was proposed in 1950 by American physicist and Manhattan Project participant Leo Szilard, as an example of a weapon that could make the earth uninhabitable. Created by an explosion high in the stratosphere, the cobalt 60 isotope is capable of dispersing over large areas, contaminating them. Szilard himself owns a phrase said on the air of one of the radio stations in the late 50s: “It is easier to completely destroy all of humanity with a cobalt bomb than any part of it.” Since then, this idea has been “living and winning.”

Two incidents that can be classified as radiological terrorism occurred in Russia. In 1995, law enforcement discovered cesium-137 in Izmailovsky Park in Moscow, and in 1998, a container of radioactive material attached to a mine was discovered near railroad tracks near the Chechen town of Argun. In Tbilisi, a taxi driver stopped by the police in May 2003 was found with leaded boxes containing one hundred strontium-90 and cesium-137. In Belarus, customs officers intercepted 26 radioactive cargo in 1996-2003. The former head of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, said back in 2003 that the use of such a bomb would not necessarily lead to a large number of deaths, but “could provoke panic and change.” public life in connection with radiation, which is exactly what terrorists are trying to achieve.”

Thus, the use of a “dirty bomb” is already a factor of both politics and blackmail. At the end of last year, Islamic State militants announced that they were ready to create nuclear weapons from radioactive materials (according to some sources, up to 40 kg of uranium) seized from the university in the Iraqi city of Mosul. And they threatened to blow up their infernal machine in London or another big city Europe. The English press noted then that British explosives expert Hamayun Tariq was seen among the militants threatening to detonate this bomb in Europe. In 2003 CEO British counterintelligence MI5 Eliza Manningham-Buller called such a terrorist attack in one of the major Western cities “a matter of time.” But if the threats of IS militants can still be considered hypothetical, then the words of the head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine are a much more real threat. A huge amount of radioactive materials are located in Ukraine absolutely legally. And creating a “dirty bomb” will not be difficult. If we remember that about a year ago, Ukrainian passionary Yulia Tymoshenko also spoke out for the use of nuclear weapons against Russia, then in fact we can talk about the fact that Alexander Turchynov and Yulia Tymoshenko publicly support nuclear terrorism at the state level.

    Reports from the fronts

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 20, 2020

    The situation at the front continues to remain tense. There is no need to talk about a ceasefire, although it is possible to note a slight decrease in the intensity of the fire in the zone of military conflict in Donbass. Let us note that on the Epiphany holiday the enemy increased the intensity of shelling of the DPR sixfold. On the feast of Epiphany, Ukrainian punitive forces opened mortar fire on the village of Veseloye on the outskirts of Donetsk. This was reported in…

    21.01.2020 19:06 29

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 15, 2020

    Traditionally, hot spots in Donbass remain under fire from Ukrainian militants. One defender of the Donetsk People's Republic has died under enemy fire over the past 24 hours. Ukrainian militants violated the so called code twice a day. “silence regime” in the LPR. The areas of the village of Nizhnee Lozovoye and the village of Golubovskoye were shelled. The fire came from 82-mm mortars. Let us add that in the DPR, Ukrainian punitive forces over the past...

    16.01.2020 12:56 46

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 14, 2020

    The situation at the front in Donbass continues to remain tense. Ukrainian militants violated the so called code twice a day. “silence regime” in the area of ​​responsibility of the LPR. The areas of the urban-type settlement of Kalinovo and the village of Golubovskoye were shelled. The fire came from 82-mm mortars and small arms. In the DPR, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code eight times over the past 24 hours. "ceasefire regime". To be confirmed...

    15.01.2020 13:32 29

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 13, 2020

    Photo from here The so-called “truce” in Donbass continues. Information is coming from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants have twice violated the so-called “silence regime” in the LPR. The areas of the urban-type settlement Donetsk and the village of Berezovskoe were shelled. In the DPR, Ukrainian militants once violated the “silence regime” in the Mariupol direction. In the zone of shelling from troops...

    14.01.2020 11:27 33

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 10, 2020

    Photo from here Information continues to arrive from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants violated the technical regulations five times. “ceasefire regime”, firing 40 ammunition into the territory of the DPR. The Volvo Center area and the village of Sakhanka in the Mariupol direction were in the shelling zone in the Donetsk direction. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants once violated the so-called “silence mode” in the zone...

    11.01.2020 12:31 30

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 09, 2020

    The so-called “truce” in Donbass continues. Information is coming from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code four times. “ceasefire regime”, firing 15 ammunition into the territory of the DPR. The following areas were in the shelling zone from Ukrainian militants: the village of Dolomitnoye and the Gagarin mine (Gorlovka direction); Donetsk airport area (Donetsk direction); Sakhanka village...

    10.01.2020 10:50 26

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: January 03, 2020

    Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the Republics. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants have violated the technical regulations three times. “ceasefire regime”, firing five ammunition into the territory of the DPR. The areas of the village of Aleksandrovka in the west of Donetsk and the village of Dolomitnoye in the north of Gorlovka were under fire from Ukrainian security forces. Official reports from NM DPR and NM LPR NM DPR: “According to data recorded...

    4.01.2020 12:49 55

    Reports from the fronts

    IA Krasnaya Vesna

    Terrorists attacked the Russian Khmeimim base with missiles on New Year's Day

    Photo from here The Russian military base of Khmeimim in Syria was subjected to massive rocket fire on January 1, reports a source from the Red Spring news agency in Syria. During the shelling, terrorist organizations used 122 mm ammunition, as well as smaller calibers. According to eyewitnesses, the source said, the attack was allegedly carried out from the northwestern part of Hama province. In this territory, various terrorist groups still maintain...

    2.01.2020 14:33 49

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 30, 2019

    Despite any agreements on a “complete, comprehensive and indefinite truce,” information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian punitive forces have violated the technical code four times. “ceasefire regime” in the DPR. The areas of the villages of the Trudovskaya and Staromikhailovka mines, the capital's airport, and the city of Yasinovataya were shelled in the Donetsk direction. In total for 2019...

    31.12.2019 8:13 30

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 28 - 29, 2019

    The situation along the entire front line continues to remain tense. Donetsk People's Republic Over the course of two days, Ukrainian militants violated the technical code 7 times. "ceasefire regime". Populated areas in the Donetsk, Gorlovka, and Mariupol directions were shelled. The enemy used infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, RPGs, LNG, and large-caliber small arms. A US strategic drone conducted reconnaissance over the Donbass and Crimea. The exchange of prisoners of war has ended in Donbass. Lugansk People's Republic...

    30.12.2019 12:37 37

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 27, 2019

    Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants have twice violated the so-called “ceasefire regime” in the LPR. The areas of the village of Nizhnee Lozovoye and the village of Golubovskoye were shelled. In the Donetsk direction, the Ukrainian occupiers have increased the number of shelling of the DPR territory sixfold. The areas of the capital's airport and the villages of the mine named after. Abakumova, Zhabichevo,…

    28.12.2019 17:50 21

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 26, 2019

    Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants have twice violated the so-called “silence regime” in the LPR. The areas of the villages of Nizhnee Lozovoye and Kalinovka came under fire. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants fired almost 50 ammunition into the territory of the Republic. The areas of the village of Staromikhailovka in the Donetsk direction and the village of Mine 6/7 in the Gorlovka direction were shelled. The shelling continued...

    27.12.2019 19:05 23

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 25, 2019

    The so-called “truce” in Donbass continues. Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants once violated the “regime of silence” in the LPR. The area of ​​the village of Nizhneye Lozovoye came under fire. The fire came from 82-mm mortars. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants fired over 100 ammunition into the territory of the Republic. In the zone of shelling from the enemy...

    26.12.2019 18:40 18

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 23, 2019

    Photo from here Information is coming from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code five times. “ceasefire regime” in the DPR. The areas of the village of Spartak and the village of Zhabichevo were shelled in the Donetsk direction; in the Gorlovka direction - the village of Dolomitnoye, in the Mariupol direction - the village of Kominternovo. In the Luhansk direction, Ukrainian militants fired more than 25 ammunition into the territory of the LPR. Behind…

    24.12.2019 15:12 38

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 21 - 22, 2019

    The situation on the contact line remains tense. Donetsk People's Republic From December 21 to 22, Ukrainian militants fired at populated areas of the DPR with mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, various types grenade launchers and small arms in the Gorlovka, Donetsk and Mariupol directions. The total amount of ammunition used by the enemy was 238 units. In two days, Ukrainian punitive forces violated the so-called “regime...

    23.12.2019 16:00 44

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 19, 2019

    Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, the OSCE has recorded 107 explosions in Donbass. This was reported in the organization's daily report dated December 18, 2019. In the DPR, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code six times over the past 24 hours. “ceasefire regime”, firing over 90 ammunition into the territory of the DPR. It is noted that the shelling...

    20.12.2019 18:38 23

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 18, 2019

    Despite any “truce agreements reached,” information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants have shelled seven settlements in the DPR. The following areas were shelled: the village of the Trudovskaya mine, the Volvo Center area, Mineralnoye, Aleksandrovka (Donetsk direction); the villages of Shirokaya Balka and Dolomitnoe (Gorlovka direction); Sakhanka village (Mariupol direction). Official reports from the DPR NM...

    19.12.2019 18:34 28

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 17, 2019

    The so-called “truce” in Donbass continues. Information is coming from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants once violated the so-called “ceasefire regime” in the LPR. The area around the village of Smeloe came under fire. The fire came from an infantry fighting vehicle. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian punitive forces violated the “ceasefire regime” in the DPR 10 times. The villages of the Trudovskaya mine, Mineralnoye,…

    18.12.2019 17:14 30

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 14 - 15, 2019

    The situation along the entire front line continues to remain tense. Donetsk People's Republic In two days, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code 10 times. "ceasefire regime". Populated areas in the Donetsk, Gorlovka, and Mariupol directions were shelled. The enemy used infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, RPGs, LNG, and large-caliber small arms. Another group of Ukrainian and foreign reporters arrived in the occupied territory of Donbass to create staged videos. Lugansk…

    16.12.2019 11:09 27

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 13, 2019

    Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code seven times. “ceasefire regime” in the DPR. The following areas were shelled: Dokuchaevsk, the villages of the Trudovskaya and Aleksandrovka mines (Donetsk direction); settlements of the mine named after Gagarin and Shirokaya Balka (Gorlovka direction); Sakhanka village (Mariupol direction). Ukrainian occupiers on the evening of December 13 fired at the outskirts of Gorlovka,...

    14.12.2019 16:29 19

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 12, 2019

    Information continues to be received from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants violated the so-called code nine times. “ceasefire regime” in the DPR. The following areas were shelled: the villages of the Trudovskaya mine, Mineralnoye, Staromikhailovka, Yasinovataya, the area of ​​the Donetsk airport, the village of Spartak (Donetsk direction); mine settlements named after Gagarin and Golmovsky (Gorlovsky direction); Kominternovo village (Mariupol direction). Official reports from NM...

    13.12.2019 19:03 21

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 11, 2019

    The so-called “truce” in Donbass continues. Information is coming from the front about shelling of populated areas in the DPR and LPR. During the day, Ukrainian militants once violated the so-called “silence regime” in the area of ​​responsibility of the LPR. The area of ​​the settlement came under fire. Logvinovo. In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian militants violated the “ceasefire” 12 times. The following villages were under fire from Ukrainian militants: the villages of Dolomitnoye and Golmovsky (Gorlovka direction); Volvo Center area, villages...

    12.12.2019 18:22 21

    Reports from the fronts

    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Reports of the Donbass War: December 09, 2019

    Photo from here The so-called “truce” in Donbass continues. In the Donetsk direction, the following were under fire from Ukrainian militants: the villages of Veseloye, Krutaya Balka, the village of the Trudovskaya mine, the Volvo Center area, the capital airport (Donetsk direction); Gagarin mine village (Gorlovka direction); villages Belaya Kamenka, Kominternovo (Mariupol direction). The shelling continued throughout the day. From 13:45 to 13:50 shelling from Ukrainian forces was recorded...

In the next couple of weeks I will post videos of the film on YouTube under the general title “Atomic Bomb for the Poor People”. The content of the film is suicide bombers of the Islamic State.

The phenomenon of ISIS suicide bombers is that for the first time in many decades, suicide bombers are used as a fundamentally new type of weapon on the battlefield. We are accustomed to the fact that a suicide bomber is a terrorist, but now both Iraq and Syria are faced with a completely different phenomenon - suicide bombers, people who deliberately use their own death as a weapon against enemies in battle.

The emergence of suicide bombers was the result of a whole complex of reasons - from a purely rational design decision for their creation to deep-seated mental reasons that allowed the Islamic State to find a fundamentally new and very powerful resource to fight its opponents - death.

The power of this resource allows the Islamic State to fight almost equally with well-prepared opponents. The reliance on special forces, which the American, Iraqi, Iranian and Russian militaries made, does not work in this case. The very well-prepared (by Arab standards) “Golden Division,” which was trained according to the methods of the 101st American division, turned out to be powerless in the fight against an enemy ten times smaller in number and much worse prepared. All preparation, all tactical schemes and special equipment turn out to be powerless in the face of a ton of explosives that explode near and in the middle of battle formations.

The massive use of Istishhadi suicide bombers has become a kind of atomic bomb of the Islamic State, against which there are simply no adequate weapons.

The Russian leadership, having become involved in someone else's conflict, does not have a very good idea of ​​what it has gotten itself into. In general, there is nothing to be surprised at - a street shoe that believes in only one value - the dollar - cannot imagine a situation where something else could be a value. Refusal to live in humiliation, for example. “I will not live in humiliation” is one of the key phrases uttered by the Islamic State propaganda, and this phrase resonates with millions of people.

Nevertheless, since the Kremlin’s bullshit has dragged us into this war, we should at least understand what exactly we are facing there in Syria, and what we will inevitably be faced with here in Russia. They will clash, if only because for the Islamic State, Russia is not goal number one or even goal number two. However, constant attempts to provoke him will eventually lead to the fact that distant approaches will inevitably come here. And this is the criminal idiocy of our authorities.

The film itself is not yet completely finished, but in general it already exists. All that remains is to reduce it and break it down into readable parts. I think the film will be about two hours in total, so there will be four or five parts in total.

In the next couple of weeks I will post videos of the film on YouTube under the general title “Atomic Bomb for the Poor People”. The content of the film is suicide bombers of the Islamic State.

The phenomenon of ISIS suicide bombers is that for the first time in many decades, suicide bombers are used as a fundamentally new type of weapon on the battlefield. We are accustomed to the fact that a suicide bomber is a terrorist, but now both Iraq and Syria are faced with a completely different phenomenon - suicide bombers, people who deliberately use their own death as a weapon against enemies in battle.

The emergence of suicide bombers was the result of a whole complex of reasons - from a purely rational design decision for their creation to deep-seated mental reasons that allowed the Islamic State to find a fundamentally new and very powerful resource to fight its opponents - death.

The power of this resource allows the Islamic State to fight almost equally with well-prepared opponents. The reliance on special forces, which the American, Iraqi, Iranian and Russian militaries made, does not work in this case. The very well-prepared (by Arab standards) “Golden Division,” which was trained according to the methods of the 101st American division, turned out to be powerless in the fight against an enemy ten times smaller in number and much worse prepared. All preparation, all tactical schemes and special equipment turn out to be powerless in the face of a ton of explosives that explode near and in the middle of battle formations.

The massive use of Istishhadi suicide bombers has become a kind of atomic bomb of the Islamic State, against which there are simply no adequate weapons.

The Russian leadership, having become involved in someone else's conflict, does not have a very good idea of ​​what it has gotten itself into. In general, there is nothing to be surprised at - a street shoe that believes in only one value - the dollar - cannot imagine a situation where something else could be a value. Refusal to live in humiliation, for example. “I will not live in humiliation” is one of the key phrases uttered by the Islamic State propaganda, and this phrase resonates with millions of people.

Nevertheless, since the Kremlin’s bullshit has dragged us into this war, we should at least understand what exactly we are facing there in Syria, and what we will inevitably be faced with here in Russia. They will clash, if only because for the Islamic State, Russia is not goal number one or even goal number two. However, constant attempts to provoke him will eventually lead to the fact that distant approaches will inevitably come here. And this is the criminal idiocy of our authorities.

The film itself is not yet completely finished, but in general it already exists. All that remains is to reduce it and break it down into readable parts. I think the film will be about two hours in total, so there will be four or five parts in total.

Below is a short trailer for this film.