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7 stars guessing. New practice in the “Seven Stars” layout

It is difficult to find a girl who would not dream of finding a worthy guy or man with whom you can create a happy relationship, the so-called “soul mate”. And while such a person has not yet appeared in life, you always want to know how soon the Higher Powers will grant this fateful meeting. We suggest doing this by performing fortune telling for the future using Tarot cards for love.

By the way! It’s on our website - enjoy it for your health!

The first thing you will need to do is buy your own deck of cards. If you are just starting to work with cards, one deck will be enough for you for the first few months. And over time, you will be able to add one more or several other decks, but this should be done when you yourself feel an urgent need for it.

The classic deck of tarot cards was created by Rider White and can be used for fortune telling on a variety of life issues.

Rule 1. Decide which map interpretation system you will use to make your forecasts. This point is very important, because Tarot cards remember well the rules by which you work with them. And if these rules change frequently, you will have difficulties with the correct interpretation of the meanings of card positions.

We must not forget that different authors offer their own interpretations of the same cards. For example, some masters use exclusively straight card positions in their work, while others add inverted ones to them.

Rule 2. The second important point will be the method according to which you will shuffle the cards, pull them out and open them. You need to develop your own strategy for interacting with the deck and not change it. The following recommendations may help you:

  • do not allow other people to touch your cards; only the owner of the deck is allowed to do this;
  • when you mix the cards, you need to ask the person to whom the fortune is told to move some of them towards you with the help of your left hand;
  • Initially, the cards should be laid out so that their backs face up, and then turned over one by one;
  • cards are turned over only from right to left, it is forbidden to change this sequence;
  • You absolutely always need to perform the alignment facing the fortuneteller.

Rule 3. You should not perform fortune telling in the following cases:

  • when you feel unwell;
  • you are in a negative mood if, for example, something upsets you or makes you too excited;
  • on days when lunar or solar eclipses occur.

It is important to be calm and concentrated when performing the alignment.

Rule 4. Before you begin fortune telling, you need to formulate your question as clearly as possible. Remember that the cards will only answer clear questions!

Rule 5. Also important point– It is unacceptable to frequently ask the same questions if you are not satisfied with the answer received. Many people try to repeat fortune telling until favorable cards appear in the spread, but this is a big mistake.

If you are worried about something, you need to concentrate on your request, choose the most appropriate time for fortune telling, voice your question, and then perform some kind of schedule. The answers you receive can be recorded in your diary. And subsequently, all that is required of you is to analyze the recommendations received from the cards, which for the most part are quite clear and understandable.

And you can ask the same question again no earlier than after one lunar month (that is, twenty-nine calendar days). During this time, various changes can occur, thanks to which you look at an old problem from a completely new angle.

Examples of future layouts for love

“Search for Love” layout

It is intended for those who are actively looking for and waiting for their soulmate. Fortune telling will shed light on the situation in your life, tell you why you are still alone and how you can improve the situation.

After you see the situation in its true light with the help of fortune telling, it will be easier for you to understand which person is most suitable for your life.

But don’t forget that if you want to get something, you need to act for it. If you are waiting for love, do not sit at home, but often go to those places where you can really meet a representative of the opposite sex and do not refuse if acquaintances or friends offer to introduce you to someone.

For the “Search for Love” layout, only four cards are used, which are laid out in one line.

The interpretation of the arcana will be as follows:

  • 1st card - shows the main reason why you do not have a relationship in the present;
  • 2nd card - how you need to act in the current situation in order to quickly attract a great and bright feeling into your life;
  • 3rd card – describes the ideal chosen one for you;
  • The 4th card - the lasso tells where you can find your love: in what place, and what your chosen one will be like.

Fortune telling "Seven Stars"

The layout is performed using seven cards, each of which symbolizes the seven stars of your destiny. The stars act as those hidden forces that influence the relationship with your lover.

  • Your Star is a description of the situation in which you find yourself;
  • The Star of your Chosen One is a description of the personality of your beloved;
  • Star of Love - what kind of connection exists between you;
  • Star of Danger - what obstacles may arise between you;
  • Star of Luck - which can help you in the love sphere;
  • The Star of Secret Thoughts - will tell you what your loved one is hiding from you;
  • Star of the Future - what do you expect from your union.

"Thread of Fate" layout

Fortune telling attracts with its simplicity, but at the same time, with informative results. Using it, you will trace the history of your couple, and also learn about the relationships between past, present and future events.

The cards will tell you about what in the past contributed to strengthening or, conversely, damaging your connection. And having received this information, it will be easier for you to understand for yourself what will improve your relationship with your partner.

Note! With the help of any fortune telling, you get only one, albeit the most probable, model of future events. But you are quite capable of making changes to it and directing your life in the right direction.

The layout uses only 3 cards, which will be interpreted as follows:

  • 1st card – tells about the past. She will tell you about what your relationship with your loved one was based on at the very beginning. The appearance of positive cards in this position indicates a sincere love affair. And negative ones indicate the presence of dangerous motives (self-interest, fear of loneliness, and the like).
  • 2nd card – demonstrates the foundation of your relationship in the present. In most cases, the card is a logical continuation of the 1st, but occasionally it can tell about a radical change in relationships.
  • The 3rd card is an indicator of future events. It is from this map that you will find out what next stage your relationship will move to in the future.

In this case, as a rule, the future is understood as a period of time of several months.

Finally, watch this interesting video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:


Analysis of last week's layout and exercise on the new layout in the latest issue of Sunday Tarot School.

Last Sunday I told you about the new “Seven Stars” layout and gave you an exercise to consolidate it. You had a week to leave your interpretation in the comments to the article.

If you missed the last episode, you can watch it.

Today we will analyze the exercise from last week and you will receive a new one to consolidate the layout.

Analysis of the “Seven Stars” layout from last week

On the eve of her wedding to Odysseus, Penelope asks how their personal life will turn out.

First position - Your Star

Position value:
The card speaks about you and the situation you are in. Emperor.
Odysseus is the basileus of Ithaca. The Emperor card precisely indicates that Penelope’s situation is changing dramatically. She becomes not just the wife of Odysseus, but part of the Emperor. And knowing the plot of the Odyssey, we can say that in the future she herself will become the Emperor and personify power.

Second position - Star of the Chosen One

Position value:
The card describes the personality of your chosen one. Queen of Swords.
In terms of his archetype, Odysseus is not the Lady of Swords. His resourcefulness and cunning suggest that he is the Knight of Pentacles. However, if we remember the meaning of the Queen of Swords “Widow” card, we can assume that this card indicates that Odysseus and Penelope will spend a significant part of their life together alone.

In some cases, the meaning and meaning of a card fits well with the overall story, but at the same time does not correlate well with the position in which it fell. Blind adherence to dogma makes it difficult or even impossible to read the layout. But neglecting form is not always appropriate. Finding a balance between maintaining form and unlimited freedom is an important task for a tarot reader.

Third position - Star of Love

Position value:
The card speaks of the connection between you. Page of Swords.
The Page of Swords is a negative card for relationships. It indicates serious contradictions and even hostility. In the Odyssey, Homer talks about the mutual love of Odysseus and Penelope. But maybe the relationship between them was not so rosy. Penelope's irritation at Odysseus's ten-year failure to return from the war may well be reflected in the Page of Swords card.

Fourth position - Danger Star

Position value:
The card warns of possible obstacles to your love. 3 swords (Judgment, Knight of Swords, 10 of Cups).
The 3 of Swords card says that there are many more dangers for this love than favorable aspects. Even without additional cards, the image of a broken, split heart directly points to difficult trials. to which the senses will be exposed. However, the presence of 10 cups inspires hope that everything will end well.

Fifth position - Star of Luck

Position value:
The card speaks of what will help your love. 5 cups.
A paradoxical situation - tears, grief and resentment will help your love. Actually, that’s what happened. Odysseus returned just at a time of great emotional stress for Penelope.

Sixth position - Star of Secret Thoughts

Position value:
The map helps you understand what your chosen one is keeping silent about. World.

The World card is played out in this layout both literally and figuratively. On the one hand, it indicates Odysseus’s best feelings for Penelope. And on the other hand, the world is calling Odysseus. By the standards of that time, he accomplished almost trip around the world. And in general, the positive card takes on an additional not very pleasant connotation for Penelope.

Seventh position - Star of Secret Thoughts

Position value:
The card shows what awaits your union in the future. Chariot.

Glory, victory, trophies, travel. The Chariot indicates all this. And all this was present in the union of Penelope and Odysseus.

We read the layout after the fact, already knowing the story of Odysseus and Penelope.

Here's what she might hear from a tarot reader at a fortune-telling session

“Your situation is developing unusually well for you. The Emperor card indicates that you are gaining strength and power, and your position is becoming significantly stronger. Your chosen one is serious and reliable. However, you may feel lonely with him. In your love relationships, you should be passive and not strive to take a leading position. The Page of Swords speaks about this. Yours love relationship many dangers await. But most likely, you and your chosen one will be able to overcome everything. Luck will come to you at the most difficult moment of your life. Your fiancé values ​​and values ​​your relationship and adores you. Your future promises you success and victories, as well as material well-being.”

Second exercise for the “Seven Stars” layout

Carmen recently met a young soldier, Jose, and asks how their relationship will develop. We are talking about the characters from Bizet's opera, not Mérimée's novella.

Your Star (First Position) - Ace of Swords

Position value:
The card speaks about you and the situation you are in.

Star of the Chosen (Second Position) - Priestess

Position value:
The card describes the personality of your chosen one.

Star of Love (Third position) - Sun

Position value:
The card speaks of the connection between you.

Danger Star (Fourth Position) – 6 Swords

Position value:
The card warns of possible obstacles to your love.

Star of Luck (Fifth Position) – 4 of Pentacles

Position value:
The card speaks of what will help your love.

Star of Secret Thoughts (Sixth Position) - Mage

Position value:
The map helps you understand what your chosen one is keeping silent about.

Star of the Future (Seventh Position) – 3 of Pentacles

Position value:
The card shows what awaits your union in the future.

Write your interpretation in the comments!

If you want to learn how to guess quickly, I advise you to do the exercises that I send you every week. Write a detailed comment on how you see the outcome of the situation.

P.S. Preliminary enrollment for the course “Tarot Practice: Semantic field of cards” is open; if you want to learn how to see the connection between cards in a layout, sign up and complete the preliminary tasks.

There are many very simple layouts on Tarot cards that give the fortuneteller the opportunity to get answers to questions about the past, present and future, and to tell fortunes about relationships or situations. Today I invite you to pay attention to two examples of such simple and effective fortune telling.

  • One of them is the Seven Card Tarot spread,
  • and the second is the 7 Star Tarot.

Free Tarot spread Seven Cards online

A truthful layout on 7 Tarot cards online can be used to clarify the always difficult and significant question of how a fortuneteller can and will develop relationships with people around him, and what to expect from a new acquaintance. In addition, fortune telling using seven Tarot cards helps you understand what events in the near future may be of key importance and what you should pay special attention to.

I would like to note one important point: when using online Tarot spread Seven Cards, ask questions that require a clear answer - yes or no. After completing the layout of the Tarot deck, count the upright and inverted positions of the arcana. If the number of upright positions exceeds the number of inverted ones, the answer is yes. Accordingly, if there are more cards turned over, the answer to the question is negative.

Now let’s talk about how to make this layout yourself. Tarot cards Seven cards are laid out from bottom to top and from right to left, in three rows of seven cards in each row. The bottom row will represent the person asking the question, middle row describes the present of the individual, and the top row, as you already understood, reveals the events of the future.

Interpret each row of cards when fortune telling with 7 Tarot cards for the future, located on the virtual page of the website, also need to be from right to left. The lasso, located in the middle of each row, is considered by tarot readers as the key to the entire period of the fortuneteller’s life - past, present or future.

Best love fortune telling Tarot 7 stars

The Seven Stars Tarot card layout is a popular online fortune telling using Tarot cards with a complete and most detailed interpretation of the layout. The first rule is the same as for all electronic fortune-telling: when starting to make a reading, think of a person for whose relationship you will predict seven stars on the cards of the Tarot deck. This could be your chosen one, with whom you already have a relationship, or a person with whom you expect to meet in the future.

The essence of 7-star Tarot fortune telling is as follows: the layout involves seven cards, each of which symbolizes one of the stars of your destiny. What are stars of fate? These are those sacred invisible forces that determine your relationship with your loved one.

  • The 7 Star Tarot Arcana, representing your star, tells about you and the situation you are currently in.
  • The star of the chosen one - the lasso describes the personality of the person for whom you are performing love fortune-telling on the Tarot.
  • Star of Love - this card speaks of the connection between you.
  • Danger Star - this card gives timely warning about the most likely obstacles in your love.
  • Star of Luck - this lasso Tarot spread 7 stars gives information that will help you overcome obstacles in love.
  • The star of secret thoughts - you are given the opportunity to understand what your loved one is keeping silent about, whether he has a secret.
  • Star of the future - the seventh card will tell you what awaits your union in the future.