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It means to be a man among people. What does it mean to be human, important thoughts. Fundamentals of human society

The talented Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov, in his story “The Fate of Man,” examines one of the most important questions: what does it mean to be a real person?

Issues of morality were of great concern to the author; he sought to make his readers more elevated and morally purer. Who is he - a real person? Does everyone born in human form have the right to call themselves that? Mikhail Sholokhov believed that only people with a huge soul and a pure heart have such a right.

The main character is a shining example of a real person. To see this, let's look at some situations in his life. After civil war the hero remains completely alone. But he finds good girl, who would later become his wise wife. After a while they will build a house and give birth to three children. And it seems that the life of once lonely people has become happy, but the harmony is destroyed by war. Andrei is taken to the front, and the family is left without a head.

Fate constantly tests the hero's moral fortitude. The motive for testing is known in folklore, when main character I strengthened my character by completing tasks.

The author does not try to idealize Sokolov, but shows that this man always tries to do the right thing. In his youth, Andrei had a bad temper, he could drink beyond the norm, but he always appreciated kindness towards himself. When the hero came home drunk, the wise wife did not reproach him, but quietly put him to bed, and only in the morning asked him not to do this again. Andrey felt ashamed, and he tried not to upset his wife anymore. The man greatly appreciated the wisdom of this calm woman.

When Sokolov tried to help out his comrades, he was captured. People were kept in the old church to be interrogated later. While there, Andrey accidentally overheard a conversation strangers, one of whom wanted to inform on a colleague. Most of all, the hero could not stand injustice, so he did not remain indifferent to the situation. To save an innocent man, a man commits lynching of a traitor. This was not easy for him, but he saw no other way out.

While in a prisoner of war camp, Andrei, like everyone else, worked in a stone quarry. He did not silently tolerate the fact that the Germans demanded too much work from exhausted people in a day. And one day he told other “convicts” about this. However, there was an informer among them, and Andrei was summoned to the commandant. In a conversation with the cruel camp commander, Andrei showed extraordinary courage and restraint. He did not drink for the victory of the enemy, but drank three times, without eating, for his own unfortunate fate. The man, exhausted from hunger, managed to stand on his feet without losing his dignity. The surprised camp commandant pardoned the brave warrior and gave him bread and lard.

Why did even the enemy appreciate such an act of the hero? He was just used to people losing their human face due to suffering, but Sokolov remained a real person.

The hero’s very humane act was the decision to help the poor boy Vanya. The hero not only survived the war, but also helped a child do so.

Mikhail Sholokhov in the story shows us a real person in the image of Andrei Sokolov.

The whole world loves kind and sympathetic people. To become like this, you don’t have to be an angel in the flesh; it’s enough just not to do bad things and try to work on your character. Many people think about what it means to be and everyone is looking for the answer on their own. Everyone may have their own truth. This article is intended to consider the situation of an individual’s internal search and answer existing burning questions.

Spiritual Needs

Each of us needs to feel important and significant. It’s not enough for us to just have a good job or a lot of money, but we want recognition from others, especially our talents and abilities. What does spiritual mean? In many ways, this means being able to forgive and develop externally and internally.

Of course, this also includes the need to do good and help those in need. Spiritual needs include the desire to study the arts and practice meditation. Of course, prayer is a powerful spiritual component. Being in a state of deep peace, a person experiences happiness. Meditation helps restore mental strength and find integrity within yourself.

What we value in others

It's no secret that friendly and friendly people are more attractive than gloomy and angry people. What does it mean to be? First of all, to be able to rejoice. In the broadest sense of the word. Your own and others’ successes, victories, accomplishments, dreams come true. Each of us always subconsciously chooses the right company for communication, but few people think about improving themselves: getting rid of bad habits, changing their character, working with existing problems.

If you are irritated by something, try to calm down first, and only then start communicating with people. Otherwise, you risk ruining your relationships with loved ones and someday completely losing your friends. Some people really don’t understand what it means to be a friendly and smiling person, which means this needs to be learned.

Striving to help those who need help

Kindness, openness, and sincerity have always been valued. It happened that loving person shared the last piece of bread with the poor or disadvantaged. Notice that when we perform a good deed, our soul rejoices. You can feel how warm and pleasant your heart becomes in this moment. Of course, most often we do not attach importance to what happens to us. And a miracle: I want to be even kinder, to please loved ones pleasant surprises. It is in such high moments of self-knowledge that we understand what it means to be the right person. After all, if you have helped at least someone in this life, then you have not lived it in vain.

The ability to forgive

You should never take on the role of the Lord God and decide who is worthy to be called your closest friend, and who should be immediately driven away. Time will put everything in its place. Life is wiser than us, no matter how smart we are. It quietly takes unreliable people away from us and replaces them with new ones, those on whom we can rely. Of course, in the case when we do not interfere with its movement. You must always be able to rejoice in what you have at the moment and be able to forgive those who did not repay their debts to you on time. The last phrase should be understood not only as a monetary equivalent, but also as any manifestation of kindness, love and tenderness.

No one else can tell you what it means to be human in the full sense of the word. You need to understand this yourself, having gone through some difficulties and trials.

Respect for the team

Recognition in one's field is an integral step in becoming a harmoniously developing personality. To be happy, everyone needs to successfully self-actualize in some area. Therefore, choosing a professional path is not an easy task. You need to be very clear about your goals and strive to achieve them.

People want to feel that what they do is needed by others. In fact, we are here to serve society through the fulfillment of our professional task. We give to people what we can give and receive a reward for it in the form of Money, respect and gratitude. Moreover, receiving recognition from the team is no less valuable than the banknotes themselves. This is what it means to be human.

Awareness of your individuality

The position “I am a value” is chosen by a minority of people because they are not aware of its amazing properties. What does it mean to be a good man? You need to know what your purpose is and honestly fulfill it. Individuality begins with the courage to ask yourself the question: “Why did I come into this life?” When the answer becomes more or less clear, it is necessary to make every effort to achieve significant results. What it means to be is explained by the desire to organize life so that everything has a clear structure, order, leading to new achievements and victories.

Thus, the question of what it means to be an educated person can only be resolved through a conscious understanding of what we want to be and what we strive for. All the rest does not matter. Remember that he is valuable everywhere, the road is open to him everywhere. He will overcome all obstacles and win, winning the love of the public and people around him. Openness breeds reciprocal trust.

To be human, first of all, you need to be not outside, but inside. To be human is to have a number of moral values ​​inherent in the process of human development as an individual. Humanity should be instilled in a child by parents in childhood, when he absorbs everything like a sponge and tries to imitate adults. Proper education person is very important for society.

Children who do not receive standard attention from their parents and do not receive the same set of moral values ​​become people who go against society. Most often these are criminals.

In our time, humanity is moving to a more distant position. Now everyone is looking for profit, trying to deceive people close to them for the sake of profit and for their own benefit. Simply put, people don't think about other people, everyone becomes selfish. The more moral values ​​parents instilled in a person in childhood, the kinder he will be to others.

In the end, we can conclude, what does the phrase “to be human means...” mean? Firstly, you need to have moral values ​​that should be instilled in a person in childhood, secondly, not to be selfish, and thirdly, treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.

Updated: 2017-12-13

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Through the lens of religion or through our own reflections, each of us has wondered what it means to be human. Dry academic language designates the word “man” as a sociocultural unit capable of thinking, creating, working, serving in the army, retiring and dying. Nothing personal, as they say. But the most inquisitive among us think about our spiritual, personal and universal destiny. What does it mean to be human? Christianity tells us that man is God’s creation, his servant, and around him there is “vanity of vanities” and “there is no meaning in life under the sun.” The Koran gives approximately the same interpretations to the word man, prescribing a strict and measured algorithm of life. The media, transnational corporations, politicians and the state insistently assure us that being human means buying unnecessary things, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, earning pittance pensions and voting for “ United Russia" But all this is not the same.

What does the word "man" mean?

The clearest interpretation of the meaning of the name man and its purpose can be found in the books of Gurdjieff and Castaneda, in the Vedas and treatises on yoga. Having studied at least part of the listed works, you will understand that to be human means to have a purpose, a path and personal strength. To be human means to gain integrity, a worldview. To be human is to view life as a lesson, as a journey. After all, you can live as if miracles do not happen at all, or as if every moment is a miracle. If you don’t have time to read, you can watch the film “Peaceful Warrior” directed by Victor Salva. In addition, the film will answer an important question: “what does it mean to be a strong person?”

We live in a society that is a whole supersystem, so it is very important to know and meet many criteria. For example, such as intelligence, culture, and so on. It's worth taking a closer look at them.

What does it mean to be a cultured person

Culture is a kind of code of behavior in a closed society. And cultural norms may vary depending on the history of development of this society. Thus, the familiarity adopted in Russia towards even a stranger, in conservative societies of Europe will be regarded as careless attitude. So, you will show your lack of culture. That is, to be a cultured person means to conform one’s behavior to the norms of public morality of a particular society.

What does it mean to be an intelligent person

An intelligent person has always been called one whose level of education is higher than the majority of the people. So, in the imperial and Soviet times intelligent people formed a whole class - the intelligentsia. The intelligentsia included poets, writers, magazine editors and correspondents, as well as part of the bohemians: actors and theater directors. Academic scientists in fundamental fields of science were rarely included in it. But if you classify a nuclear physicist as an intelligent person, then there will be no mistake. The word “intelligent” itself comes from the Latin intel-lego, which means “to know, think, have an idea about something.” Based on this, we can understand that an intelligent person in everyday life is called an intelligent, deep-thinking person with a subtle sense of culture, which is reflected in his behavior in society and in interactions with other people.

Who are you? What does it mean to be human?
Outwardly, all people are the same - in the same way, in general - we all have a head, arms, shoulders, fingers, etc.
Everyone has the form, the image of a person, but this does not mean that he is such. You can have the form of a person, but not be a person in essence.
Not appearance makes a person human. A person becomes a person by acquiring certain internal characteristics, values, qualities.
One is not born a person, one becomes one.
A person is valued not for his form and appearance, but for his content. It is the content that reveals who he or she really is.
IN Lately very often you can find that a person is judged by the make of his car, his bank account, his clothes, his cell phone. But this is all coming and going.
It happens that you meet a person, communicate with him, and you are not at all interested in what he tells you. Then you start looking at his suit, tie, watch, shoes. And if a person is rich in soul, then you don’t even remember what he was wearing.
People began to evaluate each other by external standards, because there were few individuals with a rich soul, strong will and moral stability. It’s easier to buy a car to fit into a circle of people than to work on yourself and become someone.
Today you are on horseback, but tomorrow, perhaps, you are not.
Your financial situation is not a guarantee that it will always be this way, but only high values will help you stay on top.
The world is degrading, the meaning of life for many people has dropped to animal needs: to eat, sleep, satisfy their personal needs. Many people study and work with only one goal: to earn money. more money, to buy best car, live in a house rather than an apartment, dress more expensively, visit more elite establishments, eat better food. This is not bad, but if this is the goal of your whole life, it is a tragedy!
Decide to be a human being, a human being with a capital “H”.
Qualities of a person that make a person human:
1. A person always has a goal, plan, direction, strategy.
2. Morality, ethics, high spiritual, emotional, personal qualities, character.
- the ability to control emotions, desires, feelings - self-control, self-discipline;
- firmness in life values, ideals, beliefs.
- patience, honesty, justice, mercy, faith, joy, fidelity, courage, love, etc.
3. Intelligence, knowledge, soundness, prudence, prudence. It is necessary to constantly develop.
The head is given to us not only to wear a hat.
Fill your reservoirs with wisdom, knowledge. From ignorance they die, they suffer, they exist. Ignorance is the root of many evils.
4. Man is a creator. He is able to change the world, the surrounding reality.
If you don't live for the common good, you're wasting your time.
Man is born to leave a mark on earth. What mark are you leaving today?