All about car tuning

The building is on the barricade. Stalin's skyscraper on the barrikadnaya: the glorious history of an elite house from the USSR. Timeless luxury

IN The skyscraper on Kudrinskaya Square proudly bears No. 1 (on the square)...
And also unofficial number 7 among other high-rise buildings in Moscow))) The square was called Vosstaniya Square until 1992. The house began construction in 1948. Project by architects Mikhail Posokhin, Ashot Mndoyants and designer Vokhomsky.

Later, recalling this project, Mr. Comrade Posokhin wrote that the high-rise project on Vosstaniya Square was made with the study of the surrounding environmental structure. “When starting to design the project, the architects first developed the composition of the entire area, connecting it with a high-rise building,” writes Mikhail Posokhin in the book “Architecture environment", published in 1989.

Photo of the beginning of construction of the building.

Initially, it was planned to surround the high-rise building on Kudrinskaya with green spaces and connect this recreational area with the territory of the zoo, which at that time was planned to be relocated to the South-Western Administrative District of the capital, and in its place to organize a city park. However, these plans were never realized.

The building consists of several buildings, which are located on a common base. The height of the central 24-story building with a spire is 156 meters.

The façade of the building is decorated with sculptures that symbolize creativity, defense and labor of Soviet citizens. On both sides of the main building there are side 18-story buildings.

Each of the three buildings had one main entrance (No. 1, No. 4, No. 14) and several additional ones. The entrance lobbies were originally decorated with luxurious mirrors and chandeliers, and could also be locked, isolating the floor from the stairs and the landing in front of the elevator.

Each of the large entrances is equipped with three elevators. Interestingly, none of the three elevators of the first entrance stop on the second floor.

In total, there are about 450 apartments in the House on Kudrinskaya Square. Once upon a time, the high-rise building was popularly called the “House of Aviators,” because apartments there were given to aviation industry workers (in particular, employees of the Tupolev Design Bureau) and test pilots, but, of course, there were many party leaders among the residents.

It is said that when the US Embassy opened nearby, the top two floors were occupied. There the KGB installed wiretapping equipment, and from there they “kept an eye” on the Americans.

As I already wrote, the sculptures along the perimeter of the building symbolize workers in science, technology, rural areas, family life, Happy childhood, the joys of motherhood, etc.

For some reason, women pointedly do not look in the direction of men and vice versa, as if they are in a quarrel or single mothers. There is not a single man with a child on the building. They are all on the sidelines, in action... they have no time to be distracted by the children. And women, more often than not, look proudly at a bright future, and not at children getting tangled under their feet.

The Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception is visible.

The railings are emphatically classic.

But let's get back to the sculptures.

Dmitry drew our attention to one of them. Look at this girl with a musical instrument. It is not like any of the famous ones. I thought it was a double bass, but it wasn’t. As it turned out, this is a violin, but a big one. There are Stradivarius violins, and there are Tsereteli violins. We missed the mark a little in proportions, it happens...

It’s not clear where this young man went with his hand....)))) almost eroticism in Soviet times.

Some strange proportions. Children look more like teenagers, but they are too small compared to a Soviet woman.

Shopping complex opposite the high-rise.

And this is (C)stuck on the Internet. View of the building and Moscow below from the star...

And this machine gunner has obvious problems with the proportions of the disc on the PPSh machine gun. It's too small.

Very often, my friends, when they list seven Stalinist high-rise buildings from memory, start with a residential building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, Moscow State University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs buildings. Then they remember the hotels “Ukraine” and “Leningradskaya”, after a minute pause they bend the sixth finger - the high-rise building on the Red Gate. The house on Kudrinskaya Square is the last to be remembered. Or they completely forget about it, and, holding out the seventh finger, raise their eyebrows in surprise: “What a seventh!” In my opinion, they are undeservedly forgotten about this Stalinist skyscraper: the house on Kudrinskaya Square is not much different from the rest of its brothers.

Very often, my friends, when they list seven Stalinist high-rises from memory, start with a residential building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, Moscow State University and the Foreign Ministry building. Then they remember the hotels “Ukraine” and “Leningradskaya”, after a minute pause they bend the sixth finger - the high-rise building on the Red Gate. The house on Kudrinskaya Square is the last to be remembered. Or they completely forget about it, and, holding out the seventh finger, raise their eyebrows in surprise: “What a seventh!” In my opinion, they are undeservedly forgotten about this Stalinist skyscraper: the house on Kudrinskaya Square is not much different from the rest of its brothers.

House number 1 on Kudrinskaya Square, which until 1992 was called Vosstaniya Square, began construction after the war, in 1948. The work was carried out according to the design of architects Mikhail Posokhin, Ashot Mndoyants and designer Vokhomsky. Later, recalling this project, Mr. Posokhin wrote that the high-rise project on Vosstaniya Square was made with the study of the surrounding environment. “When starting to design the project, the architects first developed the composition of the entire area, linking it with a high-rise building,” writes Mikhail Posokhin in the book “Environmental Architecture,” published in 1989. Initially, it was planned to surround the high-rise building on Kudrinskaya with green spaces and connect this recreational area with the territory of the zoo, which at that time was planned to be relocated to the South-Western Administrative District of the capital, and in its place to organize a city park. However, these plans were never realized. The zoo remains in its original location, and the Stalinist skyscraper is surrounded by asphalt and cobblestone streets.

Construction of a high-rise building on Kudrinskaya Square (formerly Vosstaniya Square)

As for the building itself, it consists of several buildings, which are located on a common base. The height of the central 24-story building with a spire is 156 meters. The facade of the building is decorated with sculptures that symbolize creativity, defense and labor of Soviet citizens. On both sides of the main building there are side 18-story buildings. Each of the three buildings had one main entrance (No. 1, No. 4, No. 14) and several additional ones. The entrance lobbies were originally decorated with luxurious mirrors and chandeliers, and could also be locked, isolating the floor from the stairs and the landing in front of the elevator. Each of the large entrances is equipped with three elevators. Interestingly, none of the three elevators of the first entrance stop on the second floor.

Elements of the facade of a high-rise building

Additional (small) entrances differ in layout from large ones. Firstly, each of the small entrances is equipped with only one elevator, and secondly, the additional entrances have fewer floors than the main ones (the “highest” small entrance has only 12 floors). And on the landings of small entrances there are from one to four apartments. In total, there are about 450 apartments in the House on Kudrinskaya Square.

Night illumination of the building

In total, almost 650 million rubles were spent on the construction of the building, which was completed in 1954. The sum was gigantic at that time, and this house was inhabited, naturally, not by mere mortals, but by nomenklatura workers of the USSR Council of Ministers and the CPSU Central Committee. But the majority of the residents were aviation industry workers and test pilots, which is why the high-rise building was popularly nicknamed the “House of Aviators.” Famous test pilots S. Anokhin and M. Gromov lived in this house. The hero got an apartment here Soviet Union A. Saburov, commander of a large partisan unit.

There was an underground garage in the basement of the building. And the lower floors of the high-rise building on Kudrinskaya Square were given over to social and cultural institutions. There were shops here (in particular, the “Gastronom”, which opened on the ground floor of a high-rise building, was at that time the largest grocery store in the capital), the “Plamya” cinema with a hall for 600 spectators. Over time, the cinema was replaced by a casino, and in last years a bowling alley was located in its place.

Today, according to the portal GdeEtotDom.RU, the price per square meter of housing in the House on Kudrinskaya Square is about 500,000 rubles. Despite the fact that the average price in the district is 203,309 rubles per sq. m. m. The cheapest offer in this house is this moment— two-room apartment on the 16th floor with a total area of ​​52 sq. m. m (living area - 30 sq.m). According to the owner's description, the apartment has been renovated for a fine finish. The price of the object is 25 million rubles. A four-room apartment on the 12th floor with an area of ​​98 square meters is being sold for more than twice the price (51 million rubles). m. This is the most expensive option. True, a potential buyer needs to be prepared for additional repair costs. The seller warns that the condition is “Soviet”. We must assume that this is a classic “grandmother’s” option with old furniture. Total in the real estate database of the portal GdeEtotDom.RU on this moment Four apartments in the House on Kudrinskaya are up for sale.

You can rent an apartment in a high-rise from 80,000 rubles per month. So, currently, a “kopeck piece” with an area of ​​60 square meters. m on the seventh floor is rented for 100,000 rubles.

Ekaterina Shablova, correspondent of the portal GdeEtoDom.RU

Report from the spire of a residential building on Kudrinskaya Square. Yes, in Lately Half of Moscow has been there, but we have something that no one has shown yet.

1. This is a site near the star, here you can look around a little.

2. View from the star down.

3. Visa from the bottom platform down.

4. The house on Kudrinskaya Square (from 1925 to 1992 - Vosstaniya Square) was built in 1948-1954. designed by architects M.V. Posokhin, A.A. Mndoyants and designer M.N. Vokhomsky. The building consists of a central (24 floors, height with tower and spire - 156 meters) and side buildings (18 residential floors each), constituting a single structural array resting on a common ground floor. In total there are over 450 apartments in the building.

5. On the ground and ground floors of the building there were originally shops and a cinema “Plamya” (currently not operating), in the basement there were underground garages. Part of the basement was converted into a casino, which ceased operation in 2004. Currently, a bowling alley is located in its place.
The basements of the building are connected to a system of underground structures, in particular, to a bomb shelter that extends far beyond the above-ground part of the building.

6. It's time to look around. View of the Garden Ring.

Click on the photo to view in large size.

7. U-shaped building on the left Ministry natural resources Russian Federation, to the right of the dome of the Planetarium, then the new territory of the zoo.

8. Zoo and Ostankino Tower. On the topic: Construction of the Ostankino Tower.

9. “Knizhki” on Novy Arbat, on the right is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the only high-rise building without a star. About books: A four-letter word. .

10. Moscow Zoo.

11. Traditional evening traffic jam on Sadovoy.

12. Another traditional place is the Novoarbat tunnel.

13. Moscow City.


15. "House on Begovaya", in the background "Triumph Palace".

16. Kremlin.

17. Cathedral Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Opened 1911, architect. F. O. Bogdanovich-Dvorzhetsky. In 1938, the cathedral building was taken away from the church. In 1956-1996, the Mosspetspromproekt Research Institute was located there. The cathedral was returned to Catholics in 1996.

18. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

19. Church of St. Nicholas on Three Mountains.


21. Government House Russian Federation, also known as the House of Soviets. Over the years, it housed the Supreme Council and the Government of the RSFSR, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, and since 1994 it has been the House of the Government of the Russian Federation. The total area of ​​the buildings of the Government House of the Russian Federation is 172.7 thousand square meters. m: work rooms and 27 halls for events and receptions.

22. Krasnopresnenskaya metro station, opened on March 14, 1954 as part of the Belorusskaya - Park Kultury section. The ground lobby is designed in the form of a rotunda. At the entrance to the lobby there is a sculpture “Druzhinnik” (author A. E. Zelensky, 1955).

23. Main entrance and ticket office of the Moscow Zoo.

24. Cinema center on Krasnaya Presnya.

25. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

26. The Moscow Government building (formerly the building of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), built in the form of a book.

27. Triumphal Square. In 1935 it received the name square. Mayakovsky in memory of the poet Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930). In 1992, the name Triumfalnaya Square was approved.

Oh yes! I promised to show something that no one has shown yet! Come in after lunch, there will be a little surprise.

In the XIV-XVII centuries, the village of Kudrino was located on this site. The grandson of Ivan Kalita, Vladimir Andreevich, was in charge here. In 1680, the courtyard of V.V. was located here. Golitsyn, a close associate of Princess Sophia, when the latter fell into disgrace, the court passed to A.L. Naryshkin - the cousin of Peter I. An important road from the Kremlin to Volokolamsk and further to Veliky Novgorod passed through the village.

By the 1940s, the place still strongly resembled a village. Although the square survived the revolutionary battles and became the “gate of Krasnaya Presnya”, Vosstaniya Square, it remained an old Moscow outskirts. The square and the area behind it smoothly flowed down to the Presnensky Ponds.

It was Vosstaniya Square that was chosen for the construction of another Stalinist high-rise. To do this, the area had to be leveled and filled. The slope and area with a park in front of the high-rise building were reinforced with granite walls. The houses were demolished, and in 1937 the bulky building that separated the square from Novinsky Boulevard disappeared.

The beauty skyscraper was one of seven high-rise buildings built in Moscow in the decade after the Great Patriotic War, and one of two residential high-rise buildings. For post-war Moscow, which huddled in communal apartments, former monastery cells and mansions, and simply in barracks, the house was a magical palace.

In the Presnensky district there is another “Stalinist high-rise” - a residential building on Kudrinskaya Square (from 1925 to 1992 - Vosstaniya Square). The house was built in 1948-1954 according to the design of the authors of New Arbat, architects Mikhail Posokhin and Ashot Mndoyants and designer M. N. Vokhomsky. The high-rise building consists of a central building (24 floors, height with tower and spire - 156 m) and side buildings that form a single mass, resting on a common ground floor.

In total, the building on Kudrinskaya Square has more than 450 apartments. A few words about the apartments. They are not very large, but there are huge halls and corridors in front of the elevators. Previously, there were chairs and shelves with books on the floor. There was a billiard table on the 10th floor. Apparently, the authors of the project expected that over time social life would strengthen and these spaces would be actively used. But it turned out differently.

The high-rise building on Kudrinskaya Square was nicknamed the “House of Aviators” because under its roof in the 50s all the cream of the domestic aviation industry gathered.

On the ground and ground floors of the building there were originally shops and a cinema "Plamya" (currently not operating), in the basement there were underground garages. Part of the basement was converted into a casino, which ceased operation in 2004. The zoo is nearby.

The building has a three-part symmetrical composition. The side wings of the building are built with ledges, the first ledge emerges at a height of 8 floors, the second at a height of 13. The ledges, as a compositional device, connect the building with urban development. The side ledges end with light openwork turrets. The central part is crowned with an octagonal stepped tower with an emblem.

The facades are lined with slabs of white cast stone. The entire facade is divided by pilasters, which in the central part of the building are broken at different heights by belts. The main entrances are decorated with sculptures and bas-reliefs. The facades have decorative lighting.

The structural basis of the building is a reinforced concrete frame with rigid reinforcement. The walls are filled with lightweight perforated brick.

In accordance with the project, the building provided for a telephone connection between the apartments and the lobby; gas or electric stove, automatic electric washing, garbage chute, automatic temperature control within each apartment; central vacuum cleaner; radio installation, telephone installation, waste crushers under sinks, electric mills that grind household waste, which then goes down into the sewer network.

Large entrances (1st, 4th, 14th) are served by three elevators each. The central elevator of the 1st entrance (central building) is capable of rising to the 23rd and 24th floors, but in normal operation this ability is blocked. Also, all elevators do not stop at the 2nd floor.

In the high-rise elevators, where the elevator operator sat on a high mahogany chair, one could meet such people as Mikulin, Bakulev, Cherednichenko, Pervaerzev, outstanding pilots such as Anokhin, Gallai, Gromov, Kokkinaki, famous actors - Abrikosovs, Aleinikov, Mirov and Novitsky.

The facade of the building is decorated with sculptures that symbolize creativity, defense and labor of Soviet citizens.

Gastronom No. 15 is the largest grocery store in the country. It is significantly superior to the well-known Gastronom No. 1 on Gorky Street and the Gastronom of GUM. Suffice it to say that the new store has 124 jobs versus 95 in GUM. The total area is about 6,000 square meters.
Warehouses measuring 3,000 square meters make it possible to have a multi-day supply of goods.

Until recently, to the right of the main entrance, on the site of the grocery store, the Central Restaurant House functioned, in the beau monde called the dining room.

? There are seven of them.


Today, dear readers, I will show you a report from the top of a residential building/Stalinist high-rise on Kudrinskaya Square or, more simply put, Kudrinka. Namely, from a small platform located directly under the star. The impressions are unforgettable. Thus, I am opening a series of reports from Stalin’s high-rise buildings, which I have long wanted to go to (the unprocessed photos are from Kotelnicheskaya, and then, perhaps, I will visit some of the remaining ones.

First, a little background. In past years, when I was just starting to climb roofs, I repeatedly saw reports from Stalinist high-rise buildings. Not from everyone, but still. Since I am a lover of this kind of architecture, and these buildings seem extremely interesting to me, even then I really wanted to climb here too. But things didn’t work out, and then I temporarily abandoned the idea, but in my heart I still wanted it. But at the end of July, my beloved and I finally did it - we got to Kudrinka. I really liked it, especially the wind blowing at altitude. Amazing feeling. And also beautiful views of our capital. By the way, we were lucky with the weather that day)

And now, as usual, for those who are interested - historical reference, and then immediately move on to the photographs:

The house on Kudrinskaya Square (from 1925 to 1992 - Vosstaniya Square) was built in 1948-1954. designed by architects M.V. Posokhin, A.A. Mndoyants and designer M.N. Vokhomsky. The building consists of a central (24 floors, height with tower and spire - 156 meters) and side buildings (18 residential floors each), making up a single structural mass resting on a common ground floor. In total there are over 450 apartments in the building. In 1955, the book value of the building was 648 million rubles. Employees of the aviation industry, test pilots and members of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR received apartments in the building. The upper 2 floors of the central building were evicted during the construction of the new US Embassy building and special KGB equipment was placed on them, intended for radio surveillance of the embassy. Technical floors of the side buildings were subsequently modernized and turned into residential buildings. They can be reached by stairs, rising from the entrance, or by open passages from the central tower. The main part of the building includes 3 large entrances (1 for each building) and a large number of small ones, differing in layout. Each small entrance is equipped with one elevator, has a small number of floors (no more than 12), 1-4 apartments per floor.
Large entrances (1st, 4th, 14th) are served by three elevators each. The central elevator of the 1st entrance (central building) is capable of rising to the 23rd and 24th floors, but in normal operation this ability is blocked. In addition, all 3 elevators of the 1st entrance do not stop on the 2nd floor, where the directorate serving this building and a number of other high-rise buildings is located.
There are from 4 to 8 apartments on each floor, the lobbies are richly decorated (mirrors, chandeliers) and can be locked, isolating the floor from the stairs and the elevator landing (in fact, each floor is divided by the elevator zone into two lobbies).

1. And here we are standing in front of the building. Now we are faced with the task of getting inside)

2. After a while we are already at the top. Let's start with the types. Photo towards the Moscow Zoo, the pavilion of the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station, in the distance the House on Begovaya and even further away the areas of Oktyabrsky Pole and Sokol

3. Learn to see differently) Towards the alley and square in front of the high-rise building

4. And now views towards the center - Little and Bolshaya Nikitsky streets go towards the Kremlin, the Church of the Ascension of the Lord is clearly visible

5. Now let's go a little higher - right under the star. A staircase like this leads to it, but with a protective box.

6. And now the cover photo is a star, it looks like it’s “sewn together” from many golden plates

7. Now let’s admire the views in the other direction - in front of us is the Government House of the Russian Federation, the bend of the Moscow River, the Stalinist high-rise building with the Ukraine Hotel, further away is the Moscow City district.

8. I myself don’t like shots with legs, but I still took a photo here to show the scale of the structure and the staircase on the spire. Below is my girlfriend)

9. If we go down a little lower than the second platform from the top, we will get to the technical platform. There are various mechanisms on it, as well as such nice architectural elements

10. Now I will show you views towards the Maryina Roshcha and Ostankino districts, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya Street goes into the distance. In the foreground is the new territory of the Moscow Zoo and the Moscow Planetarium, which has already begun work.

11. Final frame. Kudrinskaya skyscraper from top to bottom reverse side. The turrets with gilded cones with balls are also very nice. Alas, I don’t have the width yet, so the side towers didn’t fit in completely.

This is what it is, Kudrinskaya skyscraper =)

P.S. Since I started my vacation, there will be no reports in the next week, I’ll go on vacation) The only exception can be a report from an abandoned college, if tomorrow I manage to finish processing the photos and finish it.