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Statements on the topic of man and society. Interesting statements by great people: about public order, about society, freedom and relationships. I. N. Shevelev

This is a very voluminous and rather complex system, the basis for which is the collective activity of people. It was, is and will remain a subject for discussion and research. And its specificity lies precisely in the fact that countless people participate in this system, each of whom is a Personality. Accordingly, society is constantly changing. That is why people will talk about him forever. And this, by the way, influenced the statements of great people about public order.

References to philosophy

Great thinkers did not limit themselves to simple statements. No, they developed entire theories. Speaking about the interesting statements of great people about social order, I would like to note the thoughts of the well-known Plato and Aristotle. The first of them argued that society consists of three layers: philosophers, warriors and hard workers. And that there is a world of ideas and matter. Those people who are endowed with the talent to think should rule the state. Plato saw the social order as a pyramid that was supported by philosophers and thinkers.

Aristotle belongs to the following state - this is the happiness of people. And politics is the science that allows you to understand how to achieve happiness in society." But, at the same time, the philosopher said that an ideal form of government as such does not exist. But there is a cycle of forms of government. Here are the words of the thinker: " Best form government is one in which the laws are respected and the government is just."

Something that makes you think

Many of the statements of great people about social order really give rise to certain thoughts. Belinsky argued that a person is the son of his country, a citizen of the fatherland, and he must warmly take all its interests to heart. And Cicero said that social order is a prescription, following which we must control our actions and, of course, our lives, no matter what the circumstances. Another interesting phrase belongs to the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. A famous thinker said that a person, from all existing sciences, is obliged to know how to live in order to do as much good as possible for society.

In fact, such statements by great people about social order make you think and rethink something. The most interesting thing is that when studying such quotes, said hundreds of years ago, a truth is revealed that is still relevant today. From this we can conclude: society, it turns out, is not changing that much.

What worried the greats

It is unlikely that famous scientists, thinkers and literary figures would talk about social order and everything connected with it if this topic did not concern them. To be more precise - if she had not touched them. Probably, many quotes about social order appeared this way - great people tried to explain to themselves how to cope with everything that was happening. L. Tolstoy said that man is unthinkable outside of society. This phrase has long been catchphrase. And, be that as it may, Lev Nikolaevich was right. Just like Belinsky, saying that although man was created by nature, society still develops him.

Everything ingenious is simple

Many statements about social order are incredibly simple, but despite this, the truth is hidden in them. An unknown person said that no woman is as fickle and flighty as the opinion of society. And this is really so - we can see confirmation of these words every day. The following phrase, belonging to the French writer, can be considered a continuation of the previous quote: “Public opinion rules people.” It’s worth thinking about: is it necessary to submit to something flighty and fickle, moreover, if it has absolutely no meaning? Many people deceive themselves that they care what others think of them. But, in essence, it doesn’t matter. After all, as public opinion said, this is just in our lives, not a beacon.

The unity of people with people, based on the real differences between people, the concept of the human race, transferred from the sky of abstraction to the real earth - what is this if not the concept of society!

K. Marx

Man is born for society.

D. Diderot

Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have the courage to live alone.

W. Blackstone

Man by origin is a herd animal. His actions are determined by the instinctive impulse to follow the leader and stick to the animals that surround him. To the extent that we are a herd, there is no greater danger to our existence than to lose this contact with the herd and find ourselves alone.

E. Fromm

We were born to unite with our brothers - people and with the entire human race.


“Movement is the way of existence of matter,” communication with one’s own kind is the way of existence of living beings.

Communication with others like you is the elixir of life.

I. N. Shevelev

If everyone is the whole world,

Well alone

Can't live without the other.

L. I. Boleslavsky

There seems to be nothing to which nature would push us more than friendly communication.

M. Montaigne

We need communication more than anything else.

D. M. Cage

The source of interests, goals and activities is substance public life.

V. G. Belinsky

A person becomes a person only among people.

I. Becher

Individual people unite into one whole - into society; and therefore the highest sphere of beauty is human society.

N. G. Chernyshevsky

The development of an individual is determined by the development of other individuals with whom he is in direct or indirect communication.

If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who truly stimulates and moves other people forward.

K. Marx

A person does not begin to live until he rises above the narrow framework of his personal opinions and beliefs and joins the beliefs of all humanity.

M. L. King

People's characters are determined and shaped by their relationships.

A. Maurois

Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.

V. G. Belinsky

Society is a capricious creature, disposed towards those who indulge its whims, and not at all towards those who contribute to its development.

V. G. Krotov

Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals; the impulse degrades if it does not receive sympathy from the whole society.

W. James

Society consists of two classes of people: those who have lunch but no appetite; and those who have an excellent appetite, but no lunch.

N. Chamfort

A truly honest person should prefer his family to himself, his fatherland to his family, and humanity to his fatherland.

J. D'Alembert

It is impossible to connect with birds and animals...If I did not join the people, humanity, then who should I join?


Of course, if you are going to live among people as if they were flies, then who will stop you from doing this?


You don't have to be the greatest genius to do great things; You don’t need to be above people, you need to be with them.

C. Montesquieu

Breaking away from the people is the same as losing your mind.


A man without people is like a body without a soul.


Loneliness is a test of yourself.

V. G. Krotov

You will never die with the people.


...In society, every person is a pebble in a mosaic pattern.

N. Chamfort

...The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people.

H. Keller

There are people who, like a bridge, exist so that others can cross it. And they run and run; no one will look back, no one will look at their feet. And the bridge serves this, and the next, and the third generation.

V. V. Rozanov

Where there is unity, there is life.


Universal peace is as impossible as the immobility of the ocean.

P. Buast

The Spirit of the Whole requires communication. Therefore, he created less perfect beings for the sake of more perfect ones, and adapted the more perfect ones to each other.

It is easier to find something earthly, not in contact with anything earthly, than a person who is not in communication with a person.

M. Aurelius

Destroy society and you destroy the unity of the human race - the unity that sustains life...

Seneca the Younger

...When a person seeks the company of his own kind, he only obeys the powerful voice of nature...

T. Desami

...Feelings public person are different feelings than the feelings of a non-social person.

K. Marx

A person cannot live in solitude; he needs society.

I. Goethe

We all need each other: we are bound by this need to each other; from each comes a thread of relationship to each other and, in addition, a thread of relationship to our common property...

I. A. Ilyin

Only in people can a person recognize himself.

I. Goethe

Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild animal or the Lord God.

F. Bacon

Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil.

R. Burton

If people bother you, then you have no reason to live.

L. N. Tolstoy

Whoever people don't love won't grow up.


The planer straightens a crooked tree, the people straighten a bad man.


A person can do without many things, but not without a person.

K. L. Burne

Communication of any kind is so inherent in man at the core of his being that it always remains possible, and one can never know what depth it will reach... readiness for communication is not a consequence of knowledge, but a decision to enter the path of human existence. The idea of ​​communication is not a utopia, but a faith.

K. Jaspers

Man exists only in society, and society shapes him only for itself.

L. Bonald

In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people.

G. Freytag

Seek joy and peace only in moving from social action to social action...

Don't be ashamed when they help; You have been given a task, like a fighter under a fortress wall. Well, what should you do if, lame, you are not able to climb the tower alone, but with another it is possible?

M. Aurelius

Human society... is like a turbulent sea, in which individual people, like waves, surrounded by their own kind, constantly collide with each other, arise, grow and disappear, and the sea - society - is forever seething, agitated and never silent...

P. A. Sorokin

A living person carries the life of society in his spirit, in his heart, in his blood: he suffers from its ailments, is tormented by its sufferings, blooms with its health, blissfully enjoys its happiness...

V. G. Belinsky

...The eternal wisdom that governs the universe connects the self-interest of a being with the general good of his system, and in such a way that he cannot achieve one without sacrificing the other, and treat his fellow creatures badly without causing harm to himself. In this sense, one can say of a person that he is his own sworn enemy, since he holds his happiness in his own hands, and that he can lose it only by losing sight of the happiness of society and everything of which he is a part...

D. Diderot

It can be said without exaggeration that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life.

  • A person can only sympathize with social misfortune if he sympathizes with any specific misfortune of each individual person. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • The fairest society consists of one person.
  • It is wonderful that humanity does not have to wait for the emergence of perfect ethics to allow social virtues to manifest themselves. Jean Marie Guyot
  • Man by nature is a social being. Aristotle
  • Only a fool is annoying: an intelligent person immediately feels whether his company is pleasant or boring, and leaves a second before it becomes clear that he is superfluous. Jean de La Bruyère
  • No man who contributes something to the material, intellectual and moral welfare of the society in which he lives ever remains for a long time without reward. Booker Taliaferro Washington
  • Man is a social animal that cannot stand his relatives. Eugene Delacroix
  • In principle, everyone agrees that man is a social animal. Only, some believe that it is more correct to say “social”, while others believe that it is more correct to say “cattle”.
  • How smarter person, the more stupid he looks in the company of fools. Georgy Alexandrov
  • In a society of equal opportunities, there is always somewhere to send a person who cannot find a place for himself.
  • They sometimes say about people who live alone: ​​“They don’t like society.” In many cases, this is the same as saying about someone: “He doesn’t like to walk,” simply on the grounds that the person is not inclined to wander around robber dens at night. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • In the morning at public transport people are placed in conditions after which a cultured person would have to get married...
  • A person cannot live alone, and in the same way cannot live in society. Georges Duhamel
  • Simply being a Human is the most important and most unclaimed talent by society. Igor Krasnovsky
  • In order to somehow smooth out the bitterness of loss to a person who has lost his conscience, society pays him a significant amount of money. Yuri Tatarkin
  • One can only criticize a society that does not make demands on an individual. - IN otherwise I would have to criticize myself. Evgeniy Bagashov
  • Paradox. Cowardice is a human quality generated by the natural instinct of self-preservation, but considered negative by society. Courage comes from the desire not to be branded a coward. A positive quality according to society, ignoring natural instinct. Aron Vigushin
  • Justice is not only a matter of concern for each individual, it is a matter of concern for the entire society. Verna Dozier
  • A person is as social an animal as the public notices him. Mikhail Mamchich
  • Too high qualities make a person less suitable for society. People go to the market not with large bars of gold, but with silver and copper. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • Two things make a person godlike: living for the good of society and being truthful. Pythagoras of Samos
  • Humanity is presupposed in advance as a direct and indirect linguistic community. Edmund Husserl
  • Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings. Confucius
  • A good society is a means that helps those who are part of this society to live well, and not at all an association of people that in itself has some special merits. Bertrand Russell
  • Just as need is the constant scourge of the people, so boredom is the scourge of high society. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Do only what lifts you spiritually, and be sure that by doing this you can be most useful to society. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The individual is weak, like a deserted Robinson; only in community with others can he do much. Schopenhauer A.
  • It is the funny habits of people that make life enjoyable and bind society together. Erasmus of Rotterdam
  • Anything that disrupts the unity of society is no good; all institutions that put a person in contradiction with himself are worth nothing. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • There is no doubt that the most best beginnings who brought greatest benefit society, came from unmarried and childless people... Francis Bacon
  • The final argument for or against a law can only be made when it brings good to society in a given place and time - or fails to bring any good. Albert Camus
  • Inventors and geniuses almost always, when they began their careers, were considered by society to be nothing more than fools - this is the most routine remark, all too well known. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • Only ideas, not words, have lasting power over society. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • A person is too sober to care about other people's affairs, and considers public affairs to be alien to himself. Francis Bacon
  • If you are lonely when you are alone, then you are in bad company. Jean Paul Sartre
  • Family interests almost always destroy public interests. Bacon F.
  • A wise legislator begins not by issuing laws, but by examining their suitability for a given society. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • The first sign of corruption of social morals is the disappearance of truth, for truthfulness lies at the basis of all virtue. Michel Montaigne
  • Caring, that is, consideration for others, is the basis of a good life, the basis of a good society. Confucius
  • To help every poor person is far beyond the power of one person; It is the responsibility of society as a whole to care for the poor. Benedict Spinoza

“Man is created for society. He is neither capable nor has the courage to live alone.” W. Blackstone

“We are born to unite with our brothers - people and with the entire human race” Cicero

“Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him” V. G. Belinsky

“Society is a capricious creature, disposed towards those who indulge its whims, and not at all towards those who contribute to its development” V. G. Krotov

“You don’t have to be the greatest genius to do great things; you don’t need to be above people, you need to be with them.” C. Montesquieu

“A man without people is like a body without a soul. You will never die with the people. ...The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people” H. Keller

“If people bother you, then you have no reason to live” L. N. Tolstoy

“It can be said without exaggeration that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life” D. I. Pisarev

“There is no more bitter and humiliating dependence than dependence on human will, on the arbitrariness of one’s equals” N. A. Berdyaev

“The thoughts of the best minds always ultimately become the opinion of society” F. Chesterfield

“You shouldn’t rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o’-the-wisps” A. Maurois

“Every person is the center of the world, but it is everyone, and the world is only valuable because it is full of such centers” E. Canetti

“To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what those who preceded us did for us” G. Lichtenberg

“All roads lead to people” A. de Saint-Exupéry

"People think of us what we want them to think"

T. Dreiser “The frivolous world mercilessly persecutes in reality what it allows in theory” A. S. Pushkin

"Man is created for society. He is neither capable nor has the courage to live alone" W. Blackstone

“We were born to unite with our brothers - people and with the entire human race” Cicero

“We need communication more than anything else.” D. M. Cage

“A person becomes a person only among people” I. Becher

“Individual people unite into one whole - into society; and therefore the highest sphere of beauty is human society” N. G. Chernyshevsky

“If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward” K. Marx

“A man does not begin to live until he rises above the narrow framework of his personal opinions and convictions and joins the convictions of all mankind” M. L. King

“People’s characters are determined and shaped by their relationships” A. Maurois

“Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him” V. G. Belinsky

“Society is a capricious creature, disposed towards those who indulge its whims, and not at all towards those who contribute to its development” V. G. Krotov

"Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals; an impulse degrades if it does not receive sympathy from the whole society" W. James

“Society consists of two classes of people: those who have lunch, but no appetite; and those who have an excellent appetite, but no lunch” N. Chamfort

“To accomplish great things, you don’t need to be the greatest genius; you don’t need to be above people, you need to be with them.” C. Montesquieu

“To break away from the people is the same as losing your mind” Karak

A man without people is like a body without a soul. (proverb)

You will never die with the people. (proverb)

“...The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people” H. Keller

“There are people who, like a bridge, exist so that others can cross across it. And they run and run; no one looks back, no one looks at their feet. And the bridge serves this, and the next, and the third generation” V.V. Rozanov

"Destroy society, and you destroy the unity of the human race - the unity that supports life..." Seneca the Younger

“A person cannot live in solitude, he needs society” I. Goethe

“Man can recognize himself only in people” I. Goethe

“Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild beast or the Lord God” F. Bacon

"Alone a man is either a saint or a devil" R. Burton

“If people bother you, then you have no reason to live” L. N. Tolstoy

“A person can do without many things, but not without a person” K. L. Berne

“Man exists only in society, and society shapes him only for itself” L. Bonald

“In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people” G. Freytag

“Human society... is like a turbulent sea, in which individual people, like waves, surrounded by their own kind, constantly collide with each other, arise, grow and disappear, and the sea - society - is forever seething, agitated and never silent... " P. A. Sorokin

“A living person carries in his spirit, in his heart, in his blood the life of society: he suffers from its ailments, is tormented by its suffering, blooms with its health, blissful with its happiness...” V. G. Belinsky

“It can be said without exaggeration that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life. (D. I. Pisarev) Every person has something from all people” K. Lichtenberg

“Unite, people! Look: zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something” S. E. Lec

Search together and find everything. (proverb)

Those sailing in a boat have the same fate. (proverb)

“Man is a creature so flexible and in social life so susceptible to the opinions of other people...” C. Montesquieu

He who fled from the people remains without burial. (proverb)

Among people, even a fox will not die of hunger. (proverb)

Man is man's support. (proverb)

He who does not love his own people does not love strangers either. (proverb)

“Working for the people is the most urgent task” V. Hugo

“A person in society must grow according to his nature, be himself and unique, just as each leaf on a tree is different from the other. But each leaf has something in common with the others, and this commonality runs along the branches, vessels and forms the strength of the trunk and the unity of everything tree" M. M. Prishvin

“No matter how rich and luxurious the inner life of a person is, no matter how hot the spring it flows outside and no matter how waves it pours over the edge, it is not complete if it does not assimilate into its content the interests of the world outside of it, society and humanity.” V. G. Belinsky

"Man was created to live in society; separate him from it, isolate him - his thoughts will become confused, his character will harden, hundreds of absurd passions will arise in his soul, extravagant ideas will sprout in his brain like wild thorns in a wasteland" D. Diderot

“To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what those who preceded us did for us” G. Lichtenberg

“Each person is a separate, specific personality that will not exist again. People differ in the very essence of the soul; their similarity is only external. The more someone becomes himself, the more deeply he begins to understand himself - the more clearly his original features appear” V.Ya. Bryusov

"People are born for each other" M. Aurelius

“The best people are the ones who benefit others the most.” Jami

"Man is a wolf to man" Plautus

“There are two opposite principles in human nature: pride, which attracts us to ourselves, and virtue, which pushes us towards others. If one of these springs were broken, a person would be angry to the point of rage or generous to the point of madness” D. Diderot

“We can only bring salvation to humanity by our own good behavior; otherwise we will rush by like a fatal comet, leaving devastation and death everywhere in our wake.” E. Rotterdam

“The earthly purpose of man is to be reasonable and brave, free, wealthy and happy... Humanists must be irreconcilable and take up arms whenever hostile forces want to interfere with man’s purpose” G. Mann

Wherever you find yourself, people will always be no more stupid than you. (D. Diderot)

Every person is responsible to all people for all people and for everything. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

A person loves company, even if it is the company of a lonely burning candle. (G. Lichtenberg)

No society can be worse than the people it consists of. (V. Shwebel)

Society is like air: it is necessary for breathing, but not enough for life. (D. Santayana)

All societies are similar to each other, like cows in a herd, only some have gilded horns. (V. Shwebel)

Society is a set of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other. (L. A. Seneca)

Terror did not come up with any other means to equalize society other than cutting off heads that rise above the level of mediocrity. (P. Buast)

Society is always in a conspiracy against a person. Conformity is considered a virtue; self-confidence is a sin. Society loves not a person and life, but names and customs. (R. Emerson)

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. (V.I. Lenin)

Society cannot liberate itself without liberating each individual. (F. Engels)

Society is to blame for everything that happens within its boundaries; every crappy personality, by the very fact of his existence, points to some shortcoming in public organization. (D.I. Pisarev)

There is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character. (J. D'Alembert)

Two or three is already Society. One will become God, the other - the devil, one will speak from the pulpit, the other will dangle under the crossbar. (T. Carlyle)

Public opinion cannot help but be banal. (K. Kushner)

Inequality humiliates people and creates disagreement and hatred among them. (G. Mably)

Punishment is nothing more than a means of self-defense of society against violations of the conditions of its existence. (K. Marx)

Society and those around us diminish the soul, not add to it. “Adds” only by the closest and rarest sympathy, “soul to soul” and “one mind.” You find one or two of these in your entire life. The soul blossoms in them. And look for her. And run away from the crowds or carefully walk around it. (V.V. Rozanov)

You can always recognize yourself in every person and his actions. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Because of the isolated lifestyle we lead, few of us are well acquainted with human nature. (A. Adler)

Loneliness is the refuge of the strong. The weak always huddle in the crowd.... There is no more bitter and humiliating dependence than dependence on the human will, on the arbitrariness of one's equals. (N. A. Berdyaev)

The thoughts of the best minds always ultimately become the opinion of society. (F. Chesterfield)

“You shouldn’t be guided by public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o’-the-wisp” A. Maurois

“Every person is the center of the world, but it is everyone, and the world is only valuable because it is full of such centers” E. Canetti

“Any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails an increase in material inclinations and vile egoistic instincts” F.I. Tyutchev

“The public is a weak-willed and helpless consumer of what it is supplied with” J. Galsworthy

“Everyone talks about public opinion and acts on behalf of public opinion, that is, on behalf of the opinions of everyone minus his own” G. Chesterton

"Anyone who tries to leave the common herd becomes a public enemy. Why, pray tell?" F. Petrarch

“No matter how selfish a person may seem, there are clearly certain laws in his nature that make him interested in the fate of others and consider their happiness necessary for himself, although he himself receives nothing from this, except for the pleasure of seeing this happiness” A. Smith

"The overwhelming majority of people... are not able to think for themselves, but only to believe, and... are not able to obey reason, but only power" A. Schopenhauer

“A man outside society is either a god or a beast” Aristotle

"All roads lead to people" A. de Saint-Exupéry

"A nation is not truly great when it consists of a large number of thinking, free and energetic people, and when thought, freedom and energy are subordinated to an ideal higher than that of the average member of society" M. Arnold

“We cannot be confident either in our behavior or in our well-being when we make it dependent on human opinion” A. de Stael

“It doesn’t matter who is in front of you: a crowd of academics or a crowd of water carriers. Both are crowds” G. Le Bon

“I never said, “I want to be alone.” I just said, “I want to be left alone,” and that’s not the same.” G. Garbo
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