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Vasiliev Sergey Evgenievich usb fsb. How the daughters of an FSB general do business. Family of the FSB director

Philip Bobkov

Army General. Graduated from the Leningrad school of military counterintelligence Smersh. In state security agencies since 1946. Since 1969, he headed the 5th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was engaged in the protection of the constitutional order and fought against ideological sabotage and dissidents. Since 1983, he was deputy chairman, and since 1985, first deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR. He left service in 1991.

In 1992, a graduate of the Smersh school headed the analytical department of the Most group of oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky. Bobkov worked at Most until the second half of 2001. By that time, Gusinsky himself had already lost control of the NTV channel and lived abroad for more than a year.

Alexey Kondaurov

Major General. In 1971 he graduated from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Ordzhonikidze. Since 1973 in state security agencies. In recent years, the service was headed by the FSB Public Relations Center.

In 1994, Kondaurov headed the information department of Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s Menatep group, and from 1998 to 2003 he headed the analytical department of the Yukos oil company. In addition to analytics, Kandaurov was involved in working with representatives of the country’s key political forces. After Khodorkovsky's arrest, he spoke out in defense of the disgraced oligarch. In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma. In 2014, he signed a statement demanding an end to support for the self-proclaimed republics in southeastern Ukraine.

Oleg Osobenkov

Colonel General. Graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of MGIMO. In state security agencies since 1969. He headed the department of analysis, forecast and strategic planning, and since 1996 he has served as State Secretary of the FSB of Russia.

In 1999, Oleg Osobenkov was appointed deputy general director, head of the personnel department of Aeroflot. He was a member of the board of directors of the airline. It is believed that Osobenkov’s task was to rid the company of the influence of Boris Berezovsky. Osobenkov was removed from the board of Aeroflot in 2005.

Yuri Kobaladze

Major General. Graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. Since 1972, he worked in the first main directorate of the KGB of the USSR (foreign intelligence). As a journalist, he traveled to the UK, Malta, the USA, and France. In 1991, he headed the press bureau of the SVR, and for six months he was deputy general director of ITAR-TASS.

In September 1999, Kobaladze became managing director of the investment company Renaissance Capital. From 2007 to 2012, he was Managing Director for Corporate Affairs and Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of X5 Retail Group. Since 2012 - consultant at UBS investment bank.

Alexander Zdanovich

Lieutenant General. Graduated from the KGB Higher School. In state security agencies since 1972. He served in military counterintelligence, in the public relations center of the FSB. In February 1996, he became acting head of the FSB TsOS. In November 1999, he was appointed head of the FSB assistance programs department.

From 2002 to 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for security issues. From 2012 to 2014 - Advisor to the General Director of VGTRK.

Yuri Yakovlev

Army General. In 1975 he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in Experimental Nuclear Physics. In state security agencies since 1976. In 2008, he headed the economic security service of the FSB.

In July 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed him. Two months later, Yakovlev was appointed deputy general director of Rosatom for state policy in the field of security in the use of atomic energy for defense purposes.

Oleg Feoktistov

General of the FSB. Graduated from the FSB Academy. Since 2004, he headed the 6th service of the FSB Internal Security Directorate, responsible for operational support of criminal cases, and deputy head of the FSB Internal Security Directorate.

In September 2016, he was appointed head of the security service of Rosneft and joined the company’s board. On March 10, Rosneft President Igor Sechin confirmed that Feoktistov had left the company. “This is correct information, he returned to service,” Sechin noted.

The main candidate for the post of the new head of the “K” department of the FSB was an employee of the intelligence service’s Internal Security Directorate, Ivan Tkachev. He was involved in the development of the case of MVD generals Sugrobov and Kolesnikov

FSB building in Moscow (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

"Banking" department

The main contender for the post of head of the “K” department of the FSB was the head of the 6th service of the FSB Internal Security Directorate, Ivan Tkachev, an interlocutor close to the counterintelligence leadership told RBC, and confirmed a source in the FSB.

Tkachev’s appointment is expected in the near future, says one of RBC’s interlocutors. But his candidacy has yet to be approved by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov. If the appointment takes place, for Tkachev the transition from the post of head of the service to the post of head of the department will be “a jump through several steps at once,” says a source in the intelligence service.

The 6th Internal Security Service of the FSB was created in 2008, it includes only 35 people, says an RBC source. The powers of this unit were not officially announced.

Tkachev played a key role in the case ex-head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, says RBC’s FSB interlocutor.

Sugrobov and his deputy Boris Kolesnikov were detained in 2014 on charges of provoking a bribe, exceeding official authority and organizing a criminal community. In June of the same year, Kolesnikov died after falling from a balcony in the Investigative Committee building after interrogation.

Resignations in two departments

According to Rosbalt, resignation reports were written by the heads of two more departments that are part of the structure of the FSB SEB - these are the heads of divisions “P” and “T”, which are engaged in counterintelligence support for industrial and transport enterprises, respectively.

“The heads of the entire economic bloc of the FSB are leaving the department. All of them have been in place for a long time, age. But, of course, this is not the reason for the resignation. Recently, the SEB's relations with the Internal Security Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation have become strained; scandalous stories began to arise that developed into criminal cases or so-called operational reports. There was a rather difficult situation last summer, but then somehow the parties were “taken to the corners.” Now it didn’t work out,” said a Rosbalt source in the intelligence services.

According to him, Oleg Feoktistov, who is now the deputy head of the department, could become the head of the CSS.

The FSB generals who currently lead this service form the basis of this key structure, which is designed to ensure the national security of the state. in its current state, it was formed in 1995, since then its leaders have received the closest attention.

Director of the FSB of Russia

Only FSB generals currently hold key leadership positions in this department. There are no lower-ranking military personnel in the positions of either first deputies or deputy service directors.

The Russian FSB is currently headed by Alexander Vasilievich Bortnikov. He has held this post since May 2008, after his predecessor Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev resigned.

Bortnikov was born in 1951 in the city of Molotov, which was the name of Perm at that time. He is a graduate of the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, from which he graduated in Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the KGB Higher School. It was then that he began serving in state security agencies. Oversaw counterintelligence operations units. He remained in this area of ​​service even after the liquidation of the KGB and the formation of the FSB of Russia.

In 2003, Alexander Vasilievich Bortnikov headed the regional department for the Leningrad region and the city of St. Petersburg. Then he headed the economic security service working within the department. In 2006, he received the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. According to some reports, he received the next rank of army general a few months later - in December of the same year.

In 2008, he headed the department, simultaneously holding the post of chairman of the national. He is a member of various government and interdepartmental commissions on a wide range of issues.

Vladimir Kulishov

In order to get the most complete picture of the leadership of the FSB department, let us dwell on the personalities of the first deputy directors of this department. There are currently two of them in total. All of them are generals of the Russian FSB.

Vladimir Kulishov has the rank of army general. He has served as first deputy director since March 2013. At the same time, he heads the Border Service of the Russian Federation, which is also part of the FSB structure.

Kulishov Vladimir Grigorievich was born in the Rostov region in 1957. He studied at the Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, which was based in Kyiv. After receiving a higher education diploma, he worked at a civil aviation plant.

He joined the structure of state security agencies in 1982. By that time, Vladimir Grigorievich Kulishov had already graduated from the KGB Higher School. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he continued to serve in state security agencies. In 2000, he joined the central office of the Russian FSB.

Then for a year he headed the department for the Saratov region. Since 2004, he began to supervise the department for combating terrorism, and headed the FSB department for the Chechen Republic. Since 2008, he served as deputy director of the federal department. In 2013, he received the post of first deputy and headed the Border Service.

He served in Chechnya, has the Order of Military Merit and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.

Sergey Smirnov

The FSB general is another first deputy director of the department. He comes from Chita, where he was born in 1950. In his infancy, the family moved to Leningrad, where he spent his childhood and youth. At school he was a classmate of Boris Gryzlov (ex-Minister of Internal Affairs and ex-Chairman of the State Duma) and Nikolai Patrushev (ex-Director of the Russian FSB).

He received his higher education at the Bonch-Bruevich Electrical Engineering Institute, which was opened in Leningrad. During my student years I was also closely acquainted with Gryzlov, they studied together again. Started working at the Central Research Institute of Communications.

He joined the structure of the KGB of the USSR in 1974. Since 1975 he has been working in the Leningrad administration. He first held operational and then management positions.

In 1998, he received a position in the central office of the FSB. Headed the department of internal security. In 2000, he became deputy director of the FSB, and since 2003, first deputy. He has the rank of Army General.

First head of the department

Throughout Russian history, 7 people have led the federal department of the FSB. The very first in 1993 was Colonel General Nikolai Mikhailovich Golushko. At that time, the structure was just being formalized and was officially called the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Golushko stayed in this post for only two months, after which he was appointed by President Boris Yeltsin as an adviser to the director of the FSB. During the years of Soviet power he headed the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR.

Stepashin - Director of the FSB

In March 1994, Lieutenant General Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin became head of the Federal Counterintelligence Service. Under him, the Federal Security Service was founded in April 1995. Formally, he became the first director of the FSB of Russia. True, he spent only two and a half months in this position.

After that, he did not get lost in high government positions. Stepashin was the Minister of Justice, headed and held the post of first deputy and until 2013 headed the Accounts Chamber. Currently, he heads the supervisory board of a state corporation that promotes reform of the Russian housing and communal services sector.

FSB leadership in the 90s

In 1995, Army General Mikhail Ivanovich Barsukov came to the post of director of the FSB. He has been in the KGB system of the Soviet Union since 1964. He was the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, and acted as a witness during the detention of the Deputy Prime Minister of one of the inspirers of the State Emergency Committee.

In the 90s, Barsukov was often criticized by his colleagues. In particular, accusing him of low professional qualities. For example, according to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov, Barsukov’s entire service was spent in the Kremlin, he was responsible for the security of the top officials of the state. Many believed that Barsukov ended up at the head of the security service only thanks to Yeltsin’s security chief, Alexander Korzhakov, who had a certain influence on the president.

In June 1996, he resigned after a scandal during Yeltsin's election campaign. His name is closely connected with the detention of activists from the presidential election headquarters, Lisovsky and Evstafiev, who tried to carry out half a million dollars in a paper box.

Director Nikolay Kovalev

In 1996, the service was headed by FSB General Nikolai Dmitrievich Kovalev. Unlike his predecessors, he spent a little more than two years in this post. Nikolai Kovalev has served in state security agencies since 1974. He was appointed to the post of FSB director after a scandal related to alleged violations of the rules of currency transactions and the conduct of Boris Yeltsin's presidential campaign in 1996.

During his time leading the service, Nikolai Kovalev managed to establish productive work of the department. Its employees began to appear less frequently in the press due to various scandals.

After being released from office, he became the people's representative from the third to the seventh convocation inclusive. He is a member of the United Russia faction and heads the expert council of the Officers of Russia organization.

Future President

Kovalev was replaced in July 1998 by the future Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He was the only head of the department who by that time did not have a military rank. Putin was only a reserve colonel.

The future head of state found himself in the KGB system back in 1975, immediately after graduating from Leningrad State University. He ended up in the KGB by assignment.

Having become the head of the FSB, he appointed well-known Patrushev, Ivanov and Cherkesov as his deputies. Conducted a reorganization of the entire service. In particular, he abolished the economic counterintelligence department, and also eliminated the counterintelligence department for providing strategic facilities. Instead, he created six new departments. Achieved a significant increase in employee salaries and uninterrupted financing. It is interesting that Putin himself wished to be the first civilian director of the FSB, refusing the rank of major general, which Yeltsin proposed to give him.

Putin left the post of FSB director on August 9, becoming chairman of the government. Two days earlier, Chechen fighters under the command of Khattab and Basayev entered Dagestan. The creation of the Islamic State of Dagestan was proclaimed.

Already prime minister, Putin led the operation against the militants. In mid-September they were finally driven out of Dagestan.

Nikolay Patrushev

After Vladimir Putin moved to senior positions in the federal government, the FSB was headed by Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev. He held this post for 9 years.

Just during the period of his work there was a confrontation with militants and terrorists. The Federal Security Service began to occupy a key position in matters of ensuring the country's security.

Patrushev currently holds the post of Secretary of the Federal Security Council.

FSB General Ugryumov

Over the years, a large number of officers held the post of deputy director of the FSB. Perhaps the most notable of them was Admiral German Alekseevich Ugryumov. This is the only naval officer to hold such a high position.

Ugryumov is from Astrakhan and joined the Navy in 1967. In 1975 he found himself in the Soviet KGB system. Supervised a special department of the Caspian military flotilla. In the 90s, he became one of the initiators of the case against journalist Grigory Pasko, who was prosecuted for espionage.

As deputy director of the FSB, he oversaw the work of the Special Purpose Center. The famous special groups "Vympel" and "Alpha" belonged to this unit. Notable for carrying out counter-terrorism operations in the Chechen Republic. In particular, the release of Gudermes in 1999, the capture of one of the militant leaders Salman Raduev, and the release of hostages in the village of Lazorevsky are associated with his figure.

In May 2001, he was awarded the rank of admiral. The next day he died of a heart attack.

FSB general uniform

It is quite simple to distinguish the generals to whom our article is devoted by their form.

It was last changed in 2006. Now the uniform is a khaki color, distinguished by buttonholes and chevrons, as well as the cornflower blue color of the gaps on the shoulder straps.

Different testimony in a criminal case and in arbitration does not bother anyone yet, only because law enforcement officers do not combine all processes and decisions on them into one scheme. But lawlessness cannot last indefinitely, and in the event of a fair trial, the documents indicated on the paper with Ushakov’s name will greatly hinder the raiders.

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

The criminal case initiated against Ekimov was investigated for six years. Investigator of the Investigative Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Istra District, Petr Zvonkov, closes the case at the stage of signing the indictment. The position of the investigation is that Ekimov’s guilt has been fully proven.

It is impossible to find this criminal case now. All requests for information about where the materials are located are answered by PASMI journalists with a refusal to provide data.

Obviously, the Prosecutor General's Office knows where the case is. An inspection carried out there showed that it was illegally closed. The prosecutor's office insists on resuming the investigation, which is reported to Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin.

“The study of the case in the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation showed that the preliminary investigation into the second episode of V.S. Ekimov was accused. the act was terminated by the investigator unreasonably, the resolution in this part, in violation of part 4 of article 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, is not motivated and not substantiated on the collected materials of the criminal case,” the document says. – “Taking into account the above, as well as the fact that the investigation of the criminal case based on the appeals of Churin V.V. has taken on a protracted nature, the investigative body has repeatedly made illegal procedural decisions, which were canceled in the order of supervision and departmental control, in order to intensify the investigation, I propose to instruct the prosecutor of the Moscow region to cancel the illegal decision to terminate the investigation dated 04/02/2015, to take measures aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime crimes, making a lawful decision.”

The actions specified in the letter have not yet been completed. I would like to print the name of that employee of the prosecutor’s office who, after thousands of appeals from social activists, journalists and deputies, nevertheless saw signs of a violation of the law and reported this to higher management. But the source's name is hidden for his safety. Such a paradox.

PASMI sends a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika and the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Viktor Grin with a request to provide data on the deadlines for completing the actions specified in this document.

At first, at the behest of her parents, Zadorina prepared for a diplomatic career: in 2011, she graduated from MGIMO’s master’s program with a degree in foreign policy and diplomacy in Russia. But, having received her diploma, she immediately entered the Moscow-Tel Aviv clothing collection into the competition of Tatyana Mikhalkova’s Russian Silhouette Foundation. Since then, she has become a regular participant in fashion shows. Her Zadorina Group LLC sold evening dresses in the Crocus City Mall and the Vesna store on Arbat. The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 7.8 million rubles. with a loss of 18,000 rubles, a year later – 12 million rubles. with a net profit of 687,000 rubles, but in 2014 the company was liquidated.

Zadorina began producing sportswear in 2012. Her Equipsport LLC received orders for sewing uniforms from SK Dynamo and one of the founders of the club, the FSB-controlled regional society Dynamo 24, as well as beach and regular volleyball teams. Uniforms and workwear were ordered from Equipsport by Transneft, Vnukovo Airport, Rus-Oil, etc. Many customers and sponsors of fashion companies were business partners of the Shekin family in larger-scale projects. Thus, Zadorina’s most famous designer action is the release of T-shirts with patriotic inscriptions like “Sanctions? Don’t tell my Iskanders” or “Topol is not afraid of sanctions”, among others, were sponsored by a certain PJSC “Concern “Baikal”. He had a chance to become the largest project of the Shekin family.

Chief Supply Officer

FSB Colonel General Mikhail Shekin was appointed head of the 7th FSB service (activity support service) in 2007. Three departments are subordinate to him - financial and economic, logistics support (UMTO) and capital construction. The Shekina Service purchases almost everything for the FSB - from apartments, cars and boats to clothing; it also owns the department’s medical institutions. The service even has its own customs temporary storage warehouses. It was because of the import of contraband into the customs warehouse of military unit 54729 that Shekin’s predecessor, FSB Colonel General Sergei Shishin, lost his position. In 2005, this warehouse received more than 100 wagons with Chinese consumer goods, paid for from the accounts of the FSB UMTO, Kommersant wrote. According to the publication, the final destination of the cargo was the Cherkizovsky market. The scandal led to the resignation of a dozen high-ranking security officials, and Shishin had to move to VTB as a senior vice president. A little later, Shekin became president of the Dynamo volleyball sports club. The founders of the club are the regional organization Dynamo-24 (FSB of Russia), the Moscow Dynamo society, the National Charitable Foundation, the Rosneft sports club and the Dynamo development fund. Since 2004, the president of the All-Russian Volleyball Federation (VFV) was Shekina’s immediate superior, the then director of the FSB, Army General Nikolai Patrushev.

« Gazprom"didn't live up to expectations

“I am not my own enemy, no comments. The project did not take place, we’ll end it here,” a person related to the creation of “Baikal”, which united the children of high-ranking security officials and businessmen who worked with Gazprom contracts, told Vedomosti.

The company was created in December 2014. Zadorina received 30% of it and headed the board of directors. Olga Zolotova had the same amount. Vedomosti was unable to find out who she is. But at the same time, the son of the former head of the Security Service of the President of Russia, and now the head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, Roman, joined the board of directors of Baikal.

Another 10% of the company was received by the spouses Victoria and Dmitry Makarov. Makarova is Zadorina’s long-time partner; until February 2017, they owned on parity terms 90% of the Za Group company, which produced clothes designed by Zadorina.

The remaining 30% of Baikal shares belonged to Irkutsk businessmen Evgeny Evstigneev, Sergei Rassokhin and Yana Bogomolova.

Baikal’s only asset was a 90% stake in Stroygazservis (SGS), created in 2009 by Alexey Snegirev, former head of procurement and logistics of Stroygazmontazh (SGM) Arkady Rotenberg. The first company was a subcontractor of the second - one of the largest general contractors of Gazprom.

SGS supplied components to almost all major gas pipeline construction projects: the North European Gas Pipeline (Gryazovets - Vyborg section), Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok, South Stream, Bovanenkovo, etc. Until 2014, the company did not disclose its revenue, so it is difficult to assess how successful Snegirev’s business turned out to be.

Baikal got the GHS through Evstigneev, who bought it from the founder in 2014 and then transferred it to the new company.

In 2015, SGS decided to switch from subcontractors to Gazprom contractors. He submitted applications for three competitions of Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC with a maximum price of 9.4 billion rubles. But it was not possible to obtain contracts. Two competitions for 4 billion rubles. Stroytransneftegaz of Gennady Timchenko won, and the contract was worth 4.9 billion rubles. went to the Sakhalin company Vostok Morneftegaz owned by Leonid Lee.

After this, SGS began to rapidly lose the market - in 2015, its revenue fell 40 times to 8 million rubles, and the loss grew to 25 million rubles. In the summer of 2015, Baikal sold 90% of its shares in SGS. A little later, Zolotova sold her stake in Baikal.

Volleyball development

In the second half of the 2010s, the rapid activity of Ivan Tikhomirov, the same age and namesake of Yulia Tikhomirova, began. At the age of 23, he became the co-founder and general director of a dozen companies involved in development projects for the volleyball Dynamo. Two acquaintances of the Shekin family say that at that time he was the husband of Tikhomirova, who was involved in development projects in the family. In 2007, she founded her own company, Msk Stroy, which was supposed to prepare construction sites.

Tikhomirov’s main partners were 47-year-old counterintelligence officer, FSB colonel and former general director of Dynamo Insurance Company Vyacheslav Rotavchikov and member of the board of directors of Transmashholding Evgeny Smirnov (for more details, see the inset).

Volleyball and locomotives

Little is known about one of the main business partners of Zadorina and Tikhomirova, 79-year-old Evgeniy Smirnov (pictured). The first time his name was mentioned was in 1997. Then Smirnov worked as the general director of the Transsnab company, established by Zheldorbank, Roszheldorsnab of the Ministry of Railways and Transrail Holding, close to the then head of the Ministry of Railways Nikolai Aksenenko. Transsnab mediated the supply of rails and other track superstructure equipment under Ministry of Railways contracts. In 2002, Smirnov became an adviser to the president of Evrazholding (now Evraz) Alexander Abramov. At that time he was the only manufacturer of rails in Russia. In 2005, Smirnov participated in a deal with shares of Transmashholding, the largest Russian manufacturer of locomotives and passenger cars. Judging by the company's reporting, in 2005, 10% of its shares went to Volley Sport-Service LLC. The company was founded by former SC Dynamo player Alexander Yaremenko and former players of the Luch club Stanislav Shevchenko and Andrey Sapega. Smirnov was the general director of Volei Sports Service and therefore joined the board of directors of the machine-building holding, where he remains to this day. Volley Sport Service itself became the property of Volley Sport JSC, created by Shevchenko and Lada Soshenkova, a minority shareholder of the Volleyball Yug company, controlled by Shekin’s daughter Yulia Tikhomirova. In 2007, the Dutch The Breakers Investments B.V. became the owner of 100% of Transmashholding. Its main owners were considered to be Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrei Bokarev, Maxim Liksutov (now deputy mayor of Moscow) and Sergei Glinka. In the same 2007, 25% of the holding’s shares for 9.2 billion rubles. acquired Russian Railways, and in 2010 another 25% plus 1 share was acquired by the French concern Alstom. In 2005, Smirnov also became a co-founder and chairman of the board of the Institute for Problems of Natural Monopolies (IPEM), whose telephone number coincided with the contacts of the TMH trading house (owned by Transmashholding). The main customers of IPEM were Russian Railways and its affiliated structures. Based on their government order, the institute assessed the risks and feasibility of increasing the number of freight carriers, predicted changes in passenger flows and helped with planning the Russian Railways investment program to update the rolling stock fleet. Most of these studies were in one way or another connected with the activities of Transmashholding. In 2016, IPEM’s government order portfolio amounted to 118.5 million rubles. IPEM is also associated with Zadorina. Since 2010, he has owned 18% of the CIS Institute for Security Problems (CIS IPS), the largest beneficiary of which is the general’s daughter. In the Ecoresurs company, which owns the remaining shares of the institute, 53% belongs to Zadorina, 18.5% to Smirnov. Vedomosti was unable to contact Smirnov.

True, Tikhomirov’s business activity died out as unexpectedly as it began. In 2012, he disappeared from all his companies, his shares went to Shekinah’s daughters and former partners. Perhaps this is due to the separation of the couple, two family friends suggest. Just last year, Tikhomirov registered as an individual entrepreneur and opened a car wash in Nekrasovka. Her employee told Vedomosti that Tikhomirov was abroad. The businessman did not answer Vedomosti’s questions sent to him. Yulia Tikhomirova also did not answer questions about Tikhomirov. What projects did the businessman manage to participate in?

VTB took over the arena

On the capital's Vasilisa Kozhina Street near Victory Park on December 23, 2015, there was no crowd. Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, VTB President Andrei Kostin and his first deputy Vasily Titov, Moscow Vice-Mayor Marat Khusnullin and President of Dynamo SC General Shekin came to lay the capsule with a message to descendants in the foundation of the future international volleyball arena with 3,500 seats. The arena, the construction of which was solemnly announced by officials, bankers and generals, was a small part of the Match Point mixed-use complex (MFC), which was to appear on this site. The planned development area is 202,945 sq. m. m, and the cost is almost 19 billion rubles. The 28-story buildings will house offices and apartments.

In fact, the complex on the street. Vasilisa Kozhina - unfinished construction. The project started in 2008. Then Moscow leased 2.5 hectares of land to the Dynamo Sports Complex for the construction of an office and sports complex. The customer and investor of the construction were Volley Grand LLC and the interregional sports public organization (MSOO) “Sports Initiatives”. The general director of the first of them was Tikhomirov, and the founders were Rotavchikov, Smirnov and the owner of the National Republican Bank Dzhulustan Borisov. The second company was founded by Tikhomirov, Smirnov, Borisov, the All-Russian Volleyball Federation (VFV) and several top managers of the Miel group.

The partners collectively invested about 300 million rubles in the project. and attracted a VTB loan for at least 7.6 billion rubles. And after the crisis and problems with financing, investors fell out. Smirnov’s structures began to sue the structures of Rotavchikov and Borisov over settlements with contractors and investments in construction. Tikhomirov chose to withdraw from the project in 2012, and a year later the construction was frozen.

In 2014, the project for the construction of the mixed-use complex was completely transferred to VTB. The bank representative did not talk about the project, and it was not possible to contact Borisov.

If the large-scale construction project in Moscow did not work out, the Tikhomirov structures managed to successfully complete the projects for the construction of hotels and sports complexes in Suzdal, Anapa and Adler. They were helped in this by the UMMC of Iskandar Makhmudov and his partners, the Siberian Business Union (SDS), Renova of Viktor Vekselberg and the Safmar charitable foundation of Mikhail Gutseriev - some of them free of charge.

Thus, in the resort village of Vityazevo near Anapa, since 2004, the Volley Grad sports and educational health center was built by the VFV. The federation itself built only two volleyball courts and a hotel with 64 rooms. In 2009, the federation ceded the lease of the site to Volei Grad, the co-owners of which were the structures of Yulia and Ivan Tikhomirov. They built an indoor training hall there, four cottages with an area of ​​342 square meters. m each and a presidential villa of 524 sq. m.

The third stage of the sports complex in 2015–2016. financed Gutseriev's Safmar. He transferred donations worth 100 million rubles to the VFW. These funds were used to build two new beach volleyball courts, stands with 1,500 seats and landscaping of the complex. The Safmar Foundation did not answer Vedomosti’s questions about Volya Grad.

Hotel for the FSB

In 2013, an Olympic facility of federal significance was built in Adler - a sports and recreation hotel Sport Inn with 50 rooms with beach volleyball courts. During the Sochi Olympics, the Sport Inn, like several other hotels in Adler, was taken over by the FSB for its needs.

At that time, 51% of the company that owned the hotel “Start” belonged to the MSOO “Sports Initiatives” of Tikhomirov. The SDS had the rest. But Renova donated money for the construction, and its structure, OSZ LLC, was the customer and developer of the hotel. This follows from the proceedings that accompanied the registration of a permit for the construction of the hotel - its “Sports Initiatives” was approved in the Central District Court of Sochi retroactively, in 2016. A representative of Renova did not comment on this project.

At the beginning of 2016, 51% of Start was bought from Sports Initiatives by Oksana Simonova, a former top manager of Miel and the general director of the Msk Stroy company, Yulia Tikhomirova. SDS sold 49% of Start LLC to its lawyer Andrey Zelenkov.

In 2016, UMMC opened a small hotel “Copper Dvor” on the banks of the Kamenka River in Suzdal. As Vedomosti found out, the Tikhomirovs also took part in this project. The hotel was built by the Ecoresurs-invest company, a subsidiary of the Ecoresurs company, founded by the ex-director of the National Charitable Fund (formerly the National Military Fund) Anatoly Zhuravlev. The fund was created in 1999 on the initiative of President Vladimir Putin to attract donations from the largest Russian companies, which were used to build housing for the military, Novaya Gazeta wrote. Tikhomirov in 2010 bought 43.5% of Ecoresurs and, together with Yulia Tikhomirova, received half of Ecoresurs-invest. The second 50% of Ecoresurs-invest went to UMMC. In 2015, UMMC bought out the Tikhomirovs’ share and remained the sole owner of the hotel.

Ecoresurs bought Zadorin from the Tikhomirovs by 2010. In the same year, this company acquired 82% in LLC Institute for Security Problems of the CIS (IPB CIS). Zadorina took the position of deputy director there.

Ex-banker with a hoarder

Businesses have to purchase new cash register equipment ten times more expensive than cost, RBC reported in early March with reference to State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoy. This happens, according to Lugovoy, because the 8th FSB center has certified the only sample of a fiscal drive for new cash registers, which is produced only by affiliated companies CJSC Atlas-Kart, LLC Rik and CJSC Besant. Their beneficiary is Vladimir Shcherbakov, RBC quotes Lugovoy as saying. We are talking about ex-banker Shcherbakov, whose company was, together with the Russian Club of Economists Felix Shamkhalov, a co-founder of the CIS Institute for Security Problems, which in 2010 became the property of the youngest daughter of FSB Colonel General Anastasia Zadorina. Shcherbakov was a co-owner of BVA Bank, which lost its license in 2014. The investigation accused Shcherbakov and the bank’s top managers of siphoning money abroad, believing that with their help, from 2011 to 2014, about 10 billion rubles were transferred abroad under dubious schemes. The schemes were as follows, Kommersant reported: companies close to Shcherbakov and his partners purchased nickel powder and acrylic resin for FSUE Goznak in Singapore, but first supplied them to the countries of the European Union, from where they imported them to Russia at many times inflated prices. Shcherbakov could not be detained.

Safe Mansion

At the beginning of December 2016, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Rashid Nurgaliev arrived at a small mansion on the capital’s Mira Avenue. The purpose of the visit is to participate in a scientific and practical meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the creation of the CIS. IPB CIS was entrusted with hosting the event.

What is IPB CIS? The institute has three directors and four employees. They prepare scientific reports and consultations “on a wide range of issues related to ensuring the security of the CIS,” according to the institute’s website. Among the customers of the institute’s scientific research are Vnukovo Airport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Security Council. According to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in 2013 the institute carried out research work worth 4.5 million rubles, in 2014 – 8.6 million rubles. In 2015, its revenue amounted to 9.5 million rubles, the loss was 252,000 rubles.

The main asset of the institute is its headquarters in a historic mansion built in 1901 on Mira Avenue. In 2006, the Institute received a mansion from the Moscow government on preferential rent until 2030. According to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the rental rate is 1 ruble. for 1 sq. m per year, i.e. renting a mansion in Moscow with an area of ​​878.7 sq. m can cost 878.7 rubles. in year. True, the capital's benefits were issued under the previous owners of the CIS IPB. In 2006, the institute belonged to the Russian Club of Economists, controlled by the former chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Felix Shamkhalov.

This was not Shamkhalov’s only deal with the Shekinah family. In 2007, Tikhomirov bought from the Russian Club of Economists 41% of Kosta LLC, which became part of the huge hunting estate of the Shekin family in the Yaroslavl region.

Hunting with state bankers

Kosta has a long-term lease of 8,400 hectares of hunting land, as indicated on the website of the administration of the Yaroslavl region.

After 2011, Tikhomirov’s share in Kosta passed to Zadorina. And 25% in the LLC was acquired by the Muflon company of VTB President Andrei Kostin and his deputy Vasily Titov. Another 16% went to Olga Zaostrovtseva, the daughter of former deputy director of the FSB Yuri Zaostrovtsev.

Next door to Kosta, in the village of Los on the street. Okhotnichya, 9, there is a huge Experimental forest hunting enterprise of the Federal Security Service of Russia (109,500 hectares leased until 2061). It went to the structures of Tikhomirova and her partners. The transfer of state property took place in several stages. After the corporatization of PJSC Los in 2010, it was auctioned for 40 million rubles. bought “Royal Hunt” of banker Pyotr Aven and owner of NLMK Vladimir Lisin. In 2014, businessmen sold the farm to Taels LLC, among the founders of which Aven had also once been, but by the time of the transaction he had sold the share to partners - Tikhomirova and VTB employee Sergei Erin, who consolidated 47% of the company's shares. Zaostrovtseva received another 6%.

From intelligence officers to hoteliers

Another business partner of Anastasia Zadorina, Maria Romanova, is the wife of a former intelligence officer, ex-adviser to the director of FSUE Rostek, Alexander Romanov. Together with Zadorina, in December 2015, she acquired control of the Luxus company, the Russian representative office of the famous Ecuadorian rose importer. In mid-December, Zadorina sold her stake in the company to her partners. The Romanov spouses in the register of companies of Montenegro are listed as equal owners of DOO Romanoff, which owns the Azimut and Romanov hotels on the Adriatic Sea. Previously, the co-owner of the company was Nadezhda Khoreva, whom Kommersant calls the wife of the former deputy head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andrei Khorev. Several years ago, both Romanov and Khorev became involved in criminal cases. Khorev was suspected of giving a bribe and trafficking in weapons, but all criminal cases fell apart. Romanov was accused of organizing commercial bribery. According to investigators, he and his accomplices collected additional payments from importers “for expedited processing.” The investigation also discovered that in 2009, the wives of Khorev and Romanov purchased the Azimut Hotel and four plots of land in Montenegro for 6.5 million euros, Kommersant wrote. In 2014, the Sevsky District Court of the Bryansk Region sentenced Romanov to five years in prison and a fine of 117 million rubles.

As a result, Zadorina and Tikhomirova’s structure turned out to be the main co-owners of two recreation centers with hunting grounds with an area of ​​117,900 hectares. And by the way, with its own Los heliport, owned by the FSB.

At the same time, Tikhomirova invested in pharmaceuticals. In 2010, together with Rotavchikov, they bought 20% of NPK Nanosystem LLC from the pharmaceutical holding Farmeko. Shortly before this, 24% in the latter was bought by the daughter of Transneft President, FSB Major General Nikolai Tokarev, Maya Bolotova. The Nanosystems presentation says that its main goal is the development and commercialization of highly effective drugs for the treatment of cancer, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases.

In 2013, Nanosystem became one of a dozen companies with which the Ministry of Industry and Trade entered into a contract for preclinical studies of water-compatible nano-sized forms of rifabutin under the federal target program “Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry until 2020.” Nanosystem received 31 million rubles for research.

But over time, Nanosystem lost ground. The company's revenue decreased from a maximum of 677 million rubles. in 2012 to 164 million rubles. in 2014. There are no later reports in SPARK.

Sweet life

“Too cool for a city cafe,” TimeOut magazine wrote in 2006 about the two-story Lubyansky restaurant, which operated in the FSB residence on Malaya Lubyanka, 7. The establishment, decorated in black and ash tones, belonged to the Quorum-invest company. , close to the Zhuravlev National Military Foundation - the same one from whom Tikhomirov bought the Ecoresurs company. In 2007, Tikhomirov acquired 60% of Quorum-invest, another 10% went to Smirnov.

A year later, when the lease agreement for the building expired, Tikhomirov and his partners sold Quorum-invest. In 2012, the company went bankrupt and was liquidated.

But Shekinah was not left without restaurants.

In 2013, Dynamo Service by Yulia Tikhomirova for 12 million rubles. purchased the Royal Bar restaurant on Leningradskoye Shosse, next to the Dynamo Sports Palace, which opened in 2013. Tikhomirova received a complex with an area of ​​8,000 square meters. m, which includes a restaurant, a summer veranda, a private beach with a swimming pool, volleyball and children's playgrounds, a marina and tents, she told

Zadorina also got her own restaurant. In 2015, she, together with the famous lawyer and restaurateur Alexander Rappoport, opened “Russia’s first restaurant of Pan-American cuisine,” Latin Quarter. A year later, the partners adjusted the concept of the establishment, turning the restaurant into a Latinos cevicheria. Rappoport declined to comment, referring all questions to Zadorina.

What kind of business do the daughters of the FSB “supply manager” Mikhail Shekin do, and who helps them?

Ekaterina Chesnokova / RIA Novosti