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In what order is it advisable to perform the following? III. test tasks to establish the correct sequence. Sports and gaming activities are characterized by...

Test tasks for physical culture for students

9-11 grades

1. The initiator of the revival of the modern Olympic Games is...

a) Roman Emperor Theodosius I; b) Pierre de Fredy, Baron de Coubertin.

c) Ancient philosopher and thinker Aristotle; d) Juan Antonio Samaranch.

2. Types motor activity, which have a beneficial effect on the physical condition and development of a person, are usually called ...

A) physical exercise; b) physical labor;

c) physical culture; d) physical education.

3. Basic physical education is primarily focused on providing...

a) maintaining and restoring health;

b) development of human reserve capabilities;

c) a person’s physical preparedness for life;

4. Following a daily routine helps improve health, because

a) allows you to avoid unnecessary physical stress.

b) ensures the rhythm of the body’s work;

c) allows you to properly plan things during the day;

d) the magnitude of the load on the central nervous system.

5. The principle providing for the optimal correspondence of the tasks, means and methods of physical education to the capabilities of those involved is:

a) the principle of consciousness and activity; b) the principle of accessibility and individualization;

c) the scientific principle; d) the principle of connection between theory and practice;

6. The system of organizational and methodological measures that makes it possible to outline the direction of specialization of a young athlete in a particular sport is called:

a) sports selection; b) pedagogical testing;

c) sports orientation; d) diagnosis of predisposition;

7. Posture is called...

a) silhouette of a person; b) the usual posture of a person in an upright position;

c) the quality of the spine, ensuring wellness;

d) spring characteristics of the spine and feet.

8. The reaction of the body of students to physical activity during a lesson (session) is determined using:

a) operational control; b) current control;

c) final control;

d) boundary control.

9. The first stage of hardening the body is hardening...

a) water; b) the sun; c) air; d) cold.

10. At the “circle” command, the following sequence of actions is performed:

a) turning to the side right hand on the right heel, left toe 180 and put the left foot to the right;

b) turn towards the left hand on the left heel, right toe 180 and put the right foot to the left; c) the command “march” is expected;

d) the rotation is carried out in any direction.

11. The developmental effect in developing the endurance of schoolchildren is observed when performing exercises that increase the heart rate to...

a) 100 beats/min; b) 120 beats/min; c) 140 beats/min; d) 160 and above beats/min.

12. The main reason for poor posture is...

a) muscle weakness; b) habit of certain postures;

c) lack of movement during school lessons;

d) carrying a bag or briefcase in one hand.

13. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at...

a) development of people’s physical qualities;

b) maintaining high performance of people;

c) maintaining and improving people’s health;

d) preparation for professional activity.

14. Fundamental Principles modern Olympism are set out in...

a) the provisions on Olympic solidarity; b) official clarifications of the IOC;

c) the Olympic oath; d) Olympic Charter.

15. A formation in which students are placed next to each other on the same line is called:

a) column; b) in a line; c) two-rank formation; d) linear formation.

16. Name the component of physical culture that reveals a person’s psychophysical abilities at maximum levels.

a) physical recreation; b) physical education;

c) sports; d) physical rehabilitation.

17. The ability to maintain the achieved maximum speed for as long as possible is called...

a) speed index; b) absolute speed reserve;

c) the coefficient of manifestation of speed abilities;

d) speed endurance.

18. The International Olympic Committee chose… as the city hosting the XXXI Olympic Games in 2016.

a) Tokyo; b) Chicago; c) Rio de Janeiro; d) Madrid.

19. It is recommended to begin the process of learning a motor action with mastering...

a) initial position; b) lead-in exercises;

c) basics of technology; d) the main link of technology.

20. The process aimed at improving the motor abilities necessary in life is designated as...

a) physical training; b) physical education;

c) physical perfection; G) exercise stress.

21. The state of health is due...

a) way of life; b) absence of diseases;

c) level of healthcare; d) reserve capabilities of the body.

22. The likelihood of injury during physical activity is reduced if students...

a) overestimate their capabilities;

b) follows the instructions of the teacher;

c) have the skills to perform movements;

d) do not know how to control their emotions.

23. The most important term healthy image life is...

a) motor mode; b) rational nutrition

c) hardening of the body; d) personal and public hygiene

24. The document representing all aspects of the organization of the competition is...

a) competition calendar; b) competition rules;

c) regulations on the competition; d) competition program

25. Sports and gaming activities are characterized by...

a) striving for maximum results; b) conflict situations of fights;

c) the presence of a specific plot; d) high importance of the quality of performance of the role.

26. The difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility is called:

a) range of motion; b) mobility in the joints;

c) flexibility index; d) deficiency of active flexibility

27. What is hardening?

a) swimming in cold water and walking barefoot;

b) increased resistance of the body to adverse external influences;

c) performing morning hygienic exercises;

d) a combination of air and sunbathing with gymnastics.

28. In what sequence is it advisable to perform the listed
Below are the exercises in the complex of morning hygienic gymnastics?

1. Breathing exercises.

2. Exercises to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility.

3. Stretching.

4. Running with transition to walking.

5. Walking with a gradual increase in step frequency.

6. Jumping.

    Alternate tension and relaxation of muscles.

    Running at a relaxed pace.

a.) 3.7, 5, 8, 1, 2.6, 4, 1; b) 1,3,5,2,6,8,7,4; c) 7, 5, 8, 6, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4; d) 1,2, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 8.

29. In what sequence is it advisable to influence the development of physical qualities in the main part of the lesson devoted to general physical training?

1. Strength.



4. Hardy there is.

a) 1,2,3,4; b) 2.3, 1.4; c) 4, 3,2, 14; d) 3,2,4, 1.

30. Indicate your preferred sequence of exercises for
physical education minute or pause.

1. Squats, jumping, running, turning into walking.

2. Exercises to relax the muscles of the torso, arms, legs.

3. Exercises for precision and coordination of movements.

4. Stretching exercises, prevention of postural disorders.

5. Exercises to stretch the muscles of the torso, arms, legs.

6. Breathing exercises.

7. Swing exercises for various muscles groups.

a) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7; 6) 4,5,7,1,6,2,3; c) 3, 1,2, 6,7,5, 1; d) 5,7,1,6,2,3,4.

31. Prevention of postural disorders is carried out using...
a) speed exercises; b) flexibility exercises;

c) strength exercises; d) endurance exercises.

32. The basis of the methodology for developing physical qualities is...

a) age adequacy of the load; b) learning motor actions;

c) performing physical exercises;

d) gradual increase in the force of impact.

33. The method of repeated exercise using unlimited weights when performing actions performed to failure is the main one in the education...

a) strength; b) speed; c) endurance; d) speed force.

35. In what year were the Olympic Games held in our country:

a) in 1976; b) in 1980; c) in 1984; d) have not been carried out yet?

36. Human endurance does not depend on:

a) willpower; b) the capabilities of the respiratory and circulatory systems;

c) muscle strength; d) the strength of the musculoskeletal system.

37. Indicate the normal heart rate (HR) at rest in a healthy, untrained person:

a) 60-80 beats/min.; b) 80-85 beats/min; c) 55-90 beats/min; d) 75-100 beats/min.

38. How to dose flexibility exercises:

a) before sweat appears; b) before pain appears;

c) until the amplitude of movement decreases; d) 8-16 exercises in a series.

39. Physical fitness is characterized by:

a) high resistance of the body to stressful situations;

b) the level of development of physical qualities;

V) good development respiratory and circulatory systems;

d) high results in educational and work activities.

40. The basis of physical culture is human activity aimed at:

a) adaptation of the body to environmental conditions;

b) transformation of one’s own physical capabilities;

c) physical training;

d) changes in the external world and surrounding nature.


for test assignments in physical education

for students in grades 9-11

1-b 16-c 31-c

2-a 17-g 32-g

3-v 18-v 33-a

4-b 19-g 34-g

5-b 20-a 35-b

6-v 21-a 36-g

7-b 22-b 37-a

8-a 23-a 38-b

9-v 24-v 39-b

10-b 25-a 40-b

11-g 26-g

12-a 27-b

13-v 28-a

14-g 29-b

1. Breathing exercises

2. Easy long run.

3. Jumping exercises with and without weights.

4. Breathing exercises during rest intervals.

5. Repeated sprinting.

6. Walking.

7. Frequency exercises (running in place).

A. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. b. 7,5,4,3,2,6,1.

V. 2,1,3,7,4,5,6. g. 3,4,2,7,5,4,1.

Part 2.

When completing the tasks of part 2, in the answer form (part 2) in the “answer” column corresponding to the number of the task being performed (B1-B5), enter the concept and formulate the required sequence.

IN 1. Reveal the conditions for effective physical development and upbringing of a child.

AT 2. Specificity and essence of J. Hebert's method.

IN. 3. Physical development in the narrow and broad sense.

AT 4. Physical education is…………

AT 5. A type of explanation not used in the older group.

Part 3.

WITH. Reveal the importance of morning exercises in the harmonious development of a child.


1.When cultivating flexibility, you should strive for...

A. Harmoniously increasing mobility in the main joints.

b. Achieving maximum range of motion in the main joints.

V. Optimal range of motion in the shoulder and hip joints.

d. Restoring the normal range of motion of the joints.

2. Under endurance as a physical quality we mean

A. A complex of properties that makes it possible to perform a variety of physical activities.

b. A set of properties that determine the ability to resist fatigue.

V. Ability to perform for a long time physical work, practically without getting tired.

d. Ability to save specified operating parameters.

3.Human endurance does not depend on...

A. Functionality of energy supply systems.

b. Speed ​​of motor reaction.

Perseverance, endurance, courage, the ability to endure.

d. Muscle strength.

4. When developing endurance, exercises are not used, characteristic feature which is...

A. Maximum activity of energy supply systems.

b. Moderate intensity.

V. Maximum intensity.

d. Active work of most parts of the musculoskeletal system.

5. When developing endurance, load regimes are used, which are usually divided into health-improving, supporting, developing and training. The maintenance mode causes the heart rate to increase to...

A. 110-130 beats per minute. b. 140 beats per minute

V. 140-160 beats per minute. d. 160 beats per minute.

6. Physical exercise technique is usually called

A. A method for expediently solving a motor problem.

b. The method of organizing movements when performing exercises.

V. Composition and sequence of movements when performing exercises.

d. Rational organization of motor actions.

7. When analyzing technology, it is customary to distinguish the basis, leading link and details of the technology. The leading link of technology is understood as...

A. A set of elements characterizing individual characteristics performing a holistic motor action.

b. The composition and sequence of elements included in a motor action.

V. A set of elements necessary to solve a motor task.

d. The most important part of a certain method of solving a motor task.

8. In the process of teaching motor actions, methods of holistic or disjointed exercise are used. The choice of method depends on...

A. Possibilities of division of motor action.

b. Complexities of the basic technology.

V. The number of elements that make up a motor action.

d. Teacher's preferences.

1. The International Olympic Committee is...

A. international non-governmental organization.V. International Association of the Physical Education Movement.

b. general association of internationalfederationsG. European Union of Physical Education and Sports.

2. Metric system running measures were first introduced on Olympic Games V …

A. Athens (1896). b. Paris (1900). V. St. Louis (1904).G. London (1908)

3. The functions of personality socialization are implemented in the sphere...

A. education and upbringing.V. production activities.

b. interpersonal contacts.G. elite sport.

4. The form of exercise is characterized by...

A. design of inventory, shells, equipment.V. technical preparedness of the athlete.

b. execution style.G. spatiotemporal parameters of movements

5. Individual development of an organism is designated as….

A. Genesis. b. Ontogenesis. V. Phylogenesis. G. Upbringing.

6. Improving intellectual abilities during physical exercise occurs...

A. purposefully.b. directly. V. indirectly. G. selectively.

7. In what sequence is it advisable to influence the development of physical qualities within one lesson?

    Rapidity .

    Endurance .

    Flexibility .

    Dexterity .

    Force .

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

b . 2, 4, 1, 5, 3.

V. 5, 3, 4, 2, 1.

G. 4, 1, 5, 3, 2.

8. The use of “rigid” rest intervals is typical for... the method of regulating physical activity.

A. repeated b. continuous V. circular G. interval.

9. The optimal pulse rate when doing rhythmic gymnastics is...

A. 110 and below beats per minute.b . 110-130 beats per minute.V. 130-150 beats per minute. G. 150-170 beats per minute.

10. Indicate the sequence of performing elements of the grenade throwing technique...

  1. Preliminary run .
  2. Holding a grenade, starting position .
  3. "Cross" step .
  4. Braking .
  5. "Stopping" step.
  6. Grenade withdrawal .
  7. Final effort .

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .

b. 6, 1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4 .

V. 2, 6, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7 .

G. 2, 1, 6, 3, 5, 7, 4.

11. Indicate the rank of competitions as their objective significance increases.

  1. Departmental .
  2. Domestic .
  3. Urban .
  4. Regional .
  5. International .
  6. District .
  7. Regional .
  8. Russian .

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

b. 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 7, 8, 5.

V. 3, 4, 7, 1, 2, 7, 8, 5 .

G. 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 5, 8, 5 .


in the subject "Physical Education"


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