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Good luck in your endeavors. Good luck wishes. Best wishes for good luck

Good luck wishes will come in handy for everyone. Someone said that our whole life is a game. The game is exciting and unpredictable, to be sure. Which card will fall into our hands: an ace or a six, a trump or a simple one? There are not so many cheaters, so you have to trust the wishes of good luck.

In verse

  • I wish you good luck in everything!
  • Let the house be filled with luck!
  • Let luck come into the windows and doors,
  • Let your darling believe in luck!
  • Let luck knock on your doors,
  • I wish you good luck in love,
  • I wish you success in life,
  • And may you be lucky in your future life!
  • Good luck,
  • In the garden and at the dacha,
  • At home, by the sea, on the beach,
  • May good luck come your way.
  • Let her help you
  • So that your face is happy,
  • So that everything would argue and happen,
  • And it turned out great!
  • I wish you successful achievements,
  • In work, in love, and, of course, in fate,
  • Happy hunting, and successful plans,
  • Have a good trip to the village, to the dacha.
  • Have a good holiday in the mountains, at the sea,
  • Successfully drive away troubles, misfortunes, grief,
  • It's good to fall in love, it's good to love,
  • It’s good to forget past grievances.
  • Let there be a constant “Okay” in life,
  • And let it not seem strange to anyone,
  • That everything worked out so well in fate!
  • I wish you great luck!
  • I wish you a successful life
  • Have a successful, bright day,
  • Let luck kiss you
  • You warm her heart.
  • So that everything works out,
  • So that all plans come true,
  • Fate was lucky
  • And people were surprised.
  • Let everything be as you want!
  • Let luck walk by your side,
  • You take care of her, keep her,
  • And all the days will be wonderful!
  • May luck laugh at you
  • Let luck burst into the house,
  • Let luck fly like a bird,
  • It will ring like a crystal ring.
  • I wish you good luck everywhere
  • Let them serve it on a platter
  • Let them bring it in a parcel,
  • I'll send it in the Internet mailing list.
  • I wish you good luck!
  • It will be this way and not otherwise!
  • She will fly to you
  • And success will be in fate!
  • May your day be successful
  • Drive away your laziness quickly
  • May good luck be with you
  • Constantly has a tender gaze.
  • I wish you good luck on your fishing trip,
  • So that the fish always bite,
  • I wish you good luck at work,
  • Good luck in the heat and in the cold!
  • Good luck to you in the store, at the market,
  • To buy something cheap,
  • Good luck with your sad mood
  • I wish you to forget!
  • Good luck, good luck everywhere,
  • Good luck always, everywhere,
  • Let people call you lucky,
  • Life is interesting with luck!
  • What do I wish? Good luck!
  • Everywhere and everywhere!
  • On fishing, and in the country,
  • And at rest, at work!
  • Let luck rush to the door,
  • Let him tap his feet
  • And let her not enter,
  • “Let me in,” he shouts!
  • Let her in quickly
  • Life will be more fun
  • You will live happily
  • Peace and love all people!

In prose

Mark Twain also said that one day fortune knocks on every person's door. But he doesn’t hear this knock, because he’s sitting in the nearest pub around the corner. The most important thing in life is not to miss an important moment in which your success may pass you by. I wish the hero of the occasion to always be at home when luck knocks on the door. Seize the moment: open your smile wide and entrance doors so that your fortune feels a worthy welcome!

A Chinese proverb says that it is impossible to drown a lucky person. You throw him into a stormy mountain river, and he will definitely swim out, and even with a goldfish in his hands! I wish you to always be lucky, the darling of fate. Let luck not pass you by, but come alongside you. And if life takes you into a stormy river, then come out of it dry and with a dozen goldfish. Fate will lead you into a dense forest, return from it with game and mushrooms. Be lucky!

Do you know why fortune is so capricious, changeable, fickle and characteristic?! Yes, all because she is a woman. But sooner or later she meets the man she loves and walks through life next to him, hand in hand. I wish that luck falls in love with you and chooses you as its companion. And when you walk through life next to her, don’t forget to look around carefully, because fortune is very attractive. Let her be faithful only to you and never cheat with others.

The best good luck wishes sent to your friends, acquaintances, family and friends will lift their spirits and charge them with positivity for the whole day.

Beautiful wishes of good luck

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant finding the answer.

Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,
And succeed in your personal life,
Serve your friends as an example in everything,
And look into the future with optimism.

Every minute has its own purpose.
You just have to guess it.
Every moment will be special -
Life can become richer!

Live without wasting a second or a day -
Good luck ahead!
Believe that any dream will come true,
And go to your cherished goal!

Good luck, may it smile on you
IN family life and in business
Let the day begin successfully,
Always with a smile on your lips,

Always accompanies you through life,
Let it be like a family member
And don’t scare me away, because there are no more capricious things,
Better yet, hug me tight.

I want to wish you good luck,
To be next to you,
So that during the day she could be the sun,
And at night a bright star.

I wish you luck
Hold it tightly in your hands,
Don't change your luck with anyone
And don’t lend it to anyone.

I wish you to preserve your luck,
Appreciate and treasure her
I wish you good luck
Live a happy life.

Love, harmony, warmth,
Good luck in everything!
And life was always in bloom,
Gave me joy and dreams!
Let spring sing in your soul,
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

I wish you sun in the blue sky,
Smiles, the beauty of flowers,
The most affectionate, beautiful words,
Like delicate velvet petals!

May there be wonderful days
From happiness, joy, warmth.
Hopes easily came true
Luck has always been with you!

Everyone has their own dream in their destiny.
The road to it is not so easy at times...
May your goals always be achieved
Luck shines like a bright star!

Will help you achieve all heights
Faith in victory, in own strength,
And the new day that is coming -
He will be successful and happy again!

A bright, fast-winged bird
May good luck come
And happy energy
Will give very generously,

So that dreams come true,
The mood became the most cheerful,
And success made friends
I would definitely go with you!

Luck is a capricious lady
Flashing his plumage,
It happened, sometimes she flew away,
Having beckoned you to others.

May it never let you down
Good luck in your life,
And let it not pass without her,
My friend, not a single day.

May luck walk with you,
And accompanies you everywhere!
Helps solve problems
Failures always win!
Whatever it is, let this bird
It will live with you forever!
And then your life will become clear,
Simply fabulous, bright, beautiful!

Best wishes for good luck

Let the friendship be real
Success is a joy for the soul,
Career – bright and brilliant,
Income is stable and large.
Health – strong, limitless,
Cozy and beautiful is the house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

Good luck to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty!
So that the fire in the hot eyes does not go out
And the best dreams came true!

Every moment is so important and valuable,
After all, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time,
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to your goal brings you closer every step,
Any roads lead to success,
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
Their warmth and care give them strength!

Appreciate life's golden moments,
Cherish every minute of it,
Let luck help you in your plans,
Stay on course for success and good luck.
Move boldly towards your designated goal,
Strive for your distant horizons,
So that dreams can come true,
May any wishes come true!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart - beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of petals,
Brighter than clear noon!
Let every moment be warm
The love of those who are nearby.
So that for this wonderful moment
Look with a happy look!

I am a fifth generation fortune teller,
I can deal with any damage in five minutes...
I'm sending a conspiracy for wild luck
By email now:

Let the big bills fly, my dear!
Always in your wallet, like bees in a hive,
So that the blessings of life, unavailable in the past,
You devoured with a shark smile.

Let your success thunder from morning to evening
In career matters and under any authority,
And the young ladies rush recklessly
Into your arms on the wings of passion.

And know that even if thinner than the blade
The path of fate suddenly turns silver,
Along it, like a ballet dancer, with quick jumps
You will pass holding the tail of the blue bird!

Good luck! May you always be lucky
Let what you desire become a reality
Let everything you have in mind come true immediately,
And the lightness of the hand never fails!

I wish you good luck both in the morning and in the afternoon,
Let her live in your house!
Let the sun shine and let the rain not fall,
And may you even be lucky in the little things!

Let luck knock on your door the moment you are at home, in full combat readiness and in a great mood. And let her like your interior, home layout and general atmosphere to such an extent that she asks to register her in this house legally.

May good luck accompany you
In any endeavors,
There will be a new task
More interesting than others!

In every moment and in every matter
You will solve all problems
And you will reach your goal,
And you will outshine everyone with success!

I wish you luck
Continued great luck.
To work with inspiration,
So that problems can be solved easily.

So that life flows like a stormy river
With the shores of love and happiness,
So that the soul is forever young,
And my heart was burning with passion.

May fate smile on you
Gives holidays and surprises,
May your dreams come true
Both desires and whims!

I wish you to always hear the confident steps of luck behind your back. Let her invisible presence inspire you to great achievements, give you confidence in your rightness and send success to all your endeavors. May your luck be true and never stop smiling at you.

Good luck
Constant and real
And riches to boot,
And have a brilliant career.

So that your health does not fail,
It was as strong as diamonds
And to have enough strength for everything,
It's all about dreams and talents.

Let your head spin
From great love and luck,
May hope come true
The mood will be joyful!

Let luck sweep you off your feet! May constant, well-deserved success follow you. May fortune choose you and smile at you with lifelong devotion, may the weather please you with any forecast, and may life give you many chances to become the happiest person in the Universe.

We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!

Sometimes life will hurt and deceive,
But you overcome your sadness.
Let your window glow in the fog,
In spite of fate, don’t turn off the light.
Believe in your luck - touchless,
She will come to your fire in her own time.
To pave the way for happiness,
Sometimes adversity visits us.

I wish you only good luck in life
And dream achievements
Let the tasks be easy
On a difficult path in life.

We sincerely wish you
Health, happiness and good luck,
So that the heart remains sighted
In defiance of any thunder.
So that there is no shadow of sadness
Fate and life did not concern
And everything I wanted came true,
And every day was wonderful.

We wish you success, we wish you good luck,
Easy to relax
And work hard.
So that joy is in fate
I met yours more often,
So that everything comes out
And everything worked out!

What can I wish for you? Wealth? Good luck?
Everyone wants their own thing in life...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that there is a little bit, but everything!

I want to bless you
For joy, for good luck,
I wish you to live long,
Happily, no less!

Let there be good luck in business,
Let your dreams come true
Let the flowers bloom in the countryside,
And together with them - you.
We wish you happiness without looking back,
No dark days, no bitter tears.
May the sun shine very brightly
At the white tender birches.
In addition to everything we wish for you
We are tender, devoted friends,
In family life - peace, happiness
And many bright, good days!

We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Nice and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way into powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

Poems wishing good luck

Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and warm.

Poems of luck

Let the trouble, the bad news
They wander far from you.
If there is happiness in the world,
Let it spend the night with you.
We wish you not to get sick,
To have complete happiness
Never worry
Smile more in life!

May everything succeed for you,
Life flows like a song,
Let the answer be heard less often
There is an empty “no” to your question.”
And always let it always be
The word “yes” pleases your ears!

We wish you happiness, good luck,
Success in Life, Bright Deeds,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!

I wish you happiness and good luck,

And grief was everywhere.
May you be successful
And you were the happiest of all!

I wish you success, we wish you good luck,

So that joy is in fate
I met yours more often,

May your every day be bright,
Let your star not go out,
May joy, happiness and luck
They always accompany you.

May success cover you
With head and legs,
Let your happiness howl
Sing poetry with all his might!
Let love talk
Luck will sing a song
And every task will certainly be solved!

Wish clear skies, fragrant bread,
Spring water and no trouble!

I wish you happiness and good luck,
So that the doctor does not visit you often.
May the sun always shine for you,
And grief was everywhere.
May you be successful
And you were the happiest of all!

Poems wishing good luck

Congratulations and good luck

Let everyone know one rule,
And let everyone follow him everywhere:
A person is not given two lives,
So at least live one properly!

We wish you health and good luck.
Let joy and dreams be nearby.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May your heart be forever young
Crowning kindness with kindness!
Be healthy and lucky beyond measure!
We wish you success, bright faith,
And let your guiding star
Life shines brightly and always!

I wish you happiness and luck,
I wish you friendship and love,
May your hopes make you happy,
Let your dreams come true.

I wish you happiness and good luck,
So that the doctor does not visit you often.
May the sun always shine for you,
And grief was everywhere.
May you be successful
And you were the happiest of all!

I wish you happiness, warmth, good luck
The joys of health and beauty
so that the fire does not go out in the eyes of hot
and the best dreams came true.

We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if there are wrinkles, it’s only from laughter,
And so that you don’t encounter misfortunes in life,
And if there are tears, then only from happiness!

I wish you smiles, I wish you success,
Happy moments, happy laughter,
May you encounter good luck in life,
Any problem was solved.

I wish you success, I wish you good luck,
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy is in fate
I met yours more often,
So that everything comes out and everything works out.

Poems wishing good luck

Luck is the disposable wings that fate provides us with so that we can flutter in the right direction. So let's drink to the fact that at least sometimes fate will provide us with reusable wings!

Health, happiness and good luck
With all our hearts we wish you!
And we are sure, we know
That it will be this way and not otherwise!

Let everything in life be as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and warm.

Let everything in life be as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and warm.

Wishes for good luck in your studies
To make it easy for you to learn,
Don't rush to become a botanist.
If you are young, have time to have fun,
Yes, so good, from the heart!
When the exam time comes,
You'll have to learn the tickets.
Make friends with books, write spurs,
You will become friends with the teacher.
Then you will pass these exams with an A,
And again you can walk for six months!

We wish you health - because it is often lacking,
We wish you fun - it never interferes.
We wish you good luck - she doesn’t come often.
And we simply wish you great personal happiness.

Here's to your luck! Let your home always be a full cup, so that in the morning you get up with a smile and go to bed, also smiling with the joy of life.

Let only warm words await you in life
And the heart will never cry from grief.
And may he always be spinning naked
From happiness, from love and from luck.

Handsome and strong
Lucky, brave.
Any, (Andrey, Sergey...)
The body can handle the matter!
On the right, we know
You're worth the way.
And we wish you further
Go victoriously.
Good luck in your studies,
In business - new strength,
Good luck and happiness!-
You deserve them.