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Job candidate requirements. Requirements for a candidate for a vacant position. Workplace model. What should not be in the job description

In the 1st quarter of 2018, young specialists with technical education were most often required - 32% of all vacancies posted in Russia. Specialists with economic education were invited to fill 31% of vacancies. Specialists with medical education were required in 13% of vacancies. Compared to the same period last year, the need for lawyers, mathematicians and sociologists has decreased.

It is interesting that in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is a fairly high demand for lawyers, compared to the situation in Russia as a whole, while, on the contrary, fewer graduates with medical education are required.

Knowledge in English traditionally very much in demand on the labor market. Among starting vacancies that require knowledge of at least one foreign language - 94% of vacancies - mention the need to speak English. Moreover, the candidate must know it at the intermediate level (58% of vacancies).

Employers are primarily looking for responsible (22%), goal-oriented (10%), stress-resistant (10%) and friendly (9%) candidates.

The highest demand is observed for candidates with competent written and orally(25.8%), PC skills (10%) and sales (7.3).

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  • Labor market for young professionals in the first half of 2018
    We bring to your attention a series of publications that examine the main trends in the youth labor market in the 2nd quarter of 2018: supply and demand, the level of competition and wages, employer requirements and the mood of young professionals.
  • What awaits graduates and young professionals on the labor market?
    Supply and demand in the 1st half of 2018 in numbers.
  • What specialists do employers need?
    The research center website decided to find out who and in which regions Russian Federation the easiest way to get a job. Results of the 1st quarter of 2018.
  • How much can a young specialist earn?
    Average salary level for graduates and young professionals in 2017.

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  • Sentiment of young professionals on the labor market on the eve of the 1st quarter of 2018
    The results of an anonymous online survey by HeadHunter, conducted in April 2018 among 14,957 applicants, incl. among 621 young specialists.

The following stages of filling a vacant position of a specialist or manager are distinguished:

* development of job requirements; as a result, further searches are limited to applicants who have the necessary qualifications for the position;

* wide search for applicants; the goal is to attract as many candidates as possible who meet the minimum requirements to participate in the competition;

* checking applicants using a number of formal methods in order to weed out the worst, which is carried out by the personnel service;

* selection for a position from among several best candidates; usually carried out by the manager, taking into account the conclusion of personnel services and data from various inspections and tests.

Line managers and functional services participate in the selection process. These services are staffed by professional psychologists and use the most modern methods selection.

The immediate manager (sometimes a wider circle of managers) participates in the selection at the initial and final stages. He has the final say in establishing the requirements for the position and selecting a specific employee from among those selected by the personnel service.

The hiring of an employee is preceded by a clear understanding of the functions that he will perform, tasks and job responsibilities, rights and interactions in the organization. Based on pre-formulated requirements, suitable people are selected for a specific position, and great importance is attached to the quality of applicants meeting the requirements.

In the practice of work of managers with personnel, there are four circuit diagrams replacement of positions: replacement by experienced managers and specialists selected outside the organization; replacement by young specialists and university graduates; promotion to a higher position “from within”, aimed at filling the existing vacancy, as well as a combination of promotion with rotation as part of the preparation of the “reserve of managers”.

When selecting managers for positions, they proceed from the need to find candidates who best meet all the requirements. Organizations today are making serious efforts to develop their own staff, improve their skills and provide practical training to take on greater responsibilities. At the same time, there may be a shortage of qualified candidates in the organization. In all cases (including good work with the “reserve”), it is considered necessary to fill the positions of managers and specialists on a competitive basis, i.e. with consideration of several candidates for the position, preferably with the participation of external candidates.

When selecting for a position from among the organization’s employees, it is important to keep in mind that assessing the performance of employees does not give complete information about the employee’s capabilities when promoted to a higher position or transferred to some other position. Many employees lose effectiveness when moving from one level to another or from a functional job to a line manager position, and vice versa. The transition from work with homogeneous functions to work with heterogeneous functions, from work limited mainly by internal relationships to work with numerous external relationships - all these movements involve critical changes that weaken the value of performance evaluation results as an indicator of future success.

The selection of candidates for the vacant position of manager or management specialist is made from among the applicants for this

position by assessing the business qualities of candidates. In this case, special techniques are used that take into account the system of business and personal characteristics, covering the following groups of qualities:

1) social and civic maturity;

2) attitude towards work;

3) level of knowledge and work experience;

4) organizational skills;

5) ability to work with people;

6) ability to work with documents and information;

7) the ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner;

8) the ability to see and support the cutting edge;

9) moral and ethical character traits.

The first group includes the following qualities: the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones; the ability to listen to criticism and be self-critical; actively participate in social activities; have high level political literacy.

The second group covers the following qualities: a sense of personal responsibility for the assigned task; sensitive and attentive attitude towards people; hard work; personal discipline and insistence on the observance of discipline by others; the level of aesthetics of the work.

The third group includes such qualities as having qualifications corresponding to the position held; knowledge of the objective principles of production management; knowledge of advanced leadership methods; work experience in this organization (including in a managerial position).

The fourth group includes the following qualities: the ability to organize a management system; ability to organize your work; knowledge of advanced management methods; ability to conduct business meetings; the ability to self-assess one’s capabilities and one’s work; the ability to evaluate the capabilities and work of others.

The fifth group includes the following qualities: the ability to work with subordinates; ability to work with managers of different organizations; ability to create a cohesive team; ability to select, arrange and secure shots.

The sixth group includes such qualities as the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals; ability to compose business letters, orders, instructions; the ability to clearly formulate instructions and issue tasks; knowledge of the capabilities of modern management technology and the ability to use it in one’s work; ability to read documents.

The seventh group is represented by the following qualities: the ability to make timely decisions; ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions; ability to quickly navigate in complex environments; ability to resolve conflict situations; ability to maintain mental hygiene, self-control; self confidence.

The eighth group unites such qualities as the ability to see new things; ability to recognize and support innovators, enthusiasts and innovators; the ability to recognize and neutralize skeptics, conservatives, retrogrades and adventurers; initiative; courage and determination in maintaining and implementing innovations; courage and ability to take reasonable risks.

The ninth group includes: honesty, conscientiousness, decency, integrity, poise, self-control, politeness, perseverance, sociability, charm, modesty, simplicity; neatness and neatness of appearance; good health.

In each specific case, those positions that are most important for a particular position and organization are selected from this list (with the help of experts), and specific qualities that an applicant for this particular position must have are added to them. When selecting the most important qualities to determine the requirements for candidates for a particular position, one should distinguish between the qualities that are necessary when entering a job, and the qualities that can be acquired quickly enough, having become accustomed to the work after being appointed to the position.

After this, experts work to determine the presence of qualities in candidates for a vacant position and the degree to which each candidate possesses them for each quality. The candidate who most possesses all the qualities necessary for the vacant position takes this position.

When selecting candidates for a vacant position, special methods are used. (see Table 6)

Table 6 Kibanov, A.Ya Personnel management of an organization: Textbook. - 3rd, extra. and processed - M.: INFRA-, 2007.- P.325.

Methods of personnel assessment and selection

Name of qualities being assessed

Analysis of personal data

Psychological testing

Valuation business games

Qualification testing

Checking reviews


1. intelligence

2. erudition (general, economic and legal)

3. professional knowledge and skills

4. Organizational abilities and skills

5. communication abilities and skills

6. personal abilities (psychological portrait)

7. health and performance

8. appearance and manners

9. motivation


++ (the most effective method);

+ (frequently used method)

Personnel selection in organizations is carried out by personnel department employees (HR managers). The functions of HR managers include:

* selection of selection criteria;

* approval of selection criteria;

* selection conversation;

* work with applications and questionnaires based on biographical data;

* conversation about hiring;

* conducting tests;

* final decision during selection.

In order to correctly determine the selection criteria, it is necessary to clearly formulate the employee qualities necessary for the relevant type of activity. The criteria should be formed so that they comprehensively characterize the employee: experience, health and personal characteristics. “Reference” levels of requirements for each criterion are developed based on the characteristics of employees already working in the organization who are performing their duties well.

Most employers select workers based on the education they have received. Given equal factors, employers prefer more education to less. However, these characteristics must be linked to success at work, and the criteria for education must certainly be compared with the requirements of the job performed. The employer must examine the duration and content of education and its relevance to the job in question.

Practical experience is the most important criterion for a worker’s skill level. Therefore, most employers prefer to hire workers with experience. One way to measure experience in an organization is to establish seniority, which reflects the amount of time a person has worked for that organization. Work experience is measured in various ways: total time worked in a given organization, time worked in a certain position, etc.

There are many types of work that require certain physical qualities from the performer, usually reduced to endurance, strength, and health. To this end, the physical and medical characteristics of successful workers should be identified and used as criteria, but only when all or most of the workers meet them.

One of the most important personal characteristics of an employee is his social status. A family-owned, sedate worker is capable of higher-quality work than a bachelor. The second important personal characteristic of the applicant is his age. Any specific criterion for selecting employees based on age should be carefully examined in relation to successful employees employed in the organization. Workers who are too young or too old must be subject to scrupulous selection.

Thus, we can conclude that the requirements for candidates when assessing for a vacant position depend on the structure of the organization, the position being filled, and the organization’s requirements for the position being filled.

Personal details of the applicant

Contact information (address, phone, email). City of residence. It is also advisable to indicate your age - if it speaks in your favor (despite the legal prohibition of discrimination by gender, age, etc., many HR managers are wary of “age” candidates). Photos can also be considered personal data. Include a strong color photograph on your resume. This is especially important for positions where appearance plays an important role: director, office manager, sales consultant, promoter.

87% of employers prefer a resume with a photo.

The name of the position you are applying for (the same as stated by the employer). If you are interested in several vacancies, you need to write a separate resume for each of them. You can indicate the desired minimum salary level, and be sure to mention that this is the starting salary.


List in reverse chronological order (last place at the beginning of the list) all jobs. Indicate the period of work, the name of the company, its field of activity, position held, responsibilities and, if any, achievements. If your work experience is too long, limit yourself to your last 3-4 jobs or describe the most significant experience. When describing achievements, use action verbs such as: developed, increased, saved or reduced. The use of numbers and percentages stand out on a resume. For example, I increased sales by 25% and fulfilled a sales plan of 300,000 rubles.

Offers for specialists in.


The more time has passed since graduation, the less space this item should occupy in your resume. First of all, indicate the education that allows you to apply for the specified position. Information about additional education (courses, trainings) is relevant only if it is related to the vacancy.

Professional skills

This block summarizes everything you have learned while working or studying at the university. Separately indicate the degree of computer and foreign language proficiency, and it is important to be specific: instead of “I know a computer,” write exactly what programs you know. Also with languages ​​- make it clear what exactly you can speak fluently, read technical literature or conduct business correspondence. Fewer flattering self-assessments: “extensive work experience”, “ability to work in a team.” It is advisable that the manager himself draws the conclusions you need from the resume. When describing skills in particular and writing a resume in general, use the mirror method: look at the job posting and use the same keywords in your resume that the employer used in the job description.

additional information

This column mentions the possibility of moving to another city, willingness to travel or work overtime. If appropriate, they write about having a driver’s license, the ability to use a personal car for business purposes, a foreign passport, marital status and hobbies. You can include in this section a brief description of your personal qualities, for example: sociable, responsible, proactive, etc. Here you can also indicate the possibility of providing recommendations.

Finding a job using the Internet. Writing a resume

Lesson plan

1. How to correctly formulate your requirements and expectations from a new job. Search for work on the Internet.

2. Sources of information about vacancies.

3. Principles of working with vacancies.

4. How to write a resume correctly. Resume structure.

5. Sending your resume by email.

6. Covering letter.

7. Interview rules.

8. Websites to help you find a job.

9. Algorithm for finding a job using the Internet.

This lesson is a clear step-by-step instruction on how to effectively search for work on the Internet.

Until a few years ago, interactions between a candidate and a prospective employer typically involved phone calls, letters, and in-person interviews. Today, more and more people are looking for jobs online by contacting employers and sending their resumes by email.

The online job market is evolving due to technological innovations, consumer awareness and increasing use of the Internet. The capabilities of technology, its range, speed and cost-effectiveness are indisputable facts in favor of the existence and expansion of online employment services.

Thus, having the ability to access the Internet and an information resource on city vacancies, anyone can try to find a job, and an employer can try to find a worker via the Internet.

In this lesson we will learn how to find a job - from searching for a vacancy and compiling and sending a resume to receiving a search result, i.e., until receiving a response.

We'll show you right on the screen how to do it quickly and easily.

Whatever method of job search you choose, you will always need a resume. How to compose it correctly, what it should be, what mistakes you should try to avoid when compiling it, how to send your resume correctly by email - this will be discussed further.

We study the demand and requirements of employers (websites, media, etc.)

Having decided on the industry, type of activity and position level, we begin to study the labor market. We stock up on newspapers and magazines about work, search on the Internet for all regional sites with employer offers and look, read, count. Having looked through the offered vacancies, you can very roughly draw the general picture: which specialties are most in demand, full-time or part-time, possible salary - from minimum to maximum. Now analyze the basic requirements that employers place on applicants: age, education, knowledge, skills and abilities, work experience, etc. Do you have the right qualities?

Let's say right away that the picture is not complete. Less than half of job offers for lower positions and no more than 10% of job offers for managerial and specialist positions are published in newspapers and the Internet. Typically, employers fill these vacancies through employment agencies, advertisements in regular newspapers, their own personnel services, and other means.

We determine the requirements for future work.

The list of requirements for future work presented by applicants is very diverse. Most job seekers first of all pay attention to the amount of remuneration offered by the employer. The basic requirements for future work also include wishes for the future position, schedule and place of work.

We create a resume.

Target: Please indicate the exact title of the position you would like to receive. Its wording must exactly match how it was stated by the employer.

Errors: Some people write instead of a position “I would like to receive one that would correspond to my education and work experience and could benefit your company for its further successful development.” This kind of formulation causes confusion among the employer and does not find support. It is clear that the person himself has little idea of ​​what exactly he could do and, as it were, invites the employer to solve a crossword puzzle - carefully study the resume and find the correct answer, putting it in the “position” column.

Do not list multiple positions at once. This will reduce your chances. A company requires a specialist for a specific position.

A resume is a short form of presentation of basic personal and professional data; it is a laconic self-presentation, designed for a quick reading by the employer.

We indicate personal information.

Introduce yourself:

2. Contact addresses (including email) and telephone numbers.


Quite often, the text gives the wrong email address from which the email with the resume was sent. If a candidate claims to be computer proficient, this is a mistake. You must send your resume only from the address that appears in the text of your resume.


This is the most important and longest section of the resume. Only “bare” facts should be presented in detail, avoiding flattering self-assessments such as “extensive work experience”, “ability to work in a team”, “good organizational skills”, etc. The resume is drawn up so that the manager himself draws the conclusions you need. Let the facts speak for you.

If your work was of a project nature (programmer, designer), then list all your projects that lasted more than one month. If the work is homogeneous or is not of a project nature (manager, salesperson), then highlight some features and types of work in your work (for example, working with a certain large customer or supplier).

It is in your best interest to make the list as long as possible. The more experience you have, the better your chances of getting a job. Do not neglect mentioning coursework, diplomas, scientific works, all kinds of extras, etc. All of this - large projects or small ones - one way or another constitutes your real experience, which must certainly be reflected in your track record.

Works (projects) and employers must be listed in reverse chronological order, i.e. the last work should be recorded first, the penultimate work second, etc.

Career. Place of work, position for 5-10 years. Your career growth.

Use action verbs as much as possible.

It is necessary to be extremely specific in the choice of wording:

You should not write:

  • was engaged in training;
  • helped reduce errors;

· I quickly learn new knowledge

· trained two new employees;

Don't be verbose and avoid passive forms:

You should not write:

· was responsible for implementation;

· found application for the following possibilities;

· was responsible for.

· completed;

· used effectively;

· was responsible for.

Prefer positive information over negative information

You should not write:

· resolved complaints against;

· prevented a decrease in the share of sales;

· transferred from his position.

· assisted clients in;

· increased the potential of the product on the market;

· promoted to position.

Focus on your achievements

You should not write:

· worked there for three years;

· did extra work.

· received a promotion and two pay increases;

· always completed the work on time.


Indicate where, when and what educational institution you graduated from, and also (if you recently graduated from a university) what your grades were, if, of course, they are your “plus”. If you studied at a university or are currently engaged in science, indicate your scientific specialization, academic degree, academic title.

It is necessary to list all kinds of awards from various competitions, olympiads, conferences, the presence of honors diplomas, etc. Write in detail, indicate the faculty and specialization. Don't forget also about advanced training courses and internships, even if they were one-day ones.

You should not write which school you graduated from and with what grades: you may get the impression that you have nothing else to boast about.

Additional data.

If the specifics of your future work require this, be sure to indicate:

  1. Proficiency in a foreign language. You should not overestimate the level of your knowledge of a foreign language: you will have to work; a preliminary check of your level of knowledge by an employer or recruitment agency is possible. The following gradation is usually accepted: entry level, good knowledge, fluency.
  2. Work with computer. If you are not a programmer or an advanced user, we would recommend consulting with knowledgeable people, what are the correct names of the packages you are working with. You must indicate your knowledge of accounting programs, as well as special programs, for example, graphic editors. It is also necessary to note knowledge of the Internet and the ability to use e-mail, which are not quite the same thing, as some people think.
  3. Knowledge of office equipment. Assumes the ability to work with office mini-PBX, copier, and fax.
  4. Driver's license, availability of a car.

First case- if your recommenders agree to communicate with your future employers about you and your successes. Of course, you can only place the phone number of a former director on your resume if the director has given his consent.

Thus, you inform the potential employer that by calling the indicated numbers, he will receive personal recommendations from people you have previously worked with.

Second option- when a former manager or partner (or maybe a client) writes you a letter of recommendation in full form: on letterhead, with signatures and seals, and so on. You can photograph such a letter in several copies and show the original at interviews, and attach a copy to your resume.

So, if you have a letter of recommendation and if you are sending your resume by fax or email, the body of your resume can indicate, what do you have letters of recommendation such and such people and that during a personal meeting you can demonstrate these letters.

What's better?It's hard to say for sure. Some employers believe more in personal contact with the recommender and are confident that the letter can be forged. Someone doesn't trust phone calls, being confident that dummies can answer, but at the same time trusting the letterhead. Thus, you can simply not guess for a single vacancy...

Design (font, style).

CV writing style:

· brevity;

· specificity;

· honesty.

Avoid using a pronoun I.

Make sure your resume is formatted in the same style.

Choose a style that is easy to read (large margins, not small font, sufficient space between lines, etc.).

Use good quality white paper.

It is very important to fit your resume on one, maximum two pages.


There is not and cannot be a single resume for all occasions that could be sent to all companies without changes. Each time, you should first think about what qualities will be valued in a new job, and modify your resume in accordance with them.

The information provided in the resume must be accurate. Don't leave any blank spots on your resume. And most importantly, the resume should be short: no more than one to one and a half pages. Your ability to clearly formulate and present briefly is an indicator of a high level of general culture.

After writing your resume, you need to start searching for the right vacancy. We look for vacancies, send resumes, post resumes on websites.

The finished resume can be sent to potential employers by mail, fax or e-mail.

Typically, job seekers are concerned about the correct composition and formatting of their resume, but few think about how to correctly send it to the employer. If you make mistakes when submitting, there is a chance that your resume will not be read. What should you consider when sending your resume to an employer by email?

Pay attention to accuracy and technical competence. The letter will create the first one about you good impression at the employer.

Technical Tips:

  • When setting up your email, the installation program will ask you for your first and last name, write them in Latin letters. For example, Ivan Ivanov. The recipient will see the data you entered in the "From" field. The use of Russian letters in the first and last name is undesirable - due to discrepancies in encodings, the employer may see a set of unreadable characters in this field. The use of pseudonyms is not recommended.
  • Your mailing address should be neutral, preferably short. For example: , postal addresses with the words “little devil”, “honey”, “macho” will cause negativity from the employer;
  • In the "Message Subject" field, write "resume" followed by the position name. Large companies often ask you to indicate the job code on your resume. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the name of the HR manager. There may be other requirements, since the company may have several dozen vacancies open. Failure to comply with the requirements indicates the inattention and lack of discipline of the applicant, and ultimately, a disrespectful attitude towards the employing company.
  • Usually the resume is located in a file attached to the letter. In this case, the file must be in either TXT or RTF format. You should not use the Microsoft Word DOC format - viruses can be transmitted through it. Some employers do not consider resumes in DOC format as a matter of principle. To save a document in RTF format in the Microsoft Word editor, in the "File" menu, select "Save as..." and then in the "File type" field, select "Text in RTF format". Ignore the message that some formatting may be lost. After saving, close the file, then open it again and check its readability. Name the resume file in Latin letters, for example "resume.rtf" or "Ivan Ivanov.rtf".
  • When writing a resume, do not get carried away with complex design or inserting tables and pictures into the document. Use Arial or Times New Roman fonts. Other fonts may not be available in the recipient's settings, and the resume will be impossible to read.
  • The body of the letter contains a brief covering note with a greeting and indicating the purpose of sending the resume. It is advisable to send it in plain text format (text with minimal functionality) in Windows-1251 encoding. It is allowed to use K0I-8R encoding. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the letter will be erased without reading. The best way to start a cover note is with an address. If the name of the employee is unknown, limit yourself to a general address: “Dear employees of the company’s personnel service...” Next, your covering note should include the name of the position for which you are applying. It would be useful to indicate where the information about the vacancy came from. Don't forget about the signature "with respect...", "I hope for further cooperation...".

After sending your resume by e-mail, check your mailbox daily. Promptness is important if you are sent an invitation to an interview by email.

A widespread mistake is preparing a resume in the form of a single faceless multi-page table-questionnaire, consisting of certain assessments of the candidate that he gave himself.

The main disadvantage of this solution is that a sample application form is usually taken on the Internet from the website of a specific organization, which has its own characteristics and specific requirements for the candidate.

When replacing a resume with a table, it is impossible to assess the professional and human potential of the candidate. Only free form and the presence of a track record make it possible to evaluate individuality and practical skills and separate them from formalized self-esteem.

If the employer has requirements for resume formatting, strictly follow them. If the site only has a table, then attach a regular resume to it, which will significantly increase your chances of being hired.

Electronic resume submission form:

A worthy candidate sends a resume by email with a short cover note and an RTF or DOC file attachment with the name as their last name.

The fact is that after reading, the manager usually places the file with the resume on his computer, usually under the candidate’s name. Therefore, you should not send a file named RESUME.RTF or RESUME.DOC - after all, such a file will definitely have to be renamed.

This file is only for you, perhaps it is the only resume, but for the manager it is one of dozens or hundreds. Only a very few candidates will think of saving managers’ time and naming the resume file with their own last name, which indicates that the human factor is taken into account and predisposes the manager to himself.

You should not send your resume to Microsoft Excel: not everyone uses it. In addition, as already mentioned, a table, including an electronic one, is not best form submission of resumes.

At the same time, the absence of any formatting can make it difficult to perceive the text of a resume, so Microsoft Word formats are somewhat preferable than, for example, the plain text format (txt or plain-text), which a rare candidate manages to format so that it is easy to understand and looks good. This is easier to achieve with Word.

2. The listing of management positions indicates fairly high ambitions, and perhaps the position of financial manager is considered as a “passing” or reserve position, in which the candidate does not plan to work for a long time.

3. It is not clear from the resume sample what professional experience the candidate has in the field of financial management.

4. It can be assumed that he worked in small companies, where, in addition to financial issues, he also resolved economic and organizational issues.

5. The candidate does not have a Moscow residence permit, which is important for many companies during the initial selection of candidates. It is at the initial stage, when a lot of resumes are received, that this criterion is decisive for many. However, if the candidate is a professional in his field, registration is often not remembered.

6. It is obvious from the resume that the candidate does not have basic specialized education.

This resume could look different (see option below).

Sample resume No. 2

Advantages of the new resume sample:

1. This is a single position, so there is no obvious reason to assume that the candidate is considering other positions.

2. In the “Education” section only information about professional education is left. The agricultural university is specifically indicated by an abbreviation in order to focus the employer’s attention on the specialty, and not on the profile of the educational institution.

3. The number of employees in the companies is indicated. A managerial position in a small company often corresponds in terms of the level of required qualifications and scope of tasks to a specialist position in a large company, and this is the position Sergey is applying for.

4. A more precise formulation of the position at the last place of work places an emphasis on professional activities and allows one to move away from the interpretation of the position of deputy director as a manager responsible for a wide range of issues.

5. The dedicated section “Professional Experience” not only reveals in detail what you had to do, but may be of interest to those employers who are looking for an employee to perform a similar range of duties.

6. Salary is indicated. This is exactly the salary of a financial manager in a large company. The given bar is realistic for Sergei and cuts off unattractive offers.

Websites to help you find a job

The sites are intended for users who would like to find a job on their own. The sites provide detailed information about all existing vacancies, indicating the details of all organizations with the help of which self-employment can be successful.

If you know the website address, you need to enter this address in the search bar. The website address on the Internet is always written in Latin characters. And clicking on E nter on the keyboard, you are taken to the page.

By typing a different address in the address bar, you will receive the contents of a different resource (another site).

If you do not know the names of sites that display vacancies, you can use a standard Internet search scheme; the most effective search will be based on a thematic query, we type -Kamensk-Uralsky vacancies. As a result, you will receive a list of found pages; select the information you are interested in based on the brief description.

Work in Kamensk-Uralsky and vacancies in Kamensk-Uralsky

Finding a job in Kamensk-Uralsky is not easy, since the city is small and finding a good and decent job is not so easy. Website work ru in Kamensk-Uralsky offers its clients an extensive database in which each person can choose a suitable vacancy or leave a resume. Work in Kamensk-Uralsky offers its customers only fresh and new vacancies in Kamensk-Uralsky, which will significantly save your time on job search.

The portal offers an extensive database for job searches completely free of charge. Look for work in Kamensk-Uralsky You can view vacancies, or leave your resume on the site. This is a more effective way to find a job, since not all employers post vacancies on the site. Some of them simply look through the resume database and select a potential employee.

Popular shots.

Superiob agency. ru found out which personnel are the most popular on the labor market.

Sales managers are the undisputed leader: 7.5% of the labor market needs them. Engineers took an honorable second place (their rating is 6%. Blue-collar workers have third place, and only 5.5%.

The “Salesperson” vacancy ranks 4th (almost 5% of employers are looking for them.

Unskilled workers (janitors, loaders) rose to fifth position (2.9%), ahead of accountants (2.6%) and sales representatives (2.5%)

Algorithm for finding a job using the Internet.

Job search in the Yandex search engine.

You need to go to the WORK catalog on the start page.

In the window that appears, select the required SUB-CURRICULUM (The numbers show the number of sites in the sub-category)

Or go to the sites in the WORK section. Here you can search for a job using the database of resumes and vacancies in different cities Russia and abroad.

If you are looking for a job in Kamensk-Uralsky, you need to go to the KAMENSK-URALSKY SITES catalog on the YANDEX start page. Select the WORK section and use one of the sites.

You can search for work in other search engines.

In the search engine RamblerThe search algorithm is similar. On the start page in the TOP 100 catalog, select the WORK section, where you will be offered a list of sites.

In the search engine GOOGLEon the start page, click the MORE button (at the top), then - ALL PRODUCTS - then select - CATALOG. Follow the links BUSINESS - WORK.

In the window that appears, you can search for sites by industry, by region, search for work, work on the network. In order to apply to any site, you must register.

The list of requirements that you present to your future job and employer is extensive and varied. In the first place, of course, are financial problems: the size and regularity of wages. And then let's figure out how much your work requirements correspond to reality and are feasible in the conditions modern market labor.

To make your dreams come true, first of all think about what you yourself are ready to offer employers. People with solid professional experience have no difficulty answering the question: “What can you do?” usually not experienced. But those who are looking for work for the first time are at a loss: “I don’t know anything and I can’t do anything. Nobody needs me". We assure you that you are mistaken in assessing yourself so categorically.

Do not rush to immediately admit that you have no professional experience. Perhaps you helped someone organize their own business, made urgent calculations, typed voluminous text. Or they were on an internship, working part-time during the holidays, or doing practical training.

Try to objectively assess your business and personal qualities. It is worth listening to what your family and friends say about you. You may not agree with their comments, but there is no need to mislead the employer with your “diligence and accuracy” if you lack them.

Realistic approach

Company stability. But the stability of the company and the stability of your position are not the same thing. There are organizations where high staff turnover is part of the corporate culture. The average duration of work of their employees ranges from two months to six months. In addition, even very stable companies experience periods of staff reduction, disagreements between founders, etc.

The proximity of the future place of work to the place of residence. Spending 3 hours every day on a one-way trip by public transport is unrealistic for most workers. And the employer himself usually does not agree to such compromises: “You will be so tired that you will not be able to work.” However, an hour and a half on the road to the place of work is normal for most residents of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region.

I once had to observe how a graduate of a foreign exchange cashier course with no work experience refused a very attractive offer: “I can’t travel an hour and a half to work. Find me a similar place closer to home.” The HR specialist explained for a long time that this was a rare success for her, because such working conditions and such a salary are not offered to beginning specialists. The girl remained unconvinced and missed a good chance.

Strictly standardized working hours. Some companies do not tolerate delays after business hours. It is believed that you do not know how to properly plan and organize your working time. But many organizations have a different point of view. As a rule, secretaries (their working day is focused on the manager) and personnel officers (10-12 interviews a day, and also paperwork!) are late at work. From recruiters and managers training centers The work day continues at home, on the phone. Some of their clients can only be reached late at night. If you find yourself in a company where there are no restrictions on working hours, you should either accept such conditions or immediately refuse to work in this organization.

Career prospects. Your statement that you are planning professional growth is worthy of respect. But sometimes it is not entirely consistent with the goals that the employer sets for itself. One day I was asked to find a secretary for the director of a commercial company. Among the standard professional requirements, one sounded unusual: “No career ambitions.” "What's the matter?" - I asked. “We changed four secretaries over the past year. All of them were promoted and now work as managers. We are tired and want to find someone who likes this particular job.”

Social benefits. High requirements for the social package are justified only if we are talking about highly professional specialists applying for responsible positions. At the same time, it is somewhat strange to hear the extensive list of social benefits that those who are just starting their careers count on during their work.

Nice friendly team. At the same time, specific wishes may be expressed regarding the age of its members (“youth”) or composition (“mixed”). It remains to be reminded that when hiring, the professional qualities of the applicant are first taken into account. Of course, they pay attention to the ability to work in a team, adapt to a team, and non-conflict character, but “a good person” is not a profession.

The list of applicants’ requirements for future work does not end here, but try to reduce them to a reasonable minimum and develop compromise solutions in case the answer is: “No, we cannot promise you that.”


When looking for a job, every person builds a ready-made picture of their future place of work in their head. It contains all the key points: high income, comfortable working conditions, the opportunity for self-realization, a friendly team and maximum proximity to home.

Often, employers cannot ensure that all items on such a list are met at the same time, but still hire new employees.

In order to quickly find the job you want, you don’t need to idealize everything. It is enough just to think about the minimum that you are willing to agree to. The vacancies offered by employers will automatically be divided into those where you can send your resume, and those whose conditions do not suit you.

When selecting your resume, the employer should also be focused on whether this position is suitable for you. Therefore, you can add your wishes for a new job to your resume.

Expectations from a new job in a resume

To correctly indicate your wishes for a future job in your resume, you need to pay attention to two sub-items: “Income level” and “Desired position”.

Income level

Why is it important to indicate the salary level?

The main motivator of a person to carry out professional activities is the level of wages. Of course, each of us strives to increase our earnings to the maximum. This encourages people to look for a new job, earn extra money, study, achieve new career heights, etc.

This is also the resume item that will weed out employers who are not willing to pay the amounts you specify. And that's really good. You will only receive offers that meet your requirements.

You should include this information in your resume immediately after your contact information. If you don't want to limit your new job offers to a single amount, you can use the word "from." Example: “From 15 thousand rubles.” It is also possible to specify a small range. Example: “18-20 thousand rubles.”

Career objective

Why is it important to include a job title?

“Universal specialists” are very relevant now. These are versatile individuals who can hold several positions at the same time. But it’s important to remember that employers want specifics. If you want to show off all your talents, make several resumes for each potential job. Also, when sending your resume to a recruiter, you need to indicate exactly the position that was announced in the vacancy. You will be able to list your additional skills in the body of the document (if they are related to the main position) or talk about them at the interview.

Phrases with the following context are prohibited: “I am applying for any position in your company”, “I will consider all offers”, as well as a complete lack of information about the position. Such mistakes in your resume are unacceptable; they neutralize your professional value in the eyes of the recruiter.

The list of requirements that you present to your future job and employer is extensive and varied. In the first place, of course, are financial problems: the size and regularity of wages. And then let's figure out how much your job requirements correspond to reality and are feasible in the conditions of the modern labor market.

To make your dreams come true, first of all think about what you yourself are ready to offer employers. People with solid professional experience have no difficulty answering the question: “What can you do?” usually not experienced. But those who are looking for work for the first time are at a loss: “I don’t know anything and I can’t do anything. Nobody needs me.” We assure you that you are mistaken in assessing yourself so categorically.

Tips for beginners

First, take a blank sheet of paper and try to remember everything - what kind of education you have, in which subjects studied at school or college you achieved the greatest success. Add to this list the various clubs and electives you attended, participation in conferences and olympiads.

Don’t rush to immediately admit that you have no professional experience. Perhaps you helped someone organize own business, made urgent calculations, typed voluminous text. Or they were on an internship, working part-time during the holidays, or doing practical training.

Try to objectively assess your business and personal qualities. It is worth listening to what your family and friends say about you. You may not agree with their comments, but there is no need to mislead the employer with your “diligence and accuracy” if you lack them.

We hope that such a comprehensive analysis of your capabilities will allow you to gain self-confidence and determine where you should look for work and what professional skills you lack.

Now you can formulate your requirements for future work.

Realistic approach

The standard wishes of applicants look like this:

Company stability. But the stability of the company and the stability of your position are not the same thing. There are organizations where high staff turnover is part of the corporate culture. The average duration of work of their employees ranges from two months to six months. In addition, even very stable companies experience periods of staff reduction, disagreements between founders, etc.

The proximity of the future place of work to the place of residence. Spending 3 hours every day on a one-way trip by public transport is unrealistic for most workers. And the employer himself usually does not agree to such compromises: “You will be so tired that you will not be able to work.” However, an hour and a half on the road to the place of work is normal for most residents of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region.

I once had to observe how a graduate of a foreign exchange cashier course with no work experience refused a very attractive offer: “I can’t travel an hour and a half to work. Find me the same place closer to home.” The HR specialist explained for a long time that this was a rare success for her, because such working conditions and such a salary are not offered to beginning specialists. The girl remained unconvinced and missed a good chance.

Strictly standardized working hours. Some companies do not tolerate delays after business hours. It is believed that you do not know how to properly plan and organize your work time. But many organizations have a different point of view. As a rule, secretaries (their working day is focused on the manager) and personnel officers (10-12 interviews a day, and also paperwork!) are late at work. For recruiters and training center managers, their workday continues at home, on the phone. Some of their clients can only be reached late at night. If you find yourself in a company where there are no restrictions on working hours, you should either accept such conditions or immediately refuse to work in this organization.

Career prospects. Your statement that you are planning professional growth is worthy of respect. But sometimes it is not entirely consistent with the goals that the employer sets for itself. One day I was asked to find a secretary for the director of a commercial company. Among the standard professional requirements, one sounded unusual: “No career ambitions.” "What's the matter?" - I asked. "We've changed four secretaries over the past year. They've all been promoted and are now managers. We're tired and want to find someone who likes this particular job."

Social benefits. High requirements for the social package are justified only if we are talking about highly professional specialists applying for responsible positions. At the same time, it is somewhat strange to hear the extensive list of social benefits that those who are just starting their careers count on during their work.

Nice friendly team. At the same time, specific wishes may be expressed regarding the age of its members (“youth”) or composition (“mixed”). It remains to be reminded that when hiring, the professional qualities of the applicant are first taken into account. Of course, they pay attention to the ability to work in a team, adapt to a team, and non-conflict character, but " good man"This is not a profession.

Competent, polite, understanding chef. The boss, as a rule, demands that his subordinates carry out their instructions, sometimes without explaining anything. Get used to finding and correcting your own mistakes, and then the number of problems will significantly decrease. Note that loyal and democratic leaders usually have tough and authoritarian deputies and vice versa. This is the law of balance in nature and management.

The list of applicants’ requirements for future work does not end here, but try to reduce them to a reasonable minimum and develop compromise solutions in case the answer is: “No, we cannot promise you that.”


Take a clean sheet again and fold it in half vertically. On the left, write your requirements for your future job in order of their importance to you, and on the right, the inconveniences that you are willing to endure in order to fulfill them.

If you are serious about finding compromise options, your list will be reduced to an acceptable minimum and will gain clarity and harmony. Agree, it’s nice to deal with an organized person who is objective about himself and his capabilities.

Any HR strategy dictates to the HR manager a certain level of "quality" the personnel he selects; accordingly, the quality of employees is determined by three factors:

1. Professional qualities. A candidate who meets the company's professional requirements has sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing the organization.

2. Personal qualities characterize how a person will “fit” into the organization.

3. Motivated. A person must be motivated to do the job that is offered to him.

Requirements for candidates are formulated based on:

· job description;

· qualification card;

· competency models;

· workplace models;

Job description is one of the types of formalization of requirements for candidates and is a document describing the main functions of an employee occupying a specific workplace.

Qualification card includes a set of qualification characteristics (education, possession of special skills - foreign language, computer, knowledge of specific techniques, etc.) that an employee holding this position must have. It is a more convenient tool compared to the job description as selection criteria, but does not take into account personal characteristics and potential professional development. Therefore, the qualification card is often supplemented with a competency model.

Model (profile) of competencies. Now this approach to personnel assessment based on competence is the most common.

Competencies are:

· personal characteristics of a person, his ability to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles, such as focus on the interests of the client, ability to work in a group, etc. .

· something that a person must be able to do in order to cope with his job responsibilities in the company.

· individually - personal characteristics (for example, the ability to work in a team, creativity, communication skills) and skills (for example, the ability to negotiate or the ability to draw up business plans).

Personnel assessment is carried out in two areas:

· personal characteristics (behavioral competencies);

· assessment of knowledge and skills in the professional field.

Based on the job description, qualification card and competency model, another effective tool determining the requirements for candidates for a vacant position - workplace model.

Workplace model (Figure 1) is a set of job characteristics that gives an overall picture of what a candidate needs to perform in that position, as well as the working conditions.

A workplace model may have the following structure:

1. Personnel data - gender, age, social status (origin).

2. Experience - professional or public.

3. Professional knowledge and skills - determined through an interview, as well as through business games and practical exercises.

4. Personal qualities - a set of business qualities and shortcomings of an employee, determined through interviews and testing.

5. Personality psychology - personality type, temperament, motivation; determined through interviews and testing.

6. Level of qualifications - specialty, level of education, advanced training.

7. Organization of work - work space, technical equipment, official transport.

8. Remuneration - salary, allowances, bonuses and rewards.

9. Social benefits - payment for rest, food, transport, etc.

10. Social guarantees - disability benefits, insurance, benefits in case of dismissal, etc.

To find a candidate of the required “quality” in each specific case, search tactics must be developed; at the same time, it depends and is selected on the basis of the company’s willingness to vary its requirements along three coordinates: quality; price; time.

Detailed characteristics allow us to formulate the minimum and maximum requirements for a future employee for a specific vacancy. Consider the following portrait of a potential employee as an example. Vacancy: Sales Manager. 1. Age up to 35 years. Higher technical education. 2. Experience in selling technological equipment (pumps) for at least two years. Knowledge of the structure of the equipment market, main suppliers and competitors. 3. Knowledge of the technological characteristics of equipment, the main operational problems and ways to solve them. 4. Ability to conduct business negotiations. Professional sales skills (special training is possible). Knowledge of English at the level of reading technical documentation. PC proficiency at the level of a confident user. Ability to read technical documentation. 5. Sociability, sociability, mobility, desire for professional growth and higher wages. 6. High stress resistance, switchability, tolerance. 7. Good level of physical fitness. Pleasant appearance. No chronic diseases. 8. A prerequisite is successful professional experience in previous places of work. 9. Lack of bad habits and inclinations. Non-smoker. 10. Willingness to work long hours, seven days a week, if necessary. By researching an expert survey of several thousand managers and specialists of small businesses, standard models of workplaces for management personnel of a small enterprise were developed (see Table - Models of workplaces for personnel of a small enterprise).

Recruitment- the organization’s actions to attract candidates who meet the necessary requirements of the vacant workplace, as well as the formation of a reserve of candidates for personnel selection.

The main purpose of recruitment is to create a certain pool of candidates, from which the organization could later select a person who most fully meets the requirements of the position or workplace.

The selection process aims to find the most suitable workers and exclude those who are not capable of performing professional activities corresponding to a particular vacant position.

For these purposes, methods such as filling out a questionnaire, data analysis are used work book, personal conversations between personnel department employees and administration representatives with the applicant, characteristics from the previous place of work and recommendations of people who know the applicant.

Recruitment (reception, selection, registration) of personnel for work- this is a rather complex process, which in practice is often simplified and comes down to only reviewing documents, an interview and immediately signing an admission order. What should the documents be? You should have the answer to the question before you even write the ad, at the end of which you should give instructions on the form of the application, such as: “Write to me, enclosing your CV” or “Call me for an informal conversation.” The choice should be determined not by your personal motives, but by the type of vacancy and the information that will help you make the right choice.

The recruitment process depends on external and internal environmental factors, they determine: intensity, speed, direction of recruitment.

To factors external environment include indicators such as:

· legal restrictions. The state establishes minimum requirements to the employer, which he must adhere to in the course of attracting employees to the organization (prohibition of discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, religion; establishing a quota of jobs for people with disabilities, youth);

· the situation on the labor market. The number of people involved in the organization depends on: the number and composition of the workforce with the necessary qualifications;

· location of the organization, the number of people willing to work there and the range of choice of labor depend on the region.

To factors internal environment relate:

· personnel policy organizations - principles, directions of work with personnel, availability of strategic personnel programs (lifelong hiring);

· image of the organization, its image, how attractive it is considered as a place to work.

In practice, the concept of an alternative to hiring is widely used, that is, performing work without replenishing the organization’s staff:

· personnel leasing, that is, attracting employees of specialized companies to carry out the required organization of work for an indefinite amount of time;

· overtime work;

· combination of professions;

· structural reorganization or use of new production schemes;

· temporary hiring;

· attracting special companies to carry out certain types of activities.

There are two types of sources of recruitment: internal - from the employees of the organization itself and external - from resources of the external environment.

Internal recruitment:

Strengthens employees' self-confidence;

Helps improve productivity;

Provides employment;

Saves money.

External sources are the most common, since the company's resources are limited, and even if a vacant position is filled internally, the position of the employee who filled the first vacancy is vacated.

External sources can be divided into two classes: inexpensive and expensive. Inexpensive sources include, for example, government employment agencies and contacts with higher education institutions. Expensive sources include, for example, recruitment agencies, publications in media mass media(print media, radio, television).

There are free ones - from the applicants themselves or Internet portals dedicated to the publication of vacancies and resumes of applicants.

There are the following types of external sources:

1. Through your employees. Attracting candidates for vacant positions based on recommendations from friends and relatives working in the company, as well as former employees of the organization.

2. “Independent” candidates - people searching for work on their own without contacting agencies and employment services - they call the organization themselves, send their resumes, etc. Many organizations hold open days and also take part in job fairs and exhibitions to attract self-employed candidates.

3. Advertising in the media. The most common recruiting technique for a vacancy available in an organization is for the applicant to contact the organization directly: periodicals (newspapers and magazines - general and specialized professional) and the Internet (candidate resume and vacancy servers), television and radio. The advantage of this method is its wide audience coverage.

4. Educational institutions. Many large organizations are focused on recruiting university graduates who have no work experience but represent an energetic, well-trained, low-cost workforce. Features of recruiting graduates are related to the fact that in the absence professional competencies, personal competencies are assessed, such as the ability to plan, analyze, personal motivation, etc.

5. Government services employment (labour exchange). Databases are maintained containing information about applicants (their biographical, qualification characteristics, etc.). Organizations can search for them at low cost, but with a small coverage of candidates; not all are registered with employment services.

6. Recruitment agencies, Private recruitment agencies. Each agency maintains its own database and searches for candidates at the request of client employers.

7. Temporary staff services. Agencies provide companies with temporary employees for the period of temporary incapacity for work of a permanent employee of the organization and the absence of the possibility of replacing him with another full-time employee. On a temporary basis subject to personnel leasing.

For each vacant position, it is advisable to prepare detailed information, which may include: advertising information on organizations (for transmission to the candidate); workplace model; job description; sample employment contract; department staffing table.

Regulations on the division may be used at any stage in addition to the information provided in the advertisement. Some companies send the first two documents along with the application form or in response to a telephone request, while others send the entire package with a letter inviting the applicant to an interview. The advantage of a letter is that all applicants have the same information before the interview. It is important to decide whether the candidate for the proposed job needs to know such details.

Remember to have a copy of the employee requirements for this position on hand. The list of requirements will be the tool used for evaluation at any stage of selection. This document is not usually sent to the applicant, but should be available to everyone involved in the competency assessment unless you have a standard form that lists the questions asked and information required.

You can save a lot of time by preparing a standard form with several main headings. Using job descriptions and requirements for an employee for a given position, you can prepare such a form in accordance with the characteristics of a particular job, if necessary. A standard form will allow you to request biographical information or ask the applicant to call and at the same time provide a basis for comparison, just like a job application form. As a result, you will have a starting point for constructing a formal interview. Any form with a set of questions must have a minimum list of information about the candidate regarding his person, professional training and advanced training; previous work activity; currently working; other work experience relevant to the position; interests and hobbies; employee coordinates (address, telephone).

You should clearly indicate where and to whom the completed form should be returned, how it should be completed (for example, if photocopied, pencil is excluded, but black ink is fine), and the deadline for returning it. Many organizations ask this question: “How did you hear about this job?” or “Where did you see the job advertisement?” The answer can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your talent acquisition practices. Asking for recommendations is also common practice, but don't be surprised if people are reluctant to provide you with such information on early stage screening or will not allow you to contact anyone until they receive official invitation to work. Some employees believe their bosses are considering a search new job as a violation requiring dismissal. Recommendations allow you to check the information you have received, for example: length of service (including breaks in employment), types of hire and actual work experience, missing information, business qualities.

For some jobs, such as driving, you may also be required to undergo a medical examination. However, this can be costly, so consider how necessary this information is. If your job offer is conditional on satisfactory references and/or medical examination results, you must clearly state this. Please remember that interviewees do not always respond quickly and may require instructions to provide the requested information. A short phone conversation can save a lot of time, but be sure to write down the results of the conversation.

It should be noted that your potential employees may also have their own goal - to determine whether they want to work for you. The details are very important to them and very little investment is required to ensure that this step is carried out smoothly and efficiently.

Once a certain number of candidates have been attracted, the process of evaluating them and selecting the one who best fits the available job begins.

It is customary for rejected candidates to receive rejection letters. Examples of such letters are presented below.

“Dear Mr. Vasiliev!

Thank you for responding to our company's recruitment advertisement. We sincerely appreciate your interest. Your qualifications and capabilities have been compared with those of other job applicants. Their experience and qualifications are more consistent with our requirements, so we regret to inform you that we cannot consider your candidacy further. Once again, thank you for your interest in our company and working for it. You have many qualities and we wish you every success.”

And another example:

“Dear Mrs. Zimina!

It was a great pleasure to talk with you on the phone, discuss your capabilities and interest in working in our company. Having carefully compared your experience and qualifications with the characteristics of other applicants, we are unfortunately forced to inform you that we are unable to conduct further negotiations with you. It was difficult for us to make this decision, and we regret that we could not settle on your candidacy, which was not due to your capabilities, but to our specific requirements, which other candidates meet to a greater extent. We know that you have many advantages, luck will accompany you, and you will find a place and position worthy of you. Thank you for showing interest in our company and contacting us in search of work. We wish you every success."

Personnel selection

Personnel selection is the second stage of recruitment. Selection represents process rational choice based on the study and assessment of the professional and personal qualities of applicants, those who best meet its requirements and suitability to perform duties in a particular workplace or position.

The goals of selection are:

Hiring workers with fresh ideas (“new blood”);

Attracting people for promising work;


Selection is influenced by the organization's need for personnel and the market situation. It requires studying the position (workplace) and determining the required personal and business qualities of employees.

In the practice of work of managers with personnel, there are four basic schemes for filling positions:

· replacement by experienced managers and specialists selected outside the organization;

· replacement by young specialists, university graduates;

· promotion to a higher position “from within”, aimed at filling the resulting vacancy;

· a combination of promotion and rotation as part of the preparation of a “reserve of managers.”

All selection methods can be divided into two groups:

Active methods include interview, observation, testing. The input data for them are passive methods;

Passive methods include studying a personal file (obtaining the necessary information, characteristics, certificates), questioning.

All selection is subdivided in two directions:

1. Primary selection begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization’s requirements for a future employee. The main purpose of the primary selection is to filter out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics necessary to occupy a vacant position.

Primary selection methods depend on the goals, budget of the organization, and vacant position. The most common primary selection methods are the following:

· Analysis of personal data.

· Testing. Currently, there are a huge number of tests aimed at determining personality traits. In the very general view they can be combined into several groups:

ability tests (examine knowledge, intellectual abilities);

skills tests (study of hand-eye coordination);

aesthetic tests (identification of musical, literary preferences);

physiological tests (electrocardiogram);

random observations (accuracy of writing, restlessness, number of vague answers), etc.

· Non-traditional assessment methods. These include examination of handwriting, polygraph, drafting astrological forecasts, graphology.

The primary selection stage ends with the creation of a limited list of candidates.

2. Secondary selection- the process of selecting candidates from a limited list.

The most common method of secondary selection is interview various types: bibliographic, situational, criterial.

The wording of the questions largely determines the success of the interview. The following types of questions are distinguished:

· Closed questions. The answer to them is “yes” and “no”. For example, “do you have a higher education?” These questions are useful if you need to check basic facts or continue a conversation with a nervous person.

· Open questions. They start with the words “how”, “what”, “why”. For example, “why do you want to work in our organization?” They force a person to speak more, give him the opportunity to express his opinions. As a result, the interviewer receives a lot of information.

· Limited questions. They begin with the words “where”, “which”, “when”. For example, “what university did you graduate from?” These questions can be used to establish facts.

· Hypothetical questions. Formulated as follows: “What would you do if...?” They can help assess how a person will behave in a work environment. However, it should be remembered that in a real situation the reaction may be different.

· Difficult questions. For example, asking about hobbies and free time at the same time may confuse the candidate, since he will not know which part of the question to answer first.

· Suggestive questions. The answers to be given are indicated in advance. They should be avoided. For example, “I like proactive employees. Do you often take initiative?

In practice, there are several main types of interviews:

· According to the scheme, the conversations are somewhat limited in nature, the information received does not give a broad idea about the applicant, the course of the conversation cannot be adapted to the characteristics of the candidate, it constrains him, and narrows the possibilities of obtaining information.

· Weakly formalized - only the main questions are prepared in advance, the conductor has the opportunity to include other, unplanned questions, flexibly changing the course of the conversation. The interviewer must be better prepared to be able to see and record the reactions of candidates, to choose from the range of possible questions exactly those that are in this moment deserve more attention.

· Not according to a plan - only a list of topics that should be covered is prepared in advance. For an experienced interviewer, such a conversation is a huge source of information.

Interview process consists of several stages:

· The first stage is preparation of the interview. The list of questions to be asked, the place and time of the interview are determined. The success of the interview depends 80% on the quality of preparation.

· The second stage concerns direct communication between the candidate for a vacant position and the interviewer. Occupies about 15% of the total time of its implementation. The main methods of the interviewer's work are: encouragement, approval of the applicant, avoidance of critical, negative assessments.

· The third stage - the main part of the interview (about 80% of the total conversation time) is to obtain the most complete information from the candidate. The organization representative listens more than he talks and does not leave any details unclear.

· The fourth stage is the final stage (about 5% of the interview time), completion of the conversation, summing up. The main task of the interviewer is to avoid judging the applicant.

Consider the main types of interviews, which can be applied to an employee in a procedure such as interview:

  • Biographical interview.

The main task is to find out the candidate’s past experience in order to predict his capabilities and abilities, clarify various aspects of the candidate’s professional activity that are not disclosed in the resume.

  • Situational interview.

The candidate is asked to solve several practical situations (hypothetical or real problems). This method allows you to identify the candidate’s general and analytical abilities, the approaches he uses to solving non-standard problems, and his ability to get out of difficult situations.

  • Structured interview.

The main goal is to identify the professional and personal qualities of the candidate using a pre-developed structured list of questions. The most common type, it can combine elements of all other types of interviews.

  • Competency interview.

The main goal is to determine the candidate’s level of compliance with the key competencies required to work in a given organization and in a given position. To determine the level of competence, as well as opportunities for its development, the interviewer during the interview process refers to the candidate’s past experience.

  • Stressful interview.

The main goal is to assess the candidate’s resistance to stress, the ability to behave correctly in provocative, stressful situations, speed and efficiency of decision making, etc. The candidate is asked provocative, incorrect questions, in uncomfortable and uncomfortable conditions (in noisy rooms), when the applicant is constantly distracted and has difficulty concentrating. For example, “Are you sure you deserve the salary you are applying for?” or “Why should we hire you?” etc. This type of interview is conducted by two or more interviewers, with the participation of line managers, which increases the stress component. This methodology is used, as a rule, to evaluate candidates for positions in which they have to work in non-standard situations (for example, a receptionist, a security officer, etc.).

Let's highlight three points that should always be remembered. First, professional selection of personnel must be considered in the context of the overall planning of the organization, just as you do when deciding whether to invest in a new plant or equipment. Secondly, a well-structured approach based on strict implementation of the “Personnel Reception Procedure” regulations is more likely to lead to success. Finally, each stage of this process is important and can help reduce staffing costs and reduce the likelihood of failure. Selecting suitable people - important step in the formation of any business, but retaining and developing employees taking into account the interests of the organization is crucial for successful personnel management.

An official offer of employment is made to the selected candidate with information about the place and period of work, start date, position title, subordination, amount and procedure for payment of wages, benefits, vacations, probationary period. This type of document reduces the likelihood of future conflict situations. If a candidate is not suitable for one position, he may be offered others; if you disagree, refuse, recording the reason, or conduct new negotiations.

After successful implementation recruitment and selection procedures with the candidate, meeting the necessary requirements of the organization, an employment contract is concluded, And he is inducted- starts work.

As noted in previous lectures, in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), an employment contract must be concluded with each employee of the organization.

Employment contract- an agreement between the employer and the employee, according to which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work according to the specified labor function, to ensure working conditions provided for by the Labor Code, to pay him on time and in full wages, and the employee undertakes to comply with this agreement labor function, comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization.

The content of the employment contract is the range of conditions under which the employee’s labor is expected to be used and on which the parties (employee and employer) agree. The organization acts as the employer ( entity) or citizen ( individual), requiring the labor of hired workers, and as an employee - persons who have reached 15 years of age; in exceptional cases - persons who have reached 14 years of age with the consent of one of the parents (guardian, trustee).

After the conclusion of the contract, induction takes place . Under induction the whole thing is understood employee recruitment process on the first day in a new place, familiarizing him with the rules and procedures of work, with employees and his immediate responsibilities, as well as with the traditions and culture of the employing company

Professional guidance and adaptation of the organization’s personnel


Description of the situation and statement of the problem.

A production organization is searching for candidates for a vacant position and, for this purpose, carries out marketing research in the field of personnel, which will determine the requirements for applicants for the position, identify the range of sources and ways to meet the need for personnel, and calculate the expected costs of acquiring and further using personnel.

Several candidates are applying for the vacant position. Searching, selecting, hiring and further using each of the applicants is associated with certain costs.

The employing organization has a calculated limit of funds that can be allocated for the acquisition and further use of one candidate for a vacant position.

It has developed requirements for applicants for the position, which are the basis for assessing and selecting candidates, and also has the results of screening tests of applicants.

Based on this information, it is necessary to determine which of the applicants the employing organization will prefer, taking into account restrictions on financial resources.

Input data includes:

a complete form “Requirements for applicants for a position” indicating the degree of importance of a candidate for a position having one or another professional or personal quality (Table 1);

data on the results of screening tests of candidates for a vacant position (Table 2);

information on the sources of meeting the need for personnel and the costs of acquiring and further using personnel for each source;

limit of one-time expenses per applicant.

Table 1.

Requirements for applicants for the position

Requirements for applicants Gradation by importance
Professional prerequisites, education Important Very important Preferably
Specialty 1. Higher education X
2. Other types of education X
3. Foreign languages X
4. Professional experience: professional experience (indicating work experience) in the following areas __________ X
5. Special knowledge X
Personal prerequisites 6. Logical-analytical abilities (ability to analyze problems (indicate a specific range of problems). and draw conclusions from them)
7.Adaptability (the ability to deal with problems in multiple ways when various situations arise (give examples)................................... X
8. Organizational abilities (the ability to rationally plan and organize work performed, prioritize tasks, distribute tasks taking into account the capabilities of performers, organize work until the final result is obtained) X
9. Personal initiative (the ability to take initiative, express ideas in connection with... (give examples) X
10. Decision-making ability (degree of independence in decision-making, willingness to defend one’s decisions despite external resistance) X
11. Ability to negotiate (for example, with... (indicate the possible range of partners, as well as the main difficulties in negotiations). X
12. Ability to work under pressure (the ability to perform high-quality work in a limited time, behavior under heavy loads) X
13. Rhetorical and written skills: ability to conduct meetings, seminars (indicate the most likely problems)...ability to express thoughts concisely and clearly, persuasive style; exchange of written information in the following difficult cases... the ability to give a written opinion on requests from external addressees (specify which ones) ... X
14. Motivational functions (the ability to arouse interest in work, the perception of new ideas, discussion of results without suppression of the external environment, adequate assessment of the work of employees) X
15. Communication style (correctness, openness, sociability, willingness to provide help and support in solving problems) X
Possible other prerequisites

Sources for meeting staffing needs in in this case are:

for applicant A - a recruitment agency; for applicant B - employment service (labour exchange);

for applicant B - free labor market (application to a company on one’s own initiative);

for applicant G - an educational institution of the corresponding profile.

The contractual relationship between the employing organization and the hiring agency is estimated at 10.8 thousand rubles, and with the educational institution at 1.8 thousand rubles.

Marketing research in the field of personnel was carried out by the employing organization in the amount of 1.9 thousand rubles, of which 0.9 thousand rubles were spent on searching and developing documentation for the recruitment agency, and 0.6 thousand rubles for the employment service. , By educational institution- 0.4 thousand rubles. The costs of personnel selection (testing tests, etc.) amounted to 8.5 thousand rubles for the hiring agency, and 6.2 thousand rubles for candidates from other sources. Hiring costs are equal to 0.4 thousand rubles. If candidates are hired for the position, their additional training will be:

for applicant A - 1.0 thousand rubles;

for applicant B - 2.5 thousand rubles;

for applicant B - 3.0 thousand rubles;

for applicant G - 4.0 thousand rubles.

Table 2.

Results of screening tests for candidates A, B, C, D

Evaluation indicators Data is significantly higher than normal Data above normal Data is normal Data below normal
1. Higher education A, G B, C
2. Other types of education A B C D
3. Foreign languages A, B, G IN
4. Professional experience A, B B G
5. Special knowledge A, B G IN
6. Logical-analytical abilities A, G B, C
7. Adaptability IN A B, G
8. Organizational abilities B A V, G
9. Personal initiative A, B G B
10. Decision making ability A, B B, G
11. Negotiation skills B, C A, G
13. Rhetoric and writing skills A, B B G
14. Motivational functions A, B IN G
15. Communication style A, G B, C

When implementing the program for inducting candidates into a position, the employing organization will require corresponding costs in the amount of: A - 0.5 thousand rubles, B - 1.5 thousand rubles, C - 1.5 thousand rubles, D - 2 .5 thousand rub.

The monthly salary for the position will be 4.5 thousand rubles.

The limit of financial resources released by the management of the organization for one-time costs for the acquisition and further use of personnel is equal to 14.0 thousand rubles. per candidate.


First, you need to rank the candidates' scores based on the results of the screening tests. In this case, one should take into account the degree of importance of one or another assessment indicator established by the employing organization when developing requirements for applicants for the position (Table 1). The degree of importance of the evaluation indicator can be established, for example, using weighting coefficients for each degree of gradation. The rating of applicants is formed based on the data in Table. 2. To do this, it is necessary to assign a quantitative point value to each segment of the rating scale (see group 2 + 5 of table 2). The overall rating of each candidate is determined as a weighted average of private ratings for individual indicators, taking into account their weighting coefficients.

Then you should systematize data on the costs of acquiring and using personnel. To do this, it is recommended to build a table. 4.

Next, it is necessary to compare the amount of costs for each option for meeting the personnel requirement with the limit of financial resources allocated for one-time costs for the acquisition and use of personnel. Based on this comparison, a decision is made to include a particular candidate for further consideration.

At the final stage, it is necessary to compare the overall ratings of applicants with the financial costs of their acquisition and use. After this, a decision is made on the preference of one of the candidates for the position.

Table 3

Table 4


The following can be selected as weighting coefficients:

for the 1st gradation (very important) - 1.5;

for the 2nd gradation (important) - 1.0;

for the 3rd gradation (preferably) - 0.5.

applicant A - 67.5/15 = 4.5;

applicant B - 58/15 = 3.9;

applicant B - 61/15 = 4.1;

applicant G - 51.5/15 = 3.4.

The next step involves systematizing the initial data on the costs of the employing organization associated with the use of one or another option to meet the need for personnel.

Table 5

Serial number of the indicator (according to Table 2) Weighting coefficient of the indicator Contender A Contender B Contender B Contender G
Grade Weighted score Grade Weighted score Grade Weighted score Grade Weighted score
1. 1,5 4,5 4,5
2. 0,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
3. 0,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
4. 1,5 7,5 7,5
5. 1,0
6. 1,5 7,5 6. 7,5
7. 1,0
8. 1,5 7,5 4,5 4,5
9. 1,0
10. 1,0
11. 0,5 1,5 1,5
12. 1,0
13. 1,0 h
14. 1,0
15. 1,0
Total score 67,5 51,5

It is advisable to present systematized data in the form of a table. 6.