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Topiary of fruits, berries and apples. Topiary of fruits, berries and apples Meanings of some flowers

Since ancient times, grapes have been considered a symbol of fertility, abundance and wealth. A homemade grape topiary will bring prosperity and happiness to your home.

For this work, I used a ceramic bowl, branches of real grapes (dry), newspapers, woolen threads (the presence of wool in them is not at all important), acrylic bronze and the grapes themselves - red and black.

This is how I made the base for the crown: I take a newspaper, crumple it, form a lump out of it, crumple the next one and wrap my lump in this crumpled newspaper. The number of sheets used depends on the desired size of the base for the topic. It turns out like this lump. It doesn’t matter if it’s not very round and the corners protrude - the next stage will fix everything.

Next, using a thread, I begin to wrap a lump of paper according to the principle of a regular ball, simultaneously giving it a round shape, and creasing the protruding corners under the thread being wound. The ball turns out to be quite durable and light; artificial flowers and leaves are perfectly attached to it.

I lightly gilded the grape branches with acrylic bronze, arranged them the way they would be used, and tied the ends with thread so they wouldn’t fall apart.

Using the tip of a pair of scissors, I made a hole in the “ball”, poured glue into it using a heat gun, inserted the branches, and held it until it hardened.

I started attaching the grapes to the heat gun, and suddenly... it turned out that the grapes categorically refused to stick to the glue (I think, largely due to the imitation of a waxy coating on the berries). I had to take a needle and thread and... sew it to the ball.

Since the clusters are quite voluminous, to maintain the round shape of the crown and better fit, some of the berries on the adjacent side were cut off with scissors.

After the grape clusters were sewn on, I cut leaves from a vine imitating ivy and covered the gaps in the crown with them. Unlike grapes, the leaves stuck perfectly to the glue gun.

The resulting structure was filled in a pot with alabaster diluted with water, approximately in a ratio of 2:1, and held in a vertical position until dry.

Since the crown turned out to be quite heavy (the material from which the grapes are made is similar to rubber), I added a support ladder for indoor plants for stability. I slightly decorated the bottom of the alabaster with ivy leaves and previously “amputated” berries).

The “antenna” that sticks out from above is a piece of a grape branch with a tendril.


Thematic photographs and designer tips will tell you how to make a topiary tree. At first, many people mistakenly think that only masters in the field of handicraft can do this. The abundance of fastenings, patterns and transitions frightens inexperienced people. Experience shows that turning an idea on paper into a full-fledged composition is quite simple at home. The main thing is to formulate a clear work plan.

Just as a white sheet of paper frightens a novice artist, an abundance of materials frightens a person who wants to create a topiary. Designers recommend starting by considering various composition options. Thematic press will help with this, for example, magazines dedicated to handicrafts. After studying the photos presented there, it’s easy to choose something for yourself. At the same time, you don’t need to blindly copy the first option you like.

Experience shows that options that combine several directions have great aesthetic value.

The following recommendations will help you avoid getting confused among the styles:

  • The color scheme of the composition is selected taking into account the aesthetic features of the room. Strong dissonance must not be allowed to arise;
  • The theme of love involves the use of satin ribbons, bows, hearts and roses. In most cases, a person is so carried away by the idea itself that he literally overloads the composition with details. This is why you should stick to minimalism;
  • A gift for a boss or a person who is significantly higher in social rank or simply older is best made in a classic design. For example, burgundy or red color will emphasize the official status. If you want to make a more symbolic gift with your own hands, then you need to pay attention to the money topiary;
  • An option in pastel colors is selected for the children's room. Firstly, it will not distract the child from work or rest. Secondly, the absence of “screaming” flowers in the room will have a positive effect on the child’s psychological health.

We make topiary with our own hands: tree, trunk and crown

Having understood the concept of the future composition, you can safely move on to the practical stage of implementation. You should start by taking inventory of your existing tools. First of all, everything necessary for the crown is collected. For example, leaves can be made from organza or coffee beans. Regardless of the style of the top of the craft, you need to purchase or make your own base.

There are two types: plastic and foam. The first option is reasonable to use when decorative elements are not stuck in, but are fixed with glue. It should be remembered that the plastic version is not intended for compositions with a large number of decorative elements. The foam base will appeal to those who prefer using pins and thread.

Among other advantages, designers highlight:

  • Resistant to various dyes;
  • Possibility to fix any number of decorative parts;
  • Suitable for use with a variety of sticks acting as a barrel;
  • Durability.

Having decided on the upper part of the composition, you need to find the base - the trunk. This role is played by a stick made of plastic, wood or glass. The main thing is to follow a few simple recommendations. First of all, there is no need to rely on easily breakable and fragile materials. One careless movement will overturn and destroy the result of painstaking work.

For massive compositions, it is better to use wood treated with sandpaper. If we are talking about a lighter option, plastic will do. It is important to remember that the trunk is subject to mandatory processing. It is desirable that it be combined with the overall style of the composition. One of the most common ways to decorate a tree is with decorative film and satin ribbons.

Decorative topiary trees: master class

When it comes to choosing a stylistic solution for flowers, it is better to consult a specialist. A master class will help you do this, which is not difficult to find. These are held on a regular basis in thematic art workshops. If there are none in the area, then a thematic video is easy to find on the Internet. The main thing is not to stop at one option.

Don’t think that an experienced designer will be able to prepare a finished project in a few minutes.

  • Social status and age of the recipient;
  • Occasion;
  • Tastes and preferences of the recipient;
  • Desired materials;
  • Planned budget.

Even approximate answers to these questions will help you create a dream tree that will please the eye. Another recommendation is to visit stores that sell decorative flower arrangements. In many ways, this will be a powerful catalyst for imagination. Designers advise not to be afraid of experiments associated, for example, with the use of fruit themes.

Creating a tangerine tree, topiary

A long-standing symbol of vigor and good mood is the tangerine tree. On a subconscious level, it is associated with holidays and childhood, so this topiary will be a wonderful gift or simply complement the interior of the room. The round shape of the sweet fruit is conveyed by a foam base, which is decorated with orange fabric or corrugated paper.

It would be a good idea to choose a pot that suits the overall mood of the composition. If you can’t find an orange or yellow pot, then don’t be upset. You can always choose one of the warm colors, and if this is not on sale, you can simply slightly transform the existing one. Acrylic paint and a little patience will help with this.

It is advisable to apply 1-2 layers of paint, which dries for 10-12 hours.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • Decorate the trunk of the composition with green ribbon or decorative film;
  • The middle part of the stem is decorated with bows made of satin fabric or twine. The second option is appropriate if the craft is in vintage style;
  • It is necessary to place artificial grass or small pebbles on top of the mounting foam that holds the base of the stem;
  • Grape weaving, flowing from the crown to the base, will make the work more natural. It must be made from strong but flexible wire.

How to make a topiary with your own hands (video)

Topiary is an unusual way in all respects to decorate the interior of a room or make a memorable gift. Money, coffee, fruit are just a small part of the possible compositions. Do not be afraid of experiments, because it is thanks to them that you can create unique topiaries. The main thing is to think through the design and all the small details in advance. While working, the sketches should always be in front of the master’s eyes.

Beautiful do-it-yourself topiary (photo)

Beautiful do-it-yourself topiary: a tree of happiness in every home

Today, topiaries are in great demand among people who want to give an original and beautiful gift, but for this they have no time or desire We will conduct three master classes on how to make a topiary tree yourself. In this case, we will talk about a grape tree, a tangerine tree and a topiary made of flowers, made with your own hands. Each of them is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and abundance. The master class will help you go through each stage of creating such a tree of happiness, and you will add zest and mood as desired.

Master class on making a grape tree with your own hands

Grapes in this case symbolize wealth, prosperity, abundance. It would be appropriate to place such a tree in an office or room where human energy and cash flows are constantly moving.

At the first stage, we select all the components of the future masterpiece.

We will need:

  • Flower pot (you can use a cup, vase or other container of your choice);
  • Wire of several types;
  • Grape bunches, leaves (it is better to use artificial ones);
  • Several vine twigs;
  • Champagne or wine corks (made from natural cork);
  • Foam for the base;
  • Silicone glue in a syringe (for ease of use);
  • Beads, ribbons, silver varnish for decoration.

Previously, topiary was a name given to a garden with decorative trimmed plants and sculptures; now this is the name given to a type of creativity for making small trees.

Tree making process:

  1. First, in our container, in this case we take a flower pot, put pebbles or a little earth on the bottom so that the base is heavier than the top. We cut the foam to the shape of the pot, grease it with glue and insert it inside the container.
  2. Next we form the trunk. We take 3-4 pieces of solid wire 20-25 cm long and 3-4 vine twigs 20 cm long. We weave the wire in the form of a pigtail and deepen it in the middle of the foam. The base can be filled with glue for strength. We place the rods around our pigtail and at the top we fasten all the ends with thin wire at a level of 15 cm so that 5-7 cm of the ends of the wire remain free - this is necessary to secure the future crown ball of our craft. The topiary trunk can be sprayed with silver varnish.
  3. We form the crown. We string corks and grapes onto the protruding ends of the wire, add previously prepared parts from leaves and beads strung on a thin wire, and connect all the parts in the shape of a ball. The wire can be disguised with ribbons and beads.

The foam base is coated with silver varnish. The decorative tree is ready.

Tangerine topiary (video)

DIY tangerine tree

Tangerine topiary is a symbol of happiness and longevity. The next master class is how to make a tree with your own hands.

The sequence is the same as in the first case. But when creating a tangerine tree, it is important to take into account the severity of its crown, namely the weight of the tangerine. In order for your design to be correct, you need to increase the heaviness in the pot using metal balls or pebbles.

Tangerines in the east are a symbol of prosperity and financial wealth in the home. Therefore, if you want to give a gift to a loved one with a positive meaning, then a tangerine tree will be an ideal souvenir

For tangerine topiary, you need to choose a durable trunk for the craft. This could be several pencils twisted with stiff wire or just a thick stick. A good foundation is needed in order to easily support a crown of tangerines.

As in the first case, be sure to leave 5-7 centimeters of wire from the base of the trunk. We will string tangerines on them. To make the wire less conspicuous, we can decorate it with green and orange ribbons. The rest of the design is up to your imagination.

Master class on decorating topiary from flowers

Flower topiaries, as a rule, carry certain symbolism.

Meanings of some colors:

  • Orchid– a symbol of femininity, beauty, grace;
  • Poppy– symbol of memory;
  • White Lily– purity and innocence;
  • Calla– beauty, respect, admiration;
  • Iris- caring attitude towards friendship.

Topiary made from flowers looks very beautiful and original. They are often placed not only in apartments, but also in offices, since they are relevant everywhere and can decorate any room.

After going through all the steps of creating a tree of love and abundance yourself several times, you can arrange your own master class.

Main stages of work:

  1. First stage– select the components of the flower tree. The base, the trunk, the required number of flowers and additional decorations such as beads, ribbons, you can use banknotes, paper flowers, whatever you like.
  2. Second phase– connect the components one by one. We strengthen the base, glue the foam into the pot, and build in a barrel made of pencils twisted with wire. For a crown of fresh flowers, you can use the necessary piece of oasis, which we secure with wire. It can be watered periodically, due to this the tree will be alive and fresh longer.
  3. Third stage– decorate with beads, banknotes and ribbons of one or two colors. Our master classes are now complete, but you can come up with your own master class.

The main rule that you should always remember is don’t overdo it with decorations! If you use too many components (more than 4 options), the topiary will look tasteless.

To create topiary from flowers, you can use both natural and artificial materials.

Not everyone who has tried to create a beautiful craft with their own hands for their home interior in the form of a pretty tree knows that its correct name is “topiary”. Previously, this was the name given to gracefully trimmed bushes and trees, which from a distance resembled various figures. Currently, such a tree has taken its place among flower arrangements using natural and artificial components.

The variations on the theme of such a composition are so great that any flight of fancy can find application in such a fabulous tree of happiness.

Topiary can consist of:

  • Natural materials (cones, branches, straw, leaves);
  • Artificial materials (for example, paper, foam, fabric);
  • Mixed materials (natural and artificial components).

Sizes can also be of all kinds (from a few centimeters to large meter-long trees) as well as shapes (for example: ball, cone, heart, cube, etc.). The most common form of topiary is still the shape of a ball at the top of the tree.

Anyone can make a topiary with their own hands - to do this, you should get acquainted with the basic principles of work, as well as use all your imagination and imagination

In what rooms would such a creation be appropriate?

Topiary is a good solution for adding your own touch, a certain style or home comfort to the interior. But beautiful creations are not only used at home; in office spaces you can also see stylishly designed topiary options.

In a living room, to create a tree of happiness with your own hands, it is better to use natural ingredients, this gives the room a special charm and aroma. To highlight the tone of the room or make a certain accent, choosing the color of the wood will help. For example: a black and white kitchen will be well complemented by red topiary if you need to make a bright accent. Delicate, light colors will give the room lightness and airiness - you can decorate small rooms with such crafts.

DIY topiary: tree of happiness (video)

Any tree made with your own hands carries positive energy - the energy of happiness. It contains all the thoughts and wishes that you put into it yourself.

Do you want to get a decorative element that will remind you of summer? In this case, we recommend that you consider making your own fruit topiary. This craft will definitely decorate any type of interior, and the colorful design will delight all your guests.

In addition, these masterpieces can be presented to someone as a gift, which makes them truly practical. In this article we will look at how to make topiary from fruits and berries and what materials can be used.

Popular options

If you wish, you can create crafts of the following variations:

  • from fruits and vegetables;
  • from fruits and flowers;
  • pure berry topiary;
  • nut trees (peanut, pistachio);
  • creations that imitate full-fledged fruit trees (apple, orange).

As for the material, as a rule, fruit topiary is made from artificial “ingredients” (i.e., decorative apples, oranges, lemons, grape bunches, etc. are used). Preference is given to such materials because of their durability. Of course, you can use real fruit if you wish. For example, you can create an apple tree for a children's party (provided that the children eat these apples).

Remember! On the one hand, living creations are more practical, but on the other hand, their coverings are disposable, and after each holiday the crown has to be decorated in a new way.

As you can see, there are a huge number of creation options. It all depends on your preferences and the intended purpose of the craft. In this article we will look at two practical examples that will explain in detail how to make topiary from fruits with your own hands.

Creating an apple tree

First of all, it should be taken into account that we will be making topiaries from artificial fruits (that is, we will create durable interior decorations). To make the next tree of happiness, you will need to stock up on the following “ingredients”:

  • decorative apples and leaves;
  • newspaper sheets (4-5 pcs.);
  • flower pot;
  • twine;
  • piaflor;
  • foil;
  • tape;
  • satin ribbons;
  • green or light green sisal;
  • a tree branch (you can use either a straight or curved branch);
  • food skewers or toothpicks;
  • glue gun.

When you create this fruit topiary with your own hands, the master class will require you to do the following:

  • First, crumple up the prepared newspaper sheets to make a ball;
  • wrap the resulting ball with foil;
  • wrap tape over the foil layer;
  • wrap the twine over the tape (try to wind the twine in different directions so that the threads overlap each other);
  • make sure that there is a little unaffected space left at the bottom of the ball (here you will connect the crown and trunk of the future apple tree);
  • after preparing the crown, wrap the prepared pot with satin ribbon;
  • place the piaflor at the bottom of the pot (try to fit the piece of piaflor exactly to the diameter of the pot);
  • then insert the tree branch into the piaflor (this material is pliable, so there will not be any difficulties);
  • Place the tree crown on this branch;
  • after that, cut each decorative apple in half;
  • Place the top of the apple on a toothpick;
  • after that, insert each apple into the crown (skewers or toothpicks are sharp enough for this job to go smoothly);
  • Glue decorative leaves between the apples (use a glue gun for this);
  • cover the surface of the piaflora with prepared sisal (it will imitate grass for your tree);
  • if desired, wrap the barrel with satin ribbon;
  • Place whole faux apples on top of the sisal.

That's all! After completing the last step, you will finish creating a wonderful fruit topiary; The photos below will help you appreciate the beauty of this handmade creation.

If desired, you can make combined versions of such crafts. For example, you can make a topiary with apples and oranges, with apples and berries, etc. Choose any option you like and get to work.

Making a tree with grapes

Before starting work, please note that grape topiary is more complex than an apple tree. Therefore, it is recommended that people who already have some handicraft experience take on the creation of such crafts. So, for work you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. decorative bunches of grapes in light green and dark purple (one of each color);
  2. foam ball;
  3. stationery knife;
  4. small stilettos;
  5. wine corks (about 6-7 pieces);
  6. glue gun;
  7. decorative leaves;
  8. live grape branches, twisted into a spiral (they are quite easy to find);
  9. two simple grape sprigs (one thin and one thicker);
  10. any container in which the future tree will be located (either a flower pot or an empty shampoo bottle will do);
  11. sackcloth;
  12. tape measure;
  13. gypsum;
  14. dark brown crepe paper strip.

When you make such a fruit topiary with your own hands, the master class will require you to consistently perform the following steps:

  • using a utility knife, make a small hole in the foam ball (bottom center);
  • place the foam ball on a large grape branch (for a more secure fixation, treat the joint with glue);
  • Glue two bunches of grapes to the side of the future crown;
  • To keep the bunches securely, pierce them in some places with pins;
  • stick wine corks around grape bunches;
  • cover the gaps between the corks with decorative leaves (try to use leaves of different sizes);
  • glue the other part of the leaves under the corks, and the “point” of the leaves should face the corks;
  • if you want to give the finished craft more splendor, glue another row of sheets under the corks in a checkerboard pattern;
  • Also cover the rest of the crown with artificial leaves, and glue the leaves so that they look at each other (try to place these elements as tightly as possible so that they cover the foam base);
  • after that, glue spiral branches on the sides of the bunches;
  • next, measure the diameter of the prepared container for topiary and its height;
  • add 3 cm to the resulting diameter and 10 cm to the height;
  • cut a piece of burlap to the desired size;
  • sew a piece of burlap (side and bottom sections);
  • direct the seams inward;
  • wrap the container with the resulting cover;
  • turn the edges of the cover inside out and begin preparing the “foundation”;
  • dilute the gypsum solution in a separate container;
  • pour this solution into the container in which the craft will be located;
  • insert a structure of trunk and crown into the solution;
  • also, insert a smaller grape sprig into the solution;
  • turn the edges of the burlap back, wrap it around the lower part of the trunk and tie the burlap with crepe paper.

Now you have finished creating a unique fruit topiary; The photos below will help you enjoy the beauty of this creation.

We will conduct three master classes on how to make a topiary tree yourself. In this case, we will talk about a grape tree, a tangerine tree and a topiary made of flowers, made with your own hands. Each of them is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and abundance. The master class will help you go through each stage of creating such a tree of happiness, and you will add zest and mood as desired.

Grapes in this case symbolize wealth, prosperity, abundance. It would be appropriate to place such a tree in an office or room where human energy and cash flows are constantly moving.

At the first stage, we select all the components of the future masterpiece.

We will need:

  • Flower pot (you can use a cup, vase or other container of your choice);
  • Wire of several types;
  • Grape bunches, leaves (it is better to use artificial ones);
  • Several vine twigs;
  • Champagne or wine corks (made from natural cork);
  • Foam for the base;
  • Silicone glue in a syringe (for ease of use);
  • Beads, ribbons, silver varnish for decoration.

Tree making process:

  1. First, in our container, in this case we take a flower pot, put pebbles or a little earth on the bottom so that the base is heavier than the top. We cut the foam to the shape of the pot, grease it with glue and insert it inside the container.
  2. Next we form the trunk. We take 3-4 pieces of solid wire 20-25 cm long and 3-4 vine twigs 20 cm long. We weave the wire in the form of a pigtail and deepen it in the middle of the foam. The base can be filled with glue for strength. We place the rods around our pigtail and at the top we fasten all the ends with thin wire at a level of 15 cm so that 5-7 cm of the ends of the wire remain free - this is necessary to secure the future crown ball of our craft. The topiary trunk can be sprayed with silver varnish.
  3. We form the crown. We string corks and grapes onto the protruding ends of the wire, add previously prepared parts from leaves and beads strung on a thin wire, and connect all the parts in the shape of a ball. The wire can be disguised with ribbons and beads.

The foam base is coated with silver varnish. The decorative tree is ready.

Tangerine topiary (video)

DIY tangerine tree

Tangerine topiary is a symbol of happiness and longevity. The next master class is how to make a tree with your own hands.

The sequence is the same as in the first case. But when creating a tangerine tree, it is important to take into account the severity of its crown, namely the weight of the tangerine. In order for your design to be correct, you need to increase the heaviness in the pot using metal balls or pebbles.

For tangerine topiary, you need to choose a durable trunk for the craft.This could be several pencils twisted with stiff wire or just a thick stick. A good foundation is needed in order to easily support a crown of tangerines.

As in the first case, be sure to leave 5-7 centimeters of wire from the base of the trunk. We will string tangerines on them. To make the wire less conspicuous, we can decorate it with green and orange ribbons. The rest of the design is up to your imagination.

Master class on decorating topiary from flowers

Flower topiaries, as a rule, carry certain symbolism.

Meanings of some colors:

  • Orchid– a symbol of femininity, beauty, grace;
  • Poppy– symbol of memory;
  • White Lily– purity and innocence;
  • Calla– beauty, respect, admiration;
  • Iris- caring attitude towards friendship.

After going through all the steps of creating a tree of love and abundance yourself several times, you can arrange your own master class.

Main stages of work:

  1. First stage– select the components of the flower tree. The base, the trunk, the required number of flowers and additional decorations such as beads, ribbons, you can use banknotes, paper flowers, whatever you like.
  2. Second phase– connect the components one by one. We strengthen the base, glue the foam into the pot, and build in a barrel made of pencils twisted with wire. For a crown of fresh flowers, you can use the necessary piece of oasis, which we secure with wire. It can be watered periodically, due to this the tree will be alive and fresh longer.
  3. Third stage– decorate with beads, banknotes and ribbons of one or two colors. Our master classes are now complete, but you can come up with your own master class.

The main rule that you should always remember is don’t overdo it with decorations! If you use too many components (more than 4 options), the topiary will look tasteless.

Not everyone who has tried to create a beautiful craft with their own hands for their home interior in the form of a pretty tree knows that its correct name is “topiary”. Previously, this was the name given to gracefully trimmed bushes and trees, which from a distance resembled various figures. Currently, such a tree has taken its place among flower arrangements using natural and artificial components.

The variations on the theme of such a composition are so great that any flight of fancy can find application in such a fabulous tree of happiness.

Topiary can consist of:

  • Natural materials (cones, branches, straw, leaves);
  • Artificial materials (for example, paper, foam, fabric);
  • Mixed materials (natural and artificial components).

Sizes can also be of all kinds (from a few centimeters to large meter-long trees) as well as shapes (for example: ball, cone, heart, cube, etc.). The most common form of topiary is still the shape of a ball at the top of the tree.

In what rooms would such a creation be appropriate?

Topiary is a good solution for adding your own touch, a certain style or home comfort to the interior. But beautiful creations are not only used at home; in office spaces you can also see stylishly designed topiary options.

In a living room, to create a tree of happiness with your own hands, it is better to use natural ingredients, this gives the room a special charm and aroma. To highlight the tone of the room or make a certain accent, choosing the color of the wood will help. For example: a black and white kitchen will be well complemented by red topiary if you need to make a bright accent. Delicate, light colors will give the room lightness and airiness - you can decorate small rooms with such crafts.

DIY topiary: tree of happiness (video)

Any tree made with your own hands carries positive energy - the energy of happiness. It contains all the thoughts and wishes that you put into it yourself.

DIY topiary: wood (photo)