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Fat belly in women. How to remove belly fat: reasons for a protruding belly. She’s thin herself, her belly is big: why?

If a big belly is not associated with pregnancy or serious illness, then most likely we are talking about overweight, when fat deposits are formed mostly in

Big belly - not so much a rare event Nowadays. in this area are common to both men and women. Sedentary image life, overeating, improper lifestyle and nutrition, low-quality food such as “fast food”, a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet, stress, bad habits - all this leads to an annoying drawback that greatly spoils the figure.

A large belly in women and men is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. With such a distribution of fat, there is a risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. Doctors have long come to the conclusion that health depends on waist circumference. People whose waist circumference exceeds 82 centimeters for women and 94 centimeters for men are at risk.

Every owner of a big belly dreams of getting rid of it, but many do not have the willpower to change their lifestyle.

In order to remove a big belly, you need a set of measures consisting of: balanced nutrition and physical activity, which should be selected individually, depending on age, constitution, concomitant diseases and degree of obesity.

Very often people try to get rid of belly fat on their own. Many people simply stop eating or exhaust themselves in the gym with excessive loads. Ultimately, the negative consequences of such efforts outweigh the results.

It is impossible to remove only the stomach. It can decrease only against the background of general weight loss, and all parts of the body will lose weight. Starting to lose weight, no matter how trivial it may sound, is required from the office of a therapist and endocrinologist, since when losing weight it is necessary to take into account the general state of health, the presence chronic diseases, type of metabolism. With hormonal disorders and improper metabolism, the approach to the problem will be completely different.

You can only try diets under the supervision of a nutritionist. Just because a diet is suitable for one person does not mean it is suitable for everyone. Everything is different. In addition, diets remove weight due to dehydration and muscle tissue. Removing fat itself is much more difficult and takes longer.

To reset excess weight you can't do without physical exercise. Only a qualified trainer will help you choose the appropriate training regimen. What is needed here is an integrated approach - total mass loss plus a set of exercises aimed at training not only the abdominal muscles, but also others. Again, different people need different exercises and different cardio loads. Experts do not have a consensus on which type of physical activity is more effective for getting rid of. Some advocate running, cycling and swimming, others prefer weight training. And again - everything is individual, different methods help different people. Most physiologists and fitness trainers agree that running and doing exercises to reduce belly fat at a slow pace gives more noticeable results than at a fast pace.

There is one thing general rule for everyone - classes must be regular, otherwise there will be no result. This regimen is a balanced low-calorie diet and physical exercise- must accompany the person at all times, otherwise the big belly will come back.

Losing excess weight and getting rid of a big belly is much easier for men than for women. Physiology is such that a woman needs to put in three times more effort than a man to lose weight.

No matter how strange it may seem, stress contributes to the formation of fat deposits on the abdomen. This happens thanks to the hormone cortisone, which is produced during stress. Cortisone, together with adrenaline, promotes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

To get rid of belly fat, you need to forget about bad habits such as drinking. People who abuse alcohol have a larger waist circumference than non-drinkers.

Sometimes women complain that despite having a slim body, they have a protruding, flabby belly. Research has shown that For thin people, the most dangerous type of fat is internal, so it's not that noticeable. The liver, pancreas, and intestines suffer from obesity. What to do to get rid of the “tummy”?

How to remove belly fat: causes of protruding tummy

If you are thin but have a tummy, there may be several reasons for this. . Firstly, incorrect posture, which causes damage to the spine and internal organs. Secondly, flatulence, which usually occurs with dysbacteriosis and is characterized by a bloated abdomen (it is recommended to take a course of probiotics). Third, your intestines can become clogged with waste when the digestion process is slow, food accumulates in the intestines and the belly becomes large. In this case, you need to cleanse the intestines using fiber, pumpkin dishes, and stewed cabbage. Fourth, you may suffer from an excess of visceral fat, which accumulates not only under the skin, but also on the internal organs. Measure quantity visceral fat This can be done using special scales, which are often installed in professional fitness clubs. In addition, the main indicator of excess fat is when, during a diet, your stomach is the first to lose weight, and vice versa, it is the first to gain weight.

How to get rid of belly fat: belly fat diet

The right dietFor flat stomach contains about 60% vegetables and fruits. These can be fresh salads from greens and vegetables, vegetables and stews, fruit salads. Necessarily sufficient amount of proteins: meat of any kind, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes. Enter dpartial nutrition: often, but little by little. This will help keep your stomach in normal sizes. Turn on phealthy snacks: fruits, nuts, dried fruits, cereal bars, bread. Steam, boil or bake more. Stew properly without a lot of fat.. Love soups. Don't deprive yourself of your favorite treats. Allow yourself to have them in the first half of the day. Add chromium-rich foods to your diet. With a lack of chromium, even thin people can notice saggy belly. Therefore, brewer's yeast, beef liver, pearl barley porridge, whole grains, mushrooms, green beans should be included in the diet of those who decide to fight fat on the stomach and internal organs. But strict diets are simply contraindicated for thin women with a tummy.

How to get rid of belly fat: exercises to tighten your belly

Walking, running, cycling, swimming, tennis, football, as well as bodyflex exercises are what you need. Moreover, cardio exercises should last at least 40 minutes, since only after 20 minutes fats begin to be burned in the body.

Watch your diet, exercise, move more and be sure to get examined to identify health problems that can cause a big belly. Secreta flat stomach lies in a reasonable combination of strength loads with proper nutrition and good rest.

Have you noticed how many men over 40 today have a big belly? Young people, most often, due to their age, have a beautiful torso. But over the years, an outwardly healthy person begins to acquire a rounded abdomen.

Research has proven that it is a health hazard. Among people whose waist size is larger than normal, the mortality rate exceeds the statistical average.

What causes rapid abdominal enlargement in men? More often this happens due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the male body. If a woman gains weight, it happens evenly (chest, stomach, legs, arms). In men, fat is more often deposited on the abdomen in the “greater omentum,” which is located in a special fat fold and on internal organs. But the arms and legs do not add any roundness.

Why is a big belly dangerous?

Big belly is:

1. Awkwardness, embarrassment, fear of communication, fatigue.

2. Extra weight that a person is forced to carry every day!

3. Inability to easily bend over, turn, maintain balance, or lift weights.

All these actions are accompanied by the work of the abdominal muscles. Posture and lower back problems directly depend on the condition of the abdominal muscles. A large belly changes the distribution of load on the spine. When the spine is curvature, the roots of the spinal nerves are blocked, which disrupts the functioning of the body.

4. Serious problems with health.

Diseases of cardio-vascular system, endocrine disorders, in particular metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances, etc. The result is hypertension, diabetes, obesity, strokes and heart attacks, and impotence.Also, fat deposits negatively affect the abdominal muscles, significantly complicating their performance.

Why does my belly grow?

· The presence of subcutaneous and internal fat deposits.

At first, of course, it is a small, harmless layer of fat on the abdomen, which is barely noticeable. But even here there are pitfalls: along with the growth of subcutaneous fat, a person begins to grow internal visceral or abdominal fat, which is located in the omentum and around the internal organs abdominal cavity person. According to doctors, this abdominal fat causes serious harm to health! To process it, the liver takes less insulin from the blood, which consequently leads to an increase in the level of insulin in the blood. Its high concentration leads to rapid heartbeat, the heart wears out faster.

· « Beer belly.

This is a big belly, which is filled with under-oxidized foods and worms. Worms and microorganisms help in it to digest what a person could not digest with his enzymes. Enzymes, in addition to not working in acidic environment(and alcohol is one of the acidifying agents), they work poorly when cooled. That is, beer bellies appear not so much from beer as from cold, since beer lovers drink it cold! Thus, starting the rotting of what was eaten with beer! You will find confirmation from someone who loves cold water from the freezer. They also sooner or later develop a big belly. Cold as a pathogenic factor has been known for thousands of years, but today many simply do not know about it.

· Lack of oxygen supply to the body.

The word “Belly” also clearly and clearly indicates the “energy factory” of the body. “Zhi” in Rus' meant life-giving force, the energy of life. The formation of “Zhi” energy is associated with breathing and the supply of oxygen to the body. When a lot of acid-forming products enter the intestines constantly, the amount of calcium in the blood increases, which increases the pH and reduces the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen. The less oxygen the body receives, the less ability the body has to oxidize what is in the stomach. Those. The action of a philosophical law is manifested: the transition of quality into quantity. When a small belly cannot cope with the supply of energy to the body, then the abdomen enlarges in order to increase the flow of energy.

· Weakness of the abdominal muscles.

In a person with a large belly, the abdominal muscles have atrophied and stretched to such an extent that they are unable to perform their functions. elementary function: support the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal muscles can be divided into three groups: the rectus abdominis, internal obliques and external obliques. The weakness of certain muscle groups determines the shape of the protruding abdomen. For example, in beer drinkers, the “beer keg” sticks out forward due to weakness of the rectus abdominis muscle. And the driver’s “labor callus” hangs unattractively on the sides due to the weakness of the oblique abdominal muscles, especially since the person in the driver’s seat is positioned in such a way that these oblique muscles are completely relaxed.

· Gradual age-related decrease in the production of the male hormone testosterone.

Testosterone affects the quality of life of adult men. Constant pressure and mental overloads lead to a decrease in its level. Testosterone is sometimes called the winning hormone. Its level in the blood increases after a victory in a fight, after successfully solving some problems. The feeling of satisfaction and festive mood that surrounds the winner slows down the formation of stress hormones that ensured the achievement of victory. There is an increased release of testosterone.

· Genetic predisposition.

Recent studies have confirmed the presence of an obesity gene in the human genome. During them, a group of men consumed the same excessive amounts of food and alcohol, but overweight Not everyone got it. Those who gained weight had the same form of genotype. Those who did not gain weight had a different genotype.

· Aerophagia, that is, swallowing air when eating.

Often a manifestation of neurosis or disease gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Aerophagia is provoked by talking while eating, the habit of rushing when eating, eating chewing gum, as well as carbonated drinks.

· Flatulence, that is, excessive formation of gases during digestion.

Emotional overload causes spasm of intestinal smooth muscles and slower peristalsis. Therefore, it is advised to eat avoiding sweet desserts. Flatulence can occur as a result of eating certain foods. “Champions” in their ability to form an increased amount of gases in the intestines are peas, beans, beans. The amount of gas released can increase 10 times. In addition to legumes, cabbage, spinach, sorrel, grapes, sweet varieties of apples, raspberries, gooseberries, raisins, dates, kvass, beer, and black bread should also be excluded from the diet.

· Lots of fecal stones.

They put pressure on the pelvic organs, aggravating blood flow and causing diseases of these organs: prostatitis in men.

How to get rid of a big belly?

1. Maintain a balanced diet.

It is necessary to realize that the body always has enough food reserves and the feeling of hunger indicates that the food does not reach the cells. If you have a big belly, it makes sense to drink more water. herbal teas. Herbs restore the acid-base balance in the intestines, thereby improving digestion and reducing the amount of under-oxidized foods. Review your daily diet and minimize the consumption of sweets, starchy foods, fatty foods, or replace them with foods that are healthier for the body. Eat more grain porridges, switch to dietary meats such as rabbit, chicken, turkey

2. Breathe deeply!

Human physiology is such that at the top of inhalation, with less movement of the chest, more air enters the lungs! The more oxygen a person receives, the more food will be burned and with greater efficiency. To tighten a large belly that does not allow you to breathe and live fully, straighten your shoulders and notice that as you inhale, your belly tightens and becomes smaller. To straighten your shoulders forever, you need to load your muscles every day. The muscles will require oxygen. The chest will begin to work and fully stretch the lungs. The lungs will supply oxygen to the blood, which will oxidize the nutrition in the cells. When the reserves in the cells are small, the body will make an effort to burn what is in the stomach. The belly will become smaller and give you more energy. In this case, the muscle tone of the abdominal wall will be completely restored.

3. Physical activity, especially strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Start pumping your abs from any position convenient for you. At first it will be difficult for you, but gradually your condition will improve and you will begin to lose weight. Bends and turns of the body to the sides have a wonderful effect on the lateral abdominal muscles; be sure to do the well-known “scissors” exercise with your legs. If done correctly, you will notice tension in your abdominal muscles. Don't rush, do the exercises at a slow pace for no more than twenty minutes, then be sure to increase the number of exercises. It is necessary to overcome laziness and carry out physical exercises daily. As a consolation, we can say that physical exercise allows men to lose weight and lose belly fat much faster than women. This is the physiology of the male body structure.


And finally, advice Doctor Pilyuk :

1. Love your body, feel what your soul asks for! Enjoy life in all its manifestations. Joy is the best medicine!

2. Stop poisoning yourself with sugar, chemical sweeteners, products with chemical preservatives, flavors, dyes, leavening agents, flavor enhancers, carbonated and colored drinks, especially those containing caffeine, alcohol and other stimulants, quit smoking.

3. Drink herbal teas.

4. If you drink a cold drink, drink in small sips, warming your mouth. The Chinese say: “Liquid food must be chewed, and solid food must be drunk” (that is, chew enough to become liquid).

5. Do not eat until 5 hours have passed since your last meal.

6. Do not eat if you have nervous breakdowns, tension or physical fatigue.

7. For nervous tension and others stressful situations ask yourself the question: “Shouldn’t I do push-ups until I sweat?”

8. Before deciding on food intake, take a look at your stomach; if it is larger than you want, take physical activity instead of food.

9. Before sitting down at the dinner table, ask yourself the question: “Am I hungry?”

10. Eat after the previous portion of what you ate has come out of you; if what you previously ate has not come out, take foods containing fiber and drink pure alkaline water until the result is achieved.

The stomach and sides are problem areas in the figure of not only women, but also men. The so-called “beer belly” can spoil the silhouette of even a quite slender representative of the stronger sex. To understand how to remove a man’s belly and sides at home, you must first of all determine the cause of this phenomenon. And the fight against it must be comprehensive, and its mandatory components are diet correction and physical activity.

Causes of belly and flank fat in men

It is known that testosterone, known as the male hormone, is responsible for the breakdown of fats in the male body. The rate of excess weight gain is determined, in particular, by the intensity of its production.

In special cases, in order to eliminate fat reserves on the abdomen, men are even prescribed hormonal therapy. But most often you can correct your figure by changing your lifestyle.

The most popular reasons for the presence of a belly and sides are poor diet, overeating, love of beer, and lack of physical activity. If a man, being an office worker, spends his free time on the couch in front of the TV, then it is not at all strange that for him it has become topical issue, how to remove the lower abdomen and sides. But this is quite possible, and quite quickly, since the stomach is one of the first areas to disappear when losing weight. It is only important to approach this issue responsibly and be prepared to accept restrictions.

Nutritional Features

To remove belly and sides for a man, you need to reconsider your diet and start sticking to a certain diet. In fact, this cannot be called a diet in the usual sense, but rather a way of life - proper, balanced and nutritious nutrition. The basic rule is the predominance of proteins in the diet, which accelerate fat burning processes and have a beneficial effect on muscle building. The amount of protein is determined at the rate of 2 grams per kilogram of weight, although for those who are losing weight, this amount can be increased.

A diet aimed at removing the belly and sides of a man is based on the following principles:

  • Train yourself eat often and in small portions– 4-6 times. Overeating is a terrible enemy of the figure, and it should be categorically avoided by getting up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Be sure to have breakfast. The last meal should occur no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Every meal should include squirrels.
  • Also to you complex carbohydrates needed. They are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day - they will give you energy and allow you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. Their main sources are brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat and other cereals.
  • The diet should include fruits and vegetables. Try to consume fruits in the first half of the day. Give preference to unsweetened apples and citrus fruits. Non-starchy vegetables, especially green ones, are useful.
  • Exists a number of products worth forgetting about if you want to lose weight. This is fast food, cakes, candies, sausages, smoked meats. Recommended to avoid fried foods, giving preference to steaming, stewing, and boiling.
  • Fats should be in the diet, but their amount should be limited. Their plant sources are useful - vegetable oils, nuts, fish, avocado.

Drink plenty of water - at least two liters. But it is recommended to avoid alcohol, especially beer.

Let's give an example weekly menu a man who wants to clean up his stomach and sides at home. It describes three main meals, but also allows a couple of snacks, which can include fruits, vegetables, fermented milk drinks, up to 30 grams of nuts, and a couple of boiled eggs.

Day 1

  • Breakfast. A couple of boiled eggs, tomato salad, coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner. Piece of beef, fruit salad.
  • Dinner. Boiled potatoes, pea soup, green tea.

Day 2

  • Breakfast. Two boiled sausages. Tomato and cucumber salad. Tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner. Eggplants with nuts, chicken fillet. A glass of yogurt or a cup of tea.
  • Dinner. Boiled fish, piece beef liver, vegetable salad.

Day 3

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal, crab salad, green tea.
  • Dinner. Brisket, stewed mushrooms with herbs, a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. Fruit salad, a piece of hard cheese.

Day 4

  • Breakfast. Chicken fillet, a couple of boiled eggs, vegetable salad. Coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Dinner. Piece of beef, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner. A pair of boiled chicken wings, a piece of cheese. Tea without sugar or a glass of kefir.

Day 5

  • Breakfast. Brown rice, a piece of boiled chicken. Coffee.
  • Dinner. Durum spaghetti, 200 grams of boiled fish, cucumber salad and tomato. A glass of vegetable juice.
  • Dinner. Salad with fish, a glass of kefir.

Day 6

Repeat the diet of the first day.

Repeat the diet for the second day.

How to remove belly and sides for a man: exercises

Exercises to remove the sides and belly for men are divided into two categories: cardio and strength. Cardio exercises are needed for direct fat burning, strength exercises are needed to tighten the abdominal muscles, forming a beautiful relief in the place where the fat should be. Running, cycling, swimming, etc. are suitable for cardio training. It is important to exercise for at least half an hour so that the body has time to burn fat reserves.

Now let's move on to basic exercises to strengthen the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. They can be performed both at home and in the gym. Start with a small number of repetitions and a couple of approaches, until a slight burning sensation appears in your abdominal muscles. Increase the load over time.

1. Crunches

A classic abdominal exercise that involves lifting the body by lifting the upper part of the body off the floor. The break between approaches should be about 30-45 seconds.

2. Crunches on a fitball

It is performed in a similar way, but you need to lie not on the floor, but on a gymnastic ball, known as a fitball. Repeat until a burning sensation appears.

3. Plank

An exercise such as a plank helps to remove the stomach and sides in men, and in addition, it works almost all the muscles of the body through a static load. The plank reduces your sides by training the internal core muscles that support the organs in your abdominal cavity. The essence of the plank is to lean on your feet and palms (or elbows, depending on the variety) and hold in this position for as long as you can. At first, 20 seconds is enough. Gradually increase this time. The side plank is also helpful, as it strengthens the obliques.

4. Leg raises on the horizontal bar

Give the abdominal muscles a powerful load. If the exercise is difficult at first, try lifting your legs with your knees bent, and then work with straight limbs.

5. Side crunches

The oblique abdominal muscles are worked on. As you perform, you should try to touch your elbow to the opposite knee. Repeat the same amount for both sides.

Removing fat from the belly and sides of a man: additional recommendations

The combination of the above principles of nutrition and exercise will help you remove all unnecessary fat from your stomach and sides. Don't expect too quick results - lose weight smoothly and gradually, but reliably and safely. Also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Try to get enough sleep and worry less. Stress, depression, lack of sleep, constant emotional stress - all this leads to excess fat deposits.
  • Can use all kinds of massagers, weight loss belts. They can complement the program, but you should not rely on them as the main way to lose weight.
  • Various treatments for problem areas can also help, especially contrast shower and massage. The latter can be done either by a specialist or independently. The procedure using special jars works well.
  • Avoid empty calories, contained mainly in simple carbohydrates: fast food, sweets, carbonated drinks. They are inevitably stored in fat, without saturating the body with any useful components.
  • Don't starve. You can snack when you feel hungry, but let your snacks be healthy and healthy.
  • Try to lead active lifestyle. If you just start walking more and taking the stairs instead of the elevator, your figure will thank you for it. A minimum of effort, but this is a serious contribution to beauty and health.
  • Sometimes it makes sense undergo body examinations, in order to exclude hormonal disorders and other problems that can lead to fat deposits in the abdomen and sides.

In combination, all these measures will help you achieve a beautiful, athletic torso without an ounce of fat. But remember: if you managed to achieve results, this is not a reason to relax and return to your previous, incorrect lifestyle. Maintain your figure with good habits, healthy eating and physical activity.

“My belly is growing - maybe someone lives there”?! This is the worst thing

The appearance of your body is an indicator of your health. Healthy is beautiful person. How do people's bellies grow? A normal, that is, healthy, stomach is formed by a healthy intestine and a healthy spine. The tone of the abdominal muscles is directly related to the condition of the chest and lumbar regions spine.

With a healthy spine, the abdominal muscles are relatively strong and restrain the pressure of the intestines with its contents; with a diseased spine, the muscles are weak and unable to withstand the pressure of the abdominal organs. The stomach protrudes. Digestive disorders also often lead to changes in the size and shape of the abdomen, and if you have a sick spine and digestion suffers, then the abdomen will always be enlarged.

Observe yourself and you will see the shape of the abdomen, chest, posture, how does it deviate from the normal parameters of a healthy person? Usually these changes are attributed to age, considering them inevitable. In fact, the vast majority of them are associated only with impaired digestion and muscle weakness. Many chronic diseases are also a consequence bad work sluggish or inflamed bowel. Unfortunately, today a normal stomach is very rare.

Is there a clear understanding that if someone has an enlarged belly to indecent sizes, is this normal? Think about what could be there? Scientists prove that such people... modern man can carry up to 10 kilograms in its stomach feces. Just think about this number. Doesn't it bother you that you constantly carry a backpack weighing 10 kilograms with you?

Each of us sooner or later notices a flabby fold of subcutaneous fat on our stomach. Gaining excess weight starts from the stomach. At some point, the balance between food energy and its consumption shifts, and excess energy begins to be stored as fat in the abdominal area. In almost all men this happens after 40 years, and in girls after 25.

Simultaneously with the growth of subcutaneous fat, internal fat begins to grow. This is a special fat located in the omentum and around the internal organs of the abdomen. It is brown in color in contrast to the light yellow subcutaneous fat. Brown visceral fat is also excess weight that needs to be gotten rid of, but the most unpleasant thing is that it releases substances into the blood that stimulate fat formation and an increase in blood pressure.

Although visceral fat cannot be measured directly, studies have shown that its mass is related to waist circumference. When there is fat on the stomach, it means there is already excess internal brown fat, which has begun its harmful activities, causing an increase in blood pressure and insulin resistance.

Many people note that if previously they could eat as much as they wanted and the fat didn’t stick to them, then from a certain point they became very sensitive to errors in the diet and fat began to grow much faster than before.

The next stage of abdominal enlargement begins when the fat fold on the abdomen begins to interfere with the usual physical exercises. However, the abdominal muscles are not biceps; they do not require special strength. What they need is just tone. It is no coincidence that they are called the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The tone of the abdominal muscles forms this very wall. Accordingly, if there is no tone, then the wall is more like a bag.

The belly that we see at this stage is the internal organs, surrounded by overgrown brown fat, pressing on the weak muscles of the front wall of the abdomen, which can no longer withstand the pressure from the inside.

Of course, all this is covered with a subcutaneous fat layer, which continues to grow. Next comes a change in posture. Weakened abdominal and back muscles can no longer maintain the same posture, stooping appears and the stomach protrudes even more. To distinguish this stage from the second, you need to try to straighten your shoulders and pull in your stomach... will you be able to do this and hold it for at least half a minute? This means that this stage has not yet arrived.

All these stages of abdominal growth are characteristic of men. In women, at the beginning of the second stage, along with belly fat, fat on the hips and buttocks begins to grow, which worries women much more, as it is accompanied by cellulite. Moreover, all these stages develop much later in women.

You need to use special tools to monitor your progress in fat loss; scales alone are not enough. Simply because even aerobic exercise will cause growth muscle mass, which, due to the greater specific gravity of the muscles, will mask the real decrease.

What to do? One solution suggests itself - eat less! Exercise. Live in harmony with nature. Maintain a daily routine. Become a vegetarian. Do you have anything else to offer? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.