All about car tuning

Tatyana Anatolyevna Radchenko. Conspiracies for all occasions. For the first time, a good hour of prayer against the evil eye and damage

It is worth using these conspiracies and rituals once a month for sure. If you haven’t purchased anything, then it won’t make you any worse. And if you feel an unkind gaze, or circumstances suddenly change for the worse, or suddenly become ill, remove the evil eye immediately. Often, this is precisely the point.

1. They slander the water, which they moisten their foreheads and hands with, drink it, and pour the rest over the threshold. Read 3 times and spit over your left shoulder each time.

King David, King Constantine, Queen Helen - they shortened heaven and earth;

Reduce our affairs from counter and cross.

And the water-queen, the red maiden, washed away the white roots, and shook the white stones. Holy Archangel Michael, save and have mercy. Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, save and have mercy.

First of all, in God's hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Most Pure Mother and all the holy heavenly apostles, Kyiv, Pechersk, the red sun, the clear month. The month had three brothers; one lit the dawns, another illuminated with light, the third took lessons from the Servant of God, from a wild head, from a zealous heart, from brown hair, with clear eyes, with a white face. The spirit is on you, everything is dashing from you.

You are the water of Jordan,

Created by God

you flow with the dawn,

You clear the meadows and banks.

Flints, white stones.

Purify mother water, born, baptized servant of God (name)

from all evil and illness. From all evil spirits and hatred.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

4. Pour 3/4 of water into a glass, put 3 clean spoons into it, any kind. Using each spoon in turn, stir the water, scoop it up, lift the spoon up with the wide part so that the water runs down the handle into the glass, do everything with clean hands, saying:

Just as the spoon doesn’t fit, so does (name).

Drain the water from 3 spoons and say 3p. Take a glass with your left hand, pour water into your right hand and wash your or your child’s face.

5. Take water before sunrise from any source or from the tap.

Water should be taken in the morning, but not earlier than half past three. You cannot drink from that water. Soak 3 nettle stalks in water for three days. Drain the water through a sieve 3 times and, having wet your hands in the water, wipe the baby 3 times from the top of his head to his feet, saying: “Where it came from, there it goes.” Pour this water over yourself every morning (after washing, splash on your face). The child should be bathed on Thursday before sunrise. And pour the water where people do not go (under a bush, tree).

6. Washing with spoons.

When you have dinner with the whole family, wash the tablespoons. Separately, prepare a bowl of clean water. Rinse all washed spoons in it. Then divide all the water into as many parts as there are people of the same sex in your family. On Women's Day, the female part of the family washes, and on Men's Day, the male part. Each person washes himself separately - with his own part of the water. They wash themselves by scooping water from the container with their palms three times. If this procedure confuses you, you can pour water into your palms from one container, and let the other container stand below.

After you wash your face, pour the water under a bush or tree. It is advisable that after washing each person, the water should be poured under different plants, and not in one place. Water can be poured into another container to take it under a bush (tree).

On another day you will do it for the other gender and the water from rinsing the spoons will again be divided by the number of people of this gender. You need to do the procedure 3 times on the waning Moon.

For example, in your family you, daughter and husband. On the waning Moon on Wednesday, wash the spoons, rinse them, divide the rinsing water into 2 parts and wash yourself with one, and wash your daughter with the other. Apply water to different plants in different bags or jars. Repeat this again on Friday and Saturday. And perform the ritual for your husband on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. But there is no need to share the water anymore, since he is the only male in the house.

Previously, it was believed that conspiracies had great power, which could not be awakened unless absolutely necessary, so as not to cause trouble.

There is a certain rule for pronouncing conspiracies. Early in the morning on an empty stomach, you need to go out into an open field, wash yourself with morning dew or spring water, bow to the ground on all four sides, then turn your face to the rising sun, cross yourself, say three times one of the most important prayers “Our Father” or “Alive in Help” ", then start plotting. If a person is at home, then he should look to the east during the day, and to the west in the evening, and the room in which he is located must be ventilated before this. The words of the conspiracy can be pronounced loudly or quietly, but always soulfully, with feeling, clearly, slowly, without clumping the words or stuttering.

Healers who practice healing with spells always begin with the main prayer of the Christian religion, “Our Father”:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

Healing with prayers, spells and faith Possibly any disease. Many healers, before reading the plot and after it, use the well-known prayer “Alive in Help”:

“He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the heavenly God, says to the Lord: You are my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from rebellious words: He will overshadow you with His splashes, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from fear of the night, from fear

ly flying in the days, from things that pass in darkness, from clots and the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you. Otherwise, look with Your eyes and see the rewards of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope: You are Your refuge on High. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body: as His Angel commanded you, to keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their arms, and one day you will dash your foot against a stone: you will step on an asp and a basilisk, and you will cross a lion and a serpent. For I am a catch, and I will deliver, and cover, and because my name is known. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in tribulation, I will wear him out: I will fill him with long days and show him My salvation.”


“Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Just as the Lord God firmly established and strengthened heaven and earth, waters and stars, and the raw mother earth, and just as on that raw mother earth there is no illness, no bloody wound, no pinch, no ache, no swelling, so He would have created The Lord also firmly established me, the servant of God, and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body; so would I, the Servant of God And, not have had on my white body, on my zealous heart, or on my bones, any disease, no blood, no wound, no pinch, no aches, no swelling. One archangel key, forever and ever, amen.”


“I speak, the servant of God, from twelve sorrowful ailments: from shaking, from fire, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness. You, evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I will curse you to hell; You, restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the underworld of the earth; Stop itching, or I'll drown you in hot water; You, shooting, calm down, otherwise I will tar you in boiling tar; You, firebrand, cool down, otherwise I’ll freeze you with Epiphany frosts; You, hunk, shrink, otherwise I will crush you against a stone; You, stabber, dull it, otherwise I’ll cut you into small pieces; You jerk, come back, otherwise I’ll dam the dam at the mill with water; You, blink, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry you in the bathhouse oven; You, blindness, cower, otherwise I will drown you in tar; You, deafness, disappear, otherwise I will tar you into a barrel and send you across the Sea; you, black

I’m sick, get off it, otherwise I’ll make you pound the water. All ailments, shake off, get rid of, move away from the servant of God And, to this hour, to this day, to his life, with my strong word.”

Summoning to cure all kinds of diseases.

“Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ. To you, Almighty Father, together with the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory! Guided by saving instructions and divine decree, we dare to say: “Our Father, who art in heaven... etc. (prayer) Amen.

Jesus, the omnipotence of the Father and the perfection of the Holy Spirit, may this wound be healed from all evil. Amen. Lord Jesus, Jesus Christ! I believe that at night at supper, after You had washed the feet of Your disciples, You took the bread with Your most holy hands, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to Your apostles, saying: “Take and eat, for this is My body,” Equally, You took the cup into Your purest hands and, having tasted it, handed it over to them, saying: “Take and drink, for here is My blood of the New Testament, shed for many for the remission of sins, and every time you do this, do it in remembrance of Me.” " I pray to You, Lord Jesus Christ, that through these holy words, through the merits of Your disciples and in the name of Your most holy feat, this wound, this evil, was healed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You must say this invocation three days in a row, always at the same hour, and then pray fervently.

Conspiracy against hemorrhoids.

To get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to say a prayer: “God was born on Christmas night, at midnight; God is dead; God has risen; God commanded that the bleeding stop, that the ulcer close, that the pain go away, and that it does not turn into pus, or into a smell, or into a rotting body, like the five ulcers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ was born, died and rose again."

These last words are repeated three times, and each time they blow on the wound in a cross shape, pronouncing the name of the patient, and add:

“God has healed you; May it be so".

After this, reading a prayer is prescribed for nine days, on an empty stomach, in honor of the five plagues of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Conspiracy for childhood hernia.

The midwife says: “Grandmother Solomonic spoke to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s hernia (or seized it) with copper cheeks and iron teeth, so I speak to the servant of God AND.".

In defense of evil spirits or the devil.

Speak on wax and stick to the cross from your enemies.

“Be known, servant of God (name of the rivers), by the life-giving cross - on your right and left, in front and behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me, the cross is of the devil and I have conquered all my enemies.

Let the demons flee, all the power of the enemy from me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), who saw the scorching power of the cross like lightning. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels, principles, powers, thrones. The Lord's powers and the indestructibly terrible seraphim, and the holy guardian Angels, devoted to me to guard my soul and body from holy baptism. And far from me, with his dark-like power, he stood and drove away all the people, the third hundred and sixtieth angels of God became. Prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name of the rivers) - always, and now, and ever, and forever and ever, Amen.”

Before the conspiracy, you can say the following prayer:

“Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.”

Scrofula spell. Lenten oil is taken if the patient was born during Lent, and cow's oil if he was born into a meat-eater; over this oil, the healer reads the following three times, and then rubs it on sore spot.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I will begin to dissuade the servant of God (name of rivers) from the servant of God (name of rivers). Red beauty, white belavica, black Chernavitsa, do not burn, do not burn my white body, red meat! Get out of all the bones, veins, brains, joints and all the zeal of the heart. So that this never happens."

A spell to stop bleeding. Circle the wound three times with your index finger and say:

“Stand on the stone, the blood will not drain; stand on the iron, you won’t bleed; stand on the sand, blood won’t flow.”

Prayers for all evils

“Angel of God, my holy Guardian! Given to me from God from heaven for protection, I earnestly ask You: You enlighten me today and save me from all evil, teach me good deeds and guide me on the path of salvation” (Repeat three times).

“Lord, I believe and acknowledge before everyone that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. And I also believe that this is Your most pure Body and this is Your precious Blood. Therefore, I ask You to have mercy on me and forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary, which I have committed in word or deed, intentionally or out of ignorance, and grant me, without condemnation, to partake of Your most pure Mysteries for the forgiveness of sins and receiving eternal life. (Repeat three times before communion) Amen.”

From fright and illness as a result of it

Recite three times in the morning at sunrise and in the evening at sunset).

“Holy water, helper of the whole world. She ran over the pebbles, washed the pebbles, (name) gave help. The holy water of the whole world, the helper, ran along the sand, washed the sand, (name) gave help. The holy water of the whole world, the helper, ran through the dew, washed the dew, (name) gave help.

I wash it from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from Kostya, from the nose, from the stomach. Don’t walk on bones, don’t bleed, don’t weary your heart, sit on the sand like the Lord on a chair.

For toothache

(Go outside, bow low to the month and speak three times, looking at the month).

“Well done, well done, well done, you have a golden horn. Have you been to the next world? Have you seen (name) of a deceased relative? Does his teeth hurt? Let the servant of God (name) also not have toothaches. Forever and ever.

For a sore throat

There are several various options treatment

sore throats, just as there are many conspiracies and prayers for the treatment of other diseases.

I. “The first time, the Lord's hour. The second time, in God's hour. The third time, the Lord's hour." “Our Father” and further:

“You should not be here, do not drink red blood, do not break white bones, do not give tumors to the servant of God (name). Go where the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

The beginning of the second time: “The first time, in God's hour.

The second time, the Lord's hour.

The third time, in God’s hour.”

II. "Our Father".

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, come to the aid of the servant of God (or baby, name). Mother Holy Mother of God, come to the rescue, help the servant of God (name), born, baptized, prayed, received communion. Nikolai Ugodnik, come to the rescue, help the Tikhvin Mother of God with your holy spirit. Help, Lord, console all pains for the last time, with the bright hour - the holy hour helps, removes sore throat.”

III."Our Father".

“The tonsils (name) are spoken, the tonsils are spoken from fire, from evil spirits: you will not be in a white body, red blood, in a zealous heart, in a violent head. Wherever the smoke flies, this disease should go there. Amen".

The patient is seated near the stove; if there is none, a fire is lit. When reading the plot, light the paper and draw it around the face.

Pray, Holy Moses, Lord Christ,
So that He does not reject my prayer.
Lord, help, Lord, bless.
I’m not asking for myself, I’m not praying for myself.
O Lord, glorify Your name with healing
Servants of God (name).
Not the way I want, but the way You want.
Not me, Lord, I will help,
And you, Lord, help.
Forgive, God, the sins of those who committed this.
Mother of cheese earth, you cleaned up this dead man,
She covered it with herself, buried it from all people.
Bury the illness of God's servant (name).
Let her illness lie in the grave.
Let my word protect her
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
A dead body rotting in the damp earth,
And a healthy living body can live a long time.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
This ritual is performed for forty days without interruption. It must be said that, as a rule, after the first lectures the patient feels better.
Here are the words of another report:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
First time, good morning
I will pray to the Lord God,
I bow to the Most Pure Mother.
Come, Lord, to my aid,
To the servant of God (name of the healer) for joy.
Help me, God's servant (name of the healer),
Treat the servant of God (name of the patient),
Crush mortal corruption.
Get the hell out of her face and onto this dead man,
Get off the bones, from the relics, from the bright eyes,
From eyebrows, from veins, half-lived,
From a zealous heart.
So that this damage does not dry her out,
Didn't break white bones,
Scarlet blood did not languish.
There was no heat in the liver, no tears flowing:
Not on a full moon, not on a new one.
So that at no time does she feel pressured or suffocated,
So that the life given by God is not crushed.
Savior saves, Christ preserves,
Frees the servant of God (name) from death.
In nine coffins the dead sleep, lie,
May they guard my word until the end of time.
May my prayer be strong, modeling,
More cunning than the cunning, wiser than the wise,
Sharper than a pike tooth.
Tooth meets tooth,
And prayer comes true in word and deed.
I close my words with a padlock,
I close them with God's key.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Damage to vodka

From the letter: “I am already forty-five years old, and all my life I have despised those who drink alcohol, despite the fact that I worked at a winery. It all started with the fact that, while still a teenager, I once drank a little liquor in a group, and I felt so bad that they pumped me out the whole evening. From then on, the mere thought of drinking made me feel sick.
When my husband started drinking, I immediately left him, because I didn’t want our children to see their drunken father, who could become a bad example for them. I began to live my life: not good and not bad, just like everyone else. She raised children, didn’t get married - they didn’t invite her. But, unlike other women, I didn’t think about my failed personal life. I felt good with my children, and I didn’t need anyone else. Then my daughter grew up, married a foreigner and went to his homeland. I wasn’t upset at all, but, on the contrary, I was even happy for her. Why worry if your child is happy? Besides, she got a good husband: kind, hard-working, with his own home.
Then my son finished his studies, went to the capital and eventually got a good job there. Could an ordinary small-town woman ask for more?
But the gifts of fate did not end there either - I got married again. All my tenderness, which had been accumulating for so long, now went to my second husband. The way we lived is the way few people live now. We loved each other madly and were in a hurry to make up for lost years. We always had something to talk about, something to do, and even if we just sat silently in the same room, we felt good. And then trouble came to our house...
One wonderful summer day we went to the forest for a picnic. We found a beautiful clearing, from which the river was just a stone's throw away. But we were not alone in the clearing: there were many people around us, music was playing. My husband went for a swim, and meanwhile I dozed off.
A rustling woke me up: someone was rummaging through our bags of food. I thought it was my husband who had returned and opened my eyes. But imagine my surprise when I saw that a gypsy was rummaging through the bags. Naturally, I was indignant. The gypsy woman answered me that she only wanted to see if there were any empty bottles. We started arguing with her. I shouted to her that decent people were vacationing here, not disgusting alcoholics, and that she should look for bottles in another place, away from us. So, word by word, we began to insult each other. I was sure that she wanted to rob me and just came up with what she thought was a good excuse about empty bottles. Therefore, I did not mince words and called her a dirty thief. Apparently, my words greatly hurt the gypsy. As she left, she shouted:
– You will still remember me! Look, great! She doesn't drink. She never has empty bottles. They will! You will only have one bottle! Drunk!
“I’m not a drunk,” I began to justify myself for some reason, “I don’t drink at all.”
“If you didn’t drink, you’ll drink it…” After these words, the gypsy laughed madly.
Then I could not even imagine that the words of the old gypsy would become a reality.
I changed in just a few weeks. It was as if the devil himself was constantly whispering in my ear: “Drink, drink, drink...” Not a day went by when I didn’t get so drunk that I couldn’t remember myself. My husband struggled with my illness for a long time, but in the end he realized the senselessness of his actions and left me. I drank away the apartment. Now I have nothing left, no one is waiting for me. I tried to kill myself, but I can’t - I’m afraid.
Do you know how your book came to me? IN Lately I live at the station, and somehow I managed to steal a bag, and your book was in it. In the evening, out of boredom, I started reading it and found there a letter from the woman I had robbed, who thanked you for the miraculous salvation. She wrote that she would have died long ago without your help and now she will not part with your books for a second. You can't imagine how I felt then. Now I will never again reach out to someone else, even if I die of hunger. If that woman reads my letter, may she forgive me. Maybe the Lord Himself sent her to me so that she would help me and give me hope for salvation.
Natalya Ivanovna, I'm dying! Honestly, I’m writing this now, but there’s only one thought in my head: “Should I buy an envelope with stamps or leave the money for a bottle?”
Help me!
And what address should I write? If it's on demand, then I lost my passport. Lord, what should I do?
I want to say right away that I helped this unfortunate woman, who nevertheless managed to send me a letter, although, I admit, it was very, very difficult. I suffered with her for a very long time.

Here is another similar letter.

From the letter: “Natalya Ivanovna, I want to tell you about one case. Perhaps my story will save someone from making a mistake.
A mechanic died in our workshop. And we, several of our colleagues, went to the cemetery to dig his grave. We dug it up and are waiting for the car to come for us. I remember that it was hot that day, even stuffy, and I couldn’t sit in the sun in front of the cemetery gates. I got up and went for a walk through the shady cemetery: I walked between the graves, read the inscriptions, looked at the photographs on the monuments. Finally, I approached the fresh grave and saw on it a plate of food and an unopened bottle of vodka. I took the vodka and put it in the bag, thinking: “Why waste it, I will need it, but the dead man has no need.” You may think that I am a complete alcoholic. No, I hardly drink myself, but I have one sin - greed. Well, it’s not exactly greed, I just don’t like it when money is thrown away. I didn’t show the bottle to the guys with whom I was digging the grave: they would drink it and not say thank you.
I decided to give the alcohol to the workers who would come dig potatoes for me.
On the weekend, my son came to visit us, and I stupidly put this bottle on the table. During the evening he drank almost all of it. We sit, talk, he spins the bottle out of nothing to do, and then says:
- Dad, there’s something written here.
And there really is something written there. I took my glasses and started reading - and do you know what I read?

Who will remember my drinking?
From that moment on he will start drinking, etc.
After that, I suddenly felt such fear that I could not say a word. I tried to reassure myself that this was all grandma’s nonsense, but I couldn’t calm down. And not in vain, after this incident my son began to drink every single day. And as soon as he drinks, he starts to get rowdy in the house, he has already interrupted everything that was possible.
I went to one healer, showed her a photograph of my son, and she pointed her finger at it and said:
- It's spoiled by vodka. It was used to cure drunkenness.
- How did you treat it? - I ask.
– Well, someone drank heavily and decided to get rid of alcoholism. So he turned his passion to vodka, and your guy drank this spelled vodka and brought the misfortune onto himself.
But I, Natalya Ivanovna, did not tell this healer that I myself, with my own hands, treated my own child to vodka from the cemetery.
What should we do now, what should we do? The daughter-in-law abandoned her son, saying that she would not return to him for any wealth in the world. Our son moved in with us, but I feel that my wife and I can’t get along with him. Please write how this damage can be removed.”
Indeed, people whose alcoholism is the result of damage often turn to healers. There are a lot of all kinds of damage caused by drunkenness, but, thank God, there are plenty of ways to remove it. However, I want to say right away that all these methods do not need to be divided into stronger and less powerful. It’s just that one way suits one person well, another – another. Conspiracies affect all people in their own way, since each of them has their own date of birth, their own special Guardian Angel, who can be both strong and weak, etc.
That's why when removing damage to drunkenness You should try different methods without settling on just one.
Here, for example, is a conspiracy that helps in the treatment of alcoholism:

There is an oak hollow in the black forest,
Wine pours into him,
That wine flows day and night,
The servant of God (name) gets drunk from him.
Like an iron trunk does not bend,
So the servant of God (name) will not get drunk from wine.
From my word, from my deed
Get out of this body, drunk.
There is no languor in your soul due to guilt,
There is no blood due to persecution,
There is no heartbeat due to fault.
Brain, liver of the father-in-law.
Lord, have mercy on the servant of God (name).
Do not forget that during major church holidays, reprimands are not carried out and the phase of the moon should always be taken into account (drunkenness is reprimanded only on a waning moon!), as well as women’s and men’s days. Accordingly, women are reprimanded women's days– Wednesday and Friday, and for men – on men’s days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 14 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

In an irreconcilable situation and hostility

The first time, in God's hour.

Fly, wind, to Jerusalem,

Return home from the holy land.

Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength, the anger of the heretics,

Angry craftswomen, old and young.

Mother "Seven Shots"

Shoot with your seven arrows

Every evil, every quarrel,

Put an end to the heated argument

Pridki, capes, clamps, nets, keels,

Living graves, fakes, heart disease,

Headaches, liver colic.

So as not to harass each other:

Insomnia, sleeplessness,

A cross, a whip, a grave nail.

Reconcile the slaves (names)

From this day, from this hour, from your order.

Cool them with holy Jordanian water.

In the name of God Christ, come out, insult,

From the servants of God (names).

Calm down, calm down, Mother “Seven Shot”.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. From the book The Tale of the Jumper and the Slider author Knabengof Ilya Leonovich

Emergency situations 1. Fetal Position or Silent Defense If you feel a sudden loss of strength (physical, emotional - it doesn’t matter), you can use the silent defense technique: sit on the floor (on the ground), leaning against something so that your back is as close as possible tight

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A conspiracy for reconciliation in case of fierce enmity. It is pronounced three times and after each time it is spat over the left shoulder: Bless, Lord, my words. The mother of cheese is the earth, water, the Sun and the Moon, all sorts of God's creatures, witnesses, holy companions, righteous men and warlocks, the Church of God,

From the book Out of Body for the Lazy author Rainbow Mikhail

In case of irreconcilable hostility, read in a strong wind, holding in your hands the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. For the first time, in God’s hour. Fly, O wind, to Jerusalem, return home from the holy land. Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength, the anger of heretics, angry craftswomen, old and

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Funny situations MaxlenWhen I woke up, I tried to separate myself. It was with difficulty that I managed to get one hand out. It was not immediately possible to understand whether it was real or not. Deciding to look, he opened one eye and saw a transparent hand. I realized that the separation was successful and pulled out my other hand. After

From the book I Will Bring My Husband Back to the Family author Nevsky Dmitry

The drama of the situation So much comes at a person at this age: the birth of the soul and a return to the feelings of childhood, disappointment in past ideals and the painful acquisition of new ones. Involuntarily, you will fall into excessive dramatization of everyday life. First age

From the book Karma - the law of cause and effect. How to rewrite your destiny author Menshikova Ksenia Evgenievna

Example of situation analysis One person spoke critically of another. Not rude, within the bounds of decency, but, nevertheless, impartial. And, according to the one who spoke, he said it quite rightly. His words did not cause any reaction from the one to whom they were

From the book Eternity in Love and Flame by Lisa Weber

Negative situations as a resource

From the author's book

An example of analyzing a situation You yourself can learn to work through it literally on the go, in any format convenient for you: having realized, releasing energies, asking for forgiveness and forgiving in the same situations where they did the same to you. The main thing is not to do it superficially, but to try

Miracle-working words: prayer for the first time in good time to the Lord God in full description from all the sources we found.

Charms for the “spoiled”

Any food is spoken at dawn three times. The person you want to save from damage should not know about this. Many people are afraid of meeting gypsies, and often such fear is justified. Colorfully dressed, unceremonious people offer to tell your fortune, and if you refuse, they will immediately scorch you with a hateful, evil look. Often, after such a meeting, a person feels weakened, he does not have the strength to continue working, and his mood drops sharply.

If this happens to you, when you come home, speak into the water, which you then drink and sprinkle the space around you and your sleeping place. The first plot is read mainly for preventive purposes, and the second - when you feel unwell after an unpleasant meeting.

I propose another effective and simple ritual of getting rid of any negative influence. Pour ordinary tap water into a jar or glass and say over it: It is not a bad idea to make such a request to St. Nicholas before performing other rituals, but in in this case this is especially important.

Throw a pinch of salt into the water, light a match and, having crossed the water three times, say three times: Try to hold the match so that it burns completely. Break it into three parts and throw the cinders into the water. Then read the spell over it nine times. Immediately after reading the plot, spray yourself or the person you are helping with the words “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The remaining water should be drunk in the morning for three days. On this holy day, bring prosphora from church. Cast a spell on her, almost touching your lips. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass. Remove damage from yourself This ritual will also help. Place the icon of the Holy Trinity in front of you and light a church candle in front of it. Pour water into a bowl and throw in some buckwheat or rice. For 15 minutes, without taking your eyes off the grains, read: All this time, while you read, continuously cross yourself. Then pour this water with grains into the toilet away from you, sit in a chair and, completely relaxing, say: Bring holy water from the church, in extreme cases you can use melt water. Prepare two non-metallic dishes. Place a crust of black bread in one and bring it to a mushy state. Wipe yourself from head to toe with this paste, saying the following spell: Wash yourself from head to toe with water from the second vessel. You can’t wash in the shower, nor can you dry yourself. Perform the ritual at night, and then go to bed.

Then say “Lord, have mercy” three times and also read “Our Father” three times. Then read another spell over this water: Then fill the bath with water, sit in it, drink three sips from the spoken jar, wash your face with this water. When you drink, say to yourself: Pour the rest of the water into the bath, but leave a little at the bottom of the jar. Wash thoroughly with soap, and you should also wash your hair. Rinse with the remaining water after showering, but do not dry off. So you need to be treated for three days. If you do everything correctly, mucus will leave the body - this is how it says goodbye to damage, and as it heals, these phenomena will pass. On any day in July, go into the forest and find a lonely birch tree there. Walk around it clockwise with the words: If your personal life is not going well or there are continuous troubles at work, and even more so if you know for sure that someone is harming you, perform such a ritual.

Place three candles on the table; in the middle - the highest, at the edges - lower. Hands should be clasped in front of you - fingers to fingers. Look only at the flame of the tallest candle, and ignore the others. And try to blink less while reading the plot. Usually a person who is sure of the presence of the evil eye or damage on him knows or at least guesses who is harming him. Meanwhile, the ill-wisher not only does not feel guilty, but moreover, he becomes angry at the sight of the suffering of the object of his negative influence. This conspiracy is aimed at awakening the conscience of the offender: he must show up and ask for forgiveness for his atrocities, in any case, his worldview must change, as well as his attitude towards you. For this process to “go”, read this plot at night, while touching the corners and doors of the room with your right hand:

for love

for the future

to fate

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fortune telling Yes – No

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Fortune telling with Chamomile

fortune telling Arrow of Fate

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Prayer for the first time good morning to the Lord God

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This work of the hereditary Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova is the most complete book of fortune-telling, a book of warning, with the help of which everyone can find out how his personal life will turn out, what awaits his family, get advice or warning, with the help of ancient conspiracies and rituals and amulets to protect yourself, your family and friends from diseases and illnesses, from damage and evil words.

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Big book of predictions. Find out your destiny

©RIPOL Classic Group of Companies LLC, 2010

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My dear readers, admirers, friends!

Listening to the cries of birds, peering into the night sky, interpreting various numbers and dates, our ancestors sought to discern in them special signs indicating certain events of the future. What ancient magicians and sorcerers used in their craft: seeds, flour and bran, various herbs and dice, incense, needles and stones.

They predicted the future by the flame of a candle, the blow of the wind, peered into mirrors and magic crystals... They even tried to make predictions by the shape of the human body: the structural features of the chest, abdomen, lines on the palm, the shape of the legs and navel.

There was no place on earth where people did not strive to look into the future: North and South America, Crete, Madagascar, Greece, Rome, India, Egypt...

The powers that be, without relying solely on themselves, tried to enlist the support of powerful magicians and find out their fate. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon I, Alexander I, Nicholas II and many others believed in fate and the possibility of power over it. History has preserved the names of famous sorcerers who became famous for their skill and ability to predict future events: the Mesopotamian sorcerer Balaam, the physician and philosopher Cornelius Agrippa, the medium, magician and astrologer John Dee, the esotericist and magician Aleister Crowley and many others.

In Rus', fortune-telling books were compiled, in which you can find information about predicting the future with the help of multi-colored beans, molten tin or lead, etc. The Slavs learned about what awaited them ahead by the stars, phases of the moon, thunder, blowing wind, flight birds. Not only recognized masters wondered, but also ordinary people who wanted to know about health, the future harvest, the weather, the fate of absent relatives, and what awaited them.

And who among us, at least once in our lives, has not dreamed of lifting the veil of secrecy, looking into the future and becoming the master of our own destiny, challenging Providence itself?

Every person wants to discover the secret of the future.

Now, thanks to this book, you can not only learn about the future, receive advice or warning, but also protect yourself by changing your destiny with the help of ancient conspiracies.

How to get a true prediction from this book?

Before using the book, you must write your name and date of birth in the box located after my introduction, then place both hands on the cover of the closed book. Focus on the desire to receive a prediction. Feel the book with your palms, imagine that in these moments it is for you a window into another world. Time and place do not matter, the main thing is that your thoughts are pure and you sincerely believe in the help of higher powers.

Read a special conspiracy over the book:

May the spirits and angels bless this book.

Let her answer be honest,

Like chastity itself.

May her advice be to the wise and virtuous,

Like the thoughts of Saint Solomon.

After this, clearly and clearly say three times: “Spirits, what awaits me?”

Now, without hesitation, open the book to any page. The spirits themselves will control your hand, and you will receive predictions and advice. Believe me, even if today the prediction seems unconvincing to you, this does not mean that it is false. Time will put everything in its place, and you will be convinced that the predictions are correct. Remember that you can guess no more than once a day, otherwise the predictions may lose their power.

Dear students and readers, in your letters there are questions about why sometimes in different situations you receive the same or similar recommendations, rituals, conspiracies, amulets. And, on the contrary, it happens that in similar situations you receive various advice, recommendations, and rituals.

Remember, a real doctor, when providing assistance to a patient, as a rule, does not create a new medicine, but, having made a diagnosis, recommends exactly the remedy (or combination of drugs) that the patient needs. So the healer, advising this or that conspiracy, folk remedy, the ritual chooses exactly what can best help the one who turns to it.

My ancestors managed to preserve, and I managed to restore, much of what was lost. And I continue this work. But just like any holy book consists of a finite number of texts, and invaluable knowledge, the centuries-old experience of traditional healers is not an infinite amount of knowledge. The essence of a healer’s skill is to understand, feel, determine what exactly will help in a specific life situation, to a specific person. Therefore, certain recommendations, advice, recipes, and their combinations are sometimes repeated.

I hope that this book will become your faithful friend and assistant for many years, because with its help you will be able to avoid many troubles and misfortunes and become the master of your destiny.

Let me remind you: depending on who is telling fortunes, a man or a woman, in conspiracies you can change the words “servant of God (name)” to “servant of God (name)”, “husband” to “wife”, “he” to “she” , “rival” to “rival”, etc. and, accordingly, vice versa. Happiness, prosperity, health and goodness, my dears.

Your Natalya Stepanova

Soon you will have to make a difficult decision, on which the fate of another person will depend. But no matter how great the temptation is to turn everything to your advantage, albeit dishonestly, do not rush and think carefully about the consequences of such a seemingly profitable outcome.

Overcome temptations and make the right decision A special prayer will help you.

Lord Almighty, come to me, God’s servant (name), to help. Guide me on the right path, help me make the right decision (in this and that). Mother Intercessor, Helper of sinners! Come to me, God's servant (name), to help. Guide me on the right path, help me make the right decision (in this and that). Saint (your saint’s name), come to me, God’s servant (name), to help. Pray to our Lord and His Most Pure Mother for my salvation, help and tell me to make the right decision (in this and that). Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, guide me on the path of salvation and making the right decision (in this and that).

The reason for your disagreements with your lover– his tight-fistedness and reluctance to give even minor gifts. Contact thanksgiving prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ, because you know that prayers help a person become better.

May Thy holy body, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, be unto me for everlasting life, and Thy venerable blood for the remission of sins; May this thanksgiving bring me joy, health and joy; in your terrible life and your second coming, vouchsafe me, a sinner, to the right hand of Your glory, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Chapter 2. Conspiracies to protect a child

To protect your child from the evil eye, when you go out with him for a walk and roll him in a stroller, it is good to put him under a pillow three bay leaves. You can tie several small ones to the cradle red ribbons(odd number), tie a knot on each of them. From ancient times rattles They were considered amulets that scared away harmful spirits with their sounds. The tied one plays the same role. bell. Swaddling a baby increases the protection of the biofield, and tied ribbon creates a kind of protective magical vicious circle. Serves as a talisman old figured key, placed under the crib.

If a child slept restlessly, our ancestors used the following methods:

– they drew a circle around the crib from a spool of aspen leaves and hung a small aspen branch with leaves on the wall near the crib;

– salt was scattered around the cradle;

– drew a circle on the floor with chalk or made a circle out of a clothesline to create an enclosed space.

The crib should stand along, not across, the floorboards, not under a ceiling beam, and it is advisable that the head direction is east.

A “sun” stone hanging near the crib spreads positive energy – amber. A stone gives a child growth and strength malachite. The role of a talisman is also played by the one hanging at the entrance to the children's room. silver glass christmas ball.

There is a ritual aimed at strengthening the physical body of a child, which consists of five charms: for protection, against diseases, for good growth, for appetite and for the mind.

All amulets are done once a month during the full moon after the month of birth.

The amulets are pronounced over prepared bathing water. After the last spell is pronounced, the child is placed in the bathtub and bathed.

For guard

How God's Angels guarded and protected him,

So would God himself, Jesus Christ,

My child (name) was preserved and protected.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

From diseases

Lord's grace, appear,

Do not touch the disease of slave (name):

Neither fireweed nor tickler,

Neither the lomatica, nor the chilly one, nor the feverish one,

Neither Maryino, nor Varyino, nor fear, nor the evil eye,

Neither attack, nor fall, nor abyss,

Neither curse nor take away.

From an evil word, from one’s own and someone else’s.

My word is molded, my work is strong.

For good growth

There is a green oak tree in the forest,

Strengthened by the Word of God.

So would (name) grow strong and strong,

(For a girl: this way she would grow strong and strong)

Like an oak tree in a forest is green.

Whoever interrupts my conspiracy will not escape my word.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For your appetite

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Baby (name), feed on the word of God,

Pour in like a pouring apple.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For the mind

There is an icon on the table, a belt on the holy body,

There are countless stars on that belt,

And there is a baby in my house.

How will that baby grow up?

He will read everything on the holy belt.

God bless his mind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If someone praises your child very much and wishes him well, but you assume that this is only intent, and there is ill will or envy in the person’s soul, then lightly bite the tip of your tongue and mentally clearly say: “I wish the same for you” at the same time, it is better to look into his left eye. If your fears were true, then the thought of evil and envy will be reflected; if you were wrong, the well-wisher will receive goodness.

Removing "Children's" and "Infant"

If the rituals are completed to the end, the disease is cured forever. The child must be baptized.

2. Do a fright drain.

3. Remelt the wax (or take another piece of wax).

4. Read the prayers “Our Father” and “May God rise again”

5. Make a merge of “Children’s” - do it nine times, melting the wax each time.

It’s not me who calls out, it’s not me who calls out, it’s not me who reprimands.

The Blessed Virgin Mary sentences -

Ambulance - with her own lips,

With His Holy Spirit from the servant of God (name)

Fright and "Childish" from a violent head,

From the heart of reds, from the sides, from the chest, from the cartilage,

Wind, supreme, alluvial, cross,

Eye, hourly, half-hourly,

WITH yellow bones, With white body,

WITH red blood from a clean abdomen.

According to my time, according to my reprimand.


1. Read “Our Father.”

2. Make a fright merge (can be done over a photo of a baby)

3. Give a “reprimand” 9 times while bathing the baby. This can be done by the mother herself. Before the “reprimand”, read the “Our Father” again. If the “Infantile” does not manifest itself in a severe form, the “chastisement” can be done without first draining the fear. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced while washing the body, head, arms, legs.

Save, Lord, and save the baby (name)

From “Infant”, so as not to sting,

It didn’t twist, didn’t ache, didn’t pull,

So that all the aches and colics would come away from him.

Which mother (mother's name) gave birth,

Amen. Amen. Amen.

1. Say “Lord, have mercy” and “Lord, bless” three times.

2. Read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

3. Pour warm water into a container, add holy water and say the following spell over the water three times.

Pour off some of the water and let the baby drink; wash the body with the rest of the water (or rinse after bathing).

On Mount Bethlehem in the holy cathedral there is a throne.

On the throne is the Lord Jesus Christ himself,

Around him are his Holy Apostles.

Jesus Christ says to his Apostles:

Holy Apostles, heal the baby

Servant of God (name)

From infantile paralysis from arms, legs,

From a wild head, from a zealous heart,

From bones and bones, from veins and from veins,

From the eyes, from the red blood, from the liver, from the kidneys.

It is not I who heal, but the Lord himself who heals

Born, baptized baby (name).

Come out, come out, come out, all the sickness and all the pain.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Chapter 3. Conspiracies and rituals for love

It must be borne in mind that all love actions are feasible only if the person concerned has really strong, sincere feelings. Involving another person for the purpose of material gain or other benefits is excluded.

All love rituals are a creative process. By such actions, you adjust the energy field of another person to your own energy vibrations. An internal negative state (annoyance, fatigue, pain, doubt or lack of confidence in one’s abilities) can weaken the result.

Magic with candles

“As these candles are entwined together, so you and I will be entwined.”

“I don’t light candles, but I light the soul and heart of a slave

(name) for me, slave (name), forever.”

1. Burn all candles the day before the middle of the night.

2. Burn three pairs per day for three days (the first pair - at dawn; the second - at the turn of the day, the third pair - at evening dawn).

3. Burn one pair at dawn for nine days.

While the candles are burning, distract yourself from all extraneous thoughts and concentrate on your desire to be with your chosen person. Looking at the candles, imagine how, united by the flame, your feelings and hearts unite and become one. Give freedom to your feelings, imagine the feelings of your chosen one. Look through his eyes, feel him with your feelings, experience him with your soul and heart, desire him with your will. Imagine the unity of your feelings, thoughts and desires. From now on, you are two halves that make up one whole. The combination of physical actions with spiritual images will create the prerequisites for the fulfillment of your desire.

If after burning all the pairs of candles there is a little wax left, make a small heart out of it and place it in a certain place, for example, in a small box, which you place in the southwest of your room (this place is considered the “love sector”). Perform this ritual periodically to enhance the effect. Sit in a meditative position, hold this heart between your two palms, mentally imagine the flame of twisted candles and feel the previous sensations that you had during the real ritual. In this way you will “recharge” this wax, which will become your love talisman.

The “Magic with Candles” ritual is more suitable for those individuals who, according to their horoscope, belong to the element of fire.

Energy attraction

Prepare in advance a wax candle, a small plate, a pinch of St. John's wort or thistle flower (St. John's wort can be bought at a pharmacy, thistle is usually found in the field), a pinch of salt. Pour salted water into one glass (dissolve a little salt in the water), holy water into another, take a small sheet of white paper and a fountain pen. Place a Bible or Prayer Book nearby. The ritual is performed with an open window or vent. Light a candle. On paper write the name of your chosen one, age, eye color, hair color and zodiac sign. Rub your palms vigorously (including the backs of your hands). Rub each finger, do any motor exercises with your fingers and palms.

Place the sheet on your left palm (if the leading one is right hand, if someone is left-handed, place it on the right palm) and place the other palm above it at a short distance in a cross shape. Feel the warmth between your palms. Imagine that this warmth is your love, sympathy, spiritual predisposition towards this person. Slowly move your upper palm clockwise four times in seven circles. At the same time, imagine that in this way you are charging the leaf with your love energy.

After each time, “drop” from the right palm (that is, after finishing the next circle, fold all the fingers with a pinch above the center of the palm, then lower this hand down, while simultaneously opening the fingers, as if throwing off what was taken with a pinch).

Then do three more circles, placing a piece of paper on the Bible or Prayer Book (this will add positive, clean energy).

Place the paper on a plate, sprinkle with salt, a pinch of St. John's wort or thistle, sprinkle with salt and holy water (sprinkle moderately, otherwise the paper will not catch fire, just dip your finger in the glass and make a small click). Then set fire to the paper on four sides and let it burn.

Blow the ashes sharply out the window or out the window. Imagine your desire moving into space to achieve your goal. If at the same time the ashes stick to your face or fly into the room, your goal is not feasible. In this case, either you do not have enough energy to attract this person, or you are looking for love where it cannot exist in the first place, and the natural flow is resisting you.

After completing the ritual (regardless of the final result), leave the candle to burn out and sprinkle holy water around the room.

"Suffering" conspiracy

(from unhappy love)

The winds are wild, the birds are fast,

Fly quickly to a secret place

To my dear friend (name)'s heart.

Let him know how much I (name) am suffering.

Days and nights with your friend.

May I be bitter, twisted,

I will be happy with my dear (name)

In all the months, in the long years,

On summer days, on winter nights,

In bad weather and on clear days.

I'm the only one who loves dear (name)

Stronger than father, hotter than mother,

Better than all brothers and sisters.

The birds are fast, the winds are violent,

Tell me about that dear (name),

That I suffer as if from illness,

From my love to the good fellow (name).

May he be with me forever.

So tell him, well done (name).

To attract a partner

I will stand, blessing myself, and go out, crossing myself,

From door to door, from gate to gate.

I will go out into the open field.

There is a golden church in an open field.

In this church there is a table - a throne,

There is a golden saucer on the throne.

I will wash myself from this golden saucer,

I'll decorate myself with blue flowers.

White and pink color, landing on my face.

Be my face like a white round egg.

Be my eyes like those of a clear falcon.

May my eyebrows be like those of a black sable.

The servant of God (name) couldn’t look at me enough,

I wouldn't say enough if I spoke.

Without me he wouldn't be able to live anywhere.

He would think one thought,

I wouldn’t eat it, I wouldn’t drink it down.

How would he, the servant of God (name),

Marry me, God's servant (name),

And I will submit forever.

Be, my words, molded and strong,

Stronger than flint-stone, stronger than a damask knife.

From century to century, forever and ever. Amen.

To attract a partner

The words are pronounced when the sun's disk appears above the horizon and are repeated many times until

The sun will not appear completely (it usually doesn't take long).

Speak clearly, “with soul”; words should express a request, not an order.

Morning dawn, go to a clean pole,