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Jewish Tatars. Aren't the Tatars related to the Jews? Our homeland has a history of thousands of years, its contribution to the world order is decisive

Five videos about the history of the fatherland and the scientific and journalistic book of Fatih Sibagatullin “Tatars and Jews”

The presentation of the book “Tatars and Jews” by State Duma Deputy, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Doctor of Economic Sciences Fatikh Sibagatullin took place at the club named after G. Tukay of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan. Writers, historians, scientists, representatives of the Tatar and Jewish public came here. The next book by a scientist and government figure is dedicated to the history of the peoples of Russia and the contribution of the Tatars to the formation of a multinational state, the common roots of the Tatars and Jews and the historical destinies of Russians. Richly illustrated, written with a laconic and bold pen, this book caused a wide resonance among the public. The author chose reliable sources to support his bold thoughts - scientific works of Russian and foreign historians, materials from the best archives.

1. We invite you to watch and listen to several fragments from the speeches of the participants of this interesting and important evening, prepared by the cameraman and director of the Donya video studio, Faiz Kamalov. It was opened and the presentation was led by Colonel General of the Police, former First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolesnikov.

2. Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Islam Akhmetzyanov, previously widely known as the Minister of Information and Press, director of the Idel-Press publishing house Islam Akhmetzyanov, spoke about the activities of the author of the book “Tatars and Jews” Fatikh Sibagatullin. People's writer of Tatarstan Garay Rahim (Grigory Rodionov) highly appreciated the literary merits of the book and proposed to admit Fatikh Sibagatullin to the Writers' Union of the Republic of Tatarstan.

3. At this evening, Tatar and Jewish speech was also heard. A student of school 12 in Kazan, Sofya Domracheva, performed a Jewish song. Academician Indus Tagirov, who spoke in the Tatar language, expressed a positive assessment of the noble work and active scientific and journalistic activities of Fatikh Sibagatullin.

4. The author of the book “Tatars and Jews” Fatih Sibagatullin shared his thoughts and current ideas about history and modernity. Police Colonel from Nurlat Ideal Gainetdinov performed a song based on the words of Robert Minnullin “The Smell of Wormwood”

5. Closing remarks by Fatikh Sibagatullin.

The video report was prepared by Rimzil Valeev, Faiz Kamal (Donya video studio)

The Tatarstan media widely and approvingly covered the presentation of the talented book “Tatars and Jews.” We suggest reading and printing some of the publications for distribution and a more detailed study of this work and extraordinary event.

Fatih Sibagatullin advised the Tatars to follow the example of the Jews


The Writers' Union (WU) of Tatarstan yesterday hosted a presentation of a new, already fourth historical book by Russian State Duma deputy Fatikh Sibagatullin. The book, written by the former Minister of Agriculture and head of the Nurlat region, is called “Tatars and Jews.” If the author had written and tried to publish something similar, sharply contradicting the official history of the Tatars, in the Soviet Union, he would definitely have received a prison sentence, they said from the rostrum of the joint venture. BUSINESS Online correspondents who attended the presentation listened with interest to speeches (and songs) in three languages.


At yesterday’s presentation at the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Tatarstan of the book “Tatars and Jews” Fatiha Sibagatullina A lot of people gathered. According to the organizers, there were at least two dozen doctors of science and at least three dozen candidates of science in the hall. There were no empty seats left at all, and someone had to prop up the wall. Such a stir is probably associated with the big name of the author, a well-known person in the republic, ex-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, ex-head of the Nurlatsky district, now a deputy of the State Duma of Russia. However, no less attention, of course, was attracted by the title of the book and the generally unusual, and voluminous (500 pages!) work. The author dedicated it to the history of the Turkic-Tatars and the states they created, as well as the Khazars - the Turkic people who adopted Judaism and played a significant role in the history of Eurasia.

The presentation was led by a Muscovite, Colonel General - police, justice and prosecutor's office - Vladimir Kolesnikov. What is also interesting is Vladimir Ilyich. Sibagatullin, smiling, explained the somewhat unexpected choice of the presenter:

We discussed who would lead our meeting today. You could ask our Tatar speakers and poets. Or someone of Jewish nationality. But it turns out that one person is needed - either a Jew or a Tatar. In order not to offend anyone, I decided to invite my friend - an honored Russian man from Moscow...

The audience greeted this recognition with laughter and applause. And Fatih Saubanovich noticed that the general knew history much better than he did.


He proved that Vladimir Ilyich is indeed an expert on history both in his opening remarks and when he led the presentation. And it was very interesting, especially since the composition of both the audience and the speakers was heterogeneous. So there were speeches from the podium and from time to time from the stage songs in Tatar, Hebrew and Russian. And the famous ensemble “Simha” not only pleased with live music and songs, but also showed their long-standing video called... “Tatar and Jew.” That's it! Ensemble leader Eduard Tumansky, terribly pleased with the impression that the unexpected video made on the audience, joked:

It was a musical version of the book “Tatars and Jews”...

What is there, in the bathhouse there is no difference between us at all...

Then Sibagatullin came onto the stage, stood next to Tumansky and demanded that the audience admit that they were both extremely similar, and both were the spitting image of Arabs...

Already when the presentation ended after numerous speeches, the hero of the occasion called:

Let's live in peace! There is enough room for everyone under the Moon and the Sun...

And Fatih Sibagatullin said that now he is studying the history of Volga Bulgaria and Bilyar, once the largest city in Europe. So, there will be a fifth book...


The BUSINESS Online correspondent recorded the statements of those present about Sibagatullin’s book “Tatars and Jews.”

Islam Akhmetzyanov- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences:

In 2008, Fatih Saubanovich revealed himself to us as a writer, as a publicist, as a historian, as a researcher... The book “Tatars and Jews” describes in detail and reasonably the history of the Turks, the history of the Tatars, who played a huge role in protecting the sovereign interests of Russia on the world stage. The author also noted the truly outstanding role of Jews and Judaism in these processes. The author very clearly explains and runs through his idea that Jews have always been and are still the fundamental driving force of world civilization, and notes that we, Tatars, need to take an example from the Jews...

Vahit Imamov- Chairman of the Naberezhnye-Chelny branch of the Writers' Union of the Republic of Tatarstan:

When I arrived in Nurlat and went into the office of the head of the district, Fatih Saubanovich, he took books out of the closet and showed them. There were pencil marks everywhere. And what amazed me was that he immediately found any quote he remembered in the book, opening the right page. What a phenomenal memory you must have...

Vladimir Kolesnikov- retired colonel general of police, justice and prosecutor's office:

Thanks to Fatih Saubanovich for his works - they contain an analysis of the past, allowing us to judge the present and the future. Time is inseparable - yesterday will continue today and will live tomorrow... The book “Tatars and Jews” pursues the noble goal of restoring historical justice...

Garay Rahim- poet:

I am very suitable for today's presentation... Because the Tatars call me Garay Rahim, and the Jews call me Grigory Rodionov. So I'm my own person here! I read the book “Tatars and Jews” completely and with great attention. The book is very interesting, very information-rich... It will be of interest to any reader: the common man, the scientist, and the student... This book is not only historical in genre, it is literary and artistic journalism...

Ravil Faizullin- poet:

Fatih Saubanovich is an outstanding personality in all respects. If he had lived in those distant times, he would probably have been a khan, a leader... In our time, he showed himself as a great son of his people, as a patriot... The publication of his books is a great event... You open his book “Tatars and Jews” - and exciting! This book, when you read it, fills you with a sense of pride in the past, you seem to straighten up. This is our story, we are not rootless!


Vladimir Kolesnikov: “The Turkic people are broken into fragments by fate, but it’s time to return to their extinct hearth”

State Duma deputy Fatih Sibagatullin, who presented his book “Tatars and Jews” in Kazan, invited a very extraordinary personality to the meeting as a presenter - Colonel General Vladimir Kolesnikov. This is the same officer who detained serial killer Andrei Chikatilo in November 1990. And also, being the head of the main directorate of the criminal investigation department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1991, he supervised the investigation into the murder of priest Alexander Men. Kolesnikov held the posts of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia during the era of Ustinov (a relative of Sechin). In Kazan, he appeared in an unexpected role - as an expert on history, and with a very non-trivial view of it. This was evident from his speech at the presentation.


The future famous general was born on May 14, 1948 in Abkhazia, in the city of Gudauta. He began his career in 1965 and was a worker at the Gudauta winery. In 1973 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Rostov State University, and later, in 1990, from the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He began serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after graduating from law school in 1973, in one of the Rostov regional police departments. He was an investigator, deputy head of the criminal investigation department, deputy head of the internal affairs department - head of the regional criminal police service.

Since 1995 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Head of the Main Directorate of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In September 1996, he was acting Minister of Internal Affairs (during his vacation). Since the spring of 1998 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. From June 2000 to April 2002 - Advisor to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov, then Deputy Prosecutor General. Oversaw the investigation of “crimes against individuals and crimes that caused public outcry.”

In the summer of 2006, he was dismissed from the post of Deputy Prosecutor General following the resignation of Ustinov. On December 4, 2006, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation (under Minister Ustinov). Since January 2008 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Ivanovo region.

The general has a lot of high-profile cases on his record. So, on November 20, 1990, he, along with two other employees, detained a famous serial killer Andrei Chikatilo. In the early 90s, as head of the main department of criminal investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, he supervised the investigative actions in the case of the murder of a priest Alexandra Me. In 1994 he was arrested and charged with this murder Igor Bushnev, who was acquitted by the court in 1995. After his acquittal, Bushnev said that he decided to “turn himself in” under the influence of conversations personally with General Kolesnikov.

On October 10, 1996, Kolesnikov was appointed head of the team investigating the terrorist attack at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery in Moscow, which killed 13 people and injured about 80 people. In 1999 - 2000, he “cleaned” the Krasnoyarsk Territory from Anatoly Bykova. In 2002 - 2003, he headed the investigation team of the Prosecutor General's Office in the case of the murder of the Magadan governor Valentina Tsvetkova. Regarding the murder of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Yushenkov in April 2003, Kolesnikov said that there are no political murders in Russia - you don’t have to steal, then they won’t shoot.


Vladimir Kolesnikov, opening the presentation, said:

Dear friends! With great gratitude I accepted the invitation of my colleague, friend Sibagatullin Fatikh Saubanovich to take part in the presentation of his book “Tatars and Jews”. What dictated this decision? To answer this question, a little about myself.

I was born in the city of Gudauta in Abkhazia, all my roots are from the banks of the great Don. However, the events of the 20s and 30s brutally affected my family and friends: exile, deprivation of all property, and then the execution of my grandfather in the city of Kizil, Perm region. But the children survived, although they fled from prison to Abkhazia, since it was impossible to go to the Don - the children of enemies of the people. Many people have probably read the book “Tashkent - the city of grain”...

My parents started a family, three children were born - my sister and my twin brother Victor, unfortunately, he died, may he rest in heaven. And to everyone who left this life untimely, to everyone...

He graduated from school, Rostov State University, began working, and went from an investigator at the regional police department to the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. Once, while reading a book about Stepan Razin, I asked my father-in-law, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zolotov, dean of the history department of Rostov State University, professor, doctor of sciences, a question: what is “saryn na kichka”? ( the ancient cry of the Don Cossacks, inherited from the Polovtsians (Kipchaks or “Sars”). Among the Polovtsians themselves, the cry sounded “Sary o kichkou!” - “Polovtsians, forward!” -« Wikipedia »). This is when Razin, returning from the Persian campaign, goes on an assault and wants to capture Astrakhan. The father-in-law explained that these were Tatar words, a call to storm the fortress. But the author of the book did not explain why the author of the book put these words into the mouth of the peasant leader. Since there was an official history that he represented and on which a number of books were written together with Professor Bronstein, - and there the Cossacks are shown in the form of serfs who fled to the Don from their serf-owners.

Almost 30 years passed from that conversation until I found out who the Cossacks were, who owned the lands that lay south of the Moscow kingdom until the 16th century, and what their role was in the history of my country, and why the repressions that befell these people can be compared with the Holocaust.

Looking into this hall today, seeing your faces, I am glad that among us there are no those who do not know the heady smell of emshan grass, those who do not see the prancing beauty in a black horse, those who are not interested in the past and future of our Motherland.

Remember from Maykov, “Sing our songs to him, and when he doesn’t respond to the song, tie the Emshans of the steppe into a bundle and give it to him, and he will return.” The poet put parting words into the mouth of the Polovtsian khan Syrchan, who called his brother to return home to his native steppes.

The book by Fatih Sibagatullin, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, Doctor of Science, professor, laureate of the State Prize, also calls to return, but to return to oneself, to one’s forgotten, extinct hearth. Our Tatar, Turkic people are broken by fate into fragments, into many nations and scattered all over the world...


I will abuse your time - this was in Paris about 15 or 20 years ago. I am meeting with the Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs. I say: “Listen, do Aene live there?” "Yes". "Where?" “You know, Mr. Kolesnikov, in my opinion, they came from the shores of Lake Baikal.” I say yes. Where did you end up on the islands? By the way, don’t refer to the archaeologist who dug, proved, rewrote to prove that you are Aboriginal.” He says: “You know that too?” I say: “I don’t remember the last name. But still, where are you from? He says: “You know, we are conducting these studies, but have not yet come to a clear conclusion.” I say: “Do you want me to sell you one of the versions?” “Which one?” “In my opinion, optimal.” "Oh please". I say: “You are relatives of our Shoigu.” "And who is it?" “Here’s a guy who puts out fires, a Tuvan...” And you should have seen the minister’s reaction! I think I hit the top ten.

And about 6 years ago I met young scientists from Yakutia, who told me: 40 percent of our words are Japanese.

Yakuts, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Karakalpaks, Tuvans, Chuvashs, Tatars, Turks, Nogais, Karachais, Bulgarians, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Serbs, Swedes, Poles and so on... Their language roots are the same.

It was on the ignorance and gullibility of people that rulers built a political balance on the European continent, and in the world they identified enemies and started wars. Since the times of Rome it has been known that if a people is deprived of history, then in two generations it will turn into a crowd, and in another two generations it can be controlled like a herd. But the human herd is different in that it does not threaten the shepherds; on the contrary, it admires them.

“History is a collection of crimes, follies and misfortunes,” said the French philosopher Voltaire. No, the English historian Gibbon resolutely objected to him in the 18th century: “History is something more than a list of crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind”... It is not a list of events that teaches and enlightens people, but knowledge.

And again I want to say thank you to Fatih Saubanovich for his work. They analyze the past, allowing us to judge the present and future. Time is inseparable: yesterday will continue today and will live tomorrow. Ignorance of themselves and their roots led the Russian people to sad results - in the largest and richest country lived the poorest people.


Few people know that the model on which Karamzin, Solovyov, and Rybakov wrote their works was introduced into the minds of Russians by Yakov Bruce. No one knows where and how his office manuscript came from. But she became a template for others. According to it, under the leadership of Bruce, the first Russian historian Vasily Tatishchev in the 18th century created a fundamental work “History of Russia from the most ancient times”, where logic and facts came into blatant contradiction with each other, the mention of such a country as Desht-i-Kipchak disappeared from everyday life - a power stretching from the Far East to the Atlantic, a country to which the Roman Empire, China and Byzantium paid tribute.

I had a meeting with the late British Foreign Minister Cook... When I asked who was buried in the mounds of southern England, he said: like who - you! And everything says so. And our monetary system, and the sacks of wool on which we sit, and the names of our cities, and the name of the country itself...

From history textbooks at school, then in universities, in the media, they explained to us that our country was born a thousand years ago, that the Greeks brought faith to us in the 10th century, although there is not a single document confirming this seemingly grandiose action. Where is this written?.. These documents are not there. And we all know: whose faith is the owner, this is the main thing. They don’t say who crowned Prince Vladimir of Kiev, why did he suddenly become king? And today in Rome he is a saint... And what faith and from whom did he accept when baptizing the people of Kiev?.. And what was there, on the site of the now standing St. Sophia and other cathedrals, what kind of foundation? After all, when the Greeks learned from us about the God of Heaven, about Tengri, and adopted our faith, they destroyed all their monuments, almost their entire history. And we started from scratch, based on our faith. And why was a 7th century church with crosses preserved on the banks of the Pochaina River in Kyiv, and what kind of faith did they profess there and to whom did they pray? In fact, if in the 10th century they brought us faith, then in the 7th century who prayed there? Questions, questions and questions...

They introduced us to their cross and icons, but allegedly we could not write - writing was brought to us by the Slavs Cyril and Methodius. Here we are, in a gigantic country with the most complex economy, the most complex armed forces - and we had nothing...

Today, thanks to glasnost, which, of course, pursued other goals and was a tool for the destruction of the USSR, we were able to check our doubts and make sure that our Motherland has a history of many thousands of years, that its contribution to the world order is decisive. We gave the world monotheism, a cross, an icon, and writing. So, if Western scientists were not afraid to face the truth, they would probably have noticed that the Uyghur, Sogdian, and Arshahid writing existed before the appearance of Aramaic. They noticed this when they discovered in the year 24 in Southern Altai traces of writing from three thousand years ago. But they remained silent.

And yet, the West must pay a little respect for the words that Deringer wrote in his book “The Alphabet”: “... the Brahmi script, the Korean alphabet, the Mongolian script came from the same source as the Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic and Russian alphabet "


The laws of life of the Turks were “conquer rage with love, respond with good to evil, stinginess is overcome by generosity.” They knew that it was forbidden to sin and steal, to tell a lie, even in thoughts it was forbidden to envy one’s neighbor, calling envy a red-eye disease. And almost until the 18th - 19th centuries, I know, at least as far as the Volga region is concerned, fishing brigades and so on, they always appointed a Tatar as a foreman. Why? Because he won't steal. And the merchants of our guild had only to shake hands and say: that’s it. And there was no need for any contracts or agreements, and everything was fulfilled.

This is what they asked for in Tengri’s prayer, this is what they lived by: “I ask you, do not refuse me, before I die, remove vanity and lies from me, do not give me poverty and wealth, feed me with my daily bread, so that Having had enough, I did not deny you and say: Who is the Lord? And so that, having become poor, he does not steal and use the name of my God.”

The ancient tablets of India record that people with a one-sided cross made of gold came to them from the north... People who created the solar dynasty, who brought faith in the God of heaven, who gave the name Hindustan and writing.

Fragments of the text of the Bible and the Torah are sometimes identical. Scientists have counted hundreds of coincidences, hence the similarity of the spiritual cultures of different peoples of Eurasia, which just shows that religions began from the same root. And monotheism arose on the basis of Turkic liturgical codes. King Cyrus - an Altai, of royal Turkic blood, who liberated the Jews from the Babylonian kingdom in 515 BC, without allowing them to restore the Temple of Jerusalem on the territory subject to the Persians, did this in the name of the God of heaven. This is reported in the first book of Ezra, quoting the decree of Cyrus: “Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth have been given to me by the Lord God of heaven, and He commanded me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea. Whoever is of you, of all His people, may his God be with him, and let him go to Jerusalem, which is in Judea...” This is where the news about the God of heaven came to Judea - from the East, from the Turks. From them the name is Jerusalem... Where “ie” is the earth, “salim” is the world. And the Torah is the law...

The Syrians, or correctly the Kyrians, from Cyrus, called the Old Testament Bible Peshitta. Because the name goes back to the ancient Turkic “pesh itta” - five pillars, five foundations, which were given to Moses in the Pentateuch.

And yet, the Koran was written in Turkic. The Arabs did not have writing, unfortunately. In the middle of the 12th century, it was rewritten from the Turkic language into Arabic, the rituals were changed, the blue banner became green... And so on. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg houses the pre-12th century Koran, written in the famous Uyghur script, a script like a swan's neck. Arabs cannot read it. It contains the now forgotten words of the Almighty, I will quote them with pleasure: “I have an army, which I called the Turks and settled in the east; When I am angry with a nation, I give my army authority over that nation.” For many this is unexpected. From the words of the Almighty it is clear who spread the religion. It is clear why the language of Altai became the language of monotheism.

And in conclusion: speaking today about the book “Tatars and Jews”, I would like to once again say a big thank you to the great son of the Tatar and Turkic people, respected Fatih Saubanovich for his enormous work and noble goal - to restore historical justice. And the sooner people understand that the most direct path to self-rebirth lies through the return of the original religion, the less costly order will be established on earth.


Vladimir Kolesnikov - ex-Deputy Minister of Justice, ex-Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, ex-First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation, Colonel General.

Graduated from the Law Faculty of Rostov State University and the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1973. He began serving in one of the Rostov district police departments. He worked as an investigator, deputy head of the criminal investigation department, deputy head of the internal affairs department - head of the regional criminal police service. Since January 1991 - Head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR-RF. Since 1995 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since the spring of 1998 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. From June 2000 to April 2002 - Advisor to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, since April 2002 - Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2006 he resigned. On December 4, 2006, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation. Since January 2008 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Ivanovo region, deputy chairman of the security committee, deputy chairman of the State Duma commission on legislative support for combating corruption, member of the State Duma commission on consideration of federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring the defense and state security of Russia.

Military rank: Colonel General. Academic degree: Doctor of Law. Has his own views on history. Counts all Turks, Ukrainians, British and the President George Bush descendants of the Scythians.

Rafael Khakimov: “Who are the Bulgars?”


The passions that have long been boiling in the disputes between “Bulgarists” and “Tatarists” are greatly inflated and in fact do not add anything to the actual clarification of the origin of the Tatars, writes the director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, academician Rafael Khakimov in a material prepared specifically for the BUSINESS Online newspaper " According to the scientist, in such disputes there is more politics than science. The real story is much more complicated... In any case, the Tatars were known long before Volga Bulgaria appeared.


“If, given their multitude, they had unanimity with each other, and not enmity, then other peoples from the Chinese and others, and not a single creature in general, would be able to resist them. And yet, with all the enmity and discord that reigned among them, already in ancient times, most of the time they were conquerors and rulers of most tribes and regions, standing out for their greatness, power and complete honor from others. Because of their extreme greatness and honorable position, other Turkic clans, with all the differences in their ranks and names, became known by their name and were all called Tatars.”

The pseudo-discussion between the so-called “Bulgarists” and “Tatarists” is strongly biased and has nothing to do with clarifying the origin of the Tatars. Its politicization is an old (since Stolypin's times) disease, the purpose of which is to divide the Tatars into separate peoples: Mishars, Kryashens, Nagaibaks, Siberian, Crimean, Astrakhan Tatars, Bulgars, and to distance the Tatars from the Bashkirs, Nogais, Balkars, Karachais, Kumyks, Kazakhs. During the 2000 census, another attempt was made to divide the Tatars into many ethnographic groups, too many to list. At the same time, an unimaginable, or rather, meaningless number of “dialects” are being carefully searched for in the Tatar language on a “scientific” basis.


Chuvash researcher N.I. Egorov writes: “Before the beginning of the era of enlightenment, neither the Tatars nor the Chuvash had any Bulgarian identity. The ethnonym, or rather the ethnopolitonym, of the Bulgars begins to occupy a special place in the history of the peoples of the Volga region in the second half or even at the end of the 19th century. Bulgar identity undoubtedly has a bookish and literary origin, which can be guessed from the external phonetic appearance of the ethnopolitonym Bulgars. It has been established that already in the language of the Volga Bulgars of the pre-Mongol era, the ethnopolytonym bulgar underwent some phonetic changes (bulgar >*buljar > bülär) and took on the phonetic appearance of bülär/buler.” Already from this quote it is clear that the self-name “Bulgar” or “Bilyar” for the 9th - 12th centuries can be spoken of very conditionally, with reservations, indicating exactly which tribe we are talking about. Written sources by which we judge the language do not give us the opportunity to resolve the issue of the ethnic origin of modern Tatars.

Without going into the phonetic subtleties of the pronunciation of Bulgarians / Bilyar / Buler, we will call the medieval tribes who lived on the Volga, Azov, North Caucasus and Danube Bulgarians. It should be taken into account that the population of Volga Bulgaria was multi-ethnic; Baranjars, Savirs, Barsils, etc. lived there. In other words, the name “Bulgar” was not an ethnonym, it was a polytonym. If you try to divide the population of Volga Bulgaria into some linguistic groups, then it is not clear what to rely on for such an assessment. Literary, epigraphic monuments, and other inscriptions testify only to the “book” language. From this it is impossible to determine exactly what the spoken language was actually like and which tribe spoke which dialect. It can definitely be argued that there were both Kipchak and Oghuz groups.

Language in the Middle Ages did not perform such political functions as it does today, and therefore to transfer our understanding to the 9th - 12th centuries means to obviously confuse an already complex topic. In those days, the literary, as well as the state languages, had the character of jargon for a narrow circle of people, and folklore as an example of the folk language was rarely recorded in the sources, and, in any case, it was not of a national character, but reflected the characteristics of ethnographic groups. We can talk about the language of those times only in terms of linguistic, but not ethnic reconstruction, since the “book” and popular languages ​​do not coincide. In general, our understanding of language, people, citizenship carries a different meaning than in the past. The words sound the same, but in fact they are different terms.


All talk about the origin of modern Tatars from the Bulgarians (bülär/buler) is from the evil one, because they are a propaganda project. In 1944, the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution according to which it was forbidden to study the history and culture of the Golden Horde, the Kazan Khanate, and also to publish the epic “Idegei”. The year the resolution was issued is noteworthy: 1944. During the war, it was considered that issues of history were no less significant than victory at the fronts. The Tatars distinguished themselves in the war in the best possible way, and the authority of the people began to grow. On the other hand, at the same time, Crimean Tatars, Balkars and others were evicted from their ancestral territories. The question arose about the Kazan Tatars... They dealt with them differently, deciding to deal not physically, but ideologically. The Bulgarian concept of the origin of modern Tatars served this purpose, which was “approved”, without delay, in 1946 at a specially convened all-Union conference. The question of the origin of the Tatars was considered by the leadership of the USSR as an important political step along with the post-war restoration of the national economy.

The Bulgarian civilization, of course, existed, as evidenced by remarkable archaeological material, based on which we can speak quite confidently about the life of the tribes, their settlement and movement. The Bulgarian cultural (archaeological) layer can be traced throughout the Volga, the Caucasus, Crimea, Bulgaria, and Hungary. It is not difficult to find traces of Bulgarian tribes in Bavaria and Northern Italy. One can speak affirmatively about various Bulgarian tribes in connection with the advance of the Western Huns from the Volga-Ural region to the Danube and beyond. If Kutrigur and Utigur are considered Bulgarian tribes, then their mention dates back to the 6th century. Great Bulgaria in Azov arose in the 7th century. Before this time, the Tatars already had a centuries-old history, and they created a number of states. The emergence of Volga Bulgaria dates back to the 9th century. Long before this, the Turkic Kaganate already existed on the Volga, and not only with a nomadic, but also a sedentary population. For example, the founding of Tetyushi as a military fortress can be dated back to 558 - 559. In other words, long before the mention of the Bulgarian tribes on the territory of modern Tatarstan, the ancestors of the Tatars were already building fortified cities.

The ethnonym “Turk” was formed as a result of ethnic mixing of tribes based on a common language and culture at the end of the 5th century. In the Chinese historical chronicles “Suishu” it is written: “The ancestors of the Tujue [Turks] were the mixed Hu [Huns] of Pingliang. Their family name was Ashina. When the North Ei emperor Tai Wu-di destroyed Juqu, Ashina with five hundred families fled to the Juju [Zhurans]. They lived from generation to generation near the Jinshan [Altai] mountains and were engaged in iron processing.” A group of tribes led by Asyan-shad, the “great Yabgu” Tuu and Bumyn, in 551 - 555 dealt a crushing blow to the Ruanzhuan Khaganate, which can be considered the time of the emergence of the Turkic Khaganate led by the Ashina clan.

When the Tatars found themselves in the orbit of the stronger Turkic Khaganate, they already played a significant role in the relationship between the Turks and the Chinese Empire. In the 8th century, the Tatars were mentioned in sources as a union of tribes. The Terkhin inscription says that “when these letters were written - oh my khan! “Then there were present the eminent of my Heavenly Khan, the eight-tribal Tatars, seventeen Az’ Buyuruks, Senguns and a thousand-strong detachment from the Tongra (people), the Uyghur people along with my tegins” (753). In other words, the Tatars were already part of the Kaganate. A subsequent entry clarifies that Eletmish Bilge Kagan (apparently in 742) “again subjugated the eight-tribal Tatars,” and just below it states that “in the year of the Pig (747), the three-tribal Karluks and the nine-tribal Tatars ... respectfully asked to become khan.” . The Tatars were initially one of the active historical subjects who participated in the formation of the Turkic people.


After the collapse of the Western Turkic Khaganate in 658, Khazar and Bulgar tribes appeared on the historical arena in the Azov region and the Caucasus. Great Bulgaria emerges, led by Kubrat Khan. In the middle of the 7th century, a “prince” from the Turkic family of Ashina fled to the Khazars, which gave the right to declare the territory of the Khazars a kaganate. Following this, the Khazars captured Great Bulgaria. Kubrat's sons fled to the Danube and Volga, where they united the tribes living there. Volga Bulgaria falls under vassal dependence on the Khazar Khaganate and pays tribute.

As a result of the Arab-Khazar wars in 737, the Khazar nobility were forced to convert to Islam, but not for long. Under Kagan Bulan (Bolan means “deer” in Turkic), the aristocracy began to profess Judaism. Soon the Khazar Khaganate became one of the most influential states in Eastern Europe. A letter from the Khazar Kagan Yosif to the Jewish dignitary Hasdai ibn Shaprut, adviser to the ruler of the Cordoba Caliphate (mid-10th century), describes the enormous size of the state and the large population. About the peoples who lived near the Itil (Volga) river, he writes: “There are 9 peoples who cannot be (accurately) recognized and who are innumerable. They all pay me tribute. From there the border turns (and reaches) G-rgan [Caspian Sea]. All those living along the shore of (this) sea pay me tribute during one month's journey. On the southern side live 15 numerous and strong peoples, who are countless, to Bab-al-Abwad [Derbent]... On the western side live 13 numerous and strong peoples, located along the sea of ​​Kustantinia [Black]...” From this passage it is clear that the polytonym Khazars applied to many vassal peoples who spoke different languages ​​and professed different religions. It was difficult to keep such a conglomerate in obedience. In 922, Volga Bulgaria stopped paying tribute to the Kaganate, adopted Islam as the official religion and was recognized by the Baghdad Caliph as an independent state, which was confirmed by the embassy of Ibn Fadlan. In 965, the prince of the Rus, Svyatoslav, defeated the weakened Khazaria.

Today, the question of the common genetic roots of Tatars and Jews is being discussed, in particular, with reference to the times of the Khazar Kaganate. It is difficult to determine the ethnicity of the population of Khazaria, because even Kagan Yosif could not give accurate information. The Khazars themselves were mostly Turks, except perhaps the ruling elite. According to the chronicles, the Bulgarian and Khazar tribes spoke related languages. The Karaites of Crimea still speak a language close to Crimean Tatar, in which services are held in the synagogue. However, from all this it is difficult to draw far-reaching conclusions about the current proximity of certain peoples.

Recently, genetic research has aroused increased interest all over the world, which has made it possible to determine the ancestral homeland of all peoples. Based on the data obtained, some researchers are trying to compare haplogroups (groups with common ancestors) with ethnic characteristics. Y-chromosomal haplogroups are statistical markers that help us understand the origins of human populations, but in most cases such a marker does not tell us anything about the ethnicity or race of an individual. Any modern ethnic group consists of representatives of several, at least two or three, haplogroups. It is not difficult to find common ancestors between Jews and Tatars using genetic tables, but this, apparently, should be attributed to an earlier period than the times of the Khazar Kaganate. The issue of interpretation of haplogroups is complex and imperfect. It can be unequivocally stated that both among Jews and among Tatars there are a variety of haplogroups. Among the Tatars, they can be compared with Aryan, Scandinavian, Finnish, Jewish (especially Ashkenazi) groups. My haplogroup stands apart completely and belongs to the Altai region. It’s difficult to say what this means yet.


The ethnonym “Tatar” has a rather difficult fate. In written sources and runic inscriptions, the Tatars are mentioned in connection with the most important historical events in Eurasia. The British historian Edward Parker, relying on Chinese chronicles, calls the Huns and Huns, Avars, Turks, and Syanbis Tatars. Chinese historical chronicles connect the homeland of the Tatars with “Dasht-i-Tatar” - “Land of the Tatars”, located north of the Great Wall of China between Gansu and East Turkestan. Due to the influence of the Tatars, the Chinese began to call all the peoples living north of China Tatars, using it as a collective term, that is, a polytonym. Some experts consider the early Tatars to be Mongol-speaking, but such authoritative medieval chroniclers as Rashid ad-Din and Mahmud of Kashgar, who were well aware of the Turkic languages, clearly classified the Tatars as Turks. The Mongols are mentioned in historical chronicles several centuries later than the Tatars.

“White Tatars” were nomads who lived south of the Gobi Desert. Most of them were Turkic-speaking Onguts. The “Black Tatars,” including the Keraits, lived in the steppe far from cultural centers. At night they surrounded themselves with a ring of carts, that is, they created a kuren. The “Wild Tatars” of Southern Siberia lived by hunting and fishing, were ruled by elders, and did not have khans. As various Tatar states arose (Chinese and Arab chronicles count 6 of them), the ethnonym “Tatar” spread to many Mongol- and Turkic-speaking tribes. Even later, when Genghis Khan became famous throughout the world as a Mongol conqueror, some historians called him a Tatar, and the Mongol Empire - Tataria. Munali, Genghis Khan's governor in Northern China, called himself “we, the Tatars,” which was in keeping with Chinese tradition, but not with ethnicity. Over time, all of Eurasia began to be identified with “Tartaria,” which is recorded on European maps.

It should not be confusing that the Tatars sometimes appeared in the historical arena under a different name. For example, the Kimaks, who founded the Kimak Khaganate together with the Kipchaks (Cumans) in 840, were one of the Tatar tribes. Ironically, the Kipchaks, whose language became dominant among a significant part of the Turks, themselves as a people ceased to exist. Al-Omari writes about “Dasht-i-Kipchak”: “In ancient times, this state was the country of the Kipchaks, but when the Tatars took possession of it, the Kipchaks became their subjects. Then they mixed and became related to them, and the earth prevailed over the natural and racial qualities of them [the Tatars], and they all became exactly Kipchaks, as if of the same kind.” Kipchak roots can be found among Tatars, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Nogais, Bashkirs and even Russians (primarily Cossacks).

“Even to this day, in the regions of Khitai, Hind and Sind, in Chin and Machin, in the country of the Kyrgyz, Kelars and Bashkirs, in Desht-i Kipchak, in the regions north of it, among the Arab tribes, in Syria, Egypt and Morocco, all Turkic tribes are called Tatars. Those Tatar tribes that are famous and glorious, and each individually has an army and its own sovereign, are six.”

Rashid ad-din. "Jami at-tawarikh." 1300 - 1311

To associate the appearance of the Tatars on the Volga only with the aggressive campaigns of Batu Khan means to deliberately shorten the history of our people. By the way, the ruins of Bolgar, which we can see today, are the first capital of the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde), built by Batu Khan. Before this, Bolgar looked like a settlement. Legends about the destruction of the city by the troops of Batu Khan greatly exaggerate the magnitude of the events. Likewise, stories about the heroic defense of the Bulgarian state against Subudai's expeditionary force misinterpret events. Subudai did not intend to conquer Volga Bulgaria, he collected information about peoples, pastures, geography, roads, fords. This was reconnaissance in force, preparation for the future campaign of Batu Khan. Any defense of a territory is covered in legends, which has its own significance, regardless of victory or defeat.


Their content changes over the centuries, although the name of the people remains. We want to see today's nations in ancient peoples, not taking into account that in those ancient times self-designation was not treated as strictly as it is today. Ethnonyms appeared and disappeared due to circumstances, but in reality there could be an ordinary shuffling of the same deck, in which one or another tribe dominated, or even a leader distinguished by outstanding abilities, whose name the people and the state received. The dominant name was chronicled or carved in stone. The rest were biding their time. The ethnonyms “On-Oguz” or “Dokuz-Oguz” mean 10 or 9 tribes. The ethnonym “Uighur” came from the name of the corresponding clan, “Karluk” - from the name of the area. The Nogais received their self-name after Bek Nogai. In Russian chronicles they are called “Nogai Tatars”. In some sources, the Ulus of Jochi in the 14th century was called the “Uzbek state”, “Uzbek ulus”, “Uzbekistan”. On this basis, it would be wrong to call the Tatars Uzbeks.

The fanatical Muslims of the Golden Horde in the 14th century adopted a new name - “Uzbeks” - in honor of Khan Uzbek. In 1428, Tyumen moved away from the Horde, where Khan Abul-Khair and his ulus began to be called “the people and the Uzbek ulus.” Timur used them in his fight against the Golden Horde. In Central Asia itself at that time, Uzbeks meant the nomadic population of the eastern “Dasht-i-Kipchak” (present-day Kazakhstan). Isfahani wrote the following about this at the beginning of the 16th century: “Three tribes are classified as Uzbeks, who are the most glorious in the domains of Genghis Khan. Now one (of them) is the Shibanites... The second tribe is the Kazakhs, who are famous all over the world for their strength and fearlessness, and the third tribe is the Mangyts...” Sheyban himself, the son of Jochi, according to the testimony of his historian, meant by Uzbeks the nomadic tribes of the ulus of Sheyban (Western Siberia), and under the Kazakhs - the nomads of the Orda-Ichen ulus, who ethnically differed little from each other. Only in the 16th century did the Sheybanids conquer the Timurid state, capturing Samarkand, Bukhara and spreading the name “Uzbek” to the Central Asian Turks. Then differences begin to emerge between Tatars, Uzbeks and Kazakhs. The fate of an ethnonym is sometimes very mysterious.

Any nation is complex and is often connected by many threads with other ethnic groups. Tatars and Chuvash are united by the presence of a Bulgarian genetic line. It is difficult to separate the Bashkirs from the Nogais (after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Bashkirs were ruled by the Nogais until the 1570s), at the same time, the Tatar Magyars played a significant role in their formation. Plano Karpinidage identified the Bashkirs with the Magyars: “The Bashkirs are the great Hungarians” (basgard id est Magna Hungaria). Guillaume de Rubruk reports that the population of Bashkiria, back in the 13th century, retained their language, which was understandable to the Hungarians. The famous medieval historians Juvayni and Rashid ad-Din called the Hungarians of Eastern Europe “bashgirds”. “The princes conquered all the regions of the Bashgirds, Majars and Sasans and, having put their sovereign, the Kelar [king], to flight, spent the summer on the Tisza River,” writes Rashid ad-Din about the conquest of the Hungarians and Saxons. But sometimes chroniclers called both Hungarians and Turkic-speaking tribes Bashkirs.


Tatars and Nogais began to be considered different peoples only in Soviet times, but to this day in Central Asia, according to tradition, Tatars continue to be called Nugais. The famous Russian historian V.V. Trepavlov writes: “Nogai was the name given to the northern group of Crimean Tatars who inhabited the steppes outside the peninsula; for Kazakhs, Nugai are Bashkirs and Volga Tatars; for Bashkirs and Kazakhs in the past, Nogai were Siberian Tatars; for Kalmyks, Ishtig Mangad (i.e. Ishtyak-Mangyts) are Bashkirs, and Uulun Mangads (mountain Mangyts) are Balkars and Karachais, etc.” Today we have no doubt about the differences between the Nogais and Tatars, but in the Middle Ages they were considered one people. In one of the Russian books of those years it is written: “[Muhammad-Girey] himself did not begin to love the Krim Tatars, but he began to love the Nogai Tatars even more, he had a lot of them, and kept them close to himself and imputed them as goodwill to himself.” As we can see, here the Nogais are perceived as Tatars living in the steppes. Even in the 19th century, a Crimean gardener and farmer was called a Tatar, and a Zaperekop shepherd was called a nogai. By the way, Queen Syuyumbeki was a Nogai princess from the same tribe as the Yusupov princes, and her husband Safa Giray was a Crimean prince.

With the collapse of the Golden Horde and the emergence of numerous Turkic-Tatar khanates, territorial differences became more pronounced. Kazakhs are formed on the basis of the White Horde, in Central Asia the Turkic language is influenced by Farsi, and the modern Uzbek language appears on the basis of the Chagatai dialect, the Crimean Tatars have been under the protectorate of the Ottoman Empire for a long time, adopting many elements of Turkish (Oguz) culture, and other ethnic groups find themselves in a situation of relative isolation and develop their own local characteristics. Today they are called Azerbaijanis, Kumyks, Balkars, Karachais, etc.

We can agree that some people have more Kipchak “blood”, while others have a stronger influence of the Finns, somewhere Khazar heredity affected, and somewhere - Ugric. All Turkic peoples existing today are a kind of fusion of these tribes. But by and large, they are all heirs of a common culture, based on the amazing stability of the Turkic-Tatar dialects.

The issue becomes especially acute when it comes to not only interethnic, but also interreligious unions.

Those getting married, belonging to different nationalities and religions, face an incredible variety of disagreements, conflicts and doubts along the way. Such marriages are accompanied by an aura of prejudice and speculation from others, which places a heavy burden on the shoulders of the newlyweds.

As one of the clear examples of a marriage mixed in aspects of both national and religious nature, consider the union of a Jew (who professes Judaism) and a Tatar (who professes Islam). Where to live: in the homeland of a Jew or a Tatar? How to lead a family life: guided by the traditions and customs of Jews or Muslims?

How to reach a compromise in celebrating religious holidays? What religion will the children profess? These and a million other burning questions are encountered along the way by those getting married! But at the initial stage of their life together, the questions are no less important: How to celebrate the wedding? According to whose traditions and customs?

Traditions and procedure for marriage among Jews

Marriage among Jews is preceded by matchmaking (shidduch), at which not only the potential bride and groom, but also their parents get to know each other.

If the matchmaking was successful, then an official document (tnaim) is concluded, which stipulates all the necessary formalities, including material obligations.

The signing of the tnaim takes place in the presence of witnesses, is accompanied by a symbolic ceremony of handing over the scarf (kinyan) and ends with the breaking of the plate. On the Saturday preceding the wedding date, the groom reads the Torah in the synagogue, and the bride meets with her friends at home. Before the wedding day, newlyweds usually fast.

A Jewish wedding takes place under a chuppah (a canopy on poles symbolizing the future home) and begins with the signing of a marriage contract (ketubah), which traditionally protects primarily the rights of the woman. The wedding ceremony does not necessarily take place in the Synagogue. The ceremony can take place in the presence of a rabbi in any place, the main thing is under the chuppah.

After signing the ketubah, the betrothal ceremony (eirusin) follows, which takes place in several stages:

  1. the newlyweds drink from a glass of wine blessed by the rabbi;
  2. the groom puts a wedding ring on the bride's index finger;
  3. the rabbi reads the ketubah;
  4. the groom gives the ketubah to the bride (a copy of the document will be kept in the rabbinate);
  5. the rabbi pronounces seven blessings;
  6. the newlyweds again drink the blessed wine;
  7. The groom breaks a glass with his foot.

At the end of the betrothal ceremony, the newlyweds retire for a few minutes in a room specially prepared for them, after which the festive feast begins. During the feast, Jews traditionally eat only kosher food.

The feast is necessarily diluted with fiery dances, the traditional of which is the hora. The celebration continues for seven days.

Jews do not have special wedding dresses, but the bride should be careful in choosing a wedding dress and give preference to a more modest and closed style.

Tatar customs and peculiarities of marriage

also preceded by matchmaking, during which relatives of one and the other party exchange gifts.

During matchmaking, the bride's viewing takes place, and the groom's relatives closely monitor the nature of her behavior. If the viewing was successful, the bride is asked for her official consent to get married.

If an affirmative answer is received, the relatives agree on a bride price (kalyma). Its size, duration and method of transfer are carefully discussed. The bride price agreement and the bride's consent are confirmed by the mullah, after which the engagement is announced.

There is often quite a long time between engagement and wedding day. During this time, the groom undertakes to pay the bride price. The wedding day among the Tatars begins with a bride price, which requires significant material costs from the groom.

After the ransom, a special Islamic ritual (nikah) follows, which has several features:

  • the bride and groom pray standing;
  • the bride's consent to marriage is asked three times, and she answers only the third time, remaining silent the previous two times;
  • After the marriage vow, the newly-made wife has the right to ask her husband for a wedding gift of absolutely any value, and the mullah sets the date for its delivery.

Nikah is usually held in a mosque, but it can also be held at home in the presence of a mullah. The mullah registers the marriage in a special book, where he also records the number and cost of jewelry donated by the groom. From this moment on, it is the exclusive property of the bride.

After Nikah, a series of festive feasts (tui) begins. The tables are dominated by dishes of traditional Tatar cuisine, alcohol is strictly prohibited, so guests drink only juices, waters and fruit drinks, and the feast ends with tea with chak-chak.

The Tatars have a traditional wedding dress, which can be of any color, but it is better if the bride prefers red or green colors, symbolizing love and prosperity.

The wedding celebration itself lasts several days and begins from the bride's house. Then the bride moves from her parents' house to the groom's house, where the feast continues.

How common are marriages between Tatars and Jews?

Jews are rightfully considered one of the most conservative when it comes to choosing a life partner.

In Kazan, the Writers' Union of Tatarstan hosted a presentation of the book “Tatars and Jews” by corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, deputy of the State Duma of Russia Fatikh Sibagatullin. The presentation was led by Colonel General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, former First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolesnikov. Moreover, he led the presentation in a general’s uniform.
Vladimir Kolesnikov's opening speech was sensational. For example, he said that the Koran was written in Turkic, the Arabs did not know writing. In the middle of the 12th century it was rewritten from the Turkic language into Arabic. The blue banner turned green. The Hermitage houses the Koran, written in the famous Uyghur script. The Arabs cannot read it; it contains the forgotten words of the Almighty: “I have an army, which I call the Turks and which lives in the East. When I am angry, I give this army power over the people with whom I am angry.”

In his book, Fatih Sibagatullin clearly conveys the idea that Jews are the fundamental force in the development of world civilization, and notes that we, Tatars, need to follow the example of the Jews. The most important conclusion of the book is the fact that Jews and Tatars have been living and creating as true friends and comrades hand in hand for one and a half thousand years. They live like good neighbors. At the same time, he refers to facts from historians, archaeologists, art historians and even biologists. The history of the Khazar Kaganate, one of the very first states on the territory of modern Russia, is very indicative in this regard. In the Khazar Kaganate, a blood political union of two peoples was created - the Tatars and the Jews. Historians call the Volga Bulgaria, Kievan Rus, and Caucasian Alania the heirs of the Khazar Kaganate. Many Jews perceive the Khazar Kaganate as their state. For them, this is a common homeland with the Volga Turks. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the Morgans and Sarkozys always emphasize their Khazar roots. The respected Jewish Encyclopedia writes about this.
The only state in the world where the state religions were Islam, Judaism, Christianity and paganism - the Khazar Kaganate. Today it seems incredible.
Khazar Khaganate - prehistory of the Golden Horde. His story was hushed up in Russia and the USSR. According to Stalin's decree of 1944, it was forbidden to conduct objective research on the Golden Horde, the same was true on the Khazar Kaganate. Crimea, Ukraine, Northwestern Kazakhstan, Lower and Middle Volga region, Northern Caucasus - the territory of the Kaganate. Population is about a million people. Actually, the Khazars numbered half a million. For two centuries there was a war between the Arabs and the Khazars; according to Arab sources, the army of the Khazar Kaganate numbered 300 thousand. Language - early Turkic.
Kyiv was considered a Khazar city before its conquest by the Rus. The name Kozara in Yugoslavia, for example, is believed to have come from the Khazars. Officially, the history of the Khaganate dates from 650 to 969. But in 627, the Khazar army took Tbilisi by storm. The Caspian Sea was called the Khazar Sea. Now historians believe that it existed before the 13th century. Now they write that the Jewish population of Eastern Europe descended from the Khazars. The Khazars in Poland and Hungary were the state-forming people. The Khazar was elected the first king of Poland, then he transferred the crown to the Piast dynasty.
The Khazar Khaganate helped Byzantium to withstand the Arab offensive when the Arabs besieged Constantinople in 717-718. The Khazar Khaganate was a state equal in strength to Byzantium. There were dynastic marriages between kagans and emperors. Jewish communities moved to the North Caucasus and Crimea beginning in the late 6th century following decrees from the Byzantine emperor that all Jews must convert to Christianity or leave the empire. Jews were prohibited from entering Jerusalem, and marriages between Jews and Christians were prohibited. The Jews rebelled in Jerusalem, fought for 20 years, and after the defeat the main part fled from the emperor's troops to the North Caucasus. After the suppression of the Jewish uprising in Iran, 50 thousand Jews fled from there to the Kaganate. We can say that the Jews in many ways “designed” the Khazar Kaganate, this symbiosis of Turks and Jews. There was hegemony of the Khazars over the Slavic tribes.
The main source of income for the Khazar Khaganate is trade duties. The Kaganate minted its own coin with the inscription “Moses is the Messenger of God.” Jewish merchants Radonites and Muslim merchants were engaged in their own trade. The Khazar Khaganate is interesting because Islam and Judaism coexisted in it in a complementary manner. The Khagan and the Bey ruled. After the strengthening of Islam, the bulk of the Khazars went to Eastern Europe. The Khazar Kaganate allowed the Jewish Khazar community to survive and strengthen. Some historians today directly claim that Ashkenazi Jews descended from the Khazars. Let us remember the clothes of Polish and Belarusian Jews - the long silk caftan was copied from the Turkic caftan, and the Turkic skullcap - yarmulke, kippah - was also copied. And the word “yarmulka” itself is of Turkic origin. The walls of local synagogues were covered with Khazar drawings of animals, and Jewish women until the middle of the 19th century wore a high white turban, characteristic of the Turks. And the passion for stuffed fish, there is even a saying “Without fish there is no Saturday” - this is a memory of life in the Caspian Sea. Historians call the towns of Eastern Europe the Khazar towns.
The Great Silk Road passed through the Khazar Khaganate. Radonite merchants controlled it. Trade volumes - caravans of 5 thousand people, a thousand camels, that's up to 500 tons of cargo, a whole train, about once or twice a month. China - Europe. With the help of the Khazar Silk Road, it should probably be more correctly called that, enormous capital was accumulated by the Jewish community of Europe. Only enterprising Jews could organize this gigantic unique trading enterprise, relying on centuries of trading experience. Knowledge from China went to Europe along the Khazar Silk Road.
M We don’t know the history of the society in which we live. Our history turns into propaganda; it is far from objective. World research shows that the Turkic-Jewish state had a huge impact on the history of Europe. Without the Khazar Khaganate, the history of the world would have been completely different. Today in the United States, charitable foundations have decided to allocate up to 700 million dollars to restore the history of Khazaria.
It is important for Tatarstan to restore this part of history. The republic was not born out of vacuum; it is no coincidence that the university is the symbol of Kazan. Disclosure of the objective history of the Khazar Kaganate will allow us to overcome the isolation of the Tatars in world history, overcome the negative image of the Tatars that was painted in tsarist history, and overcome the lies about the Tatars. After all, the organization of the Golden Horde as a state was taken from the Khazar Kaganate. Let me emphasize once again that the Khazar Kaganate allowed the Russian principalities to survive, restraining the expansion of Byzantium and the Arabs. Tatar history is not second-rate history, but world history.

The controversial British scientist put forward a version about the Turkic roots of the Jews of Central Europe

The publication of Realnoe Vremya about the age of Kazan caused a heated discussion, both on social networks and in the comments to the article. During the debate, readers also remembered the ancient Turkic people of the Khazars, who lived in the Volga region in the Middle Ages. Recently, scientist Eran Elhaik from the University of Sheffield, who created a stir in the scientific community with a series of publications on the Turkic roots of Ashkenazi Jews, pleased with a new publication on the topic of the Khazar origins of this Jewish ethnic group. Realnoe Vremya's correspondent contacted the scientist and talked about new discoveries.

Using GPS to find the ancestral home of the Khazars

- Tell us more about your latest research?

My research involves studying human history using genetic tools. To do this, I create my own genetic methods that can capture the most interesting mutations in our genomes that can tell us about our past. I'm also creating approaches that can tell us with precision about the origins of DNA. Our latest development - Geographic Population Structure (GPS) - can determine the geographical origin of a particular DNA, in some cases right down to the native village. Studying the ancestry of individuals and peoples is important for medical research to learn how our ancestry influences our conditions and response to medications. Understanding where people come from will help us improve the effects of drugs. This is the scope of personalized medicine.

- Why did you choose the origins of the Ashkenazis as the subject of research?

Yiddish is one of the last European languages ​​whose linguistic and geographical classifications remain unclear even after three centuries of research. Additionally, the origins of Ashkenazi Jews remain a controversial issue. The accuracy of GPS helped us apply this tool to the genome of Yiddish-only Ashkenazi Jews, who have never been studied before as a specific group, and to multilingual Ashkenazi Jews.

“We modeled the DNA of neighboring peoples and encountered a high degree of similarity with the modeled trait of the Khazars, who lived in the South Caucasus region.” Reproduction from the site

“The peoples living along the southern borders of the Kaganate today have shown the highest degree of similarity with Ashkenazim”

Are you saying that they are of Turkic origin? Which of the living Turkic peoples does this relate to?

GPS led Ashkenazi Jews to northeastern Turkey, where we found four ancient villages whose names may come from the word "Ashkenazi." We also found genetic affinity between Ashkenazi Jews and Turks, as well as between the peoples of the region, as evidence of a common Turkish-Iranian ancestry. We then modeled the DNA of neighboring peoples and encountered a high degree of similarity with the modeled trait of the Khazars, who lived in the South Caucasus region.

- Is there Turkic blood in the blood of Ashkenazi Jews?

If you mean DNA, then the answer is most likely yes. Türkiye and the Caucasus are very diverse, and many peoples share some common origins.

- Briefly tell us about who the Ashkenazis are and your version of their origin?

These are difficult questions. According to our recent study, the genome of Ashkenazi Jews has experienced significant admixture in the “Ancient Ashkenazi” of northeastern Turkey. However, this does not explain where Ashkenazi Jews came from in the first place. But combining genetic, historical and linguistic evidence, we think that the genomes of Ashkenazi Jews may be conglomerates of Greek, Roman, Turkish, Iranian, Slavic and possibly Judaic genomes that headed towards Ashkenazim because of the commercial opportunities available to them.

- Commercial opportunities that Khazaria provided?

Khazaria is a state that existed in the 6th - 11th centuries and whose elite and a certain part of the people were converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Khazaria was founded on an important commercial artery between northern Europe and southwest Asia and was one of the foremost trading empires of the Middle Ages. It controlled the western routes of the Silk Road and played a key commercial role, being the crossroads between China, Central Asia and Kievan Rus.

Have you studied the genetic information of other peoples who lived on the territory of the former Khazar Kaganate?

Yes, I compared the genetic similarity of many peoples with Ashkenazi Jews. The peoples living along the southern borders of the Kaganate today have shown the highest degree of similarity with them.

Khazar Khaganate. Map according to S.A. Pletnevoy. Photo

"But this is not science, this is Harry Potter"

- At the same time, in your research it turns out that the ancestors of the Ashkenazis did not live on the Volga, but in Turkey.

Right. We have historical and anthropological evidence that Ashkenazi Jews have their origins in Turkey.

Garkavi (Abraham Yakovlevich Garkavi, -approx. edit.) wrote in 1867 that "the first Jews who came to the southern regions of Russia did not come from Ashkenaz [Germany], as many writers believe, but from the Greek cities of the Black Sea coast and Asia through the Caucasus Mountains."

Our findings also support the Rabinowitz report (Lewis Isaac Rabinowitz, - approx. ed.) that European Jewish communities often settled along continental trade routes, which determined their preferred habitat. We also know that this area contains a large community of Greco-Roman and mixed Iranian, Turkish and Slavic peoples who supported Judaism in many places throughout the first millennium AD. in the territory of “Ashkenaz” between the Black and Caspian seas (Salo Whitmyer Baron, 1937) and partially converted to Judaism. These communities were large enough to produce the first translations of the Tanakh (the Hebrew name for the Hebrew Scriptures). approx. edit.) into Greek. The proof that Yiddish originated from a Slavic group and that Ashkenazi Jews were Slavs comes from linguistic evidence, as Yiddish contains a large number of Iranian, Turkish and Greek words. Ashkenazi Jews also adopted many Slavic rituals, such as breaking glasses at a wedding or placing stones on graves.

- What theories of the origin of Ashkenazis still exist?

An alternative theory is the Rhine hypothesis, which suggests two massive migration waves that have absolutely no historical support. The first Jews first traveled from ancient Israel to the Roman Empire, and later from what is now Germany to the Slavic lands, with the help of some miracle needed to explain the widespread presence of Jews in Western Europe. But this is not science, this is Harry Potter.

“An alternative theory is the Rhine Hypothesis... The first Jews first traveled from ancient Israel to the Roman Empire, later from what is now Germany to the Slavic lands with the help of some miracle... But this is not science, this is Harry Potter.” Photo

- Do you know about the Kazan Tatars?

I am very familiar with the history of this region. It is assumed that the Tatars are one of the ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews. I agree that there is evidence that these peoples have a common origin.

- Are there traces of Turkism in Yiddish?

Professor Wexler (Paul Wexler - approx. ed.) noted that Yiddish does not possess typical Turkic linguistic features (for example, synharmonism). But it has a small number of Turkish-Iranian lexemes and possibly conjugation with an auxiliary verb to form masculine singular participles in Hebrew. The key in classical Hebrew and Assyrian linking many of the ancestors of Yiddish-speaking people to the Turkish-Iranian Caucasus is their name. For at least the last millennium, Northern European Jews have used Yiddish and the Hebrew word "Ashkenaz" to designate medieval Jews and non-Jewish inhabitants of German-speaking lands, and "Ashkenazi" (plural aškenazim) to designate a Jew from Central and Northern Europe and his descendants. These terms are taken from the biblical place name "Ashkenaz" from Genesis 10:3 in the first part of Chronicles and Jeremiah 51:27, which has connections with the words aškuza, ašguza, išguza in Hebrew inscriptions of the 7th century BC. In the Bible, this toponym designates the Iranian people “next to Armenia,” presumably the Scythians. In classical Hebrew, the presence of the [n] sound in this term is an error, perhaps because the letters noon And wav had similarities.

Aigul Ziyatdinova


Eran Elhaik– geneticist, doctor and lecturer at the University of Sheffield.

  • 1999 – defended his Bachelor of Science degree at the Open University, Israel.
  • 2009 – received a doctorate from the University of Houston, USA.
  • 2009-2011 – postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA.
  • 2011-2013 – postdoctoral fellow at the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.
  • 2013-2013 – Research Fellow at the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.
  • 2014 – Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, UK.