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Surprise for the wife: interesting and original ideas on how to surprise your wife. What kind of surprise can you give to your loved one? Ideas for a surprise to your loved one

How to surprise your best friend for her birthday?

There can be a large number of varieties, but the main thing is not to overdo it and not to put your young friend in a sluggish position by pompously visiting when she is not waiting for anyone. The same goes for huge bears - a gift that repeatedly needs to find a place for storage. The main rule of a successful surprise is that it must cause a storm of impressions. To guess, it is necessary to proceed from a person’s tastes, his desires and character. But a surprise for a friend’s birthday in no way has to mean buying something that she has long wanted - it may be cute, but still just a present. It’s better to give impressions - they are much more valuable than all things. To make the surprise truly a surprise, choose a moment when your friend is not distracted by anything. And don’t forget to prepare a couple of warm words. Well, so that you don’t get a headache, we’ll tell you 23 extraordinary ideas, how to surprise a friend for her birthday, fit into any budget.

So... If there are not so many economic means, surprise:

  1. Box with a surprise. Give a gift box, just refuse the usual filling as gifts; it’s much better - fill it with butterflies, flowers, or weightless balls.
  2. A surprise of weightless balls. Inflate a lot of balloons, hide them behind the door, covering them with film so they don’t fall out. When a friend opens the door during the day, they will rain down on her. Girls and women will perceive such a birthday surprise with humor.
  3. An endless variety of wishes. Come up with rhymes and connections with her last name and print them out on plain paper. Post them throughout her daily route.
  4. Congratulations on the asphalt. Try to remember your childhood and draw a festive inscription using crayons on the asphalt (crayons are not punishable by law) or vice versa on the walls of a building. (By the way, our artists know how to draw real masterpieces).
  5. Congratulations on a marketing billboard. Rent a billboard for advertising and place her portrait with wishes on it. Your friend will certainly appreciate such a surprise.
  6. Cash surprise bouquet. If you are planning to give a real surprise with money, instead of a stereotypical bouquet, present a bouquet of balloons or toys, hiding cash, glitter, and confetti in them.
  7. Recording a song. Record a funny song with your friends and congratulate your friend.
  8. Ticket to the skating rink or roller rink. A wonderful surprise would be to secretly gather a few close friends, call the birthday girl and go rollerblading or skating with a cheerful group.
  9. Rent a lane for bowling. Book your ride in advance so that you and the birthday girl don’t have to stand in line on her birthday. And when the game is paid for, divide into teams and help the hero of the occasion win (the ideal option would be to change names to nicknames in advance).
  10. Congratulatory poem. Try to remember all the important dates, nicknames, jokes for you and include it all in your personal name congratulatory poem. It is quite possible to express it orally or write it on an elegant postcard.
  11. Cookies with omens, wishes and predictions. It is quite possible to either purchase it or bake it yourself by placing pieces of paper with funny omens inside the finished cookies.
  12. A bouquet of sweets or a box of goodies. It is quite possible to make a bouquet on your own by purchasing all the required sweets, or you can purchase it from us. Even if the birthday girl is an adult young lady, she will be delighted with a rather large box of sweets, fruits and kinder surprises. If desired, it is also quite possible to hide an auxiliary gift inside.
  13. A very large snow statue. If a surprise for your friend’s birthday is planned in winter, it is quite possible to make a very large snowman near her building, dressing him in a hat and putting a bunch of balls in his hand. And later, like in childhood, call her outside and make a snow battle with a present for the favorite.
  14. Oscar statuette. If a friend is planning to celebrate her birthday, it is quite possible to warn all those invited in advance and play out the Oscars. It is quite possible to give nominations to the guests, and the largest cup to the birthday girl.
  15. Quest in search of a present. On your friend’s birthday, do a solemn quest in search of a present. For example, give her a small present, and the first clue will be there. Further, when she discovers the first surprise, it is quite possible to hide the subsequent small surprise (glitter, shadows, a handkerchief, a notepad, a pen, a “Best Friend” medal, whatever comes to mind) as well as 1 hint. So until she discovers the main present.

    If the money allows you to do something more... You can contact us!;) or do one of the following things yourself:

  16. Traveling in a limousine. Book an evening ride around town in a limousine with your friends and celebrate her birthday in it at memorable points in her life, at each of which you will act out scenes from her past and film it on video.
  17. Rent a table. Book a table at the club and have a real get-together with close friends (tell your friend that you have taken care of everything, just let her know in advance so that she has time to get ready. In addition to the club, it is quite possible to choose a beach, a boat, or just a booth in a cafe.
  18. Private dance. If you are having a bachelorette party, book the birthday girl a private dance. But be careful with such a surprise if your friend is married (although you can ask your guy friends to dance a small comic surprise - it is always rated with a bang +)).
  19. Certificate for spa treatments. Buy a certificate for a relaxing spa treatment and take her there after a hard day at work. This will perfectly relieve exhaustion and set you up for a real holiday. Also, a stunning knight in armor can meet her and take her there on a carriage, reading poetry...
  20. Strip dance subscription. Even if your friend has never had a particular love for sports, she will definitely like pole training.
  21. Going for fish peeling. While the Garra Rufa fish are removing rough skin from the feet, it is quite possible to have a wonderful chat with close friends over a cup of cocoa or aromatic tea.
  22. Master class on interests. With us it is quite possible to purchase a personal or mass master class on any topic - from soap making to learning the basics of samba.
  23. A day at the water park. It is quite possible to feel like the queen of the beach, even in winter. In addition, in the water park you don’t really need to ride the slides - there is also a jacuzzi, a sauna and a relaxation area. And even if the thought is the most crazy one, it will most likely be another excuse for your smiles years later.
  24. Prank. You can give your friend an unforgettable prank that she will remember for the rest of her life!

Don't do the usual pitfalls like buying very big bear– we have suggested more than 20 varieties of really cool surprises for your friend’s birthday. Think and implement. Or call us! 😉

Leave us a request and we will come up with something individual, especially for you.

To maintain love, you need to ensure that its flame does not go out. A great way to rekindle it is to surprise your wife. From time to time, have romantic evenings or go for late evening walks. Do not lose touch with each other, so as not to end up in a relationship in which spouses live like strangers under the same roof.

Romantic dinner

There is nothing easier than surprising your wife on an ordinary weekday. Leave work an hour early and cook dinner at home. The wife will be surprised and very pleased by the fact that she will not need to stand at the stove today. To impress your woman even more, cook some of her favorite dishes. You don't have to do anything complicated. The dish should be such that you can accurately prepare it. Be able to correctly calculate your strength. Otherwise, you may ruin the surprise. Flowers and candles will help create the room. You can put on some light background music. Delight your spouse with such surprises, and she will arrange similar pleasant evenings for you in return.

Breakfast in bed

Have you not pleased your woman for a long time? But it's so easy to do. You can surprise your wife almost every day. For example, cook her breakfast and bring it to bed. A woman will definitely appreciate such a beautiful gesture. You don't need to think long about what to cook. A simple scrambled egg, a cup of coffee and a delicious bun will be the perfect meal for your spouse. Do you want to enhance the effect of your surprise? Then try to beautifully serve the tray on which you serve breakfast. Sprinkle it with rose petals or hearts cut out of paper. You can put a bouquet in a small vase, which will also help cheer up the woman you love. It is best to hand over breakfast in person. But if you don't have time or are late for work, you can leave the tray on the nightstand. But in this case, take the trouble to write a love note and include it with breakfast.


How to make an original surprise for your wife? It’s very simple, write your favorite song. It is advisable to compose your own creation, but if you are not a poet, then take some of the woman’s favorite tracks as a basis and remake it. Ideally, you should play and sing the song. But if you have never held any musical instrument in your hands, then you can sing along to a soundtrack. This kind of creativity is ideal for a home surprise. What if you want to publicly confess your love to your woman? In this case, you can negotiate with street musicians and, during an evening walk, stop and perform a track you wrote yourself. Such a surprise will be pleasant for those ladies who are not embarrassed by public confessions.

Travel package

Do you want to surprise your wife for her birthday? What could be nicer than an unplanned vacation? You can buy a last minute tour and present tickets to her for her birthday. If you have the opportunity to take a week's vacation, good, but if not, then you can only go away for three days. Even such a short rest will be a pleasant surprise for a woman. Lying on the beach, sipping cocktails - who hasn't dreamed of celebrating their birthday like this? If your wife is not a fan of beach holidays, you can give her a trip to the mountains. Skiing or cheesecake skiing is an exciting activity that any family can afford. But if you are not allowed to leave work or you know that your wife will not be given leave, then you can organize an independent weekend tour. Book a hotel in the city that your wife has long wanted to visit, and go there next weekend.

Romantic walk

A surprise for your wife can be arranged any day. The main thing is desire and creativity. Meet a woman after work and invite her to go for a walk. She may be surprised by such an unplanned pastime, but she is unlikely to refuse. Give your loved one flowers and invite her to a restaurant. Have dinner and then head to the park or waterfront. will give you the opportunity to talk and take a break from routine activities. For one day you can take a break from TV, washing dishes and evening cleaning. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and enjoy each other's company. You can organize similar events quite often. Thanks to them, you will have fewer quarrels, as you will have more time to discuss all pressing issues during a calm walk.

Hot Air Balloon Flight

You can surprise your woman in various ways. One of them is to invite the lady to fly in a hot air balloon. Such an unusual pastime will not leave anyone indifferent. Moreover, all the conditions are created on the balloon to make the flight memorable. During the air tour, you will be offered a glass of champagne and shown a panoramic view of the city. If you want to create a romantic mood, then such entertainment should be transferred to the evening. Then you will be able to look at the city in lights or admire the sunset.

Did the husband give his wife a surprise? How should you respond to such an unexpected display of love? Thank the man, give him some kind of compliment, and then find a way to thank your other half for the care he showed.

Horse ride

Are you thinking about how to surprise your wife for her birthday? Book a horseback riding tour. Such entertainment will appeal to those girls who have a weakness for horses and love leisure. How to give a gift? Don't tell a woman what exactly you are giving her. Just say that Then put her in the car and take her to the horse yard. There you will be given horses and accompanied by an instructor. You can take a walk through the picturesque surroundings and take pictures on horseback. If your wife has never sat on a noble animal in her life, then she will definitely like this kind of entertainment. And most importantly, the impressions of the trip will last a lifetime.

Candy with confessions

Have you decided to surprise your wife? You can surprise a woman even without a big budget. Buy your wife's favorite candies and colored paper. Unwrap the candy wrappers and cut out their counterparts from colored paper. On each such wrapper you will need to write some kind of compliment to your soulmate. When the work is done, pour the candies into a vase and place them where the woman can quickly find them. For example, on the kitchen table or somewhere on a chest of drawers near the entrance. Your wife will be surprised by your ingenuity, and you will definitely receive considerable dividends for your work. Alternatively, you can discreetly slip such sweets into your wife’s purse during the week, and on the weekend put a whole vase of sweets on the coffee table near the bed.

Candles and rose petals

Want to warm up your feelings? Then give your wife a second declaration of love. And it’s not scary that you’ve said it many times already. Women love with their ears, so they can listen to compliments endlessly. How to surprise your wife? Blindfolded, take the woman into the hall or onto the balcony. You need to decorate the room in advance. Arrange candles, lay out rose petals in recognition, or create an outline of a heart. Open your eyes and confess your love. After such an outpouring of words, you can serve the woman a glass of champagne or invite her to a romantic dinner.


You can surprise your wife with an unexpected gift. Order a photo session from a photographer and present your wife with a certificate. Men rarely agree to be photographed with their significant other. Therefore, a woman will appreciate your desire to go to a photographer. Depending on your wife's decision, you can choose the theme of the shoot. love story. Let the woman solve all problems related to decor and outfits. Agree to everything, give your wife pleasant troubles. Let her go shopping, pick out decor, a dress and a tie to match it. You will just need to come on the appointed day to the desired location and smile at the camera. Such a surprise, along with the efforts to prepare it, will cause a pleasant thrill in the soul of your beloved.

Girls like it when guys do beautiful things: give cute gifts, perform romantic serenades, take them to interesting places and court various people. different ways. And girls have a desire to please their significant other, but not everyone knows what surprise to give to their loved one.

If you have found a guy and built a relationship with him, it's time to think about how to please him. A surprise on an ordinary day will bring more joy than on a holiday with expected gifts. I have several ideas on this matter.

  • Romantic evening. At first glance, the idea may seem banal, but it will bring an amazing effect. Before your loved one comes home from work, prepare a bath with aromatic oils, light candles, set the table and turn on romantic music. Upon arriving home, the guy will relax in the bath and eat a delicious meal, and then you will please him with a massage and a night of love. You will definitely like such a surprise, and the relationship will become more tender and stronger.
  • Demonstration of feelings through everyday objects. Give your guy a mug with a beautiful photo of you together or just put the photo in a frame. I advise you to order a fashionable T-shirt with your image and a declaration of love. Such a thing will remind your loved one of your feelings.
  • Cooking. Every man has a favorite dish and I think your guy is no exception. Prepare a culinary masterpiece and present it in an unusual way. No man will refuse baked lamb, French-style meat or homemade meringue for dessert.
  • Breakfast in bed - a romantic surprise. It’s especially pleasant on a day off when you don’t have to go anywhere. Get up early, cook delicious pancakes, brew coffee and cut fruit. Wake up your loved one with kisses and invite him to have breakfast.
  • Experiments in sex. The same type of intimate relationships gets boring. Diversify them with role playing games and sexy costumes. In such sexual entertainment there is a place for erotic massage and frank caresses. None of the men will refuse such pleasure. For a guy, such changes in intimate terms will come as a surprise.
  • Creativity is a way to express words of love. Write a story, poem or a custom declaration of love to your loved one. To create the effect of surprise, place a sheet of paper with love creativity in the guy’s closet, on the table or in his clothes. An unexpected find will pleasantly surprise you.
  • If it's your loved one's birthday, the surprise should be big.. If funds allow, buy the thing he dreams of. Remember, it is your gift that will be the best and most pleasant for the guy.
  • Not a bad option - a fun party. Discuss the plan with your friends in advance and jointly organize a holiday for your loved one. Upon arrival at the destination, congratulate the birthday person and please him with gifts.
  • Unusual declaration of love. The sound of a familiar voice on his favorite radio station shocks him. If the event is held in a cafe, perform a song you composed yourself in public. If the birthday celebration is taking place at home, surprise your loved one with a film assembled in advance from photographs and songs.
  • On Valentine's Day a surprise for your loved one will be a heart-shaped pie or a pillow of a similar shape. Believe me, such a sweet little thing will remind a young man that his beloved girl is present in his life.
  • The latest idea will appeal to brave girls. We are talking about a tattoo with the guy's name. If you are unable to decide on such an action, limit yourself to creating a website for the guy.

Only you have the right to decide what surprise to give your loved one, because only you know his desires and individual preferences. Sit in a calm environment, think about what he will like, and turn the unconventional idea into reality. As practice shows, interesting ideas come unexpectedly.

What a surprise to give to your loved one

Love is an inspired feeling, accompanied by a constant desire to do something non-standard for a loved one so that a smile appears on his face. An unexpected surprise brings more joy than a planned expensive gift.

Every man wonders what original surprise to give his beloved. The complexity of the issue comes down to what girls like emotional life. A sudden surprise that arouses interest or joy is more memorable than an ordinary present. If you haven't found a girl yet, don't waste time and take action.

  1. The simplest option for a surprise is ordering flowers to be delivered to work. An unexpected bouquet, complemented by a gentle message, will surprise your beloved and bring a lot of joy, and since this event will take place in front of colleagues, the effect will be enhanced.
  2. Invite a girl on a date and come with a mysterious box in your hands instead of a bouquet. Over time, the intrigue will grow. When you let the lid open, butterflies will fly out of the box. The sudden effect will cause a slight fear, which will be replaced by a smile.
  3. Agree with the girl’s relatives, stop by her house and leave a gift in her room. This could be a box of chocolates under your pillow, a love message on the monitor screen, or soft toy on the shelf. And although such a present is considered banal, the presentation will turn out to be memorable and beautiful.
  4. If you live together and your feelings have subsided slightly, rekindle them. Print out photos of yourself kissing, buy a couple of helium-filled balloons, attach the photos to them with ribbons and release them over the bed. It is important that the photographs are higher than the bed.
  5. A romantic dinner is a standard, but not a bad idea. Set the table, buy a bottle of wine, light some candles and turn on some music. If you can’t prepare a squid salad or stew yourself, order food at a restaurant.
  6. If you are not sure that dinner will surprise a girl, organize something similar on the roof of a high-rise building or on the river bank. In terms of choosing a place, your imagination will help. To intrigue your loved one, hand over a card with a place marked with a cross where she needs to go.
  7. If there are no available funds or financial possibilities are limited, but there is a desire to surprise your loved one, resort to the help of inscriptions made in an exotic way in an unexpected place. Write a declaration of love under the window with store-bought ketchup. Lower a poster with a girl's name from the roof or place it on the asphalt at night beautiful phrase from candles.
  8. If you don’t have money, try to earn money at home or use boyish ways. Tie a few heart balloons to your loved one's doorknob. I advise you to wear a stylish T-shirt with a portrait of a girl and come on a date in this outfit. Your image will cause her an enthusiastic reaction.
  9. If there are no problems with money, you can talk endlessly about pleasant surprises. A luxurious dinner in a restaurant, a yacht trip, a parachute jump, a horse-drawn excursion. Many of these ideas will appeal to the young lady.
  10. If you want to cause genuine delight in your loved one, hide a ring or other piece of jewelry in an unexpected place. If a girl dreams of a puppy or kitten, the furry friend she finds in a basket under the door will be an excellent surprise.

Do a pleasant surprise It’s easier for your loved one than it seems. Each girl is individual, and only you know what she will like. Take a walk on a warm evening, think about what makes the flame flash in her eyes, and make your dream come true. If you present everything beautifully, your beloved will simply drown in an ocean of emotions.

For a loved one, the efforts of the other half are more important than a gift. Even if you fail or buy a simple gift, your loved one will still appreciate it. Good luck in realizing your ideas!

1) “Intelligence with the mind” and “intelligence with action”;

2) The super-task and super-super-task of the work;

3) Initial event;

4) Searches for intermediate events;

5) Study in effective analysis;

6) Auxiliary sketches;

7) Sequence of events;

8) Central and main events;

9) End-to-end action;

10) Revealing the main conflict;

11) Goals and objectives of the actors;

12) Action and counteraction.

Creative surprises and jokes

Creative surprise - a small-form creative essay - is an exercise that involves fantasy free a topic or writing based on memories from one’s own life is a good provocation for independent work.

A creative surprise can be anything: a song, poetry, monologues, jokes, observations, practical jokes, etc. In this exercise, the personal qualities of students and the creative individuality of each of them are most fully revealed.

Creative surprises open up new opportunities for self-education and self-knowledge. It is necessary to give an outlet to creative energy, which may not fully manifest itself in lessons. Working on surprises gives students an impetus for independent and deeper study of literary, musical, pictorial, life material and creative expression of it in an original surprise form.

Within the group you can hold music competitions and poetry evenings. Any creative surprise, collective or personal, must be correlated with what the group is doing in class creative development, with current life phenomena, processes and events. Then it is useful and even necessary.

The surprise can be based on musical, literary, dramatic or screenplay material. Surprise assignments can arise from training, observations, and other learning tasks.

In surprises, there is a need to show your musical and plastic capabilities.

Surprise is homework, which can serve as an impetus for educational work.


Forms of work

In organizing the educational process for program implementation, various forms of work are used:

1) Lesson (theory and practice)– the main form of organization of the educational process – has the following structure:

1. Beginning. Author-leader: director of the meeting (Begins - collective exercises of the whole group (lasting no more than 5 minutes), setting up the group before the start of the lesson, a kind of creative “hello” to each other and the teacher).

2. Independent creative block (chronicle-scenario of the previous day, poems as a gift, creative rating, ikebana equivalent metaphor).

3. Creative toilet and training.

4. Sketch shows.

5. Surprise shows.

6. Discussion of shows.

7. Work on educational material– organization and process of filming

8. Lesson finale.

2) Rehearsals(table, in a fence, on a stage, technical) - one of the forms of work on educational material (studies, surprises, creative tasks), which can be carried out in a group form, subgroup or individual (depending on the specifics of the educational material).

3) Conversations(individual and group content programs, educational).

4) Excursions(thematic - as the basis for working on the creative task “Observation”).

5) Trips(by places associated with a particular event, location, location search - filming location, etc.).

6) Departures(outside the city - to strengthen interpersonal relationships)

7) Evenings(creative evening of the group, art song, thematic, dedicated to holidays)

8) Creative meetings (with cultural and artistic figures, creative workshops, theater groups from the city, Russia and abroad).

9) Master classes

The main method of organizing the educational process is a combination of the following teaching methods:

Verbal- message educational information using words (oral and printed). This is a story, conversation, lecture, work with printed sources. Students' activities consist of perceiving and comprehending the information received, making entries in a creative diary, and working with educational material.

Visual– communication of educational information using visual aids. This is a demonstration of visual aids (objects, diagrams, layouts), as well as viewing of videos, films, television shows, etc.

Practical– practical activities - tests, rehearsals, trainings, practices, exercises, creative tasks and demonstrations, organization and filming of excerpts.

This teaching method for this program is the main one.

Didactic material

1. Educational literature on the topic "Fundamentals of Directing", "Editing" "Camera Art"

2. Thematic materials of the video fund

3. Art materials (art albums, sets of postcards, reproductions)

4. Photographic materials, films and video materials;

5. Literary works (fables, parables, prose stories, drama, scripts) as the basis of sketch work.

Technical equipment

1) Room (from 2 meters per person).

2) Chairs (according to the number of group members).

6) Lighting equipment

7) Sound recording and sound reproducing equipment.

8) Video recording and video playback equipment.


The learning process in the workshop allows you to evaluate creative performances in control (open, test and examination) lessons held at the end of each stage.

The essence of these lessons is assessment practical work the teacher and the group for mastering the training exercises, the structure of the lessons themselves, the level of activity of the students and the teacher’s ability to consciously and improvisationally lead the course of the lesson.

The test open lesson consists of the following parts:

1st stage of training:

2) Creative toilet-warm-up.

3) Sketch shows on site and filmed:

4) “Silence in the frame”

5) sketches “Silently together”,

6) “Familiar work-PFD”,

7) "Musical Moment"

8) “Dubbed-voiceover”

9) Dramatic retelling “with your feet” of Proverbs, passages from prose, stories, scripts

10) Poems as a gift, retelling of prose in an event. Creative surprises, metaphors, equivalents.

11) Showing edited educational excerpts on these topics

12) Finale of the lesson.

2nd stage of training:

2) Creative toilet and training.

3) Sketches based on a literary script.

4) Film observations

5) Creative surprises.

6) End of the lesson.

3rd stage:

Stage composition - creative evening of the group.

Screening of film and video excerpts.

Showing excerpts from films

Video portfolio (Showrill)

The most important and necessary condition for completing the course is the completion of practical and artistic tasks set by the teacher.


1. Allan Pease. Body language and gestures. - Voronezh., 1992.

2. Vanovskaya E. V. Literary composition and editing on the amateur stage. - L., 1989.

3. Vygotsky L. S. Psychology of art. – M., 1986.

4. Gippius S.V. Gymnastics of feelings. - L., M., 1967.

5. Gracheva L. V. “Education of feelings // Diagnostics and development of artistic talent. Collection. – St. Petersburg, 1992.

6. Griner V. A. Rhythm in the art of the actor. - M., 1966

7. Demidov N.V. The art of living on stage.

8. Knebel M. O. On the effective analysis of the play and role. – M., 1982.

9. Knebel M. O. Poetry of pedagogy. – M., 1978.

10. Knebel M. O. The Word in the Actor’s Work. – M., 1964.

11. Korogodsky Z. Ya. Beginning. – St. Petersburg, 1996.

12. Korogodsky Z. Ya. Director and actor. - M., 1967.

13. Korogodsky Z. Ya. Etude and school. – M., 1975.

14. Melik-Pashev A. A. Pedagogy of art and creative abilities. - M., 1991.

15. Osho (The Orange Book, The Mustard Seed. The Empty Boat, Life, Love, Laughter. The Gift of Atisha)

16 Stanislavsky K. S. Collection. Op.: In 9 vols. – M., 1958-

16. Chekhov M. A. The actor’s path.: In 2 vols. - M., 1986.

17. Shmoilov M. G. The skill of an actor (Exercises and games of the initial stage of training) Methodological development. – L., 1990.

18. Shtarkin V. Make-up. Make-up guide for amateur artists. – M., 1971.

19. Efros A. Rehearsal is my love. – M., 1993.

20. Efros A. Profession director. – M., 1993.

21. Efros A. Continuation of the theatrical novel. – M., 1993.

22. Efros A. Book four. – M., 1993.

23. A.G. Sokolov Editing - television, film, video - M. 2005 textbook

24. L.V. Gracheva Training in an actor’s work on a role – St. Petersburg, 2010

Everyone loves to receive gifts, but unfortunately, not every gift and not every birthday remains in memory over time. This situation definitely needs to be corrected, and it is not at all difficult to do.

To do this, even the simplest inexpensive gift needs to be turned into a big one. original Surprise, which would be remembered for many years. To do this, the gift must be:

  • Beautifully packaged.
  • The presentation of the gift should be accompanied by a beautiful legend.

Let me give you a few examples of how you can surprise someone for a birthday. So you can give a gift to almost anyone and your beloved husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, girlfriend, friend.

Ideas and Options for Birthday Surprises.

1. Video congratulations.

  • Give the task to friends and relatives of the birthday boy to shoot a short video with congratulations; you can hold a sign with your wishes in your hands. Then collect congratulations from all the videos and make a small film. It will help to put all the videos together Windows program Movie Maker, which everyone has on their computer. You just need to start preparing the film in advance.
  • Another option, video - ask strangers congratulate the birthday boy on the street.
  • Slowly film the hero of the occasion in various situations, the main thing is that he does not guess why you are doing this. Then edit it, adding interesting inscriptions and congratulations.

how to give?

On the birthday of the birthday person in the morning to the post office or social network send the resulting touching video congratulations. The surprise will be just great.

2. An ocean of emotions.

The idea of ​​the surprise is this: every hour the birthday person receives congratulations from you in a variety of ways that only you can come up with. For example,

  • Telephone congratulations,
  • SMS with a beautiful poem,
  • Audio congratulations on the phone
  • Flowers with wishes can be brought by a courier.
  • Message by email,
  • Video congratulations,
  • E-card,
  • Congratulations on the asphalt, which can be seen through the window.
  • Poster or wall newspaper.
  • Originally send a telegram by mail.
  • A beautiful postcard on the windshield of a car.
  • etc

The last congratulations and gift should be personally presented to the dear Birthday Boy. You will definitely never forget such a congratulation.

3. SMS boom.

Ask all your friends, the more the better, to send different SMS congratulations, but they should all be signed with your name. Imagine the person’s reaction, definitely an unexpected surprise.

4. Exciting quest (game).

Come up with a scenario for how the gift will be delivered.

  • If you give a gift at home, you can organize a festive dinner and decorate the room with helium-filled balloons. Hide the gift and play the game “Hot - Cold” or prepare special tasks in the envelope.
  • Invite the birthday person outside by throwing a letter under the door or simply sending an SMS. On the street, for example, a grandiose fireworks display or a musical orchestra performing a song and, of course, a gift itself may be waiting for him, which must be presented with touching words, for example, “To your loved one...... for main role in my life”, “To my best friend (friend)”.
  • Invitation to a restaurant. Warn the birthday person in advance that a festive outing is expected, but do not say where. At the appointed time, a stranger knocks on the door and gives a letter “I’m waiting outside.” On the street you can draw arrows in the direction of the car, and maybe even the carriage. Further along the way, you can come up with a few more tasks and the final chord is arrival at the restaurant, where a noisy funny company friends.

Here’s an example of a video, although a guy proposes to his beloved in this way. Let's see.

5. Congratulations box

Ask all your acquaintances, friends and relatives to buy and write sincere congratulations, touching stories and simply Nice words from yourself on postcards, then collect them and put them in a beautiful box.