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Candles in the pool. online consultations. Modern protection for the modern woman

ANSWERED: 02/05/2017

Hello, while treating an inflammatory process in the vagina, avoid visiting the pool, sauna, bathhouse, or swimming in open water. In addition, it is necessary to maintain sexual rest. For anti-inflammatory purposes, as well as to increase the effectiveness of treatment, galavit is indicated, which has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed one suppository into the rectum every other day; a course usually requires 10-15 suppositories. After antibacterial treatment, it is necessary to restore the microflora in the vagina with the help of probiotics (acylact, lactozhinal, vaginorm, etc.).

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Is regular use of the pool dangerous for your health? "Absurd!" - many will say. But this is actually true. Regular visits to the pool can really harm your health, and quite severely.

Causes of vaginitis are diverse, the pool can be one of them.

We won’t talk about obvious things. For example, that not a single modern system cleaning does not guarantee the absence of harmful microbes in the water. Or that the preparations for this cleaning, reacting with skin flakes, cosmetics and other organic substances entering the pool, form toxic compounds. This is already known.

Trouble always comes from unexpected quarters

Let's talk about a very important factor. Which, however, many do not pay attention to.
The most interesting thing is not that the water in the pool can be contaminated, despite all the measures taken to clean it. The water in the pool is quite normal, in our opinion, at a temperature that can cause mild hypothermia of the pelvic organs. The fact is that in water heat exchange occurs several times stronger than in air.
At the same time, beneficial bacteria “freeze” slightly and do not want to multiply for some time. This opens the way for comfortable growth and development of harmful microflora.
As a result, a woman may experience vaginitis. It is worth noting that for women who have been involved in water sports for a long time, such as regular and synchronized swimming, vaginitis has long been an occupational disease. At the same time, by the way, it is common colds they get sick much less often.
This is why frequent and prolonged stays in the pool can cause illness, no matter how polluted the water is.

The power of disease is in our weakness

Where do these harmful microbes come from? There is a certain group of microorganisms that constantly live in the body of every healthy woman. Doctors call them opportunistic microorganisms. They do not cause diseases when everything is fine and the immune system is normal.
But as soon as even a small gap appears in the body’s immune defense, or if changes occur in the composition of the normal microflora, they begin to actively multiply, causing disease.
Even if all hygiene standards: both on the part of the pool service and on your part (using only your own towel and not visiting the common ladies’ room) are observed perfectly, this will not protect you from the risk of vaginitis 100%.

What to do?

Don't go to the pool? Not at all. First of all, you need to follow the regime of being in the water. Don't stay in the pool for a long time. In water, it is best to move as actively as possible so that increased blood flow warms you from the inside.
If, nevertheless, something bothers you in terms of women’s health, it would be useful to take additional preventive measures. Just don’t use antibiotics for this! They will begin to destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria indiscriminately. As a result, we will get dysbiosis, fungal infection and a bunch of other unpleasant problems.

There is an exit!

The optimal choice for the prevention and treatment of mild forms of vaginitis is the drug. Why is this suddenly? Not at all suddenly: this drug has several features that allow us to call it today the No. 1 drug for such purposes.

Selectivity. Hexicon, unlike other similar drugs, does not affect the reproduction of beneficial lactobacilli and thus does not disrupt the natural balance of microflora.

Safety. "Hexicon" has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane. It is not absorbed and thus has no systemic effects. The drug is approved for use even in pregnant women at any stage.

Ease of use. "Hexicon" is available in the form vaginal suppositories. They are much more convenient than vaginal tablets for topical use: they have a physiological form and are easier to insert.

Speed ​​of onset of effect. The action comes very quickly. If this is a treatment course, then literally the next day you will already notice the effect.
Hexicon suppositories are effective against the vast majority of microorganisms that cause vaginal infections.

Modern protection for the modern woman

As a prophylactic agent, the drug is almost ideal.
It can be useful to you in any situation where additional protection is required. In those cases that today are commonly called “banal vaginitis” (that is, uncomplicated forms of the disease), it becomes a very beneficial alternative to prescribing antibiotics.
Its use is especially relevant during periods when immunity is naturally reduced - for example, when visiting the pool in the fall and spring, as well as even in the case of mild colds.
It is advisable to use it for preventive purposes no later than a couple of hours after leaving the pool. For medicinal purposes, suppositories are usually used twice a day for at least five days. However, every woman’s body is individual, and it is best to consult with your gynecologist about correct use"Hexicona".

Correct application - the rule is also valid when visiting the pool. If you follow the water treatment regimen and use preventive measures (such as Hexicon, for example), the benefits for your health will be undoubted!

Wedding idea: floating candles (fire and water) + Photo

The combination of water and fire of wedding candles is incredibly romantic and beautiful. Try to implement this tandem at your wedding celebration. Valentine's Day is just around the corner and in anticipation of it, we decided to please our most romantic readers with this article.

Keep it simple

A simple rounded vase with floating candles makes the perfect sophisticated and romantic centerpiece for any table setting, especially in the evening. It will be an excellent choice for a winter celebration. Find a shallow vase, so in such a vessel the candles will be perfectly visible, attracting the attention of guests. Such a decorative element will immediately catch your eye.

Combine flowers and candles

Add a variety of interesting decorative elements to your floating candle vase, such as different flower heads, blooms, or rose petals. You can also add silver stars, large rhinestones, beads, pebbles, and balls to the vase. This can add a certain shine to the entire composition.

Flowers and floating candles. Photo

Fill the water vessel

Take a long transparent vase, fill it with water, and place candles on top. The vase can be filled with various decorative elements, which will create a very interesting composition. Various berries and fruits, for example, bright cherries or apples, will look extraordinary. At the bottom you can place glass or real pebbles, a variety of ceramic and glass figurines, or entire compositions that can maintain their shape in the water.

Floating candles - Photo

Look for special vases

Try to find vases with unusual shapes, for example, those made in the form of two compartments. Add water and floating candles to one, and leave the other to decorate with various decorative elements (shells and sand for a nautical-themed wedding).

Unusual vases for floating candles. Photo

Combine color and smell

Find a variety of colored candles to match the overall theme of your wedding. Scented candles can also add a certain aroma to the entire banquet hall. However, you need to make sure that the smell of the candles does not mix with the smell of the flowers, which could irritate the gathered guests.

Decorate candles with fruits. Photo

Combine different sizes

Create an unusual composition by combining several vases with floating candles different sizes. If you have a buffet at your wedding, you can place vases of different heights in the center that will attract the attention of guests. However, try to ensure that they match the design or are connected by the same motif or theme.

Vases of different sizes and heights. Photo

Use vases everywhere

If you have already started using floating candles, then consider introducing this element at all stages of the wedding. For example, you can place two vases on each side at the entrance to banqueting hall, or use them at an outdoor ceremony, placing them on the sides of the wedding arch.

Candles and eco-materials. Photo

Colored water

If you don't find candles of a suitable color that would suit the overall color scheme of your wedding, then use regular light candles, but tint the water in a suitable color.

Floating candles and mirrors are a great reflection idea. Photo

Candles in the pool

If you decide to have an outdoor wedding and have access to a lake, fountain or pond, be sure to throw a few floating candles there. Their lights will not only look great after sunset, but will also help guests avoid falling into the water.

Winter version of floating candles. Photo

Floating candles and unusual materials. Photo

Take care of your safety

Before buying all the candles in the store, be sure to visit the wedding venue and find out whether it is possible to use so many candles there. For safety reasons, some establishments do not allow large quantities of candles. But they may allow floating candles, since this option is less dangerous.

Elena Sidorova, especially for the wedding catalog

Photos sent by Evgesha. Thank you for your ideas and help in developing the project!

Visit to the swimming pool an irreplaceable pleasure in the cold season. Exercise in the water harden the body, prepare it for summer swimming. As a rule, people who exercise in the pool suffer less from colds, are physically more resilient and hardened, and look fit and cheerful. When it comes to overall immunity, swimming in the pool undoubtedly stimulates it. But what about some of the unpleasant facts that a person encounters when visiting a swimming pool, and how harmful are they?

Intimate hygiene is truly an “intimate topic”, often raised today in medical literature, in popular publications, and on Internet forums. It can be assumed that a fairly young part of the population (both men and women) faced relatively new problem“wars of bacteria” - dysbiosis of the genital organs. Under normal conditions (in healthy body) the vagina is home to the so-called normal microflora - that “clan” of bacteria whose activity ensures intimate health: resistance to infections and stressful situations in which the balance between normal and harmful bacteria can change.

Normal microflora: lactobacilli or Doderlein bacilli - 90%, bifidobacteria - just under 10%, the remaining bacteria - staphylococci, gardnerella, candida fungi, streptococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. The immune system has no effect on normal microflora, but acts aggressively on infectious agents, releasing a variety of biologically active substances that maintain balance.

The reasons for this imbalance may be different. For example, hypothermia; changes in hormonal levels associated with pregnancy and childbirth, age-related changes; stressful situations, which abound in the modern business world; improper intimate care; pathogens; long-term treatment with drugs that disrupt the balance of microflora, primarily antibiotics and antimicrobials.

Mild “physiological” stress is a variety of water procedures for our body: physical exercise in the pool, sauna or Russian bath, hydromassage, contrast showers, etc. The term “physiological” means natural, that is, during these procedures, biological release occurs in the body active substances - hormones, with their help the body adapts to changing conditions environment, V in this case this condition is cold or hot water and exercises in it.

Such stress is very beneficial for the body as a whole - at this time it comes to life, “wakes up”, the active background is “remembered” immune system. The more you do, the higher this memorized level, the more your immune system strengthens.

Now about the water. The water in the pool can be chlorinated, ozonated, fluoridated, disinfected with ultrasound, or sea salts.

All methods of water disinfection, except chlorination, are quite expensive, so to this day bleach is the most common and reliable method of water treatment.

Let's break down the harmful effects of bleach on the body.

Effect on mucous membranes: Chlorinated water can cause the most harmful effects to the eyes: cause burns or conjunctivitis, especially if you do not wash off your makeup before exercising in the pool. Bleach itself is a strong allergen, and in combination with cosmetics it can cause individual allergic reactions. So it’s better to wash off your makeup and apply a special protective cream to your skin, and wear special goggles when swimming and diving.

Hair after exposure to chlorinated water they become dull and brittle. In this case, cosmetics that restore hair structure and... pool caps will come to the rescue. Professional swimmers use caps exclusively made of silicone. They are quite expensive, but they fit the head very tightly and eliminate the penetration of water into the hair.

Mucous membranes intimate area not as sensitive to chlorinated water. To avoid dryness, it is recommended to use intimate gel after the pool.

Infection with sexually transmitted infections in the pool is practically impossible if the rules of personal hygiene are observed. All forms of bacteria die in chlorinated water.

Experts say that for infection to occur, a “rubbing effect” into the mucous membranes is necessary, and the concentration of the pathogen must be significant, which is difficult to achieve in chlorinated pool water.

Recently, experts recommended vaginal tampons with Farmatex cream for protection while swimming in the pool, but this medicine with frequent use, it itself causes disturbances in the balance of normal microflora in the vagina, so this method of protection is controversial. Moreover, tampons can even contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic (disease-causing) microflora if they are not changed often enough (experts recommend every 2-3 hours). During menstruation, it is generally recommended not to visit the pool, since on these days women’s immunity is especially weakened and the likelihood of developing elementary inflammation is quite high.

Use after visiting the pool of any soap based on triclosan or intimate spray based on chlorhexidine will provide an antiseptic effect.

The use of so-called protective gaskets containing "phyto-barriers", sorbents (absorbers) based on natural ingredients are possible only to prevent minor irritations on the mucous membrane.

The “phyto-barrier” combination hides the presence of plant extracts, which generally have an anti-inflammatory and mild antiseptic effect.

The most widely used extracts are chamomile, St. John's wort, tripartite, sea buckthorn, calendula officinalis, peppermint, calamus, Japanese sophora, Amur velvet and honeysuckle (the last two plants are not medicinal, they are used only in folk medicine).

As a preventative measure, such pads can only relieve local irritation, and statements about a therapeutic effect can perhaps be considered empty promises.

Please note that we are talking only about effects outside the aquatic environment! The active substances of the extracts can chemically combine with chlorine in the pool water and lead to unpredictable effects: allergic in the first place, and deactivation of biologically active substances in the water can occur.

The negative effect of chlorinated water on the skin of the body can be prevented by using a special series “after the pool” shower gel (many companies produce such cosmetics), antifungal gels, milk or body lotion immediately after water procedures in the pool. Cosmetics with sea minerals are especially good in this case - they ideally restore the water-lipid film, moisturize and nourish the skin of the body.

Of course, the fundamental thing is to have a good strong immune system, which, by the way, cannot develop if the body does not come into contact with microorganisms, including pathogens. In conditions of complete sterility, immunity is not formed at all; in this regard, contact with foreign microflora is even useful.

Subject to personal hygiene rules and gynecologist's recommendations, keep women Health is not difficult. It is important not to forget about it and to prevent the disease in every possible way. This is a much more effective way than treating an existing disease!