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A brief message about vitamin A. Vitamins. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Beneficial properties of vitamin C or ascorbic acid

Vitamins play a very important role in the absorption of nutrients and in many biochemical reactions of the body. Most vitamins come from food, some of them are synthesized by the microbial flora of the intestine and absorbed into the blood, so even in the absence of such vitamins in food, the body does not need them. A lack of any vitamin in the diet (not synthesized in the intestines) causes a painful condition called hypovitaminosis. If the absorption of vitamins in the intestines is impaired due to a particular disease, hypovitaminosis can occur even with a sufficient amount of vitamins in the food.

The intake of vitamins into the body may be insufficient as a result of improper culinary processing of food: heating, canning, smoking, drying, freezing - or due to irrational one-sided nutrition. Thus, a predominantly carbohydrate diet leads to a deficiency of B vitamins; In diets containing very little protein, a deficiency of riboflavin (vitamin B2) may occur.

Many vitamins are quickly destroyed and do not accumulate in the body in the required quantities, so a person needs a constant supply of them with food. This especially applies to vitamins A, D, B1 and B2, PP and C. Here is a brief summary of the main vitamins.

Vitamin A (retinol) It has great importance for the normal functioning of the human body, as it takes part in a number of redox processes, in ensuring the function of vision, promotes the growth of children, and increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

A lack of vitamin A in the body causes hypovitaminosis, the first sign of which is the so-called night blindness - visual impairment in low light (at dusk). This is due to insufficient formation of rhodopsin pigment in the retina, the synthesis of which requires vitamin A. Further development of hypovitaminosis A is manifested by dryness of the cornea and frequent infection. In addition, with a lack of retinol, degeneration of the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts is observed. This contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

One of the characteristic signs of vitamin A deficiency is also dry skin and hair, pallor and flaking. skin, a tendency to form acne, boils, brittle and striated nails, decreased appetite, increased fatigue.

Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of vitamin A is harmful. Large doses of vitamin A are toxic. When more than 50 mg of retinol per day is introduced into the body for a long time, symptoms of hypervitaminosis may develop - skin itching, hair loss, general irritability, lethargy, drowsiness, headaches, as well as exacerbation of cholelithiasis and chronic pancreatitis.

Retinol is used for the prevention and treatment of infectious and colds (measles, dysentery, pneumonia, bronchitis), diseases of the digestive system (chronic gastritis, colitis, hepatitis), and some eye diseases.

Vitamin A enters the human body in finished form only with products of animal origin. The liver oil of fish (cod, sea bass, flounder, halibut) and beef liver. It is found in smaller quantities in milk, sour cream, cream, butter, egg yolk. Plant products contain provitamin A - carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the wall of the small intestine and in the liver. Vegetables and herbs are the source of carotene; carrots, pumpkin, parsley, red pepper, dill, tomatoes, sorrel, spinach, green onions, as well as fruits and berries - apricots, tangerines, oranges, lemons, peaches, rowan, rose hips, apricots, raspberries, black currants. For better absorption of carotene, the corresponding food products should be consumed in combination with vegetable oil or sour cream.

The daily physiological requirement for vitamin A for a healthy person is 1.5 mg, for carotene - 3 mg.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) plays an important role in the regulation of carbohydrate, fat, mineral and water metabolism. It has a beneficial effect on cellular respiration, nervous and cardiovascular system, digestive organs. In the human body, thiamine is formed in the intestines, but in insufficient quantities, so it is necessary to additionally introduce it with food.

If there is a lack of vitamin B1 in food, the oxidation of carbohydrates does not reach completion, and intermediate products - pyruvic and lactic acids - accumulate in the tissues, as a result of which the processes of transmission of nerve impulses are disrupted.

Mild hypovitaminosis B1 leads to dysfunction of the central nervous system in the form of mental depression, general malaise, increased fatigue, headache, insomnia, and decreased attention.

A significant deficiency of vitamin B1 in the body leads to the development of a serious disease called beriberi. It is accompanied by polyneuritis, sensitivity disorders of the limbs, cardiac disturbances (palpitations, cardiac weakness), and a decrease in the body's resistance to infections.

The daily requirement for vitamin B1 is 2 mg. The need for thiamine increases with great content in food carbohydrates, as well as in feverish conditions, intestinal diseases, increased function of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), neuritis and radiculitis.

Vitamin B1 is found in rye bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, liver and kidneys of cattle and pigs, and ham. The best sources of thiamine are whole grains of various cereals, legumes and nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts). To prevent thiamine deficiency, it is recommended to consume yeast drinks and bread kvass, as well as pre-soaked wheat and rye grains.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) has a significant effect on visual function - increases the sharpness of color discrimination and improves night vision. This vitamin is part of a number of enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the synthesis of proteins and fats.

Riboflavin obtained from food combines with phosphoric acid in the body (phosphorylated). Together with proteins, this acid is part of the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration. Vitamin B2 has a regulating effect on the functions of the central nervous system and liver, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

If there is insufficiency of riboflavin in the body, protein synthesis deteriorates, the oxidation of lactic acid is disrupted, glycogen disappears from the liver, the formation of amino acids is inhibited, and cardiac and circulatory disorders develop. Characteristic features Riboflavin deficiency causes cracks in the corners of the mouth. Further development of hypovitaminosis causes loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, apathy, headaches, burning sensation of the skin, itching or pain in the eyes, impaired twilight vision, conjunctivitis. Cracked breast nipples in nursing women may be a consequence of a lack of vitamin B2, since during lactation the body's need for this vitamin increases significantly.

The average daily human need for riboflavin is 2.5-3 mg.

The most important sources of riboflavin: whole milk, especially curdled milk, acidophilus, kefir, cheese, lean meat, liver, kidneys, heart, egg yolk, mushrooms, baker's and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B2 is stable during cooking.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is integral part many enzymes involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, stimulates the formation of hormones of the adrenal cortex.

The richest foods in pantothenic acid are liver, kidneys, egg yolk, lean meat, milk, fish, peas, wheat bran and yeast. During cooking, up to 25% of vitamin B5 is lost. It is produced in sufficient quantities by microbes living in the colon, so there is usually no shortage of pantothenic acid (the need for it is 10-12 mg per day).

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is part of numerous enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and cholesterol. Pyridoxine improves fat metabolism in atherosclerosis. Vitamin B6 has been found to increase urination and enhance the effect of diuretics.

Severe vitamin B6 deficiency is rare, since it is produced by microbes in the intestines. Sometimes it is observed in young children fed with autoclaved milk. This is expressed in growth retardation, gastrointestinal disorders, increased nervous excitability, and convulsive attacks.

The average daily dose of pyridoxine is 2-2.5 mg. It is found in plants, especially in unrefined cereal grains (wheat, rye), in vegetables, meat, fish, milk, in cattle liver, egg yolk, and relatively high amounts of vitamin B6 in yeast. This vitamin is heat stable but degrades when exposed to light (especially ultraviolet rays).

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) has a complex structure, its molecules contain a cobalt atom and a cyano group.

In the human body, this vitamin is necessary for the formation of nucleic acids and some amino acids (choline). Vitamin B12 has high biological activity. It stimulates growth, normal hematopoiesis and maturation of red blood cells, normalizes liver function and the state of the nervous system. In addition, it activates the blood coagulation system (increases the activity of prothrombin), has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats - in case of atherosclerosis, it lowers the cholesterol content in the blood, increases the amount of lecithin, and has a pronounced ability to reduce fat deposits in the blood. internal organs.

Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs most often in connection with diseases of the stomach or intestines, as a result of which the extraction and absorption of vitamin B12 contained in food is impaired, which manifests itself in the form of severe anemia due to disruption of normal hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

In the human body, vitamin B12 is formed in the intestines in small quantities; in addition, it comes from products of animal origin. Vitamin B12 is found in liver, meat, eggs, fish, yeast, as well as in medicinal preparations obtained from animal liver. An important source of it is milk, especially sour milk, since it is synthesized by some lactic acid bacteria. It is heat resistant but sensitive to light.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is an integral part of the B vitamin complex. Together with vitamin B12, folic acid is involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis, the formation of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, as well as in the regulation of protein metabolism, stimulates growth, and reduces fat deposition in internal organs.

Folic acid found in fresh vegetables and herbs - tomatoes, beans, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, green leaves of parsley, celery, as well as in the liver, kidneys, and brains of animals. During culinary processing of food, due to the instability of folic acid to heat, its loss reaches 50-90%. In the human intestine it is synthesized by microflora in sufficient quantities to meet the body's needs.

In this regard, the corresponding vitamin deficiency can occur only as an exception. Hypovitaminosis develops when large doses of sulfonamides or antibiotics are administered, which destroy the intestinal microflora and thereby block the formation of folic acid. Vitamin deficiency can also occur when folic acid absorption is impaired due to diseases of the small intestine. Since vitamin B12 is required for the absorption of folic acid, if it is deficient, the absorption of folic acid is impaired. The estimated daily human need for folic acid is 0.2-0.3 mg.

Vitamin B15 (calcium pangamate) improves fat metabolism, increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, increases the content of energy-rich substances (creatine phosphate and glycogen) in the heart, skeletal muscles and liver. Vitamin B15 is found in plant seeds (in Greek “pan” - everywhere, “gam” - seed), brewer’s yeast, rice bran, liver. It is widely used in the treatment of heart and liver diseases.

Vitamin B17 (nitriloside) opened relatively recently. It improves metabolic processes and prevents the development of tumors. It is found in large quantities in fruits, especially in cereals (rye, wheat) and seeds - the seeds of apples, pears, and grapes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)- one of the most important vitamins in the human diet. The physiological significance of ascorbic acid in the body is very diverse,

Ascorbic acid activates a number of enzymes, promotes better absorption of iron and thereby enhances! hemoglobin formation and red blood cell maturation. Vitamin C stimulates the formation of a very important protein - collagen. This protein binds individual cells into a single tissue. With its deficiency, wound healing is greatly slowed down. Ascorbic acid affects the synthesis of another protein, the deficiency of which causes a violation of the plasticity and permeability of blood vessels, resulting in numerous hemorrhages and bleeding gums.

Vitamin C has a pronounced antitoxic effect against many toxic substances. Thus, the neutralizing effect of ascorbic acid on diphtheria, tuberculosis, dysentery and other microbial poisons has been established.

Ascorbic acid has another extremely important ability. It increases the body’s natural immunobiological resistance to infectious and colds, has a pronounced effect on the activity of macrophages, which capture and digest pathogenic microbes that have entered the body.

Currently, vitamin C is widely used in medical practice in the treatment of many diseases.

Incorrect thermal regime of food processing and long-term storage prepared foods cause oxidation and loss of large quantities of ascorbic acid. Hypovitaminosis C can occur with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that impair the absorption of ascorbic acid (for example, this is observed in chronic hypacid gastritis, enterocolitis), as well as with a lack of vitamins B1 and B2 and after long-term use of certain medications, such as salicylates and sulfonamide drugs.

Long-term vitamin C deficiency, depending on its severity, can cause the development of scurvy, which is characterized by damage to blood vessels, especially capillaries. This is expressed in increased permeability and fragility of capillary walls. Bleeding capillaries leads to hemorrhages in the skin, muscles, and joints. At the same time, the gums become inflamed, teeth become loose and fall out, anemia develops, and blood pressure decreases. Lips, nose, ears, nails become bluish. Pain in bones and joints appears, general lethargy, fatigue, pale skin, body temperature drops, resistance to various diseases decreases, mainly gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs.

The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin C is 70-100 mg. This standard is increased for people working in hot shops, living in hot climates or Far North, as well as for people engaged in heavy physical labor and sports. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need double the normal amount of vitamin C. An increased amount of ascorbic acid is necessary for older people, as this vitamin has the ability to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin C is not produced in the human body, so a constant supply of it through food is necessary.

The richest sources of ascorbic acid are green parts of plants, most vegetables and fruits. There is especially a lot of vitamin C in rose hips, chokeberries, black currant, lemons and unripe fruits walnut. Potatoes contain the most vitamin C in the fall; in December, its amount decreases by half, and in March - by 4 times.

In addition to ascorbic acid, rose hips contain vitamins B2, P, K and carotene (provitamin A). Rose hips are distinguished by the fact that they do not contain the enzyme ascorbinase, which destroys ascorbic acid. Therefore, in mature rose hips, the process of destruction of vitamin C is much slower than in plants containing ascorbinase. Dried rose hips can retain their vitamin activity for several years. Ascorbinase is also absent in lemon, orange, and black currant.

The richest fruits in vitamin C are rose hips, which have an orange color and protruding remains of sepals; in low-vitamin rosehip species, the remains of the sepals are tightly pressed to the walls of the fruit. There is a lot of vitamin C in sprouted grains of rye, wheat, and peas.

When cooking food products, about 50-60% of ascorbic acid is lost. In order for vitamin C to be destroyed as little as possible from exposure to atmospheric oxygen, food should be cooked in a non-oxidizing (enamel) container, under a lid, not overcooked and not stored for a long time, as when reheating ready meals Vitamin C losses increase rapidly. From this point of view, raw vegetables, fruits and berries are of greatest value.

Vitamins of group D participate in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus: they activate the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract, as well as the deposition of calcium in bone tissue and in dentin; stimulate the exchange of phosphoric acid, which plays an important role in the activity of the central nervous system and the general energy of the body. In addition, vitamin D stimulates growth and affects the functional state of the thyroid, goiter, parathyroid and gonads. Large amounts of vitamin D are found in the liver sea ​​fish(together with vitamin A), somewhat less - in butter, milk, egg yolk, fish roe. In plants, vitamin D is in a biologically inactive form. Yeast is especially rich in it. In foods of animal origin, vitamin D is also biologically inactive; conversion to the active form occurs in the skin under the influence of sunlight or artificial irradiation with ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, irradiation with a quartz lamp is recommended. Fortified fish oil is also used as a source of vitamin D. If there is a lack of vitamin D in the child’s body, rickets develops, in which ossification processes are disrupted (bones become soft, the structure of the teeth changes). Similar changes can occur in the body of pregnant and lactating women, whose need for vitamin D is sharply increased.

Excessive consumption of vitamin D has a toxic effect on the human body - it promotes the development of atherosclerosis, leads to calcium deposition in internal organs, and digestive disorders.

The daily requirement of vitamin D for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers is 500 international units (IU). Medical fish oil, sold in pharmacies, contains about 1000 IU per teaspoon.

Vitamin P found in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currant berries, red bell pepper.

The biological effect of vitamin P dough is associated with the presence of ascorbic acid. It promotes the absorption of vitamin C and protects it from oxidation. Therefore, in the presence of vitamin P, the need for ascorbic acid is reduced.

Food plants rich in vitamin C always contain vitamin P. This explains the greater effectiveness of vitamin C contained in plant products compared to synthetic preparations.

With a lack of vitamin P, capillaries become fragile, their fragility increases, and pinpoint hemorrhages appear.

Two preparations of vitamin P are used: from tea tree leaves and from the green mass of buckwheat rutin. The daily requirement of a healthy adult for vitamin P is 35-50 mg.

Vitamin K has the ability to increase blood clotting. With hypovitaminosis K, along with a decrease in blood clotting, the strength of capillaries decreases, which can only be restored by systematically taking vitamin K. The use of vitamin P in these cases does not have an effect, just as the administration of vitamin K does not help with vitamin P deficiency.

Vitamin K accelerates wound healing and has an analgesic effect. Its antibacterial effect has also been noted.

Vitamin K is synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine. Hypovitaminosis K can occur when absorption processes in the colon are disrupted, as well as due to diseases of the liver and biliary tract, since the presence of bile acids is necessary for the absorption of vitamin K.

The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin K is approximately 1-2 mg. Vitamin K is found in green lettuce, spinach, white and cauliflower, as well as carrots, tomatoes, and rowan berries. Natural vitamin K is resistant to high temperature, insoluble in water, highly soluble in fats.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is part of a number of enzyme systems in the body that control tissue respiration. Vitamin PP is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate, protein and water-salt metabolism, and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

Nicotinic acid tends to expand the lumen of capillaries and arterioles, as a result of which vascular spasms may disappear. Vitamin PP increases the acidity of gastric juice, regulates the motor activity of the stomach, promotes better absorption and assimilation of nutrients, and has a positive effect on liver function.

A lack of nicotinic acid in food disrupts the formation of enzymes that carry out redox reactions and cellular respiration. The lack of vitamin PP in food leads to a serious disease - pellagra (from the Italian word “pella agra” - rough skin). Patients with pellagra develop pigmentation, peeling and ulceration of the skin on exposed areas of the body exposed to sunlight, and intestinal function is impaired. In severe cases, mental disorders with visual and auditory hallucinations are observed.

Since vitamin PP is quite widespread in nature, pellagra is extremely rare with a normal mixed diet. In the human body, this vitamin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. This is the most stable vitamin; it is preserved during prolonged boiling and drying, and does not change when exposed to light and oxygen. The best sources of niacin are yeast, liver, lean meat; legumes, buckwheat, potatoes, and nuts are rich in it. The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin PP is 15-20 mg, for pregnant and lactating women - 20-25 mg, for children - 5-15 mg.

Vitamin E necessary for normal course pregnancy and breastfeeding. The most important symptom of vitamin E deficiency in a woman’s body is the loss of the ability to bear a fetus normally: pregnancy is interrupted by spontaneous miscarriage.

With experimental E-vitaminosis in male rats, sperm formation is disrupted: sperm without flagella appear, losing the ability to move and fertilize. Then sperm production stops, the sexual instinct fades, the reverse development of external sexual characteristics occurs, and the males resemble castrated animals. They experience degenerative changes in the skeletal muscles and cardiac muscle, and the activity of the nervous system and liver is disrupted.

Another very important property of vitamin E should be noted: it is an excellent physiological antioxidant (antioxidant). This is of great importance for the prevention of premature aging, since it is assumed that one of the causes of aging is clogging of intercellular spaces with oxidation products. Vitamin E stops this process.

Vitamin E is highly resistant to heat and is not destroyed under normal cooking conditions. It is found in plant foods, especially vegetable oils(sunflower, corn, cottonseed, flaxseed), in rose hips, egg yolks, peas, beans, lentils, as well as in rye and wheat grains. Daily dose vitamin E is 20-30 mg.

It has a beneficial effect on nervous tissue and is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Biotin deficiency manifests itself in humans as seborrheic dermatitis.

Biotin is found in egg yolk, liver, kidneys, yeast, cereal grains and legumes, and fresh vegetables. Resistant to high temperatures. The daily requirement for biotin is approximately determined at 0.15-0.2 mg.



I was riding on the bus, all in tears because of unhappy love.
The little boy looked at me and said:
- You're crying because you're fat, right?


1 Vitamins

1.1 History of the discovery of vitamins

1.2 Concept and main features of vitamins

1.3 Providing the body with vitamins

2 Classification and nomenclature of vitamins

2.1 Fat-soluble vitamins

2.2 Water-soluble vitamins

2.3 Group of vitamin-like substances




It is difficult to imagine that such a well-known word as “vitamin” entered our vocabulary only at the beginning of the 20th century. It is now known that fundamentally vital important processes Vitamins take part in metabolism in the human body. Vitamins are vital organic compounds that are necessary for humans and animals in minute quantities, but are of great importance for normal growth, development and life itself.

Vitamins usually come from plant foods or animal products, since they are not synthesized in the body of humans and animals. Most vitamins are precursors of coenzymes, and some compounds perform signaling functions.

The daily need for vitamins depends on the type of substance, as well as on age, gender and the physiological state of the body. IN Lately ideas about the role of vitamins in the body have been enriched with new data. It is believed that vitamins can improve the internal environment, increase the functionality of basic systems, and the body’s resistance to adverse factors.

Therefore, vitamins are considered modern science as an important means of general primary prevention of diseases, increasing efficiency, slowing down the aging process.

The purpose of this work is a comprehensive study and characterization of vitamins.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The total volume of work is 21 pages.

1 Vitamins

1.1 History of the discovery of vitamins

If you look at books published at the end of the last century, you can see that at that time the science of rational nutrition included the inclusion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water in the diet. It was believed that food containing these substances fully satisfies all the body's needs, and thus the question of rational nutrition seemed resolved. However, the science of the 19th century was in conflict with centuries-old practice. The life experience of the population of various countries has shown that there are a number of diet-related diseases that often occur among people whose food does not contain a lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts.

Practitioners have long assumed that there is a direct connection between the occurrence of certain diseases (for example, scurvy, rickets, beriberi, pellagra) and the nature of nutrition. What led to the discovery of vitamins - these substances that have miraculous properties to prevent and cure severe diseases of high-quality nutritional deficiency?

The study of vitamins began with the Russian doctor N.I. Lunin, who back in 1888 established that for the normal growth and development of an animal organism, in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and minerals, some other substances are necessary, not yet known to science substances, the absence of which leads to death of the body.

The proof of the existence of vitamins was completed by the work of the Polish scientist Casimir Funk, who in 1912 isolated a substance from rice bran that cured the paralysis of pigeons that ate only polished rice (beriberi - this is how this disease was called among people in the countries of Southeast Asia, where the population eats mainly one rice). Chemical analysis of the substance isolated by K. Funk showed that it contains nitrogen. Funk called the substance he discovered a vitamin (from the words “vita” - life and “amine” - containing nitrogen).

True, it later turned out that not all vitamins contain nitrogen, but the old name for these substances remained. Nowadays, it is customary to designate vitamins by their chemical names: retinol, thiamine, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide - A, B, C, PP, respectively.

1.2 Concept and main features of vitamins

From a chemical point of view, vitamins is a group of low molecular weight substances of varying chemical nature, which have pronounced biological activity and are necessary for the growth, development and reproduction of the body.

Vitamins are formed by biosynthesis in plant cells and tissues. Usually in plants they are not in an active, but highly organized form, which, according to research, is most suitable for the human body, namely in the form of provitamins. Their role is reduced to complete, economical and correct use essential nutrients, in which the organic matter in food releases the necessary energy.

Only a few vitamins, such as A, D, E, B12, can accumulate in the body. Lack of vitamins causes severe disorders.

Basic signs vitamins:

Either they are not synthesized in the body at all, or they are synthesized in small quantities by the intestinal microflora;

They do not perform plastic functions;

They are not energy sources;

They are cofactors of many enzymatic systems;

They have a biological effect in small concentrations and affect all metabolic processes in the body; the body requires them in very small quantities: from several micrograms to several mg per day.

Various are known degree of insecurity body vitamins:

avitaminosis- complete depletion of vitamin reserves;

hypovitaminosis- a sharp decrease in the supply of one or another vitamin;

hypervitaminosis- excess vitamins in the body.

All extremes are harmful: both deficiency and excess of vitamins, since with excessive consumption of vitamins, poisoning develops (intoxication). The phenomenon of hypervitaminosis concerns only vitamins A and D; excess amounts of most other vitamins are quickly excreted from the body in the urine. But there is also the so-called subnormal supply, which is associated with a deficiency of vitamins and it manifests itself in disruption of metabolic processes in organs and tissues, but without obvious clinical signs (for example, without visible changes in the condition of the skin, hair and other external manifestations). If this situation is regularly repeated for various reasons, then this can lead to hypo- or vitamin deficiency.

1.3 Providing the body with vitamins

With normal nutrition, the body's daily need for vitamins is fully satisfied. Insufficient, poor nutrition or disruption of the processes of absorption and use of vitamins can cause various forms of vitamin deficiency.

Causes of vitamin depletion in organism:

1) Quality of products and their preparation:

Failure to comply with storage conditions in terms of time and temperature;

Irrational culinary processing (for example, prolonged cooking of finely chopped vegetables);

The presence of antivitamin factors in food (cabbage, pumpkin, parsley, green onions, apples contain a number of enzymes that destroy vitamin C, especially when cut small)

Destruction of vitamins under the influence of ultraviolet rays, air oxygen (for example, vitamin A).

2) An important role in providing the body with a number of vitamins belongs to the microflora of the digestive tract:

In many common chronic diseases, the absorption or assimilation of vitamins is impaired;

Severe intestinal disorders, improper use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs lead to the creation of a certain deficiency of vitamins that can be synthesized by beneficial intestinal microflora (vitamins B12, B6, H (biotin)).

Daily requirement for vitamins and their main functions


Daily allowance


Functions main sources
Ascorbic acid (C) 50-100 mg Participates in redox processes, increases the body's resistance to extreme influences Vegetables, fruits, berries. In cabbage - 50 mg. In rose hips - 30-2000 mg.
Thiamine, aneurin (B1) 1.4-2.4 mg Necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system Wheat and rye bread, cereals - oatmeal, peas, pork, yeast, intestinal microflora.
Riboflavin (B2) 1.5-3.0 mg Participates in redox reactions Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, bread, liver, vegetables, fruits, yeast.
Pyridoxine (B6) 2.0-2.2 mg Participates in the synthesis and metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids and unsaturated lipids Fish, beans, millet, potatoes
Nicotinic acid (PP) 15.0-25.0 mg Participates in redox reactions in cells. Deficiency causes pellagra Liver, kidneys, beef, pork, lamb, fish, bread, cereals, yeast, intestinal microflora
Folic acid, folicin (Vs) 0.2-0.5 mg Hematopoietic factor, participates in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids Parsley, lettuce, spinach, cottage cheese, bread, liver
Cyanocobalamin (B12) 2-5 mg Participates in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, hematopoietic factor Liver, kidneys, fish, beef, milk, cheese
Biotin (N) 0.1-0.3 mg Participates in metabolic reactions of amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids Oatmeal, peas, egg, milk, meat, liver
Pantothenic acid (B3) 5-10 mg Participates in metabolic reactions of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates Liver, kidneys, buckwheat, rice, oats, eggs, yeast, peas, milk, intestinal microflora
Retinol (A) 0.5-2.5 mg Participates in the activity of cell membranes. Necessary for human growth and development, for the functioning of mucous membranes. Participates in the process of photoreception - the perception of light Fish oil, cod liver, milk, eggs, butter
Calciferol (D) 2.5-10 mcg Regulation of calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood, mineralization of bones and teeth Fish oil, liver, milk, eggs

Currently, about 13 vitamins are known, which, together with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, must be present in the diet of people and animals to ensure the normal functioning of vitamins. In addition, there is a group vitamin-like substances, which have all the properties of vitamins, but are not strictly necessary components of food.

Compounds that are not vitamins, but can serve as precursors for their formation in the body, are called provitamins. These include, for example, carotenes, which are broken down in the body to form vitamin A, and some sterols (ergosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, etc.), which are converted into vitamin D.

A number of vitamins are represented not by one, but by several compounds that have similar biological activity (vitamers), for example, vitamin B6 includes pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. To designate such groups of related compounds, the word “vitamin” is used with letter designations (vitamin A, vitamin E, etc.).

Individual compounds with vitamin activity are given rational names that reflect their chemical nature, such as retinal (the aldehyde form of vitamin A), ergocalciferol, and cholecaldiferol (forms of vitamin D).

Thus, along with fats, proteins, carbohydrates and mineral salts, the necessary complex for maintaining human life includes a fifth component of equal importance - vitamins. Vitamins take a direct and active part in all metabolic processes of the body, and are also part of many enzymes, acting as catalysts.

2 Classification and nomenclature of vitamins

Since vitamins include a group of substances of different chemical natures, their classification by chemical structure is difficult. Therefore, classification is carried out according to solubility in water or organic solvents. In accordance with this, vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble.

1 TO water-soluble vitamins include:

B1 (thiamine) antineuritis;

B2 (riboflavin) antidermatitis;

B3 (pantothenic acid) antidermatitis;

B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine) antidermatitis;

B9 (folic acid; folacin) antianemic;

B12 (cyanocobalamin) antianemic;

PP (nicotinic acid; niacin) antipellagritic;

H (biotin) antidermatitis;

C (ascorbic acid) antiscorbutic – participate in the structure and functioning of enzymes.

2) K fat-soluble vitamins include:

A (retinol) antixerophthalmic;

D (calciferols) antirachitic;

E (tocopherols) antisterile;

K (naphthoquinols) antihemorrhagic;

Fat-soluble vitamins are included in the structure of membrane systems, ensuring their optimal functional state.

Chemically, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are isoprenoids.

3) the following group: vitamin-like substances. These usually include vitamins: B13 (orotic acid), B15 (pangamic acid), B4 (choline), B8 (inositol), B (carnitine), H1 (paraminbenzoic acid), F (polyunsaturated fatty acids), U (S= methylmethionine sulfate chloride).

Nomenclature(name) is based on the use of capital letters of the Latin alphabet with a lower numerical index. In addition, the name uses names that reflect the chemical nature and function of the vitamin.

Vitamins did not immediately become known to mankind, and over the course of many years scientists managed to discover new types of vitamins, as well as new properties of these substances beneficial to the human body. Since the language of medicine throughout the world is Latin, vitamins were designated in Latin letters, and later also in numbers.

The assignment of not only letters, but also numbers to vitamins is explained by the fact that vitamins acquired new properties, which seemed to be the simplest and most convenient to designate using numbers in the name of the vitamin. For example, consider the popular vitamin B. So, today, this vitamin can be represented in a variety of areas, and to avoid confusion it is called from “vitamin B1” to “vitamin B14”. The vitamins included in this group are also named similarly, for example, “B vitamins.”

When the chemical structure of vitamins was finally determined, it became possible to name vitamins in accordance with the terminology accepted in modern chemistry. Thus, names such as pyridoxal, riboflavin, and pteroylglutamic acid came into use. Some more time passed, and it became absolutely clear that many organic substances, known to science for a long time, also have the properties of vitamins. Moreover, there were quite a lot of such substances. Among the most common, we can mention nicotinamide, pseudoinositol, xanthopterin, catechin, hesperetin, quercetin, rutin, as well as a number of acids, in particular nicotinic, arachidonic, linolenic, linoleic, and some other acids.

2.1 Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A (retinol) is the predecessor of the group " retinoids"to which they belong retinal And retinoic acid. Retinol is formed during the oxidative breakdown of provitamin β-carotene. Retinoids are found in animal products, and β-carotene is found in fresh fruits and vegetables (especially carrots). Retinal causes the color of the visual pigment rhodopsin. Retinoic acid functions as a growth factor.

With a lack of vitamin A, night blindness, xerophthalmia (dry cornea of ​​the eyes) develop, and growth disturbances occur.

Vitamin D (calciferol) when hydroxylated in the liver and kidneys, it forms a hormone calcitriol(1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol). Together with two other hormones (parathyroid hormone, or parathyrin, and calcitonin), calcitriol takes part in the regulation of calcium metabolism. Calciferol is formed from the precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol, present in the skin of humans and animals, upon irradiation with ultraviolet light.

If UV exposure to the skin is insufficient or vitamin D is not present in the food products, vitamin deficiency develops and, as a consequence, rickets in children, osteomalacia(softening of bones) in adults. In both cases, the process of mineralization (incorporation of calcium) of bone tissue is disrupted.

Vitamin E includes tocopherol and a group of related compounds with a chromane ring. Such compounds are found only in plants, especially in wheat sprouts. For unsaturated lipids, these substances are effective antioxidants.

Vitamin K general name for a group of substances including phylloquinone and related compounds with a modified side chain. Vitamin K deficiency is quite rare, since these substances are produced by intestinal microflora. Vitamin K takes part in the carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in blood plasma proteins, which is important for normalizing or accelerating the blood clotting process. The process is inhibited by vitamin K antagonists (for example, coumarin derivatives), which is used as one of the treatment methods thrombosis.

2.2 Water-soluble vitamins

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) built from two cyclic systems - pyrimidine(six-membered aromatic ring with two nitrogen atoms) and thiazole (five-membered aromatic ring including nitrogen and sulfur atoms) connected by a methylene group. Active form vitamin B1 is thiamine diphosphate(TPP), which functions as a coenzyme in the transfer of hydroxyalkyl groups (“activated aldehydes”), for example, in the oxidative decarboxylation reaction of α-keto acids, as well as in the transketolase reactions of the hexose monophosphate pathway. With a lack of vitamin B1, disease develops take it, the signs of which are disorders of the nervous system (polyneuritis), cardiovascular diseases and muscle atrophy.

Vitamin B2 a complex of vitamins, including riboflavin, folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Riboflavin serves as a structural element of the prosthetic groups of flavin mononucleotide [FMN (FMN)] and flavin adenine dinucleotide [FAD (FAD)]. FMN And FAD are prosthetic groups of numerous oxidoreductases (dehydrogenases), where they function as hydrogen carriers (in the form of hydride ions).

Molecule folic acid(vitamin B9, vitamin Bc, folacin, folate) includes three structural fragments: pteridine derivative, 4-aminobenzoate and one or more residues glutamic acid. The product of folic acid reduction - tetrahydrofolic (folinic) acid [THF] - is part of the enzymes that transfer one-carbon fragments (C1 metabolism).

Figure 2 Fat-soluble vitamins

Folic acid deficiency is quite common. The first sign of deficiency is impaired erythropoiesis (megaloblastic anemia). At the same time, the synthesis of nucleoproteins and cell maturation are inhibited, and abnormal erythrocyte precursors - megalocytes - appear. With acute deficiency of folic acid, generalized tissue damage develops associated with impaired lipid synthesis and amino acid metabolism.

Unlike humans and animals, microorganisms are able to synthesize folic acid de novo. Therefore, the growth of microorganisms is suppressed sulfa drugs, which, as competitive inhibitors, block the inclusion of 4-aminobenzoic acid in the biosynthesis of folic acid. Sulfonamide drugs cannot affect the metabolism of animal organisms because they are not able to synthesize folic acid.

A nicotinic acid(niacin) and nicotinamide(niacinamide) (both known as vitamin B5, vitamin PP) are necessary for the biosynthesis of two coenzymes - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [ NAD+(NAD+)] and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate [ NADP+(NADP+)]. The main function of these compounds, which is to transport hydride ions (reducing equivalents), is discussed in the section on metabolic processes. In animal organisms, nicotinic acid can be synthesized from tryptophan, however, biosynthesis occurs with low yield. Therefore, vitamin deficiency occurs only if all three substances are simultaneously absent from the diet: nicotinic acid, nicotinamide and tryptophan. Diseases. associated with niacin deficiency, proD are skin lesions ( pellagra), stomach upset and depression.

Pantothenic acid(vitamin B3) is the amide of α,γ-dihydroxy-β,β-dimethylbutyric acid (pantoic acid) and β-alanine. Compound required for biosynthesis coenzyme A[CoA (CoA)] involved in the metabolism of many carboxylic acids. Pantothenic acid is also part of the prosthetic group acyl-transport protein(APB). Since pantothenic acid is found in many foods, vitamin deficiency due to vitamin B3 deficiency is rare.

Vitamin B6- group name of three pyridine derivatives: pyridoxal, pyridoxine And pyridoxamine. The diagram shows the formula of iridoxal, where the aldehyde group (-CHO) is in the position at C-4; in pyridoxine this place is occupied by an alcohol group (-CH2OH); and in pyridoxamine there is a methylamino group (-CH2NH2). The active form of vitamin B6 is pyridoxal 5-phosphate(PLP), an essential coenzyme in amino acid metabolism. Pyridoxal phosphate is also included in glycogen phosphorylase, taking part in the breakdown of glycogen. Vitamin B6 deficiency is rare.

Figure 2 Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin B12 (cobalamins; dosage form - cyanocobalamin) - complex compound, based on a cycle Corrina and containing a coordinated cobalt ion. This vitamin is synthesized only in microorganisms. Among food products, it is found in liver, meat, eggs, milk and is completely absent in plant foods (note to vegetarians!). The vitamin is absorbed by the gastric mucosa only in the presence of a secreted (endogenous) glycoprotein, the so-called internal factor. The purpose of this mucoprotein is to bind cyanocobalamin and thereby protect against degradation. In the blood, cyanocobalamin is also bound by a special protein, transcobalamin. In the body, vitamin B12 is stored in the liver.

Figure 2 Fat-soluble vitamins

Cyanocobalamin derivatives are coenzymes involved, for example, in the conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA and the biosynthesis of methionine from homocysteine. Cyanocobalamin derivatives take part in the reduction of ribonucleotides by bacteria to deoxyribonucleotides.

Vitamin deficiency or malabsorption of vitamin B12 is associated mainly with the cessation of secretion of intrinsic factor. The consequence of vitamin deficiency is pernicious anemia.

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is a 2,3-dehydrogulonic acid γ-lactone. Both hydroxyl groups are acidic in nature, and therefore, upon loss of a proton, the compound can exist in the form ascorbate anion. A daily supply of ascorbic acid is necessary for humans, primates and guinea pigs as these species lack the enzyme gulonolactone oxidase(EC, catalyzing the last stage of the conversion of glucose to ascorbate.

Sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits and vegetables. Ascorbic acid is added to many drinks and foods as an antioxidant and flavoring agent. Vitamin C is slowly destroyed in water. Ascorbic acid, as a strong reducing agent, takes part in many reactions (mainly in hydroxylation reactions).

Of the biochemical processes involving ascorbic acid, mention should be made collagen synthesis, tyrosine degradation, syntheses catecholamine And bile acids. The daily requirement for ascorbic acid is 60 mg, a value not typical for vitamins. Today, vitamin C deficiency is rare. Deficiency manifests itself several months later in the form of scurvy (scorbutus). The consequences of the disease are atrophy of connective tissues, disorders of the hematopoietic system, and tooth loss.

Vitamin H (biotin) found in liver, egg yolk and other foods; in addition, it is synthesized by intestinal microflora. In the body, biotin (via the ε-amino group of the lysine residue) is associated with enzymes, e.g. pyruvate carboxylase(EC, catalyzing the carboxylation reaction. When transferring a carboxyl group, two N-atoms of the biotin molecule in an ATP-dependent reaction bind a CO2 molecule and transfer it to the acceptor. Biotin binds with high affinity (Kd = 10 - 15 M) and specificity avidin chicken egg white. Since avidin is denatured when boiled, vitamin H deficiency can only occur when eating raw eggs.

2.3 Group of vitamin-like substances

In addition to the above two main groups of vitamins, there is a group of various chemical substances, some of which are synthesized in the body, but have vitamin properties. The body needs them in relatively small quantities, but the effect on body functions is quite strong. These include:

Essential nutrients with plastic function: choline, inositol.

Biologically active substances synthesized in the human body: lipoic acid, orotic acid, carnitine.

Pharmacologically active food substances: bioflavonoids, vitamin U - methylmethionine sulfonium, vitamin B15 - pangamic acid, microbial growth factors, para-aminobenzoic acid.

Recently, another factor was discovered, called pyrroloquinolinoquinone. Its coenzyme and cofactor properties are known, but its vitamin properties have not yet been discovered.

The main difference between vitamin-like substances is that with their deficiency or excess, various pathological changes characteristic of vitamin deficiencies do not occur in the body. The content of vitamin-like substances in food is quite sufficient for the functioning of a healthy body.

For a modern person, it is necessary to know about the precursors of vitamins. The source of vitamins, as is known, are products of plant and animal origin. For example, vitamin A is found in finished form only in products of animal origin (fish oil, whole milk, etc.), and in plant products only in the form of carotenoids - their predecessors. Therefore, by eating carrots we only receive a precursor of vitamin A, from which vitamin A itself is produced in the liver. Provitamins include: carotenoids (the main one is carotene) - a precursor of vitamin A; sterols (ergosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, etc.) - precursors of vitamin D;


So, from the history of vitamins, we know that the term “vitamin” was first used to refer to a specific food component that prevented Beriberi disease, which was common in countries where they ate a lot of polished rice. Since this component had the properties of an amine, the Polish biochemist K. Funk, who first isolated this substance, called it vitamin- an amine essential for life.

Currently vitamins can be characterized as low-molecular organic compounds, which, being a necessary component of food, are present in it in extremely small quantities compared to its main components. Vitamins- these are substances that ensure the normal course of biochemical and physiological processes in the body. Vitamins- a necessary element of food for humans and a number of living organisms, because are not synthesized or some of them are synthesized in insufficient quantities by this organism.

Primary source Vitamins are plants, where they are mainly formed, as well as provitamins - substances from which vitamins can be formed in the body. A person receives vitamins either directly from plants, or indirectly through animal products in which vitamins were accumulated from plant foods during the life of the animal.

Vitamins are divided into two large groups: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. In the classification of vitamins, in addition to the letter designation, the main biological effect is indicated in brackets, sometimes with the prefix “anti,” indicating the ability of a given vitamin to prevent or eliminate the development of the corresponding disease.

To fat-soluble vitamins include: Vitamin A (antixerophthalic), Vitamin D (antirachitic), Vitamin E (reproduction vitamin), Vitamin K (antihemorrhagic)\

For water-soluble vitamins include: Vitamin B1 (antineuritis), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin PP (antipellagritic), Vitamin B6 (antidermatitis), Pantothene (antidermatitis factor), Biotite (vitamin H, growth factor for fungi, yeast and bacteria, antiseborrheic), Inositol . Para-aminobenzoic acid (bacterial growth factor and pigmentation factor), Folic acid (anti-anemic vitamin, growth vitamin for chickens and bacteria), Vitamin B12 (anti-anemic vitamin), Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid), Vitamin C (anti-scorbutic), Vitamin P (permeability vitamin ).

Main feature fat-soluble vitamins is their ability to accumulate in the body, so to speak, “in reserve.” They can be stored in the body for a year and used as needed. However, too much supply fat-soluble vitamins It is dangerous for the body and can lead to undesirable consequences. Water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body and, in case of excess, are easily excreted in the urine.

Along with vitamins, there are substances whose deficiency, unlike vitamins, does not lead to obvious disorders. These substances belong to the so-called vitamin-like substances:

Today there are 13 known low-molecular organic compounds that are classified as vitamins. Compounds that are not vitamins, but can serve as precursors for their formation in the body, are called provitamins. The most important provitamin is the precursor of vitamin A - beta-carotene.

The importance of vitamins very large for the human body. These nutrients support the functioning of absolutely all organs and the entire body as a whole. A lack of vitamins leads to a general deterioration in a person’s health, rather than in individual organs.

Diseases that arise due to the lack of certain vitamins in food are called avitaminosis. If a disease occurs due to the lack of several vitamins, it is called multivitaminosis. More often you have to deal with a relative lack of a vitamin; this disease is called hypovitaminosis. If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, then vitamin deficiencies and especially hypovitaminosis can be easily cured by introducing the appropriate vitamins into the body. Excessive introduction of certain vitamins into the body can cause hypervitaminosis.

List of sources used

1. Berezov, T.T. Biological chemistry: Textbook / T.T.Berezov, B.F.Korovkin. - M.: Medicine, 2000. - 704 p.

2. Gabrielyan, O.S. Chemistry. 10th grade: Textbook ( a basic level of) / O.S.Gabrielyan, F.N.Maskaev, S.Yu.Ponomarev, etc. - M.: Bustard. - 304 p.

3. Manuilov A.V. Basics of chemistry. Electronic textbook / A.V. Manuylov, V.I. Rodionov. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

4. Chemical encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

Vitamin C, called ascorbic acid in biology, is the most famous and favorite vitamin for every person from early childhood. Its presence in the human diet ensures the normal functioning of connective and bone tissue. In addition, it is a biological restorer of metabolic processes and an antioxidant. Vitamin C is naturally present in many fruits and vegetables and is predominantly red and orange in color.

Properties of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is the most recognizable vitamin due to its specific sour taste. It dissolves well in both water and alcohol, but does not dissolve at all in fatty acids and on air.

Glucose is used to produce vitamin C synthetically. At the same time, artificially obtained ascorbic acid in dry form can be stored for a very long time due to its stability.

An important feature of vitamin C is that many animals and plants are able to independently synthesize it in the required quantities. The human body is not capable of this.

Benefits of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is one of the most important vitamins, the deficiency of which in the body leads to serious consequences in the form of scurvy. The main benefits of vitamin C are as follows:

  1. Participation in hematopoiesis processes.
  2. Stimulation of the endocrine glands.
  3. Helps in normal absorption of iron.
  4. Immunomodulation.
  5. Detoxification of the body.
  6. Carnitine production.

Vitamin C deficiency

If the body does not have enough vitamin C, a person experiences a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Constant fatigue and weakness.
  2. Muscle and joint pain.
  3. Weakening of the immune system.
  4. Slow recovery reactions.
  5. Problems with blood vessels, teeth and gums.

Ultimately, acute deficiency of vitamin C can lead to a disease such as scurvy, and therefore death.

Where is vitamin C found?

In its natural form, ascorbic acid is found in fruits, vegetables and berries such as rose hips, cabbage, black currants, tomatoes, cranberries, garlic, and all citrus fruits.

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS!” ", section " "!

In today's article we will talk about vitamins.

The project previously contained information about some vitamins; this article is devoted to a general understanding of these, so to speak, compounds, without which human life would have many difficulties.

Vitamins(from Latin vita - “life”) - a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature, necessary for the normal functioning of organisms.

The science that studies the structure and mechanisms of action of vitamins, as well as their use for therapeutic and preventive purposes, is called - Vitaminology.

Classification of vitamins

Based on solubility, vitamins are divided into:

Fat-soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body, and their depots are adipose tissue and the liver.

Water-soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in significant quantities and, if in excess, are excreted with water. This explains the high prevalence of hypovitaminosis of water-soluble vitamins and hypervitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin-like compounds

Along with vitamins, there is a known group of vitamin-like compounds (substances) that possess certain properties of vitamins, however, they do not have all the main characteristics of vitamins.

Vitamin-like compounds include:

Fat soluble:

  • Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone, coenzyme Q).

Water soluble:

The main function of vitamins in human life is to regulate metabolism and thereby ensure the normal course of almost all biochemical and physiological processes in the body.

Vitamins are involved in hematopoiesis, ensure the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems, participate in the formation of enzymes, hormones, and increase the body’s resistance to the effects of toxins, radionuclides and other harmful factors.

Despite the exceptional importance of vitamins in metabolism, they are neither a source of energy for the body (they have no calorie content) nor structural components fabrics.

Functions of vitamins

Hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency)

Hypovitaminosis- a disease that occurs when the body's needs for vitamins are not fully met.

More information about antivitamins will be written in the following articles.

History of vitamins

The importance of certain types of food in preventing certain diseases has been known since ancient times. So, the ancient Egyptians knew that the liver helps against night blindness. It is now known that night blindness can be caused by a deficiency. In 1330 in Beijing, Hu Sihui published a three-volume work, “Important Principles of Food and Drinks,” which systematized knowledge about the therapeutic role of nutrition and asserted the need for health to combine a variety of foods.

In 1747, Scottish physician James Lind, while on a long voyage, conducted a kind of experiment on sick sailors. By introducing various acidic foods into their diet, he discovered the property of citrus fruits to prevent scurvy. In 1753, Lind published his Treatise on Scurvy, in which he proposed using limes to prevent scurvy. However, these views were not immediately recognized. However, James Cook proved in practice the role of plant foods in preventing scurvy by introducing sauerkraut, malt wort and a kind of citrus syrup into the ship's diet. As a result, he did not lose a single sailor to scurvy - an unheard of achievement for that time. In 1795, lemons and other citrus fruits became a standard addition to the diet of British sailors. This gave rise to an extremely offensive nickname for sailors - lemongrass. The so-called lemon riots are known: sailors threw barrels of lemon juice overboard.

In 1880, Russian biologist Nikolai Lunin from the University of Tartu fed experimental mice separately all the known elements that make up cow's milk: sugar, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts. The mice died. At the same time, mice fed with milk developed normally. In his dissertation (thesis) work, Lunin concluded about the existence of some unknown substance necessary for life in small quantities. Lunin's conclusion was met with hostility by the scientific community. Other scientists were unable to reproduce his results. One reason was that Lunin used cane sugar, while other researchers used milk sugar, which was poorly refined and contained some vitamin B.

In subsequent years, evidence of the existence of vitamins accumulated. Thus, in 1889, the Dutch doctor Christian Eijkman discovered that chickens, when fed boiled white rice, became ill with beriberi, and when rice bran was added to their food, they were cured. The role of brown rice in preventing beriberi in humans was discovered in 1905 by William Fletcher. In 1906, Frederick Hopkins suggested that in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc., food contains some other substances necessary for the human body, which he called “accessory food factors.” The last step was taken in 1911 by the Polish scientist Casimir Funk, who worked in London. He isolated a crystalline preparation, a small amount of which cured beriberi. The drug was named “Vitamine”, from the Latin vita - “life” and the English amine - “amine”, a nitrogen-containing compound. Funk suggested that other diseases - scurvy, rickets - could also be caused by a lack of certain substances.

In 1920, Jack Cecil Drummond proposed removing the "e" from the word "vitamine" because the newly discovered one did not contain the amine component. So “vitamines” became “vitamins”.

In 1923, Dr. Glen King established the chemical structure of vitamin C, and in 1928, doctor and biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi first isolated vitamin C, calling it hexuronic acid. Already in 1933, Swiss researchers synthesized the well-known ascorbic acid, identical to vitamin C.

In 1929, Hopkins and Aickman received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of vitamins, but Lunin and Funk did not. Lunin became a pediatrician, and his role in the discovery of vitamins was forgotten for a long time. In 1934, the First All-Union Conference on Vitamins took place in Leningrad, to which Lunin (a Leningrader) was not invited.

Other vitamins were discovered in the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s. In the 1940s, the chemical structure of vitamins was deciphered.

In 1970, Linus Pauling, two-time laureate Nobel Prize, shocked the medical world with his first book “Vitamin C, the common cold and”, in which he provided documentary evidence of the effectiveness of vitamin C. Since then, “ascorbic acid” remains the most famous, popular and indispensable vitamin for our Everyday life. Over 300 biological functions of this vitamin have been studied and described. The main thing is that, unlike animals, humans cannot produce vitamin C themselves and therefore its supply must be replenished daily.


I would like to draw your attention, dear readers, to the fact that you should treat vitamins very carefully. Poor nutrition, deficiency, overdose, and incorrect doses of vitamins can seriously harm your health, therefore, for definitive answers on the topic of vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor - vitaminologist, immunologist.