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Smolensk State Medical University contacts. Smolensk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Faculty of Medical, Biological and Humanitarian Education

Professions in the medical field are always held in high esteem, because those who choose them strive to help other people and care about the health of the population. To obtain one of the noble specialties, you must undergo training at a medical school. One of these educational institutions exists in Smolensk. Its name is Smolensky medical University.

History of the educational institution

At the beginning of the 20th century, they began to discuss the need to create an organization that trains doctors. It was solved in 1920. In Smolensk state university opened a medical faculty. After some time, the division became an independent institution. This happened in 1924.

It functioned in Smolensk until 1994. Then it received academy status. The educational organization became a university quite recently. The last reorganization was carried out in 2015. This change was due to the high achievements of the university.

Getting to know the university

If you are thinking of enrolling in Smolensk Medical University, a photo is not enough to make the final choice. That is why every year applicants can get to know the university better. On a certain date, Smolensk Medical University holds an open day. The university opens to future students and their parents, as well as to all those who want to know additional information about the educational institution. On an open day, a festive atmosphere is created in the educational institution. Guests are greeted by colorful balloons and friendly volunteers.

Concert performances are organized for visitors. In addition to them, applicants and their parents listen to speeches by university leaders. The rector of the university speaks about the importance of choosing the right path in life, talks about the educational institution and its achievements. The deans introduce those present to the functioning faculties. Applicants ask questions about admission and training and receive answers to them.

Faculties at the university

Smolensk State Medical University has 6 main faculties:

  • medicinal;
  • pediatric;
  • psychological and social;
  • dental;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • medical, biological and humanities education.

The listed faculties train students who have decided to obtain higher medical education. The faculty of foreign students deserves special mention. It deals with the reception and resettlement of persons who are citizens of other countries, and resolves important issues related to training and holding cultural events. Special attention the faculty also deserves additional vocational education, where professional training and advanced training are carried out.

Medical Faculty

At Smolensk Medical University, as evidenced by student reviews, the medical faculty is the largest. Currently, about 1,200 students study here. The faculty, as indicated by the medical university, has been working since the establishment of the educational institution. Over the years of its existence, a huge number of doctors have been graduated. Students study at the Faculty of Medicine for 6 years. Training is carried out in various medical specialties, the number of which exceeds 40 items. First, students study fundamental natural science and biomedical disciplines (chemistry, biology, anatomy, etc.). In senior years, special clinical subjects appear in the schedule.

Faculty of Pediatrics

This structural unit has not been operating since the founding date of the educational institution. Smolensky announced the creation of a pediatric faculty in 1966. The division includes 13 departments where students are taught professional disciplines. The teaching staff has a wealth of experience pedagogical work, significant scientific potential. Thanks to this, students receive good knowledge.

Students, leaving reviews about the pediatric faculty, note that the educational process is structured as follows:

  • First they study the theory.
  • Then practical training begins. Its initial stage is implemented on mannequins in classrooms.
  • After obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills, students are sent to pediatric practice in children's hospitals, where they begin to master the profession of junior medical personnel and gradually rise to the rank of doctor.

Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences

Considering the Smolensk Medical University and the faculties of this university, it is worth paying attention to the youngest structural unit - the psychological and social faculty. It started its work in 2011.

It provides training in two areas:

  • "Clinical psychology". This is a broad-profile specialty that allows graduates to work in schools, hospitals, universities, and family planning services. Students who choose this direction study full-time for 5.5 years. They study general professional and special subjects, become familiar with various diagnostic and psychocorrectional techniques.
  • "Social work". For this direction, the duration of study is 4 years on a full-time basis and 5 years on a part-time basis. During this period, students prepare for social work: learn to contribute to the development of a person’s personality, to take care of the quality of life.

Faculty of Dentistry

The Faculty of Dentistry at Smolensk Medical University was opened in 1963. This structural unit still exists and continues to train dentists. Students study the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of various diseases of the dental system. Many applicants, upon admission to Smolensk Medical University, apply to the Faculty of Dentistry. This choice is due to the fact that the profession of a dentist is in great demand. Each person, after completing his studies at a university, chooses his own path: gets a job in a public hospital, a private clinic, or opens his own business.

Faculty of Pharmacy

Since 2002, Smolensk Medical University has been inviting people to enroll in this structural unit. The Faculty of Pharmacy has existed since this time. Over the years of its existence, it has produced many pharmacists for pharmacy organizations and pharmaceutical enterprises and currently continues to train them. Graduates are engaged in sales medicines, development and testing of new medicines.

At the Faculty of Pharmacy, training is carried out only on a full-time basis. Students, starting from the 3rd year, study such disciplines as pharmaceutical chemistry, medical and pharmaceutical commodity science, pharmaceutical technology, etc. Students become familiar with medicinal plants, rules for their preparation and drying.

Faculty of Medical, Biological and Humanitarian Education

Since 2003, Smolensk Medical University has included the Faculty of Medical, Biological and Humanitarian Education. It includes several areas of training:

  • "Nursing" with a duration of study of 4 years.
  • "Medical Biochemistry" with a duration of study of 6 years.
  • “Special (defectological) education” with a duration of study of 4 years on a full-time basis.

The specialty “Nursing” has existed for a long time. The last 2 directions were opened in 2016. They are very relevant, since they provide training for the necessary personnel.

Admission to university

For each area of ​​training at Smolensk Medical University, certain entrance tests and a specific number of minimum points are established. For applicants who have graduated from school, it is taken into account Unified State Exam results. Persons with higher education or education can, at their discretion, choose the form of entrance examinations - either the Unified State Exam or exams taken in writing within the walls of an educational organization.

Smolensk Medical University: passing scores and list of exams in 2017
Areas of training List of exams Points
"Medicine"In Russian38
In biology40
In chemistry40
"Pediatrics"In Russian38
In biology40
In chemistry40
"Clinical psychology"In Russian36
In social studies42
In biology40
"Social work"In Russian36
In social studies42
According to history35
"Dentistry"In Russian38
In biology40
In chemistry40
"Pharmacy"In Russian38
In biology40
In chemistry40
"Nursing"In Russian36
In chemistry36
In biology36
"Medical biochemistry"In Russian36
In chemistry36
In biology36
“Special (defectological) education”In Russian36
In social studies42
In biology36

Students in general about the university

Smolensk Medical University receives mostly positive reviews from students. People who study at a university note that they acquire good knowledge. The high quality of the educational process contributes to the training of specialists who are fully prepared for practical activities in the medical field.

Many students note in their reviews the interesting student life. The university often hosts various events in which you can realize your creative abilities and engage in amateur artistic activities. Students write stories and poems and draw. Some are interested in artistic photography and sports. The versatility of interests allows students to participate in university and city competitions and sports competitions.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Smolensk Medical University is a well-established modern system training specialists for domestic healthcare. For almost 100 years, the university has been producing qualified personnel. Training in an educational organization is carried out taking into account established traditions and using the latest technologies, making the educational process modern and of very high quality.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from SGMA

Anonymous review 18:22 07/07/2013

in order not to chase people after envelopes and stamps, you need to sell them in admissions committee, documents will also be photocopied at the admissions office - this will paid services. You also need to learn the culture of dealing with visiting applicants, dear gentlemen, employees of the Smolensk Medical Academy!

Anonymous review 23:38 06/30/2013

Dear applicants, do not go to this terrible place.. Here you will be subjected to cruel torture and extracted non-existent knowledge, because the not at all respected, insolent professors and associate professors only need money from you, and, unfortunately, they are not interested in your mental abilities ..they are busy counting their meager salaries..Shame and disgrace to everything related to medicine..Teachers do not pass on valuable clinical experience to students, but force them to waste...

general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education"Smolensk State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


No. 02384 valid indefinitely from 09/14/2016


No. 02378 is valid from 11/25/2016 to 04/11/2020

Previous names of SGMA

  • Smolensk State Medical Academy

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SGMA

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 5 6 7 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study65.28 67.29 71.01 62.61 76.37
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget73.34 77.19 78.04 71.37 85.77
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis60.14 60.22 63.67 60.02 66.58
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students47.04 42.32 50.68 41.05 44.33
Number of students4325 4155 3937 3823 3873
Full-time department4133 3911 3624 3487 3496
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural192 244 313 336 377
All data

SMU is a state medical university, which is located in the city of Smolensk on Kirova Street, 28. SMU has no branches. It concentrates the best human resources potential of Smolensk medicine. Applicants can easily find additional information of interest to them on the official website of the university.

Description of the educational institution

The Faculty of Medicine at Smolensk University was created in 1920. Only in 2015 the entire academy was renamed Smolensk State Medical University.

The educational institution provides distance learning students of courses in traditional medical profiles. Important issues of higher education pedagogy are also discussed. Additional professional education is provided.

Smolensk State Medical University

  • higher education pedagogy;
  • radiology;
  • medical toxicology;
  • family medicine;
  • phthisiology in the amount of 144 hours;
  • general and pediatric endocrinology;
  • neonatology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • emergency care in general practice and pediatrics, optimal nutrition;
  • course in psychiatry-narcology as part of advanced training;
  • course retraining in orthopedic, pediatric dentistry (lasting 144 hours) and others.

All course programs are based on sample programs for higher educational institutions. All of them have passed expert testing and are recognized as the best in the Smolensk region.


The medical university of the city of Smolensk has 68 departments. Departments have been created for absolutely everything curriculum medical education. All departments are staffed with highly qualified personnel. Also, all departments have the latest equipment to ensure a high-quality educational process.

They all work five days a week from nine in the morning until five in the evening. Each department has a telephone and email address, which is convenient for interaction between students and teachers during the learning process.


SMU has 8 faculties. These have become traditional for everyone medical universities medical, pediatric and dental faculties. Also, for obtaining additional education in the field of medicine, the Faculty of Further Professional Education is provided.

Foreign students are collected separately - this is the Faculty of Foreign Students. Future pharmacists are trained by the Faculty of Pharmacology. There is also a faculty of medical, biological and humanities education.

How many points do you need to score for admission?

At SMU, applicants are offered 6 specialties for admission. Each of them has its own passing score for the applicant.

Studying at Smolensk University

In the specialty of medical biochemistry, the minimum passing score will be 108 points (scores are summed up in three subjects: chemistry, biology, Russian language). Major subject – chemistry. The specialty “general medicine” requires 118 points. The major in this specialty is chemistry.

The specialty pediatrics requires a score of 118. The major subject is chemistry. The specialty of dentistry requires a similar number of points with the specialty of pediatrics and the major subject is the same.

The clinical psychology specialty requires 118 points, but the list of subjects is completely different. The major subject is biology, to the number of points of which points in social studies and the Russian language are added.

Recruitment rules in 2018

On the SMU website in the section for applicants, all information was updated in September of this year. The applicant will be able to find out about the 2018 admission rules, find out about the number of places according to different conditions receipts. Detailed information about the deadlines for accepting documents is also provided.

It is stipulated that entrance examinations can be conducted remotely. There are requirements for the health status of applicants, that is, a mandatory medical examination and a certain form of medical report form. In case an applicant is applying for a “commercial” place, a sample agreement is provided. Addresses have been published where applicants can apply for medical specialties during the admissions process.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator


Skill level:

Form of study:

Certificate of completion:

From 142 to 260

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

general information

The history of the Academy begins on April 4, 1920, when, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the People's Commissariat of Health, the Faculty of Medicine was opened as part of Smolensk State University.

In 1930, Smolensk University was divided into two independent universities - medical and pedagogical. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War The institute became one of the largest medical universities in the country. The war interrupted the work of the Smolensk Medical Institute. Valuable property of the university was evacuated to Saratov, and for many teachers and students, university classrooms were replaced by a battlefield.

On September 25, 1943, Smolensk was liberated and the institute resumed its activities. Despite incredible difficulties, the first post-war graduation of doctors took place in July 1945. In the post-war period, the medical institute became a major Russian university in the system of training specialists with higher medical education.

In 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education transformed the Smolensk State Medical Institute into the Smolensk State Medical Academy.

Currently, the Smolensk Medical Academy is a center of medical science, training of medical personnel and medical and preventive activities. The Academy trains doctors for Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula, Oryol, Kaliningrad and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as for foreign countries.

The Academy has 7 faculties: medical, pediatric, dental, foreign students, pharmaceutical, nursing, advanced training and professional retraining of specialists; a pre-university training center has been operating since 2003.

65 departments of the university are located at the educational bases of the academy and large medical institutions in Smolensk. The Academy employs more than 450 teachers, including 86 doctors of science, 281 candidates of science.

Over the more than 80-year history of the university, over 27 thousand doctors have been trained. The academy pays great attention to the educational process. Particular importance is attached to the introduction of modern active methods training, the use of computer technology in the educational process. Theoretical, humanitarian and biomedical disciplines are taught in 4 educational buildings, well equipped with computers, VCRs, televisions and other technical teaching aids. The academy's clinical bases are equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows graduates to be taught advanced medical technologies.

The Academy has a well-equipped library with more than 550 thousand copies of books; 3 reading rooms for 200 seats with an open access fund. In information and bibliographic work The library uses computer technology.

Our university is specific; medicine is the most expensive and most labor-intensive profession all over the world. Therefore, we pay a lot of attention to pre-university education. Professional guidance in medicine is very important. The work of a doctor is complex, associated with considerable difficulties, and sometimes with difficult emotional experiences. Medicine is not only pain, but also a huge responsibility and intelligence. When choosing medicine as your life's work, you need to take this into account.

The academy has all the conditions for raising the cultural level and developing a harmonious personality of a university graduate. The functioning of student clubs, amateur art groups, physical education and sports is aimed at this. For sporting events there are 2 gyms, a shooting training complex, a swimming pool, a ski lodge, and an outdoor stadium.

SGMA is one of the few universities in the country that has a student sanatorium. The sanatorium-preventorium has created good conditions for the treatment and prevention of diseases without interruption from the educational process.

The Academy has 5 comfortable dormitories, including 4 for students and 1 for cadets of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

Those who complete their studies at our academy can work in all areas of medicine. For this purpose, there is the possibility of postgraduate training in internship, residency and graduate school. Our graduates work in all corners of our Motherland and beyond. The level of their professional training is highly rated. Therefore, a doctor’s diploma from the Smolensk Medical Academy opens the door to the graduate to the 21st century to implement his knowledge with a fairly high competitiveness.

I wish all applicants a happy ticket and good grades. The Academy is waiting for its future students with confidence that it will not disappoint their hopes.

V.G.PLESHKOV, President of SSMA, professor,
Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

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The Smolensk State Medical Academy trains doctors in the specialties of general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing.

The Academy includes a Center for Pre-University Education and 8 faculties:

  • medicinal,
  • pediatric,
  • dental,
  • foreign students,
  • pharmaceutical,
  • psychological-social,
  • higher nursing education,
  • advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

An important place in the training of specialists at the Academy is occupied by humanitarian education, which includes the main areas:

  • historical,
  • philosophical,
  • ethical,
  • psychological,
  • legal,
  • social,
  • cultural.

In recent years, interest in science among young people has increased significantly, as evidenced by middle age researchers scientific divisions of the Academy: 39 years - candidates of science and 36 years - doctors of science. Average age Scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy are 52 years old. In 2004-2008, 17 scientists of the Academy were awarded the academic title of professor, and the academic title of associate professor - 63.

The training of highly qualified scientific personnel is carried out through postgraduate studies or competitive studies in 35 scientific specialties. As of the 2008/2009 academic year, 122 people are studying in graduate school, of which: 58 full-time and 64 part-time graduate students.

Planning of research work for graduate students and applicants for academic degrees at the Academy is carried out in 8 scientific areas supervised by the scientific part of the Academy (Vice-Rector for Scientific Work - Professor A.A. Punin):

  • motherhood and childhood (chairman of the problem commission - professor A.N. Ivanyan),
  • immunology, immunomorphology and immunopathophysiology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A.S. Solovyov),
  • physiology and pathology nervous system(chairman of the problem commission - Professor Ya.B. Yudelson),
  • internal diseases (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A.A. Punin),
  • surgery and traumatology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor S.A. Kasumyan),
  • dentistry,
  • medical problems of ecology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor O.V. Molotkov),
  • physical and chemical medicine.

Admission conditions

Admission to the State budgetary educational institution of higher education
professional education "Smolensk State Medical Academy"
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is carried out
while respecting the rights of citizens to education established by legislative acts
Russian Federation:
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 43);
- Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076 “On
procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 No. DL-
345/17 “On the validity of the results of the unified state exam”;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 No. 697 “On
approval of the list of specialties and areas of training for admission to training, according to
in which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations
(examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or official
contract for the relevant position or specialty";
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2013 No. 755 “On the federal
information system for ensuring the state final certification
students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary
general education, and admission of citizens to educational organizations to receive
secondary vocational and higher education and regional information
systems for ensuring the state final certification of students,
who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general
education"; 2
- Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (with
changes and additions);
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061 “On approval of lists
specialties and areas of higher education training";
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 09, 2014 No. 3 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia
02/19/2014 No. 31352) “On approval of the procedure for admission to training in educational
higher education programs - bachelor's programs, specialty programs,
master's programs for the 2014/15 academic year";
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 09, 2014 No. 1 “On approval of the list
entrance examinations for admission to higher educational programs
education - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs";
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 30, 2013 “On approval of the List of Olympiads
schoolchildren for the 2013/2014 academic year";
- Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- License Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science and a certificate of
state accreditation of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SGMA of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- Regulations on the admissions committee of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- These Admission Rules.

Smolensk Medical Academy

It is impossible to imagine without qualified doctors modern society. But just recently, operations were performed using primitive instruments in village huts by the light of a torch. Today, medical centers with the latest equipment, computed tomographs, X-ray systems and other equipment are available to patients.

To provide high-quality medical care, specialists are needed who not only know how to operate modern medical equipment, but also know the latest achievements of medical science. These are the kind of doctors that the Smolensk State Medical Academy (SSMA) trains.

SGMA Smolensk: yesterday and today

If we compare the past and present of the academy, we can say with complete confidence that it has made exactly the same rapid breakthrough as all of medicine. Over the 90 years of its existence, the academy has accumulated enormous experience in training medical personnel.

Today, the Smolensk State Medical Academy has a spacious and beautiful educational building in the city center, equipped with everything necessary for teaching students. This is a library that occupies one of the first places in the entire region in terms of the size of its book collection; it has modern classrooms and laboratories equipped with medical and research equipment.

The pride of the Smolensk State Medical Academy is its teaching staff, in which there are about 100 doctors of science alone. And these are people who have devoted themselves to the development and teaching of medicine, to the training of doctors of the new generation.

It is worth noting that the academy’s teachers not only give lectures, but also actively scientific activity, in which university students are also involved. Teachers and students of the Smolensk State Medical Academy regularly receive awards for scientific discoveries in the field of medicine, as well as patents for inventions.

Training at SGMA

Education at SSMA is carried out on the basis of 8 faculties. Among them:
· Medicinal;
· Pediatric;
· Dental;
· Pharmaceutical;
· Psychological and social;
· Higher nursing education.

The main faculty is medical. It is here that we all know surgeons, therapists, obstetricians, anesthesiologists, pulmonologists and doctors of other specialties.

The Pediatric Faculty of SSMA trains future children's doctors, precisely those on whom the health of future generations depends. The selection for this faculty is always the most thorough. After all, a pediatrician is a special profession; in addition to medical skills, he also needs to have the skills of a teacher and psychologist, and in general be able to love children.

The Faculty of Dentistry trains, perhaps, the most disliked doctors by the population - dentists, but this does not diminish the importance of their professionalism and literacy. After all, healthy teeth are the key to the health of the whole body.

The Faculty of Pharmacy prepares future pharmacists. The quality of medicines and the development of new drugs depend on them.

The Psychological and Social Faculty of the Smolensk State Medical Academy prepares both future psychologists and social workers, namely those who work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, penitentiary institutions, with difficult teenagers and dysfunctional families. It is these specialists who will provide assistance to victims of disasters and people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

You can always find out more detailed information about the academy by visiting the official website of the SGMA on the Internet.

Smolensk Medical Academy is a center of medical science and medical training.