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Semifredo story. Semifreddo, or Italian ice cream at home. Video recipe for making Semifreddo ice cream

Semifreddo is a famous Italian dessert, the closest relative of which is everyone’s favorite delicacy - ice cream. Semifreddo is prepared using heavy cream, raw eggs and sugar; this is the basic component of any recipe. In addition, cream cheese, fruit or berry puree, jams, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, herbs and spices are added to the dessert - in short, everything you want to make it even tastier.

Unlike homemade ice cream, semifreddo is much easier to prepare: the prepared mixture is simply placed in the freezer, and there is no need to stir it every hour - it must freeze in the mold, which makes semifreddo similar to an ice cream cake.

Semifreddo has a certain specific presentation. 30-40 minutes before the time when the dessert should be on the table, it is transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator. There it softens, but remains frozen. Then it is cut into pieces and served, decorated to your liking. When serving, the semifreddo should still be cold and hold its shape, but almost melting. To emphasize this consistency, you can serve the dessert on pre-chilled plates.

As for the flavor combination of peaches and basil in this recipe, at first glance it may seem unusual. Due to the fact that peaches have a bright but delicate taste, and basil has a stronger and more intense taste, the result is a very harmonious duet. But the basil flavor still comes to the fore, which the peaches uniquely complement.


  • 300 ml heavy cream (33%)
  • 3 large peaches (250-300 grams of peach puree)
  • small bunch of basil (optional)
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar

When choosing peaches for this dessert, give preference to the most ripe, aromatic fruits.

How to cook semifreddo

Pour boiling water over the peaches and leave for a couple of minutes. This is necessary so that the skin can be removed from them without unnecessary problems.

Rinse the peaches with cold water and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into pieces, removing the seeds. Grind the peaches in a blender until pureed.

Divide the peach puree into two parts. Place one part into a large deep bowl.

Finely chop the basil. Add the basil to the puree that is in a deep bowl.

Whip the chilled cream until fluffy and creamy.

Add one heaped tablespoon of cream to the part of the peach puree that is left without the basil.

Gently fold the remaining cream into the peach puree and basil.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with half the powdered sugar and beat them with a mixer into a fluffy light mass.

Fold the beaten yolks into the creamy peach and basil base.

Beat the whites into foam.

Then add the remaining powdered sugar and beat until a thick, shiny mass is obtained.

Add one tablespoon of whipped egg whites to the peach puree and cream.

Add the remaining whites to the main mixture (with basil). Try to do this as carefully as possible so that the mass is airy.

Line a silicone or metal baking dish with cling film.

Place 3-4 tbsp on the bottom of the mold. spoons of creamy basil base.

Then place a couple of tablespoons of peach mixture on top.

Alternating layers in this way, fill out the entire form.

Cover the dessert with film on top and place it in the freezer for 5-6 hours, or even better, overnight.

30 minutes before serving, transfer the semifreddo pan to the refrigerator, then serve, garnished with peach slices, basil leaves and chopped chocolate (optional).

Recipe for making a traditional Italian dessert “Semifredo” from homemade ice cream with berries and nuts. Hurry up to replenish your culinary piggy bank.

In summer, cold desserts become especially popular. Semifreddo is an Italian ice cream-based delicacy, a real celebration of taste, known and adored all over the world. In Italian restaurants, semifreddo is often called cake. Indeed, its consistency is quite dense, reminiscent of a well-frozen mousse. It can be served either in the form of pieces of cake or roll (beautifully laid out on large plates), or in portioned dishes.

The traditional dessert recipe requires the presence of various tasty fillings: seasonal berries, pieces of fruit, nuts, marmalade, nougat, chocolate.

The base itself - ice cream - is prepared from the freshest eggs and heavy cream, whipped with sugar. Let's make semifreddo at home.

What you need for homemade semifreddo

Ingredients you will need:

Semifreddo dessert can be prepared with any berries that are in season.

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 300 ml heavy cream (at least 34%);
  • half a small spoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g regular white sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of candied berries or citrus fruits;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of peeled pistachios;
  • half a glass of fresh

Recipe for dessert with raspberries and pistachios

  1. Separate the whites into a bowl. Place the yolks in a small bowl placed in a larger container and filled with ice. Add regular and vanilla sugar and beat the mixture by hand or slowly with a mixer.
  2. Then we put a cup of cream on the ice and also whip it into a fluffy consistency. Finally, using a mixer, beat our egg whites until they form snow-white peaks.
  3. We combine all three compositions in one container. Mixing carefully, add candied fruits, pistachios and whole raspberries one by one.
  4. We take container molds for dessert. We line the bottom with cling film - this will make it easier to remove the finished semifreddo. Place the sweet mass into containers, close and keep in the freezer for 4 hours.
  5. Shortly before serving, move the Italian dessert to the refrigerator to slightly thaw. Remove from the molds onto flat plates and decorate with raspberries and nuts on top. Bon appetit!

Semifreddo can be prepared not only with raspberries, but also with any seasonal berries or fruits. And also chocolate, nuts and other ingredients that are in stock.

Chocolate-nut semifreddo filling:

Italian dessert with lemon:

Chocolate dessert semifreddo:

Semifreddo is an Italian ice cream of soft consistency with various additives: cookies, nuts, fruits, berries, chocolate, and so on. Cooking time will take a maximum of 20 minutes. The main ingredients of the dessert are:

  • eggs. A mandatory requirement is the use of a fresh product that has been stored no more than 10 days from the date of production.
  • cream. To make the dessert rich and tasty, you need to use only heavy cream (at least 33%).

Semifreddo recipe No. 1

For cooking take:

  • heavy cream (33-35%) 500ml
  • sugar (150g)
  • vanilla sugar (2 tsp)
  • strawberries (200g)
  • cocoa (3 tsp)
  • eggs (5 pcs)

1. Separate the whites from the yolks and begin to beat until foamy. Next, beat the yolks with sugar in a separate bowl. Now it’s time to whip the cream (you can do it with a mixer or a whisk). Mix the cream with the yolks and slowly pour the whites into them. Chop the berries or chop finely with a knife. Then divide the mixture into several parts: in our recipe there are 3:

  • we add vanilla sugar to one mixture
  • in the other - strawberry
  • 3rd – cocoa

2. Pour the resulting mass into molds and put it in the freezer to freeze for 6-8 hours.

Semifreddo recipe with photo No. 2
  • eggs (2pcs)
  • sugar (35g)
  • grated raspberries/strawberries/blackberries or cherries (90g)
  • pistachios (60g)
  • cream (at least 33% fat) 250ml
  • vanilla (for smell, a little)
  • fresh or frozen berries for decoration

1. Peel the pistachios. Grind raspberries/strawberries/blackberries. We begin to separate the whites and yolks. The whites must be whipped until they form a thick foam. Also whip the cream separately. Mix the yolks with sugar until dissolved and the mixture turns white.

2. In a bowl, combine all 3 mixtures: yolks, whites + cream and mix gently. Then we add our fillings there: pistachios and ground berries. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold or cups and place in the freezer for 5-6 hours. Afterwards, we take it out and sprinkle it with more fresh berries/fruits or pour it with any syrup. An irreplaceable semifreddo photo during the hot period. Bon appetit!

Semifreddo recipe No. 3
  • eggs (4pcs)
  • milk + dark chocolate (250-300g)
  • pistachios (not roasted) 160g
  • cream (200ml) at least 33% fat
  • sugar (90g)
  • vanilla

1. Take the pistachios, peel them and place them in a blender for 2-3 seconds so that they split a little. Then melt the chocolate in a water bath.

2. Next, you need to thoroughly beat the eggs with sugar (up to 15 minutes). And of course cream until thick. Now mix the chocolate, cream and eggs in a bowl. Add nuts. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold and into the freezer. Afterwards, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate or decorate with berries.

Recipe No. 4
  • yolks (6pcs)
  • heavy cream (300ml)
  • brown sugar (fine) 100g
  • bananas (3pcs)
  • juice of one lemon

1. Add sugar to the yolks and place in a water bath. Beat the mixture until thick foam (5-7 minutes). Remove from heat and cool.

2. Whip the cream to a thick consistency. Peel the bananas, cut them, put them in a blender and pour in lemon juice. Beat until smooth. Next, combine the cream with bananas and yolks. Mix everything and place in molds. Freeze for at least 6 hours. Before serving, top with caramel syrup or jam.

Recipe No. 5
  • eggs (3pcs)
  • sugar (85g)
  • heavy cream (35%) 400ml
  • chocolate (160g)
  • mint syrup

For mint syrup use:

  • mint (3 sprigs)
  • milk (150ml)
  • sugar (2 tbsp)

1. As usual, separate the whites from the yolks. Place the yolks + sugar in a water bath for a few minutes (5-6 minutes), stirring all the time. Remove from heat. Then add mint syrup and set aside.

2. In a bowl, whip the cream separately. Grate the chocolate: set aside half for the sauce, and add the other part to the cream and knead. Next, beat the whites into a thick foam, pour the yolks and whipped cream into them. Take a mold and pour out the prepared mixture. Cover with cling film and place in the freezer for at least 5 hours. Once cooked, top with mint sauce. How to cook it? Grind the mint, mix with milk, sugar and put on the stove to warm up for 3 minutes. Afterwards, strain, pour in the melted chocolate and stir. Before serving dessert, be sure to top with mint chocolate sauce.

Recipe No. 6 (Semifreddo with ricotta cheese)


  • ricotta cheese (250g)
  • heavy cream (at least 33%) 100ml
  • macaroons (100g)
  • powdered sugar (60g)
  • raspberries (160g)
  • raspberries (190g)
  • sugar (65g)
  • juice from half a lemon

The recipe is somewhat similar to a delicate and airy dessert - step by step.

1. Beat the ricotta cheese with powdered sugar. Then, in a separate bowl, whip the cream until fluffy and add to the ricotta, stirring gently with a spoon.

2. Take the almond cookies, break them into small slices and add them together with the raspberries to the creamy mixture. Transfer to the mold and refrigerate for 4-5 hours. Let's prepare the sauce for now: beat the berries in a blender, add sugar + lemon juice and strain through a sieve. We take out the semifreddo, place it in bowls or cut it into pieces and pour the sauce over it. Note: if you want to cut the dessert into portions, then first line the mold with cling film to make it easier to remove. Bon appetit!

I've been meaning to cook this for a long time. Semifreddo recipe on how to make this Italian dessert, similar to ice cream, but softer, and with a variety of berries and nuts. You can say that I dreamed about him for more than a week. And even today’s recipe is already attempt number two; there was one more, which I will certainly tell you about.

I don't know about you, but I really like this name. I think it sounds somehow mysterious. Although, in fact, it simply means “half chilled.” That is, like “half ice cream.” It’s not very romantic, so I don’t recommend translating it for your guests, but simply limit it to its name.

So, for our beautiful Italian dessert or ice cream we will need


  • 3 egg whites
  • 100 ml cream of the highest fat content you can find (mine was 33%)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 100 – 120 g powdered sugar
  • Handful of cherries
  • Guest of walnut kernels
  • A handful of black and red currants and blueberries


To begin, separate the yolks from the whites. In this case, we won’t need yolks. (Tomorrow or the day after I’ll tell you where they can be used: I’m planning a new dessert with yolks).

It must be said that when I prepared semifreddo for the first time, I decided that there was no point in wasting the yolks, and decided to use them, whisking them with powdered sugar. Well, let me tell you, it turned out ugly. I made it with blueberries, and yellow and purple gave a bluish tint. In addition, I didn’t really like the taste either... Therefore, yolks are a no-no. Use them elsewhere (even in a mask).

Beat the whites into the snow with a pinch of salt. And when they are whipped, add powdered sugar, still whipping.

Then whip the cream separately. Whip the cream without anything and chilled. Then they whip up best.

Separately prepare the berries (wash), and remove the pits from the cherries. I cut the cherries a little so that there were smaller pieces. It's up to you.

Peel the nuts and grind in a blender until crumbly.

And now that all the preparatory work is done, let's start mixing.

To do this, first mix chopped nuts and berries with the cream, and then, spoon by spoon, carefully fold in the whipped whites. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Then put it in a mold, which must first be greased with butter or covered with cling film.

Place in the freezer to freeze for at least 2 hours.

And the good news: no stirring! I read somewhere that Italian housewives, weighed down by their young children, have no time to stir. It's a joke, of course, but there's no need to interfere. And semifreddo, anyway, turns out without crystals. (Unless you leave it in the freezer for a day).

My first one came out in crystals the next day. But what I want to say is that you won’t cook it for future use. I recommend eating it on the day of cooking.

So, after a few hours, take the form with the dessert out of the freezer, put it on a dish, decorate it with berries and fruits, and you can serve.

The classic semifreddo recipe says that it can be made with any berries. I highly recommend not skipping the nuts (they can also be different, from pistachios to almonds).

In a word, every time you will have a new semifreddo dessert. Especially in summer.

And I also want to say “for Italy” - .

Many of us love amazingly delicious ice cream desserts. Although they are not an integral attribute of everyday life, they make our lives more beautiful and joyful. Such delicacies must include a type of ice cream such as semifreddo or “ice cream cake.” The peculiarity of semifreddo is that it is an exceptionally delicate creamy delicacy, which necessarily includes raw eggs, cream and sugar. The history of this ice cream goes back centuries. It gained popularity in Rome, Persia, Italy, Ancient China, and the United Arab Emirates. A little later, the dessert came to Europe. It first appeared in the Medici house thanks to the Italian Ruggeri. In 1843, Nancy Johnson invented the "freezer" for making such ice cream.

So, semifreddo is a unique delicacy based on Italian traditions. It has been a success for a long time. Properly prepared ice cream is ideal for children. This is an excellent option for holding various children's parties.

Ice cream is prepared at home by any housewife. In this case, the ice cream is periodically mixed during the freezing process. This is done to saturate the mixture with air and destroy large ice crystals. If you do not use a special device - an ice cream maker, it will be difficult to obtain a satisfactory result. This ice cream gets its smoothness, airiness and elasticity from air saturation due to its high fat content. The base uses only heavy cream, raw egg yolks and sugar. Due to the use of raw eggs in the dessert recipe, it should be consumed with caution; be especially vigilant when serving it to a child. Chocolate, berries and nuts are used as flavoring additives.

Semifreddo Recipes

Semifreddo is an Italian ice cream made from a variety of ingredients. Therefore, let’s move on to consider the most delicious recipes:

Semifreddo from cottage cheese (almost a classic recipe)

Since the classic recipe for making semifreddo uses mascarpone cheese, and it (real and tasty!) is very difficult to buy outside of Italy, we bring to your attention a recipe that replaces mascarpone with fatty homemade cottage cheese.

Required ingredients:

  • milk 1 glass;
  • village fat cottage cheese approximately 125g;
  • cream 1.5 cups;
  • granulated sugar 125g;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • vanilla sugar 10g;
  • berries or fruits to taste.

Prepare the custard:

  • Mix the yolks of chicken eggs with 4 teaspoons of sugar and beat well with a whisk;
  • add 4 teaspoons of sugar and vanilla sugar to the milk and bring to a boil over low heat;
  • Place the beaten yolks with sugar in a water bath, continuing to beat;
  • Once the milk and sugar have begun to boil, remove from the heat and carefully add in a small stream to the mixture of yolks and sugar in a water bath. Make sure that the mixture is thoroughly mixed and the yolks do not have a chance to curdle.
  • The finished cream resembles the consistency of liquid sour cream. Once you receive it, turn off the heat immediately.

Preparing the base:

  • beat the cottage cheese very well in a blender;
  • add cream and remaining sugar to it, continue beating until a creamy texture is obtained;
  • add custard to the creamy curd mass, mix well;

Prepare fruit or berry filling:

  • Wash the berries or fruits you have chosen for the recipe well, separate from the seeds, if any, and grind in a blender until pureed.

Add chopped berries or fruits to the resulting mixture of cottage cheese, cream and custard, mix well, cover the container with a lid or cling film and place in the freezer for 4 hours.

Before serving, remove the semifreddo from the refrigerator in advance, let it sit at room temperature for a while and thaw. The finished dessert can be decorated with crushed nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits or chocolate chips.

Ingredients for sugar syrup:

  • sugar 350 g;
  • water 125 ml.

Dessert ingredients:

  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • cream – 0.5 l;
  • pistachios – 75 g;
  • sugar 75-80 g.

Ingredients for berry sauce:

  • frozen berries 700g;
  • sugar 100g;
  • cognac 50g.

It takes “half an hour” to prepare. Freezes for 6 hours. For “four” persons.

First prepare the sugar syrup. Mix sugar with water and cook until a homogeneous consistency is formed over low heat.

Then you need to separate the egg yolks from the whites (put them in the refrigerator for now). Whisk the cream, yolks and granulated sugar until it forms a stable foam.

Sprinkle the egg whites with a pinch of salt and also beat until foamy.

Carefully add the whipped whites to the creamy yolk mixture and mix from bottom to top.

Fill the mold with the resulting mixture and place in the freezer.

In the meantime, let's start preparing the berry sauce.

To do this, you need to combine the defrosted berries with sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly, and then remove from the stove. Add cognac and cool at room temperature.

Frozen semifreddo is drizzled with berry sauce and sprinkled with chopped pistachios before serving.

Banana semifreddo (alcoholic)

To prepare this delicate ice cream with a subtle banana aroma and lemon flavor you will need:

  • cream (302 ml);
  • powdered sugar (120 g);
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • yolks from 6 chicken eggs;
  • bananas 3 pcs;
  • wine 80 ml.

Step by step recipe:

  • separate egg whites and yolks;
  • mix yolks, sugar, wine;
  • place this mixture in a water bath and whisk continuously until a thick foam forms (about 10 minutes), remove from heat;
  • beat the cream to stiff peaks;
  • Peel the bananas and crush in a blender until pureed;
  • squeeze the juice of 1 lemon onto the mashed bananas;
  • mix the whipped yolk mixture, cream and mashed banana with lemon juice in one bowl;
  • transfer the mixture into molds and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, stirring every 20-30 minutes;

Semifredo by Hector Bravo

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • sugar (0.5 cup);
  • heavy cream (0.5 cup);
  • milk (half a glass);
  • coffee, strongly brewed (1/4 cup);
  • eggs (6 pcs);
  • Savoyardi cookies (300 g);
  • vanilla (17 g);
  • gelatin (5-7 g);
  • chocolate (half a package, i.e. approximately 50g);
  • berries

Let's move on to the step-by-step preparation of this dessert:

  • According to the instructions, soak the gelatin in water;
  • brew or brew coffee (instant is also suitable);
  • mix brewed coffee with a glass of granulated sugar. You will need to add a little more water (3/4 cup);
  • cook over low heat until sugar dissolves;
  • heat the milk with vanilla and add the gelatin pre-swollen in water;
  • beat eggs with a blender;
  • beat the cream with a blender to stable peaks;
  • mix the vanilla-milk gelatin mixture with beaten eggs and cream;
  • briefly soak the cookies in sweet coffee syrup;
  • Place rows of slightly soggy cookies in the mold, pour over them with the creamy mixture, another row of cookies and the mixture, then sprinkle berries on top and place in the freezer for at least 4 hours, removing and stirring periodically.

Semifreddo with meringue

Quite a unique way to create a gourmet ice cream dessert. Guests will really like it. Need to use:

  • cream (600 ml);
  • berries (half a kilogram);
  • sugar (3/4 cup);
  • hazelnuts (65 g);
  • chicken egg 7 pieces;
  • coffee 1 tsp.

For a unique sauce you will need:

  • cream 3⁄4 tbsp;
  • 65 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • butter (1.5 tbsp).

Now let's move on to consider how to cook This is a wonderful tasting dish:

  • beat 3 egg whites with coffee;
  • add sugar (1/4 cup) and continue beating until stiff peaks form;
  • after the formation of a thick consistency, add crushed hazelnuts and mix well;
  • Line a baking dish with paper, spoon out the resulting mass to a height of approximately 2 cm;
  • baking time at 180 degrees is approximately 1 hour. This way we got meringue;
  • beat the cream with a mixer (until it becomes stiff);
  • break the meringue into pieces and mix with cream;
  • chop the berries;
  • beat the remaining egg whites with sugar (2/4 cup) until stiff peaks form;
  • add the whites to the whipped berries and mix everything with the cream and meringue;
  • put the finished mixture in the freezer;

Prepare the chocolate sauce:

  • mix honey, water, cream;
  • place on the stove over low heat;
  • add oil;
  • wait until the ingredients melt;
  • pour warm sauce over ice cream.

The technology for producing such dessert ice cream is constantly being improved; those who like to experiment in the kitchen are constantly coming up with something new and unusual. That's why there are so many recipes for semifreddo, and each of them is good and tasty in its own way. Preparing this dessert takes too little time. But the aftertaste can always please you. This will ensure high mood for a long time. Therefore, it is still worth taking care of preparing this wonderful dish, which will remain in the memory of the person who tries it for a long time. Semifreddo will be an excellent addition to the table at any occasion.