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Calcium ammonium nitrate granulated is used as a fertilizer. Calcium-ammonium nitrate and its use in agricultural production. Buy IAS at wholesale price

NH4NO3.CaCO3.MgCO3 is the chemical formula of lime-ammonium nitrate, a universal nitrogen fertilizer which, in addition to nitrogen itself (27-27.5%), also includes calcium and magnesium.

Essentially, calcium ammonium nitrate is ammonium nitrate, which is better known as ammonium nitrate, but with the addition of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Such additives to the popular nitrogen fertilizer perform two functions at once. The first and main thing is to reduce or eliminate the explosiveness of ammonium nitrate, which is a serious problem, especially in countries with hot climates. The second function is a complex effect on agricultural crops, thanks to the expanded composition of elements beneficial to plants.


Lime nitrate, in its final (commercial) form, is beige granules ranging in size from 0.6 to 5 mm. The process of producing IAS (lime ammonium nitrate) consists of mixing carefully ground limestone or dolomite with molten ammonium nitrate, after which the finished mixture undergoes an additional granulation procedure in screw granulators or granulation towers.

In the process of industrial production of calcium nitrate, the following additionally participate as inhibitors, in different doses: sulfuric acid, ammonium, magnesium, calcium and iron sulfates, some silicofluorides and phosphates, as well as diammonium. Very often, instead of traditional limestone, ground dolomite is used as an ingredient for the production of lime nitrate. In practice, this leads to a reduction in nitrogen loss after applying fertilizer to the soil. In such cases, it is more correct to call the finished product not lime nitrate, but dolomite.

Buy IAS at wholesale price

KhimAgroProm LLC is a large wholesale supplier of mineral fertilizers since 2008. We sell lime-ammonium nitrate from the plant on the condition of delivery by Russian Railways cars and the consignees' own at the station, as well as by our own vehicles to storage bases.

In order to meet the demand of small peasant farms and agricultural cooperatives, we also ship various brands of mineral fertilizers by prefabricated wagons.

The selling wholesale price for lime-ammonium nitrate varies from year to year, as a rule, not significantly. The most noticeable increase in value occurs in the spring during the pre-sowing and sowing time. Seasonal demand, purchasing tonnage and the competitive environment in the delivery area mainly determine the final price of limestone nitrate.

Commercial offers in which the current market price for lime nitrate is calculated with delivery and packaging

Chemical properties

Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) is known for its complex effects on agricultural crops. Each of the fertilizer components present in the composition individually and the entire complex as a whole contribute to an increase in the green mass of plants and help to significantly increase the yield of agricultural crops. Specifically, among the main three elements:
  • Nitrogen (about 27%) is a component of many active biological compounds that have a beneficial effect on plant growth;
  • Calcium (about 4%) promotes better solubility of fertilizer elements in soil solutions, which simplifies the process of absorption of useful substances by plants;
  • Magnesium (2%) enhances the ability of plants to absorb phosphorus and participates in photosynthesis.
In addition, the presence of calcium and magnesium in the IAS nitrogen fertilizer increases the strength of the connection between plant cells and the thickness of their walls. The influence of these components on the explosion and fire hazard of fertilizer has already been mentioned above.

Physico-chemical composition

The name of indicators


Mass fraction of total nitrogen, calculated on dry matter, %

Ammonium nitrogen,%

Nitrate nitrogen,%

Mass fraction of calcium carbonate, %

Mass fraction of water, %

Mass fraction of calcium nitrate, %


Like other types of nitrogen fertilizers, IAS is versatile and suitable for fertilizing many crops. The fertilizer works especially well when working with grains and oilseeds, garden plants, various vegetables and berries.

Almost all types of soils are suitable for the use of IAS, but the best effect of application is observed on acidic and saline, as well as sandy and sandy loam soils, where the calcium and magnesium carbonates contained in the fertilizer can fully reveal their beneficial properties.

There are several ways to apply lime ammonium nitrate. Among the most popular are incorporation into the soil by harrowing or the belt method used for vegetable crops. IAS is also used as a top dressing, which is typical for fertilizing sunflower crops or, for example, spring grains.

Calcium ammonium nitrate has also found active use with the required proportion of nutrients.

Not everyone knows what ammonium nitrate is, so let’s take a closer look at this fertilizer, and also find out how and where it is used. Ammonium nitrate is a white granular mineral fertilizer with a gray, yellow or pink tint, up to four millimeters in diameter.

Ammonium nitrate description and composition of the fertilizer

A fertilizer called “ammonium nitrate” is a fairly common option among summer residents, which is widely used due to the presence of about 35% nitrogen in its composition, which is very necessary for the active growth of plants.

Nitrate is used as a growth regulator of plant green mass, to increase the level of protein and gluten in grains, and also to increase yield.

Did you know? In addition to the name “ammonium nitrate”, there are others: “ammonium nitrate”, “ammonium salt of nitric acid”, “ammonium nitrate”.

Ammonia and nitric acid are used to make ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate has the following compound: nitrogen (from 26 to 35%), sulfur (up to 14%), calcium, potassium, magnesium. The percentage of trace elements in saltpeter depends on the type of fertilizer. The presence of sulfur in the agrochemical promotes its complete and rapid absorption by the plant.

Types of ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate is rarely used in its pure form. Based on the geography of application and the needs of farmers, this agrochemical is saturated with various additives, which means it is useful to know what kind of ammonium nitrate it is.

There are several main types:

Simple ammonium nitrate- the first-born of the agrochemical industry. Used to saturate plants with nitrogen. This is a highly effective starting fertilizer for crops grown in the middle zone and can completely replace urea.

Ammonium nitrate grade B. There are two varieties: first and second. It is used for primary feeding of seedlings, when daylight hours are short, or for fertilizing flowers after winter. Most often, it is this that can be bought packaged in 1 kg packages in stores, since it is well preserved.

Potassium ammonium nitrate or Indian. Excellent for feeding fruit trees in early spring. It is also sprinkled into the soil before planting tomatoes, since the presence of potassium helps improve the taste of tomatoes.

Ammonium-lime nitrate. It is also called Norwegian. Available in two forms - simple and granular. It contains calcium, magnesium and potassium. The granules of this nitrate have good keeping quality.

Important! Calcium ammonium nitrate granules are treated with fuel oil, which does not decompose in the ground for a long time, which will protect it from contamination.

All plants are fertilized with this type of nitrate, since it does not cause an increase in soil acidity. The advantages of using this agrochemical include easy absorption by plants and explosion safety.

Magnesium nitrate. Since this type of ammonium nitrate does not burn plants, it is used for foliar feeding. It is also used as an auxiliary battery for magnesium and photosynthesis when growing vegetables and beans. The use of magnesium nitrate on sandy and sandy loam soils is highly effective.

Calcium nitrate. Both dry and liquid saltpeter are produced. Used for feeding vegetables and ornamental plants on sod-podzolic soils with high acidity. Apply calcium nitrate before digging the area or at the root.

Sodium nitrate or Chilean holds up to 16% nitrogen. Ideal for precipitating all beet varieties.

Porous ammonium nitrate- a fertilizer that, due to the special shape of the granules, has not found its use in the garden. It is explosive and is used to produce explosives. It is not possible to purchase it privately.

Barium nitrate. It is used to create pyrotechnic tricks, as it is capable of turning the flame green.

Did you know? Saltpeter is used not only as fertilizer, but also for the production of fetils, black powder, explosives, smoke bombs or paper impregnation.

How to properly use ammonium nitrate in the garden (when and how to apply, what can be fertilized and what cannot)

Nitrate, as a fertilizer, has found wide use among gardeners and summer residents. During plant growth, it is applied before digging the beds and at the root. However, it is not enough to understand that ammonium nitrate can be used as a fertilizer; it is important to know what exactly can be fertilized with it. Below we will talk about all the intricacies of using such a substance in agriculture, because as you know: everything is good, but in moderation.
To get the maximum benefit from the fertilizer, the consumption rate of ammonium nitrate should not exceed the consumption recommended by the manufacturer (calculated in grams per square meter):

  • Vegetables 5-10 g, fertilize twice per season: the first time before budding, the second time after fruit formation.
  • Root vegetables 5-7 g(before applying fertilizing, make depressions in the rows, about three centimeters deep, and pour fertilizer into them). Feeding is carried out once, twenty-one days after the appearance of sprouts.
  • Fruit trees: young plantings require 30-50 g of the substance, which is applied in early spring, when the first leaves appear; fruiting trees 20-30 g, a week after flowering, repeated a month later. Sprinkle the precipitate around the perimeter of the crown before watering. If you use a solution, then they need to add water to the trees three times a season.

Important! Diluted nitrate is absorbed faster by the plant. The solution is prepared as follows: 30 grams of saltpeter is diluted with ten liters of water.

  • Shrubs: 7-30 g (for young), 15-60 g - for fruit-bearing ones.
  • Strawberry: young - 5-7 g (diluted), giving birth - 10-15 g per linear meter.
Ammonium nitrate is used both as a main fertilizer and as an additional fertilizer. If the soil is alkaline, saltpeter is used on an ongoing basis, and if the soil is acidic, it is used in combination with lime, not only as the main fertilizer, but also as an additional fertilizer.

Since 50% of the nitrogen in nitrate is in the form of nitrate, it spreads well in the soil. Therefore, it will be possible to get the maximum benefit from fertilizer if it is applied during a period of active crop growth with abundant watering.

The use of ammonium nitrate with potassium and phosphorus is considered more effective. On light soils, saltpeter is spread before plowing or digging for planting.

Important! To avoid spontaneous combustion, saltpeter must not be mixed with peat, straw, sawdust, superphosphate, lime, humus, or chalk.

Ammonium nitrate is scattered over the soil before watering, and even in dissolved form it still needs to be watered. If you apply organic fertilizers to trees and bushes, then one-third less saltpeter is required than organic fertilizers. For young plantings, the dosage is reduced by half.

Ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer, in reasonable doses, can be used to feed almost any plant. However, it is important to know that you cannot fertilize cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and squash with it, since in this case the use of saltpeter will help to accumulate nitrates in these vegetables.

Did you know? In 1947, 2,300 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded on a cargo ship in the United States, and the shock wave from the explosion also blew up two passing airplanes. The chain reaction caused by the explosion of the planes destroyed nearby factories and another ship transporting saltpeter.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ammonium nitrate in the country

Ammonium nitrate, due to its affordability and easy absorption by plants, has found wide use not only in the garden, but also in the country. The advantages of using saltpeter on the site include:

  • ease of use;
  • simultaneous saturation of plants with all the beneficial substances that are required for their full development;
  • easy solubility in water and moist soil;
  • positive result even when applied to cold soil.

Nitrogen-calcium physiologically neutral fertilizer also contains microelements zinc and copper, which improve the absorption of nitrogen and magnesium from the soil solution.

Price - 7700 UAH/t

In lime ammonium nitrate, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen are present in equal quantities, which makes it a universal, highly effective mineral fertilizer. An undeniable advantage of using calcium ammonium nitrate is the absence of the need for further additional liming of the soil.

Calcium, as an important element of cell walls and a structural component of chromosomes, contributes to the regulation of enzyme activity in plants, which ensures the absorption of other nutrients, especially nitrogen. Calcium nitrate helps strengthen the straw of grain crops, improve the strength of the peel, the quality of tubers and root crops, which significantly reduces losses of agricultural products during storage.

Lime nitrate is used as an independent fertilizer and as a component in the production of fertilizer mixtures.

Physico-chemical composition

Nitrogen is the most important biological element, being the main part of all proteins and amino acids, nucleic acids, alkaloids, chlorophyll, many vitamins, hormones and other biologically active compounds. All enzymes that catalyze the processes of metabolism of substances in plants are protein substances.

Magnesium - participates in the process of photosynthesis, being part of chlorophyll, and plays an important role in activating enzymes that carry out the supply and movement of phosphorus in plants. With a lack of magnesium, plant chlorosis occurs and growth stops.

Calcium - promotes the transport of carbohydrates in plants, improves the solubility of many compounds in the soil, and promotes the absorption of important nutrients by plants. Calcium and magnesium strengthen cell walls and their attachment to each other, promote the development of the root system, and are essential nutrients. An acute deficiency of this element is manifested in the formation of whitish leaves on the upper young parts of plants and loss of turgor in the upper leaves and stems. Even in potatoes that are resistant to excessive soil acidity, the upper leaves have difficulty opening, and the growing point of the stem dies.

On acidic soils in which nitrates accumulate, losses of applied nitrogen can reach 50-55%. Therefore, the optimal reaction of the environment in the soil and the content of nutrients is the main condition for good nitrogen nutrition of plants when applying nitrogen fertilizers.

Calcium ammonium nitrate is the only universal nitrogen fertilizer for all soils and plants. When applied systematically, it is more effective than other forms of nitrogen fertilizers on acidic soils. Thus, field experiments have shown that the systematic application of lime-ammonium nitrate on acidic soil is 3.3 times more effective than ordinary ammonium nitrate.

The optimal reaction of the environment (especially when cultivating malting barley) in the soil and the content of nutrients is the main condition for good and complete nutrition of plants when applying fertilizers.

Therefore, the systematic use of conventional forms of nitrogen fertilizers increases the plants’ need for magnesium even more, as a result of which IAS neutralized with dolomite should be used, which under these conditions is more effective than neutralized with limestone. The use of IAS in doses of 3-5 c/ha provides about 50% of the annual plant need for magnesium.

IAS does not cake, does not burn, and does not explode even with strong detonation.

Calcium ammonium nitrate

In our country, the percentage of arable land is significantly higher compared to leading European countries. Therefore, it is no longer possible to increase gross grain yields by commissioning new areas. In addition, significant areas of recently fertile soils are degraded due to disturbance and uncontrolled use of fertilizers. The decrease in crop yields is due to a violation of the normal pH balance of the soil solution. When a high yield of winter wheat is formed (more than 60 centners/ha), the content of N, P, K and their ratio in the plant organs on which diagnostics are carried out are optimal. An increase in the amount of fertilizer applied or a discrepancy between their doses for specific soil conditions leads to a change in soil pH and a decrease in the availability of nutrients for plants.
Excess may be due to natural factors - the properties of the parent rock or anthropogenic impact, when farmers apply large doses of physiologically acidic fertilizers on soils prone to acidity. The soil becomes significantly acidified as a result of the removal of calcium from the crop or from rainfall. High soil acidity reduces grain yields by 30-40%. The shortfall in yield of main agricultural crops as a result of increased soil acidity annually amounts to about 1 million 350 thousand tons of grain units.
It has been established that the optimal condition for the absorption of basic plant nutrients - , is the neutral pH value of the soil solution. Accordingly, active growth processes and high yields of winter wheat are observed at a pH of 6.0-7.5. When the pH shifts towards an alkaline environment and especially when acidity increases, the availability of these nutrients for wheat plants decreases sharply. On acidic soils, losses of applied nitrogen can reach 50%. Therefore, the optimal reaction of the soil environment and the content of nutrients are one of the most important conditions for the availability of nitrogen for plants.
The most common nitrogen fertilizer contains nitrogen in ammonium and nitrate forms. This fertilizer quickly dissolves in the soil and is absorbed by the soil-absorbing complex. Even in the experiments of D.M. Pryanishnikov proved that from a solution of ammonium nitrate, plants first absorb IN4 + cations, and then N03 - anions. Therefore, ammonium nitrate is classified as a physiologically acidic fertilizer. Also included in this group of nitrogen fertilizers are: ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, anhydrous ammonia - all of them are capable of increasing the acidity of the soil solution. The negative impact of physiologically acidic fertilizers is especially pronounced on soils with a low calcium content (acid soddy-podzolic). The systematic use of ammonium nitrate in this case can cause acidification of the soil solution. Significant disadvantages of ammonium nitrate include high hygroscopicity (during long-term storage it quickly cakes) and explosiveness.

Characteristic features of lime-ammonium nitrate
The use of lime ammonium nitrate can solve the problem of the negative impact of nitrogen fertilizers on the soil, as well as improve the safety of the production process. Calcium ammonium nitrate is a promising nitrogen fertilizer with properties close to physiologically neutral. It contains on average 26-28% nitrogen, 4% calcium, 2% magnesium, and is sold in the form of granules measuring 1-4 mm. Calcium-ammonium nitrate, compared to regular nitrate, has better physical and chemical properties, it is less hygroscopic and lends itself well to mechanized application to the soil. This substance is flammable, however, it is not explosive like ammonium nitrate. It is also important that this fertilizer hardly cakes and can be stored in large quantities without special conditions. Transportation is allowed by all modes of transport, except air. The advantages of this fertilizer over traditional saltpeter include the fact that it contains calcium and magnesium. Calcium plays an important role in the processes of photosynthesis, nitrogen absorption and the movement of carbohydrates by the plant. Calcium deficiency in wheat plants causes stunted root growth, prevents the formation of root hairs, and inhibits the growth of leaf blades. Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, affects redox processes, participates in the movement of phosphorus by the plant and carbohydrate metabolism. Under conditions of magnesium deficiency, the chlorophyll content decreases, the leaves curl and turn yellow. The disadvantage of lime-ammonium nitrate, compared to ammonium nitrate, is the smaller amount of nitrogen.
The use of lime-ammonium nitrate when growing winter grains has a positive effect on physiologically acidic soddy, soddy-podzolic, gray, gray forest soils. The calcium present in it will not be able to completely neutralize the acidity inherent in these soils, but, without a doubt, will not have a negative effect on the acid regime compared to ammonium nitrate. Calcium ammonium nitrate, when used systematically, is more effective than other fertilizers on acidic soils. In field experiments it was found that long-term application of lime-ammonium nitrate on acidic soils is 3.3 times more effective than ordinary ammonium nitrate.

Features of the use of lime-ammonium nitrate
The value of this fertilizer lies in the fact that it can be used on any soil and for all crops, including cereals. This fertilizer is used as the main fertilizer and for fertilizing during the growing season. Having a neutral reaction, calcium-ammonium nitrate creates optimal conditions for nitrogen nutrition in the zone of its application, where the bulk of the plant roots are located. This makes it possible to more fully utilize fertilizer nitrogen. The calcium and magnesium carbonates contained in the fertilizer ensure high efficiency on both acidic and alkaline soils, as well as on light-textured soils (sandy, sandy loam) and solonetzic soils. Good results are observed from the application of lime-ammonium nitrate on soils poor in magnesium. With the systematic use of this fertilizer, the soil does not become acidic. The high efficiency of lime-ammonium nitrate is primarily determined by the method of its application, namely, into the soil layer where the bulk of the roots are located. For grain crops, it is advisable to apply lime-ammonium nitrate in the pre-sowing amount in the amount of 30-40 kg/ha a.i. In the spring, during the growing season, fertilizing is carried out on frozen soil, the amount of nitrogen, which is applied with fertilizer, is about 30% of the full dose. this element. If soil diagnostics indicate the need for nitrogen, fertilize using the root method in an amount of 30 kg/ha a.i.
Thus, the application of lime-ammonium nitrate in the sowing of winter grain crops makes it possible to reduce the harmful effects of the use of physiologically acidic fertilizers on soils susceptible to acidification. In addition, it is safer to use and almost does not cake during long-term storage.

Names of saltpeter
Trivial name Chemical formula Systematic name Note
Ammonium nitrate NH 4 3 Ammonium nitrate A colorless crystalline substance, hygroscopic, very soluble in water with a strong decrease in the temperature of the solution. It explodes, especially when mixed with metal powders, when using intermediate detonators made of more sensitive explosives (for example, TNT), and is insensitive to impacts. When storing in large quantities, for example in fields, cases of explosion from impact when attempting to loosen have been reported. When heated above 160 o C, it decomposes, releasing predominantly nitrous oxide with an admixture of other oxides. The most common nitrogen fertilizer.
Ammonium nitrate
Barium nitrate ( 3) 2 Barium nitrate Colorless crystals. Colors the flame green. Used as an oxidizing agent in pyrotechnic compositions of colored flames.
Barite nitrate
Potassium nitrate 3 Potassium nitrate Colorless crystals with a rhombic or hexagonal crystal lattice. It is significantly less hygroscopic compared to sodium, therefore it is widely used in pyrotechnics as an oxidizing agent. When heated above 334.5 o C, it melts, above this temperature it decomposes with the release of oxygen.
Indian saltpeter
Magnesium nitrate ( 3) 2 ·H 2 O Magnesium nitrate crystalline hydrate
Calcium nitrate ( 3) 2 4 H 2 O Calcium nitrate crystalline hydrate
Lime nitrate
Norwegian saltpeter
Chilean saltpeter 3 Sodium nitrate Usually there are impurities of halides, the main deposits are in Chile (provinces of Tarapaca and Antofagasta). Color: white, yellowish, red-brown, gray. Hardness on the Mohs scale 1.5-2;. Density 2.3 g/cm³. It is formed mainly due to volcanic activity or nitrogen oxidation. Hygroscopic.
Soda nitrate
Sodium nitrate

Application of saltpeter

Nitrate is used as nitrogen fertilizer, while potassium nitrate is also a source of potassium needed by plants. Potassium nitrate is also one of the ingredients in black powder. Ammonium nitrate is used to prepare explosives such as ammonal and ammotol. Ammonia fertilizers include: ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, ammonium bicarbonate, liquid nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride are most effective on soils saturated with bases (chernozems, carbonate sierozems, chestnut soils), which have the ability to neutralize the acidifying effect of these fertilizers. Systematic fertilization of acidic soils with ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride causes an increase in acidity; this deficiency can be eliminated by liming. Ammonia nitrogen is less susceptible to leaching than nitrate nitrogen, so ammonia fertilizers can be applied before sowing, in the fall. They are less suitable for surface (when feeding winter crops) and local (in rows, holes and nests) application. Excess chlorine in ammonium chloride negatively affects the size and quality of the harvest of many agricultural crops (potatoes, flax, oilseeds, tobacco, grapes, etc.). Ammonium bicarbonate, the production of which is still limited by the scope of experimental research, has an alkaline reaction, but undergoes nitrification in the soil (see Nitrification in the soil). Among the ammonia forms of nitrogen fertilizers, liquid fertilizers are of great importance - liquid anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia, ammonia.

see also

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    Nitrate is a trivial name for minerals containing nitrates of alkali and alkaline earth metals (including their crystalline hydrates). The name most likely comes from Lat. sal nitrum. For more information on the chemistry of compounds, see: Nitrate... ... Wikipedia

    Nitrate is a trivial name for minerals containing nitrates of alkali and alkaline earth metals (including their crystalline hydrates). The name most likely comes from Lat. sal nitrum. For more information on the chemistry of compounds, see: Nitrate... ... Wikipedia

    Nitrate is a trivial name for minerals containing nitrates of alkali and alkaline earth metals (including their crystalline hydrates). The name most likely comes from Lat. sal nitrum. For more information on the chemistry of compounds, see: Nitrate... ... Wikipedia

    Nitrate is a trivial name for minerals containing nitrates of alkali and alkaline earth metals (including their crystalline hydrates). The name most likely comes from Lat. sal nitrum. For more information on the chemistry of compounds, see: Nitrate... ... Wikipedia

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