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Scenario for the holiday "Earth Day" material on the topic. Extracurricular event "Earth Day". Primary classes Scenario for Earth Day in primary school

Educational lesson “The Earth is our common home!” Scenario for younger students

Description of material: I offer you a scenario for an extracurricular activity “The Earth is our common home.” This event is recommended for older school and preschool children, teachers, educators, and teacher organizers.
Target: fostering respect for the environment and natural resources, an ecological culture of behavior in nature, and love for the Motherland.
- expand children's knowledge about negative consequences human influence on the environment and his activities to protect it; - repeat and generalize the rules of careful and environmentally correct treatment of humans with the surrounding nature and their habitat; - include children in the playroom and creative activity for the purpose of correcting perception, thinking, attention, memory.
Equipment: pictures of natural objects, natural material, album sheets and markers.

1. Organizational point:
Educator. Guys, today we are going on an unusual, but very serious and important journey. We will not fly with you on a plane or rush by train, and we will not even go by bus, but we will take our backpacks, gather our ingenuity and knowledge into them and set off on foot across the expanses of our land. This is the only way to find out all her secrets, see her beauty, see all her troubles and help her.
We can’t just move in a crowd, so we’ll split into squads. The units will have names and mottos. Each squad will have counselors - older guys and educators who will always help you along the way. Behind Good work and the correct answers, the squad will receive a token, and we will find out which squad will receive the title “Best Nature Experts”. (The teacher distributes emblems and mottos to the squads, and in one minute the squad guesses from them its name: “Friendship”, “Bonfire”, “Rescuers”, “Spark” and prepares to say the name in chorus.) Stand up in a squad, say the name of the squad in chorus, The counselors will read out the motto.
Team mottos:
Smile Life without a smile is just a mistake,
Long live laughter and smile.
Friendship Always be friends, be friends everywhere,
Make friends on land and in water.
Bonfire Burn yourself, light others
Stay ahead, period.
Spark We will sparkle, we will burn
Let's not let planet Earth die.

The name of our journey is “Earth is our common home!”
What do you think will be the purpose of our hike with this name? (We must determine how a person should behave in a common house called Earth in order to preserve it for subsequent generations.)
2. Introductory part.
Educator. We all - people, birds, animals, microorganisms - live on one common planet. And it is the only planet on which living beings can live. This is our common home. And nature on earth is our mother and nurse. What is nature?

What kind of nature is there? How to distinguish wildlife from inanimate? (children's answers) What does a person take from nature? (air, water, food, health, beauty)
How should we treat nature? (children's answers)
Over millions of years, all types of animals, plants, and fungi have adapted to each other, to their habitat, and live well next to each other. Man himself is also a part of nature, but he just can’t learn to behave correctly in the environment. Give examples of the negative impact people have on her. (children's answers)
In my opinion, it’s time to hit the road to determine on the spot what people should do to avoid catastrophe - the death of all life on Earth, including humans.

3. Main part.

1st stop “Steppe spaces”

Educator: “We put on our backpacks and hit the road. And you will determine the first place where we came if you make a word from these letters “s”, “t”, “e”, “p”, “b”. - - What is “steppe”? (This is a natural area, with a fairly hot and dry climate, in which the vegetation is mainly herbaceous.)
You and I live in such a natural area. But, unfortunately, the steppe has lost its pristine appearance due to human activity. Most of the steppe lands are plowed by humans for fields. And so that the winds did not blow the soil from the fields and carry it away in the form of dust storms, people had to plant trees - forest belts. And before, the steppe looked like this. (Pictures of the steppe.)

- Which of you traveled with your parents to the unplowed steppe? What were you doing there? What amazes us about the steppe? (With its vast expanses, a huge amount of warmth and light. This is not in the forest. The air in the steppe is incredibly clean and fresh. You can see the silvery, fluffy sea - this is a sea of ​​feather grass.) What other steppe plants do you know? (Tipchak, wheatgrass, wild oat, bluegrass, timothy, shepherd's purse, kurai, tumbleweed, wormwood, prickly sage, sage, goose onion, buttercups, tulips, irises and others.)
- What animals live in the steppe? (Foxes, wolves, brown hare, gophers, hamsters, jerboas, mole rats, steppe marmots, ferrets, weasels. The world of birds is rich: raptors: osprey, coccyx, harrier, kestrel, kite, owls, gravedigger eagle, steppe eagle; not predatory: quails, partridges, cranes, ducks, geese, tits, wagtails. In the steppe, in the sultry sky, you can always hear the cheerful song of a lark.)
- How wrong can a person behave in this region? (Continue to plow the land, graze huge herds of animals everywhere that will trample the grass, pick bouquets of steppe flowers, hunt rare animals, take out garbage and throw it in forest belts.)
What rules of human life will we write down?
1. You cannot litter nature with garbage. 2. You cannot kill animals and birds, especially rare ones. 3. We must stop plowing new lands, 4. You cannot pick armfuls of flowers, pick flowers listed in the Red Book.
Poem. I'm ready to argue with the whole world,
I'm ready to swear on my head that
That all colors have eyes
And they look at you and me.
In the hour of our thoughts and worries,
In the bitter hour of trouble and failure
I saw: flowers, like people, cry
And the dew is dropped on the sand.

Physical exercise.

Let's take pictures of flowers and place the children with them. One student remembers their location. We change children's places or pictures. The student says what has changed.

2nd stop “Water surface”

Educator. We put on our backpacks again and move on. And where we have come, you will find out if you solve this problem. You need to arrange these fish in the order in which they were drawn, then everything will become clear. The word "reservoir".

- What bodies of water do you know? (Pond, lake, river, sea, ocean, reservoir, canal.) Which of them are of natural origin? (River, lake, sea, ocean.)
We all know that water is life. All living things, including humans, cannot live without water. Therefore, people mainly build their villages near bodies of water. What kind of water do we need for life? (Clean and fresh.) We not only drink fresh water, but also water plants with it, wash ourselves, do laundry, clean our homes, and use fresh water in industrial production.
Meanwhile, fresh water reserves are very small and account for only 3% of the entire world ocean. The rest of the water is salty. Some places are already experiencing a shortage of fresh water. IN summer period In the evening, the water pressure in our water supply system decreases, sometimes the water is even turned off. And in some villages, water supply is carried out according to a schedule or it is even imported. We mainly use underground water reserves, water consumption major cities much more, so they use water from nearby rivers and lakes. What else do we use bodies of water for? In summer, people like to swim in them and go fishing, sitting with a fishing rod on the shore.

– What violations does a person commit when using water?
Discharges untreated wastewater into water bodies, often containing toxic substances; washes dirty cars on the banks of reservoirs, throws garbage on the banks of reservoirs. It uses the Earth's water reserves uneconomically - water can flow in vain from an open or faulty tap. In pursuit of profit, some people engage in poaching, setting nets for fish and crayfish, where such fishing is prohibited. Sometimes they kill fish with dynamite.
Let's continue the list of rules of human behavior in communication with nature.
4. Use it sparingly Natural resources. 5. Do not wash dirty cars near bodies of water. 6. Do not discharge wastewater into water bodies. 7. Hunt and fish only using permitted methods.
Physical exercise.
Let's take off our backpacks and take a little swim in such a wonderful lake. Raise your hands how many of you can swim? And who will show how he swims? What is the name of this style, when hands, like oars, alternately rake in water? “Rabbit” And when you work with your legs like a frog, and throw your arms out in front of you and spread the water in different directions. "Breaststroke" What kind of style is it when a swimmer flaps his arms like a butterfly? "Butterfly" Let's swim in different styles.

3rd stop “Forest clearing”

Educator. And where we will make our next stop, you will determine by guessing the riddles.
What kind of girl is this: She turned green in the spring, In a white sundress, Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, Sunbathed in the summer. We stood in a clearing. She doesn’t sew anything herself, in the fall she put it on. Tits flew, And in needles all year round. Red corals. They sat on their braids. (Spruce) (Rowan) (Birch)
What kind of tree stands - Curly-haired Vanya stands in a clearing in the forest, There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? The rich man is small, but he will give you nuts. (Aspen) (Hazel)
A green bush is growing, if you touch it, it will bite. (Rose hip.)
It takes from my flower. I have longer needles than the Christmas tree. Bee is the most delicious honey. I grow in height very straight. But they still offend me: If I’m not at the edge, They rip off my thin skin. The branches are only at the top of the head. (Linden) (Pine)
- Where have we come, guys, where do these trees grow? That's right, we came to the forest.

Who inhabits the forest? (There are many animals, birds, insects and other animals in the forest.) Guess riddles about them.
He slept in a fur coat all winter, She is more cunning than all the animals, In a clearing near the fir trees he sucked a brown paw. Her fur coat is red. The house is built from needles. And when he woke up, he began to roar. A lush tail is her beauty, It is not visible behind the grass, This forest animal is ... a bear. And her name is... fox. And there are a million residents there.
She flashes like a snake in the grass, wags her tail, (Ants in an anthill) She breaks off her tail and gains another. (Lizard.)
He sleeps during the day, and flies at night, the rabble of all migratory birds, There is a palace on a pole, He knows a lot about everything. (Owl.) Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields, In the palace there is a singer, Heather, white-sided, Jumping back and forth across the arable land And his name is... (starling). And her name is... (magpie). And the bird's name is rook.
Starling is a caring father, Starling is a caring father. But how to calm the starlings? And everything that is on the menu, As soon as the starling leaves the house, the starling carries it from the grove into the house. Again they scream. And feeds the kids!
Game “I accept - I don’t accept” Let’s now play a little. I will offer you something to do, and you decide, if you can do it in the forest, then clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet.
- you can find a comfortable clearing and sit down to relax;
- you can play, throw dry leaves, build a hut from branches lying on the ground;
- whoever sees a mushroom, tear it up by the roots so that others don’t get it;
- can be collected delicious berries and treat friends;
- you can break flexible young branches and forest lilies of the valley, weave wreaths;
- you can make noise, shout, and coo in the forest, we’re not in a village;
- water bottles, disposable cups, I’ll put bags under the bush so that they don’t spoil the appearance of the clearing, I don’t need them anymore;
- a bug-eyed frog, a creeping snake, nasty caterpillars can be driven away or crushed;
- I can see what color they have; Each of them plays its own role in nature. All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed.
Did you know?
1. The wood of this tree is the strongest, it does not rot for a long time even in water, therefore it is used in construction. (Larch.)
2. This tree absorbs the most radiation and purifies the air better than others. (Poplar.)
3. There is a herb for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort.)
4. Highest of all birds flies... (eagle).
5. The grasshopper’s ear is on ... (leg).
6. The largest bird in the world is ... (ostrich), and the smallest is ... (hummingbird), and in our country - ... (wren).
7. There is a sweet tree in our forests. (Linden.)
8.Colorful mushrooms grow in the forest. (Russula.)
9. A penguin is ... (a bird) and eats fish.
!0. The tallest grass...(bamboo).

Let's continue our list of rules of conduct in nature:
8. Don’t break young trees, it’s better to plant trees yourself;
9.People should reduce the amount of trees cut down;
10. Do not make fires in the forest, especially under trees;
11.Do not throw glass objects into the grass, they will cause a fire.
12. Do not destroy bird nests, anthills, do not trample poisonous mushrooms;
13. Don’t make noise in the forest.
Take care of the Russian forest, Squirrel, marten, hare, fox
He is the source of all miracles! The forest is our home.
To make everything green everywhere, I want to believe in the bird and the beast
Pines, elms, maples, spruces, Into peace and quiet.
Take care of the forest!

Educator. Unfortunately, we can’t travel for a long time and it’s time for us to return home, but we did a good job and compiled a whole list of rules that need to be followed to stop the environmental disaster. (photo of the village)

Let's check how you remember our rules. You will listen to the verse “Happy Walk”, and then say which of the rules of behavior in nature were violated.
Fun walk
We were sitting at the edge of the forest, two students left,
In a sunny meadow, Two young townswomen...
Two girls-friends, birds sing as before
Two young city girls. In a sunny meadow,
Bird trills rang, Bird hubbub rushed,
And the girls looked, but the whole oak tree was broken off,
How everything around glittered, And the grass under the alder
It sparkled, rustled, and was covered with husks.
How the tops are splashing. What’s missing here!
A green wave... Bags of seeds,
Two girlfriends said: Tram tickets,
- How nice it is in spring! Taffy papers...
How clean the air is here! (The list can be continued.)
What a branchy oak tree! Everything seems to have dimmed!
Two townswomen left -
Now they don't care
To the sunny meadow.
The branchy oak tree rustles
The remaining leaves
He shakes his head: “What selfish people! What selfish people!”
- Receiving from nature everything necessary for life, a person must be careful and economical so as not to cause damage to nature or disfigure it.
- In order for nature to have time to replenish its strength and restore what has been lost, man must take a reasonable amount of its wealth and help nature replenish its resources. Plant as many trees as possible, restore deforested forests. Build treatment facilities for discharged industrial waters and exhaust gases.
- Build waste processing plants to prevent landfills from growing. Use more carefully what has already been produced. - Switch to the production and use of household items that are less toxic and capable of decomposing naturally (with the help of bacteria living in nature).

And the guys will end our journey with these words:

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science, We want the birds to sing,
And there is also a temple of nature, so that there is noise around the forest,
With forests reaching out to make the skies blue,
Towards the sun and winds. So that the river turns silver,
He is holy at any time of the day, so that the butterfly frolics
Open to us in hot and cold weather. And there was dew on the berries!
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate his shrines.

, Ecology competition “The Earth is our common home”

Presentation for the lesson

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“There is such a firm rule...” I got up in the morning, washed my face,
put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order...”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Target: Raising children's ecological culture.


  • deepen your understanding of pollution sources environment;
  • develop environmental thinking in children;
  • educate children to respect nature.

Decor: posters on the topic “The Earth is our common home”, presentation, D. Tukhmanov “How beautiful this world is.”

Against the background of a presentation about nature, a poem by M. Dudin is heard.

1. Presenter:

Life is always at a feast
Seek kinship, not difference.
In spring in the morning forest
A beautiful tit song.
Beautiful pine trees full height,
Support for the soul and vision,
And the rustle of falling stars
In the forest full lakes.

2. Presenter:

Beautiful is the wise path of the grain,
And the eternal light of the sun is beautiful,
It's a beautiful song that's true
Labor that is not in vain.

Beautiful - a clear dome of the day,
Midday earth and water,
Where everything and everyone is your relatives,
Your responsibility is freedom.

The May nightingale is beautiful,
The shadow of his willow tree is beautiful -
The whole world is waiting for you
Protection from yourself.

3. Presenter: Hello Hello! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. As you know, holidays are different because they are timed to coincide with different events. But they are always cheerful and bright. There are many holidays. Today is this holiday - Earth Day!

4. Presenter: And this holiday is associated not only with joyful events. On this holiday people are a little sad. Let us recall the history of this holiday.

In 1969, an oil spill occurred at the oil fields near the town of Santa Barbara. A huge amount of oil spread across the surface of the coastal ocean waters and polluted the beaches. Many marine animals, especially birds, were affected by the accident. This tragic event made a great impression on Americans. They decided to remind people at least once a year about their relationship with the environment. On April 22, 1970, thousands of Americans took to the city streets.

1. Presenter: They held rallies and demonstrations in defense of nature. They demanded the adoption of new environmental laws, planted trees, removed garbage from the streets, cleaned river banks, and listened to songs praising the beauty of the world around them. The first Earth Day was celebrated only in the United States, but over time this holiday united residents of many countries. Every year there were more and more of them. Earth Day began to be celebrated in Russia as well. In addition, according to government decree, from April 15 to June 5, we are holding special Days of environmental protection.

2. Presenter. Since April 22, 1990, the whole world has been celebrating International Earth Day - a holiday of clean Water, Earth and Air. This day reminds us of terrible environmental disasters; it is a day when every person thinks about what he can do to solve environmental problems, overcoming indifference in himself.

We have mastered the planet a long time ago
This century is moving widely
There are no more white spots on Earth
Will you erase the black ones, man?

The Earth Day holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.

3. Presenter. Left alone in the forest, in the steppe, on the river, in the field, in the swamp, a person is left alone with his conscience. She is the only controller for a person. And perhaps one of the most important tasks that faces those who want to save nature on the planet is to awaken in people a conscience, an understanding of what can be done and what cannot be done.

Everything is closely connected around.
(We will not multiply examples.)
You won’t suddenly touch a flower,
So as not to disturb the stars.

4. Presenter. Everyone who is somehow familiar with ecology is convinced that the salvation of humanity is possible only when each of us masters environmental knowledge and lives according to the ecological laws of life:

  • learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector;
  • enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your careless attitude;
  • take advantage of every opportunity to do something useful for nature, and it’s not for nothing that nature is called a temple.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a temple of nature,
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is light at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come in here
Be a little hearty
Do not desecrate her shrines.

1. Presenter: But the temple of nature is a fragile structure. Imagine a house of cards. Remove one card and the house collapses. It’s the same in nature - if you destroy any part of it, everything will collapse.

2. Presenter: All inhabitants of our planet take part in this holiday. Our lyceum students did not stand aside either. Class 10 A is invited to the stage. With the defense of his project “The Earth is our common home.” (3 Then the baton is passed to all other students)

3. Presenter:

You, Man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields.
Don't burn her recklessly
And don’t trample to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth -
There are many of us, but she is alone.

4. Presenter: I remember the words of the Little Prince from Exupery’s fairy tale of the same name: “There is such a rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.” Each of us understands that we must live in harmony with the world around us in our common home called Earth.

1. Presenter:

Cutting ice, changing the flow of rivers,
We repeat that there is a lot to do,
But we will come again to ask for forgiveness
By these rivers, dunes and swamps,
At the most gigantic sunrise
In the smallest fry...

I don’t want to think about it yet
We have no time for that now... yet
Airfields, piers and platforms
Forests without birds and land without water...
There is less and less natural surroundings,
More and more environment.

2. Presenter:

And let there be only peaceful and joyful Earth Days for our beautiful spaceship - planet Earth, flying and rotating in the middle of cold space with its so vulnerable load of life...

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has language...

3. Presenter:

Now that we have already learned to fly through the air like birds and swim underwater like fish, we are missing only one thing: “learn to live on Earth like people.” The overriding task of the century is to preserve not only the natural in nature, but also the human in man.

All“We are all passengers of one ship called “Earth,” and there is simply nowhere to transfer from it.”

“There is such a firm rule...” I got up in the morning, washed my face,
Put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order...”

Summarizing: rewarding event participants.

1st PRESENTER: Hello, dear guys! Hello, dear teachers! Hello our viewers! We all live in a great huge country - Russia.

2nd HOST: We all love our country very much. But, unfortunately, not all inhabitants of our planet protect the surrounding nature, the beauty of our forests and coasts.

1st PRESENTER: Everyone here knows, you and me!
You cannot offend nature!
So let's say together one, two, three,
Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!

Children reading poetry are already standing on stage.

From Ladoga to the deceptive Baltic
on the shores of Karelian blue lakes
my land lies like a wonderful butterfly
in the meadows of northwestern Russia.

For centuries we meet white nights,
making enthusiastic speeches,
and the city above the majestic Neva
standing, leaning on our shoulders!

The Baltic Sea has opened a window to Europe for us,
and Ladoga gave the way to Life,
and above the wave a white-winged gull
my dreams and thoughts ascend!


1. We are talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home.

Our good home, spacious home -

We all live in it from birth.

2. We are also talking about this:

That we must take care of our home,

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The Earth hopes for us.

SPEAKER 1: Dear guys! Our planet is in danger. Since man appeared, he has tried to conquer and subjugate nature. What could he come up with to improve his life!

Children take the stage with red bands on their shoulders and caps on their heads.

1st CHILD: Man! He created terrible poisons that kill insects and other animals.

2nd CHILD: Man! He created cars that poison the air with harmful gases.

3rd CHILD: Man! It cuts down trees, drains swamps, and covers the Earth with a huge layer of garbage.

4th CHILD: People! Come to your senses! Our planet is facing a terrible disaster!

2nd HOST: Our event is a wake-up call for each of us. We hope that after our holiday your hearts will respond and you will take care of nature

"Earth" comes out with a large ball (model of the earth).

Good people, wake up,

Yes, take a quick look around:

You won't have anywhere to live,

If you don't love the Earth!

You protect me

And protect from dirt!

I want the birds to sing

So that there is noise around the forest,

So that the skies are blue,

So that the river turns silver,

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

I want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green,

And under the tree lived a prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump,

So that the rainbow sparkles,

So that it always rains cheerfully.

Presenter 1:

Dear planet, do we offend you?

Birds disappear on me

Flowers disappear on me.

This is becoming more noticeable every year.

Forest joys, a world of beauty

Leave me forever

I'm getting dirtier

and poorer day by day.

Look at the globe-

After all, he sighs as if alive.

And the continents whisper to us:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

In the alarm of the groves and forests,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!”

Now, guys, relax and watch “The Tale of the Oil Fish”

“Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman by the very blue sea. Grandfather threw the net into the sea and pulled out - no, not just sea mud, but also rusty cans and bottles, torn plastic bags.

Grandfather cast the net a second time and caught a torn shoe and a worn tire.

The third time, as expected, the old man caught a fish. Yes, not simple, but a well-known thing, golden.

She spoke in a human voice. But here’s a miracle: the goldfish didn’t ask, “Let me go, old man, to the sea.” On the contrary, she begged: “Just don’t let me go back into the sea waters!” It’s better to throw it into an aquarium with clean water - I’ll do you any service for it. I don’t want to turn into an oil fish, but I want to remain a gold fish!”

Now the question is: Where does oil get into the seas? What harm does it cause to marine life?

The artist only painted the shadows of various sea creatures. Guess which ones? (jellyfish, dolphin, whale, seahorse, star, shark)

EARTH: Guys, I came to your holiday not alone, but with my friends, fairy-tale characters, which are somehow connected with nature. Meet! Malvina, Pinocchio, Forest Fairy, Crocodile Gena, Goldfish! (roles played by children)

MALVINA: Please remember how a well-mannered, polite person must behave in the forest and teach this to your friends.

FISH: A well-mannered person does not break branches of trees and bushes, or pick forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and provides shelter for a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.

FOREST FAIRY: Do not knock down poisonous mushrooms that are unfamiliar to you or even known to you. Many of them are medicine for forest inhabitants.

CROCODILE GENA: We should not catch and bring forest animals, insects and birds into the house; for them, our “entertainment” often ends in illness, torture and death. These are not toys.

Pinocchio: Do ​​not destroy anthills accidentally or on purpose! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their little house before frost. And they will die!

MALVINA: And, of course, a polite person who comes to relax in a forest or meadow will not leave behind a landfill

SPEAKER 2: Thank you, guys. Now we will try never to offend nature. We must remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.

SPEAKER 1: Unfortunately, we often violate these rules. Is it true? Let us now, together with Malvina, ask nature for forgiveness and try not to make such mistakes again.

All the children stand up, Malvina is in the center of the hall.

MALVINA: Forgive us, little bug,
And the ant and the bees,
Sorry, slender poplar
And felled Christmas trees.
Forgive us, captured animal,
You feel so cramped in the cage.
Sorry for not saving
And you have become so rare now.

1st PRESENTER: Let's hope that nature will forgive us.

2nd PRESENTER: And as a sign of truce with nature, we will sing a cheerful song “Mushrooms”.


A whistle is heard outside the door, and a KREPKOSVIST appears in the hall with a large backpack
HOST: Who are you?
Strong whistle. I am a disturber of the peace of rivers and lakes, a destroyer of birds' nests and a violator of forest paths - Krepkosvist

HOST: Your backpack is so big, what’s in it??

Strong whistle. For such good kids

I don't feel sorry for anything.

I have gifts for you,

No one has them like that. - takes it out and gives it to the children

Here's a slingshot for you guys.

To shoot birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you.

To scare each other!

This heavy stone

You can break out windows!

With this lifesaver

Wave in all directions! Like this!

Are my gifts good?

HOST: And they’re not good at all, take them back.

These are not gifts. but very bad things.

They urgently need to be thrown away!

Children, return everything back to him!... - the children return all things.
Strong whistle. You are bad children, I will not be friends with you! And here are my other gifts...

Strong whistle. Scatters garbage
Look how dirty and trashy your place is

You're the one who messed up Krepkosvist.

Strong whistle
It's not me, it's them... (points to the guys).

Oh, how I don’t want to be so littered on such a holiday. What are we going to do now?

Children offer to clean up the trash. — prepare — 4 garbage buckets

Thanks for your help, just let's sort the garbage into different baskets: put paper in one, and branches, pine cones and plastic bottles in the other.

Competition: “Who can clean up the trash the fastest.” .

Strong whistle - Yes, I behave badly, but do your children know how to behave correctly?

HOST: Of course they can, you can ask them any questions.

Strong whistle:
Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game “If I come to the woods.” I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “yes,” if bad, then we all shout “no” together! I open my forest book.
If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No)
If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)
If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No)
If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)
If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)
I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes)

VED. Well, Krepkosvist, our children know how to behave. And they collected all the garbage, how clean and beautiful it is here.

Strong whistle. I won't do any more harm

I will forget evil and deceit.

I will help people

Don't offend anyone!

And now guys, I'm leaving you.

I’ll take the gifts, I’d better throw them away, I’ll go! - leaves, waves his hand.

Ved. Yes, our Earth is beautiful in winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The earth is a common home for everyone. Living in this house, a person must be kind, must take care of all living beings. And who are these living beings?

Child: Fish, birds, animals look into people’s souls.
It’s as if they are asking us: people, don’t kill in vain!
After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,
After all, the sky without birds is not sky,
A land without animals is not a land,
But we can’t live without land

HOST: Does everyone agree?

EARTH: Who can answer my question: What kind of planet should it be?

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it

We won’t let anyone offend her

Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens of flowers

We all need such a planet.

EARTH: Yes, I agree, we will bring beauty to my planet. But how?

HOST: Mother Earth, we ask you, open your gift boxes and you will see everything for yourself!

Opens the first box - FLOWERS

Of course, they must be on my planet! Please decorate!

Opens the second box: - BUTTERFLIES

These fabulous insects cannot live without flowers, please decorate

Opens the third box: BIRDS

Of course, without birds singing, my planet will be sad and sad. Release them to the ground.

Opens the fourth box: PISCES

May these goldfish always fulfill your wishes. Launch them into the seas and oceans

HOST: Look, friends.

How beautiful you are, the earth!

Song "The Earth is Full of Wonders"

EARTH: Thank you guys. I was so interested in you.

Let's save the planet -
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
There's only one in the whole universe

For life and friendship to all of you I am given

Dance composition “Cornflower Country”

EARTH: We had a lot of fun.

We became very close friends.

We danced and played.

Everyone around became friends.

It's time for me to say goodbye

I will part with you.

Scenario environmental event for grades 1-2

for Earth Day

Adult leader:

I live on beautiful planet

Called the good Earth. (Slide 1)

I love sunsets and sunrises,

I love hills and fields. (Slide 2)

I love it when the sun is in the sky

And when the rains drum (Slide 3)

And when everything is shrouded in snow,

And when the streams do not cease. (Slide 4)

I love silver dew

And the fogs above light water,

Muted colors for autumn

And golden starfall from the heavens. (Slide 5)

And please believe me

I consider myself happy

That I live on a beautiful planet

Under the common name Earth. (Slide 6)

Adult presenter :

Guys, what do you think we will talk about today? (listens to the children's answers).

The planet is our home, and the house must be kept clean. Right? Is our common house clean? (children’s answers)


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds. (Slide 1)

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in the heat and cold,

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate her shrines. (Slide2)

Student : Why are we friends with the forest,
Why do people need it?

(Listen to the children's answers)

1st reader: The forest is our wealth! (Slide 3)
2nd reader: The forest is the green outfit of our Earth. Where there is a forest, the air is always clean. (Slide 4)
3rd reader. The forest is a home for animals and birds. (Slide 5)
4th reader. The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps people grow a good harvest. (Slide 6)
5th reader. The forest is a storehouse that generously gives away its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms. (Slide 7.8)

Game 1 “Guess the word”

How well do you know the names of birds, animals and plants that live in our area? Now words will appear on the screen in which the vowel sounds have disappeared and only consonants remain. Your task: think about what vowels need to be inserted. If you inserted all the vowels correctly, you will get the name of a plant, animal or bird.

Bird – s.n.ts., tree – b.r.z., animal –, bird – v.r.n., flower – r.m.shk., animal – .

Well done!

Lesovichok enters.

I love walking in the forest

I go to the forest every day.

Everything in the forest is interesting to me:

Every bush and every stump.

I am a cheerful old man, old man Lesovichok

Like a page from a fairy tale book,

The forest opened up, the leaves ringing.

I understand both the beast and the bird,

And they understand me.

It became very dangerous in the forest,

I don’t understand why!

Who throws bottles and garbage? (Slide 9)

Who lights fires endlessly? (Slide 10)

Who exterminates animals and birds?

Who prevents you from living peacefully in the forest?

So, friends, soon the whole forest will die,

And trouble will overtake all people!

Just listen, guys.

Life is very bad for the animals.


I feel really bad right now. The hunting dog decided to play pranks with me. I curled up into a ball to protect myself. He pushed me with his paw so hard that I rolled down the hill and landed right on the hot coals that some bum had left in the fireplace. I barely got out, but I burned the needles and legs badly. It hurts so much that I want to cry...

Magpie :

And they shot me with a slingshot. My wing hurts, but at least I can fly somehow, but the woodpecker is out of luck. This slingshot killed him on the spot. For what? After all, woodpeckers bring so much benefit to the forest. They heal trees and make hollows for many animals and birds.

Bear :

I was walking to the water to get a drink and stepped on something terrible. It stuck into my paw. I lost so much blood! I couldn't take a step. Thanks to the heron, she washed my paw and pulled out a sharp fragment from the bottle with her beak. My leg still hurts and I can barely walk. How could this happen?


What kind of elephant came to our forest,
Just the noise and the crackling!
I trampled all the flowers,
Broke my wing!
Stepped on a worm
Almost ran over a bug!
How will I fly now?
I need to see a doctor ASAP!

Lesovichok . Every day I hear these complaints

And I don’t know what I need to do.

I ask: “Help! Save!"

You will protect my forest from enemies!

Lead Adult:

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest? (children’s answers)

Game 2 “Find a Pair”

The rules of conduct in the forest are divided into 2 parts. The task is to find the continuation of the sentence.

Do not break branches/trees and bushes

Don't destroy / bird's nests

Don't burn / the grass in the meadow.

Don't leave garbage in the forest

Don't take wild/animals home


Evil people littered

And lakes and ponds.

Almost no longer in Russia

Clean drinking water. (Slide 12)

They kill fish and birds

They cut down groves and saw down forests.

The atmosphere is polluted

Many miracles are being ruined (Slide 13)

It hurts us to look at this

We are so drawn to beauty.

And we want our little forest

Kept clean. (Slide 14)

It is necessary to protect nature.

Rivers, groves and fields.

And then blooming garden

The Russian land will become. (Slide 15)

Adult presenter :

Guys, you have all driven a car and you know that in order to prevent an accident from happening, they stand on the side of the road Road signs. One sign shows how fast you can go, the other shows that there is a dangerous turn ahead. To comply with the rules of behavior in nature, their own signs have been invented.

Game 3 “Security sign”

I will ask six people to come to me. Each of you will take one sign. The names of the signs are laid out on the table. I call one person at a time from the hall. The goal is to find the correct written name for the sign and stand holding that name next to the student holding the sign.

1.Do not catch wild animals and take them home.

2.Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

3. Do not pick flowers in nature.

4.Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.

5. Don't kill frogs and toads.

6. Don't destroy birds' nests.

Guys! Take a look around
Istra nature is so beautiful!
She needs the care of your hands,
So that her beauty does not fade. (Slide 16)

The Christmas forest is our beauty!

These are pure pine forests.

There is the Istra River, Peschanka, meadows and fields (Slide 17)

Everything that surrounds us is our land! (Slide 18)

People, come to your senses
We live here!
Russia is our Motherland,
Rozhdestveno is our home. (Slide 19)

Let's take care of him together
Then we will save our region from adversity.
And the native village will flourish,
And we glorify him in our poems! (Slide 20)

Game 4 “Nature” native land»

Student : If on the slide you see a plant or animal that lives with us, then you clap your hands, if not, you stomp your feet.

Hippopotamus, palm tree, birch, chamomile, banana, giraffe, beaver, fox, nightingale, peacock, bullfinch, titmouse, oak, rowan, crow, elephant, orchid.

Lesovichok . Nature must be respected
Cherish, love and protect.
In the forest we have our own laws,
And you, friends, are familiar with them.

Don't leave trash, friend.

In a clearing in the forest,

Don't pollute the rivers

Let's declare a fight to the bottle.

Don't bring home a hedgehog

Don't touch the butterfly

Schoolboy, always remember -

There aren't that many of them.

Without any particular need, out of boredom,

Even if this is your first time in the forest,

Don't break hands to the trees,

After all, they are alive, alive.

The ant house is in the middle of nowhere,
Don't bother him
Help the ants
Garden their house!

Help all the birds in the forest
And don’t destroy birds’ nests!
The chicks are growing to the delight of everyone,
Nature's sonorous singers!

Don't pick flowers and don't trample the grass,
Don't pick leaves from the bushes,
Don't forget the green blade of grass,
In the forest, only walk along the path!

Game 5 "Who's the odd one out?"

Student: Find the odd one out from the living creatures suggested below. And explain why?

Student: If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

To save plants and flowers,

Animals are protected, snakes are protected

Protected Red Book They.

The Red Book is a book of alarm.

Know that all the plants in it are untouchable.

No need to tear them, friends!

Guard them at all times.

And how many animals have disappeared from the planet,

Plants, and this cannot be replenished.

And if now we can’t save what’s left,

We'll wake up in the desert tomorrow, guys!

Adult presenter : (story about the Red Book)

Adult presenter : And I have a gift for each of you. And he is in this room. And what kind of gift you will find out by guessing the riddles:

White fluffy ball

I show off in an open field.

A light breeze blew -

And the stem remained.

Breaking through the snow

Amazing sprout.

The very first, the most tender,

The most velvet flower!

White bells

In my garden,

On a green stalk

Hiding in the shadows.

Amazing sun:

This sun has a hundred windows,

They look out of those windows

Hundreds of little black jackdaws.

Lead Adult:

So, what do I want to give you? (children’s answers). Right. This is flowers. And they are here, in this room. (It’s very interesting to see the reaction of children who start looking for gifts)

The presenter takes out a beautifully decorated bag of sunflower seeds.

I would like to give each of you the seeds of the most amazing flower. This flower turns to follow the sun as it crosses the sky. These are sunflower seeds.

The presenter distributes seeds.

Plant this flower and you will always have a little sun.




Scenario for Earth Day for primary schoolchildren “The Earth is our native home”

Goals: nurturing in children interest and love for their native nature; drawing attention to environmental problems, to the need to protect our planet.

Equipment: slides about nature; musical accompaniment; costumes.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Good afternoon Today is our holiday - Mother Earth Day! And everyone came to this holiday: children, adults, guests, and participants! And we are very happy to welcome everyone to our holiday!

Presenter 2. What kind of holiday is this - Earth Day? And why is he? To make it clear to all of us, I invite you to take a journey around our wonderful planet!

Slides about nature are shown.

Presenter 2. All this is our home planet. There are so many beautiful and amazing things on it: endless expanses, and mountains stretching into the sky, and blue, blue seas... And the inhabitants on it are countless, and each of them is a small miracle! But often people forget about this, and then chimneys smoke, shots sound, animals die... To remind people of the beauty of our Earth, this wonderful holiday exists!

Presenter 1. But our planet is huge. And in a lifetime a person cannot walk around it all, from edge to edge. But everyone should recognize the place in which they were born. Only by loving one’s native nature can a person fall in love with the whole world. And I have no doubt that the guys who participate in our holiday know and love their native nature. We all wish them good luck!

Presenter 2. So, we are starting our festive competition program “My Native Land”. The participating teams are invited to the stage: “Lesovichki”, “Polevichki” and “Lugovichki”! Meet!

Teams come out to the middle of the back to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter 2. We ask the captains to introduce their teams!

The captains name their team, introduce its members and emblem, the team offers its motto - all in no more than 1 minute.

Presenter 2. Our teams are helped by adult participants... (names and surnames of the children - three or four high school students)!

Presenter 1. And this is the first competition for our teams. You guys will need to collect all the pictures of animals and plants in a meadow, field or forest in a few minutes. Team members take turns bringing a picture to their captain, and the captain puts the correct pictures in an envelope.

Pictures with images of animals and plants are kept by the audience; Team members run around the hall one by one to the music, collecting only the necessary pictures.

Presenter 1. Stop! Well done! The teams worked very well! Dear captains, give your envelopes to our jury, who will evaluate which team has collected the largest number of correct pictures. In the meantime, the jury is working, the “Lesovichki” team gives you, dear viewers, a song.

The Lesovichki team performs a song.

Presenter 1. Thank you! And now our jury has the floor!

The jury speaks.

Presenter 2. And you, dear teams, are already waiting for the next competition. Based on our description, you should recognize the animals that live in the Siberian forests. The first animal is for the Lesovichki team.

The presenter reads out the description of the animal, the team deliberates for 5 seconds, then responds.

Presenter 2. Well done! Everything is going just great! In this competition, the teams showed that they know the animals of their region very well! The jury is given the floor!

The jury speaks.

Presenter 1. And now - let's transform! Dear Guys! I suggest you play a game called “Transformations”. Transform yourself and imitate everything you hear about in my story!

The presenter reads the story, the participants use movements, gestures and facial expressions; possible musical accompaniment.

Presenter 1. Well done! After all, it is very important to be able to feel for yourself how nature lives, how animals live or plants grow. Without this skill, a person will not be able to fully understand nature.

Presenter 2. There are many songs and poems about nature... And now the children will read the poems they liked about nature. Please!

Children read one poem per team.

Presenter 2. Wonderful poems! But maybe the teams also know some songs about nature?.. Well, then it won’t be difficult for you to take part in our next competition.

Presenter 1. Taking turns, the teams will have to remember and sing for us several lines from songs that contain references to animals, plants, and natural phenomena.

Children sing, parents help.

Presenter 1. That's how many songs people have come up with about nature! And there is another very beautiful song. The guys from the Lugovichi team will sing it for you now.

The team "Lugovichki" performs a song.

Presenter 1. Thank you!

Presenter 2. And now, guys, I suggest you play a little. You all know that among animals there are both predators and those whom these predators hunt. These are the laws of nature: everything is connected to everything and everything is connected to everyone. In our game we will also choose a leader - a “predator”. From the Lesovichki team we choose a lynx, and the rest become... (names of animals). From the team “Polevichki” - a weasel, and the rest become... (names of animals). From the team “Lugovichki” - an owl, and the rest will be... (names of animals). When the music sounds, ... (the names of the animals) run freely around the hall, but when the music fades away, the “predators” go hunting. The one who is noticed by the “predator” is considered caught.

Music is playing, children are playing.

Presenter 1. Well done! Both predators and other animals are all equally needed by nature. At least one species of animal or plant will disappear on Earth, and our nature will be much poorer. But she is our home. And now we invite teams to participate in our next competition - “We draw nature.” We give each team a piece of whatman paper and pencils. The more friendly the team works, the better the drawing will turn out. We wish you good luck!

Music plays, children draw, only 7-10 minutes.

Presenter 2. Well done! Your drawings came out simply wonderful! It seems that you guys love your native nature. And while the jury gets acquainted with your works, the guys from the Polevichki team will sing a song for you.

The Lesovichki team performs a song. The jury speaks. The results are summed up.