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Sanatoriums in autumn. Sober thoughts for a pleasant pastime in the fall in Crimea - where to go What to do in the Crimea in the fall

Autumn time in Crimea is special. A completely different atmosphere reigns, incomparable with in summer. There are noticeably fewer vacationers on the beaches, and the sea is still warm. There are a lot of fruits, they are already much cheaper. Housing is not in high demand, which means there are more available options. Of course, you can no longer lie in the sun all day, so at the end of the week the question arises, where to go for a weekend in Crimea in the fall? From the article you can get several ideas for spending your free days and learn about places that would be interesting and useful to visit.

Velvet season in the city and town

When choosing a Crimean city that you want to visit, it is worth knowing that autumn is a velvet season, and therefore there are still many vacationers in Yalta, Inkerman, Koktebel, Gurzuf. On the contrary, the villages are emptying out, numerous eateries and cafes on the shore are closing. The beaches are free because the temperature of the water and air does not allow spending time passively and swimming a lot. There is no rain at this time yet, but it feels cool in the evenings. The best way to appreciate the beauty of Crimean nature and enjoy the views is to go for a weekend to villages located at the foot of the mountains or bays. It can be:

  1. New World;
  2. Balaclava;
  3. Sunny Valley;
  4. Olenevka;
  5. Resort.

From all of the above points you can go on interesting excursions around the surrounding area.

Novy Svet village

Balaklava village

Solnechnaya Dolina village

Olenevka village

Kurortnoye village

Excursions in Crimea

Horse rides

In autumn in Crimea the air temperature is comfortable for active rest. There is no longer any suffocating heat, which means there is no constant desire to swim. There is more time and energy for other activities, such as horseback riding. Horseback riding is popular, in demand, and you can easily find offers in any Crimean city or village. But in order to feel the delight and get an unforgettable experience, you need to go to special places. One of them is the Valley of Ghosts.

horse rides

What is Ghost Valley?

Not far from the resort town of Alushta there is the village of Luchistoye, where there is a horse farm. Taking a horse, you can ride around the surrounding area on an excursion program. One of the points of this excursion will be a visit to the Valley, where Soviet directors often staged film shoots (for example, “Prisoner of the Caucasus”).

The uniqueness of the Valley is that:

  1. on the territory there are stone figures created by nature;
  2. with the change in the position of the Sun, stone creations seem to come to life and freeze again;
  3. their outlines are so bizarre that you can see the sphinx and other mythical creatures.

In this place you will be able to appreciate all the beauty of the Crimean autumn season, but you will not meet ghosts. Pictures of rocks, scorched earth and sea seem painted, but here it is reality.

The duration of such an excursion is from 3 to 3.5 hours. If you are new to the saddle, the route will be built in such a way that you will not encounter any difficulties along the way. More experienced riders optionally descend to the waterfall, going deeper into the mountains. In any case, everyone will enjoy such a walk.

Valley of Ghosts

How to get to the village of Luchistoye?

The village of Luchistoye is very easy to get to by bus from the Alushta bus station. You will need to walk some distance because the bus does not go directly to the farm. You can negotiate with the village administration, then they will meet you and take you to the farm or tell you the route if you are traveling by personal vehicle.

mountain range near the village of Luchistoye

Long excursions and ecotourism

For a weekend, an excursion that lasts not just a few hours, but the whole day is perfect. You can order it at a travel agency. It includes a visit to the cities of Solnechnaya Dolina, Sudak, and Novy Svet. The program includes a visit historical places and sights, wine tasting, a walk along the Golitsyn Trail and the sandy beach of the New World.

The beginning of autumn in Crimea is an excellent reason to take backpacks and tents and organize a hike that will last throughout the weekend. Accommodation in tents, beautiful scenery and swimming in the sea are the advantages of ecotourism, a fashionable modern destination.


Holidays on Cape Meganom

If you love active holidays with tents, then Cape Meganom is the ideal place to spend a weekend. Previously, it was a closed, specially guarded military facility of the USSR. It is located in the southeast of Crimea between the cities of Sudak and Feodosia.

The beach in this place stretches for as much as 3 kilometers, and the area is indented with bays. You can settle in a camping town, which has all the amenities for a comfortable stay. Of course, showers and toilets are provided for a fee, as is a place for a tent. The cost is quite low - no more than $3 per day per tent.

If you want to isolate yourself from other vacationers, you can go to the mountains. It will be a free vacation, but there will be no amenities there. You will have to go down to the beach along rather difficult winding paths.

Cape Meganom

Rest in the village of Partenit

Partenit is an urban-type settlement located on the southern coast of Crimea near Alushta. When you come here for the weekend, you can visit the park where rare plants are collected and Aivazovsky Park. Sculptures, benches, extraordinary beauty of nature, the beach and the view of Mount Bear will leave the warmest impressions.

Partenit village

The southern coast of Crimea is rich in attractions and interesting places. At the same time, on the West Bank you can relax in Saki, Yevpatoria, and ancient Bakhchisarai. The eastern coast is unforgettable Kerch and Feodosia. Create routes and visit new places. In Crimea, vivid impressions are not limited to the three summer months.


Crimea in September - clean, transparent air, plenty of sun without sweltering heat, warm sea water and markets filled with grapes. And only in the evenings almost imperceptible autumn smells appear in the air. The bulk of vacationers are going home, and those who remain will be able to see Crimea in September unusually quiet and peaceful -

In September, resort holidays in Crimea continue:

  • Yalta. It is not without reason that this city is called the resort capital of Crimea - the weather, even in September, is constant. The mountains surrounding Yalta provide reliable shelter from the winds, the sea cools down very slowly, and the temperature during the day stays around 24-25 degrees. Prices for housing and food are falling noticeably, and the city's tourist infrastructure is becoming more accessible: there are no longer queues and crowds, transport is not overcrowded with people.
  • Alushta. This area of ​​the South Coast itself is quite dry, and the rain clouds linger on the mountain passes, so the weather here is warm and dry throughout the month. This means that the water will still be warm, and it will be possible to bask on the fairly deserted beaches. For holidays in Crimea in September, all entertainment complexes and water parks are still open, all restaurants and cafes are open, and excursions to any corner of the sunny peninsula are available.
  • Everyone is small resort villages between Sevastopol and Alushta, so densely populated by vacationers in July and August, become empty, but the more attention is given to the remaining guests. The weather is also pleasing: there is no rain, it is warm, and the sea attracts with the special gentleness of its warm waves.
  • Feodosia. The city is especially comfortable for a holiday in Crimea in September. It’s the beginning of September, and the temperature stays at 26-27 degrees; in the evening it’s cooler and a short, refreshing rain is possible. The first two weeks of September the sea is still warm, but from the middle of the month the water temperature decreases.
  • Evpatoria, a city on the west coast, also pleases with warmth, a beach holiday no longer threatens heat stroke, as in July or August, and the shallow sea is warmed up to 21-22 degrees. Short periods of rain are possible.
  • Sevastopol. The heat is left behind in August, and September, warm and gentle, will not disappoint vacationers. The sea off the coast of Sevastopol is warm - 21-22 degrees, the sea breeze pleasantly cools the skin, there are no queues, and now guests can truly see the glorious city and its surroundings.
  • Vacationers have the opportunity to relax in Crimea in September 2017 in any of the many resort villages that are located on the west coast between Tarkhankut and Sevastopol, enjoy the last warm rays of the sun and the clearest sea this year.

Nutritional Features

Holidays in Crimea in September will be especially useful for a child. There is no longer any need to forcibly take him away from the beach, because the sun will no longer burn his delicate skin. If the day turns out to be cloudy, you can spend it in the water park - water procedures will continue to improve the baby’s health. It is in September that Crimea is especially rich in fruits and vegetables, all of them local, incredibly tasty and healthy:

  • Quince- a fruit familiar to Crimeans, but exotic for more northern Russian regions. Quince fruits last a long time; you can easily take them to your home and make jam there.
  • Dogwood forest– extremely useful both fresh and ground with sugar. By the way, you can assemble it yourself if you take a walk through the forest.
  • Apples, pears, figs- all this in abundance.
  • Grape all sorts of varieties, the choice is simply huge.

Treatment in September

The healing climate of Crimea is still as healing as it was centuries ago, but modern sanatoriums bear little resemblance to those in Soviet times. Modern Crimean sanatoriums combine both medical and preventive institutions and first-class hotels: their own medical facilities, the latest medical and laboratory equipment, swimming pools, salt rooms, saunas and mud therapy, their own beaches and parks with coniferous trees, in a word, all the tested and latest techniques help thousands of Crimean guests improve their health. And it is September that doctors call the best month for a holiday in Crimea.

The number of Crimean sanatoriums where you can relax in Crimea in September 2017 is amazing: one and a half hundred medical sanatoriums, almost 230 health resorts, 92 of which are intended for children:

  • Sanatorium "Aivazovskoe" in Partenit specializes in the treatment of the circulatory system.
  • Sanatorium "Ai-Danil" in Gurzuf treats respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous disorders.
  • in Kurpaty specializes in the treatment of the nervous and respiratory systems.
  • Sanatorium named after Burdenko in Saki - the place where they literally stand on their feet. Specializes in the treatment of spinal injuries, musculoskeletal system, male and female infertility, prostatitis and numerous skin diseases.

Active tourism

It is better to leave bus excursion routes for a later time, and in September you need to walk through Crimea.

At the beginning of the month, the forest is still green, only a few red leaves suddenly flash here and there, and dried flowers can already be found among the still green grass.

The diversity of Crimea amazes even seasoned tourists: you can walk along the edge of a mountain range and on one side see a grassy yayla, and on the other, far below, an endless sea. Instructors will guide you along the most beautiful mountain peaks; you will see Crimean waterfalls, gorges and mysterious caves with your own eyes. In September, you will be able to walk through the most hidden places of Crimea, swim on wild beaches, and breathe the air of ancient juniper groves.

And if you are also a history buff, then antiquity itself will open before you:

  • ancient cave cities;
  • ruins of fortresses;
  • tombs of the Scythians and Taurians;
  • primitive sites of people;
  • Roman roads;
  • mythical temples;
  • ruins of ancient Greek colonies.

During your holiday in Crimea in September you can do some great fishing. Balaklava fishermen take those who wish to do so on board their boats and go out to sea to catch mullet. Fish can be caught in Crimea in September and in fresh water bodies near Bakhchisarai or Mangup. Mushroom pickers will also not be left without prey - the Crimean forests are rich in mushrooms, but in addition to mushrooms, Crimea in September will give crystal clear air and the extraordinary beauty of the Crimean forest.

To relax in Crimea in September means to see the unique beauty of ancient parks and the starry sky over the sleeping Kara-Dag, merrily splashing dolphins and clouds clinging to the tops of the mountains, hear the sound of a mountain river and freeze with delight, standing on the top of Ai-Petri.

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The Crimean peninsula is magnificent at any time of the year, even in the autumn months. They bear little resemblance to our usual autumn, cold and rainy. In September, summer weather reigns, in October it is still warm, nature dresses up in new colors. And November does not at all foretell the imminent onset of winter. Don’t write off holidays in Crimea in the fall. At this time, people are swimming in full swing and enjoying the velvet season.

Most tourists leave the resorts at the end of August. And the time has come for real experienced tourists. They know exactly when the velvet season begins in Crimea and why it is attractive.

Autumn brings silence to the peninsula. The summer heat is replaced by days with gentle sunshine. A real paradise for romantics and lovers of coolness. Haven't decided yet whether to go on vacation at this time? Definitely! Just imagine - the weather is magnificent, the sea is warm, there are few tourists, prices are reduced.

Autumn in Crimea - a trip to sunny summer

Surely you are interested in the question, is it possible to relax in Crimea in the fall with a child? You can, just try to catch the velvet season. It starts around the 5th-10th of September. Firstly, even babies quickly acclimatize in the fall. Secondly, you can swim. And if the water seems cool, then take your kids to a water park or dolphinarium.

Reviews from tourists about the Karadag Dolphinarium:

“We decided to go to the Karadag Dolphinarium and immediately fell in love with its talented inhabitants. Now every year we look forward to our vacation so we can once again be in the company of our favorite dolphins: Dunyasha, Knopochka, Yasha, Yanochka. We recommend everyone to go to the show, the emotions are indescribable!”

What else to do in Crimea in autumn? Go on excursions, attend entertainment events. In the autumn, music festivals, historical reconstructions, re-enactments of knightly battles, and all kinds of rallies take place on the peninsula. And be sure to take part in wine festivals and tastings. There you will have the opportunity to taste rare varieties of grapes, taste wine and buy your favorite brands.

An excursion to Massandra includes a visit to the winery, wine cellar gallery and, of course, tasting

What is it like, the velvet season? Holidays in Crimea in September

The September weather is simply magnificent. The sun is quite enough for beach treatments. It is no longer as hot as in summer. No heat! You are guaranteed a beautiful tan without skin burns. Answering the question whether it is worth going to Crimea with children in September, we have already given several arguments in favor of such a trip. So add some gentle sunshine to them.

Daytime air temperatures remain at +23 degrees, sometimes rising to +30. The nights at the beginning of the month are warm, up to +15 degrees. But towards the end of September it becomes cool.

The water temperature in the sea is +21 degrees. Not fresh milk, of course, but how nice it is to swim!

Where to go on vacation in September? To spend your vacation on the beach in comfort, choose the resorts of the South Coast: , Simeiz, Novy Svet, .

Reviews from tourists:

“We often go at the end of September to a boarding house located near Alushta. Let's enjoy the velvet season to the fullest. At this time, the weather is excellent, the sea is warm, and there are few people on excursions.”

“To have a good rest, you need to know where to go. For example, in Koktebel, Sudak and Feodosia it is cooler than in Greater Yalta.”

Beach leisure in the first half of the month can safely be called complete, as all entertainment is available. At the end of September, most of the entertainment venues and rental equipment on the beaches are closed.

Many resorts have seasonal hotels, sanatoriums, and boarding houses. The rush for vouchers has already passed, prices have fallen, so you can pick up without any problems interesting option all inclusive.

What to do if it’s already cold to swim? Go on an excursion to the mountains. The nature of Crimea in September is saturated with a new range of colors. The foliage on the trees turns yellow and red. You can take a bunch of colorful photos against this background. Exciting horse riding tours to Demerdzhi are organized for horse riding enthusiasts.

Horseback riding tours to Demerdzhi allow you to see all the delights of autumn nature

Go on a group tour of palaces, museums, noble estates, and other landmarks of the peninsula: Swallow's Nest, Vorontsov Palace, Khan's Palace, Marble Cave, Valley of Ghosts.

Well, don’t miss the most interesting events (the dates are “floating”, they need to be clarified every year):

  • Military-historical festival in Sevastopol. It usually lasts several days and each of them is dedicated to a specific era: antiquity, Ancient Rus', Middle Ages.
  • Kerch City Day.
  • Day of the city of Sudak.
  • Wine festival in Feodosia. The best wineries of the peninsula take part in it, you will have the opportunity to taste the best vintage wines.

Are you ready for the vagaries of the local climate? Choose a vacation in Crimea in October!

October weather brings a new dose of coolness. Average daily air temperatures reach +17 degrees. But there are days when it gets warmer up to +27. It depends on your luck. It is possible that there will be rainy and windy days, which will quickly be replaced by sunny ones. For evening walks you will need warm clothes. The temperature drops to +8 closer to night.

As for the water temperature in the sea, at the beginning of the month it still retains heat up to +20 - +21 degrees. But at the end of October these figures drop to +16. Is it possible to swim in October? In general, the beach season closes in September. But many tourists postpone this event until early October.

Resort life comes to a standstill. Seasonal clubs, cafes, water parks, other establishments, as well as most excursion bureaus are closed, so you will have to take care of your leisure time on your own. What to do during this time? Enjoy the surrounding views. In October, the nature of Crimea comes to life after the summer heat, the time of autumn flowers comes, and the first mushrooms appear. It's time to organize a hiking or cycling trip into the forest or mountains.

Want to see the sights? In October you can visit the Karadag Nature Reserve, the Genoese Fortress or the Zhur-Zhur waterfall. Walk through the Massandra Palace and see the Swallow's Nest. And at the end of the month, plan an excursion to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden to attend the Chrysanthemum Ball.

The Chrysanthemum Ball in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden has been held annually since 1953.

Where to go on vacation in October? Choose Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, Bakhchisarai if you can’t imagine a vacation without holidays and entertainment. Opt for the sanatoriums and boarding houses of Sak and Evpatoria if the purpose of the trip is health improvement. In October you can relax in the following sanatoriums:

  • Saki: “Poltava-Crimea”, “Yurmino”, SOK “Saki”;
  • : “Tavria”, “Victory”, “Dream”, “Friendship”, “Evpatoria”.

Is it worth traveling with children in October? Mid-autumn is not the best best time for little tourists. They will be cold and uninterested. But if it’s vacation time, then go to the Yalta area. There will certainly be something to entertain the kids there. Go to the Skazka Zoo and on sea excursions (weather permitting).

Treat with special care. It would be good if the hotel was located in the city center, so to speak, closer to civilization. Before booking a room, check whether heating is available, otherwise you will freeze at night.

“We went to Alushta in October. The weather was unlucky; clouds often rolled in and it rained at times. On fine days we walked by the sea, breathed fresh air and went on excursions in our car.”

Holidays in Crimea in November - time to take care of your health

What is the weather like at this time? At the beginning of the month it may well be warm and sunny, during the day up to +12, at times up to +17 degrees. But at night it is already cold, up to +4, and frosts also occur. Towards the end of November it rains more and more often. The sea cools down to +15 degrees.

Reviews from tourists:

“We vacationed in November. Of course, not summer weather, but just fine for long walks and trips. There are practically no tourists, peace and quiet. Who should go at this time are those who appreciate solitude. You can’t even imagine what a thrill it is to walk along an almost deserted embankment in the company of a loved one and enjoy the music of the sea...”

"By medical indications our child simply needs health improvement in Crimean sanatoriums. The preferred time is autumn. In November we were in Evpatoria. Of course, without swimming in the sea. They simply underwent medical procedures and breathed healthy sea air. The weather at this time is capricious. It can be cloudy in the morning, but by lunchtime the sun comes out and life gets better :).”

Things to do? Make time for your health. There are plenty of spa centers on the peninsula with excellent saunas and massage rooms. Well, the list of October entertainment is very appropriate: hiking, cycling and horseback riding, fishing, independent excursions.

The SPA center of the Ai-Petri sanatorium is where it’s nice to while away the cool autumn days

To make it easier for you to decide where to go in November to improve your health, look at the list of sanatoriums with year-round work and meals on the FB system.

  • "Alushtinsky"
  • "Slavutich",
  • "Cliff".

Big Yalta:

  • "Ai-Danil" and "Ai-Petri" with SPA services,
  • "Mountain",
  • "Gurzufsky"
  • "Pearl",
  • "Livadia".

Saki: sanatorium named after. N.N. Burdenko, "Sacropolis"

Evpatoria: SOK "Imperia", TOK "Korona", "Primorye"

Sevastopol: TC "Crimea"

Prices for holidays in boarding houses and sanatoriums with accommodation in a double room, treatment and meals 3 times a day - from 5000 rubles. per day.

Coming to the peninsula in late autumn is very profitable financially. Prices for everything are reduced by 2-3 times. For example, a standard hotel room for two can cost only 1000 rubles. per day. It's the same with recovery. Compared to summer, you get savings of 2,000 rubles. in a day.

For lovers of excursion leisure, we recommend staying in Yalta or Alushta. There are enough interesting places in them. In addition, from here you can easily go on an excursion to Feodosia, Sevastopol, Sudak, Bakhchisaray. But it’s better to postpone the option of living in coastal villages until the start of the high season if you don’t want to “die of boredom.”

Video about vacation in the village of Utes (Yalta and Alushta area), velvet season

Of course, it’s not always possible to go on vacation in the summer. But this is not yet a reason to despair. Holidays in Crimea in the fall have a lot of advantages and it’s simply a shame not to take advantage of them!

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Saki, resort

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Saki, resort

Feodosia, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Crimea- with outlines resembling a bunch of grapes, a peninsula embraced by sea waters. Crimea unites the famous resorts of the Black Sea and Azov regions. The eastern coast of the peninsula is a series of rocky capes and cozy bays, along the edges of which juniper forests grow, the southern coast is a chain of resort villages of Alushta and Yalta with princely and imperial palaces in the shade of Mediterranean parks, while the western coast is associated with the wide sandy beaches of the Kalamitsky Bay, brine and healing mud of the resorts Saki and Evpatoria.

The Crimean Peninsula is a resort region with a rich history. The land of the sun, sea and mountains has attracted representatives of different nations for centuries, which is why in the Crimean resorts you can see the ruins of ancient Greek city-states, Genoese fortresses and khan's palaces. The natural potential of the peninsula did not go unnoticed in Russian Empire– in the 19th century, mud baths were opened on Lake Saki, and the royal paths of Livadia and Gaspra were laid. And today Crimea remains one of the leading resort regions - comfortable resort hotels and modern health centers are lined up along the sandy and pebble beaches of the peninsula.


The Crimean Peninsula is located in the southwestern part of Russia, more than 1,300 km from the capital. The narrow Kerch Strait separates it from the Taman Peninsula - the western tip of the Krasnodar Territory. The peninsula is washed by the waters of the Azov and Black Seas. From the west and east, wide protrusions of the Tarkhankut and Kerch peninsulas cut into the water surface.

The relief of Crimea is heterogeneous. A range of mountains divided it into western plains and eastern mountainous parts. The mountains stretch from Feodosia to Sevastopol in three parallel ridges, in the folds of which flowering valleys are hidden. The famous Crimean peaks Chatyr-Dag and Ai-Petri are located on the Main Ridge. Many mountains are crowned by undulating treeless plateaus called yaylas. To the east of the Crimean Mountains lie flat steppes.

The coastline of the Crimean peninsula is heavily indented by bays and bays. The largest bays on the Black Sea coast are Feodosia, Kalamitsky and Karkinitsky. In the northeast, the Sea of ​​Azov forms the Kazantip, Arabat and Sivash gulfs. Inland reservoirs of the Crimean peninsula are mountain rivers that form waterfalls, mountain lakes and estuary lakes, which serve as sources of therapeutic mud.

The flora of the Crimean peninsula includes broad-leaved oak and beech forests growing on mountain slopes and sun-gilded steppes. On the southern coast of Crimea, relict trees grow - tall juniper, pistachio and jasmine. The streets of the resorts are lined with Mediterranean flora - rows of cypresses and palm trees, thuja and plane tree. Juniper and Crimean pine grow on rocky ledges. More than half of the peninsula's territory is occupied by arable land and pastures, orchards and vineyards.


The territory of Crimea covers several climatic zones. The southern coast has a Mediterranean climate of dry subtropics, but most of Crimea (western and eastern coast) belongs to the temperate latitude region. In addition, there are areas of highlands and plains with a continental climate of the steppe zone.

Summer in Crimea is long, hot and sunny. The season begins in mid-May and lasts until mid-October. Daytime temperatures in July often reach 30 °C. Winter in Crimea is warm. The temperature, as a rule, does not fall below 0 °C, and on some fine days it can reach 10-15 °C. This time of year sees the most rainfall.

Traditionally, the best period for a holiday in Crimea is considered to be the “velvet season” - September-early October. At this time it is not as hot as in summer, the sea is warm and the weather is sunny.


Crimea lives according to Moscow time. Time zone – MSK (UTC+3).


According to 2017 estimates, the population of the Crimean Peninsula was 2,340,921 permanent residents (with Sevastopol). Representatives of 175 nationalities live on the peninsula. The most common of them are Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Belarusians, Armenians, and Karaites.

Types of tourism

Crimea has created conditions for active recreation, health and ecological tourism, but the priority tourist destination in the region is beach holidays on the Black and Azov Seas.

Beach holiday. In Crimea there are beaches for every taste. Almost the entire Western Coast of Crimea is occupied by the Kalamitsky Bay, which encircles the waters of the Black Sea like a sandy crescent. Sandy beaches stretch through the resorts of Saki, Evpatoria, Cape Tarkhankut and Chernomorskoye. The entrance to the water here is convenient with a gradual increase in depth, which makes the resorts of the Western Coast of Crimea a popular place for families with children.

The beaches of the east coast are sand and gravel with small shell rock. Resorts such as Feodosia, Koktebel, Sudak and Novy Svet are located here. The southern coast of Crimea is a chain of famous Alushta and Yalta beaches - Professor's Corner, Massandra, Livadia - covered with small pebbles.

In the northeast of the peninsula there are sandy beaches of the Kazantip and Arabat bays, washed by the waters of the Azov Sea.

Wellness holiday. Crimea has a rich heritage in the field of sanatorium and resort treatment. Saki and Evpatoria became the world's first mud resorts, and the healing mud of Lake Saki is used in sanatoriums in many countries around the world. There are springs on the peninsula mineral waters, and the abundance of sunlight, clean air, saturated with plant phytoncides and sea salts, served to create in the region a developed network of sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest homes with treatment, and children's health camps.

IN last years The resort infrastructure of Crimea has been supplemented by modern health complexes and spa hotels, which, along with balneotherapy, mud therapy, massage and hardware techniques, offer spa services, beauty treatments, thalassotherapy and Ayurveda.

Health-improving holidays in Crimea are recommended for people with respiratory diseases, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin, gynecological and urological diseases.

Leisure. Thanks to the natural terrain in Crimea, such sports as hang gliding and paragliding, mountaineering, mountain climbing, trekking, and caving are developed. Horseback riding, cycling, jeeping tours and buggy riding are extremely popular. The waters of the Black and Azov Seas become a space for sailing on yachts, boats and jet skis, scuba diving, and paddle surfing. Resort centers of Crimea offer organization hiking trips, sea fishing and other outdoor activities.

Ecological tourism. Crimea has a huge number of natural monuments and protected areas. Moreover, you can visit them on your own - many resorts are literally adjacent to nature reserves and natural parks, along which fully equipped hiking trails are laid.

Educational and excursion tourism. The peninsula is crisscrossed with hundreds of excursion routes. Every major resort in Crimea boasts historical, architectural and natural monuments. Along eastern shores The ruins of ancient fortresses stretch across the peninsula, royal palaces and residences, botanical gardens and parks are located in Yalta and Alushta, memorials and museums are located in Sevastopol, the ancient streets of Little Jerusalem are preserved on the west coast, and in the very heart of the peninsula is Bakhchisarai.

How to get there

Personal car You can enter Crimea from the Krasnodar Territory, through the new Crimean Bridge.

Bus service organized through Anapa or Krasnodar. In any city in Russia you can buy a “Single Ticket”, which immediately includes all types of transport necessary on the way to the Republic of Crimea.

For lovers air travel a new modern air terminal was launched (indicated on tickets as “Terminal No. 1”), from which the flow of transport to all resort destinations of the peninsula was established. Upon arrival, you can use the services of taxis, buses, and 24-hour trolleybuses to Yalta and Alushta. On July 9, 2018, a bus station, control center and ticket sales offices began operating in the new terminal of Simferopol Airport. Regular buses from the new terminal run to five main resort destinations: Evpatoria, Yalta, Sudak, Sevastopol, Kerch. Airport passengers will be able to purchase bus tickets upon arrival in the baggage claim area; ticket offices are also open 24 hours a day in the arrivals area on the ground floor. There is a taxi ordering counter for passengers in the arrivals hall.


Water park “Aqualand “At Lukomorye” - Evpatoria, Frunze Park, st. Kirova, 35

Water park "At Lukomorye" in Evpatoria opened July 12, 2014. Aqualand is located in the heart of the resort part of the city, in Frunze Park, on the Embankment. Gorky. This is a unique thematic complex based on the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The main entrance to the fairy-tale city is guarded by a hero. Every morning he wakes up raising his eyelids, thus welcoming his visitors. In addition to water attractions, there is a sculpture of the great Russian poet and characters from his fairy tales: Leshy, Baba Yaga, goldfish, mermaid and others. The water park currently occupies 47,000 sq.m. The second and third floors of the complex offer amazing views of the entire water park. The first floor is the Ostrov cafe-bar with homemade and European cuisine. On the third floor of the restaurant there is a magnificent view of the entire fabulous city. For a complete and comfortable rest of visitors, the water park provides: the “Invisible Hat” bar, storage lockers, changing rooms, toilets, showers, a first-aid post, and a guarded parking lot for personal vehicles. The area adjacent to the pools is designed for maximum comfortable relaxation for visitors: sun umbrellas and sun loungers are installed. Aqualand has a unique children's complex "Aquaplay", which is suitable for children and teenagers. When filled with water, the bowl is poured onto visitors, bringing a sea of ​​joy and positivity! In addition to children's and adult pools, the water park has a heated jacuzzi. The complex of adult attractions consists of 10 super-fast descents of Canadian quality without joints, which proves their safety. Those who like to dance will be pleased with the disco, foam show and fountains that come out from under the dance floor.
Official website:

Water park "Zurbagan" - Sevastopol, Victory Park, st. Parkovaya, 9

Water park "Zurbagan" is located in one of the picturesque corners of Sevastopol - in the area of ​​Victory Park. The water park is a complex of 5 different slides for adults and children, 7 clean fresh water pools (heated water), 5 cafes with a menu for every taste.
The pools are filled with fresh water drinking water, which goes through a complex cleaning system through modern powerful specialized systems made in Italy and Germany. The water park is a full member of the International Water Park Association (WWA).
A commission consisting of specialists from the European Association of Water Parks and the Independent Engineering Bureau of Germany, invited by the Association of Water Parks of Ukraine, noted that of all the water parks in Ukraine, Zurbagan has the highest quality of water treatment
Official website:

Eastern coast of Crimea

Water park "Sudak" - Sudak, st. Gagarina, 79

The water park is located on the Black Sea coast in the south-eastern part of Sudak Bay, at the foot of Mount Alchak. The water park covers an area of ​​20,000 m² and can simultaneously accommodate more than 2,000 visitors.
A variety of water attractions guarantees an unforgettable experience with unusual descents; the piquancy of light overloads, acceptable for people of any age; the feeling of “free flight” almost vertically - for extreme sports enthusiasts; children's pool and slides - for little visitors. The water goes through several levels of mechanical and technical treatment; the latest electronic equipment has been installed to control and maintain the level of chlorine and PH in the water.
Dance lovers will be pleased with the day and night discos with musical water fountains on the dance floor, powerful sound and light installations.
Official website:

Water park "Koktebel" - Feodosia, Koktebel village, st. Lenina, 144b

The water park is located on the South-Eastern coast of Crimea, in the famous village of Koktebel. The water park is located on an area of ​​4.43 hectares, of which 2,300 m² are occupied by 7 pools and 24 slides. The speed on some of them can reach 14 m/s. A special children's complex has 12 slides. In addition, there are 3 hydromassage baths and 7 swimming pools with a total area of ​​2300 square meters, and 6 cafe-bars are available to visitors of the water park. During the day, the water park can accommodate 3,000 people. There is a parking lot on the territory of the water park.
Official website:

The south coast of Crimea,Big Alushta

Water park "Almond Grove" - ​​Alushta, st. Embankment, 4a

Located on the western coast of Alushta on the Professor's Corner Embankment, among cafes, bars and restaurants. The water park includes the Aquapark hotel, 6 swimming pools, 2 solarium areas, 4 Jacuzzis, 14 slides, tunnels for children and adults, entertainment center with the most modern water attractions, as well as a restaurant, cafe-bar, children's cafe, disco. Also on site: locker rooms, storage rooms, safes for valuables, showers, toilets, and a first-aid post. A separate play town has been specially created for the youngest visitors.
Water park uses modern technologies preparation, pre-cleaning and heating of water for swimming pools and attractions. The water goes through several levels of purification and is brought to drinking level in terms of pH and chlorine content.
The water temperature in the water park is 26°C, in the Jacuzzi baths 33-34°C.
Capacity 1500 people.
Official website:

The south coast of Crimea,Big Yalta

Water park "Atlantis" - Yalta, st. Kommunarov, 7a

The Atlantis water park is located in the city of Yalta. It opened its doors in June 2015. The slides and attractions for the water park are manufactured by WhiteWater (Canada), which is the world's largest and most experienced company involved in the construction of water parks and water attractions. Slides for adults are suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts; there are two children's areas: for children under 7 years old and for older children. The water in the wave pool, children's water town and in the toddler pool is heated. The average water temperature in the wave pool is +26°C, in children's pools +28°C.
Official website:

Water park "Blue Bay" - Yalta, Simeiz, st. Sovetskaya, 80

The Blue Bay water park is the flagship of the Crimean entertainment industry, water amusement park No. 1. The only water park in Crimea that operates on sea water. Is located South Coast Crimea in the village of Simeiz, at the foot of Mount Koshka, on the shores of the Blue Bay
15 water attractions and 5 swimming pools await you. All of them have ALKORPLAN coating. The water in ALL pools is sea water. Water intake is carried out pumping station from a depth of 8 meters at a distance of 150 meters from the shore. The sampling site was calculated by the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas in Sevastopol and is the cleanest in the waters of the Blue Bay. The preparation of water for supply to the pools is carried out at a water treatment station, where mechanical mesh filters, three vertical pressure filters and a hydrolysis unit and ultraviolet water disinfection unit are installed. The water in swimming pools for adults is changed every 12 hours, and for children's pools - every 8 hours.
Official website:

Resort fee in the Republic of Crimea

Please note that an amendment has been made to the law on the transfer of resort fees on the territory of the Republic of Crimea to May 2020.

In connection with the adoption of the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 214-FZ “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory” and the Law of the Republic of Crimea of ​​November 30, 2017 No. 435-ZRK /2017 “On the introduction of a resort fee” a resort fee will be charged at a number of resorts in the region from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022.
Resort fee payers: individuals those over 18 years of age who plan to stay in accommodation facilities for more than 24 hours.
The amount of the resort fee for one day of actual stay of the resort fee payer in the accommodation facility is 10 rubles per person.

The experiment territory includes the territories of the following municipalities Republic of Crimea:

  • Alushta urban district;
  • Sudak urban district;
  • Feodosia urban district;
  • Yalta urban district;

The amount of the resort fee payable is calculated as the product of the number of days the resort fee payer actually stays at the accommodation facility, excluding the day of arrival, and the established amount of the resort fee. However, the amount of the resort fee payable is not included in the cost of your stay.

The following are exempt from paying the resort fee:

  1. persons awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory;
  2. persons awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor or Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;
  3. participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  4. combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”;
  5. persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  6. persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of railways and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;
  7. disabled war veterans;
  8. family members of fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of those killed in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War persons from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased workers of hospitals and clinics in the city of Leningrad;
  9. persons exposed to radiation as a result of a disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and persons equated to them;
  10. disabled people of groups I and II;
  11. persons accompanying disabled people of group I and disabled children in accordance with Federal law dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”;
  12. low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, who have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established at the place of their residence in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation ;
  13. persons who arrived in the experimental territory in order to receive specialized, including high-tech, medical care or medical rehabilitation after the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care in the conditions of sanatorium-resort organizations, as well as the person accompanying them if the patient is a child under the age of 18;
  14. patients with tuberculosis;
  15. persons under the age of 24 years studying full-time in educational organizations located in the experiment territory;
  16. persons permanently working in the experimental territory on the basis of an employment contract or service contract;
  17. persons who have a place of residence in the experiment territory;
  18. persons who have the right of ownership of residential buildings (shares in the ownership of them) and (or) residential premises (shares in the ownership of them) on the territory of the experiment;
  19. athletes, coaches, sports judges, as well as other specialists in the field physical culture and sports who arrived to participate in official sporting events in the experiment territory.
  20. persons referred for treatment under compulsory medical or social insurance;
  21. persons who have a place of residence (registration) in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

Exemption from payment of the resort fee is carried out upon presentation to the operator of the resort fee (hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.) of the original document confirming the right to exemption from payment of the resort fee, or a duly certified copy thereof. Exemption from paying the resort fee for persons accompanying group I disabled people and disabled children can also be carried out on the basis of a written application from the accompanied person or his legal representative.