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The role of nature in my life briefly. Anthropogenic factors of nature change. forms of human impact on nature. What is an ecosystem

Man and nature are one of the most pressing topics of our time. People and nature are closely related to each other, as they are one whole. There is an invisible connection between them, and when a person thinks that he can exist separately from nature, then this is nothing more than self-deception and illusion.

The role of nature in human life

Thus, nature plays a huge role in the life of every person. She can also provide him financially by providing food, water, clothing materials and fuel. And at least for this, people should be grateful to nature. True, you will have to make some effort, nevertheless. Nature is capable of more than just material goods. It also gives a person spiritual development, food for the mind.

Nature teaches people to appreciate beauty, to see something unusual in every fallen leaf, in every butterfly flying by. And it depends only on the person whether he will see it or run past in the eternal bustle. The most subtle human natures are able to notice these small miracles that nature presents to people, and depict them in their paintings, describe them in poetry or stories, and sing motifs reminiscent of their native places with a certain environment.

Often a person does not appreciate the world around him and, without attaching any importance to it, pollutes it. Constant emissions of harmful substances into the air, water, huge amounts of garbage, poaching - all this destroys the world in which people live. Air pollution damages the ozone layer, which protects people from ultraviolet rays. Needless to say, this reduces the amount of clean and healthy air you can breathe. Hence many diseases respiratory tract and not only.

A huge amount of unprocessed and undisposed waste occupies large areas, and animals have to leave their homes because of this. Otherwise, if they become entangled in garbage and waste, they may simply die. Poaching also leaves its mark. Because of humans, a huge number of plants and animals have disappeared that other generations will never see. And how many more will be destroyed! Man himself destroys everything that nature gives him.

On this moment people realized that moving along such a route in the near future they themselves would have nowhere to live, and began to correct their mistakes. For example, recycle garbage for recycling, protect animals from poachers, and so on. And perhaps in the near future people will be able to correct mistakes and restore the original state of the environment.

Nature surrounds us everywhere and throughout our entire lives, and what’s more, throughout the entire existence of mankind. Man is himself a product of nature. It constantly interacts and exists in relationship with the environment. And the importance of nature in human life is great and undeniable. Let's try to argue!

Impossibility of existence

Imagine what will happen if you separate these two components: man and nature. It will immediately become clear that man cannot exist without the rest of nature (by the way, the opposite is quite possible, purely theoretically). People need plants and animals to feed them, and water from lakes and rivers to drink. And without air, an individual cannot live at all for more than three minutes (we do not take into account, of course, masters and yogis who can hold their breath for a longer period, and even then they will need oxygen after that). Thus, the most important significance of nature in human life is associated primarily with the characteristics of the human body. And without natural air and water, as well as without the food that nature provides us, we would not be able to exist for a long time.


They draw from the depths necessary resources for its existence associated with the replenishment of material wealth. All known to science Human products are ultimately created, to one degree or another, from natural resources. Some of the minerals that humans consume are already on the verge of extinction as a result of unwise mining. For some, this is yet to happen in the near future. Coal, oil, non-ferrous metals, diamonds and many others are actively used in modern times. Industrial resources that determine the importance of nature in human life also include river water and atmospheric air, without which modern industry is practically impossible.


The surrounding nature is the source of much knowledge and skills of mankind. While studying nature and observing it, many discoveries were made that literally influenced the fate of many people. There is an opinion among scientists that all laws and discoveries already exist in nature. You just need to look at them correctly and identify them for discussion and further use for the benefit of all humanity. Therefore, in a scientific context, the importance of nature in human life cannot be overestimated! Among these discoveries “seen” in the environment: the force of gravity, helicopters and airplanes, the structure of the Galaxy, and much more.

Cultural and aesthetic

It is also great in terms of the cultural development of society in general and individuals in particular. Inspiring creative people to create works of art, nature occupies a central place in images on artists' canvases, in literary and other works. Landscape painters and animal painters create their creations under the impression of the beauty of pristine nature, untouched by the hand of man.

Visual aesthetics attract not only gifted creators. An ordinary person, going somewhere on the weekend to relax, to escape from the bustle of the city, gets real and incomparable pleasure from communicating with nature. This is how we are structured, probably at the genetic level. It’s nice to walk barefoot on fresh green grass, swim in a river or lake, walk in a pine forest, and breathe in the salty sea air. This leads to another role of nature in human life - health. We all notice that, having rested on the weekend (just two or three days) in the lap of nature, we return to work full of fresh strength and energy drawn from such communication. And it doesn’t matter where it happens: in the forest, at sea, on a river or in the mountains. Everywhere a person can feel like a real child of Mother Earth.


Wildlife in human life is an integral feature of his existence. We can say that man, to some extent, is nature itself, its final, final stage of development (according to the And theory, separating man and nature simply does not make sense.

Voronin Sergei Alekseevich - Soviet prose writer. In his works he touched important issues humanity. In this text, Voronin reflects on the serious environmental problem the role of nature in human life.

This problem is always relevant, since man is part of nature and therefore it plays an important role in his life. The author examines the problem using the example of birch.

He is convinced that this tree has its own life, its own feelings and experiences. As the seasons change, so does the birch tree change its appearance, your mood. The author thinks: “I look at her, and strange thoughts come into my head. She, of course, should have her own life.” Voronin regrets that he has only five senses and that he cannot truly understand nature. We see how the narrator sympathizes with the birch tree, into which a groove was stuck in order to collect its sap. The author reflects: “How many capillaries has he (the neighbor) broken if the juice is flowing so abundantly?.. Maybe she was moaning? Maybe she was afraid for her life? With his experiences, Sergei Alekseevich showed the deep connection between man and nature, how the processes occurring in nature are reflected in the thoughts of their contemplator.

Thus, reflecting on the problem, the author comes to the following conclusion that nature plays a truly important role in human life. He, being one on one with her, begins to feel every cell of her, tries to comprehend that nature can open up a wonderful world to him, and also heal mental wounds.

Confirmation of my thoughts and the author’s thoughts can be found in the novel - Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s epic “War and Peace”. Natasha Rostova is so delighted with the beauty of the night in Otradnoye that she cannot sit still. She cannot sleep and shares her impressions with Sonya. Feelings overwhelm her so much that even Andrei Bolkonsky, having accidentally overheard Natasha’s conversation with Sonya, is revived to life. Using the example of Natasha Rostova, we see what euphoria a contemplator of nature experiences.

A similar thought is heard in Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s novel Fathers and Sons. The hero of the novel, Arkady Kirsanov, admires the beauty of nature and its healing power. Communication with her helps Kirsanov to heal his emotional wounds, gain peace and inner balance, and reevaluate his attitude towards nihilism.

So, nature really has a very strong influence on humans. She helps him cope with mental pain and allows him not to lose touch with the world. Nature and man are inseparable, they need each other...

Nature is everything that surrounds a person and was not made by his hands, namely the atmosphere, landscape, trees, animals, water, etc.

Nature is the mother of man, she created him and she influences his life in the most direct way. Thus, nature gives health to man, the air he breathes, the land he walks on, minerals and food.

Nature has made man a biosocial being, which means that man has both biological and social needs. Biological (natural) needs include the need for food, drink, safety, and reproduction. And social (acquired) include the need for knowledge, communication, prestige, self-realization, etc.

Since ancient times, people have chosen their place of residence based on natural conditions and their surrounding landscape. So, the ancient Slavs settled along river beds so that there would be a constant source of water and fish. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without the struggle for mineral resources, which also indicates human dependence on nature. However, it is worth noting that not only humans depend on nature. The relationship between man and nature is based on interconnection and interdependence. This dependence can manifest itself in the following connections: nature can influence society (both positively and negatively), society can influence nature (both constructively and unconstructively).

Nature gives society a high harvest - this is an example of the positive influence of nature on humans. A natural disaster in the form of a hurricane, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake is the negative impact of nature on society.

A man plants a wasteland with trees, protects rare species of animals and plants - an example of man's constructive influence on nature. Society pollutes environment, kills animals, cuts down forests, etc. - unconstructive interaction.

Thus, in modern world, began to pay more attention to global environmental problems, since the naked eye can see that if humanity does not reconsider its consumer attitude towards nature, then soon there will be nothing left of nature, man will destroy his home. That’s why these types of things are now gaining popularity. public organizations and movements such as “Greenpeace”, “Nature Conservation Teams”, “World Wildlife Fund”, UN Program “UNEP”, etc.

  • Nature is very important in human life and society. Climatic conditions influence the order of life of different regions. The location of rivers and forests affects the location of the population. Nature is the world around us and man himself is part of nature, which means man must protect nature and support it. New technologies help people spoil nature less and make it possible to replace old harmful mechanisms. Nature is our planet and our home, which we must protect.
  • It is necessary to briefly answer the question what is the role of nature in human life and society *)
  • Nature plays a very important role in human life and society, because it is nature that gives us what we need, for example: water, minerals, oxygen, food and much more. It protects us from ultraviolet rays and makes us happy with its appearance.

  • What is the role of nature in human life and society?
    What is ecology?
    Why has the environmental problem become especially acute these days?
    Why is it necessary to conserve inexhaustible resources?
  • In nature, everything is interconnected.

    And you can't answer this? Seriously? Ecology is the science of the relationships of living beings among themselves and with the inorganic nature surrounding them, of connections in supraorganismal systems, of the structure and functioning of these systems.
    And why do we need to save resources? And you can’t go anywhere without them. There will be no fresh water, what will you drink?

  • What is the role of nature in human life and society?
  • 1a. Food source.
    1b. Source medicines.
    2. Raw materials for industry and Agriculture.
    3. Source various types energy. Raw materials for the energy industry.
    3. Land resources.
    4. Soil resources.
    5. Water resources.
    6. Forest resources.
    7. Object of study.
    8. The object is aesthetic.
    9. Object of protection and protection.
    10. Objects for sport and amateur hunting and fishing.
    11. Objects of training, domestication.
    12. Habitat.
    13. Source of natural disasters, natural disasters.
    14. Recreational resource.
  • 1) what is the role of morality in the life of society 2) when did ideas about good and evil originate? Why do you think people began to think about these questions? 3) how do you understand the old sayings about good and evil “God helps the good”, “They pay for good with good”, “A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.” 4) Continue the phrases “A person in society will be respected for...” “The general discussion of those around him is caused by...”
  • 1) These are moral rules of behavior based on people’s ideas about good and bad, good and evil, justice, duty, honor and conscience, love, etc. 2) Ideas about good and evil originated in ancient times. Ancient man thought that his fate was controlled by various forces. Both good and evil. It "came" from spirits. Holidays were held in honor of the spirits, rituals and dances were dedicated to them. Sacrifices were made to ward off troubles from themselves and their families or to thank for mercy. People began to think about this because various troubles happened to people. People believed that this was the will of the spirits. 3) 1. This proverb means that when a person is good, he will always be lucky. 2. This proverb means that the good you do will return to you. 3. An angry person will grumble and swear for a long time, but a kind person will do the deed because it brings him joy. 4) 1. A person in society will be respected for his kindness and honesty, for his nobility and determination. 2. General discussion of others is caused by anger and lies, self-interest and commercialism. Among the actions are murder and theft, betrayal and sneaking.

  • The pollution of the sea and coastline caused by the accident of an oil tanker serves as an example of the relationship between 1) civilization and culture 2) engineering and technology 3) society and nature 4) law and morality. Meaningful interactions between people that evoke certain emotions are called 1) mutual concessions 2) sphere creative activity 3) spheres of social life 4) interpersonal relationships Irina is preparing for the chemistry exam: reading a textbook, reference literature, solving problems, taking tests. In case of difficulties, she seeks advice from the teacher. One of the results of this activity is 1) an exam 2) a textbook 3) chemistry 4) an excellent mark. Are the following judgments about the development of society correct? A. The development of society is related to the presence or absence of natural resources. B. The development of society is largely determined by the creative potential of people. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect The sphere of human activity aimed at forming a system of theoretical knowledge about nature and society is called 1) morality 2) religion 3) education 4) science A1 Correct the following judgments about patriotism? A. Patriotism presupposes love and respect for the historical traditions of one’s country. B. Patriotism presupposes good knowledge National history and culture. 1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect Any product intended for sale or exchange on the market is called 1) money 2) resource 3) price 4) goods Anna planned to go on a trip to South Africa. For a whole year she saved a certain part of her salary for the subsequent purchase of a tourist package. What function of money does it illustrate? this example? 1) means of payment 3) measure of value 2) means of exchange 4) means of accumulation In country Z, there is commodity production and money circulation. What additional information will allow us to conclude that the economy of country Z is of a command (planned) nature? 1) The country has a fixed exchange rate. 2) Most workers work for industrial enterprises. 3) The state determines the volume and structure of products produced. 4) Factors of production are privately owned. Are the following statements about the market mechanism correct? A. The market mechanism is based on freedom entrepreneurial activity. B. An important element of the market mechanism is competition among producers of goods and services. 1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect In K.’s family there is a tradition: to get together in the evening and talk about all the problems. What role of family in a person’s life does this example illustrate? 1) Family provides emotional support. 2) The family carries out primary socialization. 3) The family cares about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 4) The family provides economic support for its members. Are the following statements about social conflict true? A. Social conflicts help each participant discover their goals and expectations. B. Conflict resolution often involves a transition to mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect Democratic procedure for electing bodies state power distinguished by 1) the provision of additional votes to labor veterans 2) the presence of a property qualification for voters 3) the provision of information by candidates about the sources of their income 4) the nomination of one, the most worthy candidate in the elections The supreme power in state Z is inherited. What additional information would lead to the conclusion that States
  • 1. Society and nature
    2. Interpersonal relationships
    3. Excellent mark
    4. Both judgments are correct
    5. Science
    6. Both judgments are correct
    7. Product
    8. Storage medium

    10. Both judgments are correct
    11. Emotional support
    12. Both judgments are correct
    13. Worthy candidate

    1. Society and nature
    2. Interpersonal relationships
    3. Excellent mark
    4. Both judgments are correct
    5. Science
    6. Both judgments are correct
    7. Product
    8. Storage medium
    9. The state determines the volumes
    10. Both judgments are correct
    11. Emotional support
    12. Both judgments are correct
    13. Worthy candidate)

  • 1) What are the main meanings of the concept “society”? How is society defined in the broadest sense of the word? 2) What is the difference between the concepts of “society” and “society”? 3) What are the main levels of consideration of society? 4) How have people’s ideas about the relationship between society and nature changed? What caused these changes? 5) Show the ambiguity of the concept “culture”. 6) What is the role of culture in the life of society? 7) Illustrate with examples the thesis about the conventionality of dividing culture into material and spiritual. 8) What relationships do philosophers consider social? 9) How do the laws of social development differ from the laws of nature?
  • 1) Society is a system isolated from nature, but closely connected with it.
    2) All humanity and the relationships between them.
    3) in a narrow sense, a group of fans of Chekhov’s books or a club of anonymous alcoholics.
    4)c different periods time, man tried to conquer nature, to take power over it without fear of the consequences that occurred in attempts to conquer it. Another moment was when humanity realized that it would not be possible to conquer it, that it was necessary to treat it with care and reverence.
    5) Culture is everything that man has created.
    6) For example: the transmission of rituals or traditions from generation to generation.
    7) A book is the fruit of culture, both material and spiritual.
    9) Humanity is dynamic and constantly developing, development does not have any clear laws, it is unique.
  • Questions for examination in the course “Social Studies” 1st year, 1st semester
    1. The concept of “society” in the broad and narrow senses. Functions of society.
    2. Society as a dynamic self-developing system.
    3. Subsystems of society (spheres public life). Characteristics of people’s activities and relationships between people in these areas. Name the institutions (organizations) belonging to certain spheres of society.
    4. What is nature? The relationship between society and nature. Give examples.
    5. Society and culture. The difference is in these concepts.
    6. Typology of society. Classification of typologies of society.
    7. Traditional (pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial (information) societies. Give a comparative description of these societies.
    8. Formational approach to the study of society. The authors of this approach.
    9. Civilizational approach to the study of society. The authors of this approach.
    10. What is globalization? Causes of globalization. Directions of globalization. Consequences of the globalization process (positive, negative). Factors of the unity of modern humanity.
    11. Global problems of humanity. Causes global problems. Global Issues Groups. Ways (directions) to solve global problems. Social forecasts of the prospects of humanity.
    12. Approaches to resolving the issue of human origins. Biologization, sociologization approaches. The main differences between humans and animals.
    13. Sociogenesis Man as a biosocial being.
    14. Morality as a regulator of social relations.
    15. Science, its role in the development of society.
    16. Religion as a form public consciousness. World religions.
    17. Education as a way of broadcasting scientific knowledge.
    18.. Scientific and technological progress, its consequences.
    19. Cognition. Types of knowledge. Basic philosophical directions in the field of knowledge.
    20. Mass and elite culture.
    21. Spiritual culture, its main forms.
    22. Education as a way of transmitting the cultural experience of society.
    Problems of development of spiritual culture in modern Russia.
    30. Art and spiritual life
  • 1. Society - a group of people connected to each other through permanent relationships, or a large social group with a common geographical or social territory, subject to a single political authority and dominant culture.
    2. That is, a system that is capable of seriously changing, but at the same time maintaining its essence and qualitative certainty. In this case, the system is understood as a complex of interacting elements. In turn, an element is some further indecomposable component of the system that is directly involved in its creation.
    3. Society is a complex dynamic self-developing system, which consists of subsystems (spheres of public life).
    Character traits(signs) of society as a dynamic system:
    dynamism (the ability to change over time both society and its individual elements).
    a complex of interacting elements (subsystems, social institutions).
    self-sufficiency (the ability of a system to independently create and recreate the conditions necessary for its own existence, to produce everything necessary for people’s lives).
    integration (interconnection of all system components).
    self-governance (response to changes in the natural environment and the global community).
    Man, society and nature are interconnected. Man simultaneously lives in nature and in society, is a biological and social being. In social studies, nature is understood as the natural habitat of humans. It can be called the biosphere or the active shell of the Earth, creating and protecting life on our planet. It is a system of plants and animals that has existed for 4 billion years and has managed to adapt to climate change. Nature gives man the resources to satisfy his needs, maintain physical and spiritual strength, and health. She plays a big role in economic activity of people.
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  • Help with an essay on the topic "The role of nature in human life and society"
  • Nature plays a very important role in human life and society, because it is nature that gives us what we need, for example: water, minerals, oxygen, food and much more. It protects us from ultraviolet rays and makes us happy with its appearance. 1a. Food source. 1b. Source of medicines. 2. Raw materials for industry and agriculture. 3. Source of various types of energy. Raw materials for the energy industry. 3. Land resources. 4. Soil resources. 5. Water resources. 6. Forest resources. 7. Object of study. 8. The object is aesthetic. 9. Object of protection and protection. 10. Objects for sport and amateur hunting and fishing. 11. Objects of training, domestication. 12. Habitat. 13. Source of natural disasters, natural disasters. 14. Recreational resource. 1a. Food source. 1b. Source of medicines. 2. Raw materials for industry and agriculture. 3. Source of various types of energy. Raw materials for the energy industry. 3. Land resources. 4. Soil resources. 5. Water resources. 6. Forest resources. 7. Object of study. 8. The object is aesthetic. 9. Object of protection and protection. 10. Objects for sport and amateur hunting and fishing. 11. Objects of training, domestication. 12. Habitat. 13. Source of natural disasters, natural disasters. 14. Recreational resource.