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It is considered the birthplace of cross-country skiing. Ski race. Description, types. Main types of cross-country skiing

Ski racing over a certain distance on a specially prepared track among persons of a certain category (age, gender, etc.). All over the world, skiing has become one of the most popular winter sports. There is no sport that is more democratic, accessible, so closely connected with nature and so beneficial for humans. They belong to cyclic sports.

The first skis appeared among ancient hunters in northern countries Oh. The appearance of skis was due to man's need to hunt for food in winter and move across snow-covered terrain. Skis appeared everywhere where people lived in snowy winter conditions. The first skis were walking skis. One of the latest finds (A.M. Miklyaev, 1982) was discovered on the territory of the Pskov region. According to experts, this ski is one of the oldest - made about 4,300 years ago. The first written documents about the use of sliding skis date back to the 6th-7th centuries. n. e. Gothic monk Jordanes in 552, Greek historians Jordan in the 6th century, Abel the Deacon in 770. describe the use of skis by Laplanders and Finns in everyday life and hunting. At the end of the 7th century. Historian Verefrid gave detailed description skis and their use by the peoples of the North in hunting animals. King of Norway Olaf Trugvasson according to records 925. represented as a good skier. In 960 skis are mentioned as a training accessory for Norwegian court dignitaries. The first use of the word “skis” in Rus' dates back to the 12th century. Metropolitan Nikifor, in a letter to the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh, uses the word “skis”.

The folk epics of the northern countries often represented gods on skis, which was considered one of the main advantages, for example, the Norwegian god of skiing and hunting Ull. The forced need of primitive man to invent and use skis in winter to obtain food later became the basis for their widespread development.

In addition to domestic needs and hunting, skis began to be used as a means of communication and in military affairs. In the Nikon Chronicle for 1444. describes the successful campaign of the Moscow ski army to defend Ryazan from the Tatar prince Mustafa from the Golden Horde. Skis were used in the armies of Peter I and Catherine II. IN hoary antiquity The roots of folk fun, amusements, games, and entertainment on skis, including those with elements of competition, go back centuries.

The first speed skiing competition took place in Norway in 1767. Then the Swedes and Finns followed the example of the Norwegians, and later the passion for racing arose in Central Europe. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. National ski clubs have appeared in many countries. In 1924 the International Federation was created skiing(FIS). In 2000 the FIS had 98 national federations. In the winter program Olympic Games cross-country skiing has been included since 1924.


The main styles of skiing are “classic style” and “free style”.
Classic style. The original “classical style” includes those types of movement in which the skier travels almost the entire distance along a pre-prepared ski track, consisting of two parallel tracks. “Classical” ski moves are divided according to the method of pushing off with poles into alternating and simultaneous. Based on the number of steps in one cycle, simultaneous one-step, alternately two-step and stepless moves are distinguished. The most common are alternating two-step stroke (used on uphill sections and gentle slopes, and with very good gliding - on slopes of medium steepness (up to 5°)) and simultaneous single-step stroke (used on flat areas, on gentle slopes with good gliding, as well as on slopes with satisfactory glide).
Free style. “Free style” implies that the skier is free to choose the method of movement along the distance, but since the “classic” stroke is inferior in speed to the “skating” stroke, “free style” is, in fact, synonymous with “skating”. Skating has been widely used since 1981, when Finnish skier Pauli Siitonen, then in his 40s, first used it in competition (in a 55 km race) and won. The most common are the simultaneous two-step skating stroke (used both on flat areas and on slopes of small and medium steepness) and the simultaneous one-step skating stroke (used during starting acceleration, on any plains and flat sections of the distance, as well as on slopes up to 10-12° ).
Overcoming climbs. The climbs can be overcome either by one of the types of skating, or by the following methods: a sliding step (on climbs with a steepness of 5° to 10°), a walking step (from 10° to 15°), a running step (15° or more), a half-herringbone ", "herringbone", "ladder" (not used in competitions), in some cases, when the rise is quite sharp, the "herringbone" is used.
Descent. When descending, athletes use different kinds stands that differ in the bend angle of the knees. In a high stance, this angle is 140-160°; for a medium stance, the knee bend angle is 120-140° (120-130° for the version of this stance, the so-called “rest” stance), both are used on uneven slopes. And on smooth descents, the fastest, lowest stance is used, for which the knee bend angle is less than 120°.
Braking. The most common type of braking is “plow”. At the same time, when descending obliquely, stop braking is often used. To prevent injuries when unexpected obstacles arise on the track, it is sometimes necessary to use fall braking, but not in a sitting position, but sideways, for which we have also developed our own, safest, technique.
Turn. The step turn is very common in competitions, while the plow turn is often used for tight turns. Sometimes methods such as a stop turn, a turn from a stop and a turn on parallel skis are used.

Main types of cross-country skiing

Time trial competitions. In a time trial, athletes start at a certain interval in a certain sequence. As a rule, the interval is 30 s (less often - 15 s or 1 min). The sequence is determined by a draw or the athlete’s current position in the ranking (the strongest start last). Pair time trials are possible. The final result of the athlete is calculated using the formula “finish time” minus “start time”.
Competitions with a general start (mass start). In a mass start, all athletes start at the same time. At the same time, athletes with best rating occupy the most advantageous places at the start. The final result coincides with the athlete’s finishing time.
Pursuit races (Pursuit, Gundersen system). Pursuit races (pursuit) are combined competitions consisting of several stages. In this case, the starting position of athletes at all stages (except the first) is determined based on the results of previous stages. As a rule, in cross-country skiing, the pursuit takes place in two stages, one of which the athletes run classic style, and the other - free style. Pursuit races with a break are held over two days, less often - at intervals of several hours. The first race usually takes place with a time trial. Based on its final results, the gap from the leader for each participant is determined. The second race is held with a handicap equal to this gap. The winner of the first race starts first. The final result of the pursuit race coincides with the finishing time of the second race. A pursuit race without a break (duathlon) begins with a general start. After covering the first half of the distance with one style, athletes change skis in a specially equipped area and immediately overcome the second half of the distance with a different style. The final result of the pursuit race without a break coincides with the athlete’s finishing time.
Relay races. Teams consisting of four athletes (less often three) compete in relay races. Ski relay races consist of four stages(less often - three), of which the 1st and 2nd stages are run in the classical style, and the 3rd and 4th stages - in the free style. The relay begins with a mass start, with the most advantageous places at the start determined by a draw, or they are given to the teams that took the highest places in previous similar competitions. The relay is transferred by touching the palm of any part of the body of the starting athlete of his team, while both athletes are in the relay transfer zone. The final result of a relay team is calculated using the formula “finishing time of the last team member” minus “starting time of the first team member” (usually equal to zero).
Individual sprint. Individual sprint competitions begin with a qualification (prologue), which is organized in a time trial format. After qualification, the selected athletes compete in the sprint finals, which take place in the form of races of different formats with a mass start, the mass start consists of four people (varies). The number of athletes selected for the final races does not exceed 30. First, the quarter-finals are held, then the semi-finals and finally the A final. The table of final results of the individual sprint is formed in the following order: results of the final A, semi-final participants, quarter-final participants, unqualified participants.
Team sprint. The team sprint is conducted as a relay race with teams consisting of two athletes who take turns replacing each other, running 3-6 laps of the track each. If the number of entered teams is sufficiently large, two semi-finals are held, from which an equal number of the best teams are selected for the final. The team sprint begins with a mass start. The final result of the team sprint is calculated according to the relay rules.

Ski race

Cross-country skiing is a ski race over a certain distance on a specially prepared track among persons of a certain category (age, gender, etc.). They belong to cyclic sports. The main styles of skiing are “classic style” and “free style”.

Classic style

The original, “classical style” includes those types of movement in which the skier passes almost the entire distance along a pre-prepared ski track, consisting of two parallel lines.

The most common are the alternating two-step stroke (used on flat areas and gentle slopes (up to 2°), and with very good gliding - on slopes of medium steepness (up to 5°)) and simultaneous single-step stroke (used on flat areas, on gentle slopes with good glide, as well as on slopes with satisfactory glide).

Free style

“Free style” implies that the skier is free to choose the method of movement along the distance, but since the “classic” stroke is inferior in speed to the “skating” stroke, “free style” is, in fact, synonymous with “skating”. Skating has been widely used since 1981, when Finnish skier Pauli Siitonen, then in his 40s, first used it in competition (in a 55 km race) and won.

The most common are the simultaneous two-step skating stroke (used both on flat areas and on slopes of small and medium steepness) and the simultaneous one-step skating stroke (used during starting acceleration, on any plains and flat sections of the distance, as well as on slopes up to 10-12° )?

Main types of cross-country skiing

Time trial competitions

In a time trial, athletes start at a certain interval in a certain sequence. As a rule, the interval is 30 s (less often - 15 s or 1 min). The sequence is determined by the draw or the athlete’s current position in the ranking (the strongest start last). Pair time trials are possible. The final result of the athlete is calculated using the formula “finish time” minus “start time”.

Mass start competition

In a mass start, all athletes start at the same time. At the same time, athletes with the best ratings occupy the most advantageous places at the start. The final result coincides with the athlete’s finishing time.

Pursuit racing

Pursuit races (pursuit) are combined competitions consisting of several stages. In this case, the starting position of athletes at all stages (except the first) is determined based on the results of previous stages. As a rule, in cross-country skiing, the pursuit takes place in two stages, one of which athletes run in the classical style, and the other in the skating style.

Pursuit races with a break are held over two days, less often - at intervals of several hours. The first race usually takes place with a time trial. Based on its final results, the gap from the leader for each participant is determined. The second race is held with a handicap equal to this gap. The winner of the first race starts first. The final result of the pursuit race coincides with the finishing time of the second race.

The pursuit race without a break (duathlon; in June 2011, the FIS Ski Committee officially renamed “duathlon” to “skiathlon”) begins with a general start. After covering the first half of the distance with one style, athletes change skis in a specially equipped area and immediately overcome the second half of the distance with a different style. The final result of the pursuit race without a break coincides with the athlete’s finishing time.

Relay races

Teams consisting of four athletes (less often three) compete in relay races. Ski relay races consist of four stages (less often - three). Relay races can be held in one style (all participants run their stages in the classical or free style) or in two styles (participants run stages 1 and 2 in the classic style, and stages 3 and 4 in the free style). The relay begins with a mass start, with the most advantageous places at the start determined by a draw, or they are given to the teams that took the highest places in previous similar competitions. The relay is transferred by touching the palm of any part of the body of the starting athlete of his team, while both athletes are in the relay transfer zone. The final result of a relay team is calculated using the formula “finishing time of the last team member” minus “starting time of the first team member” (usually equal to zero).

Individual Sprint

Individual sprint competitions begin with a qualification (prologue), which is organized in a time trial format. After qualifying, selected athletes compete in the sprint finals, which are held in the form of races of different formats with a mass start of four people (varies). The number of athletes selected for the final races does not exceed 30. First, the quarter-finals are held, then the semi-finals and finally the A final. The table of final results of the individual sprint is formed in the following order: results of the final A, semi-final participants, quarter-final participants, unqualified participants.

Team sprint

The team sprint is conducted as a relay race with teams consisting of two athletes who take turns replacing each other, running 3-6 laps of the track each. If the number of entered teams is sufficiently large, two semi-finals are held, from which an equal number of the best teams are selected for the final. The team sprint begins with a mass start. The final result of the team sprint is calculated according to the relay rules.

Ski jumping

(eng. ski jumping) - a sport that includes ski jumping from specially equipped springboards. Act as independent species sports, and are also included in the Nordic Combined program. The competitions are held under the auspices of the International Ski Federation.

The origins of ski jumping

This sport originated in Norway, in a country where it was widespread folk custom compete in the art of mountain skiing (slalom).

Ski jumping in 1905.

The program of the first Winter Olympic Games in 1924 in Chamonix included jumping from a 70-meter springboard, from 1964 - from a 70- and 90-meter springboard, and this is 1936.

In 1925, the first World Ski Championships took place in Czechoslovakia. In 1929, the FIS, considering that the gap of 4 years between the next Olympic Games was large, decided to annually hold world championships in all types of skiing. Since 1950, championships in racing, combined and jumping began to be held once every 4 years, between the Olympic Games, and since 1982 - once every two years.

Since 1992, individual competitions have been held on the 90 m and 120 m springboards, and team competitions on the 120 m springboard. Since 1992, the classification of the springboards and their configuration have changed. Modern ski jumps have become safer. Previously, there was the concept of design capacity of a springboard. Based on this, points were awarded for the length of the jump. On the P70 springboard, a jump of 77 meters was worth 60 points. Now this is K90 (critical point), and accordingly a jump of 90 meters will be worth 60 points.

Women's competition

Until the 2010s, only men competed. In 2009, ski jumping was one of two events at the Winter Olympics in which only men took part. The second exception was Nordic combined, which also includes ski jumping.

In the mid-2000s, proposals appeared to allow women to compete. However, the head of the IOC, Jacques Rogge, then repeatedly stated that at that time women's ski jumping did not meet the requirements for inclusion in the Olympic program. In his opinion, not enough female athletes were involved in this sport, and the active spread of this sport did not reach the required threshold (35 countries).

Nevertheless, women gained the right to compete, first in demonstrations, and then in official competitions under the auspices of the FIS. At first they competed in the Continental Cup (FIS Ski Jumping Continental Cup).

In 2006, enthusiasts, mainly from North America, persuaded the International Ski Federation (FIS) to include a women's tournament in the program of the world championship in Liberec 2009. On May 26, 2006, the International Ski Federation decided to allow women to compete in ski jumping during the 2009 World Ski Championships in Liberec (Czech Republic). At these competitions, the title of the first ever world champion in women's ski jumping was won by American Lindsey Van.

In 2009, when it became clear that women's ski jumping would not be included in the program of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, a group of elite athletes from Canada, Norway, Germany, Slovenia and the United States decided to go to court. The athletes alleged that they were discriminated against on the basis of their gender, in violation of Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, the Supreme Court of the Canadian province of British Columbia decided that there was no violation.

On December 3, 2011, the first ever stage of the Women's Ski Jumping World Cup took place in Lillehammer, Norway.

In 2014, jumpers performed for the first time at the Olympic Games in Sochi.


Ski jumping competitions are held in the winter and summer seasons. The most authoritative and significant are the starts held in winter time on springboards with a critical point of 90 meters or more.

Jump technique

The flight phase of a style V jump includes acceleration, departure from the take-off table, flight phase and landing. Coordinated execution of all elements and body coordination in the air are the most important technical elements in the jumper's arsenal.

At the moment of landing, the athlete’s legs, previously lying in the same plane, must take a position called “telemark” (unofficially - “straddle”). In this position, one of the legs is put forward and the other is laid back; both legs are bent at the knees; the knee of the “back” leg is lowered down; arms are placed above shoulders. During landing, the skis are parallel and as close as possible. To perform such a landing requires high coordination of movements and impeccable balance. For failure to perform a step-up during landing, points are deducted (at least two points by each judge).

The length of the jump of a landing athlete is the distance from the edge of the take-off table to the soles of his feet at the moment when both skis are in contact with the ground with their entire surface; in the case of a correct telemark position, this is the distance from the edge of the take-off table to the middle of the distance between the athlete’s feet.

Nordic combined

Nordic Combined is an Olympic sport that combines ski jumping and cross-country skiing in its program. Another name is the northern combination. Initially, this sport was most developed in Norway: at the first 4 Winter Olympics (1924, 1928, 1932 and 1936), the entire podium was occupied by Norwegians, and of the 12 pre-war world championships, Norwegians won eight. As of the end of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, the Norwegians have won 11 Olympic gold medals in Nordic combined, followed by the Finns in second place with 4 gold medals.

IN last years The traditional Nordic combined program has undergone significant changes. On this moment There are two individual disciplines: a regular or large ski jump (one attempt) and a 10 km freestyle cross-country skiing race. For each of these disciplines there are general rules with minor additions.

Starting position of the competition participants ski slope determined by placing in ski jumping. The winner is the first to go the distance; the rest are awarded a certain number of seconds for each point of delay on the springboard (Gundersen system).

Team event - 4-5 km relay: each of the 4 team members makes one jump, and then the teams leave the start of the ski relay, taking into account the team’s overall result in the jumps.

Previously, both individual events and relay races were held in other formats: participants made 2 jumps from a springboard and then ran 15 km (there was also a 7.5 km sprint after one jump). In the relay, athletes also made 2 jumps, and even earlier the relay was held in the 3×10 km format.

Among the successes of the combined athletes of the USSR and Russia, one can note the Olympic bronze in the individual race according to the Gundersen system in 1988 in Calgary of the Estonian Allar Levandi (as part of the USSR national team), his silver in the overall standings of the 1989/90 World Cup and the bronze of the Russian Valery Stolyarov in 1998 in Nagano in the individual race. In addition, in 1999, at the World Championships in Ramsau, the Russian team consisting of Valery Stolyarov, Alexey Fadeev, Nikolai Parfenov and Dmitry Sinitsyn won a bronze medal in the relay race, and Dmitry Sinitsyn won a bronze medal in the individual competition at the same championship.

Individual race

The classic individual race was the very first discipline of biathlon. In its modern form, it is a 20-kilometer race for men and 15 for women, consisting of 5 laps of 4 km (3 km for women) with 4 shooting sessions between laps. Athletes start separately, one after the other, with an interval of 30 seconds. The first and third shooting are carried out from a prone position, the second and fourth shooting from a standing position. For each miss, one minute is added to the time the athlete completes the distance.


A 10 km race for men and 7.5 km for women with two shooting ranges. The first shooting is prone, the second is standing. Athletes start separately. For each miss, the athlete is required to go through a “penalty loop” - an additional segment of the distance equal to 150 meters.


A 12.5 km race for men and a 10 km race for women. Consists of 5 circles (2.5 km for men or 2 km for women) with 4 firing lines (the first 2 lines are prone, the second 2 are standing). The start is given separately with a handicap corresponding to the gap from the winner in the previous “qualifying” race - sprint or individual race (in the latter case the gap is divided in half). The first 60 athletes following the results of the qualifying race can take part in the pursuit race. For each miss in the pursuit, the athlete will have to go through a 150-meter penalty loop.

Race from a general start

The race of 15 km for men and 12.5 km for women consists of 5 laps (3 km for men or 2.5 km for women) with 4 shooting stages (the first 2 stages are prone shooting, the second 2 are standing). The general start race (or simply “mass start”) is one of the newest types of competitions. 30 of the strongest athletes based on the results of past competitions take part in it. All athletes start at the same time. For each miss, the athlete is provided with a penalty section of the distance equal to 150 meters.

Ski racing is classified as a cyclic sport. They are ski races over distances of varying lengths on specially prepared tracks. Ski racing has the following varieties:

Split start, in which athletes start at a certain interval, usually 30 seconds, and the result of the race is calculated as the difference between the finish time and the start time.

Mass start, in which athletes start together. The result of the race is the finishing time of the athletes.

Pursuit races. In this case, the competition takes place in several stages, after each of which, according to the result obtained, the starting position at the new stage is determined.

Relay races. This ski race is a team competition. Each of them consists of 3-4 stages. There are 3-4 athletes in a team who pass the baton to each other after completing their stage.

Individual sprint, according to the rules of which, the competition begins with a qualifying stage. Those who qualify participate in the final stages of the sprint.

A team sprint, which is carried out as a relay race of teams of two participants, alternately changing each other after a certain number of laps on the track.


Slopestyle: athletes navigate a course with numerous obstacles (railings, jumping areas, etc.).


Freestyle is translated as “style” and represents the performance of various tricks and jumps on skis. Divided into several disciplines:

Ski acrobatics: on a special springboard, athletes must perform several jumps and acrobatic elements.

Mogul: athletes descend a slope on which moguls or mounds are located in a checkerboard pattern; each athlete performs two jumps from springboards located on the track; speed, descent technique and jumping are taken into account.

Ski cross: a race on a ski slope with numerous jumps, waves and turns; First there are qualifications, and then the final stages.

Halfpipe: on a special track in the form of a chute, athletes demonstrate various tricks; their complexity, technique and cleanliness of execution are taken into account.

In addition to purely skiing sports, there are disciplines that include elements of skiing:
- biathlon,
- ski tourism,
- ski orienteering,
- ski mountaineering.

Tip 2: Biathlon is one of the most spectacular winter species sports

Biathlete competitions annually attract thousands of fans and attract millions of television viewers to their screens. Even those who are not keen on this type of variety have heard the name of Ole Einar Bjoerndalen.

origin of name

The name of this sport quite accurately reflects its essence. In Greek "bi" means "two", "athlon" means "competition". It is a combination of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting at targets from standing and prone positions. The targets changed over the years before arriving at modern look– five black circles that close when hit.


Researchers offer different versions of the beginning of the history of biathlon. According to one of them, back in the 18th century in Norway there was entertainment - cross-country skiing, interrupted by shooting at a target. But they did not take it seriously, and this sport had few fans - due to the imperfection of firearms of that time. It’s difficult to talk about who founded biathlon and when, because for hunters in northern countries, many kilometers of skiing and targeted shooting have been commonplace for many centuries. However, biathlon did not remain without a birthday. It is celebrated on March 2. In 1958, on this day the first ever World Championship in this sport took place in Austria.


In modern biathlon, there are six types of competitions, differing in the length of the distances, the starting order, the number of milestones and types of penalties: sprint, individual race, pursuit or pursuit, relay race, mixed relay race, mass start. Target shooting is done from two positions: lying down or standing.

Interesting Facts

During shooting, biathletes are prohibited from leaving the shooting mat. There were cases when an athlete who dropped a cartridge reached for it and left the mat. Not only the offender, but the entire team was automatically disqualified.

Biathletes wear sensors on their ankles before competitions. When athletes pass special marks, their speed is measured.

Each athlete must have two spare rifles during competition. Only a team member can give him a spare rifle - and only at the firing line. If a biathlete finishes without a rifle, the result is not counted. At least the trigger and barrel must be brought to the finish line.

At the first World Summer Biathlon Championships in 1996, Russian athletes became winners.

In which the participating athletes need to overcome a competitive distance on skis, while overtaking their rivals.

The first competitions in speed running among skiers took place back in 1767 in Norway. Then, the Finns and Swedes followed the example of the Norwegians, but this was just the beginning. Already at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the passion for cross-country skiing spread throughout the world, and in 1924 the FIS was created - the International Ski Federation, which by 2000 included 98 national federations.

Ski racing technique

Proper skiing technique represents a system of movements with which an athlete can achieve maximum efficiency of his actions. It also helps to fully realize the possibilities for achieving the desired result. The main indicators of the quality of technology are efficiency, naturalness and efficiency.

If we talk about the actions that a skier performs, then it is worth noting three main ones:

* repulsion with sticks;
* pushing off with skis;
* slip.

There are two main styles of skiing - skating (free) and classic.

Skating (free) style

This style of movement implies that the skier can independently choose the method by which he will move along the distance. It is worth noting that the classic move is significantly inferior in speed to the free move.

Since 1981, skating methods of transportation have been actively used by skiers. At that time, Pauli Siitonen, a skier from Finland who had already crossed the 40-year-old mark, used it for the first time in competition, in a 55-kilometer race and won.

Among the free moves, the most common these days are:

* two-step simultaneous (used on climbs of medium and low steepness, as well as flat areas);
* one-step simultaneous (on flat sections, gentle climbs, plains, as well as during the starting climb).

Classic style

This style includes types of movement during which the skier covers almost the entire intended distance along a pre-prepared ski track, which consists of two tracks located parallel to each other.

“Classical” ski moves are divided into simultaneous and alternating, according to the method of pushing off with poles. Based on the number of steps performed in one cycle, they are divided into alternately two-step, simultaneously one-step, and also stepless.

The most common of them, however, is considered to be a two-step alternating stroke, which is most often used on gentle slopes and uphill sections, as well as on moderately steep climbs (but only with very good glide). But the one-step simultaneous move is used only on gentle slopes (with free gliding), on flat areas or on slopes, with relatively good gliding.

It is worth talking separately about the main types of cross-country skiing.

Types of ski racing

* relay race;
* time trial competitions;
* individual sprint;
* pursuit races;
* team sprint;
*competitions with general start.

Relay race

During the relay race, teams that consist of four (sometimes -3) athletes compete. Relay races can be held in one or two styles. In the first case, all participants run their stage in the free or classic style, and in the second, the first and second stages are run in the “classic” style, and the next two in the skating style.

The beginning of the relay is a mass start, and in order to distribute the most advantageous places, a draw is held between the participants, or they are given to the teams that scored the most points and received high results in previous competitions in this sport.

The transfer of the relay between athletes from the same team is carried out by touching the palm of any part of the body of the starting participant, and only at the moment when both athletes are in a specially designated relay transfer zone.

The team's result is calculated using the basic formula "arrival time of the last team member" minus "starting time of the first member", which is usually zero.

Time trial competitions

In this type of cross-country skiing, athletes leave the start at a predetermined interval, in a clearly regulated sequence. Most often, this interval is thirty seconds, much less often - one minute or 15 seconds.

The starting sequence of the athletes is determined by drawing lots, or by the position of the participants in the ranking (the strongest enter the track last). Sometimes a separate pair start is held.

To calculate the final result of an athlete, the formula “finish time” minus “start time” is used.

Individual Sprint

The competition begins with qualifying, organized in a time trial format, and after this, the athletes who have been selected compete with each other in the finals, held in the form of races with a mass start of 4 people.

Pursuit racing

Pursuit races are combined competitions that are held in several stages. At the same time, the starting order of athletes at all stages, except the first, is established depending on the results of previous competitions.

This type of cross-country skiing is divided into two types:

* GP without interruption;
* GP with a break.

Team sprint

It is held in a relay race format with teams consisting of two athletes taking turns replacing each other after each has completed three to six laps of the track. If the number of teams entered into the competition is too large, 2 semi-finals are held, from which an equal number of teams that receive top scores.

The final result of the team sprint is calculated according to the same rules as the relay race.

Competitions with general start

In a mass start, all competitors enter the track at the same time. Wherein best places go to athletes who have a higher rating. The final result is the athlete's finishing time.

Ski race.

Main types and rules of cross-country skiing competitions:

Competitions with general start (mass start)

Pursuit racing (Pursuit, Gundersen system)

Relay races

Individual Sprint

Team sprint

Time trial competitions

In a time trial, athletes start at a certain interval in a certain sequence. As a rule, the interval is 30 seconds (less often - 15 seconds, 1 minute). The sequence is determined by a draw or the athlete’s current position in the ranking (the strongest start last). Pair time trials are possible. The final result of the athlete is calculated using the formula “finish time” minus “start time”.

Mass start competition

In a mass start, all athletes start at the same time. At the same time, athletes with the best ratings occupy the most advantageous places at the start. The final result coincides with the athlete’s finishing time.

Pursuit racing

Pursuit races are combined competitions consisting of several stages. In this case, the starting position of athletes at all stages (except the first) is determined based on the results of previous stages. As a rule, in cross-country skiing, the pursuit takes place in two stages, one of which athletes run in the classic style, and the other in the free style.

Pursuit races with a break are held over two days, less often - with an interval of several hours. The first race usually takes place with a time trial. Based on its final results, the gap from the leader for each participant is determined. The second race is held with a handicap equal to this gap. The winner of the first race starts first. The final result of the pursuit race coincides with the finishing time of the second race.

Pursuit without a break (duathlon) begins with a common start. After covering the first half of the distance with one style, athletes change skis in a specially equipped area and immediately overcome the second half of the distance with a different style. The final result of the pursuit race without a break coincides with the athlete’s finishing time.

Relay races

Teams consisting of four athletes (less often three) compete in relay races. Ski relay races consist of four stages (less often three), of which the 1st and 2nd stages are run in the classical style, and the 3rd and 4th stages are run in the free style. The relay begins with a mass start, with the most advantageous places at the start being determined by drawing lots or being given to the teams that took the highest places in previous similar competitions. The relay is transferred by touching the palm of any part of the body of the starting athlete of his team, while both athletes are in the relay transfer zone. The final result of the relay team is calculated using the formula “finishing time of the last team member” minus “starting time of the first team member.”

Individual Sprint

Individual sprint competitions begin with a qualification (prologue), which is organized in a time trial format. After qualification, the selected athletes compete in the sprint finals, which are held in the form of races of different formats with a mass start, the mass start consists of four people (varies). The number of athletes selected for the final races does not exceed 30. First, the quarter-finals are held, then the semi-finals and finally the A final. The table of final results of the individual sprint is formed in the following order: results of the final A, semi-final participants, quarter-final participants, unqualified participants.

Team sprint

The team sprint is conducted as a relay race with teams consisting of two athletes who take turns replacing each other, running 3-6 laps of the track each. If the number of entered teams is sufficiently large, two semi-finals are held, from which an equal number of the best teams are selected for the final. The team sprint begins with a mass start. The final result of the team sprint is calculated according to the relay rules.

Place of the sport in various classifications:

According to the qualifications of L.P. Matveev, based on the subject of the competition and the nature of motor activity, cross-country skiing belongs to the first of six groups. This is a sport characterized by active motor activity with the utmost manifestation of physical and mental qualities. Sports achievements in this sport depend on the athlete’s own motor capabilities.

According to the form of competitive interactions in the qualifications of T. T. Dzhamgarov in the confrontation between opponents, cross-country skiing refers to direct conditional physical contact. According to the nature of the interaction of partners, jointly individual actions.

In the classification of A.Ts. Puni cross-country skiing occupies the first group as a cyclic sport.

According to the classification of L.K. Serova ski racing is a record sport.

Also, sports can be divided according to the nature of their impact on the ligamentous-muscular and osteoarticular apparatus of the athlete, according to the degree of participation of certain muscle groups in the work and the characteristics of the sports working posture when performing specific tasks. physical exercise selected sport into three groups: symmetrical, asymmetrical and mixed sports. IN in this case We will classify cross-country skiing as a symmetrical activity in which the right and left halves of the athlete’s body perform the same movements or actions simultaneously or alternately. In this case, the athlete’s spine occupies a strictly median position, the athlete’s body is in stable balance in the frontal plane. The muscles of the torso, abdominals and limbs receive uniform physical activity

Requirements for psychomotor and mental processes:

In the practice of physical education and sports, it is customary to distinguish the following basic motor qualities: speed, agility, strength, flexibility and endurance. Anything can be considered a skier's qualities, but mostly endurance. Endurance reflects a person's ability to perform work of a certain intensity without reducing its effectiveness for a long time. Depending on the conditions of manifestation, several types of endurance are distinguished: speed (the ability to maintain high speed of movement for a long time), strength (long-term maintenance of great physical stress), static (long-term maintenance of a certain muscle tension in the absence of movement) and others. Speed-strength endurance is most important. According to another classification, general and special endurance are distinguished. The first refers to the ability to perform for a long time the required level of any generally accessible work (walking, running, swimming). Especially high level skiers, cyclists, runners have general endurance long distances- that is, those athletes whose training involves long-term stress. Special endurance refers to a person's ability to perform certain specific movements at high intensity for a long time without reducing the intensity itself. Thus, any of the highly qualified athletes in their type of activity has high special endurance. There is no direct relationship between general and special endurance, although those with higher general endurance, other things being equal, are also distinguished by more pronounced special endurance.

The specialized sensations and perceptions of a skier-racer include the feeling of skis and snow, and the nuances also depend on the profile of the route, the weather, the intended race tactics, and the situation developing during the race.

Courage, determination and self-confidence are the most important qualities that a ski racer needs when overcoming difficult trails during training and competitions, especially on slopes covered at high speed with sharp turns. It is very important to cultivate these qualities as early as possible, from the first years of training in the school skiing section. Naturally, when cultivating these qualities, one cannot limit oneself only to training sessions in the section. This is carried out during all lessons in ski training and other sports.

The characteristic training and competitive qualities and difficulties of a skier include various factors - low temperatures, difficult terrain, poor gliding, large loads in volume and intensity. Overcoming these difficulties already contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities. During training and competitions, a skier needs to demonstrate qualities that largely solve the problem of increasing performance and achieving high sports results. This is, first of all, perseverance and perseverance in overcoming difficulties and achieving the goal, the ability to exert maximum effort, courage and determination, self-confidence, etc. Persistence and perseverance in overcoming difficulties and achieving the goal is an important and integral part of volitional training. During training sessions and competitions for young skiers We constantly have to overcome difficulties of various kinds - objective and subjective. This is carrying out a large training load, despite increasing fatigue, moving in unfavorable weather and sliding conditions, overcoming feelings of fear and uncertainty during difficult descents at high speed, painful experience of one’s failures, and lack of confidence in one’s abilities when participating in competitions. In addition to other methods for developing volitional qualities, the competitive method is widely used when performing exercises and various tasks. For this purpose, the training session includes exercises that require maximum concentration of effort to achieve the goal. At the same time, such exercises-tasks increase the emotional background of the lesson and facilitate the completion of a larger volume of training with less psychological overload. At the same time, participation in competitions at various distances is one of the most important means of developing strong-willed qualities when fighting for victory, and in case of failure it will give a powerful impetus for further preparation. It is rare to find athletes who do not seek revenge and accept defeat. To develop strong-willed qualities, it is necessary to use exercises or tasks that require full mobilization of forces to achieve the goal. If the exercise and load (in terms of volume, intensity of coordination and psychological tension) become habitual, their influence on the development of volitional qualities is significantly reduced.