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The profitability of a greenhouse with German cucumbers in numbers. — You still have greenhouses on the plot in front of your house... Production of pickled cucumbers and their sale

The category of highly profitable business activity includes our own year-round production of popular agricultural products in the form of vegetables. Such a business is based on knowledge of basic agricultural techniques, as well as a targeted study of the sales market and demand for the products grown.

Growing cucumbers in greenhouses can be considered a fairly profitable business, allowing you to earn a fairly decent income. Heated areas help ensure optimal climatic conditions for almost year-round, consistently high yields of these popular vegetables.

It is most advisable to engage in growing cucumbers in a greenhouse as a business in the Central, Volga and Southern regions. However, the use of modern greenhouse structures and growing technologies makes it possible to grow vegetables even in the conditions of the Siberian region.


Organizational and legal forms for doing business in the field of growing vegetables can include private household plots, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms.
The first option is the most preferable for starting a business, as it allows you to be exempt from tax payments, and in addition there is no need to obtain permits and certify the products grown.

Important advice for entrepreneurs: do not waste your time, even on simple routine tasks that can be delegated. Transfer them to the freelancers “”. Guarantee of quality work on time or refund. Prices even for website development start from 500 rubles.

Obtaining the status of owner of a private plot is preceded by the acquisition or lease of a land plot from the category of agricultural land, the total area of ​​which does not exceed 2 hectares. Next, you should obtain a document from the territorial government authorities confirming the existence of a plot and the possibility of growing vegetable products in the form of cucumbers on it.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur is relevant when owning a large plot of land and an impressive volume of vegetables grown with the creation of an extensive retail network for the sale of products. Certification of products and obtaining a declaration of conformity for vegetables sold are required.

Partnership management of such a business allows you to register a peasant farm with tax benefits and government subsidies.
In the case of conducting business as a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur, it is advisable to choose the Unified Agricultural Tax form of taxation, which allows you to be exempt from property and profit taxes, and also not pay VAT. The choice of a tax rate of 6% promotes the use of net income for tax deductions. The main OKVED code used is 01.12.1.
Vegetable products transported for the purpose of sale to the territory of another region are subject to mandatory certification and declaration.

Purchase of equipment

Developing a standard business plan for growing cucumbers involves entering all the data required for the use of greenhouse equipment.
To equip a small area of ​​land with a modern greenhouse, the following equipment is most often used:

  • “Novator-Premium” design at a price of 1.7 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter;
  • “Farmer” design at a price of 1.5 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter.
  • for heating the soil Green BoxAgro GBA-1480 at a price of 4.4 thousand rubles;
  • for space heating KChM-5k-03-M at a price of 35 thousand rubles;
  • artificial lighting Ledgrowlight 90w-UFO at a price of 7 thousand rubles;
  • rational automatic watering system “Kapel” at a price of 3.5 thousand rubles.

Equipping areas from 500 sq. meters is produced using the following equipment:

  • "Farmer" design 420 sq. meters with a total cost of 650 thousand rubles;
  • Green BoxAgro GBA-1480 ground heating system with a total cost of 122 thousand rubles;
  • heating boiler KChM-5k-03-M with a total cost of 70 thousand rubles;
  • artificial lighting lamps Ledgrowlight 90w-UFO with a total cost of 580 thousand rubles;
  • rational automatic irrigation system “Kapel” with a total cost of 31 thousand rubles.

In addition, it is quite profitable to use special platforms for harvesting the POU-2, UPNS-10, PNSSH-12 and TNA-40 series.

Hiring staff

Individual entrepreneurs who are starting this profitable and interesting business can do the maintenance of a single greenhouse structure on their own or hire an assistant to carry out the work. Expansion of the area and greenhouse facilities involves hiring five workers.
Processing one hectare of land requires the involvement of a manager, a technologist and three workers. The business plan should reflect not only the work hours of greenhouse personnel, but also the wages of all employees involved in the production process.

Sales of vegetable products

A modern and well-equipped greenhouse facility on a plot of land with an area of ​​five hundred square meters, used for the vegetable growing business, allows us to produce about 38 tons of green cucumbers, which requires a responsible approach to the sale of such perishable products.

The most preferred distribution channels can be represented by large wholesale warehouses, indoor vegetable markets, a network of hypermarkets or stable intermediary companies. A fairly promising way of sales is direct sales at the place where vegetables are grown and collected.
A stable distribution network must be established long before the mass harvest. The concluded agreements must contain the conditions, cost and volumes of agricultural products supplied for sale.

Income/expenses and profitability

The volume of starting investments directly depends on the size of the areas expected to be sown.

Business idea: growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

The optimal size of a land plot for starting a business in this area is 500 sq. m. meters:

  • greenhouse structures - 641 thousand rubles;
  • heating kits - 122 thousand rubles;
  • heating boilers - 70 thousand rubles;
  • LED lighting - 600 thousand rubles;
  • equipping an automatic watering system - 31 thousand rubles;
  • costs for transport services - 60 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of seed material and fertilizers - 80 thousand rubles;
  • costs for pipes and electrical wiring, as well as additional components - 70 thousand rubles.

Total: about 1 million 700 thousand rubles.

Based on a productivity of 38 tons of vegetables and an average cost of one kilogram of produce of 30 rubles, the annual income will be about 2.3 million rubles.

Annual expenses:

  • fuel payment - about 150 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity - 20 thousand rubles;
  • costs for seed material - 30 thousand rubles;
  • costs for fertilizers and insecticides - 50 thousand rubles;

Total: 260 thousand rubles.
The annual profit is about 2 million rubles.

For growing cucumbers on an industrial scale, the best option is to use Chinese varieties, which are characterized by fast growth and guaranteed large size. Such cucumbers can be used both fresh and for preservation, and harvesting stimulates an increase in the number of greens.

When choosing varieties, preference should be given to cucumbers that tolerate transportation well and show consistently high yields, regardless of external factors. Competent pricing for vegetable products sold should be based not only on the volume of the harvest, but also directly depend on the season for selling cucumbers.
The demonopolization of the greenhouse market that has developed in recent years contributes to the formation of healthy competition and creates ideal opportunities for running a highly profitable business in the field of agriculture.


Calculation of the cost of production of the site

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The cost of a site consists of costs associated with the use of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, labor, as well as other costs for its production and sale in the production process of industrial products.

The grouping of costs by economic elements is distributed according to economic content, regardless of the form of use in production of a particular type of product and the location of these costs. This grouping of costs is used when drawing up production cost estimates and using them when planning to reduce the cost of material balances, rationing working capital, and developing financial plans.

The grouping of costs by costing items reflects their composition depending on their direction: expenses (for production and its maintenance) and place of origin (in the main production, auxiliary services). This grouping of costs is used when calculating product costs.

Table 9 – Calculation of the cost of 1t of (what) products.

Expenditures Units Cost per unit Costs for the entire issue Cost structure, %
Qty price sum Qty sum
1. raw materials and basic materials: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Etc. T Calculation using PTCM Calculation using PTCM
Total 1
2. auxiliary materials: 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Etc. T Calculation using PTCM Enterprise data Calculation using PTCM
Total 2
3. fuel for technological purposes: 3.1. T Calculation using PTCM Enterprise data Calculation using PTCM
4. energy consumption: 4.1. electricity for technological purposes 4.2. industrial (recycled) water 4.3. compressed air 4.4 oxygen Etc. thousand/kWh t/nm2 t/nm2 t/nm2 Calculation using PTCM Enterprise data Calculation using PTCM
Total 4
5. wages of main workers: (basic and additional) Rub. Table 4 column 17
6. social insurance contributions Rub. 26.2% from point 5 of this table
7. costs of maintaining and operating equipment Rub. Table 7 “total”
8. shop expenses Rub. Table 8 “total”
9. returnable waste t/rub Calculation using PTCM Enterprise data Calculation using PTCM
10. total cost minus expenses Rub.
11. processing costs Rub.

When calculating the cost calculation table, it is necessary to take into account that columns 1, 2, 4, 6 are filled in with initial data, and the numbers in columns 3, 5, 7, 8 are obtained by calculation.

Column 3 – column 6 (taken from the annual material balance, loaded) divide VP (annual product productivity, i.e. column 6: VP

Column 5 – Column 3 8 Column 4

Box 7 – box 6 8 box 4

Column 8 - the totals for items 1, 2, 3, 4, (5+6), 7, 8 are attributed to the total workshop cost minus waste and multiplied by 100% and each is recorded in its own line.

According to articles 5, 6, 7, 8, the calculation is carried out as follows:

First, in column 7 for each item, write down the annual amount of expenses, and then, dividing this amount by the annual output, you get the amount for each item for column 5.

The wages of the main workers are taken from the table for calculating the annual wage fund of production workers.

Social insurance contributions amount to 26.2% of the salary of main workers.

The costs of maintaining and operating equipment, as well as shop expenses, are calculated using special tables (see tables 7 and 8) and their results are recorded in column 7.

The workshop cost of 1 ton of products (sinter, nickel in matte, matte, etc.) is determined by adding the amounts in column 5, while it must be taken into account that the total amount “for returnable waste” is subtracted.

The workshop cost of annual production is determined by adding the annual amounts in column 7, while the total amount in article 9 “age waste” is subtracted.

The cost of the redistribution is calculated by adding the total amounts for articles 2-9, while the total amount for article 9 “returnable waste” is subtracted both in column 5 and in column 7. Main technical and economic indicators of the designed site (redistribution, definitions)

Table 10 – Main technical and economic indicators of the designed site.

Indicators Units Calculation data
1. quantity of installed equipment (sintering machines, converters, furnaces: “KS”, tubular, electric furnaces, etc.) 2. characteristics of the equipment, for example: converter capacity, furnace bottom area, etc. 3. annual volume of processing of raw materials (sinter, matte, cinder, etc.) 4. metal content in the feedstock 5. annual output of products (Ni in matte, Ni in cinder, etc.) 6. metal content in products 7. extraction of metal into products 8. payroll: 8.1. main workers 8.2. auxiliary workers 9. average monthly work of main workers 10. cost of fixed assets 11.

“The net income from my greenhouses is at least 200 thousand in the “high” season”

annual depreciation amount 12. workshop cost of 1 ton of products (Ni in nickel oxide, Co in enriched mass, etc.) 13. processing costs per 1 ton.

PC. t 68.3 t % t % % Person Person Rub. Rub. Rub. Rub. Rub.

Conclusions and offers

After completing the descriptive and computational parts of the course work, the student must present his conclusions and proposals on the economics of the area in question (redistribution, department). Conclusions should include a brief overview of the issues considered and a list of site performance indicators calculated in the course work.

After a brief review of the data obtained as a result of the calculations, proposals should be made to improve the operation of the site in question and increase its economic efficiency.

The grafical part

The assignment for the graphic part of the course work is issued by the teacher, taking into account the topic of the collected material, namely: a table is drawn up on a sheet of Whatman paper in A1 format: Main technical and economic indicators of the site (redistribution, department).

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How profitable is a business plan for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse?

The best varieties for growing cucumbers in greenhouses provide income all year round

The high yield and unpretentious conditions for growing cucumbers have allowed many entrepreneurs to pay attention to this crop. In a short time and with minimal investment, you can start a business growing green vegetables. The essence of the activity is simple: we set up greenhouses, install equipment for lighting, heating and watering - we grow and sell cucumbers all year round. And there will be demand. The population prefers fresh and aromatic vegetables produced domestically rather than tasteless and odorless imported products.

Growing cucumbers at home does not require large investments, and the high demand for finished products allows the home greenhouse business to quickly reach the payback point (in less than half a year). And if you also use new refreshment technologies to improve the photosynthesis process of plants, you can get higher yields from each square meter of the greenhouse without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Technical component of the business

We will assume that we already have a personal plot. At least 5-6 acres are free from outbuildings and residential buildings.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse for sale - where to start + possible risks and guarantees

You can, of course, rent the land. This is not difficult to do. And pay a little.

But! Agricultural business requires constant attention from the entrepreneur. It is necessary to timely water and treat plants against diseases, harvest crops, and maintain the temperature of the soil and air in the greenhouse. It’s easier to do all this while on the spot.

What equipment will be needed to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter using modern technologies?

  1. Greenhouses. The best option is modern durable polycarbonate on a lightweight metal structure. The width of the structure should not be more than five meters. To minimize heating and lighting costs, it is better to make a 1 m high recess inside the greenhouse. The walls of this trench must be strengthened. From below it is easier to remove weeds and harvest from bushes located on the “surface”. It turns out to be a kind of two-tier structure: above the ground - 0.9-1 m, underground - 1 m. Less heat loss means less heating costs.
  2. A boiler and a network of pipes connected to it. The heating unit must be universal: run on gas, solid and liquid fuel. The pipe system is designed to warm the air in the greenhouse and the layer of fertile soil. In such a situation, plants will have to be planted so that the root system does not overheat. Subsequently, when the business gains momentum and an “extra penny” appears, you can upgrade the greenhouse with a “warm floor” system.
  3. Lamps. New technologies make it possible to safely achieve high yields using inexpensive lighting devices. Thanks to special LED lamps emitting electromagnetic spectrum radiation (as in sunlight), the quality of the photosynthesis process increases. And the program control unit allows you to adjust the photoperiod, color temperature, light spectrum and output to obtain the best harvests in a short period. On the one hand, these lamps are more expensive than conventional lamps, but everyone knows that LEDs consume the least amount of electricity consumed. Accordingly, the costs will pay off after some time due to savings, not to mention higher yields. Such LED lamps allow you to enhance photosynthesis when growing cucumbers in the basement and even in barrels.
  4. Automatic watering system. At the initial stage, when funds are limited, you can bring hoses to the beds and connect them to an electric drive (press the button - watering begins). While the plants are small and weak, a millimeter nozzle is placed on the ends of the hoses. Then it changes to 5-8 mm.

Let's outline the approximate investments in a cucumber business.

Table 1. List of equipment for a greenhouse with an area of ​​250 sq.m.

* Expenses are conditional. The table is provided to help you understand how to calculate the amount of capital investment. You can find simpler, but cheaper equipment. And subsequently modernize.

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

To obtain large harvests all year round, we will choose from the best parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids. These are shade-tolerant cucumbers that form an ovary without pollination. Thus, these varieties allow you to grow cucumbers on the balcony, windowsill, and not just in the greenhouse and hotbeds. They do not need access from bees for pollination or ample light.

Their only drawback is that you won’t be able to collect seeds for next year yourself. Every year you will have to buy new cucumber seeds for the greenhouse.

Table 2. Characteristics of the most productive varieties.

Variety name

Ripening period (from germination to fruiting), days.

Cucumber yield in greenhouses, kg/sq.m

Fruit weight, g


Pickling, canning

April F1


Red mullet F1

Pickling, canning


Pickling, canning

Pickling, canning

Palace F1

Lukhovitsky F1

Pickling, canning

Manor F1

Pickling, canning

Tsarsky F1

* It is better to purchase seeds at seed stations. This way you have a better chance of buying the original variety. Plus, employees will be happy to share all the necessary information.

Efficient cultivation technology

To supply cucumbers to the market all year round, it is necessary to establish a three-rotation growing system. In winter and early spring, the price of fresh vegetables is at its highest. But the cost of production is also high (heating and lighting costs).

In summer and autumn, the price of cucumbers is minimal. But the cost is very low. All profits from the sale of the summer harvest can be used to offset future expenses for maintaining the greenhouse in the autumn-winter period.

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse and proper care:

  1. It is cheaper and faster to plant seeds directly in greenhouses. If the gardener’s experience is minimal, then, of course, seedlings are better. Seedlings can also be obtained at home on the windowsill. Regular boxes are prepared for her. One side is turned towards the window, the other is covered with foil. Additional lighting is a standard table lamp.
  2. The distance between the rows of sowing seeds is a meter. Between plants - 30 cm. Excessive thickening will lead to the spread of diseases.
  3. Air temperature during the day is 20-25°, at night – 18°. Soil temperature – 20-25°.
  4. Soil – fertile soil plus humus. Before planting, disinfect plants with a seven percent solution of copper sulfate.
  5. Soil humidity – 50-60%. Air – 90%. During fruiting, water every day.
  6. At the beginning of the growing season, they are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. For ripening - phosphorus-potassium. Plus mullein infusion. To prevent powdery mildew - copper sulfate, boric acid and potassium permanganate in equal proportions on the sheet.
  7. To prevent the abundance of weeds, the ground is covered with black mulch film 0.03-0.06.

In the winter-spring period, approximately half of the proceeds will go to fertilizers, soil, seeds, heating, water and light.

Ways of implementation

At the initial stage, it is better to sell fresh cucumbers at retail. When the quantity of products increases, it is necessary to establish permanent sales channels:

  • vegetable markets;
  • wholesale centers;
  • grocery stores;
  • catering points;
  • intermediaries between wholesale outlets and stores.

To increase the range and increase sales volumes, you can offer exotic varieties of cucumbers for pickling. Such as:

  • Pickling F1
  • Barrel pickling F1
  • Mommy's favorite F1
  • Lilliputian F1
  • Courage F1
  • Parisian gherkin
  • Nezhinka
  • Altai
  • Magnificent F

The search for distribution channels and networking should be done several months before the start of the mass harvest.

How to increase the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse

Cucumber is a unique vegetable, grown in greenhouses, in winter, spring and in open ground. This plant does very well in a greenhouse. The most comfortable conditions have been created for him there. But even in greenhouse conditions it is not always possible to achieve maximum harvest. To increase the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse from 1 square meter, you need to follow the basic tips that have been valid for every year in large industrial greenhouses. To increase the yield of each bush in the greenhouse, you should choose the right seeds, paying attention to the cucumber variety, since not all plants are adapted to develop in such conditions.

How to increase productivity?

Varieties of cucumbers that give an excellent harvest

The greenhouse is a universal design that allows you to grow all types of vegetable products all year round, increasing the overall yield. For greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to select only hybrid cucumbers that do not require pollination from external sources. Hybrid cucumber varieties have the following characteristics:

  • high resistance to temperature changes, high humidity in the air;
  • the ability to self-pollinate, which is not inherent in cucumber varieties planted in open ground;
  • ripen quickly, even in winter;
  • produce more fruits per 1 m2;
  • The taste of cucumber is sweet and has no bitterness.

For the greenhouse, excellent cucumber options are the following varieties:

  1. Pinocchio is a variety of hybrid origin that ripens very early. Average fruitfulness is up to 15 kilograms per 1 m2. Cucumbers are small, the average fruit size reaches up to 120 grams. The bush is very large and massive.
  2. White Night is an early ripening hydrid; crossing different types of cucumbers has made it possible to achieve resistance to cold. The fruit has a bumpy surface, the average yield reaches 12 kilograms per 1 m2.
  3. Talisman is a cucumber variety with a high rate of resistance to various diseases. The period of full ripening ranges from 50 to 54 days. The fruits are massive, up to two hundred grams, the bush is evenly covered with fruits. The yield of the variety reaches 14 kilograms.
  4. Summer resident is an early ripening variety of cucumber, the ripening period is from 40 to 45 days. This variety belongs to the group of gherkins. From one square meter of greenhouse you can collect on average more than 18 kilograms of fruit.

Preparing seeds for planting

The yield of cucumber in a greenhouse in winter, spring and autumn per 1 square meter depends on the preparation of the seeds.

What you need to know about growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter: a guide

Once you have decided on the variety, you need to properly prepare the seeds for sowing. Preliminary preparation will improve the quality of seedlings and the appearance of plant sprouts. The preparation process consists of the following sequential stages:

  • You should first prepare warm water. Immerse the purchased seeds for several hours, this is necessary for the outer shell to soften;

  • drain the water and place the seeds in a water-salt solution to soak them;
  • seeds that float above the surface of the water must be collected and discarded, since they completely lack endosperm;

  • place the selected seeds in gauze and place in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • After these procedures, the seeds are ready for sowing.

The preliminary measures taken will increase the yield several times. The photo shows an example of cucumbers grown from properly prepared seeds.

Increasing yields through soil preparation

The yield of cucumber per bush in a greenhouse per 1 square meter cannot be good if the soil is very depleted. It follows that the soil directly affects cucumbers. To improve it, it is necessary to add humus and various mineral fertilizers. The bed should be prepared about a month before planting seedlings or seeds. If you use a greenhouse to grow cucumbers all year round, then you need to let the soil rest for at least a month and feed it with fertilizers. The soil for planting must have the following properties:

  • porosity and drainage;
  • have slightly acidic or neutral acidity;
  • contain a high percentage of organic and mineral substances per 1 square meter.

The yield of cucumber in a greenhouse per year per 1 hectare will depend on all of the listed factors. Thus, the yield is influenced by: climate in the greenhouse, seed variety, seed preparation, soil, fertilizers. An increase in yield is achieved through long preparation of all components. If anyone thinks that growing cucumbers is a simple and uncomplicated matter, they are deeply mistaken. To increase soil fertility you will need a large amount of raw material and time. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse even in winter is not a problem; the yield is the same as during a warm period. First, try all of the above tips on a small area, and then, after practice, you can safely transfer the seedlings to an area of ​​more than 1 hectare.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse as a business

Growing vegetables can be quite a profitable business if organized correctly. Of course, organizing it will require a substantial investment of money, but it is much more important to have valuable information. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse all year round is one of the possible business options that will allow you to make a good profit.

What should be included in a business plan for organizing an industrial greenhouse in which vegetables can be grown all year round? Firstly, this is land lease. You will need a lot of space to get a really big harvest, and only this can bring real profit.

Secondly, this is the design of the greenhouse itself. Its industrial versions are much more expensive, because they use high-quality materials from metal and half-carbonate, and the scale of the construction itself for annual production is different. The minimum cost starts from 500 thousand rubles, but these costs do not include equipment that will allow you to grow vegetables all year round. But you will need to organize heating, lighting, automatic watering, and ventilation systems that will function annually.

Thirdly, the business plan includes the planting material itself along with various fertilizers, without which it is difficult to obtain a large harvest.

Fourthly, it is important to think through the product distribution chain. Absolutely all farmers are puzzled by this problem. Experienced businessmen say that growing vegetables in a greenhouse is not difficult. It is much more difficult to sell goods on time at an adequate price in order not only to cover production costs, but also to make a profit.

Why should you choose cucumbers as a vegetable to grow all year round? Because these are unpretentious plants that will bear fruit without any problems, and because these are quite popular vegetables on the Russian market. But, like every plant, cucumbers have their own cultivation characteristics that you need to know about. If you are not an agricultural technician, then your business plan should also include wages for agricultural specialists, who will increase productivity and achieve high profitability of greenhouses. You should never skimp on knowledge. In fact, you should carefully consider what kind of staff you will need to grow vegetables. If the area of ​​your greenhouse is approximately one hectare, then five people will be able to cope with the cultivation of cucumbers, including an agricultural technician, a manager and general workers.

Design selection

Assembling a greenhouse for growing vegetables all year round is not the most difficult thing. Most industrial structures have simple installation instructions. It is enough just to purchase such a greenhouse and pay for the work of the assemblers. But it is important to first choose the right greenhouse.

There are many options available in the market nowadays, but some of them are especially in demand for growing cucumbers.

For example, the “Farmer” greenhouse. This is an arched or gable structure made of polycarbonate and galvanized profile, available in various modifications. The reinforced design with double arcs is used in regions where gusts of wind and snow place additional stress on the greenhouse.

The Novator Premium greenhouse is also considered a good design for growing cucumbers all year round. This is a gable greenhouse made of polycarbonate, which allows you to grow vegetables all year round and on hanging racks. By the way, to increase business profitability, the cultivation of vegetables can be combined with the cultivation of herbs, which are unpretentious, but no less in demand on the Russian market. This greenhouse not only has good light transmittance, but also protects vegetables from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

To produce crops in warm regions, you can use a Mittlider polycarbonate greenhouse. It also has a gable roof, while on the north side of the roof it has a raised area for ventilation windows.

It is very important that the design is not only roomy, but also has a vestibule. Such additional space will allow you to organize the simplest heating systems without using useful space.

What additional systems will be needed to organize a greenhouse business? Cucumbers are vegetables that love warmth and moisture. Therefore, it is systems that can create such a microclimate inside that you need to pay attention to first of all. The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 20 degrees all year round, no less. As for the need for light, cucumbers require 11 hours of light.

Heating is quite simple to organize if it is possible to connect communications to the structure. But many farmers create a mini-CHP on its territory, which both supplies the greenhouse with electricity and generates heat.

Russian winters and autumn are characterized by a lack of light, so it is important to equip greenhouses with supplementary lighting systems. It will also be necessary to organize a curtain system, which will reduce the heating of the air on particularly hot summer days.

As you know, the drip irrigation system is a modern and economical option for irrigating plants. In a greenhouse for year-round growing of vegetables, it is simply necessary.

Seeds and seedlings

Experts advise paying attention to vegetable seeds from Russian companies that are bred in a certain climate. But there are also foreign companies that sell planting material bred by breeders taking into account special climatic conditions. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost of foreign seeds is much higher. When purchasing hybrid seeds, farmers are forced to buy annually not only planting material, but also protective equipment and fertilizers. Usually they come together.

In any case, parthenocarpic varieties, that is, cucumbers that bear fruit without pollination, are ideal for greenhouse farming.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse - growing as a business idea

Experts recommend paying attention to such varieties of cucumbers for growing all year round as “Annushka”, “Dynamite”, “Emelya”, “Hercules”, “Gunnar”. What is important when running a greenhouse business? So that the harvest is not only presentable, but also has a long shelf life and successfully withstands transportation. To grow cucumbers, choose varieties that bear fruit frequently and are resistant to major crop diseases. It is important that they have good taste.

Some farmers choose Chinese varieties of vegetables, which is quite logical. After all, most of the goods sold in stores are made in China. Such vegetables grow quite large, but they also spoil faster. Therefore, you should first establish sales.

In a greenhouse, cucumbers should be grown using a vertical trellis method. This way you can fit more vegetables in a smaller area. On average, there will be about 22 thousand bushes per hectare.

Fertilizer and protection

Not a single plant cultivated for sale can do without additional feeding. For the annual cultivation of cucumbers, humus, potassium sulfate, and chicken manure are usually used. It is important to consider that cultivating a large number of vegetables will require a large amount of fertilizer. This should also be reflected in the business plan. To feed plants in greenhouses, automation of this process is often required.

But if you want to keep up with the times, then other cultivation technologies can be envisaged for the production of vegetables. For example, growing plants on coconut mats is now popular. This substrate replaces soil. In such conditions, plants develop a powerful root system. However, this technology is suitable for small-volume greenhouse farming.

In addition to seeds and fertilizers, plants will need protection from pests and diseases that can appear even in the highest quality and regulated greenhouse with a good microclimate. Although this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm.

Sales of products

How much harvest can you get annually from a cucumber crop? According to the most conservative estimates, 35 tons, if the greenhouse area is about 500 square meters. Since cultivation occurs all year round, you will have about three tons of cucumbers per month. Therefore, issues of selling goods should be in your first place long before the greenhouse is built. Where can you sell your cucumber harvest? You will need to create your own sales offers for wholesale warehouses, vegetable markets, and chain stores. It is important to establish relationships with intermediaries, as well as sell vegetables directly from the place of production.

It is important that there are several sales options. It is the multivariate sales scheme that will allow you to sell goods consistently and not have to think about where to sell the harvest so that it does not spoil.

Many beginning farmers wonder: what is the profitability of the cucumber business? On average, this is 60%. This is not as much as in the case of growing strawberries, where profitability reaches 100%, but cucumbers are a product that is purchased much more often.

On average, to organize a business from scratch on an area of ​​500 square meters, you will need about 1.5-2 million rubles. The annual profit will be a little more than two million, which means that all expenses can be covered in a year.

This is not to say that growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a very simple task. After all, this vegetable will require the creation of special climatic conditions inside the structure. He loves warmth and humidity. But in the case of organizing an agro-industrial business, you need to focus, first of all, on the demand, which is great for cucumbers in Russia all year round.

Study the demand for cucumbers and the situation with competitors in your city. Calculate start-up costs, draw up the most detailed and realistic business plan.

Main risks

Competition is an important factor for small towns, whose residents grow cucumbers on their own in their dachas and garden plots. The demand for fresh vegetables increases only on holidays, and during the summer season the cost of cucumbers is quite low.

The main risk for any business associated with growing vegetables and fruits is plant diseases and the risk of crop loss. Deep knowledge of agronomy, choosing the right site and disease-resistant varieties, purchasing high-quality equipment and fertilizers will help minimize these risks.


If you have your own dacha or estate, at the initial stage the task of finding land is removed from the agenda.

Beginning entrepreneurs who do not have a plot of land should carefully study the offers outside the city limits. What you should pay attention to?

  1. Soil fertility. This is an important, but not critical indicator. Modern farming methods make it possible to increase fertility quickly and at minimal cost.
  2. Distance from the city where you plan to sell your products. Too much distance from a populated area increases the cost of transporting cucumbers.
  3. Possibility to buy a plot. Renting is not a very good option. If it is impossible to purchase land, try to enter into a long-term agreement.

To set up a greenhouse, there are standards for distance from populated areas, industrial enterprises and highways, area and layout of the site. Find out these requirements from sanitary authorities and architectural bureaus; be sure to take them into account when choosing the location of the farm.


Growing vegetables in open ground will bring some profit if large areas are cultivated and there is a wholesale buyer. But only farms with greenhouses and year-round production achieve high profitability (about 500%). With established marketing, the winter harvest of cucumbers brings income 2-2.5 times higher than sales of products in spring and summer.

With the invention and introduction of polycarbonate into mass production, the initial and ongoing costs of organizing work and the time spent on building greenhouses decreased sharply.

Let's consider the list and approximate cost of the necessary equipment to create a farm on an area of ​​0.5 hectares.

3 polycarbonate greenhouses including installation will cost $30,000-45,000. This is an average figure, because you can order the production of greenhouses from the manufacturer or reduce installation costs.

Automatic watering systems significantly save time caring for plants. They can also be used to apply water-soluble fertilizers. Depending on the type of system, its cost ranges from $1,000-1,5000. Professionals recommend paying attention to drip irrigation - this is one of the most progressive and effective systems.

To ensure heating of greenhouses, it is necessary to purchase boilers. The approximate cost of one is $1,000-1,2000. A separate boiler must be installed in each greenhouse. Soil heating kits are also needed. The cost of one is about $150. The quantity depends on the heated area and the design of the kits.

Additional lighting increases the chances of fighting diseases of cucumbers and allows them to accelerate their growth in the winter season. At the moment, experts recommend opting for LED lamps. Advantages: accelerated photosynthesis, long service life and cost-effectiveness. The cost of one lamp for lighting a greenhouse is about $250.

To transport products you need a cargo bus. Its cost is $10,000-15,000. Also, it is necessary to build utility rooms for storing equipment, fertilizers, containers, and seeds. You should budget $4,000-5,000 for the construction of these buildings.


To work in greenhouses with a total area of ​​0.5 hectares, it is worth hiring 3-4 workers. If you do not have an agronomic education, be sure to invite a specialist to work. A scientific approach to selecting seeds, increasing soil fertility and knowledge of the secrets of growing vegetable crops will allow you to avoid mistakes and achieve the highest possible profitability of the farm.

At first, you can hire an experienced part-time accountant to maintain financial records and prepare tax returns. You also need a driver to deliver cucumbers to wholesale buyers.

Salary depends on the average level in your region. Experienced owners advise not to skimp on wages. This will prevent theft and neglect of work.

Current expenses

The most important point is the acquisition of seeds. Choose hybrid varieties bred in specialized farms. As a rule, they are characterized by high yield, improved taste and resistance to the most common diseases. You should prepare $500-600 to purchase seeds throughout the year. Before receiving the first profits, it is advisable to have funds in reserve to cover basic operating expenses:

  • Electricity payment - $400-500.
  • Purchase of fertilizers - $800-1,000.
  • Purchase of fuel for heating greenhouses - $4,000-5,000.
  • Salary - $10,000-12,000.

You should have about $2,000-3,000 in reserve for small and unexpected expenses.

Documents and licenses

To run a cucumber growing business, you can choose one of several forms:

  1. Personal subsidiary farming. Such a business is exempt from paying many taxes; it is necessary to pay personal income tax on the sale of cucumbers. There are restrictions on the area of ​​the farm - no more than 0.5 hectares, but it can be increased to 2.5 hectares. If you plan to hire employees, expand your product range, or organize a retail network for its sale, it is better to choose a different form.
  2. Individual entrepreneur. Removes restrictions on farm area and the possibility of hiring workers.
  3. Peasant farming. A full-fledged legal entity, suitable for organizing a business on a partnership basis. Tax benefits are also provided.

To carry out business activities in vegetable growing, VAT, income and property taxes do not need to be paid. You can choose Unified Agricultural Tax – a tax on net income of 6%.

Agricultural activities are not subject to licensing. If you want to develop your business and cooperate with wholesale buyers, you must cooperate with sanitary control. Certificates and certificates for products are issued after checking cucumbers for the presence of prohibited chemicals. Also, supervisory authorities are required to check the growing conditions of products.

If you plan to work with heated greenhouses, you will need a permit from the fire department. For private farming, this is not a mandatory requirement. For the other two forms of business, if there are expansion plans and work with wholesale customers, it is advisable to bring the greenhouse premises into compliance with the standards.


You should start looking for buyers even before the harvest appears. The most effective and promising direction is the environmental friendliness of products. The use of organic fertilizers still increases the cost of vegetable crops, but scientists are actively working to reduce it. In the near future, most farms will switch to working on the principles of organic farming. Anyone who occupies this niche in the forefront is doomed to success.

Having the necessary certificates, you will be able to offer cucumbers to large retail chains, restaurants, school canteens and kindergartens.

Plan to expand your assortment and create your own distribution network. If your brand is associated with quality and a high level of service, high profits are guaranteed.

Sell ​​lightly salted cucumbers, try to organize the production of salads, pickled and pickled vegetables. A wide range and prompt response to changes in demand will allow you to not depend on the season.


Deep knowledge of technology, planning, the use of innovative farming methods and active marketing will help you create a successful business growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Russia is considered one of the largest agricultural countries in the world. Almost every family has its own plot of land on which various crops can be planted. Growing vegetables for sale (cucumbers) is an affordable and profitable type of business. Among all greenhouse crops, cucumbers are the most popular because they are easy to care for and are always in demand. In the article you will find information on where to start, a plan and how you can save in the first stages.

Business Features

Growing crops is a profitable and increasingly popular type of business. Despite the fact that the market is highly competitive, the demand for fresh vegetables remains throughout the year. By creating optimal conditions, several crops of cucumbers can be grown in one year, and if you have the necessary area and a greenhouse of 100 m2 or more, profitability increases to 200%.

When starting your own business, you should consider several factors - the demand for products in your region, the quality of the soil on the site and the availability of the necessary budget for the initial investment. This type of business has pros and cons that should be taken into account before making your first investment.


Growing cucumbers is one of the most common types of agriculture in Russia, as it has several significant advantages:

If you follow the cultivation technology, there will be no problems with yield or infection with pests and diseases. Despite the fact that cucumber is considered a finicky crop, it is suitable even for novice farmers.


Like any type of business, growing cucumbers has a number of disadvantages that can complicate entrepreneurial activity:

  • large financial investments are required for greenhouse equipment, which is especially noticeable at the very beginning of work;
  • significant costs are required for maintaining the greenhouse complex in winter and autumn;
  • there is strong competition in the vegetable market in some regions, so newcomers have to reduce the price of the product, which leads to loss of income;
  • gardening experience and skills are required, without which it is impossible to get a rich harvest.

Before you start investing money in the development of your business, it is advisable to register an individual entrepreneurship or peasant farm, and also obtain the right to land ownership of the site.

Greenhouse equipment requires large financial investments


The profitability of selling cucumbers depends on many factors, the most important of which are the time of year and the yield of the variety. If you follow the growing technology and use a large greenhouse, the profitability of the business increases several times.

For example, some high-yielding varieties (, and others) can produce up to 5 kg of fresh cucumbers in one season. Other high-yielding varieties of cucumbers are presented. The approximate price for this vegetable in central Russia is 140 rubles. When planting 200 bushes, the income from the sale will be 140 thousand rubles per planting cycle. It is important to consider that in summer and early autumn the price of agricultural products falls, so profits depend on the season.

Cucumbers of the varieties German, Kurazh, Emelya bring up to 5 kg of harvest per year


If you start a business within the framework of running a personal subsidiary plot, then all investments at the initial stage will be reduced only to the installation of a greenhouse and its equipment, as well as the purchase of all the necessary tools and consumables. Investments for these items amount to 450 thousand rubles when using a greenhouse with an area of ​​100-110 m 2. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the current costs of heating, electricity, water and logistics. On average, you can recoup your investment in 2 years if there is a market.

The initial investment boils down to the purchase of materials for building a greenhouse

Profit from growing this crop appears only when using large-area greenhouse structures. Income from the sale of cucumbers when planted in open ground and small greenhouses will only slightly exceed expenses.


Methods for selling products should be considered even before investing and building the first greenhouse. In the absence of sales sources, the profitability of cultivation decreases several times. Selling crops is an unpredictable and seasonal business, so it is advisable to develop multiple sales routes.

To begin with, you can start by retailing small volumes of cucumbers to invest in equipment and correct errors. It is more convenient to sell small batches yourself using retail outlets or through online platforms (advertising sites, social networks). In the future, sales can be expanded in two main areas:

  • catering establishments;
  • wholesale buyers.

In any case, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time on travel and negotiations with buyers, as well as delivery and storage of goods. To interest potential customers, you can reduce the price by 10-15% from the cost of competitors - this will attract attention to the product.

The main sale of cucumbers is their wholesale or retail trade

Even at the stage of business development, you should think about product packaging. It will not only preserve the marketable appearance of vegetables, but can attract new buyers.


Like any other type of business, growing cucumbers involves costs for the production of goods, their storage, transportation and sale. In the first stages, investments may exceed income, since a large amount is spent on creating conditions for cultivation. In the future, investments will only be required for consumables, repair and maintenance of greenhouses, and work with finished products.

Necessary equipment

To increase productivity and ease of care, you need to purchase the following devices and tools:

We will not be mistaken if we say that the topic growing cucumbers is familiar to most citizens of our country.

Cucumber contains up to 97% water and contains a lot of potassium. It is rich in complex organic substances that play an important role in metabolism in the human body. In any case, few agricultural crops in Russia can compare in popularity with cucumber.

Business idea for growing cucumbers for sale will always be relevant in Russia.

So, let's look at how you can make money on cucumbers. Perhaps our article will be of more interest to those who want to earn extra income.

You can earn income from the implementation of the following ideas:

Growing cucumbers in open ground in summer;

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in summer and winter;

Growing cucumbers in an apartment in winter;

Growing cucumber seedlings;

Growing cucumbers for seeds (by the way - very profitable and promising);

Production of pickled cucumbers and their sale.

By the way, from the point of view of classical botany, a cucumber is a fruit (it is the closest relative of a pumpkin, which is very close to a berry), but from a culinary point of view it is recognized as a vegetable.

On the Internet you can find specialized forums where you can find hundreds of times more information on growing cucumbers than is written in this article. We will not compete with specialists in the field of biology and botany; we simply recommend listening to the opinions of professionals on specialized sites.

In general, it’s better to start by studying the theory - how to choose good cucumber seeds, how to germinate seeds, how to plant cucumber seedlings in the ground, how to increase the yield of cucumbers... There are even favorable days for planting cucumbers. There are a lot of questions here; it is impossible to consider everything in one article.

Early varieties begin to bear fruit approximately 40-50 days after the appearance of the first shoots (sprouts). Harvesting can be done from about mid-June to September, depending on the climate zone and variety.

It is better to water cucumbers with warm water. Fertilizers, manure, and peat compost are widely used. Fresh manure is not recommended; it is said to make cucumbers bitter. Vermicompost significantly increases the yield of cucumbers.

To get a more complete picture of business opportunities in this area, try to keep a record of all the cucumbers collected (in pieces and kilograms) over the entire summer at your summer cottage. If you don’t have your own plot, ask relatives and friends to keep this record. This way you will get an idea of ​​the specific results of doing business if you suddenly decide to deal with this issue closely. It should be remembered that the yield of cucumbers for an amateur gardener can always be significantly increased.

There are a huge number of varieties of cucumbers - we will not take the liberty of recommending any specific one, it all depends on many factors. You can start listing, but it will take too much time - Muromsky, Zozulya, Vyaznikovsky, Kustovoy, Competitor, Masha, Champion, Matilda, Evita, Othello, Lord, Levina, Farmer...

You should know that there are both self-pollinating and bee-pollinated varieties (although they are pollinated not only by bees, but also by other insects).

Let's consider all the options for making money on cucumbers in more detail. Of course, you can combine all methods of earning money, making the most of this business.

Growing cucumbers in open ground in summer

This is the easiest way to earn money. In most of Russia, cucumbers can be grown in ordinary beds. Buy seedlings (or seeds - it’s cheaper). You dig a garden bed and fertilize it. The main thing is not to forget to water on time. Cucumbers love water very much. In order for cucumbers to “get used” to the cold, experienced gardeners “harden” the seedlings by placing pots of seedlings on the balcony or loggia for the day.

When the seedlings are planted, they are covered with special material, or covered with halves of 5-liter plastic bottles - every summer resident has a lot of such stuff. Covering material increases productivity by 3-5 times. Don't forget about weeding.

Of course, the yield greatly depends on the variety.

Cucumbers from the ground, as a rule, are better stored compared to “greenhouse” ones, but it all depends on the variety and storage conditions.

From 1 sq. meters, when grown in open ground, you can harvest up to 4-5 kg ​​of cucumbers. From 6 acres you can produce about 3 tons of cucumbers. There are approximately 12-13 cucumbers per kilogram (the weight of an “average” cucumber is about 80 grams, although this figure is very arbitrary).

Towards the end of summer, “in season” on the market, on average, a kilogram of cucumbers costs about 30-50 rubles.

The most important thing here is implementation. You can hand over the grown products for sale to stores. However, in this case there will be a large loss of revenue.

Usually, they first look for a buyer, and then remove cucumbers from the garden for a specific order. Otherwise, you can simply ruin the product.

When growing cucumbers in open ground, you need a large area of ​​land to earn more or less serious money.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in summer and winter

This is also a method familiar to most summer residents. Polycarbonate greenhouses are now very popular.

A polycarbonate greenhouse measuring 6x3 meters will cost approximately 15-20 thousand rubles, including installation. Don’t be afraid of these investments - firstly, the amount is not that big, and the investment will pay off within a season; secondly, the greenhouse will last for many years; thirdly, in a greenhouse you can grow a lot of other things besides cucumbers and tomatoes, which we will also talk about later, and the profit will be several times higher.

From 1 sq. meter in a greenhouse you can harvest up to 30 kg of cucumbers. The best results are shown by state farms and factories - they achieve results of up to 50-55 kg of cucumbers per 1 sq. meters.

From a greenhouse with an area of ​​18 sq.m. you can remove up to 500-550 kg of cucumbers.

At a price of 40 rubles per kilogram, the greenhouse will pay for itself within a season. There will be net profit in the following years.

In winter, heating and watering will be required. If you do not plan to engage in farming seriously, then it is better not to start it as a business, although the idea is very promising. You will not be able to compete on price with state farms and plants. When building a large-area greenhouse, a lot of investments will be required. It is more convenient to heat large areas using gas supply.

Growing cucumbers in an apartment (including in winter)

Cucumbers are grown on balconies (loggias) and on window sills.

The most important question here is the question of pollination (in winter there is a problem with this - there are no insects). Of course, you can also grow self-pollinating varieties.

In general, people usually grow cucumbers in an apartment for themselves. Growing for sale is only possible if you have extensive experience in growing cucumbers in order to get the maximum yield from every square meter.

Even if you rent a one-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq.m. and plant it with cucumbers, you will not receive a significant amount of money as a result, which can be expected from growing other crops.

But in winter, the cost of a kilogram of cucumbers is usually 2-4 times higher than the “summer” price and can reach 150-200 rubles per kilogram. If you can’t sell, at the very least you will eat your fresh cucumbers.

Many varieties are suitable for growing in an apartment, for example, “Room Rytova”, “Miracle on the Window”.

Growing cucumber seedlings

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse accelerates the appearance of cucumbers 10-15 days earlier than usual, compared to planting seeds. This is why seedlings are so popular among summer residents.

Everything is simple here - we buy seeds, germinate them, and sell seedlings. On average, the cost of seedlings (one sprout) is about 10-15 rubles. This doesn’t seem like much, but there’s no special labor involved. When growing in an apartment, the land can be prepared in the fall.

Seedlings can also be planted in a greenhouse. See for yourself - for one seedling, use an area of ​​approximately 7cm x 7cm. This is 0.0049 square meters. meters. In a greenhouse with an area of ​​18 sq.m. (size 6 meters x 3 meters) you can grow up to 3.3 thousand sprouts (take a useful area of ​​16 sq.m. - leave 2 sq.m. for passage). We multiply 3.3 thousand by 10 rubles - it turns out 33 thousand rubles... Of course, there will be expenses for seeds and other expenses, but if you wish, you can “grow” yourself a good smartphone in this way, and there will still be left...

Growing cucumbers for seeds

Here we come to a very interesting and promising business idea. Without getting lost in thought, let’s say that a kilogram of cucumber seeds costs about 18 thousand rubles on the market.

Well, now some numbers, if they don’t bore you.

1,000 seeds cost on average about 1,500 rubles. One seed, depending on the variety, costs about 1-2 rubles. To be honest, we didn’t count how many seeds there are in a cucumber. According to experts, one cucumber contains approximately 50-150 “usable” seeds. In general, imagine when you eat a cucumber how much it costs, taking this into account...

There are approximately 25-35 cucumber seeds in one gram. Amounts in different sources may differ, this is explained by different sizes of seeds and the degree of their dryness.

There are, respectively, 25 thousand - 35 thousand pieces of seeds per kilogram. 1 cucumber seed weighs approximately 0.028-0.04 grams.

1,000 seeds weigh 28-40 grams.

Let's estimate the yield - and this is approximately 30 kg (360 pieces) of cucumbers per 1 sq. meters. Accordingly, one greenhouse measuring 6x3 meters is capable of producing 6.5 thousand (!) cucumbers per season.

And if you manage to collect 100 seeds from each cucumber, the amount doubles. And if…

In general, you can collect up to 5 grams from one seed cucumber. seeds

You may be surprised by such profitability. Nevertheless, this is true, although not everything is so rosy, there are many nuances. Not all varieties are suitable for obtaining seeds. Hybrid varieties are not used to obtain seeds - subsequently all the properties of “varietal” cucumbers are lost. Seeds are collected from overripe cucumbers (they turn yellow). To obtain “yielding” seeds, “female” cucumbers are usually used - when cut in cross-section, they are square in cross-section (male cucumbers are triangular). It is believed that maximum germination of seeds is achieved after 2-5 years of storage.

Among the fruits obtained, we select the best cucumbers - selective selection is carried out. Although in practice, of course, business “dealers” use absolutely all cucumbers to obtain seeds.

There are special machines for extracting seeds from cucumbers. Its cost can reach about 100-150 thousand rubles, but it will pay for itself.

Buyers usually buy seeds from “trusted” sellers and recommend them to their friends. By ensuring good quality seeds, you will create a good basis for business expansion in the future.

There are now a lot of low-quality seeds on the market. There is no need to be afraid of competition from “chain retailers” - people will be more willing to buy in a small shop if they trust the seller than in a large chain store.

In general, if you are unable to sell your cucumber harvest, do not despair, you can use them for seeds and earn even more.

Cucumber seeds remain viable for up to 8-10 years if stored properly.

There is no need to throw away the remaining cucumbers - it is more expedient to sell it - for example, offer it to pig farms for animal feed - this way you can get additional income.

With a large scale of activity, this business can be conducted by registering as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC. There is a very good video on the topic of choosing between individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with a comparative analysis of the main criteria, we recommend that you watch it. The video is located.

Production of pickled cucumbers and their sale

Older people probably know how to pickle cucumbers. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. The main ingredients here are cucumbers, clean water (ideally spring water), salt, dill, black currant leaves, oak leaves. Crispy cucumber has always been and will be valued in Russia as both a snack and simply as an addition to salads or potatoes. The main buyers will be vegetarian cafes, canteens, restaurants... They themselves will resolve issues with regulatory authorities. You can simply sell the pickles at the market, or offer the product for sale to other sellers.

In general, for those who can distinguish a watering can from a shovel, there are always options to earn extra money at their own dacha.

More information on this idea for starting and running a business can be obtained.

Growing vegetables can be quite a profitable business if organized correctly. Of course, organizing it will require a substantial investment of money, but it is much more important to have valuable information. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse all year round is one of the possible business options that will allow you to make a good profit.

What should be included in a business plan for organizing an industrial greenhouse in which vegetables can be grown all year round? Firstly, this is land lease. You will need a lot of space to get a really big harvest, and only this can bring real profit.

Secondly, this is the design of the greenhouse itself. Its industrial versions are much more expensive, because they use high-quality materials from metal and half-carbonate, and the scale of the construction itself for annual production is different. The minimum cost starts from 500 thousand rubles, but these costs do not include equipment that will allow you to grow vegetables all year round. But you will need to organize heating, lighting, automatic watering, and ventilation systems that will function annually.

Thirdly, the business plan includes the planting material itself along with various fertilizers, without which it is difficult to obtain a large harvest.

Fourthly, it is important to think through the product distribution chain. Absolutely all farmers are puzzled by this problem. Experienced businessmen say that growing vegetables in a greenhouse is not difficult. It is much more difficult to sell goods on time at an adequate price in order not only to cover production costs, but also to make a profit.

Why should you choose cucumbers as a vegetable to grow all year round? Because these are unpretentious plants that will bear fruit without any problems, and because these are quite popular vegetables on the Russian market. But, like every plant, cucumbers have their own cultivation characteristics that you need to know about. If you are not an agricultural technician, then your business plan should also include wages for agricultural specialists, who will increase productivity and achieve high profitability of greenhouses. You should never skimp on knowledge. In fact, you should carefully consider what kind of staff you will need to grow vegetables. If the area of ​​your greenhouse is approximately one hectare, then five people will be able to cope with the cultivation of cucumbers, including an agricultural technician, a manager and general workers.

Design selection

Assembling a greenhouse for growing vegetables all year round is not the most difficult thing. Most industrial structures have simple installation instructions. It is enough just to purchase such a greenhouse and pay for the work of the assemblers. But it is important to first choose the right greenhouse.

There are many options available in the market nowadays, but some of them are especially in demand for growing cucumbers.

For example, the “Farmer” greenhouse. This is an arched or gable structure made of polycarbonate and galvanized profile, available in various modifications. The reinforced design with double arcs is used in regions where gusts of wind and snow place additional stress on the greenhouse.

The Novator Premium greenhouse is also considered a good design for growing cucumbers all year round. This is a gable greenhouse made of polycarbonate, which allows you to grow vegetables all year round and on hanging racks. By the way, to increase business profitability, the cultivation of vegetables can be combined with the cultivation of herbs, which are unpretentious, but no less in demand on the Russian market. This greenhouse not only has good light transmittance, but also protects vegetables from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

To produce crops in warm regions, you can use a Mittlider polycarbonate greenhouse. It also has a gable roof, while on the north side of the roof it has a raised area for ventilation windows.

It is very important that the design is not only roomy, but also has a vestibule. Such additional space will allow you to organize the simplest heating systems without using useful space.

What additional systems will be needed to organize a greenhouse business? Cucumbers are vegetables that love warmth and moisture. Therefore, it is systems that can create such a microclimate inside that you need to pay attention to first of all. The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 20 degrees all year round, no less. As for the need for light, cucumbers require 11 hours of light.

Heating is quite simple to organize if it is possible to connect communications to the structure. But many farmers create a mini-CHP on its territory, which both supplies the greenhouse with electricity and generates heat.

Russian winters and autumn are characterized by a lack of light, so it is important to equip greenhouses with supplementary lighting systems. It will also be necessary to organize a curtain system, which will reduce the heating of the air on particularly hot summer days.

As you know, the drip irrigation system is a modern and economical option for irrigating plants. In a greenhouse for year-round growing of vegetables, it is simply necessary.

Seeds and seedlings

Experts advise paying attention to vegetable seeds from Russian companies that are bred in a certain climate. But there are also foreign companies that sell planting material bred by breeders taking into account special climatic conditions. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost of foreign seeds is much higher. When purchasing hybrid seeds, farmers are forced to buy annually not only planting material, but also protective equipment and fertilizers. Usually they come together.

In any case, parthenocarpic varieties, that is, cucumbers that bear fruit without pollination, are ideal for greenhouse farming.

Experts recommend paying attention to such varieties of cucumbers for growing all year round as “Annushka”, “Dynamite”, “Emelya”, “Hercules”, “Gunnar”. What is important when running a greenhouse business? So that the harvest is not only presentable, but also has a long shelf life and successfully withstands transportation. To grow cucumbers, choose varieties that bear fruit frequently and are resistant to major crop diseases. It is important that they have good taste.

Some farmers choose Chinese varieties of vegetables, which is quite logical. After all, most of the goods sold in stores are made in China. Such vegetables grow quite large, but they also spoil faster. Therefore, you should first establish sales.

In a greenhouse, cucumbers should be grown using a vertical trellis method. This way you can fit more vegetables in a smaller area. On average, there will be about 22 thousand bushes per hectare.

Fertilizer and protection

Not a single plant cultivated for sale can do without additional feeding. For the annual cultivation of cucumbers, humus, potassium sulfate, and chicken manure are usually used. It is important to consider that cultivating a large number of vegetables will require a large amount of fertilizer. This should also be reflected in the business plan. To feed plants in greenhouses, automation of this process is often required.

But if you want to keep up with the times, then other cultivation technologies can be envisaged for the production of vegetables. For example, growing plants on coconut mats is now popular. This substrate replaces soil. In such conditions, plants develop a powerful root system. However, this technology is suitable for small-volume greenhouse farming.

In addition to seeds and fertilizers, plants will need protection from pests and diseases that can appear even in the highest quality and regulated greenhouse with a good microclimate. Although this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm.

Sales of products

How much harvest can you get annually from a cucumber crop? According to the most conservative estimates, 35 tons, if the greenhouse area is about 500 square meters. Since cultivation occurs all year round, you will have about three tons of cucumbers per month. Therefore, issues of selling goods should be in your first place long before the greenhouse is built. Where can you sell your cucumber harvest? You will need to create your own sales offers for wholesale warehouses, vegetable markets, and chain stores. It is important to establish relationships with intermediaries, as well as sell vegetables directly from the place of production.

It is important that there are several sales options. It is the multivariate sales scheme that will allow you to sell goods consistently and not have to think about where to sell the harvest so that it does not spoil.

Many beginning farmers wonder: what is the profitability of the cucumber business? On average, this is 60%. This is not as much as in the case of growing strawberries, where profitability reaches 100%, but cucumbers are a product that is purchased much more often.

On average, to organize a business from scratch on an area of ​​500 square meters, you will need about 1.5-2 million rubles. The annual profit will be a little more than two million, which means that all expenses can be covered in a year.

This is not to say that growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a very simple task. After all, this vegetable will require the creation of special climatic conditions inside the structure. He loves warmth and humidity. But in the case of organizing an agro-industrial business, you need to focus, first of all, on the demand, which is great for cucumbers in Russia all year round.