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What does the agave plant help with? Aloe - medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits and harms, recipes. Photo gallery: medicinal types of aloe

Aloe This thorny shrub belongs to the genus Aloe, which means “bitter” in Arabic. Aloe was brought to Europe by the Arabs, which is why the name of the plant is Arabic. Belongs to succulents, the Asphodeliaceae family. All representatives of the genus are characterized by fleshy, dense leaves with juicy pulp. Not all aloes are miniature - among them there are tree-like, shrubby species and spreading vines.

IN room conditions aloe grows up to 20 years, blooms very rarely. Wild and cultivated species growing in nature are famous for their abundant inflorescences of white, red, yellow flowers. Aloe has amazing vitality: if the plant is uprooted, it retains its properties for several weeks.

Aloe leaves at least 15 cm long are used as medicinal raw materials. Mineral salts There is as much in agave juice as in human blood serum.

Types of aloe

About 400 species of aloe are known in nature, about 20 of them are used as indoor plants. However, not all succulents of this genus have medicinal qualities. Aloe vera (Agave) and Aloe Vera (Barbados) are used as raw materials for pharmacological and therapeutic purposes.

The most common types of plants include:

Spinous (aloe with beautifully colored leaves and inflorescences).

Folded (plant 3-5 meters high with a low trunk).

Descoingsi (the most elegant and miniature type of aloe).

Variegated (the plant has striped leaves).

Quiver (symbol of Namibia, tree up to 9 meters).

Many types of aloe are not at all what we are used to seeing. For example, gardeners really like the variegated or tiger-like appearance of a plant. The original coloring of the leaves in the form of patterns, stripes or spots attracts attention. In the warm season, tiger aloe is covered with bright orange inflorescences.

Interesting appearance has aloe white-flowered. Juicy, dense leaves are chocolate-colored. This type of aloe grows to small sizes, and during the flowering period the plant produces amazing white flowers, similar to small field bells.


Aloe contraindications

Many adherents of alternative methods of treatment, knowing beneficial features aloe, they forget about its contraindications. The use of agave is safe only if it is applied externally, of course, if there is no allergy to the components of the plant.

Regarding the ingestion of the plant or the use of injections, there are absolute contraindications to aloe that must be taken into account.

Aloe is contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy and lactation
  • With exacerbation of cholecystitis
  • If hemorrhoids are diagnosed
  • For diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems
  • If there are pathologies of the liver and kidneys
  • In case of malfunctions of cardio-vascular system
  • Inflammation of parts of the brain
  • Women during menstruation

Women who are prescribed aloe-based medications should remember special caution. Their use during menstruation can cause increased bleeding, severe pain, and impaired menstrual cycle. Acids and plant components negatively affect intrauterine circulation, especially if the drugs are used intramuscularly.

Aloe contraindications should be remembered by people diagnosed with hemorrhoids. The plant causes increased blood filling of blood vessels, which can cause bleeding and the appearance of varicose nodes.

People over 40 should also take aloe with caution.

And for people prone to the formation of tumors, aloe is completely contraindicated. But the external use of aloe has no contraindications.


Beneficial properties of aloe

Juice, aloe leaves, extract and condensed juice (sabur) are used for therapeutic and pharmacological purposes. Aloe has become extremely popular for external use.

Its juice is used for compresses, lotions, irrigations for skin diseases, sunburn and X-ray damage to the epidermis.

By virtue of bactericidal properties aloe destroys the action of pathogenic microbes - dysentery and E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci.

It is also used for stomatitis and gingivitis (add a few drops of juice to water and rinse your mouth).

The beneficial properties of aloe are due to the content of more than 200 valuable substances in the plant. The plant contains vitamins of groups C, B, A, PP, E, phytoncides, amino acids, glycosides, antioxidants, essential oils.

Aloe leaves and juice contain vitamin B12, which vegetarians especially lack, because this vitamin is found mainly in animal products.

Thanks to the natural antibiotics contained in aloe, it is used to treat gastritis, tuberculosis, pancreatitis, ophthalmological diseases, and colitis.

The juice and sabur of the plant are raw materials for the manufacture of medical preparations that have a therapeutic and preventive effect on the body:

  • In the treatment of constipation, gastritis with increased acidity.
  • To get rid of anemia (in combination with iron supplements). Because aloe juice promotes more complete and uniform absorption of iron. Therefore, in pharmacies you can often find aloe syrup together with iron.
  • In order to enhance the regenerative properties of tissues in case of damage, purulent and infectious wounds.
  • For neurosis, asthenia, migraines.
  • For the treatment of respiratory diseases and digestive system.
  • For colds, rhinitis, flu, diseases of the upper respiratory tract(for sore throats).
  • To reduce blood cholesterol.
  • At peptic ulcer.
  • For eye diseases.

Healing gels are produced from agave, which are used to treat kidney stones, psoriasis, and herpes.

The plant has a general strengthening and tonic effect, increases the body's immune strength, and prevents the development of infections, fungi and viruses. After all, aloe contains a large number of biological stimulants - these substances maintain the overall tone of the body and help normalize many of its processes.

Aloe: beneficial properties in cosmetology

Rich composition and unique properties aloe allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes. Based on the juice of this plant, creams, serums, facial gels, smoothing and rejuvenating products, lotions, and shampoos are produced. Well-known manufacturers use entire cosmetic lines based on the plant, which are extremely popular.

Aloe produces a soothing, moisturizing, antibacterial and restorative effect on the skin due to its high content of biologically active substances. The use of plant juice helps cleanse pores, stimulate collagen production, and maintain youthful and fresh skin.

Agave-based preparations penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, enhance metabolism, relieve inflammation and irritation. Due to its regenerative properties (due to the presence of vitamins A and E), aloe is included in restorative emulsions for sunburn. Aloe helps well with problematic and oily skin - it gets rid of acne, rashes, and perfectly smoothes the surface of the skin.

You can use aloe juice when washing your face by simply adding a few drops to water.

Aloe is used in the fight against cellulite and is used in the manufacture of hair products. Plant-based shampoos and masks help get rid of dandruff, restore hair structure, strengthen the hair follicle and prevent hair loss. Using the juice of aloe leaves, they produce healing remedies for cracks and calluses.

Aloe: beneficial properties in gynecology

In the medical field, aloe and preparations based on it are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Fresh juice is useful to take orally for cervical dysplasia, menopause, irregular menstruation, and erosion. The use of juice in addition to basic medical treatment is indicated.

Agave injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • For recovery after gynecological operations
  • In case of obstruction fallopian tubes
  • For the treatment of adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages
  • To neutralize infections and bacteria
  • In combination with other drugs in the treatment of infertility
  • For the treatment of ovarian cysts, erosions
  • In the treatment of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureplasmosis

In gynecology, aloe is used for medicinal tampons. Intravaginal use of aloe as tampons is used for colpitis, thrush (reproduction of Candida microorganisms), vulvitis.

Aloe tincture

To prepare a healing aloe tincture you need:

  1. Take fresh aloe leaves about 15 cm (1 kg) long. Leaves of this length have already accumulated a sufficient amount of valuable biologically active substances. Before cutting the aloe leaves, it is advisable to water the plant abundantly in advance.
  2. They need to be wrapped in foil and kept in the refrigerator for 20 days.
  3. Then these sheets are crushed, placed in a glass container and sprinkled with 1 cup of granulated sugar.
  4. Leave in a cool place for 3 days.
  5. Pour the resulting juice into a clean jar, squeeze the remaining aloe leaves well in gauze. Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka and place in the refrigerator. The tincture is ready.

The remedy is used depending on the disease, taking into account contraindications of aloe, for the treatment of digestive diseases, constipation, gastritis, dental and ophthalmological ailments. The tincture is used externally to eliminate acne and treat oily, problem skin. The product is used in combination with alocasia and geranium in the treatment of cancer.

Aloe for weight loss

By itself, this medicinal plant does not have fat-burning properties. The main purpose of aloe for weight loss is a powerful laxative effect and cleansing of the body.

As a result of the strong laxative effect of aloe juice, the body is cleansed, metabolism is normalized, which, together with proper diet gradually brings weight back to normal

In the fight against excess weight, the juice of the plant is used in combination with a small amount of honey. Agave is very bitter, so it is very difficult to take it on your own. The juice of the plant is taken in the evening, 15 minutes before dinner, for a course of two weeks.

However, you should remember that there are contraindications to aloe and do not abuse products based on it. Taking agave as a laxative can lead to dire consequences. Long-term use is fraught with inflammation of the mucous membranes and addiction, after which additional stimulation of bowel movements is required.

Aloe during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Agave juice is prohibited for use by women during pregnancy. The plant contains laxative components that can lead to tension and tone of the uterus. Such processes are dangerous due to miscarriage or premature birth. later. Despite the beneficial properties of aloe, taking medications containing it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Also, aloe juice is excluded from a woman’s diet during lactation. WITH breast milk components of the plant enter the body of a newborn, which can lead to severe allergic rashes, digestive disorders, and colic.

During pregnancy and lactation, if there is no individual intolerance, only external use of non-concentrated agave juice is possible for medicinal purposes.

Even ancient healers knew about the healing properties of this succulent. They actively used it for a variety of purposes, as they indicated in their medical treatises. Surprisingly, the first mention of aloe as a medicinal plant dates back to 2000 BC. e.

And today the succulent is successfully used in the pharmaceutical industry; aloe extract is included in preparations and biological additives. And in addition, you can prepare medicines from juice and gel at home: aloe ointment, infusions, drops, solutions, juice balms, single-component and multi-component - there are many recipes for various ailments that are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacy ones. No wonder this succulent received the nickname “windowsill doctor.”

This succulent exists, but, as a rule, in almost every home there are two representatives - Barbados or real agave and aloe vera. Both plants are used for medicinal purposes and cosmetology; aloe vera contains a healing gel, while agave leaves are filled with valuable juice. These formulations are rich in the following beneficial substances:

  • amino acids - they actively participate in regeneration processes;
  • B vitamins - necessary components for full cellular metabolism;
  • tannins - these water-soluble organic compounds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, thanks to which skin wounds heal quickly and without complications;
  • carotenoids - natural pigments necessary for the body to obtain vitamin A; it is useful for the organs of vision and skin;
  • catechin - an important flavonoid with an antihistamine effect;
  • mineral salts - maintain the acid-base balance in the body, normalize water-salt metabolism;
  • enzymes: amylase and lipase help digestive processes, breaking down fats and sugars, and also fight inflammation;
  • flavonoids - substances that have a complex effect: disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, decongestant, antihistamine, etc.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the beneficial properties of aloe vera and agave are not inferior in effectiveness to medical drugs. But it is important to know how to properly extract raw materials so that they do not lose their healing properties.

Preparation of raw materials

Almost all parts of the succulent are used in pharmaceuticals: roots, juice and pulp of leaves, they are used both in pure form and prepared as sabur or added to other components. At the pharmacy you can purchase ampoules containing liquid extract of the plant.

As a rule, at home, juice and gel mass are extracted from it, which are used as an independent medicine or prepare various preparations based on them.

There are a number of nuances that you should be aware of so that the resulting raw materials have a therapeutic effect:

  • you need to take a succulent 3–7 years old; its leaves contain a high concentration of useful substances, while in a young plant they are not enough, and in an older plant they steadily decrease;
  • Before collecting the juice, it is recommended not to water the flower for several weeks; this will allow useful elements to accumulate in its parts;
  • It is better to extract juice and gel from the lower, fleshy leaves, at least 15 cm long, which must be cut with a sharp knife; you can take the whole leaf or part of it;
  • they must be used immediately, since after 4 hours everything healing properties aloe are lost;
  • scientists have proven that once in a cold and dark place, a succulent begins to produce natural biostimulants, so it is recommended to wrap the cut leaves in dark paper or foil and put them in the refrigerator for a week and a half; but it is important to take into account the specifics of the recipe; in some cases fresh leaves are required.

Can be used different ways for making aloe juice. For example, pass parts of the succulent through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, and squeeze the resulting pulp through several layers of gauze. Aloe leaves can be cut lengthwise and the gel-like pulp can be scooped out with a teaspoon.
Store the resulting medicine in the refrigerator, placing it in a glass container and sealing it tightly.

Preparation of sabur involves evaporation of the plant juice, resulting in a highly concentrated medicinal composition. It is taken in small doses, most often diluted with water beforehand.

Aloe - helps the immune system

Aloe juice is considered a powerful natural biostimulant that increases the adaptogenic properties of the body. If a malfunction occurs defense mechanisms, then immunity is significantly reduced, which means that organs and systems become very vulnerable to hostile agents. And to strengthen immune system, both during the course of the disease and for preventive purposes, it is recommended to take preparations with aloe - pharmacy or made at home.

Almost all formulations made from natural ingredients have a short shelf life. Therefore, they are prepared before consumption and consumed within one to three days. The exception is tinctures made with alcohol and vodka; they require some time to prepare, but they are stored for quite a long time and can be made in reserve.

The best folk recipes from aloe for immunity

Aloe juice is a powerful immunomodulatory stimulating agent that can be taken as a stand-alone medicine or used to prepare healing compositions.

Mix with Cahors

For such an immunostimulating tincture you need:

  • Cahors - 300 ml;
  • natural honey - 150 g;
  • succulent juice or gel - 150 ml.

All components are combined, mixed and placed in a dark glass container. The tincture is infused in a cool, dark place for 7–10 days, after which it can be taken. It is intended only for adults; drink it one tablespoon three times a day before meals. Duration of therapy is 4–6 weeks.

Recipe with wine and honey

For this tincture you need the following:

  • bottle of Cahors (750 ml);
  • 700 g of a mixture of crushed succulent leaves and honey, the components are taken 1:1.

The ingredients are mixed, placed in a container and sent for a week and a half in a dark, cool place. After time, the liquid must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to take the tincture for a month, 1 tbsp before meals.
It is recommended to drink such remedies both for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Honey-lemon remedy with aloe

All these components in themselves are effective means for increasing immunity, and in combination they make one of the most effective medicines. The following components are required:

  • natural honey - 300 g;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • succulent leaves - 3 pieces, at least 15 cm long.

Citrus fruits and leaves are passed through a meat grinder, in their entirety, with spines and peel. You need to add honey to the mixture and place the container with the product to infuse in the dark and cool for a week.

Immunostimulating bars

Most products made from aloe leaves do not have a pleasant taste and are not easy to give to young patients. However, you can make a delicious medicine from aloe at home, giving it the look and taste of a sweet treat - a candy bar with nuts. Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg of peeled walnuts, preferably chopped;
  • 100 ml of pulp from succulent leaves;
  • 300 g of natural thick honey;
  • one orange.

The first three ingredients are mixed, crushed citrus is added to the mixture. Bars-balls are formed from the mass. 1-2 balls a day will help support the child’s immunity, which is especially important during the off-season, when there is a peak in colds.

Alcohol tincture of aloe

To prepare the product, take 3 ingredients in equal volumes: vodka, succulent and beekeeping product. If the honey is too thick, you can first hold it in a water bath to achieve a more liquid consistency. Juice is prepared from aloe using any suitable method.

All components are combined, the mixture should be mixed well, placed in a container and left for 10 days in the dark and cool.
The medicine is taken 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

Product with oil
  • butter - 0.1 kg;
  • honey - 40–50 g;
  • succulent juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Prepare a mixture of juice, honey and oil, mix everything thoroughly. For the treatment of acute forms of the disease, the composition is taken twice a day, 1 tbsp, a single dose for children is 1 tsp. It is recommended to drink it with a small amount of warm milk.

Such simple remedies allow you to fill your body with vitamins and antioxidants, which give strength and improve immunity. They should be taken if you feel chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency appears and colds occur frequently.

Homemade succulent in ophthalmology

The juice of this plant is used for, however, it is important to take into account some features of the visual organs and not forget about precautions. Solutions for rinsing are prepared from the healing liquid, it is used for compresses and instilled into the eyes.

When preparing preparations with aloe, it is necessary to maintain sterility: only clean work surfaces, containers and instruments are used.

Using products with succulent juice, you can get rid of eye fatigue, relieve swelling and irritation, and eliminate the symptoms of chalazion, keratitis, and conjunctivitis. This natural medicine strengthens nerves and blood vessels, has a positive effect on microcirculation, provides antioxidant effects, and increases local immunity.

How can aloe be used for ophthalmological disorders?

For redness, fatigue, for prevention

A lotion and eye wash that helps eliminate mucosal hyperemia and prevent the spread of infection. It is prepared as follows - 1/2 tsp of succulent juice is diluted in 1/3 glass of boiled or distilled water, which is heated to 60 degrees.

You can soak cotton pads with this solution and apply them to your eyelids - the product helps well against swelling and other signs of fatigue.

Medicines for conjunctivitis and stye

To combat inflammation of the conjunctiva and stye, you can prepare the following healing liquid: 100g of succulent pulp is kneaded until smooth and poured into a glass cold water. After infusing for half an hour, the mixture is heated over the fire until it boils and cooled.

After careful filtration, the product can be used: for conjunctivitis, drop 1 drop into each eye 2 times a day; for barley, soak a napkin in the composition and apply to the inflammation for a quarter of an hour, 3 times a day, to the inflamed area.

Drops for cataracts and keratitis

This medicine is prepared from fresh succulent juice - 75 ml and 2.5 g of mumiyo. The resin is dissolved in liquid, the composition is filtered and diluted in distilled water - 1 part aloe juice with mumiyo to 10 parts water.

The resulting mixture is dripped into the affected eye 2 to 4 times a day, the duration of therapy is 4–6 weeks.

Blepharitis ointment

The composition is simple to prepare: the juice of the plant is mixed with the same amount of honey. The product in its pure form is applied to the painful area, and if you dilute it 1:5, you can drop it into your eyes - 1 drop for each eye once a day. Therapy lasts one and a half to two weeks.

To improve vision, you can take the product orally - 1–2 teaspoons of gel 3 times a day. The reception lasts one and a half weeks, after 14 days the course is repeated.

Various uses of aloe juice for medicinal purposes

The effectiveness of using this natural remedy has been proven by centuries of practice. It is advisable to use succulent juice at the first signs of illness; in the initial stages, it can be used to prevent further development of the disease:

  • for rhinitis: the juice should be instilled into both nasal passages - 4–5 drops; For children, the product should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, 3 drops should be instilled into each nostril;
  • for headaches: succulent juice is rubbed into the temples with massage movements;
  • for problem skin: for acne, irritation, it is recommended to wipe the skin with healing juice;
  • for oily skin: you can prepare a mask that includes the juice of the plant, lemon and whipped egg white; with the help of such a face mask you can reduce the process of sebum secretion, rid the skin of shine and make it cleaner and smoother;
  • for burns: fresh juice is applied to damaged skin; it also helps heal poorly healing wounds;
  • to strengthen hair, reduce hair loss, get rid of oiliness and other shortcomings: aloe vera gel or agave juice is added to ready-made hair masks and balms;
  • for (thrush, inflammatory processes, etc.): vaginal tampons are prepared from cotton wool, which are soaked in a medicinal composition; for acute manifestations, they are used several times a day, changed every 3–4 hours; for prevention, it is enough to administer them at night;
  • for gum diseases: in this case, use aloe to rinse the mouth - the plant component is mixed with water in equal proportions;
  • for stomach diseases, including ulcers: you need to drink aloe juice that has been preserved;
  • from - juice is mixed 1:1 with water, this mixture should be gargled 3-4 times a day;
  • against warts - aloe will also help against this unpleasant manifestation, the main thing is to know how to prepare the medicine and use it; A paste is prepared from the leaves of the plant, which is applied to the warts for a week - the nutrition in the formation will be disrupted and it will disappear;
  • from cardiovascular diseases - in this case aloe syrup helps; you should take 4 tablespoons of dried apricots and prunes, pour 1/2 cup of water over them, leaving until they swell; plant juice is added to the composition - 2-3 tbsp; the resulting liquid should be drunk throughout the day - this medicine is an excellent prevention of myocardial infarction and a means for restoring the body after ischemia.


This is just a small list of recipes and ways to use healing succulents in medicine. In fact, this plant has found application in a variety of medical fields and over time its popularity only increases, revealing new abilities of the desert inhabitant.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe attract the attention of doctors and pharmacists. The juice of the plant has life-giving powers and brings considerable benefits. Aloe-based products are produced in various forms, from cosmetic to medicinal. The drugs are taken both internally and externally and help against a whole range of diseases.

Behind medicinal properties aloe is responsible for its composition. The pulp of the plant contains phytoncides, enzymes, tannins, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. In total, more than 200 useful components were found in the flower.

The juice of the plant is a powerful antibacterial agent. It stops the growth of staphylococci and streptococci. Resists tuberculosis and dysentery bacillus. Aloe preparations are suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Various dosage forms are used to treat the throat and rinse the nose.

Aloe can remove toxins from poisoning. Cleanses the blood. Normalizes metabolism. Stimulates the immune system and helps resist colds.

The plant is often used to treat skin, purulent wounds, and burns. The juice contains substances that promote tissue restoration.

The succulent leaves act as antioxidants. Anti-aging creams are made on their basis.

The drugs relieve inflammation. Have a positive effect on digestion. Restorative products are prepared from aloe motor activity intestines.

The use of various dosage forms of aloe

At home, the lower fleshy leaves of a mature plant are used. Juice is made from them, which is used in fresh, used for preparing ointments, lotions, and rinses.

The pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries produce more than wide range products: lotions, powders, creams, ointments, tablets and even injection solutions. Any form of product is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Use in gynecology

IN folk medicine tampons soaked in plant juice with honey are used to treat cervical erosion and dysplasia. The combination of two components helps relieve inflammation and restore damaged tissue.

Official medicine is skeptical about this method of treatment. However, there is an equally effective method to improve health with the help of aloe. As a general tonic and adaptogen, the patient is prescribed a course of subcutaneous injections of the plant extract.

Aloe stimulates defenses, promotes tissue regeneration, and is used as an aid in chronic female diseases.

In the absence of data on the sufficient safety of injections for pregnant and lactating women, injections are contraindicated for these categories of people.

Aloe vera for face

Aloe juice for the face is actively used in cosmetology. It is suitable for oily, problematic and aging skin. Tones it, gets rid of acne, restores color, tightens the oval.

The juice contains many enzymes and phytoncides that have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect. Based on extracts, creams, lotions, tonics, soothing gels for oily skin, and rejuvenating masks are prepared.

Aloe protects the skin from free radicals, moisturizes, softens, and saturates with vitamins. At home, you can wipe your skin with a sheet cut in half.

Cough treatment

For severe cough, use aloe juice with honey. At home, an ointment is prepared based on rendered lard or butter mixed with a mass obtained from the plant. The ointment is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory. It is applied to the chest to stimulate the cough reflex.

Benefits for hair

The cosmetics industry produces balms, shampoos, conditioners and hair care masks with plant extract. Aloe relieves dandruff and itching, nourishes oily skin scalp, regulates sebum production, prevents hair loss.

At home, a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice can be added directly to your regular shampoo. Aloe gives hair shine and silkiness, accelerates its growth.

Aloe vera for acne

The medicinal plant is a reliable remedy in the fight against skin rashes. It restores cell structure, strengthens local immunity, and increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Creams, masks, and cleansing alcohol lotions are used to treat rashes. Acne can also be removed with the help of homemade agave. The cleansing mask is prepared from freshly cut leaves. It is crushed into a paste and applied in a thick layer to problem skin.

Aloe for acne can be applied pointwise to the blemish to dry out the specific formation.

Traditional medicine recipes

At home you can prepare healthy and effective ointment from frostbite, abrasions, acne and burns. With the same remedy, warm compresses are applied to the chest when coughing.

You will need two-thirds of a glass of fresh plant juice, a glass of rendered internal pork fat (can be replaced with badger or butter), 4 tablespoons of honey. Place everything in a heating container and melt until smooth. Store the cooled ointment in the refrigerator. Lubricate the skin as needed.

The plant juice is not stored. It must be used immediately upon receipt. When mixed with honey, it becomes an effective remedy. From cough. You need to mix both products in equal proportions. Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals for 1-2 weeks.

One teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice is used to treat eating disorders and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by low acidity. To disperse bile and as a laxative. Squeeze out the juice and strain. Drink three times a day before meals for 2 weeks.

Vaginal candidiasis, erosion and cervical dysplasia are treated with tampons soaked in juice. The product is inserted deep into the vagina before bed. Leaves on all night. The procedure is repeated for 2 weeks.

For acute rhinitis 3-4 drops of fresh juice should be instilled into each nasal passage. The action is performed 4-5 times a day. Treatment continues until symptoms disappear.

Helps you recover from illness tonic. It is prepared from a glass of honey, an incomplete glass of aloe juice and a glass of fortified red wine. All components are mixed and infused for 5 days. The mass is consumed one tablespoon four times a day before meals for 14 days.

For a sore throat will save the product from aloe juice diluted in half with water. Gargle with liquid up to 4 times a day. After treatment, drink warm milk with a teaspoon of liquid extract. Treatment continues until complete recovery.

The pulp of crushed aloe leaves is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:2. Take one teaspoon of this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach to relieve constipation. To avoid addiction, it is recommended to use this method for no more than 6 days in a row.

To preserve youthful skin Once a week you can apply a mask of aloe juice (a teaspoon), full-fat sour cream (a tablespoon) and chicken yolk (a tablespoon) to your face. The mixture is spread over and over again in a thin layer. After the previous layer has dried, you can apply the next one, and so on until the product runs out. At the end of the procedure, the aloe face mask is washed off with warm water.

Benefits of aloe juice for children

With the help of aloe juice, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are successfully treated in children. Herbal remedy used as an assistant in basic therapy to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing, remove mucus and phlegm, and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

The juice can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. To rinse the nose, use a three times diluted solution. After disinfecting the passages, 1-2 drops of concentrated juice are instilled into each nostril. The action is repeated 3 times a day for a week.

Cough is treated with a mixture of aloe and honey, taken in equal quantities. The product is infused in the refrigerator for a day. The next day, give a teaspoon. Three times a day before meals, until complete recovery.

Side effects and overdose

When taking the drug orally, the following side effects are observed:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • heartburn;
  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling of hot flashes in the pelvic area;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • allergic reactions.

The plant contains glycosides, which in small quantities have a therapeutic effect, but in large quantities can cause harm to the body. In case of overdose, intestinal and uterine bleeding, miscarriages, diarrhea, vomiting, and bloody stools are observed.

The peel of the plant contains the component aloin, which has a carcinogenic effect. Frequent and excessive consumption of the plant whole orally can provoke the growth of tumors.

Contraindications for use

Aloe preparations are contraindicated in the acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases, heart failure, hypertension, uterine and intestinal bleeding, and pregnancy.

For children under 3 years of age, the product can only be used externally.

Recipes with aloe contain a lot useful information. Their effectiveness has been tested by time. Aloe improves skin condition, solves digestive problems, and relieves inflammation in chronic internal diseases.

No matter how useful this remedy is, it is not safe. Aloe extract must be taken in strictly prescribed doses. Abuse of the product can lead to the opposite effect.

Traditional medicine considers aloe juice to be a real elixir of health; the use of this drug is very popular in cosmetology and in the treatment of many diseases. Official medicine does not refuse natural medicine either. Sabur (condensed aloe juice) or a purified preparation (for injection) can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The benefits and harms of aloe juice

Why is this prickly plant so useful? Agave contains many vitamins and minerals. But the benefits of aloe juice are not limited to them. Among the biologically active substances the following can be distinguished:

  • anthraquinines, which have bactericidal, laxative, and analgesic properties;
  • isobartholoin, which can have an analgesic effect;
  • aloic and chrysophanic organic acids, which have antimicrobial and antifungal activity;
  • essential oils that act as a sedative and antibiotic.

The complex composition makes it possible to use aloe at home and in the hospital. What does a medicinal plant help with? Preparations from its leaves are used:

  • to remove toxins from infectious diseases;
  • with inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes;
  • How cosmetic product(for dandruff, for healing and rejuvenating facial skin, for strengthening hair);
  • to normalize metabolism and cholesterol removal;
  • in the treatment of eye diseases;
  • as a wound-healing and antiseptic agent;
  • to get rid of ear pain, runny nose, cough and other symptoms of colds;
  • as a laxative and antimicrobial for problems with digestion and intestinal function.

The use of aloe juice in gynecology is due to its strong anti-inflammatory effect. Traditional healers recommended plant preparations to induce menstruation in case of delays, dysmenorrhea and other female diseases.

Contraindications for use

But agave is not useful for everyone, like every medicine, it has contraindications. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking aloe juice internally. Due to the ability to affect the muscles of the uterus and the circulatory system, which allows you to induce menstruation if necessary, agave preparations can cause a miscarriage.

Children and those who for some reason cannot drink should refrain from taking aloe preparations containing alcohol. alcoholic drinks. The exception is a mixture of pulp and juice infused with Cahors. Its active ingredients complement each other, and the alcohol content is negligible.

Other contraindications for oral administration are:

  • hypertension and cardiovascular diseases;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cystitis, especially in hemorrhagic form;
  • cholecystitis;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

Difficult chemical composition juice causes side effects even in sensitive people for whom it is not contraindicated. With long-term ingestion, fresh, and especially concentrated aloe juice can cause intestinal disorders, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Due to the specific effect on the heart and blood vessels, those who drink aloe preparations may experience blood in the urine and cardiac dysfunction (tachycardia, arrhythmia). When side effects Taking agave preparations orally should be avoided.

External use has virtually no contraindications. Even pregnant women can use aloe for burns, to treat erosions or skin rashes due to dermatitis. Despite the relative safety of aloe for the body, caution should be exercised when treating a runny nose or sore throat in children. The delicate mucous membrane of the throat and nose is easily burned by freshly squeezed juice. Both freshly squeezed and concentrated aloe juice must be diluted with water when used: fresh in a 1:1 ratio, and concentrate - in accordance with the instructions for the drug.

How to use aloe juice for treatment?

The diseases that pulp, fresh or condensed aloe juice can help with are quite varied. In addition to them, plant extracts are actively used in cosmetology for hair and skin care. Aloe preparations are effective for sunburn and mosquito bites. Drink aloe juice for weight loss and to increase appetite. Considering that it treats various diseases associated with exposure to microbes and inflammation, you need to know how to use medicines from juice in each specific case.

Natural aloe juice and honey have a wide range of uses. Mixed in different proportions they are suitable for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Composition of 5 parts honey and 1 part aloe juice - against cough caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. You need to drink 1 tbsp of aloe with honey for cough. l. 3 times a day before meals.
  2. To treat tonsillitis and sore throat, mix 3 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. fresh juice. The resulting ointment is applied to the tonsils daily for 2 weeks, and then for another 2 weeks at intervals of 1 day. This remedy is not recommended for children under 5 years of age, as it may cause vomiting.
  3. Take 100 g of butter, melted lard (internal fat), cocoa and honey. Mix and add 15-20 g of aloe juice to the mixture. Take 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. mixtures for pulmonary tuberculosis. To take, you can dissolve the medicine in warm milk.

To prepare medicines, you can use concentrated aloe juice. It should be diluted with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer.

Aloe juice for colds

Considering that agave does not treat a viral disease, but relieves inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the juice is effectively used as a symptomatic remedy for ARVI and influenza. Antibacterial substances also cure sinusitis. Aloe vera medicines are also suitable for children, you just need to take into account the sensitivity of their mucous membranes and dilute the juice with water or boiled and cooled vegetable oil(1 part juice and 3 parts oil).

The drug prepared for use should be dripped into both nostrils at the first symptoms of an incipient cold, 2-3 drops into each nostril 3 times a day. The irritation caused by the medicine causes sneezing, the nose is cleared of mucus. The beneficial properties of aloe can temporarily reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and alleviate the patient’s condition.

At the same time, the juice can also treat cough, which in acute respiratory infections is debilitating. The child will be able to sleep peacefully at night. The antimicrobial properties of the juice will not allow complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia to develop.

How to put aloe juice in your ears?

Parents of small children are interested in whether it is possible to drip aloe vera preparations into the ear if the child develops inflammation. Otitis often occurs in children as a complication of a common runny nose. At the same time, pathogenic microbes penetrate into the middle ear, which can be effectively destroyed using the beneficial properties of aloe. It is easy to determine the beginning of otitis: slight stretching of the auricle causes pain in the child.

If such a symptom appears, the mother can do the following:

  • drop 2 drops of diluted juice into each nostril of the child to relieve a runny nose and disinfect the nasopharynx;
  • after dripping the juice into the nose, you need to treat the ears (1-2 drops in the ear, lubricate the erosions around the ears and ear canal, if any, with the same solution).

The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. Relief occurs after 3-4 days.

Secretory otitis, occurring with high temperature and severe pain, it is better not to treat with folk remedies. A serious infection requires the prescription of antibiotics, so attempts to treat an acute process with agave preparations will be ineffective and harmful. In this case, parents should take the child to the doctor.

Recommendations from a therapist are also needed in case of ear congestion in children or adults. In this case, there are usually no indications for the use of drops in the ear; the nasopharynx is treated. It is advisable to consult a doctor about whether it is worth instilling aloe after this.

Agave for women

  • candidiasis;
  • vulvitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • atrophic colpitis (during menopause);
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • erosion.

External preparations (gel concentrate, fresh juice) are also used to treat the consequences of surgical interventions. But in each case a certain application regimen is required: injections, tampons, douching, etc.

You should not take the juice yourself to induce menstruation. If your period is late, you should first contact antenatal clinic, after all, one of common reasons This is the beginning of pregnancy. Only an experienced specialist can tell you how to take aloe juice correctly and without harm to your health. own health with dysmenorrhea. He will also recommend the most effective medications.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

Aloe juice for hemorrhoids is used comprehensively, taking into account its properties. Drink preparations based on agave (juice with honey or olive oil in equal parts), they act as a mild laxative, making bowel movements easier. Fresh gel from the leaves is taken 20-25 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The dosage is 1-2 tsp. depending on the patient's condition.

When taken internally, one should take into account the property of aloe to enhance the contraction of smooth muscles and the effect on blood clotting. If bleeding occurs after taking the medications, then it is better not to use aloe for constipation. In these cases, it is better to prefer laxatives without side effects.

External use involves applying compresses to the anus for cracks or exacerbation of a chronic disease. If hemorrhoidal cones are localized inside the rectum, you should use suppositories or tampons with juice or decoction.

To make a decoction, you need to take 5-6 large leaves from the bottom of the bush and grind them (crush, chop). Pour the resulting mass hot water(0.5 l) and leave the liquid in a water bath under a lid for 15 minutes. Treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. For a compress, a piece of bandage is moistened with juice or decoction, applied to the inflamed area and covered with film. The compress should be kept for 30-60 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the condition improves.
  2. Tampons are made from gauze or soft fabric. A tightly rolled tampon should be soaked in the broth and inserted into the rectum. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

Treatment with compresses and tampons is carried out after defecation. The anal area should be washed with cool water and then the procedures should be performed.

What is aloe tincture used for?

A tincture based on agave pulp is used as an expectorant for coughs. It also has choleretic properties and can help with inflammation of the joints as an alcohol compress with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The tincture can be stored for almost unlimited time. You can keep it on hand in case you are bitten by an insect or need to treat an abrasion (at the dacha, during a trip to the forest).

To prepare the medicine, you need to grind in a meat grinder or crush the succulent leaves of the plant. Measure the volume of raw materials, put it in a large jar and fill it with alcohol. Vodka or moonshine is taken in the same quantity as aloe pulp, poured into a container and mixed. The product is infused under a lid in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the vessel periodically.

To treat cough, take 1-2 tsp. the drug 2-3 times a day. If desired, you can dilute the strong extract with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to give this tincture to children.

A mosquito or bee bite will quickly stop hurting and itching if you apply cotton wool soaked in the tincture to it. The lotion must be kept until it disappears discomfort(5-10 minutes). External use is also acceptable for children.

The use of aloe for gastritis

Antimicrobial activity and anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use aloe juice for gastritis with high acidity and its ulcerative-erosive form. Treatment should begin only after the acute attack of the disease has stopped. Before use, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

The healing property of aloe helps to heal damage to the gastric mucosa, for which you need to prepare a preparation from the juice squeezed from 5 leaves with honey (in equal proportions). Drink the mixture immediately, diluting with clean water if desired. Take once a day on an empty stomach, in the morning. The indicated portion should be prepared for 1 dose. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Aloe for skin

Aloe has another area of ​​application - cosmetology. Here its use is limited to external methods. A folk healer from Siberia offers an aloe remedy for stretch marks after childbirth:

  • I use plant juice (0.5 cups), olive oil (0.5 cups) and pharmaceutical solutions of vitamins A (5 drops) and E (10 drops);
  • the ingredients just need to be mixed until smooth and stored in the refrigerator;
  • Before use, take a shower and apply a thin layer of ointment to dry, clean skin in the problem area.

The effect can be noticed only after constant and long-term use (at least 1 month). Apply the product 1-2 times a day, but it must be done at night. In order not to stain the bed, you need to use thick underwear. It can also be used against stretch marks that have arisen for other reasons (injuries), against cellulite and sagging skin when losing weight.

Centennials can not only decorate the interior. Thorny bushes are used as a strong antiseptic for many diseases.

Aloe is a unique source of phyto-raw materials, widely used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Pharmaceutical preparations are made based on the components of the plant, but you can make medicinal products yourself. However, herbal medicine has its own nuances related to the beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant.

Types of aloe

Aloe or agave is a small tree-like shrub from the Asphodelaceae family. Refers to succulents. The plant has dense, fleshy leaves, hard in structure, with a bluish or greenish color; shades may vary. The stem of aloe is short, surrounded by leaves arranged in a rosette. Along the edges of the leaf blades there are denticles or soft cilia, depending on the species.

The plant is native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, therefore, it is distinguished by extreme endurance and is able to exist in the harshest conditions with severe moisture deficiency. The genus Aloe includes more than 500 species registered in the botanical classification. The most famous species, which are most widespread on populated continents, are given below with a description.

Aloe vera (aloe vera)

This type the most valuable from the point of view of application, since its raw materials are used in pharmaceuticals, perfumery and the production of organic cosmetics. It is a universal ingredient in traditional medicine recipes.


Popular indoor plant, known from appearance most flower growers. It is a squat shrub with dense, hard leaves and a woody trunk. In indoor conditions it practically does not bloom. The pulp of the leaves is used to prepare infusions.


Used for floral purposes. It looks like haworthia: the leaves are thick, dark in color, have a rough surface covered with whitish spots. The edges of the plates are hard and prickly. Orange inflorescences collected in racemes.


Also called "quivering" and "quivering" wood. It has a tall thick trunk (up to a meter in diameter) and twisting branches, at the ends of which there are leaves collected in panicles with a waxy coating on the skin.

Aloe Helena

An endangered member of the Asphodel family. On this moment in Madagascar, where the population of the species is located, no more than a dozen adult specimens have been recorded that do not reproduce. In appearance it resembles a tree-like aloe.


Plant known medicinal properties. It grows in clumps that can grow several meters wide. The leaves are dense, forming a rosette up to a meter in diameter. The stem is small, reduced. The leaf blade is narrow in shape, has a blue-green tint, on both sides there are stripes and spots of a light shade, the edges are jagged.

One of the oldest inhabitants of the Earth in the field of flora. Also grows in Madagascar. There are only six adult specimens of the species left on the planet, raised in nurseries. Listed on the Endangered Species Register.


Also called motley. Habitat: Namibia, South Africa. A low shrub (up to 30 cm) with leaf blades arranged in three rows. The color is green, there are inclusions of heterogeneous shade. Inflorescences are orange. The leaf has a triangular shape. If weather conditions are harsh, the outer foliage gradually dies off. Adulthood is achieved by the age of 5–7 years.


Perennial herbaceous plant with vertical leaves. The skin is light green, with a bluish tint, and has spines. The inflorescences are red-orange, and the flowering period usually occurs in the summer months. A popular choice, it does well in a small window.


According to its chemical structure, aloe is a highly valuable medicinal herbal raw material. Its unique component is aloe-emodin: a hydroxyanthraquinone that has specific activity against tumor cells. Its content in the plant juice is approximately 2%. Aloe also contains anthraglycosides, including barbaloin, aloin, etc. All of them have high biological activity.

The pulp contains various vitamins, microelements and enzymes and other substances, including:

  • Esters and essential oils;
  • Organic acids;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Resins and tannins;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Amino acids;
  • Mono- and polysaccharides;
  • Alkaloids.

The total amount of biologically active components in aloe is about two and a half hundred. This is a unique example in flora.

Beneficial features

By using aloe for medicinal purposes, you can improve the condition of such body systems as:

  • Cardiovascular;
  • Gastrointestinal organs;
  • Immune;
  • Nervous;
  • Skin;
  • Visual system.

Aloe is a multi-purpose herbal ingredient. Its use externally or orally is necessary to achieve the following effects:

  • General detoxification of the body;
  • Restoration of tone;
  • Bringing intestinal microflora back to normal;
  • Antifungal effect, fight against viral diseases;
  • Decline high cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • Activation of blood circulation;
  • Antihistamine effect;
  • Improving the condition of the scalp;
  • Anesthetic effect for joint, muscle, dental pain syndrome;
  • General prevention of cancer;
  • An additional therapy during the recovery period during chemotherapy and during remission;
  • Diuretic, laxative effect;
  • Treatment of diseases respiratory system;
  • A drug for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

The sap of the plant has strong bactericidal effect, directed against most known microorganisms, including streptococci and staphylococci.

Collection and preparation

To use aloe for medicinal purposes correctly, you need to collect the juice, which is extracted from the fleshy leaf blades. Sapwood, the outer part of the stem, is also suitable. To do this, these parts are separated with a sharp knife or a special cutter. Be careful because jagged edges of the leaves can seriously injure the skin. The juice of the plant is used fresh or evaporated. The second type is called “sabur”. To obtain juice, the leaves are squeezed and placed under a press. You can peel them, grind the pulp through a sieve and strain the juice through cheesecloth.

In addition to juice, aloe oil, also prepared from leaf blades, is widely used.

Medicine allows the use of agave in the following forms:

  • Syrup;
  • Ointment;
  • Extract in liquid form;
  • Solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

It is believed that freshly squeezed juice and sabur are the most beneficial, as they are pure extracts of the plant.

Use in folk medicine

In alternative medicine, agave has long established itself as a positive side. Most often, traditional healers use aloe pulp, fresh juice, emulsion with the addition of various essential oils(castor, eucalyptus) and alcohol-based infusions.

The list of ailments that are treated with aloe-based preparations is long:

  • Painful menstruation;
  • Tuberculous lesions of the lungs and skin;
  • Necrotic ulcers, scabs, keloids;
  • Migraine;
  • Tonsillitis and rhinitis in different forms;
  • Eye infections (styes, conjunctivitis, pain in the eyes, irritation of the cornea);
  • Pain in muscles and joints (rheumatoid arthritis, gout, rheumatism);
  • at low acidity;
  • Digestive dysfunction;
  • Epistaxis;
  • Impotence;
  • Cystitis, nephritis;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Herpes;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Acne;
  • Cellulite;
  • Alopecia;
  • Dandruff.

Traditional medicine has hundreds of recipes in which aloe is the main ingredient. We will present the most effective of them.

For gastritis

When there is inflammation in the gastric mucosa, aloe provides a powerful anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect, soothing pain and spasms. To prepare a medicinal composition, mix 100 grams of plant juice with honey (250 g). The settled mixture is taken one tablespoon before each meal.

For hemorrhoids

If there are hemorrhoids, fissures or ulcers in the perianal area, the juice of the plant will help activate the regenerative capabilities of the body and have an antiseptic effect. Also relieves swelling and pain symptoms. Alcohol formulations are not used. Two peeled leaves are finely chopped, filled with water and brought to a boil in a steam bath. The cooled solution is applied locally as a compress.

For constipation

Aloe juice has long been known for its ruminator effect. This means that it acts like mild laxative, eliminating constipation. Cut off 2 - 3 leaf blades (do not remove the spines!), crush with a spoon until mushy. Pour in heated liquid honey and leave for 24 hours. Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

For diabetes

It is believed that drinking agave juice helps reduce blood glucose levels. It also reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol. To prepare an effective aloe remedy for diabetes, take three leaves, cut them into cubes and pour boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes. Dilute the resulting broth with cold water. Drink a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast for 10 days. Afterwards a break is taken, and after half a month the course is repeated.

Gum inflammation

Stomatitis, gingivitis or other inflammatory process of the oral mucosa can be cured faster if fresh aloe pulp is applied to the infected areas. If the inflammation is severe, rinse your mouth with the juice of the plant. To do this, the leaves are twisted through a meat grinder or ground in a blender. The pulp is filtered through a sieve and the expressed liquid is rinsed in the mouth. There is no need to swallow it.

Wounds, abrasions, cuts

Thanks to its unique biochemical composition, aloe has a powerful regenerative effect, which is why it is widely used for injuries. skin of various nature. To make a cut or abrasion heal faster, apply a compress with aloe to it. The pulp of the herbal raw material is finely ground (can be softened with a fork) and placed on clean gauze, which is applied to the wound. Keep it on for 30 – 40 minutes, then remove it and do not wash off the residue for several more hours.

Pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat

Agave juice, natural honey and vodka are mixed in a ratio of 1:2:3. The resulting mixture is laid out on a thick, clean cloth and tied to the neck in the larynx area (in the area close to the tonsils). Wrap a plastic bag on top and wrap a scarf around your throat. The compress is kept for about 3 – 4 hours. For follicular or lacunar sore throat, regularly gargle with an infusion of aloe leaves and water. The liquid must be boiled and cooled to room temperature.

Rhinitis, runny nose

For nasal congestion, instill fresh juice every three to four hours, a few drops into each nostril. If a runny nose is accompanied by severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, you can make tampons soaked in a mixture of aloe juice, rose hip juice and honey. The tampons are kept in the nostrils for 15–20 minutes.


Treatment of aloe for infection of the lungs with mycobacteria involves the use of the following recipe. Take a small amount of goose fat or lard, honey, a spoonful of natural cocoa powder, butter (10 g) and two tablespoons of aloe juice. The resulting mixture is added to a glass of warm milk and drunk twice a day until the condition improves.

Gastrointestinal diseases

If dysfunction gastrointestinal tract have a chronic course or are in the relapse stage, aloe juice is taken in the amount of one teaspoon three times a day before each meal.

  • For gastritis– a teaspoon on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as before snacks;
  • When constipated– a dessert spoon of freshly squeezed juice three times a day before meals for 30 days;
  • For general digestive dysfunction– take 10 drops of juice per glass of water twice a day.

Application in gynecology

For uterine fibroids prepare 150 - 200 grams of finely chopped agave leaves without skin, mix with chopped fruit horse chestnut. Add 500 g of honey, three tablespoons of chopped beech root and red dry wine. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink the cooled and strained broth three times a day before meals, a tablespoon at a time.

For genitourinary tract infections a different kind of plant juice is mixed with 10 g of turmeric and filled with warm water (1 liter). The solution is doused in the vagina after each urination for a month.

For cervical erosion Inject 5 ml of fresh plant juice into the vagina using a microenema. After the procedure, you need to lie down without getting up for 20 minutes. Carry out daily until the condition improves. You can replace an enema with tamponing.

The use of aloe in cosmetology

The components of the plant have an amazing restorative and tonic effect on the skin. It’s as if she begins to glow, the networks of wrinkles are smoothed out, sagging is tightened, and swelling disappears.

Folk recipes from wrinkles and sagging skin:

  • Wipe your face with fresh peeled pulp once a day;
  • Pour the gruel from the ground leaves into half a glass of water and leave for 24 hours. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Regularly wipe your face with ice cubes;
  • Five grams of agave juice is mixed with sunflower or olive oil and a small amount of lanolin cream. Apply the mixture to the face, neck and décolleté. Leave for 20 minutes. Remove the residue with a napkin, wash with St. John's wort infusion;
  • Add an infusion of aloe leaves to the mashed egg yolk, drop a little oil into the liquid. Use for severe dryness and tightness of the skin.

For acne

At severe acne and other skin problems, use the following products:

  • To cleanse the skin mix agave juice with honey (30 g), two raw yolks separated from the white, butter and heated beeswax (20 g). Stir, to obtain a homogeneous composition, heat slowly in a water bath, stirring constantly. Use as a face cream: apply, let absorb, remove residue with a paper towel;
  • Grind the crushed aloe leaves through a sieve. Use the resulting puree as a face mask.. Leave for no longer than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • Soak clean gauze with the fresh juice of the plant and apply it as a compress on your face (for half an hour). Full course treatment will be 25 procedures(repeat every 3 – 4 days).

Hair masks

Aloe is an excellent remedy for hair restoration. It is used to treat weak and dry hair, dandruff and split ends, to add volume and shine. Options for plant-based masks may vary.

To activate vitality

Mix ampoules with aloe extract, vitamin B6 and nicotinic acid, a spoonful of white clay, kefir (30 g), egg yolk, honey and two spoons burdock oil. Apply to the area at the root of the hair, lightly massage the skin. Wrap your head in film and put a scarf on top. Leave for up to two hours, then rinse thoroughly, spray hair along the entire length with a spray based on aloe juice.

For the treatment of dandruff

Mix fresh plant juice with medical alcohol (four parts to one). Rub into scalp, dividing hair into strands. The therapy will take 90 days, the procedure is repeated every two days. The tincture is stored in the refrigerator.

To stimulate growth

A mixture of crushed pulp and 30 g of dry hawthorn berries is poured with vodka and infused for a week. Rub into the scalp with massaging movements and leave on the hair for 60 minutes under a towel. Use no more than once every 1 – 1.5 weeks.

To give hair thickness

Aloe juice, honey and garlic juice in equal parts are mixed with each other. The mixture is applied before each wash and lasts for half an hour.

Face masks

Aloe juice has an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent and tonic effect.. Based on it, many different face masks are made. Determine your skin type and use the appropriate mask.

Universal cosmetic mask

A tablespoon of white or blue clay is mixed in aloe juice. Rose water and liquid honey are dripped into the mixture. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave for 15 minutes. The remains are thoroughly washed off, the face is moisturized with day cream.

Vitamin recipe

A spoonful of honey and castor oil is mixed with the yolk, agave juice, and half a spoonful of orange juice. A spoonful of ground oats is added to the mixture to add structure. Apply for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and apply nourishing milk to your face.

Nourishing mask for weakened skin

Grated banana or apple is mixed with agave juice, add a spoonful of macadamia oil or almond oil. The mask is left for about 20 minutes, the residue is removed paper napkin.

Recipe for aging skin

Half an avocado (without the pit) is mashed and mixed with aloe juice and 50 ml of cold green tea. The duration of the mask is 25 - 30 minutes. Then the mixture is washed off the face with warm water, the skin is lubricated with cosmetic oil.


If you are planning to take aloe vera preparations orally, rule out the following diseases:

  • Severe hypertension;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Hepatitis A;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Kidney diseases (cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, etc.).

Products based on agave components are not accepted for children under three years of age. Doctors recommend using them with caution in children up to 12 years of age. An initial consultation with a pediatrician is required. In older people, aloe intake is also supervised. It is prohibited for pregnant women and women during menstruation (the same applies to the lactation period).

Side effects

Any herbal component has both a positive effect and a number of contraindications for use. The most common of these is individual intolerance to the compounds that make up aloe. The peel of the plant contains the alkaloid aloin. You can recognize its presence by the bitter taste of the juice. Modern biologists believe that aloin has carcinogenic properties. You can feel their effects only by consuming a very large amount of the plant, but it is better not to take risks. Therefore, always remove the skin from the leaves before using.

The presence of anthraglycoside enzymes in the composition of agave – factor prohibiting its use by pregnant women. An overdose of aloe for them is fraught with the threat of internal bleeding and miscarriage.

If you take the plant juice orally, you may develop side effects such as:

  • Dyspepsia;
  • Bloating, flatulence;
  • Stool disorder;
  • Pain symptom, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells in the urine;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness).

For people with increased nervous tone, taking aloe orally is not recommended, as it sometimes causes insomnia. In general, any consumption of the plant, externally or internally, should be done carefully so as not to provoke the development of allergies.