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Programs for art in Russian. Review of free drawing programs. Professional drawing programs on your computer

Do you want to paint beautiful pictures, but don’t want to spend money on materials? This is no longer a problem! Today, paints and canvases have been replaced by digital technologies, which have made painting an incredibly convenient and exciting activity.

Mouse or graphics tablet?

This choice depends on your drawing skills. If you studied at an art school or are simply confident in using a pencil and brush, then you will find it more convenient to work with a graphics tablet. If you don’t know how to draw yet, then you can easily start with a computer mouse.

As with any art form, drawing requires a certain skill. The more confident you are in using the tool, the more accurate the picture becomes. Someone creates second-rate drawings on a cool graphics tablet, while others create masterpieces using a regular computer mouse.

Choose a tool based on your capabilities and skills, and special programs will help you turn your ideas into reality.

What program to draw in?

This review presents the best computer drawing programs for experienced artists and ordinary users. The diverse functionality of the applications allows you to draw portraits, landscapes, comics or create design designs. A wide variety of tools, processing effects and modes will allow you to create a unique masterpiece.

Our selection of free drawing programs will help you get acquainted with the capabilities of each software and choose the best one.


Russian language





Yes Free Yes 10 Amateur
Yes Free No 10 Amateur
Yes Free Yes 8 Amateur
Yes Free Yes 8 Amateur
Yes Free Yes 8 Amateur
Yes Free Yes 10 Amateur
Yes Free Yes 9 Pro
Yes Free Yes 8 Amateur
Yes Free No 6 Amateur
Yes Free Yes 8 Pro

GIMP is a free editor for creating screen and web graphics, high-quality processing and drawing with a large set of tools and a variety of effects. The application supports all popular formats, has batch processing and works with layers. The interface is multi-window and customizable for the user.

PicPick is a free application for creating screenshots by capturing the screen and further editing it. Using the “scrolling” function, you can create a screenshot of web pages and documents in the form of a single image. The software has a Russian-language interface and a wide selection of editing tools.

Paint.NET is a free application that functions as a graphics editor with the ability to work with layers, noise reduction, stylization and artistic processing. The main options of the program are focused on working with photo editing and vector graphics.

Inkscape is a free graphics utility for creating vector technical drawings with a set of tools for easy and fast editing. It runs on a custom engine, exports and imports into various graphics formats, opens and saves in gzip compressed format, and also has a multilingual menu.

PaintTool SAI is a free application for creating beautiful digital paintings and high-quality illustrations using a variety of tools and effects. The utility works with an unlimited number of layers, edits files of various formats and saves them in its own “.sai”. Implemented work with a graphics tablet.

Krita is a free program that allows you to create, process and adjust raster graphics using a large set of tools and filters. The cross-platform utility simulates canvas material, emulates real tools and supports photo import.

Adobe Photoshop is a popular, powerful utility for high-quality editing and working with photos and images using a wide range of tools. The graphics editor supports various modes and layers, adds effects and text entries, creates raster graphics, while having a clear interface.

Free drawing programs, like any software distributed under a freeware or shareware license, are becoming less and less different from their large-scale commercial counterparts every year.

Thanks to the extensive community of developers and enthusiasts, new versions of well-known free graphic editors are regularly released, as well as new original projects are created.

At the same time, various drawing software is becoming increasingly specialized, focusing on use by children, creating cartoons, designing designs, etc.

Therefore, if you do not want to pay a significant amount for the opportunity to crop a picture and fundamentally do not use pirated software, then this review will help you choose the most suitable option for you.


GIMP is a free alternative to the popular Photoshop editor from IT giant Adobe. This program is the default solution for creating and editing images on any Unix system, but there are also versions for Windows and Mac.

A special feature is the extremely low system requirements (from 128 MB random access memory and from 32 MB of video card memory), which makes it possible to install this software even on very old machines.

The program interface consists of separate toolbars that can be easily enabled/disabled and combined with each other. The working canvas is also a separate window.

Each tool can be called by a combination of hot keys, which can be changed at your discretion.

Advice! You can download any version of the program on the official website. There you can also findGIMPcompletely in Russian.

Although supporters of free software call GIMP a free analogue of Photoshop, its capabilities are still significantly inferior to the Adobe product. But this only matters if you use specific professional functions.

For the vast majority of users, these differences will not be noticeable at all.

Paint NET

This program is developed by Microsoft Corporation, which means that it can be used free of charge by operating system owners Windows systems any version.

It is an expanded version of the paint editor, which for many users was their first introduction to the world of raster graphics.

When regular Paint no longer met modern requirements for basic image editing, Paint NET was called upon to take its place, adding several new features.

One of the key changes is the ability to work with layers, which is actively used to create popular in social networks photoshops, macros and other media content.

Use this program as an environment for full visual arts very difficult, but it’s not her fault.

It will be indispensable if you want to quickly crop images, change color, or add several elements from other pictures.

You can download the program from the official website

LiveBrush Lite

The developers of LiveBrush Lite decided to return to the roots of real painting and provided users with only one tool - the brush. But at the same time, this tool is customized to the maximum, which opens up wide possibilities for its use.

When you first get acquainted with the program, this approach may seem extremely inconvenient, but after a few hours of practice everyone will be able to feel the charm of this creative solution.

It is worth noting that the “brush” in the context of this image editor is a universal tool that can create a variety of effects: from straight lines to fractal patterns.

Moreover, the process of creating your own graphic creations can become much more fun if you use the library of custom brushes published on the official website of the LiveBrush Lite developers.

Advice! The program is not free: you will have to pay for the full version, and if you decide to download for freeLite version, then be prepared for the fact that it is intended for evaluation and use and has greatly reduced capabilities.

PaintTool SAI

A development by Japanese programmers, which is intended for creating sketches, sketches and full-fledged artistic paintings. It gained particular popularity in its homeland and abroad among authors working in the anime genre.

All the tools collected in the program are as similar as possible to real prototypes: a pencil has a softness setting, watercolor is characteristically blurred, and a ballpoint pen leaves a clear, even line.

But for the convenience of artists, some of the capabilities of traditional image editors have been implemented, first of all, this concerns working with layers.

The user can draw several pictures at the same time, and then combine them using cropping, copying, pasting and hiding. This software is best installed on special drawing devices that work with a stylus.

Tux Paint

As mentioned at the beginning of our article, many developers do not try to impress their users with the maximum range of functions or their greatest efficiency.

Instead, they are looking for their own philosophy and a niche market in which they will be pioneers.

The Tux Paint drawing program is aimed primarily at children aged 3 to 12 years, in order to develop in them a love of painting with the help of modern information technologies.

Therefore, the interface of this program is significantly different from other representatives of software of this class.

All the tools are extremely simple, and to configure them there is no need to understand manuals; the controls are large and immediately indicate their purpose.

Tux the penguin (symbol of the Linux community) helps take the first steps, introducing young creators to the basic capabilities of the program, which will allow them to draw their first picture within a few minutes after the first launch of Tux Paint.

This software is an example of excellent implementation original idea in an area in which it would seem almost impossible to fight the hegemony of corporate giants.

Tux Paint is successfully used in many European educational institutions for preschool and younger children school age.

You can download the program completely free of charge from the official website


ArtWaver is another image management solution developed under an OpenSource license. Like GIMP, it was created as a counterweight to Photoshop, and its appearance and tools are similar to older versions of the program from Adobe.

But this image editor does not simply copy its more successful competitors, but has its own unique approach to the issue of processing and creating various images.

In particular, much attention is paid to brushes: by default, the program has a large selection of brushes various types, which can be carefully customized to suit your needs.

This makes it possible to use ArtWeaver not only for editing finished images, but also for full-fledged digital painting classes.

This software also features a very sophisticated system for working with layers, probably the best among free graphic editors, which is very important for working with images at home on a computer.

The developers have also created their own AWD editor format, but the user can export their work to any popular format such as JPG, PSD, PNG, etc.

ArtWaver is a well-balanced software that can become effective tool as amateurs and semi-professionals in the field of digital image processing or creation.

The application is aimed at installation on graphics tablets, and not for full editing of ready-made pictures.

Despite the fact that many basic functions of modern editors are available in it, it shows its full potential only in the process of drawing from scratch.

In addition to a large number of tools that have real prototypes, such as brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, pens, etc., SmoothDraw also offers original functions: a full-fledged imitation of an aerosol can for graffiti, the creation of visual effects of a cart, a starry sky, grass, etc.

The modern world is changing everything, and anyone can become anything, even an artist. In order to draw, it is not necessary to work in some special place; it is enough to simply have programs for drawing art on your computer. This article shows the most famous of these programs.

Any graphic editor can be called a program for drawing art, although not every such editor is able to satisfy your desires. It is for this reason that this list will contain a variety of programs with different functionality. The most important thing is that each of the programs can become either a separate tool in your hands or be included in your set, which you can use in different ways.

This graphic editor is not intended for drawing art. More precisely, it was not designed for this. When it was created, the programmers were inspired by children, and the fact that it is in childhood that we become who we are now. This children's program has musical accompaniment and many instruments, but is not very suitable for drawing high-quality art.


This art creation program is very similar to Adobe Photoshop. It has everything that Photoshop has - layers, corrections, the same tools. But not all tools are available in free version, and this is an important disadvantage.


ArtRage is the most unique program in this collection. The fact is that the program has a set of tools that are great for drawing not only with a pencil, but also with paints, both oil and watercolor. Moreover, the image drawn with these tools is very similar to the real one. The program also includes layers, stickers, stencils and even tracing paper. The main advantage is that each tool can be configured and saved as a separate template, thereby expanding the capabilities of the program.


If Artweaver was similar to Photoshop, then this program is more like standard Paint with Photoshop capabilities. It includes tools from Paint, layers, corrections, effects, and even taking an image from a camera or scanner. Plus to all this, it is completely free. The only downside is that sometimes it works much slower with 3D images.


This art drawing program is quite a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced user. It has very wide functionality and a lot of possibilities. The most notable feature is the conversion of a raster image to a vector one. There are also tools for working with layers, text and paths.


This graphics editor is another copy of Adobe Photoshop, but it has a few differences. True, these differences are rather superficial. There is also work with layers, image correction and filters, but there is also image transformation, and access to it is quite easy.

Paint Tool Sai

A huge number of different instrument settings allow you to create an almost new instrument, which is an advantage of the program. Plus, you can directly customize the toolbar. But, unfortunately, all this is available for only one day, and then you have to pay.

In our modern times, it is not necessary to be able to draw to create art; it is enough just to have one of the programs presented in this list. They all have one common goal, but almost each of them approaches this goal in different ways, however, with the help of these programs you can create truly beautiful and unique art. What software do you use to create art?

A computer drawing program is a very necessary thing both for creative people and for those who work with images for work.

Few people think that in addition to the standard Windows graphic editors, as well as, there are other drawing programs for the computer that are no worse, and in some places even outperform eminent competitors.

Another interesting free representative from the graphic category. Using the program, you can change and edit ready-made files or draw your own, fortunately, there are enough tools.

In addition to the standard tools that almost everyone has, they also have their own features.

It's no wonder why SmoothDraw has so many useful tools with a professional twist. The fact is that this project was originally intended to create files from scratch.

This computer drawing program for children is just right. There are no complicated elements, and the menu is intuitive even for a beginner.

The lack of Russian support for packages with files is a little darkening, but the interface itself is so simple that you can ignore this drawback.

In addition, SmoothDraw does not have an installation file, being a portable version. In other words, you can transfer the folder with the editor to your flash drive, and then activate the product anywhere.

The application opens with equal ease on both old Win98 and Win8 machines.


The editor's workspace is quite archaic, which does not prevent it from being as informative as possible.

In addition to the classic panel, there are several floating windows that are configured in the menu and have informative and auxiliary functions.

In addition, they are translucent, which will not interfere with drawing or editing any object.

This editor, by the way, has good support for layers, as well as the ability to import external files.

At the same time, you can vary the transparency, data mixing, and also change the names of these layers. A useful feature, isn't it?

Work with hot keys is present. To view full list supported commands, just click on the “Window” menu.

In most cases, all functions are activated by pressing F1-F12, although alternatives are possible.

The main advantage of the editor lies in its accessibility and pleasant appearance. And “in the depths” lies some good functionality that will appeal to many.


Not a bad program, designed to compete with its famous competitor from Adobe. Of course, it cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for Photoshop, but the functionality here is no less interesting.

In addition, products are produced under an Open Source license, i.e. completely free (non-commercial version). It is somewhat reminiscent of Corel PhotoPaint in its capabilities.

If you look at the workspace interface, you will notice many similarities with the same competitor version 7 and below.

In this case, there are all the necessary windows required for a raster editor, be it a toolkit, navigation, a list of layers, or a sequence of actions.

The main tool is, oddly enough, a brush. Firstly, this is the most popular tool, and secondly, the developers have endowed this function with an abundance of settings and customization.

Even the framing was given attention, providing it with horizontal and vertical proportions.

For a free program, working with layers is excellent.

You are free to group them, set transparency, blending types, and even fix scaling and movement. But what is really useful is duplicating a separate layer.

It even has its own format - awd. Layers can only be saved in it, but the list of supported ones includes jpg, png, psd, tiff and more. Full set.

A good choice for those who have just decided to get comfortable.


The program is easy to learn and free. Although this option is controversial, since only Livebrush Lite can be considered such.

The key feature of the application lies in the fact that you can only draw here with a brush.

On the one hand, this somewhat slows down the user and limits it, but on the other hand, this feature is implemented here so masterfully that it makes the product unique.

In order not to scare off potential users, let us clarify that a “brush” is not an abstract tool for drawing lines.

It can be very different from the usual human perception, appearing in the form of complex geometric elements, fractal graphics and even a vine. It's all about the settings.

Whatever you dream up and create for yourself is what you will use.

In addition, on the official website, many people post their own “visions” of brushes, which you can easily download and install on your PC.

Computer drawing programs

Computer drawing program: 5 best programs

Read our material about updating the Microsoft Paint program for drawing on a computer.