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Adjectives in English that describe character. Description of a person's character in English. kind - kind

All people are different. Some are similar to each other, but each person remains individual. Character is one of the important indicators of a person. In this lesson we will tell you how to answer the question: What's he/she like? ~ What is he/she like?

New words on the topic “Human character in English”

active [ˈæktɪv] - active

ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] - ambitious, purposeful

reckless [ˈrekləs] - crazy

light-hearted - carefree

furious [ˈfjʊərɪəs] - furious

strong-willed [ˈstrɒŋˈwɪld] - strong-willed

grumbling [ˈɡrʌmbəlɪŋ] - grumpy

proud - proud

humane - humane

kind - kind

friendly [ˈfrendlɪ] - friendly

greedy [ˈɡriːdi] - greedy

cruel - cruel

envious [ˈenvɪəs] - envious

unsociable [ʌnˈsəʊʃəbəl] - closed

arrogant [ˈærəɡənt] - arrogant

angry [ˈæŋɡri] - angry

perfect [ˈpɜːfɪkt] - ideal

capricious - capricious

sly - cunning

lazy [ˈleɪzi] - lazy

mendacious - deceitful

curious [ˈkjʊərɪəs] - curious

disgusting - disgusting

impertinent [ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt] - impudent

reliable - reliable, faithful

naive - naive

naughty [ˈnɔːti] - naughty

touchy [ˈtʌʧɪ] - touchy

optimist [ˈɒptɪmɪst] - optimist

witty [ˈwɪti] - witty

courageous - courageous

responsible - responsible

responsive - responsive

pessimist [ˈpesɪmɪst] - pessimist

positive [ˈpɒzətɪv] - positive

indifferent [ɪnˈdɪfrənt] - indifferent

smart - smart

uninhibited [ˌʌnɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd] - uninhibited

sober-minded [ˈsəʊbəˈmaɪndɪd] - thoughtful

realist [ˈrɪəlɪst] - realist

harsh - sharp

self-critical - self-critical

selfish [ˈselfɪʃ] - proud, selfish

serious [ˈsɪərɪəs] - serious

modest [ˈmɒdɪst] - modest

brave - brave

fair - fair

talented [ˈtæləntɪd] - talented

patient [ˈpeɪʃnt] - patient

quiet [ˈkwaɪət] - quiet

stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] - stupid

stubborn [ˈstʌbən] - stubborn

cynical [ˈsɪnɪkəl] - cynical

sensitive [ˈsensətɪv] - sensitive

generous [ˈdʒenərəs] - generous

To fully understand how to talk about a person's character, read and translate the text below.

Michael talk about character his friend - Andrew

My best friend's name is Andrew. He is fifteen years old. Andrew is my classmate. We also do judo together. Andrew is a really good friend. What I like about him is that he is sincere with his friends. He is very helpful and his friends can always rely on him. I think he is a loyal friend to me.

Andrew is an optimistic person. He is well-balanced and quite reserved. He always keeps calm in critical situations. Andrew is quite sensible and practical. He is very responsible.

Andrew is purposeful and assertive. He always expresses his ideas and opinion with confidence. He does well at school, because he is studious and works really hard. My friend is also very intelligent and resourceful. Andrew is good at Math, Physics and Chemistry.

Andrew is a sociable person. He has a good sense of humor and a great imagination. We always have a lot of fun together. To my mind Andrew is a wise person: he often gives me good advice.

Although Andrew and I are good friends, we sometimes argue fiercely about different things. And Andrew can often be really stubborn. Sometimes he is also too self-confident and bossy.

Exercise: Make 10 sentences using the words from the table above.

We all dress up, disguise ourselves, wear clothes not only of different colors, styles, but also styles. All this, of course, helps us express ourselves, as well as reveal our inner world a little. Do you need to be able to describe character traits in English?

Without a doubt. Imagine a situation where you want to talk about the guy or girl of your dreams, or perhaps highlight the best qualities of your character or describe something that you do not accept. All topics are very pressing, close and therefore popular. It is not difficult to write a description of a person’s character in English. We will help, offer our own version and vocabulary that you can use.


Of course, you won’t use adjectives separately. That is why we will give you verbs that will help you construct a beautiful statement.

to admire smb for smth admire someone for something
to appreciate smth appreciate something
to be a good mixer get along well with
to be a person of strong (weak) character have a strong/weak character
to be kind of person you like at first sight win over at first sight
to be a sunny soul kind soul
to have a bunch of bad habits have a bunch of bad habits
to have a sense of humor have a sense of humor
to keep one's promise/word keep a promise, word
to make friends make friends
to be like and soul of the party be the life of the party
to tell lies lie
to be devoted to to devote, to serve something, to give one's all
to behave oneself/ to like the way one behaves behave / like the way someone behaves


The list of the following words will help you create a complete description and describe your character from different angles.

admirable admirable clever, intelligent, bright smart foolish, silly, stupid silly modest modest
aggressive aggressive conceited arrogant Frank, sincere frank, sincere noisy noisy
ambitious ambitious scurpulous/contemptuous scrupulous generous generous stubborn stubborn
witty, amusing witty cruel contemptuous gentle soft, noble patient patient
haughty arrogant sly, cunning cruel gloomy, moody gloomy polite polite
bostful boastful curious, inquisitive cunning, crafty well-bred well-mannered selfish selfish
bold, brave, courageous, fearless daring, courageous, courageous, fearless dishonest/ honest dishonest / honest greedy greedy sensible sensitive
boring, dull boring naughty capricious hypocritical hypocritical shy timid
bossy, snobish domineering envious envious jealous jealous sociable, talkative sociable, talkative
cheerful, lively funny evil, wicked evil, unscrupulous lazy lazy wise wise

Phrasal verbs

When describing a character, you can’t do without phrases that will help open your soul, “wash out all the bones,” and talk about the special qualities of a person.

to argue with smb about smth- argue with someone about something

to bring smb up- bring up

to be getting on for smth- approaching a certain age

to come across as smth- seem

to get on with- get along, be friends

to get out of doing smth- evade

to get round smb- suck up

to get through to smb - find an approach

to go by- judge

to go on about- repeat incessantly

to hand smth over- pass from hand to hand

to let smb down- let down

to live up - come to life

to look back on smth- look back

to look up to smb (to look down on smb) — respect/disrespect

to pass oneself off as smb- to impersonate someone

to pick on smb- criticize, find fault

to put up with- tolerate

to rely on- rely

to see through smb- to see through

to show off/to stand out- highlight intentionally/unintentionally

to stand up to smb- contradict, resist

to tell off- reprimand


to be the black sheep of the family- to be a black sheep

to be close to smb- be congenial

to be in the public eye- be visible

to get to the top- reach the top

to get one's own way- do things your own way

to have a heart of gold - have a heart of gold

to have a mind of your own- have your own opinion

to have a memory like a lie - have a leaky memory

to keep oneself to oneself- To be youreself

to know one's own mind - know what you want

to put oneself in smb's shoes - put yourself in someone else's place

to see eye to eye- agree on opinions

to see things in black and white- judge categorically

a shoulder to cry on- vest to cry

to take smile to heart- To take it personally

to take one's side- take sides

to have a lot of faults- have many shortcomings

to bottle up your feelings- hide feelings

to be born with a silver spoon- born in a shirt / born into a rich family

to sweet talk - flatter.

And now I will present you with a characteristic that concerns a certain person; it can be changed or supplemented.

It takes all sorts to make a world 1 . At the same time everyone has somethig positive and something negative. Some people are shy and don’t like to stand out 2. Others are bossy and pick on 3 everyone. I’d like to describe the character of my mother because she is ideal for me.

My mum is 50. She has two children. But she looks her best 4. My mother has intelligent appearance. She always is dressed spick and span 5 .

What about the character? My mother gets well with 6 people so she has many friends. Everyone says that she has a heart of gold. She is modest, calm, honest and frank. I always come to her when I need advice. Sometimes she is a shoulder to cry on 7 . But my mother usually speaks her mind 8 and never tells me off 9 . I think she is more practical and realistic, but from time to time she is sensitive. She has always taught us not to afford the heart rule the head. And when we pick on anyone we should always put ourselves in other people's shoes 10 . The only fault that she takes problems to heart 11.

So my mother is friendly and faithful. But there are some things which she dislikes. For example she hates cruel 12, sly 13 and envious 14 people.

I think that everyone must have a person whom it is possible to talk on equal with 15. I always can rely on my mum. There are a lot of different people in the world. And we should get well with everyone because negative emotions are badly.


  1. It takes all sorts to make a world— Everyone has their own quirks / There are many different people in the world
  2. stand out - stand out
  3. pick on - criticize
  4. looks her best - be as attractive as possible
  5. to be dressed spick and span — be dressed to the nines
  6. get well with - get along well with someone
  7. a shoulder to cry on — vest to cry
  8. to speak smb's mind - tell your opinion
  9. to tell smb off — reprimand, scold
  10. to put ourselves in other people's shoes - put yourself in someone else's place
  11. to take problems to heart - To take it personally
  12. cruel - cruel
  13. sly - sly
  14. envious - envious
  15. talk on equal with — speak as equals
  16. rely on - rely on

So, when describing a person’s character in English, do not forget to start with a general phrase and end with a logical expression. When describing yourself, also mention the negative aspects, this will emphasize your self-criticism, ability to analyze and correct. When judging other people, do not be too categorical. When mentioning their character traits in English, highlight 2-4 negative points, no more. Otherwise they will think that you are an evil person. We have provided the main recommendations on this topic. Try to create your own description yourself!

Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower.

Character is important to a person, just as aroma is important to a flower.

Charles M. Schwab

Imagine that you are invited to visit. A large noisy company gathered at the evening. Everyone found something to suit their interests. Donald sits quietly in splendid solitude, leafing through a magazine, and occasionally glances at the others present. He is not very comfortable in a crowded and hectic place. Despite the fact that he knows how to express his thoughts perfectly, he prefers not to participate in heated discussions. But Amanda attracts everyone's attention, laughs loudly, makes jokes and comments. She enjoys socializing and going out into the world. Sometimes her gestures and facial expressions are too expressive, she is open to the world, and most of the guests are next to her.

You can easily guess that our Donald is a typical introvert. People belonging to this type are rational and calm. They find their charm in solitude and peace, do not like interviews and interviews, and plan everything in advance. Introverts are very vulnerable; they are reluctant to make new acquaintances.

How can we not recall the well-known cartoon character Shrek? He lives alone in a house in a swamp, where he feels comfortable and calm. Shrek does not like uninvited guests, and the appearance of fairy-tale characters in his neighborhood clearly confused him very much. Only a long journey and adventures experienced together allowed Shrek to become friends with the talking donkey and Princess Fiona.

If there are introverts among your acquaintances and friends, our adjective table will help you accurately describe this type of character.

Description of an introvert

Word Translation
focused concentrated
self-sufficient self-sufficient
observant observant, attentive
trustworthy reliable
disciplined disciplined
sensitive touchy, sensitive
independent independent, unprejudiced
meticulous scrupulous, meticulous
shy modest, shy
reserved reserved, reserved

Of course, our second party heroine is an extrovert. People of this type prefer society; they are bored with being on their own. Like Amanda, they love speaking in front of an audience and are especially sensitive to praise. Sometimes their quick mood changes and spontaneity of actions can be mistaken for irresponsibility, but it is this type of people who loves to please others and is happy about it.

The most striking example, which you yourself are ready to name right now, is the talking donkey from the cartoon about Shrek. Because he talked a lot, the owner tried to sell the donkey. Curious, with innate charisma and charm, he is very friendly and not without talent. This lively character is full of vitality and delights us with his sense of humor. Of course, he can only be an extrovert.

Our table will help describe in detail the character of an extrovert.

Description of an extrovert

Word Translation
talkative sociable, talkative
friendly friendly
action-oriented active, active
outgoing responsive, friendly
sociable sociable, sociable
attention-seeking attention-seeking
enthusiastic passionate, full of enthusiasm
easily distracted easily distracted
  • We also suggest that you read the article “”

Describing character in English according to horoscope

It is believed that you can better understand a person’s character by knowing his date of birth, and, accordingly, his zodiac sign. You can check if this is true with your teacher. Benjamin in the next video. Don't forget about the list of useful words with translation.

  • an adjective- adjective;
  • a horoscope– horoscope;
  • irrelevant– not relevant;
  • to go through– look through, go through;
  • Aries– Aries;
  • to make sense– have meaning;
  • adventurous– brave, risky;
  • courageous- brave, courageous;
  • impulsive– impulsive;
  • Taurus- Calf;
  • persistent– persistent;
  • inflexible– inflexible, unshakable;
  • bendy– flexible;
  • Gemini- Twins;
  • eloquent– eloquent;
  • superficial– shallow, superficial;
  • Cancer- Cancer;
  • careful– cautious, wary;
  • hypersensitive– overly sensitive;
  • to be aware of– to be aware, to be aware;
  • Leo- A lion;
  • expansive– open, unrestrained;
  • intolerant– intolerant;
  • Virgo– Virgo;
  • fussy- fussy, picky;
  • choosy- picky, picky;
  • picky– picky;
  • Libra- Scales;
  • indecisive– indecisive;
  • Scorpio- Scorpion;
  • a killer bite– fatal bite;
  • forceful– strong-willed, persuasive;
  • obstinate– stubborn, persistent;
  • Sagittarius– Sagittarius;
  • jovial– cheerful, sociable;
  • tactless– tactless;
  • tactful– tactful;
  • Capricorn- Capricorn;
  • routine- established order;
  • miserly- stingy;
  • Aquarius- Aquarius;
  • humanitarian– humane, philanthropist;
  • unpredictable– unpredictable;
  • Pisces- Fish;
  • compassionate- compassionate, sympathetic;
  • vague– vague, unclear.

Determining your character by your favorite color

The word "character" comes from the Greek language. It meant “printing”, “coining”. In English, we can describe a person's character using two words. For example, personality used when talking about the individual qualities of a person with which he was born. These are our personal character traits. Here's the word character means our disposition, moral qualities of character developed during life. Let's compare the meaning of these words in the following sentences:

Samantha resembles her mother in looks, but not in personality. – Outwardly, Samantha looks like her mother, but is not like her in character.

Wendy showed strong character when she got up after falling, and continued the race. – Wendy showed strong character when she got up after falling and continued running.

If you want to learn as much as possible about character traits ( traits of character) friends, colleagues, neighbors or your chosen one, ask them to tell you their favorite color. And our next scheme will reveal all the secrets of character and at the same time help you learn new English words.

Word Translation
generous generous
open-minded open-minded, open-minded
a good negotiator good negotiator
playful playful, playful
witty witty
vibrant vigorous
passionate passionate
ambitious purposeful
determined decisive
strong-willed strong-willed
confident confident
committed devoted (to a cause, an idea)
answered responsible
thorough thorough, thorough
faithful faithful, devoted
helpful responsive
sensible reasonable
supportive supportive
gentle gentle, affectionate
charismatic charismatic
peaceful peaceful
loyal faithful, devoted
empathetic sensitive, sympathetic
spiritual spiritual, religious
idealistic idealistic
romantic romantic
sincere sincere
cynical cynical
curious curious
powerful powerful, influential
intellectual intelligent, smart
calm calm, quiet

When describing the character of any person, it is important to take into account grammatical subtleties. Check out some of them if you decide to do it in English. Teacher Emma will give you some rules, and you will undoubtedly use them in the future.

List of useful vocabulary from the video:

  • naughty– capricious, disobedient;
  • behavior– behavior;
  • temporary– temporary;
  • rude- rude;
  • polite- polite;
  • specific- specific, definite;
  • to pick (one's) nose– pick your nose;
  • to make somebody angry– make someone angry;
  • lazy- lazy;
  • instead of- instead of.

8 most useful English idioms about human character

A person's character can be described using special figures of speech. We often say about an intelligent person “a bright head”, and about an open and kind person – “a wide open soul”. We associate “on our own” with a secretive person and someone who is reluctant to share his plans. And in Russian we sometimes call an unremarkable person “neither peahen nor crow” or “neither fish nor meat.” Undoubtedly, English has no less vivid and memorable idioms. Let's look at the meaning of the most popular and unusual of them.

  1. A social butterfly– a very sociable person, an extrovert.

    Unlike her younger sister Penelope is a social butterfly. – Unlike her younger sister, Penelope is a very sociable person.

  2. A go-getter- an enterprising, energetic person.

    Richard was a real go-getter. He always knew he would reach the top whatever he decided to do. – Richard was very enterprising person. Whatever he decided to do, he always knew that he would succeed.

  3. A cheapskate- miser.

    Michael bought his sister a $10 gift for her birthday. What a cheapskate he is! Michael bought his sister a birthday present for $10. What is he like? miser!

  4. A fuddy-duddy- conservative, grumbler.

    Surprisingly, my father doesn’t have a mobile phone. He is a real fuddy-duddy. – Surprisingly, my father does not have a mobile phone. He is such a conservative.

  5. A wet blanket (killjoy) – a bore who spoils everyone’s mood.

    – We must play the music quietly or we’ll disturb the people next door. “We have to turn the music down, otherwise we’ll disturb the neighbors.”
    – Oh, Ben, why are you such a wet blanket? - Ben, why are you like this? nerd?

  6. A worrywart- a suspicious person.

    Some worrywarts like you are always afraid of going to exotic places and trying new things in their life. - Some suspicious people people like you are always afraid to travel to exotic places and try something new in life.

  7. A know-it-all- know-it-all.

    Angela tried to give advice, but her know-it-all brother didn't even listen to her. – Angela tried to give advice, but her brother- know-it-all didn't even listen to her.

    • You can read about this and other expressions in our article “Learn English from the film “The Age of Adaline”: 22 wonderful expressions”
  8. Neither fish nor flesh- neither fish nor fowl.

    Derek was neither fish nor flesh. We all wondered why Rosy had his proposal accepted. - Derek was neither fish nor fowl. We all wondered why Rosie accepted his marriage proposal.

And in conclusion, we invite you to take a short vocabulary test on the topic and download a list of useful vocabulary.

(*.pdf, 225 Kb)

Describing a person's qualities is no less important than describing his appearance. There are dozens of words that can be used to describe character traits in English, and each one has a different connotation.

The desire and desire to learn as much vocabulary as possible regarding a person’s personal qualities is a chance to make your speech more varied and rich, as well as an opportunity to improve communication skills and the ability to convey as accurate information as possible to your interlocutor.

Asking a question about a person's character

To ask an interlocutor to describe someone's character in English, two phrases are most often used:

What kind of person is she/he? - What kind of person is she (he)?

What is she/he like - What is her (his) character?

No less interesting is the fact that character in English can be expressed by two concepts - personality And character. Personality refers to a person’s innate personal qualities, while character refers to character traits formed throughout life. There is a fine line between these two terms, so context is key when using them.

Jim resembles his father both in looks and personality - Jim resembles his father both in appearance and character.

Mary showed a really strong character having done all the work in spite of her illness. - Mary showed really strong character when she did all the work despite her illness.

Adjectives in English that characterize a person

All adjectives that describe character can be divided into several groups depending on the specific side of the personality.

Attitude to life

The most general group that allows you to describe your mood and view of the world. Includes the qualities of a person in English given in the table below.

Intellectual abilities

Character descriptions in English can relate to a person’s level of intelligence and thinking. To talk about this side of your personality in a positive way, you can use the adjectives listed in the table below.

There are also many words in English for negative characteristics.

Attitude towards people

Describing a person’s character from the point of view of his attitude towards other people implies knowledge of more than a dozen corresponding adjectives. For comfortable perception and memorization, they prefer to be presented in the form of a table of antonyms. Below are the most important character traits to remember in English with translation.

friendly / unfriendly

friendly/unfriendly, hostile

kind / malicious, mean

kind angry

affable, amiable/severe

friendly, amiable/hard, stern, ungracious

warm / cool-tempered, hard-nosed

warm, pleasant, welcoming / hard, unfriendly

cute, nice, good/terrible

generous / greedy, avid


sensitive / insensitive, tactless

tactful, sensitive / tactless, insensitive

pleasant / disagreeable


funny, interesting/boring

brave, courageous/cowardly

brave, courageous/cowardly


polite / impolite, ill-mannered

honest / mendacious, lying

honest / deceitful

sociable, gregarious / shy

sociable, sociable / shy

compliant / quarrelsome, argumentative

compromising, accommodating/quarrelsome, constantly arguing

calm, even-tempered / quick-tempered, impetuous

calm, reserved / hot-tempered, unrestrained

faithful / flippant, unstable

loyal / flighty

trustworthy, reliable/unreliable

reliable / unreliable

sincere / hypocritical

sincere / hypocritical

straightforward / reserved

straightforward, outspoken/secretive, reserved

good-mannered / ill-mannered

well-mannered / ill-mannered


benevolent / jealous, envious

benevolent/jealous, envious

Attitude to work

In some cases, another group of terms is identified to describe a person’s character in English. The words below allow you to characterize the business qualities and attitude of the subject of conversation to work or study.

Names of character traits that are similar in meaning, but with different ratings

Describing character in English, you can give different evaluative meanings to the same quality. In some cases, one character trait can be described both positively and negatively - and in this case it is necessary to choose the right word more carefully. Examples are in the table below.

Human character and temperament

Knowledge of temperament types is more relevant today than ever - and the ability to describe each of them in English can sooner or later be useful to everyone. As a rule, temperament refers to a complex of reactions and inclinations of a person in various situations, and each of the four types recognized today is characterized by a certain set of adjectives.

Choleric (a choleric person)

People with this type of temperament are open, active, cheerful and purposeful, but at the same time they have an explosive, impulsive character. The following words and expressions are often used to describe this type in English:

a man of moods- man of moods

joyous- cheerful

impulsive- impulsive

active- active

energetic- energetic

irritablev- irritable

ambitious- ambitious

Sanguine person

Sanguine people are cheerful, welcoming and friendly, but at the same time very balanced and calm people. To characterize this temperament in English, the following words are relevant:

the life and soul of the party- sole of company

even-tempered- balanced

friendly- friendly

calm- calm

curious- inquisitive

positive- positive

creative- creative

A phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic people behave very reservedly and calmly in any situation, make informed decisions and have difficulty getting close to people. In English this type can be described by the following adjectives:

patient- patient

good-hearted- good-natured

quiet- quiet calm


well-balanced- durable

peaceful- peaceful

reserved- closed

noncommunicative- uncommunicative

reliable- reliable

Melancholic person

Reasonable, but at the same time sensitive people with a very deep inner world and a tendency to frequent experiences. The following words will help describe this type of temperament:

sensitive- impressionable

restless- restless

thin-skinned- vulnerable

deep- deep

acute- subtle, insightful

harmonious- harmonious

Idioms to describe character in English

To give speech more liveliness and brightness in character descriptions, the use of idioms and phrasal verbs is encouraged. The most popular designs are:

  • a social butterfly - a very open, sociable, friendly person;
  • a cheapskate - miser, miser;
  • a go-getter - an enterprising, purposeful person;
  • a fuddy-duddy is a grumbler, always dissatisfied with everything;
  • a know-it-all - know-it-all, smart guy;
  • a wet blanket - bore, grumbler, misanthrope;
  • neither fish nor flesh - neither fish nor meat;
  • a worrywart - a suspicious person;
  • a heart of gold - a heart of gold;
  • a memory like a sieve - leaky memory;
  • to have a lot of faults - to have many shortcomings;
  • yes-man - sycophant, sang along;
  • a nice fellow - darling, charming one.

New idioms and expressions that describe character appear in the English language all the time. Regular search for new phrases and words and repetition of those already learned will significantly expand your vocabulary and learn more about word formation in English.

Tired, very tired

This collection includes basic words that describe human qualities in English. These are mainly character traits and moral qualities. A person can be described in very different ways, from different sides. You can find other words to describe people in the articles:

young young
old [əʊld] old
adult [əˈdʌlt] adult
lazy [ˈleɪzi] lazy
hardworking [ˈhɑːdˌwɜːkɪŋ] hardworking
smart smart
stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] silly
kind Kind
mean evil, mean, bad
good good, kind
bad bad
nice nice, cute
cute Cute
optimistic [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk] optimistic
pessimistic [ˌpɛsɪˈmɪstɪk] pessimistic
curious [ˈkjʊərɪəs] curious
positive [ˈpɒzətɪv] positive
cruel cruel
calm calm
brave brave
cowardly [ˈkaʊədli] cowardly
cool cool, cool, funny
tough cool, strong
honest [ˈɒnɪst] honest
happy [ˈhæpi] happy
sad sad
angry [ˈæŋgri] angry
scared frightened
tired [ˈtaɪəd] tired
bored bored
helpful [ˈhɛlpfʊl] ready to help
reliable reliable
answered responsible


The examples do not show all possible meanings of words, but only one or two main ones related to a given part of speech and topic. If you want to know more meanings and examples, use online dictionaries and translators.

  • young- young

Everything was different when we were younger. “Everything was different when we were younger.”

  • old- old

The Old Man and the Sea. - The Old Man and the Sea.

  • adult- adult

This book is for adults. – This book is for adults.

  • lazy- lazy

I was too lazy to double check. “I was too lazy to double check.”

  • hardworking- hardworking

The miller's daughter was a hardworking girl. – The miller’s daughter was a hardworking girl.

  • smart- smart

He is a smart boy and he studies a lot. – He is a smart boy and he studies a lot.

  • stupid- silly

Don’t be stupid, this is your chance! - Don't be stupid, this is your chance!

  • kind- Kind

She is a kind person, she helps people. – She is a kind person, she helps people.

  • mean- evil, mean, bad

My boss is a mean guy, we don’t like him. – Our boss is a bad guy, we don’t like him.

  • good- good, kind

We have some good wine for you. - We have good wine for you.

  • bad- bad

Don’t talk to strangers, there are many bad people out there. – Don’t talk to strangers, there are a lot of bad people in the world.

  • nice- nice, dear

He’s not handsome, but he is a nice guy. - He's not handsome, but he's a nice guy.

  • cute- Cute

She has always wanted to have a cute puppy. “She always wanted to have a cute little puppy.”

  • optimistic– optimistic

The players were optimistic about the third period. – The players were optimistic for the third period.

  • pessimistic- pessimistic

Don't be so pessimistic. - Don't be such a pessimist.

  • curious- curious, inquisitive

Babies are curious about everything around them. – Kids are inquisitive about everything that surrounds them.

  • positive– positive

Well, at least you are positive about your life. - Well, at least you have a positive outlook on life.

  • cruel- cruel

Love is cruel. - Love is cruel.

  • calm- calm

The dog was calm and quiet. – The dog was calm and quiet.

  • brave- brave

He has done something very brave and stupid at the same time. “He did something very brave and stupid at the same time.”

  • cowardly- cowardly

A cowardly lion. - Cowardly Lion.

  • cool- cool, cool, cool

This robot looks really cool! – This robot looks really cool!

  • tough- steep

The police officer was a really tough guy. “The cop was a really cool guy.”

  • honest- honest

You can rely on Jack, he is an honest man. – You can rely on Jack, he is an honest man.

  • happy- happy

Don't worry, be happy. - Don't worry, be happy.

  • sad– sad

She likes sad music. – She likes sad music.

  • angry– angry

The pigs made the birds really angry. - The pigs made the birds very angry.

  • scared- frightened

The wounded man was scared. – The wounded man was scared.

  • tired- tired

I’d like to take a day off, I’m too tired. – I would like to take a day off, I’m too tired.

  • bored– bored

When I'm bored, I watch TV series. – When I'm bored, I watch TV series.

  • helpful- ready to help

He is a pleasant, helpful young man. “He is a pleasant, helpful young man.

  • reliable- reliable

You are going to need more reliable business partner. – You will need a more reliable business partner.

  • answered- responsible

Who is responsible for this? – Who is responsible for this?

He is a responsible employee. - He is a responsible employee.


1. Tough literally means “hard”, in relation to a person – “cool”: Tough guys. - Tough guys.

2. Cute and nice similar words, but nice (pleasant, good, polite) usually talk about a person’s character and appearance:

  • He is a nice person. - He nice Human.
  • I can't be nice with mean people. - I can not be polite