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Presentation on the topic of the political system of modern society. Presentation on the topic "political system, its structure and functions." Democracy and Its Forms

A political system is a complex of norms, institutions and organizations that together make up the political self-organization of society. Functions: making generally binding decisions, managing society (defining goals, objectives for the development of society, developing a political course, etc.); integrative function (consolidation of society based on common values); the function of mobilizing resources to achieve certain goals; function of political communication (providing communication between various elements of the political system, as well as between the system and the environment)

POLITICAL SYSTEMS OF THE DICTATORIAL TYPE “dictatorship” (from the Latin dictatura - unlimited power). Characteristic: lack of guarantees of political freedoms, principles of separation of powers and the rule of law. Within the framework of dictatorial-type political systems, it is customary to distinguish between authoritarian and totalitarian political systems.

POLITICAL REGIME is a system of methods for exercising power in society, which is a set of certain rules of the political game, political values ​​and political norms, as well as corresponding political institutions and structures designed for their implementation in political practice.

Totalitarian political regime The main features of a totalitarian regime: 1. Recognition of the leading role of one party and the implementation of its dictatorship; 2. The dominance of one official ideology in the spiritual sphere and its forced imposition on all members of society; 3. The existence of general control over the behavior of individuals and the use of repressive methods; 4. Universal control over the media; 5. Centralized economic management.

Authoritarian political regime Main features of an authoritarian regime political regime: 1. Autocracy (from the Greek autokrateia) - autocracy, monarchy, autocracy or a small number of power holders (tyranny, junta, oligarchic group). 2. Unlimited power, its uncontrollability by citizens. At the same time, the government can rule with the help of laws, but it adopts them at its own discretion. 3. Reliance (real or potential) on strength. An authoritarian regime may not resort to mass repression and be popular among a wide range of the population. However, he has sufficient power to force citizens to obey when necessary. 4. Monopolization of power in politics, preventing political opposition and competition. 5. Recruitment of the political elite through co-optation, appointment from above, and not on the basis of competitive political struggle. 6. Refusal of total control over society, non-interference or limited intervention in non-political spheres, primarily in the economy.

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Codifier Questions

  • Power concept
  • Politic system
  • Democracy. Its core values ​​and attributes
  • The state, its functions
  • Political elite
  • Political parties and movements
  • Media in the political system
  • Election campaign in Russia
  • Political process
  • Political participation
  • Political leadership
  • State bodies Russian authorities
  • Federal structure of the Russian Federation
  • Not considered
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    Power concept

    • Power is the opportunity and ability to exercise one’s will, influence the activities and behavior of other people.
    • Power is a relationship of “dominance-subordination” that arises between people. Some dominate, showing their will, others obey this will.
    • Sources of power (according to M. Weber):
    • Violence (physical force, weapons, organized group, personal characteristics, threat of force)
    • Authority (family and social ties, charisma, expert (special) knowledge, faith)
    • Law (position and authority, control of resources, custom and tradition
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    Political system, its components

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    Typology of political regimes

    As a result of the interaction of these components of the PS, a certain political order or regime is formed, i.e., the way the political system functions. System of methods for exercising power.

    Learn the characteristics of the modes

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    Democracy and Its Basic Principles


    Democracy is a political regime in which the people are the source of power


    The majority principle, the will of the majority is revealed through elections and referendums

    Respect for minority rights – the right of minorities to oppose

    Parliamentarism - state power in which the leading role belongs to the people's representation - parliament

    Political pluralism (diversity):

    multi-party system, diversity of political ideas, media, etc.

    Glasnost – openness of the activities of political institutions, accessibility of information, freedom of speech

    A rule of law state, the basis of which is the rule of law and the guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens


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    Democracy and Its Forms


    • Direct (immediate)

    Power is exercised by the people themselves without political intermediaries. How?

    • Elections based on universal suffrage
    • Referendums
    • Gatherings and meetings of citizens
    • Citizens' appeals to authorities
    • Rallies, demonstrations
    • Exercising power by representatives of the people - deputies
    • It is necessary to have a representative legislature– PARLIAMENT
    • The process of representative democracy involves professional politicians
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    The concept of "State"



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    State: signs, functions, forms

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    According to the form of government, states are divided into

    • Monarchy (unity) is a form of government in which the source and carrier of the state. power is one person occupying the throne by right of birth
    • A republic is a form of government in which the source and carrier of the state. power is the people and elected bodies - parliament and president
    • Absolute (unlimited) sole rule
    • Constitutional (limited) monarch reigns but does not rule
    • Parliamentary:
    • Supremacy of Parliament
    • The government is responsible to Parliament
    • The Prime Minister forms and heads the government
    • Presidential:
    • The President is the head of state and government
    • The President is elected by the population or electors
    • The government is responsible to the President
    • Mixed (parliamentary-presidential): Strong parliament and strong president; balance of powers
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    Form of government

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    Civil society and the state

    Civil society is a set of non-state social relations and associations (associations) expressing the diverse interests and needs of members of society.

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    Becoming civil society associated with the statement rule of law. A rule of law state is unthinkable without a developed civil society. Civil society is possible only in a democratic regime, a rule of law state.

    Rule of Law State is a type of state whose activities are actually limited by law, there is a separation of powers (legislative, executive, judicial), a guarantee of individual rights and freedoms and control over power by society

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    Signs of the rule of law

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    Political elite

    Political elite is a group or set of groups occupying a privileged and prestigious position in society, due to participation in decision-making related to the use of state power

    The theory of elites by G. Mosca and V. Pareto:

    1. Society is divided into a ruling class and a ruled class;

    2. The elite are people capable of managing other people; they have moral, material, intellectual superiority

    3. In addition to the ruling elite, an opposition elite is formed - a counter-elite; it strives for power and when the ruling class declines, a change of elites occurs. Composition: heads of state, government, heads of parliament, party leaders, etc.

    4. The main characteristic of elites is their constant influence on political decision-making

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    PARTY (partis, pars - part, group) - a group of like-minded people united in a political organization for the purpose of expressing and protecting the interests of a certain social group of society

    SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS – solidary (joint) activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal

    Political goal

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    Batch classification

    • Center
    • Left
    • Rights
    • Those in power
    • Communists
    • Fascists
    • Social Democrats
    • Liberals
    • Conservatives
    • In relation to the authorities: ruling and opposition
    • By organizational structure: mass and personnel
    • By program attitudes: extreme left, left, centrist, right, extreme right

    Party functions:

    1. Relationship between civil society and the state

    2. Electoral – participation in elections

    3. Political socialization of citizens

    4. Education of political elites

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    Political leadership

    Political leadership is the personal ability to influence political behavior and political activity people in a group, organization or society

    Characteristics of a Political Leader

    • Program
    • Expression of interests def. groups
    • Perseverance, will, courage
    • Image, public speaking skills
    • Team of assistants
    • Support of the authorities and the masses
  • POLITICAL SYSTEM is a set of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interaction and relationships between them through political power. a set of state, party and public bodies and organizations participating in political life countries.

    Political leadership of society, determination of strategic goals and prospects for social development - a function of goal setting; Regulatory ordering and regulation of political behavior and political relations in a state-organized society of Legitimation, achieving the minimum necessary degree of compliance of real political life with generally accepted legal and political norms of Consolidation socio-political building ensuring the existence of society as a single whole - an integrative function Mobilization ensuring the maximum use of society's resources Distributive distribution of resources and values ​​between members of society 13

    Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of the company’s activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness, " title = " Functions of the political system: > Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of society's activities to implement accepted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness," class="link_thumb"> 4 !} Functions of the political system: > Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of the company’s activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness, involving members of society in political participation and activity. > Coordination of the diverse interests of the state and social communities. > Ensuring internal and external security and stability of the political system. > Development of rules and laws of behavior of people and groups in society. a) determination of goals, objectives and ways of development of society; b) regulation of the company’s activities; c) distribution of spiritual and material resources; d) coordination of different political interests; e) stability and security of society; f) monitoring the implementation of decisions and compliance with standards. Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of the company’s activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness, "> Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of society's activities to implement adopted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness, involvement of members of society in political participation and activity. > Coordination various interests of the state and social communities. > Ensuring internal and external security and stability of the political system. > Development of rules and laws of behavior of people and groups in society. a) determining the goals, objectives and ways of development of society; b) regulating the activities of society; c) distribution spiritual and material resources; d) coordination of different political interests; e) stability and security of society; f) control over the implementation of decisions and compliance with norms."> Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of the company’s activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness, " title = " Functions of the political system: > Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of society's activities to implement accepted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness,"> title="Functions of the political system: > Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society. > Organization of the company’s activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs. > Distribution of material and spiritual values. > Formation of political consciousness,"> !}

    The main elements of the political system: a) organizations and institutions (state, parties and socio-political movements, media); b) political communications (the set of relations and forms of interaction between political subjects); c) political norms and traditions (constitutions and laws, ethical and moral norms); d) cultural-ideological subsystem (a set of political ideas, views, perceptions and feelings that are different in content).

    CONCEPT OF POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY Type of political regime authoritarianism, democracy, totalitarianism Form of government monarchy, republic Relationship of power party, government Form of social and political representation pluralism, corporatism Universality Control Legitimacy “Democracy is the fooling of the people with the help of the people, for the good of the people” (Oscar Wilde, British playwright) 2

    TYPOLOGY OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS Source of political power Attitude to reality State of the political structure Nature of the political process Democratic (constitutional) Conservative Anglo-American Command Autocratic Reform Continental European Competitive Progressive Pre-industrial (partially industrial) Socio-conciliatory Reactionary Totalitarian Interaction with the external environment Open Closed “I” I don’t agree with what you say, but I will defend to the last drop of blood your right to express your own point of view” (Voltaire, philosopher) 14

    Political psychology is a set of ideas, feelings, emotions, psychological stereotypes that reflect the direct attitude of people to the existing political system of society, politics, and political institutions; political ideology, a system of ideas, views, concepts on political life, ways of explaining the world of politics, which is based on values, orientations towards certain political phenomena, processes, structures; political culture - a system of norms of political behavior established in society based on ideas about political ideals, a just state, the meaning of political life, the significance of political struggle, ways of assessing and explaining political phenomena

    THEORY OF THE SYSTEM APPROACH BY T. PARSONS The purpose of the political system is to ensure integration, development and implementation of common goals The economic subsystem is responsible for meeting people's needs for consumer goods The political subsystem determines collective interests, mobilizes resources to achieve them The social subsystem supports an established way of life, transfers it to new members of society norms, rules and values ​​that become important factors motivating their behavior The spiritual subsystem integrates society, establishes and maintains bonds of solidarity between its elements First used systems approach Each system has four main functions: adaptation, goal achievement, integration, preservation of the existing order (latent function). Thus, the system must adapt to the environment, achieve a goal, have internal unity and be able to maintain this state, reproduce the structure and relieve tension in the system. 3

    D. EASTON'S SYSTEM APPROACH This is a series of interactions, abstracted from general social behavior, through which values ​​are distributed in society. Has a “reactive” “self-regulating” potential that protects it from self-destruction. A mobile phenomenon, it is able to support itself, preserving character traits that determine its appearance It is an open system that can be changed under the influence of environmental factors Can remain stable if there is an appropriate balance between “incoming” and “outgoing” factors Requirements Support Solutions Actions Based on the authoritarian distribution of values ​​Ideological Structural Personal 4

    STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH G. ALMOND “A political system is a system of interaction existing in all independent societies that performs the functions of integration and adaptation (within society, outside it and between societies) through the use of legitimate physical coercion” (Gabriel Almond, American political scientist and sociologist ) All political systems have their own structure All political systems perform similar universal functions necessary for social life, functions are performed by different structures of the system and with different frequencies All political systems are mixed in a cultural sense The difference between simple (traditional) and developed systems lies in the differentiation of functions and specialization of structures, these systems are similar in function, but differ in structural characteristics The political system is multifunctional. It is based on an analysis of the target behavioral aspect of the structures of the political system. Study of the situation and taking into account its features when making decisions. Political solution to identified problems 5

    POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY (structural-functional approach) The political system of society is a set of institutions ordered on the basis of law and other social norms, within the framework of which the political life of society takes place and political power is exercised 6

    INSTITUTIONAL SUBSYSTEM A set of institutions (institutions, organizations) related to the functioning of political power – political sphere society “The withering away of the state will come not through the weakening of state power, but through its maximum strengthening” (Joseph Stalin, Soviet statesman and party leader) OWN POLITICAL organizations that directly and directly exercise political power - the state (the core element of the system), political parties and individual public organizations that are political in nature NON-POLITICAL trade unions, youth, veterans, business unions, environmental movements, etc. NON-POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS organizations that have only a minor political aspect in their content 7

    IDEOLOGICAL SUBSYSTEM A set of political ideas, views, perceptions, and feelings of participants in the political life of society that are different in content Individual ideas and views Theoretical Political ideology Empirical Political psychology STRUCTURE LEVELS Class (group) views Universal (interclass, group) ideas Views Principles Ideas Slogans Ideals Theories Feelings Moods Prejudices Emotions Opinions Traditions « Old idea even when it is nothing more than a word, a sound, a mirage, it has a magical power that is still capable of subjugating us to its influence” (Gustave Le Bon, French psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist) 8

    NORMATIVE SUBSYSTEM Political norms, moral principles and traditions that determine and regulate the political life of society STRUCTURE Legal norms Norms of activity public organizations Unwritten customs, traditions Ethical and moral principles and norms Constitution Regulatory acts Laws “In politics, slow perseverance always prevails over unbridled force, a carefully worked out plan over an improvised impulse, realism over romance” (Stephan Zweig, Austrian writer) 9

    COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM The set of relationships and forms of interactions that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals, regarding their participation in organizing the implementation and development of political power in connection with the development and implementation of policies Main types (according to social orientation) Political relations aimed at strengthening the existing political system Political relations expressing the interests of opposition-moderate or revolutionary forces “A politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen” (Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister) 10

    CULTURAL SUBSYSTEM An integrating factor of the political system, a complex of ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of political ideas, value orientations and political behavior typical for a given society. The strength of the social base of the political power of the ruling elite. The unity of various segments of the population through the establishment of connections between participants in the political process both “horizontally” and and “vertically” in accordance with the hierarchy of the political system. The ability to foresee the reaction of the population to political and administrative decisions made through the creation of conditions for effective development political system and society as a whole, ENSURES the stability of the political system of society through the achievement, on the basis of generally accepted political and cultural values, of consent within the framework of the existing political system and the political system chosen by society. Reproduction of the political life of society on the basis of continuity “If correctly understood interest constitutes the principle of all morality, then it is necessary , therefore, to strive to ensure that the private interest of an individual coincides with universal human interests" (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, politicians) 11

    Political relations are the relationships that develop between classes, social groups, nations, states regarding their participation in the organization, exercise and development of political power. The political organization of society is a set of political institutions, including the state, political parties and movements, mass public organizations, through whose activities political power, political leadership and management of social processes Political consciousness awareness of the sphere of politics by social subjects (individuals, social groups, the whole society) Political and legal norms constitutional provisions, state laws, statutory norms of political and public organizations, traditions and customs that act as a regulator of those existing in society relations and establishing the basic principles of the activities of their subjects “Politicians are the same everywhere. They promise to build bridges even where there are no rivers" (Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet politician) 12

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    Topic 5 Political system of society Study questions Keywords: 1. The concept of the political system and the history of the problem. 2. Structure and functions of political systems. 3. Types of political systems.

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    CONCEPT OF POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY Political system is a set of state, party and public bodies, organizations, individuals participating in the political life of the country Type of political regime authoritarianism, democracy, totalitarianism Form of government monarchy, republic Relationship of power of the party, government Form of social and political representation pluralism, corporatism Universality Control Legitimacy “Democracy is the fooling of the people, by the people, for the good of the people” (Oscar Wilde, British playwright) 2

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    THEORY OF THE SYSTEM APPROACH BY T. PARSONS The purpose of the political system is to ensure integration, development and implementation of common goals The economic subsystem is responsible for meeting people's needs for consumer goods The political subsystem determines collective interests, mobilizes resources to achieve them The social subsystem supports an established way of life, transfers it to new members of society norms, rules and values ​​that become important factors in motivating their behavior The spiritual subsystem integrates society, establishes and maintains bonds of solidarity between its elements A systemic approach was applied for the first time Each system has four main functions: adaptation, goal achievement, integration, preservation of the existing order ( latent function). Thus, the system must adapt to the environment, achieve a goal, have internal unity and be able to maintain this state, reproduce the structure and relieve tension in the system. 3

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    D. EASTON'S SYSTEM APPROACH This is a series of interactions, abstracted from general social behavior, through which values ​​are distributed in society. It has a “reactive” “self-regulating” potential that protects it from self-destruction. It is a mobile phenomenon, it is able to support itself, preserving the characteristic features that determine its appearance. This is an open system that can be changed under the influence of environmental factors Can remain stable if there is an appropriate balance between “incoming” and “outgoing” factors Requirements Support Solutions Actions Based on the authoritarian distribution of values ​​Ideological Structural Personal 4

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    STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH G. ALMOND “A political system is a system of interaction existing in all independent societies that performs the functions of integration and adaptation (within society, outside it and between societies) through the use of legitimate physical coercion” (Gabriel Almond, American political scientist and sociologist ) All political systems have their own structure All political systems perform similar universal functions necessary for social life, functions are performed by different structures of the system and with different frequencies All political systems are mixed in a cultural sense The difference between simple (traditional) and developed systems lies in the differentiation of functions and specialization of structures, these systems are similar in function, but differ in structural characteristics The political system is multifunctional The basis is an analysis of the target behavioral aspect of the structures of the political system Study of the situation and taking into account its features when making decisions Political solution to identified problems 5

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    POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY (structural-functional approach) The political system of society is a set of institutions ordered on the basis of law and other social norms, within the framework of which the political life of society takes place and political power is exercised 6

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    INSTITUTIONAL SUBSYSTEM The set of institutions (institutions, organizations) associated with the functioning of political power - the political sphere of society “The withering away of the state will not come through the weakening of state power, but through its maximum strengthening” (Joseph Stalin, Soviet statesman and party leader) OWN POLITICAL organizations that directly and directly exercise political power - the state (the core element of the system), political parties and individual public organizations that have a political nature NON-PROPOLITICAL trade unions, youth, veterans, business unions, environmental movements, etc. NON-POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS organizations that have only a minor content political aspect 7

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    IDEOLOGICAL SUBSYSTEM A set of political ideas, views, perceptions, and feelings of participants in the political life of society that are different in content Individual ideas and views Theoretical Political ideology Empirical Political psychology STRUCTURE LEVELS Class (group) views Universal (interclass, group) ideas Views Principles Ideas Slogans Ideals Theories Feelings Moods Prejudice Emotions Opinions Traditions “An old idea, even when it is nothing more than a word, a sound, a mirage, has a magical power that can still subject us to its influence” (Gustave Le Bon, French psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist) 8

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    NORMATIVE SUBSYSTEM Political norms, moral principles and traditions that define and regulate the political life of society STRUCTURE Legal norms Norms of activity of public organizations Unwritten customs, traditions Ethical and moral principles and norms Constitution Regulatory acts Laws “In politics, unhurried perseverance always prevails over unbridled force, carefully a developed plan is above an improvised impulse, realism is above romance" (Stephan Zweig, Austrian writer) 9

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    COMMUNICATIVE SUBSYSTEM A set of relations and forms of interactions that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals regarding their participation in organizing the implementation and development of political power in connection with the development and implementation of policies Main types (according to social orientation) Political relations aimed to strengthen the existing political system Political relations expressing the interests of opposition-moderate or revolutionary forces “A politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen” (Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister) 10

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    CULTURAL SUBSYSTEM An integrating factor of the political system, a complex of ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of political ideas, value orientations and political behavior typical for a given society. The strength of the social base of the political power of the ruling elite. The unity of various segments of the population through the establishment of connections between participants in the political process both “horizontally” and and “vertically” in accordance with the hierarchy of the political system The ability to foresee the population’s reaction to political and managerial decisions made through the creation of conditions for the effective development of the political system and society as a whole ENSURES the stability of the political system of society through the achievement of consent within the framework of generally accepted political and cultural values existing political system and the political system chosen by society Reproduction of the political life of society on the basis of continuity “If correctly understood interest constitutes the principle of all morality, then it is necessary, therefore, to strive to ensure that the private interest of an individual coincides with universal human interests” (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, political figures) 11

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    Political relations are the relationships that develop between classes, social groups, nations, states regarding their participation in the organization, exercise and development of political power. The political organization of society is a set of political institutions, including the state, political parties and movements, mass public organizations, through whose activities political power, political leadership and management of social processes Political consciousness awareness of the sphere of politics by social subjects (individuals, social groups, the whole society) Political and legal norms constitutional provisions, state laws, statutory norms of political and public organizations, traditions and customs that regulate existing ones in society relations and establishing the basic principles of the activities of their subjects “Politicians are the same everywhere. They promise to build bridges even where there are no rivers" (Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet politician) 12

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    Political leadership of society; determination of strategic goals and prospects for social development - a function of goal setting; Regulatory ordering and regulation of political behavior and political relations in a state-organized society; Legitimation; achievement of the minimum required degree of compliance of real political life with generally accepted legal and political norms; Consolidation of the socio-political system; ensuring the existence of society as a single whole - an integrative function Mobilization ensuring maximum use of society's resources Distributive distribution of resources and values ​​between members of society 13

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    TYPOLOGY OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS Source of political power Attitude to reality State of the political structure Nature of the political process Democratic (constitutional) Conservative Anglo-American Command Autocratic Reform Continental European Competitive Progressive Pre-industrial (partially industrial) Socio-conciliatory Reactionary Totalitarian Interaction with the external environment Open Closed “I” I don’t agree with what you say, but I will defend to the last drop of blood your right to express your own point of view” (Voltaire, philosopher) 14

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    Political Science Questions:

    • Are there internal patterns of development of political structures?
    • Is it possible to successfully predict trends in the development of certain political processes?
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    The two most important aspects of a political system are:

    • Integrity
    • Dynamism
    • Structural elements:
    • Structural elements:
    • Organizational (state, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups);
    • Normative (political legal norms and values, customs and traditions);
    • Cultural (political ideas, political culture);
    • Communication (information connections and relationships within the political system, as well as between the political system and society)
    • Political ideas
    • Values
    • Worldview
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    A political system is a complex of norms, institutions and organizations that together make up the political self-organization of society.

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    • Communication subsystem
    • Functional subsystem
    • Regulatory subsystem
    • Political principles, political traditions, moral standards.
    • Institutional subsystem
    • State, political parties, socio-political movements.
    • Structure of the political system:

    Cultural-ideological subsystem

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    Functions of the political system:

    • Determination of goals, objectives, ways of development of society.
    • Organization of the company's activities to fulfill the adopted goals and programs.
    • Distribution of material and spiritual values.
    • Formation of political consciousness, involving members of society in political participation and activity.
    • Coordination of the diverse interests of the state and social communities.
    • Ensuring internal and external security and stability of the political system.
    • Development of rules and laws of behavior of people and groups in society.
    • Monitoring compliance with laws and regulations, suppressing actions that violate political norms.
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    Functioning of the political system:

    • Politic system
    • Requirements
    • Solution
    • Actions
    • Support
    • Exit
    • Environment
    • Environment
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    Relationship between the political system and the environment

    (structure of entry and exit by D. Easton):

    a) work on regulation and formulation of demands by parties, trade unions, socio-political organizations, government. figures within the political system to protect it from overload due to wide range requirements.

    b) mechanism feedback– actions and decisions of the authorities cause either public support for the authorities, or new demands on the authorities within the system.

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    Levels of existence of political systems.

    • global (world)
    • regional


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    Types of political systems.

    • Stable (steady)
    • Unstable (unstable)

    They express the will of the majority of the population, the distribution of political power corresponds to the balance of social forces in the country.

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    Political systems of dictatorial type:

    • dictatorship

    Lack of guarantees of political freedoms, the principle of separation of powers and supreme law. Rejection of democratic principles of governance.

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    a) a small number of power holders.

    b) Unlimited power, lack of real democratic mechanisms for monitoring its implementation. At the same time, power is not arbitrary and can rely on the force of laws, although these laws are adopted at the discretion of the ruling elite.

    c) the desire to use force to resolve conflict situations. Although this does not mean that force is automatically resorted to in all cases.

    d) preventing real political opposition and political competition.

    e) the relative secrecy of the ruling elite, the recruitment of members of the political elite through co-optation, appointment from above, and not competition during open and fair elections.

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    • authoritarianism
    • totalitarianism

    The general penetration of monoideology (the only permitted ideology) into all subsystems of society and the gradual absorption of society and individual human personality structures of the party-state.

    Dominance of state structures over society, primacy of executive power over legislative and judicial power.

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