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Popcorn in a frying pan. How to make popcorn from corn kernels at home (in a frying pan and in the microwave). How to make salted popcorn at home: recipe

Fresh homemade popcorn without salt or sugar is a completely healthy dish. It contains potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, A and E, and a lot of fiber. Moreover, it has a relatively low calorie content - only 357 kcal per 100 grams. Ideal as a party starter, snack or even dessert.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil or any vegetable oil of your choice
  • 60 – 80 grams of corn grains
How to cook Homemade popcorn in a frying pan:

To make homemade popcorn you will need: coconut oil, corn kernels (sold in the nut aisle), a large frying pan with high sides and a lid. Heat a skillet over medium-high, add 2 teaspoons coconut oil, and spread the corn kernels on the bottom of the skillet in a single layer. Cover with a lid and wait a bit. It will take a few minutes for the kernels to turn into popcorn. Remove the lid and place the finished popcorn into a deep bowl.

P.S. If finding grains is problematic, you can buy microwave popcorn. It is sold in almost every supermarket. In this case, open the package, rinse the corn from salt and oil, and remove any remaining water with a paper towel. Then everything is as per the recipe.

Recipes for making sweet, salty and caramel popcorn at home.

Popcorn is considered a traditional snack that is consumed while watching movies. In our country, the delicacy became famous not so long ago, but the first mention of puffed corn was found in 1492. When Columbus arrived in America, he saw popcorn beads around the necks of the locals.

What corn is homemade popcorn made from?

Not every variety of corn is suitable for making popcorn. This is a special type that contains starch and water droplets. The inside of the corn grains is not hard, but quite soft, but the outer shell is strong and glassy. This prevents damage to the grain. When exposed to high temperatures, water droplets inside the grains boil, breaking the shell. The pulp ends up on the outside.

How to make salted popcorn at home: recipe

There are many options for preparing popcorn, it all depends on what kind of utensils you have available. Special devices have been created for making popcorn, which provide optimal and uniform heating.

Popcorn options:

  • Hot air machine. The operating principle of the device is very simple. Hot air is supplied, which affects the grains and they explode. The principle is similar to how a hair dryer works.
  • Stove boiler. This is a kind of vessel with a handle that needs to be constantly rotated. Makes great popcorn. The risk of burning is really high.
  • Pan. The simplest option. The corn is simply heated in a frying pan with constant stirring. There is a risk of burning.
  • Microwave. The ideal device for making popcorn. Now varieties have been created specifically for cooking in the microwave.


  • We will cook according to the simplest recipe in a frying pan
  • Pour some oil into the pan and heat it well
  • Add a handful of popcorn and stir constantly
  • As the kernels heat up, they will explode to form popcorn.
  • Sprinkle the finished popcorn with fine salt and stir

How to make sweet popcorn at home: recipe

An ideal low-calorie dessert. Many people consider popcorn to be a children's dish, and rightly so. It is absolutely harmless.


  • Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well
  • Add a handful of corn and cover the container with a lid.
  • It is necessary to constantly shake the vessel so that nothing burns.
  • When all the grains explode, you can remove the lid and stir
  • Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and shake the corn

How to make caramel popcorn at home: recipe

There is no difficulty in preparing such corn.


  • 250 g sugar
  • spoon of lemon juice
  • 2 spoons of water
  • Corn
  • 40 ml oil
  • 1/4 cup corn kernels
  • A pinch of soda

R recipe:

  • Pour the grains into a frying pan with oil and simmer a little on the fire, stirring constantly
  • Cover with a lid and wait until all the grains open
  • Now remove from heat and make caramel
  • In a large bowl, mix sugar, lemon juice and water, put on fire
  • Stir constantly until the sugar melts
  • Cook until you get a viscous transparent mass with a characteristic caramel smell
  • When ready, place popcorn on parchment paper on a baking sheet
  • Pour baking soda into the caramel, the mixture will begin to bubble and sizzle, at this very moment pour it onto the popcorn
  • After hardening, you will get popcorn with a crispy glaze.

How to cook popcorn from corn in the oven, microwave, frying pan, multicooker: cooking features, tips

A multicooker is a kitchen assistant for modern housewives. You can easily make popcorn with it.

Instructions for cooking in a slow cooker:

  • You need to take a dry bowl and pour about 20 ml of oil into it, immediately add the corn
  • Close the lid and turn on the “baking” mode for 7 minutes
  • You need to control the crackling sound, as soon as it stops, remove the bowl from the device

AND Microwave cooking instructions:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into a glass or ceramic container and add the grains
  • Shake the bowl well to distribute the oil in a thin layer
  • Add corn kernels and cover and cook for 4 minutes.
  • Make sure that the grains do not burn; this often happens in the microwave oven.

Oven cooking instructions:

  • Pour 20 ml of vegetable oil onto a baking sheet and pour out the popcorn
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet in it
  • Cook in a closed cabinet with the heat turned down
  • When the kernels stop popping, remove the popcorn.

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. The cost of the snack is 10 times cheaper than in the cinema.

VIDEO: Popcorn at home

Popcorn has long become popular all over the world and has won the love of millions of people. This dish consists of grains of a certain type of corn, subjected to heat treatment. Due to exposure to high temperature (about 200 degrees), the liquid starch inside the grain explodes its shell, forming a foamy bulk mass that instantly hardens. The calorie content of “pure” corn without additives is 300 kcal per 100 g, and with the inclusion of additional ingredients it can reach up to 500 kcal.

This airy delicacy is immediately associated with relaxing in the park or going to the cinema. But often not entirely healthy components are added to its composition, so many people began to make their own popcorn at home. It's very simple and fast, and most importantly - harmless. Let's look step by step and with photos at how to make popcorn at home in several ways.

The benefits and harms of popcorn

Puffed corn without third-party additives and spices has a relatively low calorie content, but at the same time is very nutritious. It contains B vitamins, which help maintain body tissue in tone, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and hair. Eating fried corn grains normalizes metabolism and heart function.

The product is rich in potassium, calcium and plant fiber, the benefits of which are to cleanse the intestines and fight extra pounds.

Unfortunately, in many retail outlets, popcorn is prepared with an abundance of flavor enhancers and other foreign substances that can harm the body. No matter how tasty such a delicacy is, you should not abuse it and consume large portions. It is recommended to eat this delicacy no more than 2-3 times a week and always on a full stomach.

Corn selection

Not all types of grains are suitable for preparing an airy delicacy. Corn for popcorn should preferably be from wild, uncultivated varieties, where the grains have a durable shell that can withstand high temperatures. An ordinary crop intended for cooking will not be suitable, as it will quickly burst without reaching the required degree of roasting. This is one of the main reasons why homemade popcorn may fail.

You can also purchase ready-made special grains for dry popcorn. The contents of the package can be easily and quickly prepared in a microwave oven, or in a dry frying pan. You just need to follow the instructions indicated on the pack itself.

Popcorn in a frying pan

To prepare popcorn using this method, you only need two ingredients and a minimum amount of time.

You will need:

  • Large frying pan with a thick bottom and a lid (can be replaced with a saucepan);
  • Corn grains – 100 g;
  • Refined corn or sunflower vegetable oil – 30 ml.

The cooking scheme is very simple:

  1. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat thoroughly, reduce the flame level to minimum. You don’t have to use butter at all, but the cookware should be non-stick or Teflon coated;
  2. Quickly place the corn evenly in one layer on the hot oil. This is necessary so that all the grains open and fry;
  3. Close the lid tightly, add gas and wait. After a while, popping sounds will begin to be heard from the bursting grains. They can be very strong, so you may have to hold the lid to prevent our popcorn from shooting out and spilling onto the stove;
  4. When the frequency of the pops decreases, you need to gently shake the frying pan without opening the lid;
  5. After the mixing process, remove the corn from the flame and leave to cool for 10 minutes under the lid. During this time, the remaining grains should open in hot oil. After this time, open the lid slightly. The popcorn in the pan should be ready. The product must be consumed completely cooled.

If you like salted popcorn, immediately after removing the lid, sprinkle the corn with finely granulated salt, but you can also use regular or iodized salt. A sweet version can be obtained by sprinkling the hot treat with powdered sugar, which can also be additionally flavored with cinnamon or vanilla.

Popcorn in the microwave

This method is particularly simple, so popcorn in the microwave is an ideal option for quickly preparing your favorite treat for a home movie show.

You will need:

  • Container or glassware with a lid for the microwave oven;
  • Corn grains;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to make popcorn:

  1. Place the grains on the bottom of the container in one layer. It's better not to take too many of them at once. It is necessary to calculate the amount based on the fact that 25 g of corn when frying will fill a volume of 1 liter;
  2. Pour a small amount of oil over the corn so that it is lightly coated with an oil film;
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid and microwave for 4 minutes at full power. As soon as the intense popping sounds stop, the product is ready. You can immediately sprinkle the treat with powdered sugar or salt, making the popcorn sweet or salty, respectively.

You can also make caramel deliciousness. To do this, pour a glass of sugar and 30 g of high-quality butter into a small saucepan. Cook the mixture for 10 minutes on low gas, stirring regularly, at the end add two tablespoons of water and mix everything again. Pour the finished caramel into the puffed corn in a thin stream and stir well.

An even simpler option is to make popcorn from ready-made packaged grains. To do this, you need to carefully remove the bag without breaking the seal and place it in the oven with the picture down. You also need to make sure that when rotating the bag does not touch the internal walls of the device, otherwise some grains may not open or burn. You need to cook the yummy food for three minutes at maximum power. Once the cracking stops, the product is ready.

Popcorn in a special machine

The easiest and fastest way to prepare your favorite treat is a popcorn maker. But at the same time, this option is more expensive, and it is rarely possible to purchase the unit itself in ordinary household appliance stores. You can order it mainly in specialized online stores. In addition, it will be possible to purchase raw materials and additives for making popcorn.

Such devices are distinguished by a variety of sizes, functions, appearance, and accordingly have different performance and cost. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should pay special attention to all these parameters.

To make your favorite delicacy using such a machine, you just need to follow the instructions: pour in a little oil and pour out the required amount of grains. Additionally, flavoring and non-stick additives are added. The boiler is preheated to a high temperature, reaching approximately 300 degrees, under the influence of which the grains burst. In a word, everything is exactly the same as in a frying pan or in the microwave, only more automated.

But do not forget that any equipment requires careful care. Therefore, the device must be washed after each cooking process, and each time cooked with new oil. Careful operation will help avoid breakdowns and allow you to regularly delight yourself and your loved ones with the freshest, airy delicacy.

Video: Popcorn at home

Popped corn kernels are called popcorn. He is loved by both children and adults. Nutritionists declare the harmlessness of this dish. But when preparing it, it is necessary to pay attention to the oil in which the popcorn will be fried. A dish is prepared from corn grains and sunflower oil. You can pop popcorn in the microwave, in a frying pan, or in a slow cooker. The taste of the dish can be sweet, salty and even spicy.

How long to fry

It doesn't take too much time to prepare a delicious dish at home. Just 15-20 minutes and you can enjoy delicious popcorn by preparing it at home.


A snack made from corn kernels is fried. It is worth paying careful attention to their choice. You should choose corn with a dense shell. In appearance it should be smooth and glossy. Stores specifically sell corn kernels for making popcorn at home. If you choose soft grains, you won’t get airy flakes. This is explained by the fact that the shell ruptures quickly, but the corn core does not have time to heat up and become larger in size. Therefore, you should choose the right corn kernels.

Tip: Depending on what flavor you prefer, prepare salt, sugar or spices.

In addition to the listed ingredients, you should pay close attention to sunflower oil. It is best to take the unrefined variety and without the presence of any odor.

In a frying pan

To pop popcorn, you need to take a frying pan. You can use any one for the dish, but it is important to choose one with a lid. If you do not cover the pan with a lid, the corn will “jump out”. You should put a small portion of grains in the frying pan, otherwise they will not open during frying and the flakes will become hard.

    1. Take a frying pan, put it on gas, light the fire. It should not be too strong, otherwise the grains will burn. Pour sunflower oil. Heat it up.
    1. Take the corn and add a small amount into the frying pan. Cover the lid immediately. There is no need to make the fire smaller.
    1. After a minute, you can hear the grains exploding, this indicates their transformation. They become white flakes. Shake the pan several times until you hear explosions, without removing the lid.
    1. After the clicking stops, turn off the heat and remove the lid. It is necessary to make sure that the grains are opened. If there is whole corn, it should be removed.
  1. The finished dish is cooled and then poured into a specially prepared container.

In the microwave

You can fry a delicious snack in a microwave oven or in the microwave.

It is necessary to prepare glassware that is placed inside the device. Fried from corn grains with the addition of vegetable oil.

How to fry:

    1. Place the corn in a single layer on the bottom of a microwave-safe dish. There shouldn't be too many grains.
    1. Take a small amount of oil and pour over the corn kernels until a small film of oil appears on them.
  1. Take the lid and cover the container tightly with it. Place the prepared dishes inside the microwave and fry there for 5 minutes. After the intense popping stops, the air flakes are removed from the microwave oven. Sprinkle the dish with a small amount of powdered sugar or salt on top.


In addition to the above methods, you can fry popcorn in a pan. It is imperative to choose dishes with a transparent lid so that you can monitor the cooking process without fear of injury.

Take a pan, pour oil and put on fire. After the butter boils, pour the corn into the bottom of the container in one layer. Cover the pan and cook until the corn kernels begin to pop.

As soon as the popping sounds indicate popcorn popping, you should turn off the heat. The remaining corn will open in hot sunflower oil, as it is exposed to high temperature.

Tip: If desired, you can add salt, spices, pepper or powdered sugar.

Children like sweet popcorn most of all. Do not sprinkle with sugar, as the taste of the dish will be cloyingly sweet. It's better to take powdered sugar and sprinkle a little popcorn with it. In addition to sugar, you can use chocolate powder or honey to prepare a sweet dish.

Adults, depending on their taste preferences, can take supplements. Salted corn flakes are popular. There are actually a lot of additives. Fans of spicy foods can add pepper and spices.

To pop popcorn at home, you don't need any special knowledge. You need to have hard corn grains and a great mood, because if you don’t have this, the dish will be spoiled.

Ready-made popcorn is now sold on every corner, but store-bought treats are usually made with a lot of harmful aromatic and flavor additives. Therefore, for my household, I often prepare my own very tasty homemade popcorn from corn kernels in a regular frying pan. The delicacy prepared at home, depending on the preferences of the eater, can be made either sweet or salty. But, unlike the store-bought option, I add natural flavorings and aroma additives to my popcorn at home. You can learn how to quickly, simply and correctly prepare a tasty, aromatic and crispy delicacy from my step-by-step recipe with photos.

Popcorn Products:

  • corn for popcorn - ½ cup;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Making popcorn at home begins with the fact that you need to purchase corn from a store or market that is not the same corn that we usually cook in the summer. Popcorn is made from special varieties of corn, such as butterfly or caramel. The grains of these varieties of corn are rich in starch and when heated, they open like a flower.

In order for the corn kernels to open properly, they need to be placed in a tight bag and placed in the freezer for forty minutes.

Cover the pan with a lid and place on medium heat. After a couple of minutes, you will hear characteristic pops - this is our corn bursting. 30 seconds after the last clap, remove the frying pan from the heat, but keep the lid on for at least another minute. This is how we got beautiful natural popcorn like in the photo. At this stage, its taste is insipid, one might say, none.

And now, I want to tell you how to make homemade popcorn richer and tastier using various natural food additives. Now we will prepare salty popcorn and several sweet options.

How to make salted popcorn in a skillet

We will need:

  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • ground coriander or other spices – 1 tsp;
  • “extra” salt - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 head.

Peel the garlic and chop it into thin slices.

Fry the garlic slices until golden brown in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Then, use a slotted spoon to remove the fried garlic from the oil; we won’t need it anymore. Actually, we needed garlic in order to make the vegetable oil fragrant. You can simply throw away the fried garlic, but I use it as a roast for first or second courses.

Now, sprinkle the already fried ready-made corn kernels with salt, coriander, pour in garlic oil, mix and our most delicious salted popcorn with spices is ready.

How to make sweet popcorn in a frying pan

Sweet popcorn with caramel

  • butter - 40 g;
  • sugar – 200 gr;
  • water – 40 g;
  • “extra” salt – 1/3 tsp.

First, let's prepare the caramel. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water and melt the sugar over low heat, stirring with a spoon.

At the last stage, be sure to salt the caramel. If you don’t add salt to the caramel, it will turn out too sweet and cloying.

Pour hot caramel into a deep container with popcorn and mix.

To prevent our sweet popcorn from sticking together into one big ball, we need to spread it in one layer either on a silicone mat or on a sheet of parchment and let it dry for twenty minutes.

This is what ready-to-eat sweet and flavorful caramel popcorn looks like.

Sweet popcorn with coconut flakes

Caramel popcorn can be used to make delicious and cute coconut balls.

To do this, roll the slightly dry popcorn with caramel into small balls with wet hands, which are then generously sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Sweet popcorn with powdered sugar

This cooking option is very simple. Simply pour the finished popcorn while still warm into a plastic bag. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Then, tie the bag and shake vigorously. This will help us evenly distribute the powdered sugar over the surface of the already burst grains. Additional drying is not necessary for this preparation. You can serve and enjoy the delicacy. 🙂

As you can see, making popcorn at home is very easy, and there are a lot of options for flavoring crispy fried corn kernels.

Bon appetit everyone!