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Why did I stay without alcohol for the New Year (2 photos). New Year and alcohol: how to drink so as not to have problems? Spend the New Year without alcohol

The temperance movement is growing more and more in our country. This is not visible in the media, since the initiative is purely popular, like the anti-alcohol riots of the late nineteenth century, for example.

Of course, active young people with a similar life position are not the majority in our country, but if people’s anti-alcohol initiatives found a response in the authorities, it would not be at all difficult to sober up the population of Russia.

All over the country, young people organize sober runs on January 1, immediately after the official holiday. At these events, competitions, games, and tea parties are organized. Of course, not everyone has the strength and desire for such activity, but everyone can celebrate the New Year soberly. Moreover, the tradition of celebrating this holiday with liters of alcohol, in fact, does not have such a long history. For example, the tradition of celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne dates back only to 1956, when the film “Carnival Night” cemented this harmful image among the vast majority of Soviet citizens.

Russia has traditionally been one of the most sober countries in the world. In Europe, only Norway drank less than us. We were in second to last place in the world in per capita alcohol consumption for three centuries from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century. And until the 17th century, pure alcohol was not produced in factories.

With the beginning of the 20th century, per capita alcohol consumption jumped sharply. It was less than 3 liters, and by 1914 it reached an unheard of level for the so-called drunken tsarist Russia of 4.7 liters (today this figure, according to various estimates, is 12-14 liters).

In 1914, on the eve of World War I, a “prohibition law” was adopted in Russia. As a result, the production and consumption of alcohol in Russia fell to almost zero - less than 0.2 liters per person per year, that is, less than a glass of alcohol per person per year. And only in 1960 did Russia exceed the world average alcohol consumption for 1980 of 5 liters .

And is this a tradition? No, traditions are formed much longer than in some 45 years! Therefore, the statement that drunkenness is traditional in Russia is fundamentally incorrect. We can only say that this is an imposed “tradition” on the Russian people and our entire country.

Advantages of a completely sober holiday:

To an ordinary, “cultured drinker,” it may seem wild not to drink any alcoholic drinks during the holidays: “What, you can’t even drink a glass of wine?” But let's list those the benefits of a completely sober holiday who are waiting for a strong-willed person with a clear January first look:

1. Freedom of movement. If you have a car, then you can absolutely safely move around both on New Year’s Eve and the day after, delighting your family and friends - children, parents, friends - with your attention, activity and good mood.

2. Freedom from alcoholic programming. If you have children who see from your example that you can have fun without alcohol, then from childhood they will imbibe the healthy and only true path of sobriety. And for you, the psychological effect of your own refusal of alcoholic holiday libations will help strengthen your sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

3. New Year is a collective holiday, and it may happen that you will be the only sober person in the company. This is not a problem at all, because your friends do not celebrate the New Year with you to get drunk? And if so, then why do you need such friends? Later, seeing your positive example, your sober resourcefulness and cheerfulness, more and more friends will change their views on alcoholic programming, and it will not be bad at all if they even feel somewhat inferior with a glass next to you. If some people don’t get a dose of alcohol on New Year’s Eve, then nothing bad will happen to them, and you can consider this your contribution to prolonging their lives.

4. With your sober New Year, you can personally show the fat fig to the entire alcohol mafia, the world government and other cannibals of the planet. Let this be your first step towards leaving the state of the herd, where humanity is skillfully driven, including by alcohol. Well, as for the alcohol lobby, which zombifies the population through all possible channels and by all possible means, the very fact of opposing this force of zombification will speak for you. This means that you and those whom you inspire are, first of all, people, and not a herd that destroys itself for its own money. In addition, we need to remember that the strongest alcohol mafia was not born yesterday.

Let's give an example. Prohibition was in Russia in 1914 and 1985. The initiators of the “dry laws” were teetotal popular movements. But the opposing forces were also great. One of the representatives of such forces, in 1911, Baron Ginzburg, alarmed by the growth of the anti-alcohol movement, declared in his circle: “From the supply of vodka for state-owned wine shops, from industrial distillation, I receive more gold than from all my gold mines. Therefore, the government sale of drinks must be preserved at all costs and justified in the eyes of the notorious public opinion.”

There have even been attempts to prove that drinking “moderate” doses of alcohol is normal. In 1912, they turned to Academician I.P. Pavlov with a request to give an opinion on the project to create a laboratory to substantiate the harmlessness of moderate alcohol consumption. The scientist responded with the following letter: “An institute that sets itself the indispensable goal of discovering the harmless use of alcohol does not rightly have the right to be called or considered scientific... And therefore it seems that all those who care about public funds, the health of the population and the dignity of Russian science, have the duty to raise their voice against the establishment of an institute of this name...”

After the adoption of the Prohibition Law in 1985, shameless vilification of it broke out, appealing to “ folk traditions”, then to “human rights”, queues for vodka were artificially created, riots and fights were organized in them, this was covered by the media. Articles appeared criticizing Prohibition. In particular, I. Lisochkin writes: “...The protracted struggle (meaning the struggle for a sober lifestyle after the resolution of the Party Central Committee in May 1985), without yielding any real results, cost the state budget more than four Chernobyls (39 billion versus 8); the number of those poisoned by surrogates significantly exceeded the losses in the terrible war in Afghanistan” or “... the ribs of respectable citizens are cracking in kilometer-long queues...”.

Here is what Academician F. G. Uglov, a famous fighter for sobriety, answers:

“Yes, we really did not receive 39 billion from the budget. But this is a brilliant and great benefit for the people. We drink approximately 33 billion rubles worth of alcohol per year. We are paying for this with millions of people dying from alcohol-related causes and the birth of 200 thousand defective and mentally handicapped children. And if we have not consumed this poison in an amount exceeding our annual income, it means that we have saved more than a million lives and avoided the birth of 250 thousand defective children.

And this fact horrifies Lisochkin. He would like to see the plan for the sale of narcotic poison exceeded, so that even more people die - both adults and children.

He is concerned that 12-13 thousand died from poisoning with surrogates. But it is well known that even without any restrictions on the sale of alcohol, thousands of people die from surrogates. At the same time, not everyone knows (and Lisochkin does not write about this) that 40 thousand of our fellow citizens die annually from acute poisoning alcohol. This is four times more than the number of deaths from the use of surrogates - and the author is silent on this matter.

As for the broken ribs of respectable citizens, I am deeply convinced that not a single respectable, self-respecting citizen will stand in a kilometer-long line for vodka. And in drunken fights, many times more ribs are broken.

Lisochkin sheds a tear for the “poor” drunkards standing in line for their own misfortune. I feel sorry for the unfortunate freaks, defective and mentally handicapped children who are born from those who stand in kilometer-long queues. If the author had seen these unfortunate people (and there are hundreds of thousands of them!), doomed to a half-animal, hopeless existence in orphanages with living parents, he might have had a different attitude towards those who, losing their human dignity, stand in lines for hours for liquid , which deprives them of the remnants of their reason."

“Prohibition” was to the liking of the citizens of our country. After 1985, profits from sobriety were 3-4 times higher than the shortfall from the sale of alcohol and tobacco poisons. However, thanks to the dominance of individual social groups enforcement of Prohibition ceased.

But back in 1975, WHO concluded that without legislative (that is, prohibitive) measures, all types of anti-alcohol propaganda are ineffective.

Every reasonable person should know: alcohol brings great material benefits to businessmen like Baron Ginzburg, but only ruin and death to the state and people. That’s why the Ginsburgs don’t need Prohibition.

How to prepare and meet New Year so that you feel cheerful and joyful on January 1? The simplest option is to give up alcohol, limit yourself to food and go to bed immediately after the chimes strike. But the holiday traditions suggest a different scenario. Federal agency news tells how to celebrate with minimal losses to health and well-being.

Eat right the night before

In order for the body to cope with a large number of treats and drinks, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

The most important thing is not to sit down festive table hungry, otherwise you risk overeating.

During the day of December 31, you need to eat right - food should be rich in vitamins and microelements, filling, but not overloading the stomach and liver, that is, nothing fatty, fried or smoked. Porridge, vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, and bran are ideal in this regard.

Immediately before the feast, you should eat foods that slow down the absorption of alcohol. These could be eggs, liquid rice porridge with butter, avocado, dairy products. And be sure to drink freshly brewed tea with mint or lemon. This drink will be useful even after the holiday.

To drink a lot of water

Throughout the day before the feast, you need to drink a lot of clean still water - at least one and a half liters per day.

Drinking plenty of water even during the holiday is considered a good prevention of dehydration, which accompanies any hangover. The rate of absorption of alcohol is directly proportional to the concentration of alcohol in the body: the more it is diluted with another liquid, the less likely you are to suffer from headaches, nausea, and dizziness in the morning.

The main thing is not to drink sweet carbonated drinks at the table, which, on the contrary, accelerate intoxication and aggravate the hangover.

Sleep before the holiday

It wouldn't hurt to get some sleep before the holiday. Try to find at least an hour and a half to sleep in the pre-holiday bustle. This will be enough to gain strength for night festivities and increase the body's resistance to the effects of alcohol.

Take an overdose of alcohol

Some doctors advise taking a so-called homeopathic dose of alcohol one and a half to two hours before a large feast - no more than 50 grams of vodka or cognac. This will prepare the liver for further libations.

A cocktail of vodka and tonic is also suitable, since the quinine contained in tonic has a beneficial effect on the enzyme system, facilitating the absorption of alcohol.

Don't mix drinks

Experts are unanimous that you should not mix alcoholic drinks. And you also need to choose wisely what exactly you will drink at the New Year’s table.

Firstly, the alcohol must be of high quality.

And secondly, you should remember that the worst hangover occurs after drinking brandy, cognac and whiskey. The congener, tannin, tannins and ellagic acid contained in these alcoholic drinks aggravate the hangover.

A severe hangover can also occur after red wine, since it contains both ethanol and methanol. And champagne is dangerous because of sugar and the abundance of carbon dioxide, which allows alcohol to enter the blood faster.

Eat the right snack

Some advise eating strong alcohol with fatty foods, others say that you should lean on dishes containing eggs, since they contain the amino acid cysteine, which reduces the toxic effects of alcohol. Gastroenterologists often recommend snacking on vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and lean fish.

But eating well doesn't mean much. Dense, fatty foods combined with excessive doses of alcohol are a shot at the liver and gastrointestinal tract, since they will have to digest not only alcoholic toxins, but also heavy food. In addition, a rich snack creates the illusion of sobriety, a person drinks more than normal, alcohol accumulates in the stomach, and in the morning it “shoots” with unpleasant symptoms.


It's best to take long breaks between New Year's toasts and get up from the table to move around. To do this, you can come up with moving competitions or just dance.

It is also advised to go out into the fresh air and warm up a little - this fills not only the lungs with oxygen, but also the muscles, which contributes to the rapid oxidation of ethyl alcohol and the removal of harmful substances from the body.

It is not possible to leave the apartment on New Year's Eve - ventilate it more often. And try not to smoke. Nicotine increases intoxication and hangover.

Take anti-hangover medications

They can be divided into two types - those that are taken before the feast, and those that should be drunk after it.

Before the celebration you can take 5-10 tablets activated carbon or other absorbents. It is also recommended to take digestive enzymes (mezim, creon) before the feast.

If the hangover cannot be overcome, then in the morning some people save themselves with drugs that alleviate the condition. In first place here is aspirin, which is also found in anti-hangover “pops”. But it is effective only if 6-8 hours have passed since the holiday. IN otherwise aspirin can be dangerous.

Resort to folk remedies

Products such as brine, sauerkraut, salted cucumbers. Microelements contained in pickles alleviate the body's condition during intoxication.

Some people are saved by fermented milk drinks like tan, ayran and kefir. But also tea with lemon and honey, non-carbonated mineral water They also help a lot. You need to drink as much as possible, but in small portions. But it is better to avoid coffee, which has a dehydrating property.

Hot chicken broth is also helpful for hangovers, as it will help an irritated stomach.

Don't drink anymore

Narcologists advise those who overdid it on New Year's to rest the next day, but not to treat like with like, since this is a direct path to alcoholism. Amber or lemon acid and tincture of eleutherococcus.

A warm bath with rosemary and lavender oils, which remove toxins, and leisurely walks in the fresh air will help you endure the unpleasant condition.

Of course, there is no universal recipe for how to get rid of a hangover. But there is one proven wisdom - to observe moderation in everything. Take care of yourself, be healthy and have a nice New Year!

There may be several reasons for giving up alcohol on New Year's Eve.

Individual intolerance, children at the table, pregnancy, Lent, driving, doctors have prohibited it, alcohol makes you sick or is simply harmful to your health.

And they all tear you away from the team and don’t allow you to have a full break in main holiday of the year.

What should those who can’t drink do, how to have fun celebrating the New Year without alcohol?

Celebrate with like-minded people. The longer you drive healthy image life, the more friends with similar views you can make. Drop by during the day to see your “drinking” friends and relatives with a little congratulations, and celebrate the New Year itself in sober company. Then you definitely won’t have to get into unnecessary disputes.

If you don’t have such company, and your friends drink alcohol, then their requests for a drink should be answered with a categorical refusal. You respect their right to drink, right? So let them respect your right to naturally have fun while remaining sober! In general, there is no need to succumb to provocative beliefs about the benefits of alcohol and phrases like: “You don’t respect us!”

It’s not worth breaking off relations with a drinking company.

You can celebrate the New Year with real friends, even if they drink, just don’t drink yourself. It will still be interesting.

And don’t think that the holiday wouldn’t be so fun without alcohol. After all, we get fun from the holiday, not from alcohol.

A well-thought-out program with dancing, competitions, karaoke, round dances around the Christmas tree and fireworks on the street (firecrackers on the balcony) will help you celebrate the New Year cheerfully and soberly. Such a holiday program can be found in a book on organizing various events or by looking at the section on our website.

You can come up with such competitions, quizzes, games and topics for conversation at the table yourself. Approach the organization of the celebration creatively, and everything will definitely work out in the best possible way.

If you are hosting guests, be sure to warn those invited that you are a person of a sober outlook and will celebrate the New Year without alcohol. However, this does not mean that you should not serve alcohol to your friends. This can ruin the holiday for others and give rise to a quarrel, which is not at all according to Feng Shui on New Year's Eve.

Prepare a lot of unusual, tasty and beautiful non-alcoholic cocktails. With them you will have more fun, and the guests are unlikely to be able to refuse, which means they will drink less alcohol.

Propose an idea for a “No Alcohol Party” in advance. Offer a competition for the best non-alcoholic New Year's cocktail. Conduct a small campaign on the Internet, create a community like “We are celebrating a sober New Year, who is with us?” Share your menu ideas and entertainment program and inspire others.

In addition to a non-alcoholic New Year's Eve at home, you can arrange festivities with slides or ice skating, a trip around the city at night in a car decorated with tinsel, or rent a house in the forest for this time, away from the city.

Benefits of a sober New Year:

  • at 3 o'clock in the morning you still don't want to go to bed, you want to continue having fun, while the tipsy ones are already drawn to the side
  • drunk people on the street more often behave like zombies, some are embarrassed by their condition, are afraid of falling, apologize instead of congratulating them on the occasion
  • in the morning you wake up in a very cool mood, wake everyone up and congratulate them on the first morning of the New Year, turn on the music louder, go to a cafe or cinema. Unlike those who get up with a headache and a swollen face.

Remember the last time you celebrated New Year without alcohol? If 10-15 years ago, a non-alcoholic holiday would be a truly new experience.

On New Year's Day it is not important to drink or eat goodies for the whole year ahead. This is one of the largest holidays, uniting people and making them wait for something fabulous.

On New Year's Day, I want to believe in a miracle and wait for this miracle. And the New Year's fairy tale should not depend on bottles of alcohol!

So, on New Year's Day I was left alone. Not completely alone - I had already put my little daughter to bed and sat down to work - an urgent project that did not wait a minute. About 15 minutes before the chimes, I set up a small table for myself in front of the TV - I put out Olivier, sandwiches, boiled pork, tangerines, brought champagne and a beautiful crystal glass. I thought: I’ll sit down now and clink a glass of champagne on the TV screen at the moment when Vladimir Vladimirovich will speak, and it seems like he’s not alone.

With this thought, I reached for a bottle of good, my favorite champagne, and began to slowly and with pleasure remove the foil, remembering the passing year - its sorrows and joys. The foil fell, a wire appeared, as I now remember the muzle is called, it’s a painfully funny word. I always shake the shamanic muzle in a glass, removing excess bubbles. In general, looking forward to a delicious dinner and have a nice evening, I began to gently rock the cork. I need to make sure that she doesn’t shoot, I’ll also wake up my daughter and flood the whole apartment with champagne. The cork did not budge even a millimeter.

I started to pull harder, I see that time is already pressing, now Putin will come out and say hello and it’s already New Year. I began to rock the cork harder, but to no avail. Clutching the bottle between my legs and risking getting the cork in my eye, I twisted this ill-fated cork with the most desperate frenzy that can only be exhibited by a person who has decided to relax once a year, and even this the heavens do not allow him.

Putin came on the screen and started talking, and I still pulled and pulled the plug. I picked at her with a knife, I drove a corkscrew into her, but she still stuck out with this corkscrew, motionless in any direction. Out of despair, I had already begun to growl and whine. My whole life flashed before my eyes, or rather, all its negative moments, which at that second came together so clearly that it began to seem that I had a completely worthless, useless, disgusting life, filled only with failures. I cursed myself for thinking of getting a martini at the store, but decided to follow tradition.

The bottle didn't give up. The chimes resonated louder and louder in my head with each strike. Out of anger, I knocked on the ill-fated cork and pulled the unfortunate corkscrew. The chimes died down, the people around shouted “Hurray”, and I, all disheveled, red, angry and unhappy, plopped the nasty bottle on the table and, looking at the ceiling, said in my heart: “Well, what have I done to you so bad that you even give me a drink?” you don't give it. And then a huge bang sounded. The cork that flew out broke the chandelier with a corkscrew sticking out of it and landed safely in my Olivier.

For another 15 minutes I quietly chewed tangerines, looked at the foam spilling over the table, listened to my champagne methodically dripping onto the floor and thought about my mocking fate, deciding that I needed to change something radically...

What is the longest night of the year? No, not the winter solstice in mid-December. The longest night of the year begins on the evening of December 31 and lasts at least ten days. People call this amazing night “New Year’s”.

It is generally accepted that people should rest on holidays. But often we celebrate them so vigorously that we rather have to take a break from the holidays. While the soul is walking, the body receives increased stress in the form of food, physical activity (dancing and various competitions) and, of course, alcohol.

Alcohol on New Year's table– tradition. At least a bottle of champagne, which is usually opened with noise, splashes and the cork flying into someone's eye. And the same tradition is a hangover on the morning of January 1st.

In order not to start the New Year with nausea, headaches and other hangover delights, you need to follow a few simple rules when handling alcoholic beverages.


In some cases, the only right decision will be not to drink at all.

Alcohol is incompatible with many medications and is strictly contraindicated for certain diseases. It is extremely dangerous to combine drugs for alcohol with alcohol. of cardio-vascular system, painkillers and sleeping pills, antidepressants, insulin. In case of serious chronic diseases, alcohol consumption must be agreed with a doctor.

If in the near future after the holiday there is a possibility that a clear mind unclouded by alcohol will be required (for example, you will have to drive), it is better to completely abstain from any consumption of strong drinks. After all, where there is “just one glass,” the rest of the bottle usually ends up too.


Ahead New year's night, fun, festive table and, of course, alcohol. Then, with the chiming of the chimes and the general cheerful mood, it will be difficult to reason rationally and stop in time. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance about preparing the body for drinking alcohol while your head is still sober.

A cup of green tea with mint will calm the stomach and soften the effects of alcohol poisoning in the body.

A glass of milk will ensure that alcohol is absorbed more slowly.

You can't drink on an empty stomach, so be sure to have a snack before the party.

Feast rules

Proper drinking of alcohol is described by only two rules that everyone knows, but for some reason few people follow.

Rule #1. Do not mix. Do not mix drinks with different degrees of strength, do not mix sparkling wines with strong alcohol, do not mix drinks made from grapes with drinks made from grain. It's better not to mix anything at all. Ideally, one type of strong drink for the whole evening.

Rule #2. Don't overdo it. As people say, “you need to know your limits, otherwise you might accidentally drink less.” The first signs of intoxication: burning cheeks, loss of coordination, the picture “floats” - should be a signal to stop drinking alcohol. It’s best to go out into the fresh air and come to your senses.

After the ball. Hangover

Intemperance will certainly lead to unpleasant painful sensations. The most important thing is not to try to treat like with like - don’t get a hangover.

A heavy head, nausea, “dry food” are an indispensable payback for the fun the day before, you just need to come to terms with it. If the symptoms of a hangover are too strong, if it is impossible to tolerate, they can be alleviated a little with the help of medicines and folk remedies. But remember - there is no magic pill; it is impossible to instantly get rid of a hangover at home!

1. “Sushnyak”.

It is necessary to replenish the acute lack of fluid in the body. Drink, drink and drink some more. Only this time it’s not alcohol, but water. And even better are drinks with an alkaline environment: mineral water, dairy products, brine, tomato juice, natural kvass.

2. First line rescuers.

Sorbents (black and white coal, smecta) adsorb toxins remaining in the intestines. It is better to drink them half an hour to an hour after drinking alcohol.

3. Against blood clots

Alcohol causes blood thickening, which increases the risk of thrombosis, heart attacks, and strokes. This is counteracted by antiplatelet agents, for example, aspirin, which can definitely be found in every first aid kit.

4. Vitamins

As quickly as possible, you need to restore vitamins and lost minerals destroyed by alcohol. Ascorbic acid and B vitamin complexes help.

5. Headache

Make it a little easier headache and nausea, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (tolfenamic acid).

6. Leave your heart alone.

Coffee and other “invigorating” drinks are strictly prohibited if you have a hangover. This is an extra burden on the heart, which can barely cope with its work. If the morning after the holiday you feel any discomfort, it is better to call an ambulance.

And may the first day of a wonderful New Year be joyful!